Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e53145, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 30, 2023)
Reintroduction and monitoring of the bird Amazona aestiva
(Psittaciformes: Psittacidae) in Brazil
Ricardo Evangelista Fraga1, 2; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9345-4869
Caio Márcio Rodrigues Santos2; https://orcid.org/0009-0005-0074-1858
Ramona Soares Silva2; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1176-1986
Rayana Emanuelle Rocha Teixeira1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5287-2853
Laize Tomazi1; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0977-8508
Márcio Borba da Silva1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6497-7924
Cleverson Zapelini2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0796-1563
Alexandre Schiavetti2*; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8429-7646
1. Multidisciplinary Institute in Health, Federal University of Bahia, Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, Brazil;
ricardoefraga@hotmail.com, rayemanuelle27@gmail.com, laizetomazi@yahoo.com.br,
2. Laboratory of Ethnoconservation and Protected Areas (LECAP), State University of Santa Cruz, Ilhéus,
Brazil; caiorodrigues.s@hotmail.com, ramonacte@hotmail.com, czapelini@yahoo.com.br, aleschi@uesc.br
Received 14-XI-2022. Corrected 20-III-2023. Accepted 16-V-2023.
Introduction: Reintroduction is a procedure used to reestablish wild animal populations.
Objective: To evaluate the success of reintroducing Amazona aestiva and investigate whether abiotic factors
(temperature, humidity, and luminosity) interfere with the search for food supplementation in feeders installed
in the release area.
Methods: Pre-release evaluations were initiated with 59 Amazonas spp. Tests were run to stool parasitological
tests, leukocytes, flight capacity, and level of animal-human interaction. In all, 33 animals were selected and
sent to the release area, which is an ecotone between the Atlantic Forest and the Caatinga biomes. After release,
visits to the feeders and survival in the area were monitored for a year. Abiotic factors were also recorded in
these periods.
Results: The stool parasitological tests revealed the presence of Heterakis spp. and Eimeira spp. The leukocyte
parameters were within the reference values for the species. At least 50 % of the released animals survived after
one year, with recordings of reproductive events. Abiotic factors did not interfere with the animal visits to the
feeder. However, the variable humidity best explained visits in the morning, while the variables temperature and
luminosity most influenced visits in the afternoon.
Conclusion: The reintroduction observed and presented here is on the threshold of being classified as success-
ful. The installed feeders and artificial nests caused the animals to stay in the area for monitoring. Abiotic factors
may influence daily behavioral decision-making related to the use of supplementary feeding in reintroduced
Key words: turquoise-fronted parrot; CETAS; monitoring post-release; food supplementation; seasonal
https://doi.org/ 10.15517/rev.biol.trop..v71i1.53145
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e53145, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 30, 2023)
Amazona aestiva (Linneaus, 1758), known
as the turquoise-fronted parrot, is a species of
Neotropical parrot widely distributed in eco-
systems in Brazil such as humid forests, caat-
inga, and cerrado (Sick, 2001). Although the
species is considered of “Near Threatened “ for
the risk of extinction (IUCN, 2018), the popula-
tion has been gradually decreasing due to habi-
tat loss and, mainly, by illegal trade (Schunck
et al., 2011). In Brazil, Amazon aestiva is one
of the psittacids that most often enter wildlife
screening centers (Destro et al., 2012; Schunck
et al., 2011). Therefore, decisions on how these
rescued animals are handled must be judicious,
while also ensuring their safe return to nature
(White Jr. et al., 2012).
Wildlife reintroductions are common con-
servation tools aimed at reestablishing popula-
tions of species within their historic geographic
range (Armstrong & Seddon, 2008; Fischer
& Lindenmeyer, 2000; Griffith et al., 1989;
White Jr. et al., 2012). Reintroduction proj-
ects of Amazona aestiva help determine the
destination of animals rescued from traffick-
ing and provide more accurate information on
procedures on this methodology, which can be
applied to the conservation of other threatened
species (de Azevedo et al., 2017; Silva et al.,
2021; White Jr. et al., 2012).
According to a systematic review that
evaluated 75 scientific studies on bird rein-
troductions and the threats to restoring these
populations, 13 factors had a negative impact
on these activities. The main factors were pre-
dation and unexpected dispersion of animals
(Destro et al., 2018).
A strategy used to ensure the fidelity of
reintroduced animals is supplementary feed-
ing with feeders and artificial nests placed
in the release areas (Tollington et al., 2013;
White Jr. et al., 2012). Long-term food sup-
plementation can help increase social inter-
actions and improve the integration of new
Reintroducción y seguimiento del ave Amazona aestiva (Psittaciformes: Psittacidae) en Brasil.
Introducción: La reintroducción es un procedimiento utilizado para restablecer las poblaciones de animales
Objetivo: Evaluar el éxito de la reintroducción de Amazona aestiva e investigar si los factores abióticos (tempe-
ratura, humedad y luminosidad) interfieren en la búsqueda de la complementación alimenticia en los comederos
instalados en el área de liberación.
Métodos: Se iniciaron evaluaciones previas a la liberación con 59 Amazonas spp. Se realizaron pruebas de para-
sitología en heces, leucocitos, capacidad de vuelo y nivel de interacción animal-humano. En total, 33 animales
fueron seleccionados y enviados al área de liberación, que es una región de ecotono entre los biomas de la Mata
Atlántica y la Caatinga. Después de la liberación, se monitorearon durante un año las visitas a los comederos y
la supervivencia en el área. En estos períodos también se registraron factores abióticos.
Resultados: Las pruebas parasitológicas de huevos y parásitos en heces revelaron la presencia de Heterakis spp.
y Eimeira spp. Los parámetros leucocitarios estuvieron dentro de los valores de referencia para la especie. Al
menos el 50 % de los animales liberados sobrevivieron después de un año, con registros de eventos reproducti-
vos. Los factores abióticos no interfirieron con las visitas de los animales al comedero. Sin embargo, la variable
humedad explicó mejor las visitas por la mañana, mientras que las variables temperatura y luminosidad influye-
ron en la mayoría de las visitas por la tarde.
Conclusión: La reintroducción está en el umbral de ser clasificada como exitosa. Los comederos y nidos artifi-
ciales instalados provocaron que los animales permanecieran en el área para ser monitoreados. Los factores abió-
ticos pueden influir en la toma de decisiones de comportamiento diario relacionadas con el uso de alimentación
complementaria en loros reintroducidos.
Palabras clave: loro de frente turquesa; CETAS; seguimiento posterior a la liberación; complemento alimenticio;
variación estacional.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e53145, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 30, 2023)
birds reintroduced into previously established
flocks (Brightsmith et al., 2005; Elliott, 2006;
Lima et al., 2014; Paranhos et al., 2007;
Plair et al., 2008).
The characteristics and state of conserva-
tion of the environment, as well as climatic
conditions, can also influence the fidelity of
reintroduced animals. Physical environmental
factors define microclimates occupied by birds
and these microclimates affect energy balance
and water consumption and influence behaviors
(Bakken et al., 1991; Petit et al., 1985; Ryder,
1977; Wolf & Walsberg, 1996). Moreover,
the combination of these factors may affect
how reintroduced birds search for supplemen-
tary feeding and may influence the fidelity
of animals to the area. Therefore, it is critical
to understand how environmental factors can
interfere with the search for supplementary
feeding in feeders when managing areas des-
tined for reintroduction. This information can
help managers decide the best way to imple-
ment, maintain, and monitor feeders (Ewen et
al., 2015).
Supplementary feeding is associated with
many positive effects in various bird reintro-
duction projects (Brightsmith et al., 2005;
Vilarta et al., 2021). However, further research
is needed on the broader impacts of food supply
and factors such as climate, pathogen disper-
sal, and predation (Robb et al., 2008). Thus,
this study aimed to evaluate the reintroduction
success of a group of Amazona aestiva and
whether abiotic factors (temperature, humidity,
and luminosity) interfere in the daily search
dynamics for food supplementation in feeders.
The hypothesis is that animals may seek more
food supplementation in more unfavorable abi-
otic conditions for more distant foraging, such
as low light, temperature, and high humidity.
Animal: At the beginning of this study
(January 2015), the Wildlife Screening Center
(Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres
CETAS, in Portuguese) in Vitória da Conquis-
ta, housed 59 Amazonas spp. These animals
came mainly from illegal trade confiscations.
This study was submitted to and approved by
the Animal Ethics Committee of the Multidisci-
plinary Institute of Health of the Universidade
Federal da Bahia, under number 034/2015.
All 59 animals were initially tested to
detect gastrointestinal parasites. For this test,
fecal samples were randomly collected from
the floor of the enclosures according to the
number of birds. Stool parasitological tests
were performed using the direct method, the
Willis method, and the spontaneous sedimen-
tation method (Matos & Matos, 1988). Once
the endoparasites were identified, all birds
were subjected to therapeutic interventions
with piperazine citrate tetrahydrate, diluted
in water, for three consecutive days (Miranda
et al., 2014). New fecal samples were col-
lected to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment
after 20 days.
Soon after completing the first dose of
antiparasitic treatment, flight capacity was
evaluated only for animals of the species Ama-
zona aestiva, the focus of this study. This evalu-
ation was carried out using the methodology
proposed by Pedroso (2013), in which the flight
capacity of each animal is related to a score
ranging from 1-4, from animals that did not
fly to those that flew with constant rhythm and
height. Only animals with a score of three or
four had the flight capacity required to continue
in the reintroduction project.
The animals selected in the flight capacity
test were transferred to a single enclosure 4.15
m in length, 3.70 m in width, and 4.00 m in
height outside the CETAS building, near denser
vegetation, used to prepare animals for reintro-
duction. After three days of acclimatization,
the test of socialization/aversion to humans
was performed. Animals that showed aversion
to the approach of an unknown human offering
food were subsequently selected. The animals
that accepted the food were removed from the
enclosure and returned to the initial enclosures
(Pedroso, 2013; Ramos et al., 2021).
From the selected group, feces were col-
lected again from the enclosure to evaluate the
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e53145, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 30, 2023)
effectiveness of the treatment, as previously
described. Blood samples were also collected
to analyze hematological parameters (leuko-
gram) and for molecular sexing. The blood was
collected by cutting the claw to obtain a small
volume of blood (around 10 µl), according to
Echols (1999), Murray (1997), and Silva et
al. (2021). Blood smears were immediately
prepared by the sliding technique and Panoptic
fast staining to assess the leukocyte profile of
the animals (Guzman et al., 2008).
A drop of blood from each bird was
transferred to a filter paper for molecular sex-
ing using an optimized protocol described by
Griffiths (1998) and published by Barros et al.
(2017) to determine the ratio between released
males and females and support the reproduc-
tive monitoring of the established pairs. At
the time of blood collection, all animals were
individually clinically evaluated by a veterinar-
ian to detect clinical signs of any infectious
disease that was suggestive of further research
(Miranda et al., 2014).
Environmental physical and food enrich-
ment was used to support the social interaction
between individuals seeking group cohesion,
flight training, stimulation for the formation of
pairings, and to stimulate post-release foraging.
The enrichment was carried out in the CETAS
facilities for four months using tree branches,
hanging toys made with colored wood and
sisal rope, and whole fruits hanging or hidden
in boxes. Enrichment elements were changed
twice a week (Rupley & Simone-Freilicher,
2015; Simone-Freilicher & Rupley, 2015).
Each animal was identified with a num-
bered metal ring placed on the tarsus (Rings-
CETAS/UFBA + numbering) and by microchip
(electronic microchip, microchip-electronic tag
in the 12 mm mark) with individual numbers
inserted into the pectoral muscle of the animal
without impairing its flight capacity. In addi-
tion to these markings, the ventral region of
the animals was painted with non-toxic red
paint for easier identification in the wild, after
reintroduction (Raigoza-Figueras, 2014). To
facilitate distance identification, photographs
of the animals, specifically the phenotypic
characteristics of the head region, were taken
of each individual and included in a portfolio.
Study area: The area selected to receive
the animals is in the rural area of the munici-
pality of Condeuba, Bahia, Brazil, at an alti-
tude of approximately 634 m (14°53’43” S &
41°48’11” W). Condeuba has approximately
17 000 inhabitants and an area of 1 285.9 km²,
with a population density of 13.1 inhabitants
per km², according to the regional census
(Cidade-Brasil, 2016).
The area is characterized by vegetation
typically found in the transitional environment
of two biomes, that is, medium and large trees
such as Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. (Caesal-
pinioideae) in the Atlantic Forest and vegeta-
tion such as Anadenanthera macrocarpa in the
Caatinga (Benth.) (IBGE, 2016). According
to the European Centre for Medium-Range
Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), the highest
humidity (68.02 %) and rainfall (average of
132 mm) in the region is recorded in December.
In contrast, the lowest humidity, with 54.30
%, is recorded in September. November has
the highest number of rainy days (12.10 days),
while August is the dried month, with 1.63 days
and 6 mm. The average annual temperature in
Condeuba is 22.9 °C. The warmest month of
the year is February, with an average tempera-
ture of 24.5 °C. The lowest temperature of the
year is in July, with an average temperature of
20.2 °C. January has the most daily hours of
sunshine with an average of 8.17 hours. Aver-
age annual rainfall is 630 mm (climate-data.
org, 2022).
The release site includes a permanent pres-
ervation area of native forest with three sources
of a permanent river. One of the main criteria
used for choosing this area was its location,
as it is of difficult access and with few signs
of human activity, composed predominantly
of small farmers, and the state of forest pres-
ervation. Another important criterion was the
reports of older residents on the occurrence of
native populations of Amazona aestiva and the
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e53145, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 30, 2023)
identification by the CETAS team of other psit-
tacine species in the area, such as Eupsittula
cactorum and Eupsittula aurea.
To ensure the reintroduced animals remain
close to the chosen release area, they were
kept in installed nurseries for 10 days (Mitch-
ell et al., 2011). During this period, the par-
rots received fruits and seeds collected in the
locality, as well as sunflower seeds that were
routinely used for food during their captivity
in CETAS. The parrots received prophylactic
treatment to eliminate the risk of contamina-
tion by gastrointestinal parasites during their
transport to the reintroduction site. For this
treatment, mebendazole (Avitrin®, Coveli) was
used, in the dilution of 2.4 ml (containing 0.12
g of the active ingredient) in 1 l of water. The
dilution was left in the enclosure in a single col-
lective drinker freely accessed by the animals
for three consecutive days and changed daily.
The dilution was administered according to the
manufacturer’s guidelines.
Reintroduction: The animals were rein-
troduced using the soft-release method (Macias
et al., 2010). During release, the nurseries were
opened in the morning and the spontaneous exit
of the animals was monitored and recorded. At
the end of the day, the nurseries were closed
to prevent predators from entering at night. In
the morning in the following days, the animals
that had remained in the avian nursery were
identified and the doors were opened again (de
Oliveira et al., 2014; Silva et al., 2021). This
procedure was repeated for one month (the
period in which the enclosures remained in the
area), and animals that did not leave during the
period in which the doors remained open were
always identified.
After the nurseries were opened, the sup-
plementary diet of regional fruits and spo-
radic sunflower seeds (the same seeds offered
during the acclimatization period) was pro-
vided twice a day inside the nurseries and in
a feeder installed 5 m from the avian nursery.
In the study area, 12 artificial nests were also
installed to encourage reproduction, as per-
formed by White Jr. et al. (2005).
Monitoring: Monitoring was divided into
two stages, from May 2015 to May 2016. In
the first stage, the animals were evaluated for
18 consecutive days immediately after release,
while in the second stage, they were evalu-
ated for three to seven days at intervals of two
months, during a year, totaling six monitor-
ing campaigns. Monitoring was carried out at
dawn and in the late afternoon (for 2 hours
per period) to identify the animals around the
release site (in trees) and the animals feed-
ing in the feeders. When an animal was seen
feeding on native fruits scattered in the study
area, the plant species were also identified
(Silva et al., 2021).
The animals were identified through the
microchip reader or by detecting the ring
or phenotypic characteristics recorded in the
portfolio (Silva et al., 2021). Binoculars and
cameras were used to record the sightings (de
Almeida & de Almeida, 1998). In addition to
these monitoring stages, between the two daily
observations, the neighbors of the release site
were visited and questioned about the possible
presence of the reintroduced birds on their
To identify the paired animals, mutual
care behaviors such as beak to beak, cleaning
care, sleeping, and feeding close, and mov-
ing together in the departures and arrivals in
the monitored area were observed (Trillmich,
1976a; Trillmich, 1976b). Pairing was con-
sidered when the animals formed a pair for at
least two monitoring campaigns. Each installed
artificial nest was inspected during the cam-
paigns to identify possible occupations. Nests
that showed signs of occupation were identified
and photographed.
Abiotic factors were evaluated according
to the procedures established by Moura (2007)
in previous monitoring campaigns. The climatic
factors of temperature, humidity, and luminos-
ity were measured using a thermohygrometer
(EQUITHERM-TH-439) and luxmeter (UV-A
MAGNAFLUX). These factors were measured
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e53145, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 30, 2023)
on all animal monitoring days in all campaigns,
at two different times (8:00 h and 16:00 h). The
measurements were always carried out at the
same point, next to the feeder, from May 2015
to May 2016.
The success of reintroduction was evalu-
ated according to the recommendations of
White Jr. et al. (2012), where the survival of
reintroduced animals is evaluated after one
year and should be greater than 50 %, with the
reproduction of the reintroduced animals.
Some data related to abiotic factors were
not collected on the morning of the first day
of each monitoring campaign due to the arrival
time at the field. Thus, the missing values were
imputed with plausible data values using the
mice package. This package provides a method
for handling missing data, as the function cre-
ates multiple imputations (substitute values) for
multivariate missing data. The algorithm can
impute combinations of continuous categori-
cal, binary, unordered categorical, and ordered
categorical data (Van Buuren et al., 2019).
Data analysis: The values of each evalu-
ated health parameter, the ratio between males
and females, and the number of animals sighted
by monitoring campaign were tabulated and
analyzed through descriptive statistics (mean
± standard deviation) using GraphPad Prism®
version 5 software. The completed data table
(through the data imputation described above)
was used to perform principal component anal-
ysis (PCA) and verify how the abiotic data
relate to the frequency of visits to the feeder.
The paired t-test was used to verify pos-
sible differences between the periods (morning/
afternoon) considering the variables ‘frequency
of visits’, ‘temperature’, ‘humidity’, and ‘lumi-
nosity’. The data were distributed normally
only for temperature (afternoon) and humidity
(morning and afternoon). However, the t-test is
robust for non-normality, considering that there
are no outliers. The analyses were performed in
R software (R Core Team, 2020).
For the preparation of the animals selected
for the reintroduction project, fecal samples of
all 59 Amazonas spp., which were in the same
enclosure at CETAS, were evaluated for the
presence of gastrointestinal parasites.
To prepare the animals that were selected
for the reintroduction project, fecal samples
from all 59 Amazonas spp. in CETAS were
evaluated for the presence of gastrointestinal
parasites. Heterakis spp. and Eimeira spp. were
identified (Table 1). After treatment, a new
evaluation was carried out and no parasites
were found in the collected samples.
The species of Amazonas spp. in the
CETAS at the start of the study were (I) 48
Amazona aestiva, (II) 08 Amazona amazo-
nica, (III) 02 Amazona vinacea, and (VI) 01
Amazona rhodocorytha. Only animals of the
species Amazona aestiva (81.3 %) continued
to be evaluated and prepared for a group to
be reintroduced. This species was selected
because there were enough specimens to form
a more robust group and because it has already
been reported in the previously selected rein-
troduction area.
In the flight capacity evaluation of speci-
mens of A. aestiva, 72.9 % scored three or
four, which is compatible with reintroduction.
The rest of the animals (27.1 %) exhibited
some alteration that compromised their flight
capacity, mainly cut wing feathers, and were,
Table 1
Percentage of samples contaminated by the direct, Willis, and sedimented methods in fecal samples of Amazonas spp. from
CETAS - Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, before treatment.
Endoparasites Direct method (%) Willis method (%) Sedimented method (%)
Heterakis spp. 25.29 29.86 40.23
Eimeira spp. 9.20 14.94 17.79
Eimeira spp. / Heterakis spp 0 0 1.15
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e53145, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 30, 2023)
therefore, not prepared for reintroduction. Of
the 35 remaining animals, two were removed
for exhibiting high animal-human interaction.
Therefore, 33 animals had compatible flight
capacity for release and low interaction with
unknown humans since they did not allow the
approach of people.
Molecular sexing revealed a proportion of
69.69 % (23/33) of males and 30.30 % (10/33)
of females. For the leukocyte evaluation, all
animals had values within the expected param-
eters for the species (Table 2). The clinical eval-
uation did not identify any signs that indicated
the need to run complementary tests. Thus, all
33 animals previously selected continued in the
enclosure with environmental and food enrich-
ment to later be sent to the release area.
The avian nursery was opened at 11:30 h
and the first animal left at 13:32 h, soon after
which other animals accompanied the first
animal to perch and vocalize on nearby trees.
On the first day, 78.78 % of the animals left
the avian nursery, however, 18.18 % of those
that left returned to spend the night inside the
avian nursery. The doors of the avian nursery
were opened in the morning and closed in the
evening every day, for a month. In this period,
only one female animal did not leave the avian
nursery at any time and was returned to CETAS
with the withdrawal of the avian nursery. Thus,
32 animals remained in the release area and
were monitored for one year in campaigns
comprising 340 h of sampling effort and 204 h
of bird watching (Fig. 1).
The fidelity of the animals in the area,
using the feeder or the areas surrounding the
release site, allowed the identification of 50 %
(16/32) of the animals after one year of release
(Fig. 2). During monitoring, the reintroduced
animals fed on 10 native plant species in the
area (Table 3).
During the monitoring visits to the rural
owners near the release site, the team was
informed that a resident had trapped a project
animal in his home. This animal was rescued
and exhibited cut wing feathers, so it was
returned to CETAS, and environmental edu-
cation during the visits was intensified. In
addition, community members reported the
presence of wildlife hunters in the area (mainly
deer and armadillo hunters) and stated that with
the constant presence of the monitoring team,
the sounds coming from firearms used by these
people had decreased, suggesting that they
were hunting less frequently.
The formation of five pairs and two trios
of animals was identified. From these pairs, we
identified the occupation of two artificial nests
and one natural nest (occupied by a trio). Three
eggs were recorded in only one artificial nest.
However, the contents of the nest were predated
by a toucan. An individual of Ramphastos toco,
Table 2
Leukocyte values obtained for all samples of male and female individuals of the species Amazona aestiva pre-selected for
participation in the reintroduction project.
Hematological parameters
Mean and
standard deviation
(x 109 /l)
(x 109 /l)
Mean and
standard deviation
(x 109 /l)
(x 109 /l)
Males Females
Total Value of Leukocytes 8.843 ± 2.486 2.800-14.200 8.363 ± 3.625 0.196-12.000
Heterophil 4.690 ± 1.476 1.876-7.154 4.201 ± 2.072 0.196-7.068
Lymphocyte 3.486 ± 1.444 0.728-6.390 3.386 ± 1.794 0.196-6.000
Monocyte 0.466 ± 1.122 0.094-5.600 0.414 ± 0.374 0.120-1.298
Eosinophil 0.220 ± 147.73 0.062-0.612 0.234 ± 0.173 0.072-0.570
Basophil 0.207 ± 0.187 0.056-0.612 0.236 ± 0.197 0.084-0.570
Total Value of thrombocytes 1.0733 ± 2.600 5.600-14.700 10.659 ± 4.960 0.196-16.100
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71: e53145, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 30, 2023)
Statius Muller, 1776 (toco-toucan), a species
native to the area, was seen entering the nest,
which indicates that it fed on the parrot eggs
(Fig. 3). Two other artificial nests were occu-
pied by pairs of passerines Troglodytes muscu-
lus (Naumann, 1823).
The PCA results indicate that the two
main axes explained 74.17 % of the data varia-
tion. Axis one explained 54.91 % of the data
variation. Humidity was more associated with
the morning period, while temperature and
luminosity most influenced the frequency of
afternoon visits (Fig. 4).
There was a difference between the morn-
ing/afternoon periods for the variables: temper-
ature (t = -12.452, df = 33, P < 0.05), humidity
(t = 4.626, df = 33, P < 0.05), and luminosity (t
= -2.0803, df = 33, P < 0.05). However, this did
Fig. 1. Map of the State of Bahia. Highlighted in red for the municipality of Condeúba, the site selected to receive individuals
of the Amazona aestiva species. Individual of the species foraging in a feeder at the release site.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71: e53145, enero-diciembre 2023 (Publicado May. 30, 2023)
not influence the frequency of visits between
the two periods (t = -1.8686, df = 33, P = 0.07)
(Fig. 5).
Reintroduction enables the reestablishment
of populations of different parrot species bred
for this purpose (Brightsmith et al., 2005;
Earnhardt et al., 2014; Smales et al., 2000)
or confiscated from illegal trafficking (Sanz
& Grajal, 1998; Silva et al., 2021). Therefore,
it is an important procedure to enable the
destination of psittacines rescued from illegal
wildlife trafficking.
Amazona aestiva was the most common
parrot species in the CETAS of Vitória da
Conquista, Bahia, with 81.3 %. This species is
the tenth most frequent among the birds that
entered the CETAS of Bahia between 2009
to 2019, with a total of 1 429 specimens (dos
Santos, 2021). These figures reveal the com-
plexity of the management and destination of
these animals. The most frequently observed
problem was the inability to fly due to cut
wing feathers that prevent the animals from
escaping illegal captivity. Cut wing feathers
have also been identified in other rehabilita-
tion centers for wild birds in Brazil (Fitorra et
al., 2021). Moreover, poor feather quality was
one of the physical abnormalities observed
in 36 % of 122 illegally trafficked parrots
in Costa Rica (Mora-Chavarría et al., 2017)
demonstrating the impact of this problem on
reintroduction projects.
In our study, after selecting the group of
animals suitable for reintroduction, a bias was
observed in the sex ratio of the animals, with a
higher number of males (69.69 %). Efforts to
Fig. 2. Demographic census of released parrots that
were visiting the feeder or present in the remediations
by monitoring campaign. The campaigns occurred as
follows: Campaign 1-May 2015 (18 monitoring days),
Campaign 2-June 2015 (seven monitoring days), Campaign
3-September 2015 (seven monitoring days), Campaign
4-December 2015 (five monitoring days), Campaign
5-March 2016 (three monitoring days) and Campaign
6-May 2016 (three monitoring days).
Table 3
Record of supplementary food offered at the feeder or by active search of the 32 individuals of Amazona aestiva after
reintroduction in Condeuba, Bahia
Supplemented foods Active search foods
Scientific name Popular name Scientific name Popular name
Musa sapientum Banana Plinia cauliflora Jabuticaba
Citrullus lanatus Melancia Citrullus lanatus Melancia
Carica papaya Mamão Eugenia uniflora Pitanga
Mangifera indica Manga Spondias purpurea Seriguela
Uncaria sp Unha-de-gato Morus sp. Amora
Helianthus annuus sunflower Copaifera langsdorffii Copaiba
Mangifera indica Manga
Uncaria sp. Unha-de-gato
Passiflora cincinnata Maracujá do mato
Psidium guajava Goiaba