504 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
Effects of habitat loss on three insect assemblages in modified ecosystems
of foothills of the Colombian Orinoquia
David Camilo Martínez1,2*., https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0079-558X
Juan E. Carvajal-Cogollo1, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4542-6967
1. Grupo de Investigación Biodiversidad and Conservación, Museo de Historia Natural Luis Gonzalo Andrade Natural,
Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Avenida Central del Norte 39-115, 150003
Tunja, Boyacá, Colombia; martinezd.camilo@gmail.com (*Correspondence), juan.carvajal03@uptc.edu.co
2. Laboratorio de Entomología, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Tunja, Boyacá, Colombia.
Received 14-I-2022. Corrected 25-IV-2022. Accepted 14-VII-2022.
Introduction: The effects of habitat transformation have been widely studied and the effects are well-known at
different levels of biological organization. However, few studies have focused on responses to this process at the
level of multiple taxa in diverse taxonomic and functional groups.
Objective: Determine the variations in taxonomic and functional diversity of ants, butterflies, and dung beetles,
at a spatial and temporal level in a landscape mosaic of the ecoregion of the Colombian foothills.
Methods: We assessed amount of natural habitat and landscape composition in four types of vegetation, during
the highest and lowest rain periods. We collected butterflies with hand nets and used baited pitfall traps for dung
beetles and ants.
Results: Habitat loss positively affected ant and butterfly species richness, and negatively affected dung beetles.
The abundance of ants and butterflies had a positive effect on the dominance of species in the transformed veg-
etation, for dung beetles the abundance was negatively affected by the absence of canopy cover. Habitat loss had
no negative effect on functional diversity as there is no difference between natural and transformed vegetation.
Conclusions: The amount of habitat, habitat connectivity and different types of vegetation cover were impor-
tant factors in the maintenance of insect diversity in the modified ecosystems of foothills of the Colombian
Orinoquia. The lack of a common spatial and temporal pattern shows that studies of multiple insect taxa should
be carried out for biodiversity monitoring and conservation processes.
Key words: habitat fragmentation; habitat amount; ants; butterflies; dung beetles; neotropical landscape.
Habitat loss is the process by which natu-
ral vegetation is transformed by anthropogenic
activities into any other type of land use such
as crops, livestock, or urban growth (Collin-
ge, 2009; Fahrig, 2019). These changes have
negative effects on biodiversity, as seen by the
decrease in the number of species, the reduc-
tion in their abundances, and by variations in
the distribution of populations (Fahrig, 2003;
Horváth et al., 2019). In extreme cases where
the amount of natural vegetation remaining in
a landscape is not suitable to support a popu-
lation or assemblage (threshold habitat level)
and the process of habitat loss increases over
time, species extinction may occur (Collinge,
2009; Fahrig, 2001; Sardanyés et al., 2019).
Thus, in landscapes with high levels of trans-
formation, environmental parameters change in
short periods of time, which is more noticeable
in small patches of habitat (hyperdynamism)
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
(Laurance, 2002). Even so, the real impact of
habitat loss on biodiversity seems to depend
on the intensity, extent, and type of change in
the vegetation (Arroyo-Rodríguez et al., 2019).
Recently, the global decline and increased
pressures on biodiversity have been widely dis-
cussed (Arroyo-Rodríguez et al., 2019; Fahrig,
2019). It is evident that the decrease in bio-
diversity due to habitat loss is represented
not only by the reduction of species richness
(Macdonald et al. 2020), but also by changes in
climate regulation, the supply of fertile soil and
drinking water, erosion control, and food pro-
duction (Skogen et al., 2018). Insects are not
immune to the effects caused by the decrease
of the habitats they occupy and functional loss
of their communities, decrease in total biomass
and reduction in the number of species, both of
those that are specialists for a type of habitat,
as well as those with wide distributions and
abundant populations, have been documented.
(Forister et al., 2019; Wagner, 2020). The main
factors for the decline of insect assemblages
have been quantified, from the greatest to the
least impact and they are the loss and degrada-
tion of ecosystems, the excessive use of pesti-
cides, and climate change (Jactel et al., 2021;
Sánchez-Bayo & Wyckhuys, 2019). Other fac-
tors include disease, competition with invasive
species, and light pollution caused by urbaniza-
tion (Langevelde et al., 2018). As a result of the
above, the main concerns regarding the decline
of insects are focused on the loss of ecosystem
services they provide such as cycling of organic
matter (decomposition of wood, leaves, manure
and carrion), pest control (arthropods, fungi
and weeds), wildlife nutrition (primary base in
trophic chains), and the main one, pollination
(Forister et al., 2019; Losey & Vaughan, 2006;
Noriega et al., 2018).
Although the effects of habitat transfor-
mation on response variables of communities
such as alpha, beta, and gamma diversity have
been widely studied (Arroyo-Rodríguez et al.,
2019), studies that evaluate the responses of
multiple taxa with contrasting ecological roles
and habitat specializations in tropical forests
are still very few (Filgueiras et al., 2019a). In
addition to the above, studies focused on a sin-
gle taxon may provide incomplete and less use-
ful information for conservation plans, since
the species differ in their sensitivity to habitat
modification and so there are different respon-
ses in life cycle traits, such as dispersal capa-
city, reproductive potential and niche width
(Díaz-García et al., 2020; Kellner et al., 2019).
A multitaxon approach will be of great help for
assessing with greater precision the patterns of
biodiversity loss and the environmental factors
that determine the response to these distur-
bances (Decaëns et al., 2018; Püttker et al.,
2020). Such information is of great importance
for understanding the drivers of the impacts
of habitat loss (Carrié et al., 2017; Filguei-
ras et al., 2019a). Studies including traits at
the functional level are few, even though the
negative effects describing functional impo-
verishment of assemblages and the sensitivity
of functional traits to habitat alteration are
known (Ewers & Didham, 2006; Filgueiras
et al. 2019a). Thus, research that studies the
congruence of taxonomic and functional diver-
sity together will improve our understanding
of biodiversity patterns, the use of resources
in ecosystems, habitat requirements of species,
and environmental factors that function as fil-
ters (Castro et al., 2020; Nunes et al., 2016).
Insects are important components of bio-
diversity and in most terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems they are the most diverse group,
both taxonomically and functionally (Parikh et
al., 2020; Stork, 2018). We focus on the eva-
luation of the assemblages of three insect taxa:
ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), dung beetles
(Coleoptera: Scarabaeinae), and diurnal butter-
flies (Lepidoptera), groups that are traditionally
used for the estimation of diversity, since they
provide reliable information on the conserva-
tion status of a habitat (Andrade-C. et al., 2017;
Fernández et al., 2019; Filgueiras et al. 2019a;
Villarreal et al., 2006). These groups meet the
criteria as good indicators of diversity and
ecological processes: well-known and stable
taxonomy, widely documented natural history,
abundant species that are easy to observe and
manipulate (little sampling effort), lower taxa
506 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
(species and subspecies) with habitat specifici-
ty, sensitivity to changes, and high taxonomic
and ecological diversity (Hayes et al., 2009;
Parikh et al., 2020; Spector, 2006).
We compared the abundance, species rich-
ness and composition of three assemblages of
insects (ants, dung beetles and diurnal but-
terflies) in a landscape mosaic that included
fragments of secondary forest, riparian forests,
pine plantations, and wooded pastures, in the
foothills ecoregion to the east of the Eastern
Cordillera of Colombia. Our objective was to
determine variations in the diversity of species
at the taxonomic and functional level, and
their relationship to the number of available
habitats and seasonal variation during the year
(higher and lower rainfall). We started with the
hypotheses that (1) In line with the documented
importance of forest covers for the conservation
of biodiversity, the highest values of taxonomic
and functional diversity of assemblages will
occur in secondary forests, followed by riparian
forests, and finally plantations and wooded
pastures; (2) the abundance values of the spe-
cies assemblage in plantations and pastures will
differ significantly from those in habitats with
greater forest cover; (3) there will be marked
variations between the periods of higher and
lower rainfall in terms of the richness, compo-
sition and structure of the assemblages of dung
beetles, butterflies and ants; and (4) the amount
of habitat will positively influence the richness
and abundance values, and these will be inde-
pendent of the functional diversity values of the
studied assemblages.
Study area: This research was carried out
in the foothills ecoregion, in the municipality
of Villavicencio, East of the Eastern Cordillera
of the Colombian Andes (4º8’34.588” S &
73º39’57.805” W), 723-774 m.a.s.l (Fig. 1).
This ecoregion is considered as a transition
Fig. 1. Location of the sampling area in the ecoregion of the Colombian foothills, in the municipality of Villavicencio (Meta).
The 2 000 m diameter circular buffer area centered on the sampling site is shown.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
between the Andean life regions and the high
plains of the Orinoquia region (Carvajal et al.,
2007). The foothills are recognized as a center
of endemism for fauna, called “Refugio de
Villavicencio” (Brown, 1982; Romero et al.,
2004) that extends along the lower slopes (the
foothills) of the Eastern slope of the Eastern
Cordillera in the Colombian Andes (Hernández
et al., 1992). The annual temperature ranges
between 24-32 °C, with precipitation between
24.2-84 mm per year, with minimums between
the months of December and March and maxi-
mums between April and July (Minorta-C. &
Rangel-Ch., 2015). Although the foothills are
considered an ecoregion of high biodiversity
(Rangel-Ch. 2014), its forests are in critical
danger as they have only 16 % of their natural
vegetation intact, 4 % semi-natural vegetation,
and 80 % has been transformed (Etter et al.,
2017; Latorre et al., 2014). The main activities
of transformation and loss of habitat are of
anthropic origin, such as large-scale agricul-
tural crops (silvopastoral systems and mono-
cultures), extensive livestock, illicit crops, and
rapid urban growth (Hernández et al., 2021;
Velosa et al., 2018).
We selected four types of vegetation for
Secondary forest (SF): tree cover with a
discontinuous canopy and with a height grea-
ter than 15 m, where the most abundant spe-
cies were Clusia lineata (Clusiaceae), Miconia
serrulata (Melastomataceae) and Phyllanthus
attenuatus (Phyllanthaceae).
Riparian forest (RF): tree cover located
on the margins of running water, no more
than 50 m wide and with a high abundance of
tree species such as Acalypha aff. diversifolia
(Euphorbiaceae), Duroia hirsuta (Rubiaceae),
Miconia serrulata (Melastomataceae) and
Henriettella aff. seemannii (Melastomataceae).
Wooded pasture (WP): dominated by
Poaceae species, with dominance of Panicum
pilosum (Poaceae), Cyperus laxus (Cypera-
ceae) and Andropogon bicornis (Poaceae), in
addition to the presence of the tree Vismia aff.
lauriformis (Hypericaceae).
Pine plantation (PP): monoculture con-
sisting of Pinus patula (Pinaceae) and emerging
species such as Aphelandra pilosa (Acantha-
ceae), Tapirira aff. guianensis (Anacardia-
ceae), Philodendron sp. (Araceae), Costus aff.
spiralis (Costaceae) and Alchornea glandulosa
(Euphorbiaceae). Pastures and pine plantations
represent the most common anthropic pressu-
res on the foothills ecosystems (Rangel-Ch. &
Minorta-C., 2015).
Insect sampling: We carried out six sam-
pling events, three during the season of greater
precipitation in the months of May, June and
July 2019, and three during the season of less
precipitation in March, August and October of
this same year (categories given according to
the precipitation averages given by Minorta-C.
& Rangel-Ch., 2015). During each sampling
event we collected data on the assemblages
of ants, dung beetles, and butterflies. For ants
and dung beetles we used a baited pitfall trap
design, while for butterflies we used nets
standardized by hours/person, replicated in the
landscape with spatial independence. We pla-
ced each set of pitfall traps 30 m away from the
physical border of the fragment for the forest
covers (Dröse et al., 2019; Martínez-Falcón
et al., 2018), and away from the influence of
forests or riparian vegetation by at least 100 m
from wooded pasture and pine plantation (Da
Silva & Hernández, 2015; Dröse et al., 2019).
Specifically, for each taxonomic group we
followed the following protocols: for ants, we
arranged three pitfall traps linearly and baited
with tuna for each vegetation type, separated
from each other by at least 60 m. Each of
the traps was active for 48 hours in each of
the sampling events, giving a total effort of
3 456 h/trap for the six sampling events; each
trap was our sampling unit. For dung beetles
we installed six pitfall traps in a straight line
separated from each other by at least 30 m in
each of the vegetation type; each trap was our
sampling unit. Three traps were baited with
508 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
approximately 30 g of human excrement and
the other three with decomposing fish (Cultid
et al., 2012). We checked and rebaited each of
the traps every 12 hours, and they were kept
active for 72 hours (Villarreal et al., 2006). This
resulted in a sampling effort of 10 368 hours/
trap for the six sampling events. For butterflies
we used two methods for recollection of indivi-
duals. The first was the free search collection
method with an insect nets (Andrade-C. et al.,
2013). In each search we toured and collected
the butterfly individuals that were perched on
the vegetation or active in flight (Andrade-C.
et al., 2013), with a total sampling effort of
2 hours/person/vegetation, in each of the six
sampling events, and total 48 hours/person
for the six sampling events; each hour was
our sampling unit. The second method for
collecting butterflies was the installation of
two Van Someren-Rydon traps in each of the
vegetation types, separated by at least 50 m
from each other, one baited with decomposing
fruit (banana, pineapple, mango, papaya and
beer) and the other with pieces of decomposing
fish (Andrade-C. et al., 2013). Each trap had an
activation time of 48 hours and checked every
12 hours (DeVries, 1987). Thus, a sampling
effort of 2 304 hours/trap was obtained for the
six sampling events.
Ants and beetles collected from each trap
were transported in hermetically sealed bags
and preserved in 70 % alcohol for subsequent
taxonomic determination (Fernández et al.,
2019; Villarreal et al., 2006), and in envelopes
for butterflies (Andrade-C. et al., 2013). The
determination of ants was done following the
keys for subfamily and genera of the book Intro-
duction to the Ants of the Neotropical Region
(Fernández, 2003) and Ants from Colombia
(Fernández et al., 2019); the taxonomic update
of the subfamilies and genera was done through
the revision of the page: http://www.antweb.
org (AntWeb, 2019). For the determination of
dung beetles, the specialized keys were used:
Edmonds & Zídek (2012), Génier (1998),
Génier & Kohlmann (2003), Medina & Lopera-
Toro (2000), Sarmiento-Garcés & Amat-García
(2014) and Vaz de Mello et al. (2011). Butterfly
determination was done with the help of the
Lamas (2004) guide for neotropical butterflies
and the illustrated list of butterflies of the Ame-
ricas by Warren et al. (2017). The biological
material is deposited in the insect collection
of the Luis Gonzalo Andrade Natural His-
tory Museum. Collecting permits are from the
Pedagogical and Technological University of
Colombia, issued by the National Environmen-
tal Licensing Authority of Colombia.
Landscape metrics: We selected two
landscape metrics to assess their influence on
the species richness and functional diversity of
the three groups of insects, (1) the amount of
habitat and (2) the composition of the landsca-
pe (Collinge, 2009; Fahrig, 2013). The amount
in hectares (ha) of each of the vegetation type
is measured in a circular buffer area of 2 000 m
diameter, based on the local landscape concept
provided by Fahrig (2013). According to Fahrig
(2013), the appropriate scale to test the habitat
quantity hypothesis is the scale related to the
average movement ranges of the study species.
Following the previous idea, the buffer was
selected taking into account dispersal studies
of coprophagous beetles (Cultid-Medina et al.,
2015) and butterflies (Marquez & Martínez,
2020) where they describe that the individuals
of these groups can move up to 1.7 km and
1.3 km, respectively. Thus, the 2 km buffer
was selected taking into account the greatest
degree of dispersal of the groups, in this case,
dung beetles. Landscape composition, defined
as the types of habitats or vegetation present in
the landscape (Collinge, 2009), was obtained
according to the standardized Corine Land
Cover methodology (IDEAM et al., 2011). The
Corine Land Cover (CLC) methodology was
born in Europe on june 27, of 1985, with the
start of the CORINE program, “Coordination of
Environmental Information”, which is an expe-
rimental type project that allows describing,
characterizing, classifying and comparing land
cover characteristics, interpreted from the use
of medium resolution satellite images (Land-
sat), for the construction of land cover maps
at different scales (Suárez-Parra et al., 2016).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
These quantities were obtained through the
ArcGIS v. 10.6 (ESRI, 2016) through landsat
images using the GloVis system (USGS, 2019).
Data analysis. Taxonomic diversity: We
used two measures to evaluate alpha diversity,
both based on the effective number of species
from the transformation of qD: diversity of
order zero (q= 0) which is equivalent to the
number of species and diversity of order one
(q= 1), where the weight of each of the species
is proportional to its abundance in the sample
(Jost, 2006). The completeness of the sample
was determined by calculating the coverage
deficit using the bootstrap method with 95
% confidence intervals for interpolation and
extrapolation (Chao & Jost, 2012). To graphi-
cally describe the abundance patterns of insect
taxa in the vegetation types, we calculated
range abundance curves with adjustment for
undetected diversity (Chao et al. 2015). Howe-
ver, we would like to clarify that in the case of
butterflies, we only used the records obtained
from the insect net and omitted the individuals
collected with Van Someren Rydon traps. This
is due to the low number of individuals collec-
ted with the traps and to the fact that these
species had already been recorded with the net
method. For the development of the analyses,
we used the R program (R Core Team, 2019)
and the iNEXT packages for alpha diversity
based on the effective number of species (Hsieh
et al., 2016) and for the abundance range cur-
ves we followed Chao et al. (2015).
Assessment spatial and temporal change
of the insect assemblages: We analyzed the
degree of differentiation of the three groups of
insects among the plant covers and seasons by
calculating the Sorensen dissimilarity (βsor)
and its replacement components (Simpson dis-
similarity index, βsim) and nesting (βnes)
(Baselga, 2010; Baselga, 2012). The exchange
implies the substitution of species between
sites or seasons mainly because of environ-
mental limitations, while nesting implies that
sites poor in species are actually subsets of
sites or periods with greater richness (Baselga,
2010; Baselga, 2012). The differences between
vegetation types and seasons were estimated by
means of the non-parametric analysis of simi-
larity ANOSIM (analysis of similarity of the
abundance matrix) (Clarke & Warwick, 2001).
We developed the analyses in the R program (R
Core Team, 2019), using the betapart (Baselga
et al., 2018) and Vegan for the ANOSIM analy-
ses (Oksanen et al., 2019)
Functional diversity: For ants and dung
beetles we used the ethological functional trait
of food habits. The eating habits of ants were
taken from Fernández (2003) and Fernández
et al. (2019), where a species is a specialist if
it feeds on a single resource, or a generalist if
its feeding habits include both plant material
and arthropods. We categorized dung beetle
species as specialists if more than 70 % of
the individuals were collected by means of a
single type of bait and generalists if there was
no difference between baits (Andresen, 2005).
For butterflies we used and adapted habitat to
categorize them as generalists (species with
preference for non-forest matrices) or specia-
lists (forest-dependent species), according to
Filgueiras et al., (2019b). Thus, the butterfly
species collected in open habitats, transformed
habitats (wooded pasture and pine plantation)
or natural habitats and transformed habitats all
the same time, were categorized as generalists
and the species captured in natural forest covers
(riparian forest secondary forest) were catego-
rized as specialists.
We evaluated functional diversity from
a single-trait approach, through the indices
of Functional Regularity (FRO) and multiple
Functional Divergence (FDvar) (Mason et al.,
2005; Pla et al., 2012). FRO is used to examine
the extent to which effective use is made of the
full range of resources available in each niche
(Mason et al., 2005; Pla et al., 2012). FDvar
is a measure of functional similarity between
the dominant species of an assemblage, where
a high value indicates a high niche differentia-
tion between species, potentially reflecting low
competition and a more efficient distribution
and use of available resources (Córdova-Tapia
510 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
& Zambrano, 2015; Mason et al., 2005). We
did these analyses with the FDivesity software
(Casanoves et al. 2010), with extension to the
R platform (R Core Team, 2019).
Landscape metrics vs taxonomic and
functional diversity: To evaluate the effect of
the amount of habitat and the type of vegetation
on the richness and functional diversity of each
group of insects, we performed a generalized
linear model (GLM) with a Poisson error distri-
bution for the q0 index. To observe if our model
Y ~ amount habitat + vegetation (%) describes
our response variable more than by chance, it
was contrasted with a null model that repre-
sents the absence of some type of effect for the
predictor variable (MacKenzie et al., 2018).
Additionally, we performed a canonical corres-
pondence analysis (CCA), where we compared
a matrix of the response variables (richness of
each taxon) and another with the explanatory
variables (amount of coverage). To evaluate the
significance of the CCA we performed a Wilk’s
Lambda test with 999 permutations. We did
these analyses in the R program (R Core Team,
2019) through the CCA package (González &
Déjean, 2021).
We recorded 17 126 ants, distributed in
eight subfamilies, 35 genera and 75 species/
morphospecies. The subfamily with the hig-
hest species richness was Myrmicinae, which
together with Formicinae, group 73 % of the
taxa found for ants. The most diverse genera
were Camponotus and Pheidole with eight and
seven morphospecies, respectively. For dung
beetles we obtained records of 1 540 indivi-
duals, belonging to nine genera and 24 species/
morphospecies. The most diverse genera were
Deltochilum and Dichotomius with five and
four species, respectively. For butterflies we
registered 309 individuals belonging to six
families, 80 genera and 117 species/morphos-
pecies. The family with the highest number of
species were Nymphalidae and Hesperiidae,
which together accounted for 68 % of the
species found. The most diverse genera were
Heliconius and Mesosemia with six and five
species, respectively.
The rarefaction-extrapolation estimators
showed high sampling coverage for ants and
dung beetles, which means that a high per-
centage of the species of these two groups
present in the assemblages are represented in
the sample, while for butterflies there was a
low completeness. In this way, the ants had a
coverage of 99 % for all the vegetation types.
For dung beetles the representativeness ranged
from 92 % in the wooded pasture to 98-99 %
in the other vegetation types. For butterflies,
the highest representation was in riparian forest
and wooded pasture, both with 66 %, followed
by secondary forest with 63 %, and pine plan-
tation with 50 % (Table 1).
Taxonomic diversity: Ant species rich-
ness (q= 0) was higher in the transformed
vegetation (pine plantation and wooded pas-
ture) and lower in the conserved vegetation
(secondary forest and riparian forest) (Table 1).
When relative abundance was included in the
diversity metric (q= 1), the same pattern was
observed for the richness of species where the
transformed vegetation was more diverse with
the highest values of the effective number of
abundant species (Table 1). Dung beetles had
the highest richness (q= 0) in pine plantation
and riparian forest, followed by secondary
forest; and the wooded pasture had the lowest
number of species. When considering the rela-
tive abundance (q= 1) the pine plantation shows
a higher diversity, with the highest values of the
effective number of abundant species, while the
lowest values were in wooded pasture (Table
1). For butterflies, the wooded pastures and
riparian forest were the vegetation types with
the highest species richness (q= 0), and the
secondary forest had the lowest number of spe-
cies. Despite the above, when considering the
relative abundances (q= 1), the vegetation types
with the highest values of the effective number
of abundant species were pine plantation and
riparian forest (Table 1).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
In general, the three groups had a hierar-
chical order of abundance with a few domi-
nant species that changed between the plant
covers, and many were represented by only a
few individuals (Fig. 2). For ants, we showed a
high dominance of Ochetomyrmex neopolitus
(Fernández, 2003) and Crematogaster tenuicu-
la (Forel, 1904) in riparian forest and wooded
pasture. This second species was the most
dominant in the pine plantation. In the secon-
dary forest, Ochetomyrmex semipolitus (Mayr,
1878) and Crematogaster limata (Smith, 1858)
were the most abundant, followed by Oche-
tomyrmex neopolitus and Crematogaster tenui-
cula. According to the analysis of imperfect
detection of the abundance range curves, it was
expected that 14, 8, 11 and 17 species of low
abundances still remained to be recorded in the
riparian forest, secondary forest, pine planta-
tion and wooded pasture, respectively (Fig. 2).
For dung beetles a dominance of Del-
tochilum (Deltohyboma) sp. 1 was found in
all vegetation types. In riparian forest we
found Onthophagus gr. clypeatus and Eurys-
ternus caribaeus (Herbst, 1789), in secondary
forest Eurysternus caribaeus, and Phanaeus
cambeforti (Arnaud, 1982) was found in pine
plantations. Imperfect detection analyses
showed that three more species can still be
recorded for riparian forest and secondary
forest, four for pine plantation, and eight for
wooded pasture, all with low abundances (Fig.
2). For butterflies, the most abundant species in
each of the vegetation types were different. For
riparian forest Napeogenes inachia johnsoni
(Fox & Real, 1971) had the highest abundance,
followed by species such as Hyposcada illi-
nissa sinilia (Herrich-Schäffer, 1865), Oleria
gunilla lubilerda (Haensch, 1905), Pterony-
mia sp. 1 and Posttaygetis penela (Cramer,
1777). For secondary forest the most abundant
species was Oleria gunilla lubilerda and for
pine plantations it was Mesosemia walteri
(Brévignon, 1998), and for wooded pasture it
was Hermeuptychia hermes (Fabricius, 1775).
The number of species represented by a single
species (singletons) was high in all vegetation
types. For the secondary forest 69 % of the
species had only one individual in the sample,
for wooded pasture 70 %, for riparian forest 72
%, and for pine plantation 74 %. Based on the
imperfect detection analysis, 31 species were
Alpha diversity for each of the insects assemblages in sectors of foothills, Colombian Orinoquia
Taxa Estimators SF RF WP PP
Ants Q0 37 31 40 41
Q1 7.827 7.649 8.670 11.811
Abundance 2 345 1 271 7 035 2 616
Sample coverage 0.9957 0.9929 0.9986 0.9962
Deficit 0.0043 0.0071 0.0014 0.0038
Dung beetles Q0 14 16 9 16
Q1 4.020 4.037 3.593 4.242
Abundance 329 620 48 553
Sample coverage 0.9879 0.9952 0.9175 0.9928
Deficit 0.0121 0.0048 0.0825 0.0072
Butterflies Q0 32 46 47 39
Q1 22.306 31.150 26.728 31.903
Abundance 59 96 96 58
Sample coverage 0.6300 0.6567 0.6578 0.5042
Deficit 0.3700 0.3433 0.3422 0.4958
SF: secondary forest, RF: riparian forest, WP: wooded pasture, PP: pine plantation.
512 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
Fig. 2. Range abundance curves with probability of detection of the three assemblages of insects. The gray color reflects the species detected, while the black color reflects the species
that are expected to be detected with increasing sampling effort. Riparian forest (RF), secondary forest (SF), wooded pasture (WP) and pine plantation (PP).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
expected with low abundances that still need to
be registered for secondary forest and for woo-
ded pasture 42 are to be expected, for riparian
forest 50 species, and for pine plantation 53
species (Fig. 2).
Spatial Assessment and temporal chan-
ge of the insect assemblages: At the spatial
and temporal level, the change in species
composition was greater for butterflies than
for ants and dung beetles (Fig. 3A, Fig. 3B).
Among the plant covers, the assemblages of
dung beetles (R= 0.389, P= 0.001) and of
ants (R= 0.123, P= 0.003) was statistically
different, while the composition for butterflies
(R= 0.917, P= 0.413) did not have statistically
significant differences. When considering the
components of beta diversity for the three
groups, the process that best explains the
compositional changes between plant covers is
species turnover (βsim), to a lesser extent for
dung beetles than for ants and butterflies (Fig.
3C). Similarly, species composition changes
between seasons were explained by species
turnover (βsim) rather than by nesting (βnes)
(Fig. 3D). However, there were no statistically
significant differences among the assemblages,
between the high and low rainfall season: ants
(R= 0.083, P = 0.271), dung beetles (R= -0.115,
P = 0.496) and butterflies (R= -0.374, P = 1).
Functional diversity: Functional regu-
larity (FRO) showed differential behavior in
each of the insect groups. For ants, the values
Fig. 3. Spatial and temporal beta diversity for insect assemblages: a. Spatial beta (βsor) diversity. b. Temporal beta (βsor)
diversity. c. Percentage contribution of turnover (dark gray) and nesting (light gray) to spatial beta diversity. d. Percentage
contribution of turnover (dark gray) and nesting (light gray) to temporal beta diversity.
514 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
were the same in all vegetation types. For dung
beetles, the lowest values were in riparian forest
and pine plantation, while the highest value was
in wooded pasture. For butterflies, the wooded
pasture had the lowest value, followed by ripa-
rian forest, and the secondary forest and the
pine plantation had the same value (Table 2).
Similarly, functional divergence (FDvar) had
differential responses for the three groups in
each vegetation type (Table 2). For ants, it had
its highest values in riparian forest and secon-
dary forest, while the lowest value was in pine
plantation (Table 2). In dung beetles, the pine
plantation and the secondary forest had the
highest values, while the riparian forest had the
lowest value. Finally, for butterflies, the secon-
dary forest had the highest value, followed by
the pine plantation, while the riparian forest
and the wooded pasture had the lowest values.
Landscapes metrics vs taxonomic
and functional diversity: Species richness
and functional regularity showed a signifi-
cant relationship with the amount of habitat,
P = 0.0444 and P = 0.0442, respectively. While
the functional divergence did not have statis-
tically relationship with the amount of habitat
(P= 0.0426) (Table 3). The total variance of the
richness explained by the amount of habitat and
vegetation type was 14 % (inertia) according to
the CCA. In addition to the above, each assem-
bly showed a significant relationship with the
different variables (Wilk’s Lambda= 0.2613, F=
0.6456, P= 0.0010). Thus, the richness of dung
beetles had a significant relationship with the
riparian forest and pine plantation, the richness
of butterflies with the open pasture and the rich-
ness of ants with the secondary forest (Fig. 4).
Taxonomic and functional diversity:
Contradicting our hypothesis, the natural forest
covers of riparian forest and secondary forest
did not have differential effects on species rich-
ness compared to pine plantation and wooded
pasture. For insects, responses to habitat loss
can be positive when there is evidence of an
accumulation of individuals and intraspeci-
fic aggregation in fragments, or they can be
Results of the generalized linear model and the null model
Response variable Model AIC ΔAIC ωi
Richness ~Amount 1 416.3 0.00 0.726
~Null 1 418.3 1.95 0.274
FRO ~Amount -952.8 0.00 0.738
~Null -950.7 2.07 0.262
FDvar ~Amount -473.9 1.36 0.336
~Null -475.2 0.00 0.664
The Akaike information criterion (AIC) is shown, the difference between AIC of each model (ΔAIC) and the Akaike weight
Functional regularity (FRO) and functional divergence (FDvar) for the three groups of insects in each of
the plant covers: riparian forest (RF), secondary forest (SF), pine plantation (PP) and wooded pasture (WP)
Taxa FRO FDvar
Ants 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.34 0.34 0.07 0.32
Dung beetles 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.13 0.11 0.21 0.25 0.16
Butterflies 0.02 0.03 0.03 0 0.2 0.31 0.23 0
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
negative when responses are associated with
an increase in rare species (Crist et al., 2006;
Davies et al., 2004). In accordance with the
above and in a general way, the loss of habitat
positively affected the species richness of ants
and butterflies and negatively affected the dung
beetles. On the other hand, the abundance of
the ant and butterfly assemblages was positi-
vely affected by the loss of habitat by showing a
high dominance of a few species that increased
the abundance of individuals in the transformed
vegetation, while for dung beetles the abun-
dance of individuals was negatively affected in
the wooded pasture and positively in the pine
plantation. Ants and butterflies were congruent
in the effects of habitat loss, while beetles had
a differential response.
The high richness and abundance of domi-
nant ant species in pine plantation and wooded
pasture could be associated with the fact that
these species belong to subfamilies of genera-
list habits such as Myrmicinae, Dolichoderinae
and Formicinae, which can exploit a great
diversity of microhabitats and resources by
having superior colonization capacity (Cuezzo,
2003; Fernández et al., 2019). In this way, these
generalist species may be displacing specialist
species, since they have a greater tolerance to
extreme conditions and are more efficient in
the use of the remaining resources as a conse-
quences of habitat loss (Sanabria-Blandón & de
Ulloa, 2011). The simplification of ant assem-
blages due to habitat loss has been documented
previously (Dias et al., 2008; González et al.,
2018). However, the presence of monocultures
and trees in pastures, can provide greater habi-
tat heterogeneity and, therefore, an increase in
the number of species, due to an increase in
feeding sites and nesting sites (Bernardes et
al., 2020; Dias et al., 2008; Rivera et al., 2008).
This may also be a consequence of the microen-
vironmental similarities of wooded pastures
with native vegetation, meaning that the vege-
tation structure in wooded pastures may supply
the requirements of ant assemblages (Queiroz
et al., 2020). In addition, the high diversity of
Fig. 4. Canonical correspondence analysis (ACC) between amount of habitat, amount of border, type of habitat, and richness
of insects. RF (riparian forest), SF (secondary forest), PP (pine plantation), WP (wooded pasture).
516 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
ant assemblages, may also be determined by
the distance to native habitats, which may drive
the high richness values in transformed habitats
(Queiroz & Ribas, 2016; Queiroz et al., 2020).
Dung beetles showed greatest richness
and abundance in the canopy covers, inclu-
ding pine plantations, with species richness
and abundance similar to riparian forest and
secondary forest. Patterns where richness and
abundance are greater in canopy plant covers
than in open areas such as pastures is a pattern
previously documented for this group of insects
(Barragán et al., 2011; Davies et al., 2020;
Giménez-Gómez et al., 2018; Scholtz et al.,
2009). These changes in natural vegetation act
as an environmental filter, reducing the diver-
sity of dung beetle communities and causing
changes in species composition (Cardinale et
al., 2012). This pattern may be associated with
the fact that forest vegetation provides bet-
ter microenvironmental conditions than open
areas: a greater supply of food resources due
to a greater presence of fauna, a decrease in
soil temperature, protection against excessive
radiation, and a greater quantity of leaf litter
which provides protection and improves soil
conditions for nesting (Edwards et al., 2017;
Nunes et al., 2018; Senior et al., 2017). This
result shows that conservation of the cano-
py (native or exotic) in the ecosystems is an
important factor in the preservation of an
assemblage of dung beetles of native forests
by improving microenvironmental conditions
and soil quality (Giménez-Gómez et al., 2018;
Gómez-Cifuentes et al., 2020)
As documented, the effect of habitat loss
on butterfly assemblages can be positive and
maintain high diversity rather than poor com-
munities of individuals and low species rich-
ness (Filgueiras et al., 2016; Filgueiras et al.,
2019b; Melo et al., 2019). However, the low
representativeness for this group is demonstra-
ted by the high number of singletons (60 % of
the species) and doubletons (16 % of the spe-
cies) present in the sample. In addition, these
two groups represent 23 % and 12 % of the
total abundance of the sample. This high num-
ber of singletons and doubletons in the sample
has a negative influence on the sampling cove-
rage, so there may be a degree of subsampling
(Cultid-Medina & Escobar, 2019). This shows
the adaptation of some species to disturbances
and modification of natural habitats that pro-
motes a decrease in sensitive species and an
increase in generalist species (Filgueiras et al.,
2019b). Also, the high species richness in the
wooded pasture may be a result of an increase
in pioneer plant species which in turn increases
the availability of floristic resources that serve
as a food source, both for adults and larvae, in
comparison to forest cover (Melo et al., 2019;
Vargas-Zapata et al., 2011).
The spatial turnover of the three groups
in response to changes in the vegetation types
may be associated with environmental and
microhabitat variations that promote a loss
and gain of species (Baselga & Leprieur,
2015; Baselga et al., 2018). These differences
between the natural and transformed vegeta-
tion intensify the environmental filters for the
typical species of natural habitats and allow an
increase of generalist species and rare or highly
sensitive species (Santoandré et al., 2019). This
may explain the absence of differences for ant
assemblages between plant covers, since the
new environmental conditions favor the coloni-
zation of atypical species towards natural habi-
tats from modified environments (Santoandré
et al., 2019). For dung beetles, environmental
filters are also a factor that determines the abs-
ence of differences in composition among the
plant covers; however, the proximity between
natural and transformed vegetation can cause
the riparian forest to be a source of individuals
for recolonization of the transformed vegeta-
tion and consequently, help in the maintenance
of dung beetle diversity (Gilroy & Edwards,
2017). For butterflies, the low abundance of
many species and the high number of rare (uni-
que) species in the wooded pasture may indica-
te that they only use this area as a foraging area
(Debinski & Holt, 2000).
Contrary to what we expected, functional
diversity was low both in natural vegetation
(riparian forest and secondary forest) and in
transformed vegetation (pine plantation and
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
wooded pasture) for the three groups of insects.
At the ecosystem level, these low functional
values could cause lower productivity, stability
and resilience in the communities, since resou-
rces are not used in an optimal way due to low
species complementarity (Kinzig et al., 2002;
Mason et al., 2005).
Our results show that habitat loss does not
have negative effects on functional diversity
since there are no differences between natural
and transformed vegetation. It can be assu-
med that the response relationship depends
on various factors. (1) The functional trait
considered: the high number of individuals
of generalist species that we observed may
be masking the true effects of habitat loss on
the functional diversity of the insect species
(Cadotte et al., 2011). Thus, generalist species
that contribute disproportionately to ecosystem
functions have unique functional traits that
allow them to capture more resources avai-
lable in the different plant covers (Mason et
al., 2005; Mouillot et al., 2005). (2) Species
richness does not greatly influence the results
of the functional diversity, so our results show
that there may be a high functional redundancy
in the three groups of insects among the diffe-
rent vegetation types (Filgueiras et al., 2019a;
Pla et al., 2012); consequently, the loss or gain
of species caused by the loss of habitat, can be
compensated due to the existence of functio-
nally similar species (Cadotte et al., 2011). (3)
The high dominance of generalist species over
specialist species greatly affects the functional
diversity of the three groups of insects, as
has already been documented for these three
groups (Filgueiras et al., 2019a). Consequently,
the loss or decline of forest-dependent spe-
cies (i.e., disturbance-sensitive species) can
be offset by the proliferation of disturbance-
adapted species that maintain community-level
attributes (i.e., abundance, species richness) in
tropical landscapes with anthropic intervention
(Filgueiras et al., 2019a). Our results show a
differential response of each insect group with
respect to habitat transformation (quantity and
type). The lack of congruence among the three
insect groups provides information necessary
to support multitaxon studies and for biodi-
versity monitoring, since a single taxon cannot
provide a reliable view of biotic responses
to habitat loss.
Does the amount of habitat affect
the taxonomic and functional diversity of
insects? Species richness and functional regu-
larity were influenced by the amount of habitat
in the study area. Thus, in landscapes where
the level of habitat loss is low, the remnants
of natural vegetation maintain high structural
connectivity and therefore high diversity, con-
tributing to the increase in migratory species
between vegetation types and maintaining com-
munities with high number of species (Fahrig,
2003; Püttker et al., 2011). However, it should
be noted that our results should be interpreted
as a first approach to the effect of the amount
of habitat in this region of foothills, since the
area that was chosen as a sample of the region.
The foregoing may mean that this landscape
metric (amount of habitat) is not the only one
that may be acting on the diversity of insects
and that there are other drivers that contribute
to the richness of insect species, for example,
proximity and composition of the vegetation
in the landscape (Fahrig, 2013; Fahrig et al.,
2019). This agrees with Watling et al. (2020),
who describe the proximity between patches as
one of the most important drivers of richness
in a landscape, and with Fahrig et al. (2019)
who describe low competition, diversity of
habitats in the landscape, and a greater suc-
cess of movement between patches, as factors
that can counteract the negative effects due
to habitat loss.
Similarly, another factor that differentia-
lly influences species richness in each of the
insect assemblages is the composition of the
vegetation, rather than the configuration of the
patches in the landscape (i.e., size, shape, level
of fragmentation) as has been demonstrated
in other taxa (Arroyo-Rodríguez et al., 2016;
Püttker et al., 2020). For example, for ants
and butterflies the wooded pasture is a type
of high-quality matrix that contains resources,
facilitates movement between forest patches
518 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
and buffers the negative effects of the loss of
natural vegetation (Arroyo-Rodríguez et al.,
2020). These shade-using species require less
forest in the landscape to survive, resulting in
an interaction between the amount of habitat
and the quality of the matrix (Fahrig, 2001).
Regarding the dung beetles and their relation-
ship with the riparian forest, this type of cove-
rage is of utmost importance for species that
depend on humid environments for their repro-
duction, by maintaining minimal fluctuations
in environmental conditions and, to a greater
extent, by promoting biological connectivity
between patches when used as biological corri-
dors (Arroyo-Rodríguez et al., 2020; Fischer &
Lindenmayer, 2007).
Our study provides evidence that the
amount of habitat is a factor of great relevance
for the maintenance of diversity in a landscape.
However, habitat connectivity and heterogenei-
ty of a landscape are important factors in the
maintenance of insect diversity, both for spe-
cies that are not very sensitive and for species
highly sensitive to disturbances, as previously
demonstrated in other studies (Filgueiras et
al., 2016; Melo et al., 2019). Finally, we want
to highlight the importance of the remnants of
natural vegetation which function as sources
and biological corridors that maintain patterns
of diversity in the landscape. Thus, efforts at
biodiversity conservation should be aimed at
maintaining and increasing the connectivity of
the landscape by increasing the amount of natu-
ral habitat, for example, through restoration
or regeneration.
Temporaral variation: Although turnover
explains the beta diversity between seasons,
the absence of differences in the composition
may be due to an overlap in the reproducti-
ve seasons of the insect species: cycles with
irregular mortality but with constant repro-
duction (Kishimoto-Yamada & Itioka, 2015).
This suggests that the communities are stable
over time (Sackmann, 2006). These minimal
changes in the composition of insects may be
associated with the low monthly fluctuation
in rainfall regimes that are characteristic of
neotropical areas (Kishimoto-Yamada & Itioka,
2015). However, even though precipitation
is an environmental variable that affects the
dynamics of arthropod communities (Kishi-
moto-Yamada & Itioka, 2015; Mariottini et al.,
2012), the composition and structure of insect
assemblages over time may be influenced by
other variables such as the structure and com-
position of the vegetation (Casas-Pinilla et al.,
2017; Mahecha-Jiménez et al., 2011).
Implications for conservation: Our study
contributes to an understanding of the patterns
caused by habitat loss at the level of composi-
tion, species richness, abundance, and spatial
and temporal change in groups of insects with
different ecological roles in a transformed area
with a deficit of information on biodiversity.
Our results show that for insects, the amount
of habitat and their connectivity, indicated
by the proximity of natural vegetation to the
transformed vegetation, are important factors
for the maintenance of biodiversity in modified
ecosystems of the foothills of Orinoquia. In
addition to the above: (1) the type of pastures
also plays an important role in maintaining the
diversity of insects; that is, the quality of the
matrix plays an important role in ecosystems
with anthropic disturbances (Fahrig, 2001): (2)
natural vegetation patches, which are relatively
small in the landscape, can play an impor-
tant role in maintaining the taxonomic and
functional diversity of insect assemblages in
the region, as has been demonstrated in other
studies (Fahrig, 2017; Fahrig, 2019). In this
way, conservation efforts should be aimed at
restoring landscape connectivity and modifying
transformed ecosystems so that they are more
amenable to biodiversity, such as moving from
clean cattle pastures to wooded pastures.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is
no conflict of interest of any kind; and that
we followed all pertinent ethical and legal
procedures and requirements. All financial
sources are fully and clearly stated in the
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 504-525, Enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Ago. 09, 2022)
acknowledgements section. A signed document
has been filed in the journal archives.
We thank The Andean Road Consortium
and UPTC for financing this project, María
Isabel Bautista and Diógenes Arrieta from
CONANDINO who collaborated on logistical
aspects in the field trips. Irina Tatiana Morales
Castaño and the team of the UPTC Entomolo-
gy Laboratory for their support. Andrés David
Meneses for their help in ant determinations.
María Paula Chacón Gutierrez for their help
in butterfly determinations. We express our
gratitude to the call 08-2021, and the pro-
ject: “Taxonomic and functional diversity of
coprophagous beetles (Scarabaeidae: Scara-
baeinae) in a gradient altitudinal of the Nor-
theastern Andes, Boyacá-Colombia. SGI 3150”
of the Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Exten-
sión, of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecno-
lógica de Colombia (UPTC). We also want to
thank the project: “The biodiversity of Boyacá:
Complementation and synthesis through alti-
tudinal gradients and implementations of its
incorporation in projects of social appropria-
tion of knowledge and the effects of climate
change, Boyacá. BPIN 2020000100003”
Efectos de la pérdida de hábitat en tres ensambles
de insectos en ecosistemas modificados
de Piedemonte en la Orinoquia colombiana
Introducción: Los efectos de la transformación del hábitat
han sido ampliamente estudiados y son bien conocidos los
efectos a diferentes niveles de organización biológica. Sin
embargo, pocos estudios se han centrado en las respuestas
a este proceso a nivel de múltiples taxones en diversos
grupos taxonómicos y funcionales.
Objetivo: Determinar las variaciones en la diversidad taxo-
nómica y funcional de hormigas, mariposas y escarabajos
coprófagos, a nivel espacial y temporal en un mosaico
paisajístico de la ecorregión del piedemonte colombiano.
Métodos: Evaluamos la cantidad de hábitat natural y la
composición del paisaje en cuatro tipos de vegetación,
durante los períodos de mayor y menor lluvia. Recolec-
tamos mariposas con redes de mano y usamos trampas de
caída con cebo para escarabajos coprófagos y hormigas.
Resultados: La pérdida de hábitat afectó positivamente
la riqueza de especies de hormigas y mariposas y afectó
negativamente a los escarabajos peloteros. La abundancia
de hormigas y mariposas tuvo un efecto positivo sobre la
dominancia de especies en la vegetación transformada,
para los escarabajos coprófagos la abundancia se vio afec-
tada negativamente por la ausencia de cobertura de dosel.
La pérdida de hábitat no tuvo un efecto negativo sobre
la diversidad funcional ya que no hay diferencia entre la
vegetación natural y la transformada.
Conclusiones: La cantidad de hábitat, la conectividad del
hábitat y los diferentes tipos de cobertura vegetal fueron
factores importantes en el mantenimiento de la diversidad
de insectos en los ecosistemas modificados del piedemonte
de la Orinoquia colombiana. La falta de un patrón espacial
y temporal común muestra que se deben realizar estudios
de múltiples taxones de insectos para los procesos de moni-
toreo y conservación de la biodiversidad.
Palabras clave: fragmentación del hábitat; cantidad de
hábitat; hormigas; mariposas; escarabajos peloteros; pai-
saje neotropical.
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