Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Applying the SES Framework to coral reef restoration projects
on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica
Nohelia Palou Zúniga1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5984-7906
Róger Madrigal Ballestero1,2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5637-0129
Achim Schlüter3; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0046-7263
Juan José Alvarado4; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2620-9115
1. Centro Agronómico de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Turrialba, Costa Rica; nohelia.palou@catie.ac.cr
2. Environment for Development (EfD), Centro Agronómico de Investigación y Enseñanza (CATIE), Turrialba, Costa
Rica; rmadriga@catie.ac.cr
3. Leibniz Center for Marine Tropical Ecology (ZMT), Bremen, Germany; achim.schlueter@leibniz-zmt.de
4. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR), San José, Costa Rica; juanalva76@yahoo.com
Received 07-X-2022. Corrected 14-II-2023. Accepted 26-II-2023.
Introduction: Global and local stressors have led to rapid declines in coral reef health. The high rates of coral
degradation have motivated restoration initiatives worldwide. Evaluation of these initiatives has provided valu-
able information regarding coral restoration techniques and limitations faced by projects. However, most of the
literature is focused on evaluating metrics related to fragment survival rate and growth, leaving a gap in under-
standing how social aspects such as governance structure affect project outcomes.
Objective: The present research applies the Social-Ecological Systems Framework to identify social and ecologi-
cal factors contributing to the success of three coral reef restoration projects in Costa Rica.
Methods: Data was gathered from 50 semi-structured interviews with project members, volunteers, tour opera-
tors, fishers, and related community and government organizations that were analyzed using the categories deter-
mined by the Social-Ecological Systems Framework.
Results: Despite each case’s specific ecological and governance characteristics, research results show that three
main steps have contributed to project success. First, the importance of locals having a positive perception of
coral reef and project benefits; second, the use of network structure to obtain adequate financial and human
resources and third, the importance of compliance with a regulatory framework to create enabling environments
for reef restoration.
Conclusions: Results show no universal solutions for coral reef restoration projects. Project managers must
understand the ecological and social context of the restoration site to boost the benefits that reef restoration proj-
ects can provide, such as an increase in local stewardship, income generation, and the creation of more resilient
Key words: reef restoration; Costa Rica; social-ecological systems; governance.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Coral reefs cover 0.2 % of the earth’s
surface; however, almost 50 % of coral reef
live coverage has been lost in the last 30 years
(Burke et al., 2011; Souter et al., 2020). Loss
of coral coverage decreases ecosystem services
such as recreational use, tourism development,
fish biomass production, and coastal protec-
tion, causing direct effects on the livelihood of
people living near coastal zones (Eddy et al.,
2021; Moberg & Rönnbäck, 2003).
The global decline in coral reef ecosystem
services has motivated restoration initiatives
worldwide (Edwards & Clark, 1999). Reef res-
toration initiatives started in the 1960s with arti-
ficial reefs when coral reef degradation became
more visible, and laws for protecting marine
habitats were introduced (Rinkevich, 1995).
In the early 2000s, efforts started eradicating
invasive species and outplants from nurseries
(Goergen et al., 2020). In 2016, emphasis was
given to increasing efficiency and scale using
micro-fragmentation and larval propagation.
During this last wave, efforts have been accom-
panied by the commercialization of initiatives
for touristic purposes (Meyers, 2017). Evalu-
ation of projects conducted in the previous 60
years has helped identify the importance of site
selection, accessibility (Quigley et al., 2022),
water quality, eradication or control of threats
(Shaver et al., 2020), public support (Frey &
Berkes, 2014), adequate human and financial
resources (Wenger et al., 2017), effective gov-
ernance (Cinner et al., 2012), and straightfor-
ward legal mandate (Christie & White, 2007)
as factors for influencing effective restoration
Ecological restoration can be defined as
the process of assisting in the recovery and
management of the ecological integrity of an
ecosystem (Van Diggelen et al., 2001). Suding
Aplicación del marco SSE a proyectos de restauración de arrecifes de coral
en la costa del Pacífico de Costa Rica.
Introducción: Los factores de estrés globales y locales han llevado a una rápida disminución de la salud de
los arrecifes de coral. Las altas tasas de degradación de los corales han motivado iniciativas de restauración en
todo el mundo. La evaluación de estas iniciativas ha proporcionado información valiosa sobre las técnicas de
restauración de coral y las limitaciones que enfrentan los proyectos. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de la literatura
se centra en la evaluación de métricas relacionadas con la tasa de supervivencia y el crecimiento de fragmentos,
lo que deja un vacío en la comprensión de cómo los aspectos sociales y estructura de gobernanza, afectan los
resultados del proyecto.
Objetivo: La presente investigación aplica el Marco Conceptual de Sistemas Socio-Ecológicos para identificar
los factores sociales y ecológicos que contribuyen al éxito de tres proyectos de restauración de arrecifes de coral
en Costa Rica.
Métodos: Los datos se recopilaron a partir de 50 entrevistas semiestructuradas con miembros del proyecto,
voluntarios, operadores turísticos, pescadores y organizaciones comunitarias y gubernamentales relacionadas que
se analizaron utilizando las categorías determinadas por el Marco Conceptual de Sistemas Socio- Ecológicos.
Results: A pesar de las características ecológicas y de gobernanza específicas de cada caso, los resultados de la
investigación muestran que tres pasos principales han contribuido al éxito del proyecto. Primero, la importancia
de que los locales tengan una percepción positiva de los arrecifes de coral y los beneficios del proyecto; segundo,
el uso de la estructura de la red para obtener recursos financieros y humanos adecuados y tercero, la importancia
del cumplimiento de un marco regulatorio para crear entornos propicios para la restauración de arrecifes.
Conclusiones: A pesar de las características ecológicas y de gobernanza específicas de cada caso, los resultados
de la investigación muestran que tres puntos principales han contribuido al éxito del proyecto. Primero, la impor-
tancia de que los locales tengan una percepción positiva de los arrecifes de coral y los beneficios del proyecto;
segundo, el uso de la estructura de la red para obtener recursos financieros y humanos y tercero, la importancia
del cumplimiento de un marco regulatorio para crear entornos propicios para la restauración de arrecifes.
Palabras clave: restauración arrecifal; Costa Rica; sistemas socio ecológicos; gobernanza.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
et al., 2015 argue the following four funda-
mental principles should be met: 1) increasing
ecological integrity, 2) benefiting and involv-
ing society, 3) long-term sustainability, and
4) the past should inform initiatives. These
principles can be used as pillars for evaluat-
ing project performance. However, most of
the coral reef restoration literature is focused
on evaluating only the ecological aspects of
projects (Bayraktarov et al., 2019). The most
common indicators for project success are coral
colony-level metrics related to corals’ survival
rate and growth (Hein et al., 2017). There is
a knowledge gap in understanding the social
and economic factors that impact the restora-
tion project’s performance. Factors such as
the influence of livelihoods, governance, local
capacity building, and community participation
on project efficiency and sustainability are not
usually considered (Hein et al., 2017; Kittinger
et al., 2012).
Some studies have assessed social factors;
for example, Hein et al. (2019) evaluated vital
stakeholders´ perspectives on coral reef res-
toration efforts in four restoration projects in
Thailand, Maldives, Florida Keys, and the US
Virgin Islands. Their findings show most com-
mon limitations to restoration success are lack
of technical capacity, no connection between
the project and local actors, the scale of threats
outweighs solutions, lack of partnerships, and
lack of science behind efforts. Boström-Einars-
son et al. (2020) reviewed 362 cases evaluat-
ing restoration knowledge related to methods,
success, and failures. The primary limitations
identified relate to poor project design, lack of
experimental control, short temporal scale, and
lack of appropriate and constant monitoring.
Human and coral reef interactions positively
and negatively impact coral reef restoration,
making it necessary to analyze reef restoration
from a social-ecological perspective (Uribe-
Castañeda et al., 2018). Very often, social and
ecological aspects are seen as separate ele-
ments, ignoring interactions between different
cultural, political, social, economic, ecological,
and technological components (Gunderson et
al., 2010). Oversimplifying these interactions
and applying one-size-fits-all solutions to eco-
system management have led to failures such
as a lack of stakeholder involvement, capacity
to control degradation causes, or long-term
sustainability (Wyborn & Bixler, 2013).
Yeemin et al. (2006) highlighted that the
prevention of causes of degradation should be
prioritized before starting restoration projects
to reduce the costs of restoring large areas.
Also, projects in limited demonstration areas
are easier to manage for different purposes,
such as education, tourism, or research. Tri-
alfhianty & Suadi (2017) assessed projects in
North-west Bali, analyzing the relationship
between community perception and participa-
tion in restoration activities. They found that
the level of community participation depends
on how related their livelihood is to coral
reefs and the importance of local leadership
as bridges between science and local aware-
ness. Community participation is assessed in
several studies; Kittinger et al. (2016) showed
that projects that increase community aware-
ness, participation, and shared responsibility
achieve long-term results. Notably, Kittinger et
al. (2016) found that restoration projects helped
develop a skilled workforce, improve eco-
nomic benefits through job creation, increase
the capacity of community organizations to
act on threats to reefs and watersheds, revital-
ize Native Hawaiian cultural practices, and
innovate on using invasive algae as compost
for farmers. Hein et al. (2019) found that com-
munity participation is retributed through jobs,
education, stewardship, and increasing recre-
ation opportunities.
Financing restoration projects is complex
and limited, one of the biggest impediments
to scaling up interventions (Bayraktarov et al.,
2019). Most of it has been in-kind or NGO
sector financing (Goreau & Hilbertz, 2008).
Recently, the private sector has been increas-
ingly funding restoration activities, especially
hotels and dive operators (Bottema & Bush,
2012; Meyers, 2017; Okubo & Onuma, 2015).
Understanding how governance structure and
types of financing influence project outcomes
is relevant for decision-making. Bottema &
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Bush (2012) analyzed private sector-led marine
conservation. Their results highlight the pri-
vate sector’s ability to create awareness both
in tourist and local communities, generate
income, and the capacity to support financial
restoration activities. When government sup-
port is lacking, other reef users need help to
guarantee compliance; for this to occur, trust
is required. In their study, the private sector
gained legitimacy by investing in education and
employment programs. In the same direction,
Okubo & Onuma (2015) analyzed commercial
restoration projects in Okinawa, where diving
tours have incorporated restoration activities.
Results show it is appealing to tourists and cre-
ates environmental awareness. However, they
highlight that this commercial project lacks
long-term ecological integrity emphasis.
The Social-Ecological Systems Frame-
work (SESF) is a diagnostic tool that allows
to deepen the analysis of social and ecological
interactions affecting coral reef restoration
performance. A framework is a comprehen-
sive structuring tool that depicts an empirical
situation. The SESF was explicitly created to
understand social-ecological systems (Schlüter
& Madrigal, 2012), allowing us to assess
which variables across the ecological and social
realm influence human behavior causing dif-
ferent outcomes in particular resource systems
throughout time (Ostrom, 2007). For achieving
a holistic perspective, the framework distin-
guishes eight categories for analysis: 1) social,
economic, and political settings, 2) resource
systems, 3) resource units, 4) governance, 5)
actors, 6) interactions, 7) related ecosystems,
and 8) outcomes. These categories are subdi-
vided into second-tier variables identified in
the literature to be relevant for common pool
resources management (Ostrom, 2007; Ostrom,
2009). These variables supply a common lan-
guage for comparing cases by analyzing each
case’s ecological, economic, social, and policy
characteristics and outcomes (Delgado-Serrano
& Ramos, 2015; Ostrom, 2007).
The SESF has helped to determine fac-
tors influencing sustainable management in
coastal and marine ecosystems (Basurto et al.,
2013; Leslie et al., 2015; Partelow et al., 2018;
Schlüter & Madrigal, 2012; Torres-Guevara
et al., 2016). Fewer studies have been made
regarding applying the SESF to coral reef man-
agement; most refer to Marine Protected Areas
(MPAs) containing coral reefs. For instance,
Cinner et al. (2012) used the framework to
measure the success of coral reef co-man-
agement across five countries. Their results
show that successful co-management is related
to critical institutional designs, knowledge of
human agency in the ecosystem is high, and
people have a history of being involved in
co-management. Palomo & Hernández-Flores
(2019) applied the framework to a marine
natural protected area in Mexico by analyz-
ing the key elements to achieve sustainable
use in multiple resource systems such as coral
reefs. Findings show that governance systems
within a community change depending on
the type of economic activity performed by
the population, and governance complexity is
related to the equity level of the actors. It also
highlighted how community-based governance
helped people get skills in conservation and
increase stewardship.
Some studies have not applied the SESF
directly but have linked social and ecologi-
cal data to understand how these interactions
influence outcomes and have helped identify
relevant variables for understanding human-
coral reef dynamics. Pollnac et al. (2010)
evaluated 56 marine reserves in the Philippines,
the Western Indian Ocean, and the Caribbean,
finding that fish biomass was influenced by
human population density and compliance with
rules. Cinner et al. (2016) evaluated 2 500
reefs worldwide; their results show that bright
fish spots were linked to high dependence on
marine resources, levels of local engagement,
marine tenure, cultural taboos, and beneficial
environmental conditions. On the other side,
dark spots were linked to intensive capture,
storage capacity access, and recent environ-
mental stress events history. Conclusions from
this study highlight the importance of strength-
ening participation and property rights in fish-
eries. These results help identify what social
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
variables have been influential in other cases.
Rogers et al. (2015) evaluated how the structure
of coral reef communities may change in the
future due to climate change and overfishing by
considering structural complexity and primary
productivity. Their findings show that the effi-
cacy of management depends on biophysical
characteristics and reef state, making marine
reserves more effective with high structural
complexity and restoration more effective for
low complexity reefs.
This study aims to contribute to the knowl-
edge of coral reef restoration projects through
a social-ecological perspective by applying
the Social-Ecological System Framework to
identify the main social and ecological fac-
tors contributing to the successful outcomes of
three restoration projects on the Pacific coast
of Costa Rica. The research analyzes the role of
perception in increasing local participation, the
enabling conditions that allow access to techni-
cal and financial capacity, and how compliance
with the existing regulatory framework contrib-
utes to project success. Emphasis is given to
the influence of different governance structures
on projects’ successful outcomes by comparing
projects led by an NGO, co-managed by the
community and technical government institu-
tion and co-managed by a local university and
a private tourism developer.
Study Area: Three study cases from the
Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, part of the ETP
were chosen to analyze social and ecologi-
cal enabling conditions for success (Fig. 1).
They share ecological characteristics related to
topography, oceanographic dynamics strongly
influenced by low latitude trade winds, and
inter-annual climate variation associated with
ENSO. The Northern part of the coast has
a dry tropical forest with a dry season from
December to April when the upwelling season
Fig. 1. Location of three coral reef restoration projects working areas (Bahía Culebra, Sámara, and Golfo Dulce. (Google
Satellite, n.d.)
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
occurs; meanwhile, the southern part has tropi-
cal rainforest, with rain all year round, which
decreases from December to April. High moun-
tains in the central and southern areas prevent
coastal upwelling (Cortés & Jiménez, 2003).
Also, reefs in the ETP are built by a few coral
species and have a discontinuous distribution
(Reyes-Bonilla et al., 2020).
Regarding social and economic aspects,
the Pacific Coast has experienced economic
growth through tourism due to the country’s
political stability and infrastructure develop-
ment, such as airports and roads (Honey et al.,
2010). The following sections briefly describe
the location where projects are being conducted
and the project history and results. Table 1 sum-
marizes the project description and results.
Bahía Culebra: The bay has an exten-
sion of 7 km, located inside the Papagayo
Gulf (10.619357 °N - 85.655315 °W) in the
northern Pacific of Costa Rica. The bay has
seasonal upwelling from December to April,
having colder and nutrient-rich waters and
decreasing water temperatures (Alfaro & Cor-
tés, 2012). Bahía Culebra is characterized by
having rare and unique coral communities and
reefs. Pocilloporid corals are the primary reef
builders in shallow waters, and Pavona clavus,
Psammocora spp., and Leptoseris papyracea
are primarily found in deeper waters. Branch-
ing corals such as Pocillopora damicornis and
massive such as Pavona clavus account for 42
% and 30 % of live cover, respectively (Cortés
& Jiménez, 2003). Jiménez (2001) states domi-
nance of species in the bay might be influenced
by coral thermal tolerance and exposure to cool
upwelling waters during the dry season. Corals
in this area have been affected by siltation, fish-
ing, and touristic activities, El Niño, extraction
for the aquarium trade, macroalgal prolifera-
tion, and red tides (Cortés et al., 2010).
The bay’s economic development intensi-
fied in the ‘90s due to the Polo Turístico Golfo
de Papagayo (PTGP), which promotes sun, sea,
and sand tourism. The PTGP is managed by
the Instituto Costarricense de Turismo (ICT),
which grants concessions to investors. Main
touristic activities in the bay include sport
fishing, diving, snorkeling, and water ski rides
(Jimenez, 2001; Sánchez-Noguera, 2012).
The restoration project started as a coral
gardening pilot in 2019. It is managed by
a private-public partnership between Sistema
Nacional de Áreas de Conservación (SINAC),
CIMAR, German Corporation for International
Cooperation (GIZ), Península Papagayo, and
RCCR. In 2020, the project was officialized
Table 1
Summary of project relevant information took from interviews with project´s members. Data was taken during fieldwork
conducted from February to June 2022.
Organization Culebra Reef Gardens Asociación Proyecto Corales Raising Coral Costa Rica
Location Bahía Culebra, Guanacaste Sámara, Guanacaste Golfo Dulce, Puntarenas
Managed by Private sector and Academia Community and Government
Funded by International cooperation, Private
and public sector (University)
Personal donations, citizen
science events, public sector
(Govt institution) funding
International cooperation and
personal donations
Starting Date 2019 2017 2016
# of transplanted
265 transplanted 4,000 for
growing in structures
600 transplanted 1600 transplanted
% survivance 83.20 % 64 % 90 %
Species Pocillopora spp., Pavona clavus,
Pavona gigantea, Porites lobata
Pavona gigantea, Psammocora
stellata, Porites lobata ,
Pocillopora elegans
Pocillopora spp., Pavona frondifera
Pavona gigantea, Psammocora
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
to implement an in-situ coral gardening pro-
gram and promote responsible touristic activi-
ties in reefs and nurseries in Bahía Culebra.
CIMAR’s role is to lead ecological monitoring
and provide technical knowledge. Meanwhile,
Península Papagayo contributes by managing
volunteers to clean the structures. Both orga-
nizations make financial contributions to the
project. In the case of CIMAR, they contribute
US$76 000 per year, including equipment,
staff, and materials. The relationship between
both actors is ruled by a cooperation agreement
of three years which will be evaluated by the
end of the period. Project goals are to transplant
5 000 corals in 5 years, recover 30 % of coral
cover, increase biomass and fish diversity by
50 %, establish a responsible tourism program
with three local enterprises, create environmen-
tal awareness in the local community, propose
marine spatial planning for productive activi-
ties related to coral reefs in the zone. The proj-
ect covers around 0.09 ha in Güiri-Güiri, Islas
Pelonas y Playa Blanca. Two hundred sixty-five
coral fragments have been transplanted, and
4 000 fragments of Pocillopora spp. are meant
to stay in the spider and A structures that are
already growing. The project has 83.2 % of
coral survival.
Sámara: Sámara (9.869220° N -
85.515304° W) is located in the Nicoya canton
in the Guanacaste Province. The estimated
population for 2022 is 4 685 habitants (Insti-
tuto Nacional de Estadística y Censos [INEC],
2011). The primary income sources are tour-
ism, fishing, and agriculture (CREST, 2013).
Unlike other areas of the Guanacaste Province
that follow a high-volume tourism strategy
with resort-type hotel infrastructure, Sámara
has small and medium infrastructure focused
on ecotourism. The Refugio Nacional de Vida
Silvestre (RNVS) Isla Chora is located in
Sámara Bay. The bay has a 3 km extension.
Most popular touristic activities include snor-
keling, diving, kayaking, dolphin, whale, and
turtle watching, horseback riding, and sport
fishing. The region has a small Pocillopora or
Porites lobata reef patch (Cortés & Jiménez,
2003); however, these reefs have been affected
due to gravel and clay sedimentation carried by
the Mala Noche and Lagarto rivers (Armstrong
et al., 2010). In addition, anthropogenic and
natural threats have reduced live coral cover to
5 % (C. Perez, personal communication, Febru-
ary 21st, 2022).
In 2016, the Ministry of Environment
and Energy (MINAE) requested the Instituto
Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA) to evaluate the
feasibility of conducting a coral reef restoration
project in Samara Bay. The feasibility analysis
allowed to determine sites for the nursery near
RNVS Isla Chora and transplant sites in Can-
grejal. The project started officially in 2017
when INA approached local tour operators and
tour guides to participate in coral gardening
training to create a group of local volunteers.
The project is co-managed by Asociación
Proyecto Corales Sámara and INA. Asociación
Proyecto Corales is a community organization
with seven active volunteers, mainly from the
tourism sector. INA provides technical knowl-
edge and performs ecological monitoring. The
project cost for Asociación Proyecto Corales is
around US$28 000 per year, including equip-
ment, nursery materials, and transportation.
This money is collected from volunteer dona-
tions, local businesses’ material donations, and
a citizen science monthly event in partnership
with tour operators. INA has funded around
US$12 547 (Perez Reyes, 2021), including the
working hours of 3 INA staff members, equip-
ment, and materials. The project is working in
approximately 0.04 ha and aims to transplant
10 000 fragments with the help of the local
community. Until February 2022, the project
transplanted 600 fragments with a 64 % sur-
vival rate.
Golfo Dulce: One of four tropical fjords
in the world (Quesada-Alpízar et al., 2006),
Golfo Dulce (8.612352° N, - 83.291639° W)
is in Puntarenas Province, between Golfito
and Osa cantons (Fig. 1). Results from the
demographic census made in 2011 estimate
population between both Puerto Jimenez and
Golfito would be 24 703 habitants in 2022
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
(INEC, 2011). Historically, the economy near
Golfo Dulce was dictated by agriculture and
gold mining. Nowadays, rice, livestock, tour-
ism, commerce, artisanal, commercial, and
sport fishing account for the most significant
activities in the zone (Román & Angulo, 2013).
Golfo Dulce covers an area of 750 km2.
The gulf is surrounded by two National Parks,
a forest reserve, and a Marine Area for Respon-
sible Fishing (AMPR) (Fargier et al., 2014).
Tidal forces, wind, freshwater entry into the
system, upwelling subsurface water, and basin
topography influence water mixing and cir-
culation in the gulf (Morales-Ramírez, 2011).
Coral reefs and communities found in the gulf
can be divided into two main groups: the ones
located in the inner section of the gulf and
those from the outer area (Cortés, 1990). Most
common species found were Porites lobata,
Pocillopora damicornis and Psammocora stel-
lata. The inner gulf has low coral diversity (1-8
%) and high topographic relief. Meanwhile,
the outer gulf has a higher live coral coverage
(29-46 %) and low topographic relief (Cortés &
Jiménez, 2003).
The restoration project started as a research
initiative of two coral reef experts, with access
to funding and technical knowledge for con-
ducting the project. One of the coral reef experts
was linked to the Costa Rica University (UCR)
and the Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del
Mar y Limnología (CIMAR), which facilitated
access to local marine experts. The restora-
tion initiative began in 2015 as part of a mas-
ter’s thesis (Villalobos-Cubero, 2019). In 2016,
NGO Raising Coral Costa Rica (RCCR) was
created in partnership with UCR, and in 2019
the NGO got its independent status. The cost of
implementing the project for RCCR is around
US$100 000, which includes day of work
payment for volunteers, equipment, materials,
and transportation. 84 % of funds come from
international cooperation, 15 % from personal
donations, and 1 % from citizen science events
(RCCR, 2021).
RCCR intervenes approximately 0.5 ha in
Golfo Dulce. Objectives are defined annually;
for 2022, the goal is to transplant 2 000 corals.
One thousand four hundred corals have been
transplanted with a 90 % survival. RCCR has
three major restoration sites in Playa Nicuesa,
Mogos, and Sandalo. The NGO structure is ver-
tical, with two project managers specializing in
marine biology and coral reef restoration and
seven local coral gardeners.
Method: This research follows a qualita-
tive approach by comparing three case studies
using the SESF as a diagnostic tool (Fig. 2)
(McGinnis & Ostrom, 2014; Ostrom, 2007).
The diagnostic process means asking a series
of questions on a specific system and elabo-
rating on more specific questions based on
the responses provided by previous questions,
allowing it to go from general to particular
(Frey & Cox, 2015).
SESF facilitates the diagnosing task
because it orders a set of variables that
have been proven relevant for understand-
ing resources’ sustainable use (Ostrom, 2009).
First-tier variables help design the general
questions, and then second-tier variables can
be chosen depending on the system’s character-
istics and the information provided through the
data collection.
The case selection method used was most
similar cases (Seawright & Gerring, 2008),
which requires the identification of key vari-
ables of interest that should be similar across
cases and variables that should vary meaning-
fully (Nielsen, 2016). For this study, similar
variables are successful ecological outcomes
with survival rates above 50 % (Harriot &
Fisk, 1988), projects that have been sustained
for more than 18 months, and similar eco-
logical characteristics for being part of the ETP.
This similarity, especially regarding ecological
variables, allows us to focus on the impact of
varying variables such as governance structure
or being surrounded by touristic poles, land
protected areas, or no special management
zone may have on project success with the aim
of understanding if governance structure is an
influential variable for successful outcomes in
coral reef restoration.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Fig. 2. Social-Ecological Systems Framework including first and second-tier variables (taken from DeCaro & Stokes, 2013).
Related ecosystems (ECO)
ECO1 Climate patterns
ECO2 Pollution patterns
ECO3 Flow into and out of local SES
Social, economic and political
settings (S)
S1 Economic development
S2 Demographic trends
S3 Political stability
S4 Government resource policies
S5 Market incentives
S6 Media organizations
Governance systems (GS)
GS1 Government organizations
GS2 Nongovernment organization
GS3 Network structure
GS4 Property rights systems
GS5 Operational rules
GS6 Collective-choice rules
GS7 Constitutional rules
GS8 Monitoring and sanctioning
Users (U)
U1 Number of users
U2 Socioeconomic attributes of users
U3 History of use
U4 Location
U5 Leadership
U6 Norms/social capital
U7 Knowledge of SES
U8 Importance of resource
U9 Technology used
Resource systems (RS)
RS1 Sector
RS2 Clarity of system boundaries
RS3 Size of resource systems
RS4 Human constructed facilities
RS5 Productivity of systems
RS6 Equilibrium properties
RS7 Predictability of system dynamics
RS8 Storage characteristics
RS9 Locations
Resource Units (RU)
RU1 Resource unit mobility
RU2 Growth or replacement rate
RU3 Interaction among resource units
RU4 Economic value
RU5 Number of units
RU6 Distinctive markings
RU7 Spatial & temporal distribution
Data collection: Data was collected using
semi-structured interviews and participant
observation. Interviews followed a diagnostic
procedure (Cox, 2011; Ostrom, 2007) consist-
ing of broad semi-structured questionnaires
designed for each actor group based on the
SESF first and second-tier variables (Fig. 2) to
ensure the information during cases would be
comparable for the analysis. Using second-tier
variables allows for identifying more specific
details of the resource system management.
Also, a literature review from similar studies
helped identify relevant questions for designing
the interview protocol. Questions were divided
into 1) project data which included questions
regarding motivation to start the project, goals,
criteria for species and site selection, num-
ber of transplanted fragments, survival rate,
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
monitoring schedule, and actors involved. 2)
Perception segment included questions on reef
benefits, reef state, significant threats, time liv-
ing in the community, knowledge about project
existence, project benefits and limitations, and
conflicts between reef users. 3) The technical
knowledge, financial capacity, and social capi-
tal section included questions on the quantity of
cleaning and monitoring activities performed
per month, type of funding, key partners, how
project information is shared with different
stakeholders, the number of training sessions
received and by who, how decision making is
made, level of trust in different actors, partici-
pation in community organizations. 4) Regard-
ing rules compliance, questions were directed
to the application of the AMPR, touristic pole,
or the lack of management and what benefits
or challenges they identified from the type of
management in each zone. Data regarding eco-
logical systems and socioeconomic context was
mainly obtained from management plans, mon-
itoring reports, thesis, and published articles.
All primary data was collected between
February 2022 to June 2022 through 50 semi-
structured interviews in Spanish (Table 2).
Following literature related to coral reef resto-
ration projects (Frey and Berkes, 2014; Hein
et al., 2017; Kittinger et al., 2016; Okubo &
Onuma, 2015), individuals were chosen based
on their proximity to sea-related activities and
the information they could provide due to their
role in the community or workplace.
Sampling was done according to the type
of actor. For critical informants, who included
project members and representatives of com-
munity and government institutions, purposive
sampling was selected (Bernard, 2006; Max-
well, 2014). Information from interviews was
triangulated with other data-collecting meth-
ods, such as field notes taken during field
work. Data was collected until reaching satura-
tion point (Bonde, 2013), which refers to the
point where no new data appears, and concepts
of the theory are well developed. This satura-
tion point was determined during the field
work. People outside the projects have little
knowledge on coral reef and most information
shared was similar thus no new or relevant
data was acquired after four to five interviews.
Most of the information regarding the projects
is centralized in project managers. Due to the
homogeneity and level of experience of the
people interviewed, we reached the saturation
point with 50 interviews.
Data was also collected through par-
ticipant observation, mainly by participating in
restoration activities, watching people interact
with restoration sites, and living in each com-
munity for at least three weeks, providing the
perception of the daily reality of each project.
Bahía Culebra has a smaller sample than the
other two sites due to the project’s characteris-
tic of being remotely located in a private com-
plex and because its focus is not a community
project. This may represent limitations to the
study specially regarding the generalization of
perceptions regarding reef and project benefits.
Data analysis: Data was analyzed by
applying qualitative content analysis using
MAXQDA software (VERBI Software,
2021). The analysis consisted of classifying
data from interviews using systematic coding
Table 2
Semi-structured interviews were conducted during field research to identify relevant SESF variables for successful project
Study area Total
Members/volunteers Fisherman Tour
operators Hotels Community or govt.
Samara 20 4 4 6 3 3
Bahía Culebra 11 1 1 6 1 2
Golfo Dulce 19 4 3 6 2 4
Total 50
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
classification that allowed the identification of
themes and patterns (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005).
First, transcribed interviews were analyzed, and
relevant data based on the research questions
were highlighted. Afterward, deductive cat-
egory application (Mayring, 2000) was used by
applying SESF first and second-tier variables to
determine coding schemes and the relationship
between codes. Partelow´s (2018) definitions
and indicators of SESF variables were used as
a codebook. Data that could not be coded using
SESF first and second-tier variables were high-
lighted and labeled either as a new category or
subcategory. In the case of perception-related
questions, codes are derived directly from data.
Data was triangulated by gathering informa-
tion from different sources to validate their
context (Creswell, 2014). Data was segmented
by cases, involving constant comparative tech-
niques (Strauss & Corbin, 1990). Once all
data was coded, a list of the frequency of
codes was developed. The text was analyzed
to identify their positive or negative impact on
projects’ ecological outcome of more salient
variables. Information regarding positive or
negative impact was crosschecked with previ-
ous studies of collective action theory (Olson,
1965; Ostrom, 2009; Poteete & Ostrom, 2014)
and coral reef restoration research (Cinner et
al., 2016; Frey & Berkes, 2014; Kittinger et al.,
2012; Kittinger et al., 2016; Okubo & Onuma,
2015; Yeemin et al., 2006). Afterwards, com-
parison tables were developed depicting how
each variable was present in each case.
Results show that despite peculiarities to
each case, they follow similar routes for suc-
cess. Three main factors were present in all
cases: (1) Role of positive perception of bene-
fits from coral reefs and restoration projects; (2)
Role of network structures to achieve adequate
human and financial resources; and (3) Role of
compliance with regulatory frameworks.
The coding process with variables shown
in Fig. 2 displays that these three main fac-
tors were possible due to the interaction of the
following SESF variables: network structures
(GS3), constitutional choice rules (GS7), lead-
ership/entrepreneurship (U5), norms, trusts,
social capital (U6), investment activities (I5),
knowledge of SES (U7), information sharing
(I2), operational choice rules (GS5), monitor-
ing activities (I9), location (RS8), economic
value (RU4), the importance of resource depen-
dence (U8), predictability of system dynamics
(RS6), distinctive characteristics (RU6), history
or past experiences (U3), (S5) markets (Fig. 6).
Variables were chosen due to the frequency of
Fig. 3. Graph representing the frequency of codes related to Resource System and Resource Units set of second-tier variables
identified during the analysis of the interviews.
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
their appearance as relevant factors during the
coding process, as shown in Fig. 3, Fig. 4, and
Fig. 5, and their relationship with collective
action and coral restoration literature.
Role of positive perception of benefits
from coral reefs and restoration projects:
During the interviews, people were asked to
mention up to three benefits they perceived
from coral reefs and restoration projects.
Results regarding the perception of benefits
from these two elements show that in all three
study cases (Fig. 7, Fig. 8), people positively
perceive coral reefs as home to marine bio-
diversity, justifying that without corals, there
would be no fish, lobsters, or turtles in the
zone. The second, most important benefit iden-
tified was tourism attraction, which seems to
relate to the first option because the percep-
tion is that people are attracted to coral reefs
due to the number of animals they can see, as
expressed by a key informant in Golfo Dulce
and a tour operator in Bahia Culebra.
Golfo Dulce Key Informant 1: “They are
the marine ecosystem engineers; where there
are coral reefs, we see life and food.
Bahía Culebra Tour Operator 3: “it´s
a huge touristic attraction, locals like it, and
foreigners come from all over the world to dive
here, and that is really good for us; more cor-
als, the better.
There is a difference between results from
Sámara and Golfo Dulce compared to Bahía
Culebra mainly because fewer people were
interviewed in this zone than in the other two
Fig. 4. Graph representing the frequency of codes related to the Governance system and Actors set of second-tier variables
that were identified during the analysis of interviews.
Fig. 5. Graph representing the frequency of codes related to Social, Political, and Economic Settings and Interactions set of
second-tier variables identified during the analysis of the interviews.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Fig. 6. Adaptation of the SESF diagram showing how the salient variables interact to produce a positive perception of
benefits, obtain adequate financial and human resources, and achieve enabling environment for coral reef restoration.
due to less community involvement. Also,
the perception of most interviewees was that
Papagayo gulf did not have many coral reefs.
Results from reef benefits are aligned
with those perceived as project benefits. When
asked about project benefits, restoring marine
biodiversity was the most mentioned. A vol-
unteer from RCCR expressed how changes are
becoming noticeable in a short period. Golfo
Dulce Volunteer 1: “The change in a variety
of fish, seahorses, and lobsters that we now
see is big. In places where everything was dead
before, after 4 or 5 months, we start to see
a change.
Income generation was the second most
mentioned benefit. Again, it is perceived
directly and indirectly, as explained by a key
informant from Sámara. Sámara Key Infor-
mant 2: “We are seeing jobs being created
just to receive this type of tourism; people
now come to the city and have one more tour-
ist activity to do, so hotels, restaurants, tour
operators, and everyone benefits from it.
This positive perception motivated people
to support project activities. However, there
is a difference in motives to participate in the
project between the groups interviewed, which
is caused by the type of economic activity
performed by the individual. People related
to touristic activities were more willing to
contribute to the project since they perceived
short-term benefits from their contribution due
14 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
to the possibility of generating income from
the project as a touristic attraction, which gave
them a higher economic value perception. On
the other side, fishers who perceived benefits
related to the increase of marine biodiversity
see it as a long-term benefit that did not cause
a significant motivation to participate in resto-
ration activities, as expressed by a fisher from
Golfo Dulce. Golfo Dulce Fisher 1: “I know
the project will benefit because more corals
mean more fish, but the problem is the change
takes time. It could be months or years until we
see the number of fish we used to have, and I
need money and food to take back home. I can´t
just take a day off work. I live from what I earn
every day, and, in the sea, we never know if it´s
going to be a good day but not going to fish is
not an option.
Projects have also conducted education-
al awareness campaigns to reach locals and
Fig. 8. Results from interviews regarding project benefit perception in Sámara, Golfo Dulce, and Bahía Culebra.
Fig. 7. Results from interviews regarding reef benefit perception in Sámara, Golfo Dulce, and Bahía Culebra.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
tourists about the importance of reefs, caus-
ing an impact on the perception of corals and
project benefits. Most of these educational
outreach activities target youth from schools
and social media. The location also influences
perception, and collective action in three ways:
(1) Projects were in sites of easy access to com-
munities, as in the case of Sámara, or in the
area of influence of local businesses, as in the
case of the hotels in Golfo Dulce and the pri-
vate developer in Bahía Culebra, it was easier
for people to perceive benefits and stewardship
was increased. (2) Accessibility to restoration
sites also reduces transaction costs related
to transportation. (3) All three projects were
in zones with no previous conflict between
reef users.
In the case of Sámara, in the beginning,
the project faced sabotage from local fishers
because of a lack of communication of project
objectives and benefits from the project to the
local community. Fishers feared the project
would take their fishing rights in the area. The
problem was solved with meetings to inform
about project goals, how it would benefit fish-
ers regarding the provision services of reefs,
and by defining in conjunction restoration site
in which the project would not be affected, and
fishers could continue with their activities. A
fisher, a member of the Samara fisher associa-
tion, gave an example. Sámara Fisher 2: “They
focus mainly on tourism, which is fine, but they
should not leave out the fishers. For example,
where they wanted to make the nurseries was
a place on the fishing route. So, I told them
no, you could not put it there because you will
affect us; you must use common sense. They
probably would have set up the project there if
they had not invited me to the meeting, which
could have caused conflicts. We know it is a
good project, but it must be good to everyone,
not just a few.
Interviews with project volunteers in
Sámara and Golfo Dulce showed that the dura-
tion of living in the community is essential for
increasing collective action. People who lived
in the community where restoration took place
and knew how coral reefs changed through
time were more willing to contribute. When
asked about what will motivate them to partici-
pate in the project, we saw that people with a
negative perception of the reef state due to local
threats, such as sewage water or sedimentation
(Fig. 9), were more willing to participate than
those that had a common perception and per-
ceived global threats, such as climate change
because they saw their actions could not stop
the original problem. This difference in percep-
tion of the reef state and threats was one of
the most significant contrasts between local
actors interviewed in Sámara and Golfo Dulce,
projects with greater community participa-
tion. For instance, a member of the local water
organization in Sámara told us about how teak
plantations damaged corals and the actions they
have been conducting to reduce this type of
threat. Sámara Organization 2: I have lived in
Sámara all my life, and I saw how we have been
losing our reefs, especially 30 years ago when
the teak plantations started. We are doing our
Fig. 9. Results from interviews regarding reef state
best to restore the riparian buffer and help give
better conditions for corals to survive. I also
participate in the project because it´s important
for our community.
In Sámara, reefs are mostly perceived as
very damaged (Fig. 9). People interviewed in
Golfo Dulce considered reef stats primarily
regular. In Bahía Culebra, perceptions were
16 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
divided between regular and damaged. Howev-
er, in Bahía Culebra, when we asked about the
coral reefs’ state or benefits, most people said
the zone doesn’t have coral reefs or just some
small patches. They did not seem to recognize
them as an essential ecosystem in the area.
In the case of Golfo Dulce, the primary
threat perceived is climate change (Fig. 10),
as explained by this tour operator Golfo Dulce
Tour Operator 3: “It´s difficult because Golfo
Dulce is very protected, and we can see coral
reefs are in a good state. We have events such as
El Niño and red tides that affect them, but there
is nothing we can do; that´s nature and climate
change. I don´t participate directly in project
activities, but I help corals by keeping tourists
from damaging them during our tours.
Role of network structures to achieve
adequate human and financial resources:
Project members were asked about limita-
tions they perceived from restoration projects;
project funding and access to a workforce with
diving skills were among the most mentioned.
Estimations done by RCCR show that certify-
ing someone in diving and coral gardening
costs US$1 200. To balance costs and scale up
their actions, all three projects relied on part-
nerships between local and external actors to
obtain adequate human and financial resources.
These partnerships were possible due to two
main factors; first, positive perception of eco-
nomic value from local businesses such as tour
operators, private developers, and hotels that
motivated them to participate in restoration
activities. Second, trust and social capital were
built through previous social and institutional
interactions, allowing organizations to have a
good reputation between the community and
their partners. For example, in Asociación
Proyecto Corales, most active project members
have participated in other community organiza-
tions, such as the local development organiza-
tion, which has allowed them to individually
create a good reputation in the community that
has an impact on the association. Península
Papagayo performs social outreach activities
focused on education and employment for the
community, allowing a rapprochement between
the community and the project. In the case of
Golfo Dulce, RCCR has focused on educational
outreach activities and providing jobs to locals.
Also, external actors, such as CIMAR and
INA, were also relevant in the three cases to
obtain technical knowledge and access ade-
quate human resources. These external actors
were trusted due to their historical presence as
community public education service providers.
Fig. 10. Results from interviews regarding the perception of significant threats to coral reefs.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Technical knowledge transferred from external
actors to local actors has allowed the building
of local capacities, which has helped increase
the number of volunteers as coral gardeners.
Coral gardeners work differently depending
on each project. For example, in Sámara, coral
gardeners do not receive payments; in Golfo
Dulce, they receive a US$35 per day of work
retribution; in Bahía Culebra, gardeners are
composed of CIMAR and Peninsula Papagayo
staff. To reduce costs and still access the
skilled workforce, projects have implemented
volunteer programs in which people pay and
access equipment, training, or supervision from
project members. People participating in these
volunteer programs are either members of the
diver community in Costa Rica or tourists.
Costa Rica’s reputation of being an ecotour-
ist destination with well-known diving spots
(Valverde-Sanchez, 2018) is an advantage proj-
ects have when implementing these types of
volunteer programs. These programs have been
strengthened through information sharing,
especially on social media. Social media has
also been used to report on project results and
crowdfunding. Information sharing has been
possible due to network structures enabling
trust ties to exchange information. For exam-
ple, science-related actors and local businesses
at a group level have shared technical and com-
munity knowledge to design projects adapted
to the context of each place. At the individual
level, we have a network of divers and tour
operators that allow volunteer coral gardening
activities. Trust at group and individual levels
has been maintained due to the shared motiva-
tion of restoring marine biodiversity.
External actors have contributed to back-
ing restoration efforts with science. This helped
establish operational choice rules regarding the
site, species selection, and monitoring activi-
ties, contributing to more efficient projects.
For example, scientific knowledge transferred
by external actors allowed them to know about
season and weather variability, giving predict-
ability of system dynamics to determine rules
for restoration sites and activities such as
choosing nursery sites without the presence of
coralivorous fish, sandy bottom, good water
quality, presence of live coral coverage, select-
ing species that have had a presence in or near
the restoration site, choosing structures that
fit in distinctive characteristics of each spe-
cies cleaning restoration sites at least twice a
month, and monitor changes in fish biomass.
Most of the scientific knowledge external
actors have comes from official guides estab-
lished by international coral reef organizations
based on international reef restoration experi-
ences. Also, projects had two and half year’s
experimental phase, where tests regarding the
correct type of species with specific structures
were made. In the case of Bahía Culebra,
knowledge of how to start the project was
transferred from RCCR through a partnership.
Role of compliance with regulatory
frameworks: Costa Rica banned trawling fish-
ing in 2013 (Sentence No. 2013–10540, 2013).
Project members and fishers identified this
fishing method as one of the most extensive
threats corals had and perceived that the pro-
hibition helped improve the environment for
coral reefs. In general, interviewees highlighted
compliance with this legal framework and a
positive perception of its effects on marine bio-
diversity. Sámara Fisher 1: “I have been living
here for more than 40 years, and I remember
when I was a kid, my father would capture
many fishes, and with time, the quantity of fish
decreased. Trawlers were the worst thing that
happened to the seas; they destroyed every-
thing. Now we see a change, but still, more
time is needed to see a difference. We as fishers,
must fight for the sea, the government wanted
to allow trawlers again, and we fought against
it because we know how bad it is.
In 2019, MINAE, through decree N°
41774, established the promotion of restora-
tion and conservation initiatives for recovering
coral reef ecosystems. This decree is the first
regulatory framework in Costa Rica to address
coral reef restoration projects by stipulating the
creation of a multilevel governance structure to
facilitate cooperation for restoration initiatives
and creating an official restoration protocol
18 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
(Sistema Nacional de Areas de Conservación,
Sociedad Alemana de Cooperación Internacio-
nal [SINAC-GIZ], 2020). This protocol gives
the guidelines for submitting a restoration
project, including the rules that a biologist or
natural resources manager must lead each proj-
ect proposal. In addition, projects must last a
minimum of two years to guarantee at least one
year of monitoring. Finally, research depart-
ments approve restoration proposals from the
Conservation Area where the project belongs.
Key informants from Sámara and Golfo Dulce
shared insights into how they have contributed
and benefited from this legal framework:
Golfo Dulce Key Informant 1: “Due to
our experience in coral restoration, the govern-
mental conservation institution ordered us the
design the official coral restoration protocol
for Costa Rica. There we stated biological dif-
ferences between the Pacific and Atlantic coast
corals, specified rules for starting a project,
and how to monitor them.
Sámara Key Informant 1: “I am in charge
of assisting with the Coral Council meetings.
When the project started, we received technical
assistance through this committee.
As seen before, water quality is an essential
element for effective coral reef restoration. Our
study shows the relationship between regula-
tory framework aiming to reduce deforestation
and positive water quality. Golfo Dulce is sur-
rounded by National Parks, Forest Reserve, and
an AMPR and is the only place to achieve natu-
ral regeneration rates in coral reefs. Fournier
et al. (2019) evaluated anthropogenic impacts
from plantations near the Coto Colorado river,
which covers 95 % of the agricultural area
and drains into the gulf. Their results show
the importance of the 2 100 ha of mangrove
to cushion the impact of land-based pollution.
Another study by Cortés (1990) demonstrates
that corals have natural regeneration rates;
for example, at Punta Nicuesa, Cortés (1990)
reported a 45.9 % increase in live coral cover
in 1985/1988. Alvarado et al. (2015) report an
83.4 % live coral cover for the same zone. The
project Manager from RCCR also says their
monitoring shows natural regeneration rates
and greater resistance to stress events such as
changing water temperatures.
Golfo Dulce Key Informant 2: “There is
not much being done by the government to pro-
tect the oceans; it´s still something new, but we
can´t deny national parks have helped reduce
deforestation and provide a good environment
for corals.
In Bahía Culebra, the legal document
establishing rules in the Touristic Pole is the
Management Plan approved in 1995 by the
ICT board, which includes regulations on the
conservation of protected areas, reduction and
control of possible pollution sources, waste-
water, and solids recycling, among others. An
employee from one of the hotels in the PTGP
highlighted compliance with the management
Bahía Culebra Hotel 1: “Our business
complies with requirements to operate in the
touristic pole. We treat 100 % of the water we
use, and none is thrown to the sea; we reuse it
to water our golf camps.
To our knowledge, this is the first study to
use the SESF applied to coral reef restoration
projects. SESF proved relevant to studies that
aim to explain how sustainable outcomes are
achieved because it connects real issues related
to the system of interest to the decision-making
process at multiple levels. Our results show
that even though projects have differences in
governance structures, they have followed simi-
lar paths for achieving successful outcomes.
This path must include three critical enabling
conditions for achieving successful restoration:
(1) Positive perception of benefits both from
coral reefs and projects to achieve collective
action; (2) Network structures to get adequate
financial and human resources; (3) The impor-
tance of compliance with an existing regulatory
framework to create enabling environments for
projects development and coral reef ecology.
Perceptions can be used as evidence
for assessing environmental outcomes to
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
understand stakeholders´ conception of social
and ecological outcomes of a specific initia-
tive and the social acceptability of conserva-
tion or restoration governance (Bennett, 2016).
Our study found that positive perceptions of
coral ecosystem services and project benefits
influenced collective action to restore the coral
reef. In the three projects, we found a posi-
tive perception of both coral and project ben-
efits related to resource dependence, the high
economic value of reefs, duration of living
in the community, knowledge of the human
agency, project location, and information shar-
ing. Studies made in México and Indonesia
about perceptions of coral reefs and restoration
projects show wealth (Cinner & Pollnac, 2004)
and local leadership involvement, degree of
interaction with the project, and overall proj-
ect results (Trialfhianty & Suadi, 2017) also
influence perceptions.
Depending on the group of reef users
being studied, the resource’s type, use, and
governance vary (Palomo & Hernández-Flores,
2019). Tour operators and fishers in the three
cases seemed to positively perceive coral reefs
and project benefits. However, the willingness
to participate in the project was greater among
tourism-related actors than among fishers. The
main difference is that fishers’ positive percep-
tion is related to increasing fish biomass which
is a long-term benefit that doesn’t seem to
compensate for using their time to contribute to
the project because of economic reasons. Cin-
ner & Pollnac (2004) used Maslow’s hierarchy
of needs to show the relation between wealth
and involvement in environmental activities
in a coastal community in Mexico. Wealthier
residents were able to meet basic needs and
have more economic security for contribut-
ing to environmental conservation, which is
related to a fulfilling sense of belonging. In
our research, tourists-related actors were more
willing to participate because they perceived
the short-term benefits of restoring coral reefs.
Diedrich (2007) found similar results with a
positive correlation between tourism and coral
reef conservation awareness in Belize.
Analyzing the type of governance struc-
tures and motivations to start a restoration proj-
ect matters because it affects project design,
stakeholder participation, monitoring, and
long-term ecological integrity. Even though
the three cases have different governance struc-
tures, they all share similarities of being proj-
ects with a biotic rationale, which means their
main goal is to recover lost aspects of local
diversity (Clewell & Aronson, 2006). These
types of inspiration seem to be a tendency
in the region, as shown by Bayraktarov et al.
(2020) review of coral reef restoration projects
in Latin America, where 42 % of projects have
biotic motives, followed by an 8 % with ideal-
istic and pragmatic reasons.
Reviews of projects implemented in the
Caribbean, Western Atlantic, and Indonesia
highlight the importance of partnerships for
having adequate scientific, logistical, technical,
institutional, and interpersonal skills (Johnson
et al., 2011; Lamont et al., 2022). In the case
of Latin America, Bayraktarov et al. (2020)
showed that NGOs and foundations are the
most common type of project leaders. They
establish partnerships with universities, con-
servation management bodies and regulators,
local associations, national and international
business partners, international environmental
NGOs, tourist operators, private donations,
international grant schemes, and local com-
munity groups. These partnerships are estab-
lished mainly to fill funding gaps and provide
a skilled workforce. Goreau & Hilbertz (2008)
highlight that NGOs or foundations financed
by international cooperation grants are the
most common governance structure for reef
restoration projects. Hesley et al. (2017) and
Lirman & Schopmeyer (2016) identified the
dependence on grants as the main cause of
long-term failure of coral restoration led by
NGOs because these funds usually last between
1-3 years. In that perspective, the fact that
RCCR primary mission is working with coral
restoration helps to focus all resources on
this work, unlike the other case studies where
organizations leading do not deal exclusively
with coral reef restoration or depend totally on
20 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
volunteer work. However, if we evaluate long-
term performance, RCCR may have a more
significant challenge in maintaining stability
than the other two cases because their central
workforce depends on the payment workers
receive. They will also have to reduce critical
activities such as continuous monitoring if they
fail to diversify funds other than grants.
Besides motivation, the three study cases
share the involvement and funding of activi-
ties from the public sector through external
actors such as the local university or technical
learning government institution. These external
actors have enabled science efforts backing
restoration activities, which has allowed proj-
ects to have experimental phases to determine
what species and structures work best for
the specific ecological conditions in the zone
and provide continuous monitoring. This test-
ing phase is present in the three cases. It has
allowed the projects to use small-scale pilot
projects to demonstrate success and build rela-
tionships with key stakeholders to contribute to
scaling up. A review of restoration projects in
Thailand recommends pilot projects as a good
management practice for successful restora-
tion (Yeemin et al., 2006). Nonetheless, it is
not the case in many projects, as shown by the
Boström-Einarsson et al. (2020) review, where
60 % of projects out of 362 lack standardized
monitoring, with the median of projects per-
forming less than 18 months of monitoring.
Also, external actors have had an essential
role in building local capacities through the
implementation of workshops on coral garden-
ing and providing educational benefits to local
communities (Bottema & Bush, 2012; Hein et
al., 2019; Okubo & Onuma, 2015).
However, external science-related actors
alone could not perform all the work. Transfer-
ring knowledge is essential to success because
it builds local capacities, increasing local stew-
ardship (Hein et al., 2019). It´s the case in
Sámara, where the project is being co-managed
by community and government institutions.
The local organization makes decisions regard-
ing cleaning or fundraising activities; mean-
while, the public sector institutions support
technical decisions and monitoring. We found
that past experiences, trust, social capital,
and benefit perception influence community
involvement. These variables depend on who is
leading the project and the history of the resto-
ration site. Sámara is being led by locals who
participate in other community organizations,
allowing trust and social capital to be devel-
oped (Pretty, 2003). Similar results regarding
the importance of social capital and trusted
leaders have been found in projects evaluated
in Indonesia by Frey & Berkes (2014) and Par-
telow & Nelson (2020). In the case of the local
community interviewed in Bahía Culebra, they
were less likely to participate in the restoration
project because: (1) They perceived Península
Papagayo as a powerful actor that already had
all the resources needed to conduct the proj-
ect, (2) It´s their responsibility to compensate
for the damage caused by the building of the
touristic pole, and (3) Locals feel excluded
from possible benefits that could be obtained
from the project due to difficulty accessing
restoration sites.
Bottema & Bush (2012) analyzed private
restoration initiatives conducted in Indone-
sia and found similar challenges in getting
acceptance and participation from locals. They
recommend state support for private initia-
tives to create lasting institutional arrange-
ments. In Golfo Dulce, the project started as
a research initiative, and project managers are
not locals, affecting community participation.
Also, past experiences of exclusion in the
decision-making process of land and marine
regulations (National Parks and AMPR) (Far-
gier et al., 2014) have left local groups, such
as fishers associations, suspicious that more
conservation activities will affect their property
rights. RCCR has been working since 2019
to address the lack of information about the
project goal and increase community involve-
ment through local workshops and educational
outreach activities with schools. Strengthening
local communities’ governance, such as prop-
erty rights, seems to have an impact on coral
reef conservation (Cinner et al., 2016)
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
The private sector, through tourism-related
businesses, has also been critical for funding
and scaling up restoration activities. Meyers
(2017) highlights the positive use of tourism
to get a skilled workforce and funding for
restoration. However, well-planned commer-
cial projects may positively impact coral reef
restoration (Westoby et al., 2020). Okubo and
Onuma (2015) research on Okinawa commer-
cial projects presents three significant prob-
lems derived from profit-driven projects. The
first has to do with the use of fragments from
natural coral colonies that are already dete-
riorated and the effect it may have on natural
processes corals are having. Second is the need
for genetic or species diversity to be used. For
example, projects tend to use Acropora, which
has a commercial interest because of its beauty
and faster growth rates. The third increase
in market restoration activities could cause
scarcity of donor fragments, increasing costs
of restoration, which could increase poaching
and thus lead to even more deterioration. The
level of involvement of the private sector var-
ies in each case for our study. For example,
in Bahía Culebra, there is an agreement to
co-manage the project between the local uni-
versity and private developer, and responsibili-
ties between both sides are established under
a written agreement. In Sámara, we identified
private touristic-related owners participating
from the local community organization and
donating equipment, hotel rooms, and their
time as volunteers. Also, Sámara partnered
with a local tour operator for the citizen sci-
ence event. Finally, in the case of Golfo Dulce,
private support comes mainly from “house
reefs” (Liburd & Becken, 2007). In the three
cases, decision-making is not profit-driven;
instead, decisions are managed by science-
related actors to improve ecological integrity
by using lessons learned from other projects’
best practices in scientific or grey literature and
through experimental phases.
Private partnerships are mainly used to
establish volunteer programs through citizen
science. Volunteer programs help projects
obtain funding and a skilled workforce, which
is more difficult for reef restoration than shore-
based activities such as mangrove restoration
because diving or boating skills are less com-
mon (Hesley et al., 2017). The main difference
in volunteer programs between projects is
that funding from the private sector in Bahía
Culebra covers most of the expenses from
volunteers compared to the other two, which
allows for a more constant list of volunteers for
Bahía Culebra.
Results from our study highlight the
importance of compliance with regulatory
frameworks to reduce coral causes of deg-
radation. All official restoration guides state
that effective restoration must first control the
causes of degradation (Goergen et al., 2020;
Quigley et al., 2022; Shaver et al., 2020). Coral
reef restoration should complement other con-
servation strategies, such as sustainable fishing
practices and marine spatial planning (Lirman
& Schopmeyer, 2016). Good water quality is
critical for choosing restoration sites (Goer-
gen et al., 2020; Shaver et al., 2020). In Golfo
Dulce, good water quality is possible due to
the protection of forests surrounding the gulf
through the declaration of national parks and
forest reserves. The existence of mangrove for-
ests in the zone (Fournier et al., 2019) goes up
to 2 100 ha. A study in the Caribbean supports
incorporating habitat diversity, including man-
groves and seagrass meadows, to reduce threats
to coral reefs (Mumby et al., 2004). In the case
of Sámara, almost all the mangrove forest has
been deforested, so sedimentation from teak
plantations in the mountains directly affects
coral reefs. Besides that, sewage water is not
being treated, thus affecting water quality.
Sánchez-Noguera et al. (2018) present
a study from 2010-2011 on water quality
in Bahía Culebra. Using the geometric aver-
age of FC/100ml, Bahía Culebra obtained <
1.8, corresponding to excellent water qual-
ity classification. The study concludes that
Bahía Culebra has a high degree of sanitary
quality in its coastal waters, which has been
constant over time. In Bahía Culebra, the regu-
latory frameworks contributing to water qual-
ity come from the Touristic Pole Management
22 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Plan, which determines wastewater and solids
recycling rules. However, the study highlights
the importance of monitoring and access to
information regarding compliance with the
Management Plan.
There is a global gap in environmen-
tal policies for coral reef restoration projects
(Westoby et al., 2020). Nevertheless, regula-
tory frameworks play a crucial role in translat-
ing scientific knowledge into basic restoration
standards, mobilizing financial resources, and
enabling environments for cooperation. For
example, coral reef restoration legislation in
Costa Rica is still in the initial phase but has
effectively facilitated best practices and knowl-
edge to restoration stakeholders.
Regarding long-term sustainability chal-
lenges, we identified global ones, such as
changes in the predictability of system dynam-
ics due to climate change, which could affect
survival rates. For projects to be prepared for
these challenges, technology like underwater
temperature sensors and constant in-field mon-
itoring is necessary to understand how corals
react to stress events and what species or frag-
ments are more resilient so they can be used as
donors. National challenges include narrow-
ing university or technical learning govern-
ment institutions’ funding, which could broadly
compromise the ecological monitoring of the
restoration programs, especially in Bahía Cul-
ebra and Sámara. Projects must communicate
their results in social and economic terms for
high-level decision-makers to understand the
importance of funding this activity. Relevant
metrics could include the number of jobs cre-
ated or the revenue gathered through tourism or
restoration activities.
Finally, at the local level, we found the
challenge of reducing local causes of degrada-
tion, which requires interinstitutional coordina-
tion between the community, private sector,
and government through marine spatial plan-
ning. Other challenges are more context- or
governance-dependent; for example, science
or NGO-led initiatives typically guarantee eco-
logical integrity but fail to create local steward-
ship. For community and NGO-led initiatives,
it’s important to diversify their funding. For
all three projects, monitoring and researching
which techniques or species are working better
for their specific environmental conditions and
the importance of sharing these results with
the entire restoration community are essen-
tial. Also, for scientific purposes, the country
should standardize the results reporting (Goer-
gen et al., 2020; Shaver et al., 2020), contribut-
ing to making projects more comparable and
knowledge regarding the best techniques or
structures for growing corals or species resil-
ience to stress events would be available for
the reef restoration community to learn of. The
three projects evaluated in this study have dif-
ferences in the number of corals transplanted,
and the coral genus used that can influence the
overall survival rate. That is why we included
other aspects, such as project durability and
local involvement, to determine project success
and not focus only on ecological outcomes but
overall project performance. Also, all three
projects continue to be implemented and thus
are evolving continuously to solve the different
challenges faced. The results shown here are
statical; they reflect a specific period of each
project. Coral reef restoration initiatives are
still recent in Costa Rica; findings from this
study contribute to providing insights for future
restoration project design and implementation
strategies that can reduce transaction costs
hence making projects more cost-effective and
appealing to a more significant number of
stakeholders, especially during these times
when the United Nations declared the Decade
on Ecosystem Restoration (2020-2030) (Fisch-
er et al., 2021).
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is no
conflict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54853, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
The authors are grateful to the communi-
ties and project members from Asociación
Proyecto Corales Sámara, Raising Corals Costa
Rica and Culebra Reef gardens that shared their
time and knowledge with us. Furthermore, the
present research would not have been possible
without the funding of the German Academic
Exchange Service (DAAD) and support from
the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher
Education Center (CATIE) and the Leibniz
Center for Marine Tropical Ecology (ZMT).
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