Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: 51382, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 04, 2023)
Community structure of raptors in the páramo landscape
of the Ecuadorian Andes
Santiago Barros1*; http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2647-6579
Paul Porras1; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0428-9070
Boris Landázuri1; http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5034-124X
David C. Siddons1; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3305-2969
Steven C. Latta2; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3789-9470
Pedro X. Astudillo1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9945-9414
1. Laboratorio de Ecología, Escuela de Biología, Universidad del Azuay, Cuenca, Ecuador; jsanty.b1@gmail.com
(Correspondence*); paulporraspolo@gmail.com; borisland004@gmail.com; dsiddons@uazuay.edu.ec;
2. National Aviary, Allegheny Commons West, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA; steven.latta@aviary.org
Received 01-VII-2022. Corrected 05-X-2022. Accepted 13-IV-2023.
Introduction: Habitat alterations result in biodiversity loss, particularly in regions with high levels of diversity
and endemism. Raptors are an essential part of the functionality and stability of ecosystems and indicators of
habitat quality. In the paramo grassland ecosystems in the high Andes of Northern South America, raptors con-
tain a high concentration of threatened species.
Objective: To describe the raptor community structure and determine the species associations.
Methods: We made monthly raptor counts in eight transects from October 2021 to September 2022 and used a
principal component analysis to determine species associations.
Results: We identified 149 individuals (seven species, three families) in two communities: abundant
(Carunculated Caracara, Variable Hawk, Andean Condor and Turkey Vulture; PCI = 47 %), and scarce
(Cinereous Harrier, Peregrine Falcon and Aplomado Falco; PCII = 27 %).
Conclusion: We provide a valid description and understanding of raptor community structure, identifying two
communities and the dynamics between them. The first is characterized by an increased abundance of general-
ist and regionally common species, when the abundance of these species decreases, the second community is
defined, characterized by an increase in the abundance of specialist and rare species at the local scale.
Key words: Macizo del Cajas biosphere reserve; protected areas; field methods; raptor census; community
Estructura de la comunidad de rapaces en el paisaje de páramo de los Andes ecuatorianos.
Introducción: Las alteraciones del hábitat provocan la pérdida de biodiversidad, especialmente en regiones con
altos niveles de diversidad y endemismo. Las aves rapaces son una parte esencial de la funcionalidad y estabili-
dad de los ecosistemas, y son indicadores de la calidad del hábitat. En los ecosistemas de páramo en los Andes
del norte de Sudamérica, hay una concentración de especies rapaces amenazadas.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e51382, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 04, 2023)
Habitat alterations associated with glob-
al changes negatively influence ecosystems
(Hooper et al., 2012). For instance, in tropical
montane areas there is an urgent need to moni-
tor biodiversity (Rakotomalala et al., 2021;
Roach et al., 2020). For example, in regions
of high diversity and endemism, such as the
tropical high Andes, rapid land-use change
results in an increase in habitat degradation,
and this conversion of natural habitats is linked
to a biodiversity loss (Myers et al., 2000). Birds
are indicators of ecosystem health, being an
integral component of habitats and important
to ecosystem services (Hudson et al., 2014;
Sekercioglu, 2006). Raptors and scavengers
provide important services such as prey con-
trol and recycling of carcasses, which controls
the spread of diseases (Bregman et al., 2014;
Sekercioglu, 2006). Raptors are directly related
to ecosystem health and are also considered
indicator species because they have differ-
ent degrees of sensitivity as their presence or
absences indicates habitat changes (Butet et al.,
2022; Pruscini et al., 2016; Sekercioglu, 2006).
The páramo is a distinctive ecosystem of
the high Andes of Northern South America
(Neill, 1999). Here, raptors stand out as a com-
munity with a high concentration of threatened
species, whose populations are in persistent
decline due to illegal hunting and habitat
loss (Ballejo et al., 2018; Naveda-Rodríguez
et al., 2016; Plaza & Lambertucci, 2020).
Important threatened species in this commu-
nity include Vultur gryphus (Andean Condor),
Falco peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon), Falco
femoralis (Aplomado Falcon) and endemics
such as Phalcoboenus carunculatus (Caracara
Curiquingue) (Fjeldsa & Krabbe, 1990; Freile
& Restall 2018; Freile et al., 2019; Ridgely &
Greenfield, 2001; Stattersfield et al., 1998).
Therefore, to improve monitoring efforts for
the high Andean raptor community, formal
descriptions of field methods and data analy-
sis of the community assemblage is crucial in
order to improve management and conserva-
tion plans in the region.
In the páramo landscape of the Southern
Andes of Ecuador, preliminary monitoring
efforts have focused on intensive searches and
ecological modelling at a species scale (i.e.,
species-by-species manner), notably include
threatened species such as V. gryphus (e.g.,
Astudillo et al., 2011; Astudillo et al., 2016;
Naveda et al., 2016). However, no efforts have
concentrated on the entire raptor community.
Furthermore, the raptor community is charac-
terised by low population densities across large
areas (Newton, 1979; Pruscini et al., 2016),
resulting in limited efforts to monitor the entire
raptor community, as well as complications in
data analyses due to low detections, evidencing
the need for robust monitoring and analysing
protocols. In this context, the present study
assesses the high Andean raptor community in
Objetivo: Describir la estructura de la comunidad de aves rapaces y determinar las asociaciones entre las
Métodos: Hicimos conteos mensuales de rapaces en ocho transectos, de octubre 2021 a setiembre 2022 y usamos
un análisis de componentes principales para determinar las asociaciones entre especies.
Resultados: Identificamos 149 individuos (siete especies, tres familias) en dos comunidades: abundantes (e.g.,
Caracara Curiquingue, Gavilán Variable, Cóndor Andino y Gallinazo Cabecirrojo; PCI = 47 %), y poco abun-
dantes (e.g., Caracara Curiquingue, Gavilán Variable, Cóndor Andino y Gallinazo Cabecirrojo; PCII = 27 %).
Conclusiones: Nuestro enfoque proporciona una descripción y comprensión válida de la estructura de la comu-
nidad de rapaces. Identificamos dos comunidades y la dinámica entre ellas. La primera se caracteriza por una
mayor abundancia de especies generalistas y regionalmente comunes, cuando la abundancia de estas especies
disminuye, se define la segunda comunidad, caracterizada por un aumento de la abundancia de especies espe-
cialistas y raras a escala local.
Palabras clave: reserva de la biosfera Macizo del Cajas; áreas protegidas; métodos de campo; monitoreo de
rapaces; análisis de la comunidad.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: 51382, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 04, 2023)
the páramo grassland ecosystem of Southern
Andes of Ecuador through annual monitoring
across transects. Community structure is then
explored by means of multivariate analysis (i.e.,
principal components) to determine the species
associations that comprise the community.
Study area: Our study was carried out the
core area of the Macizo del Cajas biosphere
reserve in 31 761 ha (3 % of the biosphere
reserve) of protected páramos in the province
of Azuay, Southern Ecuador (Fig. 1). The
study boundaries include the Quimsacocha
National Recreation Area and buffer zone (i.e.,
10 km radius; 3°3’16” S & 79°14’ 56” W). The
monitoring encompassed around 7 434 ha (i.e.,
monitoring area influence; Fig. 1). The land-
scape is characterized by an irregular topogra-
phy composed of deep, U-shaped valleys, steep
slopes, with rivers on the valley floors and rock
mounds at mountain tops (Rodríguez et al.,
2014). The elevational range in the study area
is 3 430 m.a.s.l. to 3 900 m.a.s.l. The monthly
average temperature is 5.4 °C with a maximum
of 13.8 °C and a minimum of -0.9 °C. Annual
rainfall varies from 1 000 mm to 1 250 mm. The
highest precipitation occurs between December
and May (Campozano et al., 2016; Ochoa-Sán-
chez et al., 2018). The vegetation is dominated
by páramo grassland (90 % of the vegetation
cover), an open habitat with herbaceous plants
(mainly of the genus Calamagrostis) aggre-
gated in tussocks, and associated with shrubby
plants of the genera Chuquiraga, Gynoxys,
Monticalia, Valeriana and Loricaria (Baquero
et al., 2004; Neill, 1999).
Bird monitoring: Raptor monitoring fol-
lowed the protocols described by Astudillo et
al., (2011) adapted from Ralph et al., (1996) for
the Southern Andes of Ecuador. In total, eight
Fig. 1. Map showing the study area and location of eight transects for raptor monitoring in the páramo ecosystem, high Andes
of Southern Ecuador. The grey shaded polygon represents the Quimsacocha National Recreation Area. The monitoring area
influence is 7 434 ha. The secondary map shows the province of Azuay (grey polygon) in Ecuador.
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e51382, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 04, 2023)
transects of 2 km in length separated by at least
700 m were established. The distance between
transects was defined to ensure data indepen-
dence. All transects were located in wide-open
sites to ensure an observation radius of at least
1 km. To avoid double counting, censuses were
carried out by two observers who walked each
transect at a constant speed and recorded all
raptor individuals seen, including those flying
overhead. Transects were surveyed only on
days with good weather conditions, avoiding
periods of rain, fog, and low visibility. Each
transect was conducted for three hours once a
month from October 2021 to September 2022,
with surveys occurring between the hours
of 07:00 to 17:00. The total surveying effort
was 288 hours of observation. The transects
were walked in a random order each month.
Taxonomic identification of species follows the
classification of the South American Classifi-
cation Committee (Remsen et al., 2021).
Data analysis: Total abundance was con-
sidered as the sum of all individuals per species
and per transect (Nur et al., 1999). Community
structure was described by principal compo-
nent analysis (PCA) (Gewers et al., 2021;
Huettmann & Diamond, 2001). This technique
is one of the most widely used approaches for
the analysis and description for biological com-
munity data (Vaughan & Ormerod, 2005). The
PCA is effective in solving problems associ-
ated with different numbers of variables (e.g.,
species), multicollinearity and small sample
sizes (Graham, 2003; Jankowski et al., 2009).
Therefore, we used a PCA ordination, based
on a correlation matrix of species abundances
against sites. The most important components
of this ordination were then chosen via the
broken-stick method (Jackson, 1993). Sites and
species were projected onto a two-dimensional
space defined by the chosen components (i.e.,
biplot), sites closer to each other within the
two-dimensional space are considered more
similar (Jankowski et al., 2009; Palacio et
al., 2020); this graphical visualization of the
biological data allows us to make a global
description of the variation in the community
data (i.e., species and sites).
We used the loadings of PCA to interpret
the model (correlation coefficient between the
species abundance and the principal component
scores), which utilizes the relative contribution
of each variable to each component (Palacio
et al., 2020). To define the raptor community
as a species set, we considered only loadings
with values 0.25 as a conservative threshold
(i.e., 75 % of the data is retained) to summarise
each component.
In order to identify the species that inte-
grate each raptor community, we explored an
additional graphical option. We created scat-
terplot with PCI and PCII scores for each site
versus the abundance of each species per site
to visualise the importance of species com-
prising each community component (i.e., PCI
and PCII). Species within each community
were identified via establishing cut-off points;
these points are limits of a given graph section
where changes in the abundance of species can
be easily identified (i.e., through an increase
or decrease in the abundance of species, and/
or the appearance or disappearance of other
species) (Ballance et al., 1997; Huettmann &
Diamond, 2001). In other words, the scatterplot
allows us to visualise a dramatic or evident
change in abundance of species associated with
In total, 149 individuals were recorded
associated with seven species and three fami-
lies (Table 1). The most abundant species was
P. carunculatus (51.7 % of records), followed
by Geranoaetus polyosoma (Variable Hawk)
(27.5 % of records) and Cathartes aura (Tur-
key Vulture) (12.7 % of records). The least
abundant was V. gryphus (Andean Condor) (4
% of records), F. femoralis (Aplomado Falcon)
(2 % of records), Circus Cinereus (Cinereous
Harrier) (1.7 % of records) and F. peregrinus
(Peregrine Falcon) (< 1 % of records).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: 51382, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 04, 2023)
Community structure: The first three
components of our PCA explain 91 % of the
total variance in the occurrence of seven raptor
species in eight transects in the páramo grass-
land ecosystem (Table 2). However, through
the broken-stick method, only the first two
components were retained (74 %). The first
component (PCI = 47.4 %) reflects a gradient
of change from lower abundance to increased
abundance of P. carunculatus, G. polyosoma,
V. gryphus and C. aura; while the second com-
ponent (PCII = 27 %) reflects a gradient of
change from lower to higher abundance of C.
cinereus (Cinereous Harrier), F. peregrinus and
F. femoralis (Table 2).
The community ordination (2D solution)
showed that PCI is represented by transects
composed of more abundant or common spe-
cies (e.g., P. carunculatus and G. polyosoma)
and are located towards the right side of the
biplot (Fig. 2). The PCII axis is represented by
transects that are composed of the less abun-
dant or rare species (e.g., C. cinereus and F.
peregrinus) and are located towards the upper
side of the biplot (Fig. 2).
By visually identification of the species
composing the raptor community (Fig. 3), cut-
off points were determined for each component.
In the community represented by the PCI, the
abundance of more common species increases
at PCA-derived scores greater than 2.86 (Fig.
3A); while in the community represented by the
PCII, the abundance of rare species increases at
scores greater than 2 (Fig. 3B); these changes
show a gradient of variation in the abundance
of the raptor community.
The patterns of raptor diversity observed
during the surveys are consistent with the gen-
eral patterns reported for the páramos in the
List of raptor species and their total abundances recorded at eight transects in the páramo grassland ecosystem, high Andes
of Southern Ecuador from October 2021 to September 2022.
Order Family Common name Species Code Abundance
Cathartiformes Cathartidae Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura CAAU 19 (mean = 2.38; ± SD = 1.60)
Andean Condor Vultur gryphus VUGR 6 (mean = 0.75; ± SD = 1.16)
Accipitriformes Accipitridae Variable Hawk Geranoaetus polyosoma GEPO 41 (mean = 5.13; ± SD = 4.22)
Cinereous Harrier Circus Cinereus CICI 2 (mean = 0.25; ± SD = 0.46)
Falconiformes Falconidae Aplomado Falcon Falco femoralis FAFE 3 (mean = 0.38; ± SD = 0.74)
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus FAPE 1 (mean = 0.13; ± SD = 0.35)
Carunculated Caracara Phalcoboenus carunculatus PHCA 77 (mean = 9.63; ± SD = 9.29)
Loadings of the first three components of the principal component analysis (PCA) for seven raptor species recorded at eight
transects in the páramo grassland ecosystem, high Andes of Southern Ecuador
Species PCI (47.4 %) PCII (27 %) PCIII (16 %)
Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura)0.421 0.253
Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus)0.438 -0.413
Variable Hawk (Geranoaetus polyosoma)0.448 -0.267
Cinereous Harrier (Circus cinereus)0.683
Aplomado Falcon (Falco femoralis)0.339 -0.736
Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus)0.326 0.491 0.343
Carunculated Caracara (Phalcoboenus carunculatus)0.531
The first two PCA components were chosen to determine community structure, no loadings < 0.25 are shown (see methods).
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e51382, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 04, 2023)
Southern Andes of Ecuador (e.g., Astudillo et
al., 2015). Our analysis of the occurrence of
seven raptor species in eight transects in the
páramo grassland ecosystem of the Macizo del
Cajas biosphere reserve revealed two distinct
raptor communities. Differences in these two
communities as revealed by a PCA are related
to species abundance. One community is char-
acterized by a higher abundance of generalist
as well as regionally common or uncommon
species. However, when the abundance of these
common species decreases, the raptor com-
munity is characterised by an increase in the
abundance of specialist and rare species at the
local scale. Competition among species for the
limited resources in this ecosystem is probably
a potential factor that may explain the varia-
tions in the raptor community.
The first community is comprised of spe-
cies that are more typical of the páramo land-
scape, particular across the study area. Species
associations including G. polyosoma and P.
carunculatus are expected, as these raptors are
common and widely distributed in páramo eco-
system (Astudillo et al., 2015; Freile & Restall,
2018). However, our results also show that the
common species that integrate the community
may also be associated with species such as
V. gryphus and C. aura. The former species is
reported as rare in the páramos due to its low
population densities (Freile & Restall, 2018;
Naveda-Rodríguez et al., 2016), while the lat-
ter is generally rare in the páramo (Astudillo et
al., 2015; Olmedo, 2019). On the other hand, V.
gryphus and C. aura are both scavengers and
their occurrence has been previously linked to
Fig. 2. Ordination biplot of the raptor community recorded in eight transects (green circles) in the páramo grassland
ecosystem, high Andes of Southern Ecuador. The ordination shows the first two components of the principal component
analysis (PCA). The arrows describe the loadings of the species that integrate the raptor community. Blue lines represent
the vectors associated with species whose greatest contribution is to the first component of the PCA (PCI) and those in red
for the second component of the PCA (PCII). For species codes refer to Table 1.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: 51382, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 04, 2023)
the presence of more common species, such as
P. carunculatus (Astudillo et al., 2011; Stuc-
chi & Figueroa, 2010). Peisley et al., (2017)
and Sekercioglu, (2006) mention that raptors
indirectly lead other species to prey or food
sources. In this context, in our study area, espe-
cially when G. polyosoma and P. carunculatus
were sighted together, the presence of V. gry-
phus tended to be more frequent. Our findings
demonstrate that a community dominated by
common species may also be integrated by less
common species important for conservation
(e.g., V. gryphus) and is therefore a characteris-
tic community of the regional páramo.
A second community consists of locally
rare species such as C. cinereus, F. femoralis
and F. peregrinus. These species forage rela-
tively close to páramo ground level, flying at
medium altitude and with a more localized
distribution (Freile & Restall, 2018; Ridgely &
Greenfield, 2001). Within this context, we con-
sider that competition between species of the
first community against. species of the second
community could play a fundamental role in
determining the structure of this second raptor
community (Ballejo et al., 2018; Donázar et
al., 2016; Han et al., 2021), where competitive
exclusion of certain species may occur when
they share a similar role (Sergio & Hiraldo,
2008; Vrezec & Tome, 2004). For example, C.
cinereus was observed more frequently when
P. carunculatus decreased in abundance at
transects, perhaps because both species have
similar ground-level foraging habits (Fjeld-
så & Krabbe, 1990; Freile & Restall, 2018;
Ridgely & Greenfield, 2001). However, more
Fig. 3. Scatterplot of abundance by species and their relationship to scores derived from principal component analysis (PCA)
for the raptor community surveyed at eight transects in the páramo grassland ecosystem, high Andes of Southern Ecuador.
A. corresponds to the community described within the first component of the PCA (PCI) and B. is the second community
described within the second component of the PCA (PCII). Grey arrows show cut-off points: > 2.86 for PCI and > 2 for
PCII (see methods). For species codes refer to Table 1.
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e51382, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 04, 2023)
studies are required to clarify this relationship.
For example, phylogenetic diversity could be
employed to understand whether competition
is an important factor in species assemblages
(e.g., Han et al., 2021).
Our method of characterizing raptor com-
munities through intensive walking transects
surveys and principal component analysis
proved to be valid for describing and helping
to understand páramo raptor community struc-
ture. The determination of cut-off points in the
analysis is appropriate to interpret and identify
changes in the raptor community. Huettmann &
Diamond, (2001), for example, mention that this
approach can be used when species abundances
are very low. Therefore, this approach is espe-
cially relevant in habitats where raptors have
been little studied due to their low densities and
wide distribution ranges such as high Andean
ecosystems. In addition, we have shown that
this approach represents a more comprehensive
monitoring protocol that encompasses the over-
all community assemblage rather than the more
common species-by-species assessment, which
fails to take into account possible interactions
between species. Furthermore, the approxima-
tion of principal components and their cut-off
points (based on PCA scores and the relation-
ship with their abundances) can be seen as an
alternative for understanding the importance
of species even when records are scarce. The
páramo regional application of the methods
described in this study could help to determine
species associations, its turnover and overlap
at a landscape scale. It can also be used as a
tool for recognising conservation priorities for
threatened species.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is
no conflict of interest of any kind; and that we
followed all pertinent ethical and legal proce-
dures and requirements. All financial sources
are fully and clearly stated in the acknowled-
gements section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
We thank the constant support to our
research activities of Jacinto Guillén, Raffaella
Ansaloni, and Andrés López, from Universidad
del Azuay. We thank Eduardo Barnuevo and
Bruno Timbe for their field assistance. We
also acknowledge Vicente Jaramillo, Soledad
Avendaño, Fernando Carrión and Scott Camp-
bell from Dundee Precious Metals, Ecuador
(DPMECUADOR S.A.) as well as Mark Thorpe
and Jorge Barreno for their continued support
to our research. The logistical support came
from Hari González and park manager staff of
Quimsacocha National Recreation Area, as well
as to Empresa Pública de Telecomunicaciones,
Agua Potable, Alcantarillado y Saneamiento de
Cuenca (ETAPA-EP). This study was funded
by Vicerrectorado de Investigaciones, Uni-
versidad del Azuay (under grant 2017-0131;
2018-003; 2022-0054), DPMECUADOR S.A.,
ETAPA-EP (under grant 78010200001) and
the Avian Conservation Endowment of the
National Aviary (USA).
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