Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e51290, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Ago. 28, 2023)
Spatio-temporal variation of seed rain between urban
and rural fragments of humid tropical forests
Priscila Silva dos Santos1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8902-9691
Kleber Andrade da Silva2*; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7011-8800
Elcida de Lima Araújo1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3379-3540
Danielle Melo dos Santos1; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0839-967X
Josiene Maria Falcão Fraga dos Santos3; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9780-2784
Gicélia Lira dos Prazeres4; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1192-6530
Elba Maria Nogueira Ferraz4; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4998-9772
1. Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Departamento de Biologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica,
Brasil; biopri13@hotmail.com, elcida.araujo@ufpe.br, danmelo_bio@hotmail.com
2. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Centro Acadêmico de Vitória, Brasil; kleber.andrade@ufpe.br (*Correspondence)
3. Universidade Estadual de Alagoas, Departamento de Biologia, Brasil; josiene.falcao@uneal.edu.br
4. Instituto Federal de Pernambuco, Departamento de Meio Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança, Brasil; gicelialp13@hotmail.
com, elbanogueira08@gmail.com
Received 15-VI-2022. Corrected 28-VI-2023. Accepted 18-VIII-2023.
Introduction: The type of land use surrounding the remnants of tropical forest may generate changes in the
characteristics of plant populations and communities. Consequently, there may be a significant reduction in
processes of pollination and diasporas dispersion. Therefore, causing changes in some parameters of seed rain.
Objective: To characterize and compare seed density, species richness, floristic composition, habit, dispersal
syndrome, and successional category of seed rain between urban and rural fragments of Atlantic Forest, in the
2015 and 2016 weather seasons.
Methods: The study areas were defined after mapping and quantification of urban and rural occupations around
the remnants, based on satellite images. In each fragment, were installed 36 collectors of 0.25 m2. The material
was collected monthly during two consecutive years.
Results: Seed rain richness was higher in the urban fragment during the rainy season in the two years, whereas it
was similar between the fragments in the dry season. The seed density in the rural fragment was higher than in
the urban during the rainy season; did not vary in urban between years or between seasons; and it was higher in
the rural fragment in the rainy season of one year. There was a difference in the floristic composition of the seed
rain between the fragments along time. The variations in the functional attributes of habit, dispersal syndrome,
and successional category, were explained by the variables fragment, season, and year.
Conclusions: Differences in the characteristics of the seed rain between the fragments might reflect the spatial
and temporal heterogeneity, due to the diverse uses of the soil and external pressures (anthropogenic actions)
present in the surroundings of the forest fragments and temporal variation in precipitation.
Key words: Atlantic Forest; seed dispersal: surrounding landscape; seasonal and annual variation.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e51290, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Ago. 28, 2023)
Different uses of the land have caused
changes in the landscapes, promoting strong
environmental impacts on the biota (Benítez-
Malvido et al., 2022). In this context, the process
of urbanization and rise of agricultural fron-
tiers are responsible for the fragmentation of
habitats and promote changes in the dynamics
and structure of forests along the urban-rural
gradient (Overdyck & Clarkson, 2012; Pivello
et al., 2006; Santos et al., 2020). For example,
the fragmentation will lead to reduced species
richness and changes in floristic composition
of aboveground vegetation. These changes pro-
mote a significant reduction in the ecosystem
services of habitat and resource to wildlife, and
microclimate for the establishment and growth
of plants. Consequently, there may be a signifi-
cant reduction in the pollination and disper-
sion of diasporas processes (Benítez-Malvido
et al., 2022; Overdyck & Clarkson, 2012) and,
therefore, causing changes in some parameters
of seed rain, such as density, richness, species
composition, habit, and successional category
of plants (Overdyck & Clarkson, 2012; Piv-
ello et al., 2006). Thus, the disturbance degree
reaching an environment may influence seed
rain, and hence the process of natural regenera-
tion (Benítez-Malvido et al., 2022; César et al.,
2017; Pivello et al., 2006).
Seed rain represents one of the most
important mechanisms in the forests regen-
eration process, enabling the entry of seeds and
consequently establishment and recruitment of
new individuals and species in the forest frag-
ments (Jara-Guerrero et al., 2020; Werden et
al., 2021; Yang et al., 2020). The compilation of
works carried out in tropical rain forests shows
that the urban fragments are surrounded by
residences, industries, roads, and highways,
while rural fragments are surrounded by sug-
arcane and Eucalyptus spp. monocultures, pas-
tures, and greenery; these differences in the
surrounding matrix of fragments cause changes
in the attributes of seed rain (Freitas et al., 2013;
Variación espacio-temporal de la lluvia de semillas entre fragmentos urbanos
y rurales de bosques tropicales húmedos
Introducción: El tipo de uso del suelo que rodea los remanentes de bosque tropical puede generar cambios en las
características de las poblaciones y comunidades vegetales. En consecuencia, puede haber una reducción signifi-
cativa en los procesos de polinización y dispersión de las diásporas. Por lo tanto, provocando cambios en algunos
parámetros de la lluvia de semillas.
Objetivo: Caracterizar y comparar la densidad de semillas, la riqueza de especies, la composición florística, el
hábito, el síndrome de dispersión y la categoría sucesional de la lluvia de semillas entre fragmentos urbanos y
rurales de Mata Atlántica, en las estaciones climáticas del 2015 y 2016.
Métodos: Las áreas de estudio se definieron luego del mapeo y cuantificación de las ocupaciones urbanas y rurales
alrededor de los remanentes, con base en imágenes satelitales. En cada fragmento se instalaron 36 colectores de
0.25 m2. El material fue recolectado mensualmente durante dos años consecutivos.
Resultados: La riqueza de lluvia de semillas fue mayor en el fragmento urbano durante la estación lluviosa en
los dos años, mientras que fue similar entre los fragmentos en la estación seca. La densidad de semillas en el
fragmento rural fue mayor que en el urbano durante la estación lluviosa; no varió en urbano entre años o entre
estaciones; y fue mayor en el fragmento rural en la estación lluviosa del primer año. Hubo una diferencia en la
composición florística de la lluvia de semillas entre los fragmentos a lo largo del tiempo. Las variaciones en los
atributos funcionales de hábito, síndrome de dispersión y categoría sucesional, fueron explicadas por las variables
fragmento, estación y año.
Conclusiones: Las diferencias en las características de la lluvia de semillas entre los fragmentos podrían reflejar la
heterogeneidad espacial y temporal, debido a los diversos usos del suelo y presiones externas (acciones antropogé-
nicas) presentes en el entorno de los fragmentos de bosque y variación temporal de la precipitación.
Palabras clave: Bosque Atlántico; dispersión de semillas; paisaje circundante; variación estacional y anual.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e51290, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Ago. 28, 2023)
Overdyck & Clarkson, 2012). For example, spe-
cies richness and seed density from the seed
rain are higher in rural fragments than in urban
fragments (Campos et al., 2009; Cole et al.,
2010; Cutway & Ehrenfeld, 2010; Freitas et al.,
2013; Knorr & Gottsberg, 2012); species rich-
ness and seed density of the seed rain may be
higher during the dry season or dry-rainy tran-
sition in urban and rural fragments (Gratzer et
al., 2022; Jara-Guerrero et al., 2020); seed rain
composition differs between urban and rural
fragments (Overdyck & Clarkson, 2012).
The predominant factors and practices in
each type of surrounding matrix (i.e., sugarcane
monoculture and urban centers) may affect
the dynamics of the forests and interfere in the
seed characteristics of each fragment. Then, it
is expected that surrounding type of the rural
fragment plays an important role in the species
richness of the seed rain and affecting the flo-
ristic composition. The surrounding matrix of
rural fragment is more uniform. Consequently,
there is a greater flow of species in fragments
with an agricultural surrounding when com-
pared to the fragments with urban surrounding
(Knapp et al., 2008; Lososová et al., 2006). We
also need to consider the existence of other
adjacent fragments to the rural studied, as
they may influence the seed entry in the area,
depending on species dispersal syndrome. In
this way, we could not discard the possibility
of seed arrival from other fragments near the
rural, mainly because the composition of the
seed rain from a certain area is closely related
to its surroundings, i.e., with the immediate
neighborhood and with the landscape in which
it is inserted (Gratzer et al., 2022; Werden et al.,
2021). Therefore, it is expected that the type of
surroundings leads to changes in species rich-
ness, seed density, floristic composition, and
functional attributes of seed rain.
It was also observed that in the rural or
urban fragments there is a predominance of
trees species, zoocoric dispersal syndrome, and
pioneer species (Cole et al., 2010; Freitas et
al., 2013; Marangon et al., 2010; Oliveira et al.,
2011). However, the proportion of the habit,
dispersal syndrome, and successional category
of seed rain varies according to the fragments
type (rural or urban) and seasons.
Few studies have incorporated both the
spatial context and temporal variability in the
analysis of seed rain abundance, composition,
and taxonomic and functional diversity. There-
fore, our study aims to characterize and com-
pare species richness, seed density, floristic
composition, habit, dispersal syndrome, and
successional category of seed rain in urban and
rural fragments of Atlantic Forest, between cli-
matic seasons and years. Considering that char-
acteristics of seed rain in fragments of tropical
rain forests may vary depending on the type of
environment, climatic seasons, and years, we
assume the hypotheses: 1) The species richness
and seed density will be highest in the rural
fragment during the rainy and dry seasons and
during the years; 2) the floristic composition of
seed rain differs between fragments, and this
difference continue along years and seasons;
3) the variations in the functional attributes of
dispersal syndrome (Van Der Pijl, 1982), habit,
and successional category (Gandolfi et al.,
1995) are explained by the surrounding matrix
of rural and urban fragments, and seasonal and
annual variation in precipitation.
Study area: The study was carried out in
two remnants of Atlantic rainforest in North-
eastern Brazil, which have been protected as
integral protection Conservation Units (C.U.)
since 1987. They are part of a complex of
protected areas, inserted in the Metropolitan
Recife Region (CPRH, 2003) (Fig. 1). The C.U.s
boundaries were mapped on a mosaic of ortho-
photo maps at a scale of 1: 20 000, dated from
the 1980s.
The urbanization degree on the surround-
ings of forest remnants was defined by mapping
and quantification of urban and rural occupa-
tions in the area that extends from the forest
boundary up to 3 km (buffer), according to the
methodology presented by Guerra (2016). The
mapping was based on the Atlas of the Atlan-
tic Forest Remnants, in partnership with the
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e51290, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Ago. 28, 2023)
National Institute of Space Research (INPE).
For the Atlas work, were used OLI images of
the Landsat 8 satellite and the Google Earth
program, from the period of 2009 to 2015 and
updated mainly in the second half of 2016.
These images are of high spatial resolution and
scale approximately of 1:50 000. In the rural
and urban fragments, field conferences were
also held to verify the presence of consistent
changes in the use of the surrounding soil
within the mapped area.
Urban fragment was considered that with
residential, commercial, or industrial agglom-
erates, roads, highways, and areas without veg-
etation, with exposed soils in the vicinity of
these agglomerates; the rural fragment is that
predominates agro-pastoral activities, small vil-
lages and roads, highways, and areas without
vegetation distant from urban centers (Guerra,
2016). The urban fragment (08°01’15.1” S &
34°56’3.2” W) is characterized by a single veg-
etation stretch in different stages of secondary
succession; and has land use in its surroundings
sites, farms, villages, roads, and highways. (San-
tos et al., 2020). The rural fragment (08º10’00”
& 08º15’00” S, 35º02’30” & 35º05’00” W) in its
surroundings have predominantly sugarcane
production, and some areas of subsistence agri-
culture, fruit growing, livestock, and timber
extraction (Lyra-Neves et al., 2004; Santos et al.,
2020). Mapping of the buffer area of urban frag-
ment recorded a total area of 5 540 ha, whose
30 % corresponds to the native forest area, 33
% the urban area, and 37 % were not defined
by the mapping/sensor. Mapping of the buffer
area of rural fragment recorded a total area of
10 349 ha, whose 41 % corresponds to native
forest area, and 59 % to areas of agricultural
use (Fig. 1).
A total of 66 species are presents in the
urban fragment and 52 in the rural. The family
with the greatest species richness in the urban
and rural fragments is Euphorbiaceae. Twen-
ty-six species are present only in the urban
Fig. 1. Location of the urban and rural fragments of Atlantic rainforest evaluated in the metropolitan region of Recife.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e51290, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Ago. 28, 2023)
fragment; and 12 in the rural fragment; and 40
are commons in both fragments. The floristic
similarity by Sorensen index is 68 % (Santos et
al., 2020).
The fragments were chosen because they
have common characteristics: the same As’ cli-
mate type (hot and humid) (Kottek et al., 2006),
the same soil type (latosols) (Embrapa, 1998;
Jacomine et al., 1972), the same vegetal forma-
tion (Lowland Ombrophylous Forest) (IBGE,
2012), and average annual rainfall with little
variation (2 450 - 2 460 mm). Rainfall totals in
rural and urban fragments were, respectively, 1
666.11 and 1 973.8 mm in 2015, and 1 445.50
and 1 602.00 mm in 2016.
Seed rain sampling: For the sampling of
seed rain in each fragment (urban and rural),
36 collectors were installed from 5 m of the
border, totaling 72. The collectors were distrib-
uted in three transects of 300 m, approximately
interspaced 100 m away. In each transect, 12
equidistant collectors were installed at 25 m.
Our collectors covered a total area of 6 ha
(border-center direction). The collectors are
0.25 m2 area (0.5 m × 0.5 m), and they were
installed 30 cm above the ground. This method
is appropriate to include herbaceous plants
(Benítez-Malvido et al., 2022; Knorr & Gotts-
berger, 2012). These were made in a square
shape, with 1 mm nylon mesh, and a depth of ≈
20 cm, whose function is to retain all the depos-
ited material (César et al., 2017), and they were
fixed in tree trunks with nylon threads and
identified with a numbered plaque. The mate-
rial was collected monthly (Freitas et al., 2013)
during two consecutive years (February 2015
to January 2017). Each collected sample was
packed in polyethylene bags, labeled according
to the collector numbering, and placed to dry
in stove with a controlled temperature of 65 °C.
At the laboratory, the seeds were manu-
ally separated from other materials eventually
found, quantified, and classified with the aid
of a stereomicroscope. The fruits present in the
samples were opened for the seed’s removal.
Seeds were separated, classified by morpho-
type, and numbered, until their taxonomic
identification according to Angiosperm Phy-
logeny Group System (The Angiosperm Phy-
logeny Group et al., 2016). The spelling of
species names was verified at the Index Kew-
ensis (www. ipni.org/ipni/plantnamesearch-
page.do) and the Missouri Botanical Gardens
(MOBOT) database (www.mobot.mobot.org/
W3T /Search/vast.html). Abbreviation of the
author names of the species was made by con-
sultation with Brummit and Powell (1992) and
MOBOT. The number of seeds was expressed
as seed/0.25 m2. For seed identification, we
used the specific bibliography (Barroso et al.,
1999; Lorenzi, 1992; Lorenzi, 1998a; Lorenzi,
1998b; Lorenzi, 2009), besides taxonomy spe-
cialist help. In addition, a survey of the indi-
viduals close to the collectors was carried out,
mainly of the individuals with the reproductive
material in the collection period.
Collected seeds were classified according
to the Van Der Pijl (1982) proposal in anemo-
choric, zoochoric, and autochoric. The species
were classified as tree, shrub, woody climbing
plant (lianas), and herbaceous and in relation
to the successional category in pioneers, early
secondary, and late secondary (Gandolfi et
al., 1995). The syndrome and the successional
category corresponding to each species was
evaluated by consultations in the local literature
(Marangon et al., 2010; Oliveira et al., 2011;
Silva & Rodal, 2009).
Data analysis: Differences in the species
richness of seed rain between the rural and
urban fragments over time were verified by
the rarefaction analysis using Estimate S 9.1.0
(Colwell, 2013). The sample-based rarefaction
curve shows the mean species number (± stan-
dard deviation). Plotted values are means of 100
randomizations. There is significant difference
when deviations do not touch (Colwell, 2013;
Gotelli & Colwell, 2001).
The Generalized Linear Model (GLM) was
used to verify the effect of predictor variables
(urban and rural fragment, seasonal and annual
variation) on seed density. The differences in
mean seed density between urban and rural
fragments, during dry and rainy seasons, and
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e51290, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Ago. 28, 2023)
during 2015 and 2016 years were verified by
the Tukey a posteriori test. These analyzes
were carried out by the Statistic software 7.0
(StatSoft Inc., 2003).
The floristic composition of the seed rain
between the rural and urban fragments, and in
each fragment between seasons and between
years was compared through the Non-Metric
Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) Analysis,
using the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrix,
based on the species density present in the 72
collectors from the study areas. ANOSIM was
used to verify the significance of the formed
cluster in the NMDS. To verify the contribution
of the density of each species between rural and
urban fragments and in each fragment between
years we performed the SIMPER analysis
(Similarity percentage). NMDS, ANOSIM, and
SIMPER analyzes were performed at the Primer
version 7 software (Clarke & Gorley, 2015).
Differences in species abundance among
the fragments, years, and seasons within the
functional attributes habit, dispersal syndrome,
and successional category were verified by
Log-Linear model (Sokal & Rohlf, 1995). Only
models with significant interactions were con-
sidered. The model significance was verified
by the Chi-Square test. Analyzes were per-
formed in the Systat Software 10.0 (Systat
Software Inc, 2006).
Species richness: During the two years of
study, a total of 99 species were found in the
seed rain, being 80 species in the urban frag-
ment and 61 in the rural (SMT1). From the
total number of species, eight were identified at
the family level, four at genus, 69 at the specific
level, and 17 morphospecies. Additionally, 39
species occurred exclusively in the urban frag-
ment and 19 in the rural fragment (SMT1).
The families with the greatest species rich-
ness in the urban fragment during the two years
study were Euphorbiaceae (with four species),
Annonaceae, Chrysobalanaceae, Erythroxyla-
ceae, Lauraceae, Malpighiaceae, Melastomata-
ceae, Moraceae, Rubiaceae, and Sapindaceae
(with three species each); and in the rural frag-
ment were Fabaceae (with eight species), Ana-
cardiaceae, Annonaceae, Erythroxylaceae,
Euphorbiaceae, Melastomataceae, Moraceae,
and Sapindaceae (with three species each).
The total species richness of seed rain from
the urban fragment was significantly higher
than the rural (Fig. 2A). The richness was
significantly higher in the urban fragment in
2015 (Fig. 2B) and 2016 (Fig. 2C). Considering
each season separately, during the rainy season
the species richness was significantly higher
in the urban fragment (Fig. 2D), while in the
dry season it was similar among the fragments
(Fig. 2E).
Seeds density: The GLM analysis showed
that there was a significant effect of fragment,
climatic season, and their interaction on seed
density of seed rain (Table 1). The Tukey test
showed that the mean seed density (± 95 % CI)
of rural fragment was higher than the mean
seed density (± 95 % CI) of urban fragment in
2016 (F(1, 1720) = 0.59602; P = 0.046437; Fig. 3A)
and during the rainy season (F(1, 1720) = 11.144;
P = 0.000067; Fig. 3B). There was no significant
difference in mean seed density (± 95 % CI)
between the rural and urban fragments in 2015
(F(1, 1720) = 0.59602; P = 0.434458; Fig. 3A) and
during the dry season (F(1, 1720) = 11.144; P =
0.989715; Fig. 3B).
Species composition: The ANOSIM ana-
lyze showed that the seed rain composition
of the rural fragment was different from the
urban fragment (Rglobal = 0.317; P = 0.001).
The formed cluster in the NMDS can be seen
in Fig. 4A. The floristic composition among
the fragments was different in 2015 (Rglobal =
0.226; P = 0.001; Fig. 4B) and 2016 (Rglobal =
0.254; P = 0.001; Fig. 4C). The floristic compo-
sition between the fragments was different in
the rainy season (Rglobal = 0.225; P = 0.001; Fig.
4D) and in the dry season (Rglobal = 0.295; P =
0.001; Fig. 4E).
SIMPER analysis showed high dissimilar-
ity in the seed rain between the rural and urban
fragments (80.11 %), and this behavior remained
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e51290, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Ago. 28, 2023)
Fig. 2. A. Sample-based rarefaction curve with the mean species number (± standard deviation) from the seed rain in rural
and urban fragments; B. in 2015; C. in 2016; D. in rainy and E. dry season; of Atlantic Forest in Northeast Brazil. There is
significant difference when deviations do not touch (Colwell, 2013; Gotelli & Colwell, 2001).
Table 1
General Linear Model (GLM) analysis showing the influence of the rural and urban fragments, climatic season, years, and
their interactions on the seed density of seed rain in an Atlantic Forest in Northeast Brazil
Intercept 12 723.697 2 723.697 1 246.575 0.000000
Year 1 3.044 3.044 1.393 0.238052
Fragment 1 18.380 18.380 8.412 0.003775
Season 1 8.859 8.859 4.055 0.044202
Year*Fragment 1 1.302 1.302 0.596 0.440208
Year*Season 1 3.179 3.179 1.455 0.227893
Fragment*Season 1 24.349 24.349 11.144 0.000861
Year*Fragment*Season 1 0.321 0.321 0.147 0.701640
Error 1720 3 758.105 2.185
Total 1727 3 817.539
P value < 0.05 denote significant difference (DF = degrees of freedom, SS = sun of square, MS = mean square, F = Fisher
test, P = significance).
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e51290, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Ago. 28, 2023)
over the years in each fragment (Table 2). The
five species that most contributed to the dif-
ferences between the fragments were Miconia
amacurensis Wurdack, Miconia prasina (Sw.)
DC., Maprounea guianensis Aubl., Schefflera
morototoni (Aubl.) Manguire, Steyerm. &
Frodi, and Cecropia pachystachya Trécul., with
a cumulative percentage of 31.4 %. In rural
areas, the species that contributed most to
the differences were Miconia prasina, Maprou-
nea guianensis, Schefflera morototoni, Cecropia
pachystachya, Helicostilis tomentosa (Poepp. &
Endl.) Rusby, and Miconia minutiflora (Blonpl.)
DC., with an accumulated percentage of 38.83
%. In the urban area, the species that contrib-
uted most to the dissimilarities were Miconia
amacurensis, Schefflera morototoni, Asteraceae
sp1, Cecropia pachystachya, and Parkia pendula
(Willd.) Benth. ex. Walper., with an accumu-
lated value of 31.81 %.
Functional attributes: The log-lin-
ear analysis for the abundance of seed rain
of the studied species showed a significant
Fig. 3. A. Mean seed density variation in urban and rural fragments of Atlantic Forest in Pernambuco, during 2015 and 2016
years and B. during dry and rainy seasons. Different lowercase letters denote significant difference between the urban and
rural fragments by the Tukey HSD test at 5 %. Vertical bars denote 95 % of the confidence interval.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e51290, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Ago. 28, 2023)
second-order interaction among the variables
fragment, season, and habit (c2 = 9.20; df = 3;
P = 0.0268). This means that seed abundance is
not explained in isolation by any of these vari-
ables. Then, they should be evaluated together.
Although in the general set, the total density of
tree seeds was higher than the seed density of
the other habits, it was observed that the pro-
portion of seeds of trees, shrubs, herbaceous,
and woody climbing plant (lianas) changes
according to the seasons and the fragments.
For example, the seed number of woody climb-
ing plant species was higher in the dry season
than in the rainy season. However, in the urban
fragment, the variation between dry and rainy
season was higher (4.53 times more seeds in the
dry season) than the rural fragment (1.73 times
more seeds in the dry season) (Fig. 5).
There were two first-order interactions,
between the fragments and dispersal syndromes
(c2 = 26.11, df = 2; P < 0.0001) and between sea-
sons and dispersal syndromes (c2 = 28.02, df =
Fig. 4. A. Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) analysis of seed rain species between rural and urban fragments of
the Atlantic Forest in Pernambuco, Brazil; and B. in the 2015 and C. 2016 years; and D. in the rainy and E. dry season, based
on species richness. Graph symbols represent the species present in seed rain of each fragment.
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e51290, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Ago. 28, 2023)
2; P < 0.0001). It was also observed a second-
order interaction between fragments, years, and
seasons (c2 = 4.14, df = 1; P = 0.0418). These
results also can be evaluated together. Although
the total density of zoochoric seeds was higher
than the seed density of the other syndromes, it
was observed that the proportion of zoochoric,
anemochoric, and autochoric seeds changes
according to the fragment, season, and year.
For example, the seed number of anemochoric
species was higher in the dry season in the rural
fragment in 2016; and in the dry season of the
urban fragment in 2015 and 2016 (Fig. 6).
Finally, there was a first-order interaction
between the year and successional category
variables (c2 = 14.89, df = 2, P = 0.0006) and
Table 2
SIMPER analysis between rural (R) and urban (U) fragments between years (2015 and 2016) and in each fragment, including
the species contribution in the dissimilarity between the sampled fragments
R and U R between years U between years
D.L. = 80.11 D.L.= 77.55 D.L. = 79.43
Species D.L. Species D.L. Species D.L.
Miconia amacurensis 7.68 M. prasina 9.38 M. amacurensis 9.89
Miconia prasina 6.89 M. guianensis 8.92 S. morototoni 5.87
Maprounea guianensis 5.71 S. morototoni 8.38 Asteraceae sp1 5.85
Schefflera morototoni 5.57 C. pachystachya 7.69 C. pachystachya 5.13
Cecropia pachystachya 5.55 H. tomentosa 4.46 P. p e ndu l a 5.07
Asteraceae sp1 4.22 M. minutiflora 3.92 G. blanchetiana 4.37
Parkia pendula 4.11 P. p e ndu l a 3.81 S. salzmanniana 4.13
Gouania blanchetiana 3.57 G. blanchetiana 3.60 T. guianensis 3.72
Helicostilis tomentosa 3.24 Asteraceae sp1 3.54 M. prasina 3.63
Miconia minutiflora 2.84 A. dolichocarpa 2.66 H. tomentosa 3.07
Serjania salzmanniana 2.83 M. amacurensis 2.48 A. dolichocarpa 3.07
Anaxagorea dolichocarpa 2.83 B. adenopoda 1.91 L. kunthiana 2.41
Tapirira guianensis 2.60 O. glomerata 1.54 O. glomerata 1.95
Ocotea glomerata 1.61 P. heptaphyllum 1.53 P. schomburgkiana 1.76
Licania kunthiana 1.36 T. guianensis 1.03 P. heptaphyllum 1.34
Protium heptaphyllum 1.23 T. spruceanum 0.85 Morfo 29 1.21
Banisteriopsis adenopoda 1.21 Passiflora sp1 0.85 Passiflora sp1 0.98
Pogonophoschomburgkiana 1.21 D. guianensis 0.74 T. brevistaminea 0.95
Passiflora sp1 1.06 X. frutescens 0.67 E. citrifolium 0.86
Tovomita brevistaminea 0.80 M. aegyptia 0.66 B. adenopoda 0.81
Morfo 29 0.76 P. schomburgkiana 0.66 C. mollis 0.76
Erythroxylum citrifolium 0.67 S. salzmanniana 0.64 S. rugosum 0.64
Thyrsodium spruceanum 0.52 E. ovata 0.49 S. densiflorum 0.57
Xylopia frutescens 0.50 S. hilarii 0.57
Serjania hebecarpa 0.49 S. hebicarpa 0.75
Merremia aegytia 0.49 B. lucida 0.55
Coccoloba mollis 0.45 P. violaceus 0.48
Eschweilera ovata 0.41 G. americana 0.43
Simarouba amara 0.39 B. virgiloides 0.41
Sloanea guianensis 0.34 M. salzmannii 0.41
Pterocarpus violaceus 0.32 E. ovata 0.39
Soroceae hilarii 0.31
(D.L = Dissimilarity Level).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e51290, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Ago. 28, 2023)
a second-order interaction between fragment,
season, and successional category (c2 =11.45,
df = 2, P = 0.0033). Additionally, evaluating all
the variables together, it was observed that the
proportion of early, secondary, and late sec-
ondary species changes according to the year,
fragment, and season. For example, the seed
number of secondary species was higher in
2015 than in 2016, however, the variation was
higher in the rural fragment in 2016 (1.52 times
more seeds in 2016) than in the urban one (1.06
times more seeds in 2016) (Fig. 7).
Fig. 6. Differences in seed abundance within the category of dispersal syndrome (zoochoric, anemochoric, and autochoric)
between Atlantic Forest fragments (rural and urban), years (2015 and 2016), and seasons (rain and dry).
Fig. 5. Differences in seed abundance within the habit category (tree, shrub, herbaceous, and woody climbers) between
Atlantic Forest fragments (rural and urban), and seasons (rain and dry).
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e51290, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Ago. 28, 2023)
Species richness, seed density and species
composition: Our findings show that the urban
fragment species richness was higher during
the two years and this superiority is maintained
due to the high number of species present dur-
ing the rainy season. During the dry season,
the urban fragment species richness reduces
and equals the rural fragment species richness.
Thus, the hypothesis of greater species richness
in the rural fragment was not accepted. This
behavior is opposite to that registered in the
literature, where is a trend of greater species
richness in rural fragments over time (Campos
et al., 2009; Cutway & Ehrenfeld, 2010; Freitas
et al., 2013; Knorr & Gottsberg, 2012; Overdyck
& Clarkson, 2012).
The greater species richness in urban frag-
ment can be explained by the peaks in the
phenological patterns of flowering occur con-
centrated both in the rainy season (Morellato
et al., 2013; Talora & Morellato, 2000), as in
the dry-rainy transient period (Medeiros et al.,
2007; Morellato et al., 2013); and fructification
peaks, although not seasonally patterned, tend
to occur more commonly in the rainy season
(Medeiros et al., 2007; Morellato et al., 2013;
Talora & Morellato, 2000). New studies are
needed to test this hypothesis.
Our hypothesis of greater seed density in
rural fragment was accepted. However, we veri-
fied that this superiority in not maintained over
time. The high seed density in the rural frag-
ment was a consequence of the high number
of dispersed diaspores during the rainy season
(Fig. 3). Therefore, the dry season contributed
little to the differences in seed density between
the fragments studied. The high seed density
in the rural fragment can be a reflect of the
increase in the number of vertebrates acting as
dispersing agents due to the greater food avail-
ability, and the species phenology that makes
up this area (Medeiros et al., 2007; Morellato
et al., 2013; Oliveira et al., 2011). According
to DeWalt et al. (2003), the abundance of
plants with fleshy fruits acts as a quality indi-
cator of habitat.
The compilation of the studies carried out
in tropical rainforests, that were developed
only in rural fragments or only in urban ones,
showed a great variation in the seed density, so
Fig. 7. Differences in seed abundance within the successional category (pioneer, early secondary, and late secondary -
Gandolfi et al., 1995) between Atlantic Forest fragments (rural and urban), years (2015 and 2016), and seasons (rain and
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e51290, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Ago. 28, 2023)
that in rural fragment (Cole et al., 2010; Freitas
et al., 2013; Knorr & Gottsberg, 2012; Overdyck
& Clarkson, 2012) the seed density was higher
than recorded for urban forests (Campos et
al., 2009; Cutway & Ehrenfeld, 2010; Overdyck
& Clarkson, 2012; Pivello et al., 2006). When
the seed density of rural and urban fragments
inserted in the same landscape is compared, as
in the case of this study, it is verified that the
seed number remains superior in the rural frag-
ment. Thus, we infer that the dynamics of soil
use in the rural fragment studied, such as the
use of fire, fertilizers, and pesticides, that occur
in some months of the dry season, probably did
not interfere in the action of pollinators and
dispersants in the rainy season, which may have
contributed to an increase in seed density of
this fragment during the rainy season.
The floristic composition of the seed rain
differed between the rural and urban fragments
for two years, confirming the hypothesis of this
study. In fact, the literature shows that sur-
rounding matrix of rural and urban fragments
may limit the dispersion of seeds and con-
sequently, reduce the entry of allochthonous
seeds. Over time, there is a growing trend in
the number of unique species in each fragment,
significantly increasing the dissimilarity (Cut-
way & Ehrenfeld, 2010; Overdyck & Clarkson,
2012; Pivello et al., 2006). In this sense, our
results indicate that the differences in floristic
composition between the fragments may have
been in response to the process of urbaniza-
tion and rise of agricultural frontiers. These
processes promote a significant reduction in
the ecosystem services of habitat and resource
to wildlife, and microclimate for the establish-
ment and growth of plants. Consequently, there
may be a significant reduction in the pollina-
tion and dispersion of diasporas processes and,
therefore, causing changes in floristic composi-
tion (Benítez-Malvido et al., 2022; Overdyck &
Clarkson, 2012).
Functional Attributes: The variation in
the functional attributes of habit, dispersal
syndrome, and successional category were
explained by the variable surrounding matrix
of rural and urban fragments, confirming our
hypothesis. In general, the rural and urban frag-
ments presented a high density of tree seeds,
zoochoric, and pioneer species when compared
to the other habits, dispersal syndrome, and
successional category. However, the proportion
of these attributes of seed rain changed accord-
ing to the studied fragment, with the rural
one presenting a greater number of tree seeds,
zoochoric, and pioneers than the urban.
It is probable that greatest quantity of seeds
with these functional attributes in the rural
fragment results from the phenology of the
species that make up this area, and the great
availability of fleshy fruits that are attractive
to the dispersing animals. For the pioneer spe-
cies, the high quantity of seeds may indicate
that the forest has not reached maturity, or that
maturity has been reached, but the presence of
some natural or anthropic disturbance, such as
the opening of clearings, has led to the appear-
ance of a greater number of these species. The
high representativeness of trees, zoochoric, and
pioneer species corroborates the assumptions
reported by several authors that in tropical
rainforests (rural or urban) and specifically in
the Atlantic Forest, there is a domain of tree
habit, zoochoric dispersion, and early succes-
sion species (Cole et al., 2010; Marangon et al.,
2010; Oliveira et al., 2011).
In addition, the opening of clearing can
be contributed to an increase in the wind inci-
dence and greater light input, easing the disper-
sion of anemochoric seeds and the emergence
of pioneer species that produce small and light
seeds (César et al., 2017; Plohák et al., 2021).
Therefore, we infer that the canopy disconti-
nuity due to the presence of clearings, as well
as the increase in the velocity of the winds in
the dry season of the studied urban fragment,
may have favored the displacement of woody
climbing plant seeds because they are small and
because they are light.
Finally, our findings show that the spe-
cies richness, seed density, and floristic com-
position were influenced by the surrounding
matrix of rural and urban fragments over time.
There was greater species richness in the urban
14 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e51290, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Ago. 28, 2023)
fragment and higher seed density in the rural
fragment. Seed input is more intense during the
rainy season in the rural fragment and similar
between seasons in the urban fragment. The
species recorded in the seed rain of the rural
fragment are not the same as those recorded
in the urban fragment. During the two years of
study, the rural and urban fragments presented
a high seeds density of tree, zoochoric dispersal
syndrome, and pioneer species.
Our results suggest that landscape distur-
bance measures can be effectively used to assess
the impact of land use in seed rain studies,
especially in urban and rural fragments. How-
ever, it is necessary to identify the cause-effect
relationship of the impact from different uses
of the surrounding soil, and the characteristics
of the plants in larger time series. This investi-
gation will be useful in the current and future
management of remnants of rural and urban
fragments. Future studies could sample more
forest fragment in rural and urban conditions
to identify process governing the seed rain.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
See supplementary material: a47v71n1-ms1
The authors thank the State Environmen-
tal Agency (CPRH) and the administrators of
the study remnants for the authorization to
carry out this research (Forest Wildlife Refuge
of the Gurjaú System and the State Park Dois
Irmãos), and for all the logistical support; to the
researchers of the laboratory of Plant Ecology
Laboratory of Natural Ecosystems (LEVEN)
for the support; to Dárdano de Andrade-Lima
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