Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e51599, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Jun. 28, 2023)
Dispersion of seeds at night and day in sub-Andean forests,
Cueva Los Guacharos Park, Colombia
Sebastián Bautista Plazas1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2739-038X
Pablo Roberto Stevenson Diaz1; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2394-447X
1. Laboratorio Ecología de Bosques Tropicales y Primatología, Universidad de los Andes, Carrera 1 No 18A 12, Bogotá
111711, Colombia; sebastianbautista386@gmail.com (*Correspondencia), pstevens@uniandes.edu.co
Received 30-VI-2022. Corrected 21-IV-2023. Accepted 23-VI-2023.
Introduction: Much has been argued about the importance of the role that different types of frugivores play as
seed dispersers in plant communities, but few studies have been actually carried out.
Objective: We evaluated and compared diurnal and nocturnal seed dispersal in primary and secondary sub-
Andean forests in Southern Colombia.
Methods: We estimated number and biomass (kg/ha) of seeds dispersed over one year (2017) using 60 fruit traps
that were checked before sunrise and before sunset for 10 continuous days every two months.
Results: We found that from 1 874 dispersed seeds, 55.8 % (10.9 kg/ha) were collected during the day and 44.2
% (6.39 kg/ha) at night. There were no significant differences between diurnal and nocturnal seed dispersal in
number of seeds or biomass. We also found no difference in seed dispersal between primary and secondary forest
over time. Within diurnal organisms, primates and fruit-eating birds appear to be primarily responsible for this
ecosystem service during the day; while bats, birds (e.g. oilbirds), and probably primates did so during the night.
Conclusions: Diurnal and nocturnal dispersal seem to be equal in terms of number and weight of seeds, but not
in the similarity of dispersed plant species. It remains a challenge to recognize the relative importance of differ-
ent fruit-eating organisms as seed dispersers using fruit trap methods.
Key words: seed dispersal; hanging seed traps; day and night frugivores; phenology; Andean forest.
Dispersión de semillas nocturna y diurna en un bosque sub-Andino,
Parque Cueva Los Guacharos, Colombia
Introducción: Mucho se ha discutido sobre la importancia del papel que juegan diferentes tipos de frugívoros
como dispersores de semillas en las comunidades vegetales, pero en realidad se han realizado pocos estudios.
Objetivo: Evaluamos y comparamos la dispersión diurna y nocturna de semillas en bosques subandinos prima-
rios y secundarios en el sur de Colombia.
Métodos: Estimamos el número y la biomasa (kg/ha) de semillas dispersadas durante un año (2017) utilizando
60 trampas de frutos que se revisaron antes del amanecer y antes del atardecer durante 10 días continuos cada
dos meses.
Resultados: Se encontró que, de 1 874 semillas dispersas, el 55.8 % (10.9 kg/ha) se recolectaron durante el día
y el 44.2 % (6.39 kg/ha) durante la noche. No hubo diferencias significativas entre la dispersión de semillas
diurna y nocturna en número de semillas o biomasa. Tampoco encontramos diferencias entre la dispersión de
semillas en el bosque primario y el bosque secundario a lo largo del tiempo. Dentro de los organismos diurnos,
los primates y las aves frugívoras parecen ser los principales responsables de este servicio ecosistémico durante
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e51599, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Jun. 28, 2023)
Seed dispersal is one of the most important
interactions in tropical forests (Howe & Small-
wood, 1982; Willson & Traveset, 2000). It is
fundamental for the subsistence of plant com-
munities over time (Cain et al., 2000; Chaz-
don, 2003; Stevenson, 2011), since frugivores
can modify demographic processes, population
dynamics, potential recruitment area, and den-
sity-dependent processes (Connell et al., 1984;
Janzen, 1971; Nathan & Muller-Landau, 2000;
Willson, 1993). Several organisms perform
seed dispersal services in different ecosystems,
where birds and mammals have been suggested
as the main ones dispersing seeds of many
tropical plant species (Howe, 1990).
Bats have been considered the main noc-
turnal seed dispersers (Fleming & Heithaus,
1981; Mello et al., 2011). Different studies
have cataloged bats as efficient seed dispersers
from a quantitative point of view, finding that
they move a high number of seeds by consum-
ing large amounts of fruit, even more than birds
(Brosset et al., 1996; Duncan & Chapman,
1999; Medellin & Gaona, 1999). Bats are also
effective seed dispersers, with high germina-
tion percentages after seeds pass through-
out their digestive system (Fleming, 1988;
Vasquez-Yanes & Orozco-Segovia, 1986).
Some authors highlight bats as important
seed dispersers because when defecating in
flight they are more likely to deposit seeds
in forest clearings and open areas than birds
and primates, playing a very important role
in forest regeneration (Korine & Kalko, 2005;
Thies & Kalko, 2004; Thomas et al., 1988).
For other nocturnal mammals such as opos-
sums (Didelphidae), raccoons and mountain
dogs (Procyonidae), and rodents (Rodentia)
efficient seed dispersal has also been observed
(Fleming & Williams, 1990; Howe, 1990;
Jansen et al. 2012).
In contrast, diurnal birds have been con-
sidered the main dispersers in a variety of
habitats (Howe, 1977; Wang & Smith, 2002;
Wenny et al., 2016). Birds have been described
as efficient seed dispersers due to their wide
home ranges, flight capacity, broad frugivo-
rous diet, and the likelihood of recruitment
(Herrera & Jordano, 1981; Levey et al., 2005;
Stiles, 1980). Due to the great morphologi-
cal, behavioural, and ecological diversity of
frugivorous birds, it has been found that they
are also important in the restoration of forests
and especially increasing the connectivity of
patches isolated as a consequence of forest
fragmentation, in addition to promoting plant
diversity (Carlo & Morales, 2016; Emer et al.,
2018). As a particular case in neotropical for-
ests is a nocturnal frugivorous bird known as
oilbird (Steatornis caripensis), which presents
a diverse diet of fruits and seeds, and a great
capacity to disperse a high number of seeds
(Stevenson et al., 2017).
On the other hand, in tropical zones, it has
been shown that diurnal primates play dispro-
portionate ecological roles as seed dispersers
(Link & Di Fiore, 2006). Because of their high
abundance and large size relative to other fru-
givores in many tropical forests (Bravo, 2012;
Campbell et al., 2016), their large biomass,
el día; mientras que los murciélagos, las aves (por ejemplo, los guácharos) y probablemente los primates lo
hicieron durante la noche.
Conclusiones: La dispersión diurna y nocturna parecen ser iguales en número y peso de semillas, pero no en
la similitud de especies de plantas dispersadas. Sigue siendo un desafío reconocer la importancia relativa de los
diferentes organismos frugívoros como dispersores de semillas utilizando métodos de trampa de frutos.
Palabras clave: dispersión de semillas; trampas colgantes de semillas; frugívoros diurnos y nocturnos; fenología;
bosque andino.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e51599, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Jun. 28, 2023)
and their ability to ingest large seeds, primates
are also considered efficient seed dispersers
(Chapman & Dunham, 2018; Stevenson et
al., 2005). Additionally, they disperse high
amounts of seeds over long distances, are effec-
tive seed dispersers, and their seed dispersal
pattern shows a high correlation with seedling
recruitment (Gelmi-Candusso et al., 2019; Ste-
venson et al., 2002; Zárate et al., 2019).
The purpose of this study is to compare
daytime and nighttime seed dispersal, as an
approximation to seed dispersal roles of diurnal
and nocturnal arboreal and flying frugivores in
a secondary and primary sub-Andean forest
of Colombia. We expect to find differences in
the amount, biomass and species of seeds dis-
persed between day and night.
Study area: The study was conducted in
the Cueva de Los Guácharos National Natural
Park (PNNCG) located in the department of
Huila and the Southwestern part of the depart-
ment of Caquetá (Colombia). The predominant
habitat is a sub-Andean forest, both primary
and secondary, the latter being a forest with a
growth close to 40 years (Prada & Stevenson,
2016). The study area is on average at 2 000
m.a.s.l. with a mean temperature of 18.8 °C.
The annual precipitation is 2 284 mm and the
rainy season presents a bimodal pattern with
a first peak between March and June, and a
second peak between September and October.
Species richness of different organism groups
has been partially registered for PNNCG. Prada
and Stevenson (2016) report 458 species/mor-
phospecies of trees, about 200 bird species
(Stevenson et al., 2022), 10 species of medium
and large mammals (Gast & Stevenson, 2021),
11 species of small nonflying mammals (Bau-
tista-Plazas et al., 2017), 5 species of primates
(Vargas et al., 2014) and 25 species of bats
(Walteros-Vergara, 2018).
Seed dispersal: Hanging traps of 0.56 m²
were used to capture the dispersed seeds, the
porosity of the traps was < 1 mm to ensure
that small seed species were represented in the
study. The material was cloth and they were
tied to four nearby trees, following the recom-
mendations of Stevenson & Vargas (2008). A
total of 60 traps were arranged in four 1 km
long linear transects, two of these transects
were placed in the secondary forest and two in
the primary forest, each with 15 hanging traps.
The location of each trap within the transect
was determined by three random numbers: 1.
The space between adjacent traps (between 15
and 20 m), 2. The side of the trails (right or
left), and 3. The distance to the trails (between
1 and 10 m).
Traps of each transect were checked before
sunrise (5:00) and before sunset (17:00) for
10 continuous days every two months (Febru-
ary, April, June, August, October, December)
throughout 2017. Once the contents were col-
lected, the seeds were identified at the species
level when possible. This material was dried
in a portable oven at an average temperature
of 60 °C to achieve constant dry weight. Then,
we counted the number of dispersed seeds and
estimated the biomass of dispersed seeds (kg/
ha) (Stevenson, 2004). Seeds were classified as
dispersed when they were associated with dung
and all the adult trees, lianas, and shrubs within
a 10 m radius of each hanging trap were identi-
fied to discern whether the seeds deposited in
the trap were dispersed or came from nearby
parents (Stevenson, 2007). Besides, it was cor-
roborated that they were dispersed seeds since
there were no immature fruits, whole fruits, or
flowers of the same species in each trap.
Statistical analysis: A linear mixed model
was used to evaluate the fixed effects as time
(day/night) and forest type (primary/second-
ary), and month as a random effect (Febru-
ary, April, June, August, October, December),
on the logarithm of the number of dispersed
seeds and the logarithm of dispersed seeds
biomass (kg/ha). The linear mixed model was
carried out using “lme4” and “lmerTest” pack-
ages from software R 4.2.3 (R Core Team,
2023). We also estimated random effects for
each month and their interval estimate using
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e51599, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Jun. 28, 2023)
“merTools” package. We calculate similarity
between seed species dispersed in the day and
seeds dispersed in the night with the Jaccard
similarity index using “Vegan” package.
A total of 93 species of seeds were identi-
fied, 65 species were dispersed during the day
and 56 during the night. We found that around
half of the species dispersed in the day were not
shared with the species dispersed in the night
(Jaccard similarity index = 0.54). Twenty-eight
species were exclusively dispersed during the
night and 37 during the day.
The plant species with the highest seed
biomass dispersed during the day were Alcho-
rnea grandis, Tapirira guianensis subandina,
Chamaedorea linearis, Guettarda crispiflora,
and Rollinia dolichopetala. On the other hand,
the plant species with the highest seed biomass
dispersed at night were Tapirira g. subandina,
Sapium stylare, Hyeronima huilensis, Rollinia
dolichopetala and Anthurium multinervium.
The plant species with the highest number
of seeds dispersed during the day were Ficus
sp.1, Cecropia telenitida, Solanum sp.1, Morus
insignis, and Cecropia angustifolia. In contrast,
at night the highest number of dispersed seeds
were recorded for Ficus sp.1, Cecropia teleni-
tida, Anthurium multinervium, Solanum sp.1,
and Hieronyma andina.
We recorded a total of 1 874 effectively
dispersed seeds, of which 1 046 (55.8 %) were
collected during the day and 828 (44.2 %) at
night. The total dispersed seed biomass was
higher in the day with 10.96 kg/ha, while for
night it was 6.39 kg/ha; however, the variation
was large and no significant differences were
found (T = -1.25, P = 0.22, Fig. 1A). Similarly,
no significant differences were found between
Fig. 1. A. Biomass of seeds dispersed (kg/ha) day and night at secondary and primary forest in PNNCG. B. The number of
seeds dispersed day and night at secondary and primary forest in PNNCG.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e51599, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Jun. 28, 2023)
the number of seeds dispersed during the day
and night (T = 0.18, P = 0.85, Fig. 1B).
In the primary forest, a total of 995 seeds
were dispersed (551 during the day and 444 at
night) and 879 (495 during the day and 384 at
night) in the secondary forest, no significant
differences were found in the number of seeds
between forest types (T = 0.41, P = 0.68, Fig.
1B). Additionally, we did not observe a sig-
nificant difference between the primary and
secondary forests in the biomass of dispersed
seeds (T = 1.58, P = 0.13, Fig.1A), a total of
10.79 kg/ha of seeds was dispersed in the pri-
mary forest and 6.57 kg/ha in the secondary
forest. No significant differences were found
in the number or biomass (kg/ha) of seeds
dispersed between the months sampled. How-
ever, April and August recorded the highest
number and biomass of dispersed seeds, while
in October and December the lowest seed dis-
persion (Fig. 2).
Both, birds and bats, have been widely
regarded as the main seed dispersers of day and
night seeds respectively, in terms of the num-
ber of seeds transported (Fleming & Heiathus,
1981; Janson, 1983; Levey et al., 2002; Mello
et al., 2015; Wenny & Levey, 1998). In this
study, we did not observe marked differences
in the number of seeds dispersed during the
day and night, nor in the number of plant spe-
cies dispersed in these two periods. Our results
agree with what was found for trees isolated
within grasslands by Galindo-González et al.
(2000), however, for other tropical forests, a
greater dispersion of seeds by one of the two
Fig. 2. A. Biomass of seeds dispersed (kg/ha) through the year at PNNCG. B. The number of seeds dispersed through the
year at PNNCG.
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e51599, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Jun. 28, 2023)
large groups (birds or bats) has been reported
(Gonzales et al., 2009; Ingle, 2003; Jacomassa
& Pizo, 2010;).
We did not find a greater nocturnal seed
dispersal for any of the studied forests (pri-
mary and secondary), although we observed
a slightly higher seed biomass at night in
secondary forests than in primary forests. This
contrasts with what was found by other authors
where bats are more important in successional
forest states where they disperse significantly
more seeds and are important for the natural
regeneration of ecosystems (Duncan & Chap-
man, 1999; Medellin & Gaona, 1999). This can
be explained by the fact that secondary forests
in the study area are relatively old (ca. 40 years
in recovery).
Similarly, it has been suggested that birds
have greater importance in terms of seed dis-
persal within mature forests than in disturbed
forest in recovery and with fragmentation
(Ingle, 2003; Whittaker & Jones, 1994). How-
ever other studies support that seed dispersal by
birds is crucial in forest regeneration for dis-
turbed habitats (Carlo & Morales, 2016; Saave-
dra et al., 2014). In our case, although there are
no notable differences in diurnal seed dispersal
between primary and secondary forests, our
results show a greater value in both the number
of seeds and the biomass of seeds dispersed by
diurnal animals for the secondary forest.
For our study forest, there was high vari-
ability in the dispersion of seeds at day and
night, being slightly higher during the day both
in biomass and number of dispersed seeds. The
slightly higher biomass and seed count during
the day is expected since not only bird drop-
pings but also primate droppings were found in
seed traps collected at day-time In the PNNCG
study site, it has been reported that the most
abundant primates in the area are the woolly
monkeys (Lagothrix lagothricha) who disperse
a large number of seeds, with an average of
11 000 seeds km² day-¹ (Ramírez et al., 2014).
This explains the high dispersion of large seeds
such as Tapirira g. subandina, Sapium stylare,
and Rollinia dolichopetala which are known to
be heavily consumed and dispersed by woolly
monkeys (Ramírez et al., 2014). Additionally,
in the area there are other species of primates
such as Sapajus apella, Alouatta seniculus and
Saimiri sciurus, which could also disperse large
seeds (Chapman, 1995), but occur at very low
density (Vargas et al., 2014).
Within the seeds dispersed at night, we
found a high number of seeds from Tapirira g.
subandina which is the most important plant
for the population of woolly monkeys and has
not been reported in the diet of bats. Therefore,
we believe that this species and other plants
preferred by monkeys (e.g. Rollinia dolichope-
tela) are dispersed during nighttime by pri-
mates in their sleeping trees. These nocturnal
depositions by primates are important and
should be considered for nocturnal dispersal
as they can comprise up to 19 % of the total
seeds dispersed during the day by primates
(Stevenson, 2007). We cannot rule out that
these seeds were dispersed by other nocturnal
organisms such as nocturnal monkeys (Aotus
sp), Potos flavus, or marsupials, but presum-
ably, the effect of the wooly monkeys could
be greater, given their high abundance (ca. 20
individuals/km2) (Vargas et al. 2014). It is also
important to bear in mind that the study area
has a large oilbird colony (Steatornis carip-
ensis). This species could also be responsible
for nocturnal seed dispersal of species such as
Chamaedorea linearis, Hedyosmum cuatreca-
zannum and Nectandra sp. which are part of
the diet of this nocturnal bird (Stevenson et al.,
2017). Nevertheless, nocturnal seeds dispersal
from species such as Tapirira g. subandina,
Rollinia dolichopetala and Hieronyma huilen-
sis, probably come from diurnal frugivores,
because of their size and not being registered
in the oilbird’s diet.
Our observations indicated that the trends
in both the number and amount of biomass of
seeds dispersed at night and daytime generally
kept the same trend overtime with April being
the month of greatest dispersal and October
the one with the least dispersal. Seed dispersal
at this location seems to be affected mainly
by changes in fruit production throughout
the year. In fact, the months with higher fruit
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e51599, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Jun. 28, 2023)
production also showed a peak in the number of
dispersed seeds (Bautista, unpublished). Addi-
tionally, when there is greater production of
fruits, more visits of fruit eaters are expected.
So, it seems that it could be important in future
studies to evaluate productivity as predictor
of the amount of seed dispersion, as has been
observed in other studies (Albrecht et al. 2012;
Hampe, 2008).
Knowing the dispersion of seeds in for-
ests with different degrees of disturbance is of
vital importance to understand the processes
of natural regeneration (Gorchov et al., 1993;
Uriarte & Chazdon, 2016). It is also essential to
estimate the contribution of different organisms
to the seed rain of particular species within
the plant community (Howe, 1990). From the
results found in this study, we can say that for
the primary and the old secondary sub-Andean
forests of the PNNCG, share many frugivores
such as primates and birds (Vargas et al., 2014),
which may explain the lack of differences in
diurnal and nocturnal dispersal.
Our main conclusion was diurnal and
nocturnal dispersal but that is not saying much
about seed dispersal by birds and primates vs.
bats, and that in natural tropical forests the
role of primates and nocturnal birds might be
substantial, where they reach high densities and
are not subject to hunting (Howe, 1990; Ste-
venson, 2011; Stevenson et al., 2017; Wright
et al., 2000). For this reason, it is imperative
to generate conservation strategies to protect
the different species of seed-dispersing organ-
isms, since the persistence of multiple species
and ecosystems depends on them (Chazdon &
Guariguata, 2016; Kozlowski, 2002). By pre-
serving these organisms, damages to the plant
community such as deforestation, fragmenta-
tion, and loss of species can be ameliorated
and remedied (Bacles et al., 2006; Cramer et
al., 2007; McConkey et al., 2012; Ozinga et al.,
2009), because frugivores help in the processes
of regeneration and restoration of degraded
forests (Parrotta et al., 1997).
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is no
conflict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledgments
section. A signed document has been filed in
the journal archives.
To the PNNCG staff for their collaboration
and hospitality. We thank Alejandro Nassar,
Juliana Penagos and Carolina Garcia for their
contribution taking data on dispersed seeds.
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