702 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 702-712, e49675, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Set. 30, 2022)
Mating behavior of the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris
(Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae), as revealed by citizen science
in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean
Ricardo Clapis Garla1,2*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0827-225X
Leonardo B. Veras3; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5030-8802
Domingos Garrone-Neto4; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9134-595X
1. Departamento de Botânica e Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 59078-970 Natal, Rio Grande
do Norte, Brasil; rgarla@hotmail.com (*Correspondence)
2. Beacon Development, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, 23955, Thuwall, Saudi Arabia
3. Museu dos Tubarões, 53990-000 Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, Brasil; leo@planasub.com.br
4. Laboratório de Ictiologia e Conservação de Peixes Neotropicais, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Campus de Registro,
11900-000 Registro, Sao Paulo, Brasil; domingos.garrone-neto@unesp.br
Received 22-II-2022. Corrected 09-IX-2022. Accepted 03-X-2022.
Introduction: Knowledge on the mating behavior and habitat requirements of large sharks, including the lemon
shark, Negaprion brevirostris, is scarce, hampering conservation efforts.
Objective: To describe an area in the Equatorial Atlantic used as a mating ground by N. brevirostris, as well as
part of the species pre-copulatory behaviors based on citizen reports.
Methods: Between 2004 and 2019, recreational divers, dive guides and rangers from the Marine Protected Area
(MPA) in Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (FEN) recorded courtship behaviour, females with mating scars,
pregnant females, and adult males.
Results: N. brevirostris was recorded mating in shallow waters (0.5-2 m deep) during the austral summer
(December to March). A specific location in the MPA, Buraco da Raquel lagoon, was the main aggregation and
mating site for adult N. brevirostris in FEN.
Conclusions: Citizen science records allowed the identification of shallow waters as key sites for the reproduc-
tion of this shark in FEN. Results highlight the potential of citizen science contributions to knowledge of sharks
in nature and show MPAs as essential for habitat conservation of sharks with decreasing populations along the
Brazilian coast, such as N. brevirostris. We present management recommendations to protect N. brevirostris
there and elsewhere.
Key words: lemon shark; elasmobranch; marine protected areas; mating scars; Carcharhinidae; Fernando de
Elasmobranchs are important due to their
ecological role as meso and top predators, as
fisheries resources in several nations, and more
recently because of the current threatened
conservation status of many species (Dulvy et
al., 2014; IUCN, 2020). They have a complex
reproductive system, which includes special-
ized structures, internal fertilization and long
gestation periods (Hamlett, 2005).
Much is known about elasmobranch repro-
duction and development, see Pratt and Car-
rier (2001) and Hamlett (2005) for reviews.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 702-712, e49675, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Set. 30, 2022)
However, we are just beginning to understand
the elaborate pre-copulatory and copulatory
behaviors exhibited by elasmobranchs from
caught specimens, laboratory examinations of
reproductive structures and physiological stud-
ies, as well as from animals kept in captiv-
ity. Copulation has been directly observed in
captivity, but it is still limited in the wild, with
some examples involving Hypanus america-
nus (Chapman et al., 2003), Ginglymostoma
cirratum (Carrier et al., 1994; Pratt & Car-
rier, 2001), Taeniura meyeni (Ritter &Vargas,
2015), Triaenodon obesus; (Pratt & Carrier,
2005), Urolophus jamaicensis (Young, 1993)
and Mobula alfredi and M. birostris (Stevens
et al., 2018).
Although the reproductive behaviors of
elasmobranchs are likely to be relatively com-
mon in nature, they are still rarely observed
and poorly documented. Elasmobranchs in
mating behavior are reclusive and rarely seen in
human presence. Even if mating is witnessed,
the entire event is rarely observed and recorded.
This is especially true for the larger sharks,
which are often reclusive, challenging to find
and sometimes dangerous to approach when
reproductively active. Thus, such records are
mostly dependent on casual or one-of-a-kind
observations, except for the only well-charac-
terized mating ground used by nurse sharks,
G. cirratum, in the Dry Tortugas, Florida (Pratt
& Carrier, 2001). Consequently, there is a
poor understanding of habitat requirements for
mating of most shark species, hampering part
of the management decisions and conserva-
tion efforts directed to this threatened group
of fishes.
Knowledge on the reproductive behavior
of the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris
(Poey, 1868), is also scarce. Clark (1963)
reported a copulation event in captivity, in
which individuals of lemon shark performed
coordinated pair swimming while copulating
(‘parallel swimming in copula’ sensu) (Pratt &
Carrier, 2001) for a period of at least 30 min-
utes. No other record of courtship and mating
behavior in lemon sharks has been published
ever since.
The lemon shark is a large (at least 340
cm total length (TL)) inshore Carcharhinidae
that inhabits the continental and insular shelves
in disjoint populations in the Western Atlantic
(from New Jersey to southern Brazil), Eastern
Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Oceans (Ebert et
al., 2013). Globally, the species had its status
recently changed from Near Threatened to
Vulnerable (Carlson et al., 2021) and it is also
listed as Vulnerable along the Brazilian coast,
due to population reduction and decrease in its
geographical distribution (Rosa et al., 2018).
Citizen science, the participation of non-
experts in data collection, reporting and moni-
toring under the supervision of scientists, is
emerging as one of the most important issues
since the environmental movement of the 1960-
70’s (Peter et al., 2021). The collaboration
between scientists and those who are just curi-
ous or concerned and motivated with nature has
become an established practice with an increas-
ing number of projects in different disciplines,
delivering information to support science and
management (Cunha et al., 2017 and references
therein), including shark research (Araujo et
al., 2016; Bargnesi et al., 2020; Giovos et al.,
2019; Vianna et al., 2014). In this sense, reports
on the reproductive behavior of elasmobranchs
provided by opportunistic observations and
video and photo records of non-experts such as
recreational divers and dive guides can be espe-
cially valuable to the documentation of interac-
tions that are rarely observed by researchers.
Within this perspective and based on
reports provided by citizen science, we describe
an area in the Equatorial Atlantic used as a mat-
ing ground by N. brevirostris and describe part
of the species pre-copulatory behaviors. We
discuss the importance of fortuitous records
made by non-scientists as a complementary
tool for ecological studies of sharks in nature,
especially in the context of Marine Protected
Areas (MPAs) and the identification of critical
habitats for shark conservation.
704 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 702-712, e49675, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Set. 30, 2022)
Study site: Data come from the Fernando
de Noronha Archipelago (FEN), an isolated
group of volcanic islands located in the equa-
torial region of the Western South Atlantic,
345 km off the North-eastern coast of Brazil
(03°52’W & 32°25’S) (Fig. 1). FEN is under
the influence of the South Equatorial Current,
with mean water temperature of 26 °C and a
tropical oceanic climate with two distinct sea-
sons, a wet season from February to July and a
dry season during the rest of the year (Maida &
Ferreira, 1997). FEN has been designated as an
UNESCO World Heritage since 2001 and 70
% of its total area encompass a no-take Marine
Protected Area (MPA) established in 1988.
The archipelago is known for the occurrence
of several species of elasmobranchs, which
use the area as breeding and feeding grounds
(Aguiar et al., 2009; Garla et al., 2006; Garla et
al., 2017). This site is also a major lemon shark
nursery in the South Atlantic Ocean (Garla et
al. 2009).
Data from citizen scientists: The infor-
mation used in the present study was provided
Fig. 1. A. Geographical localization of Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (depicted by the star in the inset) in the Atlantic
Ocean and location of the sites where lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris, where observed between 2004 and 2019: AF
(Air France), AM (Americanos), B (Biboca), C (Caieiras), G (Sela Gineta), L (Leão), P (Pontinha), M (Praia do Meio), S
(Sancho), SU (Sueste), R (Buraco da Raquel lagoon). B. Indicates the lagoon (R), in which most of the adult sharks were
sighted between 2004 and 2014 (Photograph by J. C. Marenga).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 702-712, e49675, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Set. 30, 2022)
by two groups of citizen scientists and obtained
through two means of observation between
2004 and 2019: i) underwater observations
of divers (tourists and residents) and MPA
rangers, and ii) observations made from one
observatory on the top of a cliff and from the
shoreline (i.e., above the water), respectively.
Underwater observations: Snorkeling
surveys were conducted between 2004 and
2014 at different sites on the main island of
FEN. However, most of the observations were
concentrated in a lagoon with approximately
44 000 m2 located at the windward side of
FEN, in which adult lemon sharks are known
to aggregate (Fig. 1A, site R; Fig. 1B). Named
as “Buraco da Raquel”, this lagoon is subject of
rough seas and thus surveys were occasionally
performed, depending on calmer sea condi-
tions, which usually occur during the austral
summer (from December to March). Surveys
conducted in the lagoon and elsewhere usu-
ally consisted of one or two divers following
random routes in depths ranging from 0.5 to 5
m, searching for lemon sharks. Upon sighting
a shark, digital photographs and videos were
taken. Each dive lasted approximately 50 min
and was performed in slow and constant speed,
with no changes in direction or itinerary. All
dives were performed during daylight hours
(06:00 to 18:00 h), in absence of large waves (>
1 m), and with water visibility of at least 4 m.
The approximate total length (TL) of all sharks
sighted was estimated at up to 2 m of total
length (TL) or 2 m TL, based on comparison
with objects such as rocks and patch reefs.
Observations above the water: Addi-
tional records were made from one observatory
in January 2008 by a tourist, and in February
2007 and February 2019 by MPA rangers on
the beach (Fig. 1A, sites R, L and AM, respec-
tively). In those three occasions, observers
provided videos, digital photographs and brief
descriptions. Shark size estimates of the events
in February 2007 and 2019 were made in the
same manner as described above.
Data analysis: Digital photographs and
videos were analyzed using Windows Photo
Viewer and Windows Media Player to validate
the identity of lemon sharks. For all records,
Underwater records of Negaprion brevirostris made by citizen scientists in different sites of Fernando de Noronha
Archipelago (see Fig. 1A for locations)
Site 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2019* Total
AirFrance (AF) 1J (1) 5J (3) 6
Americanos (AM) –––––––2A, 1J
Biboca (B) 5J (2) 2J (2) 17J (10) 1J (1) 25
Caieiras (C) 1J (1) 1J (1) 2J (2) 5J (5) 2J (2) 12J (7) 5J (3) 28
Gineta (G) 1J (1) –––––––1
Leão (L) –––2A (1) 2
Pontinha (P) 1J (1) ––––––1
Meio (M) 9J (4) ––––––9
Sancho (S) ––––––1A, 2J
8A, 8J
Sueste (SU) 1J (1) 1J (1) 2
Raquel (R) 2A, 2J
27A, 12J
13A, 27J
23A, 18J
15A, 19J
14A, 30J
13A, 5J
3A, 5J
2A, 2J
Total 11 4 52 60 52 36 56 23 11 16 4 328
A: number of sharks 2 m TL. J: number of sharks up to 2 m TL. Numbers in parentheses represent the number of dives at
each site. *No sampling was performed between 2015 and 2018.
706 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 702-712, e49675, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Set. 30, 2022)
the size (total length-TL) and the sex
of the sharks were determined, using
an object of known size and by assess-
ing the presence or the absence of
claspers, respectively. Behaviors were
interpreted according to Pratt and Car-
rier (2001) and body marks that could
indicate mating bites were based on
Ritter and Amin (2019).
Underwater observations: A
total of 328 records of N. brevirostris
were reported from 177 dives made by
tourists and residents (approximate-
ly 148 h of underwater observations)
(Table 1). Dives were concentrated
during the austral summer (December
to March), when sea conditions were
better. The number of lemon sharks
2 m TL sighted per dive ranged from
1 to 12 individuals (mean= 1 ± 1).
Solitary individuals were spotted in 42
dives. Most of the records came from
the “Buraco da Raquel” lagoon (site
R; 232 records in 122 dives) (Table 2).
Females presenting fresh scars
were recorded in 22 of the 181 dives
(18 % of the total). These scars were
considered as mating-related wounds
since they were predominantly associ-
ated to gills or observed between the
pectoral and pelvic girdles (Fig. 2A,
Fig. 2B, Fig. 2C). Pregnant females
were recorded in 24 dives (19 %) (Fig.
2D, Fig. 2E, Fig. 2F). Adult males were
sighted in 24 dives (18 %), including
an individual presenting fresh scars
(Fig. 2G, Fig. 2H, Fig. 2I). A summary
of the numbers of females with mat-
ing scars, pregnant females, and adult
males observed per month between
2004 and 2014 is presented in Fig. 3.
Descriptions of mating events:
A mating event was recorded in site R
(Fig. 1A) on 26 January 2008 around
Underwater records of Negaprion brevirostris made by citizen scientists in Buraco da Raquel lagoon, Fernando de Noronha Archipelago (see Fig. 1B for location)
Month 2004 2005* 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013* 2014 Total
J1A, 2J (2) 9A, 5J (6) 4A, 1J (4) 17A, 3J (11) 7A, 5J (5) 5A, 1J (3) 6A, 1J (3) 1A, 5J (3) 2A (1) 51A, 18J (36)
F 15A, 5J (10) 6A, 8J (8) 1A (1) 2A, 1J (2) 6A, 4J (6) 2A (1) 2J (1) 32A, 19J (30)
M 1J (1) 3J, (3) 1A, 1J (2) 8J (5) 0 (1) 1A, 13J (12)
A1A (1) 2A, 11J (4) 4J (2) 3J (2) 5J (2) 3A, 21J (11)
M 4J (2) 3J (3) 7J (5)
J 1A (1) 1A (1)
J *
A 1A, 4J (4) 1A (1) 2A, 4J (5)
S *
O 14J (3) 14J (3)
N 1A, (1) 1A, 1J (2) 8A, 3J (5) 2J (1) 10A, 6J (4)
D 2A, 1J (2) 3A, 5J (3) 5A, 2J (4) 1A (1) 11A, 8J (10)
Total 2A, 2J (3) *27A, 12J (20) 13A, 27J (23) 23A, 18J (23) 15A, 19J (17) 14A, 30J (21) 13A, 5J (9) 3A, 5J (4) *2A, 2J (2) 112A, 120J (122)
A: number of sharks 2 mTL. J: number of sharks up tp 2 m TL. Numbers in parentheses represent the number of dives reported per year. Asterisks indicate months or year with
no observations/dives.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 702-712, e49675, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Set. 30, 2022)
1:00 PM during the ebb tide. Two adult sharks
close to the shoreline (< 0.5 m depth) were
sighted by tourists from the top of an observa-
tory in front of site R. Sharks swam slowly over
the reef bottom, with an individual biting and
holding the caudal and pelvic regions of the
Fig. 2. A-B. Lemon sharks, Negaprion brevirostris, females with mating scars; C. Female 2 m TL presenting mating scars;
D-F. pregnant females; G-H. Adult males observed in Buraco da Raquel lagoon between 2004 and 2014 (site R); I. Adult
male with bite scars (Photographs by L. B. Veras). J. Male and female sharks a few minutes before the mating activities
recorded in site L in February 2007 (Photograph by F. S. Buloto). K-L. Three lemon sharks observed swimming in close
contact nearby the shoreline of site AM in February 2019 (Photographs by D. O. Cavalheiro) (see Fig.1B for location of sites).
Fig. 3. Number of sightings of females with mating
scars, pregnant females, and adult males of lemon sharks,
Negaprion brevirostris, per month between 2004 and 2014
in Fernando de Noronha Archipelago.
708 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 702-712, e49675, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Set. 30, 2022)
other. The shark that was held tried to escape.
The tourists’ report suggested that this event
was a mating attempt, although the female did
not appear to be receptive. This interaction
lasted for about one minute (Garla, 2021a). As
soon as one of the authors (LBV) was informed
about the event, he entered the water to record
details of this interaction. It was possible to
confirm the tourists’ perception, as an adult
male and an adult female were observed close
to each other. The mating event itself and the
male’s attempts to hold the female were not
observed during the dive. However, the female
had fresh bite marks and swam in a slowly and
apparent extenuated condition.
MPA rangers described similar events in
sites L and AM (Fig. 1A): a) On February 2nd,
2007, at 4:00 PM during the flood tide, two
lemon sharks were observed swimming in close
contact nearby the shoreline of a sandy beach
in site L (Fig. 2J). A shark measuring about 2.5
m TL was observed with several bite marks in
the dorsum. The event was initially observed
from above water, but after sighting the female
with bite marks, two MPA rangers entered the
water. The rangers identified the shark as a
female, which was swimming slowly, dragging
the fins at the bottom, in an apparent exhausted
condition (Garla, 2021b). Then, an adult male
with approximately 2 m TL quickly approached
the female and bit it in the left pectoral fin
and in the dorsum. The rangers referred to the
sound produced by the bites as the sound of
“wood sticks being broken”. The male man-
aged to bite the female’s dorsum firmly and
swam roughly trying to push it to the surface,
while the female tried to return to the bottom.
After 2-3 min the male released the female and
both sharks remained motionless on the sand
bottom for five min, apparently exhausted, and
then swan to deeper waters out of sight. The
whole event lasted approximately 20 min. Few
minutes after the rangers had left the water,
they saw both sharks again in the shallows; b)
On March 5th, 2019, at 1:00 PM during the
flood tide in site AM, a MPA ranger recorded
three lemon sharks (two individuals > 2 m TL
and a third shark measuring approximately
2 m TL) swimming frantically close to the
shoreline. Sharks were constantly in physical
contact and the larger individual was actively
pursued and herded against the shoreline by the
two other sharks (Fig. 2K, Fig. 2L). The larger
pursuer shark swam with greater vigor and
had a notable prevalence over the smaller one.
The pursuers were more efficient in herding
the pursued shark over rocky bottoms in com-
parison to sandy substrates. The ranger also
mentioned that this episode was different from
other “patrolling shoreline” events (Garla et al.,
2017) previously witnessed by him elsewhere
in FEN, due to the physical contact and the
fact that two sharks insistently tried to herd the
third shark into the shallows. The whole event
lasted for about 10 min, after which the sharks
apparently swam to deeper waters and were not
sighted again.
The events involving mating behavior of
N. brevirostris were observed during distinct
times of the day and in different sites of
FEN, both in sandy beaches and reef environ-
ments. Although the mating event itself was not
witnessed, the repeated sightings of females
with fresh mating scars and pregnant females
recorded during the austral summer in most of
the sampled years attests that FEN, and particu-
larly the Buraco da Raquel lagoon, serves as
both as mating area and nursery ground for the
species. Observations also suggest that lemon
sharks were attempting to courtship and mate
in very shallow waters ( 1 m depth).
The observation and captures of neonate
individuals of N. brevirostris mainly occur
between November and March in FEN (Garla
et al., 2009), coinciding with the period with
the highest number of records of females with
fresh mating scars and pregnant females pre-
sented herein. Although sampling in Buraco
da Raquel lagoon was concentrated within this
period, it is noteworthy that females 2 m TL
captured for tagging during other periods of
the year in FEN did not show scars (Garla,
2020). Furthermore, adult females caught in
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 702-712, e49675, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Set. 30, 2022)
late February have only well-healed scars.
Thus, results suggest that mating and parturi-
tion probably occur simultaneously in FEN
and are mainly concentrated during the peak
of the austral summer, between December and
Records of females with mating scars
were relatively rare elsewhere in FEN. The
Buraco da Raquel lagoon, located within the
undisturbed MPA, a National Park, is cur-
rently known as the main adult aggregation
site of N. brevirostris in shallow waters of
FEN. Although similar efforts have been made
in other locations, the number of observa-
tions of aggregations of adult sharks in other
sites are comparatively lower. This lagoon is
one of the few sites in FEN with sheltered
and calm waters on the windward side of the
archipelago. Therefore, all features mentioned
above suggest that Buraco da Raquel lagoon is
an essential habitat for lemon sharks. To date,
aggregations of adult individuals of lemon
sharks in FEN are only known for shallow
habitats, although they might also congregate
in deeper habitats around the archipelago for
reproductive or other purposes, such as report-
ed in the deeper waters off Florida (Kessel et
al., 2014). Thus, identifying critical habitats to
the life cycle of vulnerable species such as N.
brevirostris is crucial for designing efficient
protection strategies.
The pre-mating parallel swimming
described by Clark (1963) was not observed in
FEN, but the event recorded in site AM could
be interpreted as the close-following behavior
described by Johnson and Nelson (1978). The
close contact and herding behavior recorded
in that event suggest that pre-mating activities
may also involve tactile stimuli as observed by
Ritter and Amin (2019).
Records of females 2 m TL without the
typical robust constitution of mature females,
but presenting mating scars, were also obtained
in Buraco da Raquel lagoon throughout the
study period. It is reasonable that fishes can
distinguish between virgins and mated females
by differences in the composition of their pher-
omone releases (Guevara-Fiore et al., 2010). It
is also known that some immature shark female
(e.g., Prionace glauca) show mating scars and
can store sperm until they reach adulthood
(Calich & Campana, 2015; Stevens, 1976).
Thus, the observation of apparently immature
females with mating scars opens the question
whether mature males are able to distinguish
between receptive and non-receptive females
and differentiate virgin and mated females, as
in some situations they appear to simply try
to copulate based on opportunity (Ritter &
Amin, 2019). The records of apparent imma-
ture females with mating scars and the presence
of a pursuing shark 2 m TL in site AM on
February 2019 further suggest that immature
individuals may be attracted by the reproduc-
tive frenzy of adult sharks, and in the case of
females, even participate of the mating activi-
ties, voluntarily or not.
N. brevirostris is becoming increasingly
rare along the Brazilian coast (Rosa et al.,
2018). For this reason, FEN and the nearby
oceanic MPA (Atol das Rocas, located 148 km
westward) are currently regarded as the main
sites to maintain the species in Northeastern
Brazil as well as in the Equatorial Atlantic.
Besides being important nurseries for N. brevi-
rostris (Freitas et al., 2006; Garla et al., 2009),
results presented herein and reports from Atol
das Rocas researchers (Oliveira, 2003) attest
that both locations are also used as mating
areas by lemon sharks.
The reason why lemon sharks are attracted
specifically to the lagoon in FEN is still
speculative. For G. cirratum in FEN and in
Dry Tortugas, the use of sheltered, shallow, and
structurally complex bottoms may be related to
mate selection of mating avoidance (Afonso et
al., 2016; Carrier & Pratt, 1998). On the other
hand, observations herein suggest that it might
be easier to males to herd and grasp females
against the shoreline and structured bottoms,
although there is no information if they are able
to resume copulation in this habitat. Whatever
the case, mating activities in shallow sites are
vulnerable to the disruptive effects of human
presence and activities such as boat traffic,
swimming and diving, and has the potential
710 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 70: 702-712, e49675, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Set. 30, 2022)
of interfering with successful reproduction of
the species (Carrier & Pratt, 1998), which is
already vulnerable. Both in FEN and in Atol
das Rocas, the access to the mating areas is
already restricted to researchers and guides
accompanying them. For other mating sites that
might be identified in the future, the sugges-
tion is that specific proposals to protect mating
grounds follow at least part of the recom-
mendations of Carrier and Pratt (1998) for G.
cirratum, including (1) restriction of the public
during times identified as essential for mating,
and (2) implementation a program of public
information and education.
As the observations of mating behaviors
are uncommon in nature, the citizen science
could be crucial for a better understanding of
this kind of interaction to improve the knowl-
edge of sharks in the wild. In the past 15 years,
the lead author (RCG) has unsuccessfully tried
to start citizen science initiatives in FEN,
probably because the volunteers needed to
fill out and physically deliver paper forms at
specific collection points. However, the current
dissemination of smartphones, social media
and citizen science projects greatly increases
the successful execution of this kind of ini-
tiative nowadays.
In summary, the results demonstrate that
(1) FEN is used as a mating area by lemon
sharks in the Equatorial Atlantic, (2) the main
adult aggregation and mating site of lemon
sharks in FEN is the Buraco da Raquel lagoon
during the austral summer, (3) shallow waters
in FEN should be considered essential habitats
for lemon shark in current and future manage-
ment planning to avoid shark disturbance, with
a particular emphasis in the Buraco da Raquel
lagoon, and (4) data collection by citizen sci-
entists should be encouraged to complement
research data collection and monitoring in FEN.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is no
conflict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
The authors are grateful to Fernando
de Noronha Administration (ATDEFN) for
research permits and tax exemptions and to
the Brazilian Environmental Agency (ICMBio/
Brazil) for research permits (SISBIO 12064).
Special thanks to José Carlos Marenga, Felipe
Schmidt Buloto, Denis Oliveira Cavalheiro,
Dráusio Veras and one anonymous tourist for
providing photographs, video records and
reports. José Garcia Junior organized all pho-
tographs and videos. Leopoldo Francini edited
the photographs of Figure 2. This paper is dedi-
cated to the professors Samuel Harvey “Doc”
Gruber (in memorian) and Ricardo de Souza
Rosa. Without their inspiration and initial sup-
port during the 1999-2000 USA/Brazil Lemon
Shark research cruises the lead author would
never have become a shark biologist. They also
contributed to the training of the other authors
in subsequent occasions.
Comportamiento de apareamiento del tiburón
limón Negaprion brevirostris (Carcharhiniformes:
Carcharhinidae), revelado por la ciencia ciudadana
en el Océano Atlántico Ecuatorial
Introducción: El conocimiento sobre el comportamiento
reproductivo y requisitos de hábitat de apareamiento de los
tiburones grandes, incluido el tiburón limón, Negaprion
brevirostris, es escaso, lo que dificulta los esfuerzos de
Objetivo: Describir un área en el Océano Atlántico ecuato-
rial utilizada como zona de apareamiento y las interaccio-
nes precopulatorias del tiburón limón con base en informes
proporcionados por ciencia ciudadana.
Métodos: Buzos recreativos, guías de buceo y guarda-
parques del Área Marina Protegida (AMP) en el archi-
piélago Fernando de Noronha (FEN) llevaron registros de
comportamientos de cortejo, hembras con cicatrices de
apareamiento, hembras preñadas y machos adultos, entre
2004 y 2019.
Resultados: Las aguas poco profundas entre 0.5 y 2 m de
profundidad son utilizadas como áreas de apareamiento
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 70: 702-712, e49675, enero-diciembre 2022 (Publicado Set. 30, 2022)
por N. brevirostris durante el verano austral (diciembre a
marzo). Un lugar específico, dentro del AMP (laguna de
Buraco da Raquel), fue identificado como el principal sitio
de agregación y apareamiento de adultos de N. brevirostris
en FEN.
Conclusiones: Registros de ciencia ciudadana permitieron
identificar aguas poco profundas como sitios clave para
la reproducción de este tiburón en FEN. Los resultados
resaltan el potencial de las contribuciones de la ciencia
ciudadana al conocimiento de los tiburones en la naturaleza
y muestran que las AMP son esenciales para la conserva-
ción del hábitat de tiburones con poblaciones decrecientes
a lo largo de la costa brasileña, como N. brevirostris. Pre-
sentamos recomendaciones de gestión para proteger a N.
Brevirostri, allí y en otros lugares.
Palabras clave: tiburón limón; elasmobranquio; Áreas
Marinas Protegidas; cicatrices de apareamiento; Carcharhi-
nidae; Fernando de Noronha.
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