Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54850, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Spatio-temporal variation in the growth of coral fragments of opportunity
in the Eastern Tropical Pacific: implications for coral reef restoration
Alma Paola Rodríguez-Troncoso1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6243-7679
J. J. Adolfo Tortolero-Langarica2,3; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8857-5789
Raúl Padilla-Guzmán1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6946-7798
Liza Danielle Kelly-Gutiérrez 4; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1437-7517
Amílcar Leví Cupul-Magaña1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6455-1253
1. Laboratorio de Ecología Marina, Centro Universitario de la Costa, Universidad de Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta,
Jalisco, Mexico; alma.rtroncoso@academicos.udg.mx (*Correspondence), raul.padilla.794@gmail.com,
2. Laboratorio de Esclerocronología de Corales Arrecifales, Unidad Académica de Sistemas Arrecifales, Instituto de
Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Puerto Morelos, Mexico;
3. Tecnológico Nacional de México, Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit, México.
4. Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, Centro Universitario de la Costa, Universidad de Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta,
Mexico; lizadke@cuc.udg.mx
Received 22-VIII-2022. Corrected 09-XII-2022. Accepted 26-I-2023.
Introduction: Coral-reef communities are considered one of the most biodiverse, but also most threatened,
marine ecosystems, and the accelerating loss of habitat over the past decades warrants active intervention.
Objective: The present study demonstrates the successful implementation of a low-impact restoration technique
in three Central Mexican Pacific degraded coral communities, using a protocol based on natural fragmentation
(“fragments of opportunity”) of the branching coral Pocillopora spp., considered the most abundant and primary
carbonate-producing coral species of the Eastern Tropical Pacific.
Methods: The restoration program was implemented in two offshore and one inshore coraline areas. The rela-
tionships between seawater temperature and coral survival, growth, and attachment rate were assessed over one
year, with 183 fragments monitored each month.
Results: The mean coral growth rate was 3.3 ± 0.1 mm mo-1, with annual growth rates in length and width of
39.9 ± 14.2 and 36.5 ± 19.5 mm yr-1, respectively. Self-attachment efficiency was 78 % and the survival rate was
high (84 %). The growth rate differed significantly among reefs.
Conclusions: Upon monitoring directly fragmented corals over a year, growth rates were deemed high enough
to merit active restoration in the region. However, our data show that structural and abiotic differences and
seasonal variability must be considered overall in successful long-term coral community restoration initiatives
in the eastern Pacific region.
Key words: coral reef restoration; eastern tropical Pacific; fragments of opportunity; growth rate; marine ecol-
ogy; Pocillopora.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54850, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Coral reefs are considered one of the
world’s most productive and biodiverse eco-
systems and provide important human services
(Spalding et al., 2001). Their high biodiversity
is related to the physical complexity of the reef
structure, benthic groups heterogeneity, and
architectural three-dimensionality, all depen-
dent upon coral accretion (Álvarez-Filip et al.,
2009). Unfortunately, coral communities are
also among the most threatened ecosystems
due to the cumulative effects of multiple natu-
ral and anthropogenic stressors that have led to
massive bleaching and mortality events world-
wide (Brainard et al. 2018; Spalding & Brown,
2015; Vargas-Ángel et al., 2019); over the past
20 years alone, at least 50 % of the coral reefs
have been lost, and the remaining 70-90 % are
considered to be highly threatened, becoming
urgent and an international priority for their
conservation (Souter et al., 2020)
Active restoration programs are now
frequently employed (Boström-Einarsoon et
al., 2020) as a tool to mitigate the loss of
coral cover by “outplanting” corals to where
ecosystem assemblage and function are re-
established (Bayraktarov et al., 2016; Edwards,
2010); complete reef rehabilitation is the long-
term goal of most such initiatives (Boström-
Einarsoon et al., 2020; Montoya-Maya et al.,
2016; Shackelford et al., 2013). However, fac-
tors such as community life history, historical
shifts in the local biota, spatio-temporal varia-
tion in regional- and local-scale environmental
conditions (particularly seawater quality), and
the physiology of the target restoration species
must all be considered prior to active restora-
tion efforts (Combilet et al., 2022; Montoya-
Maya et al., 2016; Suding, 2011).
Monitoring of outplants is imperative
(Guest et al., 2011; Shaish et al., 2008), as
the success of any restoration program does
not only depend on the technique initially
employed but also on the local response of the
coral species (Bayraktarov et al., 2016; Sund-
ing, 2011). Since coral growth and survival are
influenced by temperature, light, wave energy,
sedimentation, nutrients, pH, and aragonite sat-
uration state (Lough & Cooper, 2011; Manzello
et al., 2017), it is critical to demonstrate that the
Variación espacio-temporal en el crecimiento de fragmentos de coral de oportunidad en el Pacífico
Tropical Oriental: implicaciones para la restauración de arrecifes de coral
Introducción: Las comunidades de arrecifes de coral se consideran uno de los ecosistemas marinos con mayor
biodiversidad, pero también los más amenazados, y la pérdida acelerada de hábitat en las últimas décadas justi-
fica la implementación de una intervención activa.
Objetivo: El presente estudio demuestra la implementación exitosa de una técnica de restauración de bajo impac-
to basada en la fragmentación natural (“fragmentos de oportunidad”) del coral ramificado Pocillopora spp., la
cual es la especie coralina más abundante y principal productora de carbonato del Pacífico Oriental Tropical.
Métodos: El programa de restauración se implementó en dos sitios lejos de la costa y un sitio cercano a la costa,
con comunidades coralinas degradadas. Las relaciones entre la temperatura del agua de mar y la supervivencia,
el crecimiento y la tasa de adhesión de los corales se evaluaron durante un año con 183 fragmentos monitoreados
cada mes.
Resultados: La tasa media de crecimiento coralino fue de 3.3 ± 0.1 mm mo-1, con tasas de crecimiento anual
en largo y ancho de 39.9 ± 14.2 y 36.5 ± 19.5 mm año-1, respectivamente. La eficiencia de la auto-adherencia
fue del 78 % y la tasa de supervivencia fue alta (84 %). La tasa de crecimiento difirió significativamente entre
los arrecifes.
Conclusiones: Al monitorear directamente los corales fragmentados durante un año, las tasas de crecimiento
se consideraron lo suficientemente altas como para merecer una restauración activa en la región. Sin embargo,
nuestros datos muestran que las diferencias estructurales y abióticas y la variabilidad estacional deben conside-
rarse en general en las iniciativas exitosas de restauración de comunidades de coral a largo plazo en la región
del Pacífico oriental.
Palabras clave: restauración de arrecifes de coral; Pacífico oriental tropical; fragmentos de oportunidad; tasa de
crecimiento; ecología marina; Pocillopora.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54850, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
outplants can acclimatize to what might be dis-
tinct conditions from where the source colonies
were obtained (Shackelford et al., 2013). Given
this, it is surprising that seasonal variation
has not been considered in the early stages of
restoration projects, especially given that coral
growth and survival may change over monthly
and annual timescales (Lough & Cooper, 2011;
Manzello et al., 2017; Romero-Torres et al.,
2020; Tortolero-Langarica et al., 2017).
Most coral restoration sites are located
in the Caribbean and Indo-Pacific regions
(Boström-Einarsoon et al., 2020), with few
efforts underway in the Eastern Tropical Pacif-
ic (ETP) despite the massive loss of coral cover
in the region that has occurred in recent years
(e.g., Carriquiry et al., 2001). Effective restora-
tion protocols recently implemented along the
ETP, though it is important to 1) select robust
corals and, 2) target the coral species that have
historically been distributed in the site to be
restored (Combilet et al., 2022; Ishida-Castañe-
da et al., 2020; Lizcano-Sandoval et al., 2018;
Nava & Figueroa-Camacho, 2017; Tortolero-
Langarica et al., 2014, Tortolero-Langarica et
al., 2019; Tortolero-Langarica et al., 2020).
Herein we used a low-impact approach to eval-
uate the growth of Pocillopora spp. outplants
over time in the Northeastern Tropical Pacific.
We hypothesized that seawater temperature
(SWT, i.e., season) and reef location (offshore
vs. inshore) could influence coral growth and
survival over the one-year monitoring period.
The Central Mexican Pacific (CMP) har-
bors one of the most important coral communi-
ties in the ETP (Glynn & Ault, 2000). The coral
community of Islas Marietas National Park, an
Fig. 1. Study area. Offshore sites in Islas Marietas National Park (IMNP): Zona de Restauración (ZR) and Cueva del Muerto
(CM). Inshore reef: Punta de Mita (PM).
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54850, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
offshore marine protected area (referred to as
simply “Islas Marietas” throughout the text)
located 7.9 km northeast (20.69 °N, 105.57
°W) to an inshore reef known as “Punta de
Mita” (PM, 20.76 °N, 105.54 °W). Both sites
(Fig. 1), used to maintain a coral cover of
nearly 40 % in the late 1990s, but mass coral
bleaching during the 1997-98 ENSO event led
to 90 % mortality (Carriquiry et al., 2001).
Afterwards, coral cover in the region showed
a continued decline in response to more fre-
quent, intense and, unpredicted stress events
(e.g., ENSO; Santoso et al., 2017) and local-
ized anthropogenic pressures (e.g., tourism,
overfishing, and coastal development); never-
theless, a slow but steady recovery in specific
areas have been recorded (Cupul-Magaña &
Rodríguez-Troncoso, 2017; Martínez-Castillo
et al., 2022), acting as a possible refuge of coral
reef organisms as observed in other subtropical
reefs, as long as management and conservation
strategies are implemented (Beger et al., 2014).
At Islas Marietas, the mean SWT is
~ 27 °C, with an annual range of 18-30 °C
(Palacios-Hernández et al., 2010). The coral
community is characterized as a patchy reef,
located between 1-15 m, with the highest live
coral cover, with high abundance of branching
corals 8 m depth (Hernández-Zulueta et al.,
2017), as also the presence of bare rock and
few dead coral skeletons (Sotelo-Casas et al.,
2019). The area is a touristic hotspot due to the
high quality seascape for SCUBA and free-div-
ing, which in past years have caused physical
damage to the coral colonies, and in addition
to other local-scale impacts such as seawater
pollution, led to the implementation of a pro-
gram designed to restrict the number of visitors
(Cupul-Magaña & Rodríguez-Troncoso, 2017).
The PM reef experiences even higher
anthropogenic pressure due to rapid coastal
urbanization, the development of golf courses,
and luxury tourist development (ECOPLAMB,
2004), which have become the main local
stressors as inorganic nutrient levels and sedi-
mentation have increased from terrestrial run-
off (Martínez-Castillo et al., 2020). The SWT
in situ averages ~ 26 °C, ranging from 20.8 to
30.6 °C (Palacios-Hernández et al., 2010). The
area used to harbor a well-developed shallow
reef patch with a 35 % of live coral cover-
age (Martínez-Castillo et al., 2022), which was
lost during the mass mortality associated to the
intense 1997-98 ENSO event (Carriquiry et al.,
2001), leaving a full path of dead coral matrix
as available substrata to transplant coral frag-
ments. The coral coverage has shown a slow
natural recovery; however, due to its depth (1-3
m) and proximity to the coast, it is considered
a highly vulnerable site, but with the poten-
tial to be restored despite these sub-optimal
local conditions (Martínez-Castillo et al., 2020;
Martínez-Castillo et al., 2022).
The sites to restore were selected accord-
ing to the following characteristics: 1) histori-
cal high coverage (over 30 %) of Pocillopora
spp. colonies and 8-10 % of healthy coral
coverage, 2) stable dead coral matrix or rocks
with cavities upon which coral fragments could
attach, 3) healthy fragments of opportunity. The
coral fragments are referred to as “fragments
of opportunity”, i.e., those detached from par-
ent colonies through natural processes such as
currents, swells, or bioerosion (Monty et al.,
2006). The restoration protocol was imple-
mented at two offshore sites from Islas Mari-
etas, Zona de Restauración (ZR) and Cueva del
Muerto (CM), as well as the only coastal patch
reef PM. Fragments were arranged in a total
area of 200 m2 at ZR (~5-7 m depth), 75 m2 at
CM (~ 4-6 m), and 125 m2 at PM (~ 2-3 m).
The reef restoration protocol was based on
the method described by Tortolero-Langarica
et al. (2014). Initially, fragments of opportunity
(50-100 mm in length), were collected near
the restoration area (no further than 50 m
away) and carefully inspected in situ to avoid
the use of no-healthy fragments with evidence
of bleaching, tissue damage, or bioeroding
sponges (e.g., Cliona spp.). Each healthy frag-
ment was fixed to the natural substrata using
plastic cable ties (sensu Edwards, 2010), either
in a horizontal or vertical orientation (depend-
ing on fragment morphology and substrate
geometry), to reach the best support (tightening
of the cable tie; Fig. 2A-D). During the first
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54850, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
restoration effort, 183 fragments were tagged
and assessed monthly during a one-year period
(Fig. 2B) at ZR (n = 63), CM (n = 78), and PM
(n = 42). Individually, both length (maximum
linear distance from base to tip) and width
(maximum diameter perpendicular to the verti-
cal axis of the fragment) were measured using
plastic calipers (FOY 6”; precision = 0.05 mm;
Fig. 2C). Self-attachment was considered to
have occurred when evidence of calcification at
the base could be visualized and quantified as
a percent of fragments per month (% mo); the
survival rate was also recorded (%).
It is important to notice that the cable tie
was not removed as the fragment calcified
around it, and the removal could detach the
colony from the substrata; and it is a “visual
reference” to differentiate the natural recruited
from the transplanted colonies. In addition,
to continue with the restoration process after-
ward outplanting, 1 139 fragments were trans-
planted but not tagged across both inshore and
offshore sites.
In addition, sea water temperature (SWT)
was recorded in situ every 25 min with digital
loggers (HOBO® Pendant Onset) installed near
the fragments at each restoration site. Coral
growth was correlated with the season (Pala-
cios-Hernández et al., 2010), with a specific
emphasis on uncovering differences between
the temperate-dry season (January to May) and
the warm-rainy season (August to December).
Annual (mm yr-1) and monthly growth
(mm mo-1) rates were calculated, and all data
were tested for normality (P < 0.05) and
homogeneity of variance (P < 0.05) using
Fig. 2. Coral propagation technique. A) Coral vertically attached to rocky substrata (site: Cueva del Muerto). B) Example of
one-year coral colony after intervention; the cable tie stays within the colony for visual identification. C) Fragment measured
by using plastic calipers, D) Coral horizontally attached to dead stable coral matrix.
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54850, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Shapiro-Wilk and Levene’s tests, respectively.
Since data neither exhibited normal distribu-
tions nor homogeneous variances, non-para-
metric Kruskal-Wallis tests were instead used
to test for differences in coral growth over
time and across sites. Whenever results were
significant, post-hoc comparisons were calcu-
lated using Dunn’s tests (P < 0.05). Chi-squared
tests were used to compare attachment and
survivorship (rate and percentage, respectively)
Fig. 3. Coral fragment (%) survivorship and attachment. (A) Coral survivorship over one-year (2016-2017). (B) Coral
attachment efficiency, inshore reef: Punta de Mita (PM), offshore reefs: Zona de Restauración (ZR) and Cueva del
Muerto (CM).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54850, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
between sites and between seasons. A Mann-
Whitney test was used to compare coral growth
between Islas Marietas reefs (offshore) and
PM (inshore patch reef). All statistical analy-
ses were performed using SigmaPlot® ver. 11
(SPSS Inc., USA).for Windows, and an alpha
of 0.05 was set for all analyses.
At the end of the year, 84 % of the frag-
ments survived, and PM presented a survival
rate of ~ 75 % that was significantly higher
than the other two sites (X2 = 6.96, P < 0.05;
Fig. 3A). Also, differences in self-attachment
were observed between sites; at PM, fragments
attached after four months, with an overall
attachment rate of 83 % by the end of the year.
Meanwhile, ZR presented the lowest rates, as
the first fragments were attached after nine
months, and by the end of the year, only 36 %
were complete fixed to the substrata (Fig. 3B).
Seawater temperature was recorded for
both sites. Islas Marietas (offshore site) tem-
perature average was 27.07 ± 0.07 °C with the
minimum values during February (22.6 ± 0.02
°C) and a maximum in September (30.4 ± 0.01
°C). At PM (inshore site), the average SWT
was 27.6 ± 0.67 °C, and it ranged between
22.6-30.8 °C during the same months (Fig. 4).
Significant SWT differences were detected
between zones and seasons; the temperature’s
most noticeable difference was at ZR in the
warm-rainy season (H´ = 26.97 interaction
effect of season x site, P < 0.001).
The mean monthly coral growth rate was
of 3.3 ± 0.1 mm mo-1; the lowest growth rate
was recorded at ZR (2.3 ± 0.1 mm mo-1), and
the highest growth rate was recorded at PM
(4.3 ± 0.1 mm mo-1; Fig. 5A). Significant
differences were recorded among sites (H =
92.210, P < 0.001), with growth rates of corals
of ZR significantly lower. An overall difference
between the Islas Marietas sites and PM was
also observed (U-Mann = 22410, P < 0.001).
Finally, no variation in growth rate between
sites was observed (Fig. 5B).
After one-year intervention period, coral
growth ranged from 51.2 ± 1.7 to 82.4 ± 3.4
mm yr-1 in length and from 34.6 ± 2.0 to 66.1 ±
3.1 mm yr-1 in width (Fig. 6A). After one-year,
these corals presented an overall size increase
Fig. 4. Seawater temperature (mean ± SD) recorded in situ at Punta Mita inshore (PM = orange circles) and Islas Marietas
offshore (IM = yellow circles) restoration sites.
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54850, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
of 63.7 % (pooled data), with higher growth
rates in PM (92 %) than in the colonies of
Islas Marietas (39 %). The annual accumulated
growth was 39.9 ± 11.5 mm yr-1 in length and
36.5 ± 19.5 mm yr-1 in width, with higher mean
values for PM (53.6 ± 12.7 mm yr-1) vs. the
two offshore reefs (31.8 ± 11.4 mm yr-1; H´ =
95.267, P < 0.001; Fig. 3), with no differences
between seasons (P > 0.05; Fig. 6B).
Asexual propagation is the method primar-
ily used in coral restoration programs (Boström-
Einarsson et al., 2020). Prior implementation is
important to clear out the motivation, variables,
and possible outcomes (Bayraktarov et al.,
2019; Suding et al., 2015). Both the method
of obtaining fragments (e.g., fragmentation of
Fig. 5. Growth (mm ± SE) of Pocillopora spp. fragments. A) mean monthly growth rate (mm mo-1 ± SE). B) mean annual
growth rate (mm yr-1 ± SE). Sites: Punta de Mita (PM), Zona de Restauración (ZR) and Cueva del Muerto (CM). Light color
bars = length, intense color bars = width. Asterisk (*) denote statistical differences between groups.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54850, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
adult and healthy colonies), as well as the trans-
plantation, which usually includes the introduc-
tion of nurseries and, a posterior outplanting
phase, led to increasing the financial cost with
55 % of long-term survival rate (Bayraktarov
et al., 2016; Bayraktarov et al., 2019, Boström-
Einarsson et al., 2020). The ETP region’s
hydrodynamic conditions restrict the suitable
sites where nurseries or artificial reefs can be
installed (Combilet et al., 2022); therefore,
direct propagation has become one of the most
practical and standardized active restoration
strategies to rehabilitate coral communities
along the ETP (Lizcano-Sandoval et al., 2018;
Nava & Figueroa-Camacho, 2017; Tortolero-
Langarica et al., 2014; Tortolero-Langarica et
al., 2019). However, to increase the efficiency
before the propagation, fragments of opportu-
nity should be individually assessed to avoid
non-healthy fragments, use the in-site substrata
Fig. 6. Seasonal effects on coral growth (mean ± SE). A) inshore reef: Punta de Mita (PM), B) offshore reef: Zona de
Restauración (ZR) and Cueva del Muerto (CM). Colored bars = monthly growth, Closed red circles = seawater temperature.
Red asterisk (*) denote significant differences among seasons.
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54850, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
(e.g., rock or dead coral matrix), and assume
that physiological indicators, such as growth,
survival, and resistance, will differ between
sites (in this case offshore and inshore coral
communities) and possibly over the years, as a
response to local and regional pressures. There-
fore, direct relocation of corals may require
local modifications to the protocol, including
the selection of substrata, use of tie wraps,
epoxy glue, marine cement, etc., according to
the site characteristics.
Restoration programs should prioritize the
biological assemblages, species composition
and representation to promote conditions from
historical trends (Guest et al., 2011; Suding et
al., 2015). The ETP reef and coral communi-
ties are considered mono-specific as Pocil-
lopora spp. is the most abundant reef-builder,
which, despite the effect of massive bleaching
and mortality events, has shown recently to
have high resistance and resilience to non-
optimal conditions (Manzello et al., 2017;
Rodríguez-Troncoso et al., 2016; Romero-
Torres et al., 2020). Besides their coverage,
branching corals have higher growth rates and
provide more available shelter or substrata to
other organisms than other local genera, such
as massive Pavona spp. or encrusting Porites
spp. (Lizcano-Sandoval et al., 2018; Nava &
Figueroa-Camacho, 2017; Tortolero-Langarica
et al., 2014; Tortolero-Langarica et al., 2019;
Tortolero-Langarica et al., 2020), increasing
the relevance of promoting active protocols to
increase their presence in the coral community.
The results showed differences in growth
rate at the micro-scale level, despite their prox-
imity; and also, unexpectedly, the growth rates
were lower than those previously recorded in
the central Mexican Pacific (Nava & Figueroa-
Camacho, 2017; Tortolero-Langarica et al.,
2014; Tortolero-Langarica et al., 2019). Coral
growth responds to regional conditions and
global phenomena (Manzello et al., 2017;
Tortolero-Langarica et al., 2019), promoting
similar effects along the region; however, local
conditions (e.g., depth, wave action, nutrient
concentration, and space competitors) also
determines the growth rate (Lough & Cooper,
2011). A seasonal increase of nutrients in the
region can be caused by seasonal upwellings
(Palacios-Hernández et al., 2010), but at Punta
Mita the constant run-offs cause abnormal
high concentrations of inorganic nutrients and
sediments (Martínez-Castillo et al., 2020) from
fertilizers of the gulf course or discharged
from the touristic development (ECOPLAMB,
2004). Corals from Punta Mita exhibited a
higher growth rate than Islas Marietas colonies,
which is surprising as PM has been described
as a less-optimal site for coral development,
but the high light regime due to the low depth
and high nutrients, are beneficial conditions
for the endosymbionts and consequently ener-
gy translocated for growth (Fabricius, 2005;
Martínez-Castillo et al., 2020). Furthermore,
both conditions also contribute to the cor-
als’ ability to feed by suspension (Anthony &
Fabricius, 2000); however, the long-term effect
on coral skeletal density has to be determined,
as it can result in less dense and more fragile
skeletons, which can increase the vulnerability
of the reef framework (Chazottes et al., 2002;
Fabricius, 2005).
Both, short- and long-survival rates are
indicators of success (Bayraktarov et al., 2016).
The results showed a 83 % of survival, and
specifically, Punta de Mita showed a higher
survival rate than the offshore sites and high
self-attachment to the substrata. For restoration
purposes, fragment survival and attachment
depends as previously mentioned, by fragment
health but also the stress caused to corals due to
manipulation, depth, bio-erosion, macro-algal
competition, the proximity of reefs to sources
of anthropogenic stress and fragment size, yet
these were no evaluated herein (Bowden-Kerby,
2001; Guest et al., 2011; Shaish et al., 2008).
In addition, despite coral fragments used in
this study were visibly healthy and showed no
signs of bleaching, algal cover, or sponge, ~ 50
% of Pocillopora spp. coral colonies along the
ETP are invaded by Cliona vermifera, the most
abundant coral-excavating sponge (Alvarado
et al., 2017; Bautista-Guerrero et al., 2014),
which may compromise the coral colony struc-
ture and negatively impacts coral attachment.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54850, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Seasonality could also be considered as
a determining factor in the success of the
restoration program as seawater temperature
is one of the most important factors for coral
growth, reproduction and survival (Anthony &
Fabricius, 2000). In the central Mexican Pacific
SWT range from 19 °C during the temperate-
dry season to 31 °C during the warm-rainy sea-
son, with daily minimum-maximum ranges of
5 °C, which are attributed to seasonal upwell-
ing and internal waves (Palacios-Hernández
et al., 2010). Our surveys show a higher
growth rate during the warm-rainy period,
which can be considered a regular pattern
(Tortolero-Langarica et al., 2017), as long as
the temperature does not overcome the species’
thermal threshold.
Therefore, ENSO-driven temperature
anomalies and the historical local resistance of
the corals should also be considered. As previ-
ously described, the 1997-98 El Niño event
elicited bleaching and massive mortality in
the region (Carriquiry et al., 2001), with evi-
dence of low but constant recovery at specific
sites along the ETP (Rodríguez-Troncoso &
Cupul-Magaña, 2016; Rodríguez-Troncoso et
al., 2016; Romero-Torres et al., 2020) although
the influence of quasi-oscillatory positive and
negative thermal anomalies occurring in the
region in an average period of 2 years (Palacio-
Hernández et al., 2010; Santoso et al., 2017).
The transplantation coincided with the 2015-
2016 El Niño event, so far considered the most
extreme of the 21st century (Santoso et al.,
2017), with a dramatic impact on coral reefs
along the equatorial Pacific (e.g., Brainard et
al., 2018, Vargas-Ángel et al., 2019). However,
at the CMP, the thermal anomalies did not
cause massive bleaching or mortality but can
explain the lower growth rates. Still, the surviv-
al rate is higher than the one recorded in other
studies (Bayraktarov et al., 2016; Boström-
Einarsson et al., 2020), and more importantly,
a positive growth rate during adverse global
and local (urban development and touristic
activities) conditions.
The correct implementation of a well-
structured restoration initiative and long-term
assessment and monitoring stand to bring eco-
logical and societal benefits, particularly in
regions characterized by high urban and touris-
tic pressures. Any restoration protocol must be
replicable at a regional level and have the flexi-
bility to consider the local characteristics of the
site. Before starting a restoration program, it is
suggested to evaluate the area and consider: 1)
presence of fragments of opportunity or donor
colonies, 2) the availability of natural substrata,
3) Evidence of low density of internal bioerod-
ers, 4) determining those sites that may be
donors but are not optimal for intervention, 5)
seasonal temperature fluctuation and nutrients
and sedimentation rate, and 6) the resistance or
ability to recover from stress conditions (e.g.,
ENSO events). The success of any restoration
program depends to a large extent on establish-
ing them in sites that show in their recent his-
tory a capacity for acclimatization to stressful
conditions, and when implemented in the con-
tinuous monitoring, as the goal is to reach the
self-sustaining, where human intervention is
minimal and only passive restoration tools are
necessary, assisting the recovery of the coral
coverage and the associated organisms but to
reach the rehabilitation of the site (Boström-
Einarsson et al., 2020). The Mexican central
Pacific has proven to be a reef area that can
be considered a coralline refuge, where active
restoration protocol should be planned for the
long term to ensure the maintenance of these
high-value ecosystems.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is no
conflict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
The present work was supported by a
National Geographic Society grant (W405-15
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54850, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
and NGS-55349R-19) to APRT and by the
National Commission of Natural Protected
Areas (CONANP) with the project CONANP-
The authors thank the authorities of the Islas
Marietas National Park (CONANP) and Protec-
ción y Restauración de Islas y Zonas Naturales
(PROZONA A.C.) for their assistance with
field operations.
Author contributions: RPG, APRT,
ALCM conceived and designed the research;
RPG, APRT, ALCM JJATL performed the
fieldwork and obtained the data; RPG, APRT,
JJATL, LDKG analyzed the data; APRT, ALCM
contributed materials and field trips; RPG,
APRT, JJATL wrote and edited the manuscript.
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