Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54864, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Settlement and post-settlement survival of Orbicella annularis and
Orbicella faveolata (Scleractinia: Merulinidae) on substrates with coatings
Laura C. Arango-Carvajal1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9554-7425
Lizette I. Quan-Young2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2393-7328
Adrián Villegas-Jiménez3; https://orcid.org/0009-0001-2167-0367
Anastazia T. Banaszak4; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6667-3983
1. Programa de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias y Biotecnología, Universidad CES, Calle 10A No. 22 – 04, Medellín,
Colombia; arangoc.laura@uces.edu.co (*Correspondence)
2. Grupo de Investigación Biología CES, Facultad de Ciencias y Biotecnología, Universidad CES, Calle 10A No. 22 – 04,
Medellín, Colombia; lquan@ces.edu.co
3. WhiteRock Research & Consulting, 15 Avenida Sur No. 1148, Cozumel, Q. Roo 77664, México;
4. Unidad Académica de Sistemas Arrecifales, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México, Puerto Morelos, Q. Roo 77580, México; banaszak@cmarl.unam.mx
Received 30-IX-2022. Corrected 07-III-2023. Accepted 13-III-2023.
Introduction: One of the main bottlenecks in restoration projects based on sexual reproduction is post-settle-
ment survival, mainly due to competition for substrate with fleshy algae and predation. Therefore, substrates of
different shapes and materials have been created and tested, seeking to optimize these processes with attractive
surfaces for the larvae and structures where the recruits are protected from predation, and competition is reduced.
Objective: To improve settlement and post-settlement survival of two important Caribbean reef-building corals,
using different coatings on substrates.
Methods: To determine whether substrate coatings properties are favourable to larval settlement in Orbicella
annularis, and O. faveolata, collected in Puerto Morelos, Mexican Caribbean, we evaluated their settlement for
three weeks on six coatings with a combination of properties. Each coating was designed to provide a combina-
tion of two out of three properties: 1) water repellence (hydrophobicity), 2) phosphorescence-based colour, and
3) mineral-enriched surface chemistry. In a separate experiment larvae settlement was tested using coatings with
a single property. Finally, we determined the post-settlement survival of O. annularis and O. faveolata on the
different coatings for seven weeks.
Results: The combination of high hydrophobicity and light blue phosphorescent microparticles and high hydro-
phobicity and red-orange phosphorescent microparticles resulted in a higher settlement of O. annularis and O.
faveolata when compared with other coatings (30.8 - 66.7 % higher). No significant differences were found in
the number of larval settled when the water-repellence and the phosphorescence-based were evaluated indepen-
dently. Post-settlement survival time on substrates was low, with a maximum of 34 days after settlement for O.
annularis and 42 days for O. faveolata.
Conclusions: In terms of the larval settlement, the combination of the coatings properties appears to play an
essential role in the choice of microhabitat for both O. annularis and O. faveolata. But individually these prop-
erties did not generate an advantage in the larval settlement. Moreover, some chemical components associated
with the coatings may be counterproductive to the survival of the polyps over time.
Key words: reef restoration; sexual reproduction; scleractinian corals; reef conservation; coral larvae.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54864, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Coral reefs are characterized by high bio-
diversity, hosting 32 % of all known marine
species and provide essential ecosystem ser-
vices that contribute to the well-being of mil-
lions of people (Fisher et al., 2015; Knowlton
et al., 2010; Woodhead et al., 2019). They are
considered endangered ecosystems (Carpen-
ter et al., 2008) and, most importantly, one
of the most sensitive ecosystems to climate
change (Riegl et al., 2009). Since 1970, coral
cover in the Caribbean has decreased by 80
%, mainly due to the high mortality of reef-
building corals, which has led to a phase-shift
from coral to algae, and a loss of ecological
functionality, as the result of both natural and
anthropogenic impacts (Álvarez-Filip et al.,
2022; Arias-González et al., 2017; Aronson &
Precht, 2001; Jackson et al., 2014; Rioja-Nieto
& Álvarez-Filip, 2019). This has brought about
the loss of recruitment for the main reef-build-
ing corals (Edmunds & Elahi, 2007; Edmunds
et al., 2011; Hernández-Delgado et al., 2014;
Quinn & Kojis, 2005; Williams et al., 2008),
which include the species Orbicella annularis
(Ellis & Solander, 1786) and Orbicella faveo-
lata (Ellis & Solander, 1786).
Larval settlement as well as survival and
growth of coral species, are integral to the
ongoing maintenance of coral populations and
necessary for the recovery of coral reefs (Rit-
son-Williams et al., 2009). Many factors can
impact these processes, such as the abundance
of fleshy algae, competition with other ben-
thic invertebrates, predation, and sedimentation
Asentamiento y supervivencia post-asentamiento de Orbicella annularis y Orbicella faveolata
(Scleractinia: Merulinidae) sobre sustratos con recubrimientos.
Introducción: Uno de los principales cuellos de botella en proyectos de restauración basada en reproducción
sexual es la supervivencia de las larvas posterior al asentamiento, principalmente por la competencia por el sus-
trato con algas filamentosas y la depredación. Por ello, se han creado y analizado sustratos de diferentes formas
y materiales, buscando optimizar estos procesos con superficies atrayentes para las larvas, y estructuras donde
los reclutas se encuentran protegidos de la depredación y se disminuya la competencia.
Objetivo: Mejorar el asentamiento y la supervivencia de dos importantes corales formadores de arrecifes del
Caribe, utilizando diferentes recubrimientos en sustratos.
Métodos: Para determinar si las propiedades de la superficie del sustrato son favorables para el asentamiento de
larvas de Orbicella annularis y O. faveolata, recolectadas en Puerto Morelos, Caribe mexicano, evaluamos su
asentamiento durante tres semanas en seis recubrimientos con una combinación de propiedades. Cada recubri-
miento fue diseñado para proporcionar una combinación de dos de tres propiedades: 1) repelencia al agua (hidro-
fobicidad), 2) fosforescencia y 3) química superficial enriquecida con minerales. En un experimento separado se
evaluó el asentamiento de larvas en sustratos con recubrimientos de una sola propiedad. Finalmente, se determinó
la supervivencia posterior al asentamiento de O. annularis y O. faveolata sobre los diferentes recubrimientos
durante siete semanas.
Resultados: La combinación de alta hidrofobicidad y micropartículas fosforescentes azules y alta hidrofobicidad
y micropartículas fosforescentes rojo-naranja dio como resultado un mayor asentamiento de O. annularis y O.
faveolata en comparación con otros recubrimientos (30.8 - 66.7 % mayor). No se encontraron diferencias signi-
ficativas en el número de larvas asentadas cuando se evaluaron de forma independiente la repelencia al agua y
la fosforescencia. El tiempo de supervivencia posterior al asentamiento en los sustratos fue bajo, con un máximo
de 34 días después del asentamiento para O. annularis y 42 días para O. faveolata.
Conclusiones: En el asentamiento de larvas, la combinación de las propiedades del recubrimiento parece desem-
peñar un papel importante en la elección del microhábitat tanto para O. annularis como para O. faveolata. Pero
de forma individual estas propiedades no generaron una ventaja en el asentamiento larvario. Además, algunos
componentes químicos asociados con los recubrimientos pueden ser contraproducentes para la supervivencia de
los pólipos a lo largo del tiempo.
Palabras clave: restauración de arrecifes; reproducción sexual; corales escleractinios; conservación de arrecifes;
larvas de coral.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54864, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
(Pizarro et al., 2007). To assist in the recruit-
ment of corals, restoration strategies have
become more critical over the past decades
and have involved culturing coral settlers from
gametes to improve the genetic diversity of
coral population (Baums et al., 2019). Howev-
er, one of the significant bottlenecks in this pro-
cess is post-settlement survival and coral settler
growth (Ritson-Williams et al., 2009), mainly
due to competition with fleshy algae and pre-
dation (Edwards & Gomez, 2007), but also
include important abiotic factors such as water
clarity, sedimentation, nutrient enrichment,
salinity, and temperature (Richmond, 1997).
In controlled conditions (Ex-situ) settle-
ment may be enhanced by using substrates with
surfaces containing specific larvae-attracting
attributes, including varying colour phospho-
rescence properties. Phosphorescence is a spe-
cific type of photoluminescence whereby, once
the light has been absorbed, it is emitted and
continues to be emitted even after excitation
has ceased (Valeur & Berberan-Santos, 2011).
It is a property that can generate micro-envi-
ronments of coloured light in otherwise dark
conditions, sometimes preferred by certain spe-
cies as a condition for settlement (Mason et al.,
2011; Strader et al., 2015).
Post-settlement survival may also be
enhanced by using substrates with surface
properties that may promote a reduction in
competition, nutrient supply, and coral skeleton
growth. This can be achieved by engineer-
ing substrate coatings with different chemical
properties and hydrophobicity (Levenstein et
al., 2022). Hydrophobicity can play an impor-
tant role in reducing competition with algae
from the genus Ulva, as it can affect algal
spore adhesion and the strength of the adhesion
(Chaudhury et al., 2006; Finlay, 2002; Fletcher
& Callow, 1992). On the other hand, the
presence of hydroxyapatite on the substrate’s
surface can be a source of phosphate released
as the hydroxyapatite potentially dissolves in
low phosphate ion concentration scenarios in
seawater (Atlas & Pytkowicz, 1977; Stumm &
Morgan, 1996). This nutrient may be taken up
by symbiotic dinoflagellates and converted into
essential organic molecules (Ezzat et al., 2016).
Similarly, the presence of calcium carbonate on
a substrate’s surface provides a source of car-
bonate and calcium ions, the building blocks of
aragonite-based coral skeletons, which can be
rapidly released upon CaCO3(s) dissolution in
response to local variations in seawater chem-
istry, affecting CaCO3(s) saturation state, such
as acidity build up in the vicinity of the coral
tissue-seawater interface (Venn et al., 2013).
The research presented here aims to
investigate the synergistic effects of specific
physical-chemical properties (hydrophobicity,
phosphorescence and mineral-enriched sur-
face chemistry) on settlement as well as post-
settlement survival for O. annularis, and O.
faveolata from Puerto Morelos, Mexico.
Substrate fabrication: In 2019, coatings
were applied to commercially available floor
tiles to test a combination of properties and
their potential effect on settlement and post-
settlement survival of coral larvae. Each coat-
ing was designed to provide a combination of
two out of three properties: 1) water repellence
(as determined by its degree of hydrophobic-
ity), 2) phosphorescence-based colour, and
3) mineral-enriched surface chemistry. The
ceramic floor tiles (Interceramic©, Mexico 5
cm × 5 cm × 5 mm) were used as the sub-
strate to which six sets of coatings (C1 to C6)
were applied (Table 1). The tile surfaces were
roughened using water-based sandpaper to
improve adhesion before applying the coat-
ing. A hydrophobic polyester resin coating
served as a base for the application of micro or
nanoparticles and was applied to all tiles except
C6. Tiles C1-C3 contained microparticles of
strontium aluminate salts with varying relative
concentrations of rare earth elements europium
and trivalent dysprosium (SrxEuyDyzAl2O4),
each yielding specific colour phosphorescent
properties (Distribuidora Química Textil S.A.
de C.V., Mexico): light blue (C1), red-orange
(C2) and turquoise (C3). Phosphorescent
microparticles in tiles C2 also contained a
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54864, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
coumarin-type red-emitting fluorescent pig-
ment. On tiles C4, 60 nm hydroxyapatite
nanoparticles [Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, 96 % purity]
(MK Impex Corp., Canada, MKN-HXAP-060)
were applied, whereas 80 nm nanoparticles
of amorphous calcium carbonate [CaCO3, >
98 % purity] (MK Impex Corp., Canada,
MKN-CaCO3-080) were applied to tiles C5
and C6. A commercially available superhydro-
phobic polysiloxane-based coating (Eronde,
USA, 9HMR-FIX) was applied on the dry
surface of the polyester resin of tiles C1, C2,
and C3. In the case of C6, the superhydropho-
bic coating was applied directly onto the tile
surface and served as a base for applying the
CaCO3 nanoparticles.
In 2021, we evaluated the individual prop-
erties of coatings on settlement preference
of Orbicella spp. larvae to determine if it is
determined by a combination of properties or
by an individual property. We focused on sub-
strates C1 and C2 because they elicited greater
settlement compared to the other tiles that were
tested. The same brand of ceramic floor tiles
from the previous experiment was used. We
prepared six treatments (T1 to T6, Table 1).
All the treatments had a hydrophobic polyester
resin coating. For treatment T1 a superhydro-
phobic polysiloxane-based coating (same as the
previous experiment) was applied. Treatments
T2 and T3 contained microparticles of stron-
tium aluminate salts with light blue and red-
orange colours, respectively. Treatment T4 had
a hydrophobic polyester resin coating applied.
White paint was added to T5 and T6 consisted
of the bare ceramic floor tile without coatings.
Substrate conditioning: Ten replicates of
each treatment (T1 to T6) were placed in flow-
through seawater aquaria (480 L) for seven
weeks to pre-condition them and allow biofilm
formation (Sneed et al., 2014). Sea water was
filtered to 1 µm and set to the following condi-
tions: temperature 27–28.5 °C, salinity 35–36
psu, pH 7.9–8.3. Concentrations of ammonia,
nitrite, and nitrate were undetectable using
standard methods (Grasshoff et al., 1999).
Therefore, the remaining ten substrates of
each treatment were maintained without condi-
tioning. Substrate conditioning was evaluated
for Orbicella spp. in 2021 (Table 2). It was
not tested in 2019, because we did not have
enough replicates.
Properties and characteristics of substrate coatings.
Hydrophobic coatings Characteristics of micro or nanoparticles
polyester resin
particles Properties
C1 No Ye s Ye s Micro Light blue phosphorescent
C2 No Ye s Ye s Micro Red-orange phosphorescent
C3 No Ye s Ye s Micro Turquoise phosphorescent
C4 No Ye s No Nano Hydroxyapatite
C5 No Ye s No Nano Amorphous calcium carbonate
C6 No No Ye s Nano Amorphous calcium carbonate
T1 Ye s Ye s Ye s No No
T2 Ye s Ye s No Micro Light blue phosphorescent
T3 Ye s Ye s No Micro Red-orange phosphorescent
T4 Ye s Ye s No No No
T5 Ye s No No No No
T6 No No No No No
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54864, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Collection of gametes, assisted fertiliza-
tion, and care of embryos: One week after the
full moon in September 2019, gamete bundles
were collected from four colonies of Orbicella
annularis from Jardines Reef (20°49’53.0” N,
86°52’28.2” W), as well as three colonies of O.
faveolata from La Bocana Reef (20°52’25.7”
N, 86°51’04.2” W). In September 2021 gamete
bundles were collected from 10 colonies of
O. annularis and two colonies of O. faveolata
from Jardines Reef. The gametes were col-
lected using nets that concentrated the gamete
bundles into small plastic containers at the
top of the nets. These reefs are located in the
Puerto Morelos Reef National Park, Mexican
Caribbean. Afterwards, all the gametes were
transported to the laboratory, where gamete
predators (crustaceans, polychaetes, and fish
larvae) were removed using transfer pipettes,
and gametes from the different colonies of
the same species were mixed in a single 6 L
container to assist fertilization. Subsequently,
excess sperm was removed, and the developing
embryos were transferred to a culture system,
where they developed into planula larvae.
Choice experiment: Three days after
spawning, 6 000 O. annularis larvae were
distributed evenly into five replicate sets of 6 L
plastic containers (1 200 larvae per container).
Each plastic container had two substrates of
each type of treatment (C1 to C6). The same
experimental design was repeated for O. faveo-
lata (Table 2). The settlement was recorded on
days eight, 13, and 18 after spawning. One day
after the last count of the substrates, those with
O. annularis and O. faveolata primary polyps
were transferred to flow-through aquaria with
access to natural light, food, and symbionts.
Substrates were scored for survival 13, 20, 27,
34, and 41 days after settlement.
Three days after spawning, 2 000 O. annu-
laris larvae were distributed evenly into ten
replicate sets of 2 L plastic containers (200
larvae per container). Each container had six
substrate coatings (T1 to T6). Five containers
had conditioned substrates, and five contain-
ers had unconditioned substrates (Table 2).
On days eight, 13, and 18 after spawning, O.
annularis settlement was recorded. One day
after the last count, substrates with O. annu-
laris primary polyps were transferred to flow-
through aquaria. The substrates were scored for
survival seven, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 days after
settlement. The same experimental setup and
methodology were used for O. faveolata.
Statistical analysis: A generalized lin-
ear model (GLM) with a negative binomial
distribution and a logit link was used to anal-
yse settlement in the O. annularis and O.
faveolata choice experiment between substrate
coatings with combinations of properties (C1
to C6, 6 levels) and in the O. annularis and
O. faveolata choice experiment to determine
the effect of substrate coatings with a single
property (T1 to T6, six levels) and substrate
conditioning (Conditioned and unconditioned,
two levels). The models are selected by the
Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). Model
Experimental design of coatings with combinations of properties (2019) and coatings with a single property (2021).
Species, year Containers Number of substrates Larvae
per ml
Coatings Conditioning
Treatments Replicates
per treatment Treatments Replicates per
O. annularis -
O. faveolata 2019
5 (6 L) 12 substrates per
container, 2 per coating
0.2 C1 to C6 10
O. annularis -
O. faveolata, 2021
10 (2 L) 6 substrates per
container, 1 per coating
0.1 T1 to T6 10 C, UNC 30
Abbreviations: Conditioned (C), and Unconditioned (UNC).
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54864, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
validations revealed that there was no over-
dispersion. Likelihood ratio chi-square (LR
Chisq) was performed for statistical infer-
ence. Tukey tests for post hoc analysis were
then used. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was
performed to determine differences in survi-
vorship between substrate coatings (C1 to C6
and T1 to T6, six levels) in the O. annularis
and O. faveolata choice experiments. Survival
between the substrate coatings (C1 to C6 and
T1 to T6, six levels) was compared using log-
rank tests. All statistical tests were carried out
using R (R Core Team, 2019), and the results
were plotted using the ggplot2 package (Wick-
ham, 2009). Data are presented as mean ±
standard error (SE).
Coatings with combinations of properties
For Orbicella annularis a maximum of
258 settlements was recorded on the coatings,
representing 4.30 % of the 6 000 larvae placed
in the containers. A maximum of 171 O. faveo-
lata settlers was recorded on the substrate coat-
ings, representing 2.85 % of the 6 000 larvae
used in the experiment.
Choice experiment: Despite the low set-
tlement, distinguishable differences were found
in the number of O. annularis settled larvae
(Fig. 1) (LR Chisq = 25.74, P = 0.0001), with
a greater number of settlers found on substrate
C1 when compared to substrate C4 (Tukey, P =
0.0015), and C6 (Tukey, P = 0.02). The number
of settlers was significantly greater on substrate
C2 when compared to substrate C4 (Tukey, P
= 0.007). A total of 196 (3.3 ± 0.43) settlers
were observed on the coatings of the substrates
on day eight after spawning, 133 (2.0 ± 0.25)
on day 13, and 58 (0.9 ± 0.18) on day 18. This
shows that the highest number of settlements
for this experiment occurred between day three
and day 12 after spawning under these condi-
tions. Similarly, for O. faveolata significant
differences were found in the number of settled
larvae (Fig. 1) (LR Chisq = 12.27, P = 0.03),
with lower settlement on substrate C4 when
compared to substrate C2 (Tukey, P = 0.04). A
total of 27 (0.4 ± 0.10) settlers were observed
on the upper surface of substrates on day eight
after spawning, 139 (2.2 ± 0.27) on day 13, and
109 (1.8 ± 0.27) on day 18. This shows that the
highest number of settlements for this experi-
ment occurred between days nine and 13 after
spawning under these conditions.
Post-settlement survival: The highest
number of polyps settled was on substrates
C1 and C2 compared to other substrates. The
Kaplan-Meier survival curves demonstrated a
mean survival time of 14.00 ± 0.68 days after
settlement on substrate C1, 13.37 ± 0.37 days
on substrate C2, 13.00 ± 0.00 days on substrate
C3, 16.89 ± 1.23 days on substrate C5 and 18.6
± 4.08 days on substrate C6 (Fig. 2A). The sur-
vival time was significantly lower in substrate
C2 than substrate C5 (Log-rank test, P = 0.02).
A total of 109 O. faveolata primary polyps
were transferred to aquaria after the last count,
distributed between the substrate types, mostly
on C1 and C2 substrates. The Kaplan-Meier
survival curves revealed a mean survival time
of 13.00 ± 0.00 days after settlement on sub-
strate C1, C4, and C5, 14.17 ± 0.68 days on
Fig. 1. The maximum number of O. annularis, and O.
faveolata larvae settled on substrates with coatings with
combinations of properties. Values are means (N = 10), and
error bars represent ± standard error.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54864, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
substrate C2, 13.74 ± 0.74 days on substrate
C3 and 17.00 ± 2.17 days on substrate C6 (Fig.
2B). No significant differences were found in
the survival time between substrate coatings
(Log-rank test, P = 0.08).
Coatings with a single property
For O. annularis, a maximum of 64 settlers
was recorded on the substrate coatings, repre-
senting 3.20 % of the 2 000 larvae originally
placed in all containers. A maximum of 33 O.
faveolata settlers was recorded on the substrate
coatings, representing 1.65 % of the 2 000 lar-
vae placed in the containers.
Choice experiment: Although the settle-
ment was low, differences were found in the
number of O. annularis settled larvae between
the coatings (Fig. 3) (LR Chisq = 18.96, P =
0.002), with a significantly greater number of
settlers found on substrate T6 when compared
to substrate T2 (Tukey, P = 0.03), and T4
(Tukey, P = 0.046). No significant difference
was found between substrate conditioning and
lack of conditioning (Fig. 4) (LR Chisq = 0.63,
Fig. 2. Survival probability of primary polyps on substrates with coatings with combinations of properties (C1 to C6) for 41
days after settlement (DAS). A. O. annularis. B. O. faveolata.
Fig. 3. The maximum number of O. annularis and O.
faveolata larvae settled on substrates with coatings with a
single property. Values are means (N = 10), and error bars
represent standard error.
Fig. 4. The maximum number of O. annularis, and O.
faveolata larvae settled on conditioned and unconditioned
substrates. Coatings with a single property (T1 to T6).
Values are means (N = 30), and error bars represent
standard error.
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54864, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
P = 0.43). A total of 16 (0.27 ± 0.09) settlers
were observed on the coatings of the substrates
on day eight after spawning, 38 (0.63 ± 0.15)
on day 13, and 11 (0.18 ± 0.07) on day 18. This
shows that the highest number of settlers for
this experiment occurred between day nine and
day 13 after spawning under these conditions.
For O. faveolata no significant difference
was found in the number of settled larvae
between the substrate coatings (Fig. 3) (LR
Chisq = 1.90, P > 0.05). However, differences
were found between substrate conditioning
(Fig. 4) (LR Chisq = 13.92, P = 0.0002),
with a significantly greater number of settlers
found on conditioned substrates compared to
unconditioned substrates. A total of 17 (0.28 ±
0.11) settlers were observed on the coatings of
the substrates on day eight after spawning, 21
(0.35 ± 0.11) on day 13, and 9 (0.15 ± 0.07) on
day 18. This shows that the highest number of
settlers for this experiment occurred between
days nine and 13 after spawning under these
Post-settlement survival: A total of 11 O.
annularis primary polyps were transferred to
aquaria after the last count, distributed between
T1, T3, T5, and T6 substrate types, with the
highest number of polyps settled on substrates
T1. The Kaplan-Meier survival curves dem-
onstrated a mean survival time of 7.00 ± 0.00
days after settlement on substrate T1 and T3,
28.00 ± 0.00 days on substrate T5 and 17.50
± 3.50 days on substrate T6 (Fig. 5A). No sig-
nificant differences were found in the survival
time between substrate coatings (Log-rank
test, P > 0.05).
Nine O. faveolata primary polyps were
transferred to aquaria after the last count,
distributed between T1, T5, and T6 substrate
types, mostly on T6 substrates. The Kaplan-
Meier survival curves revealed a mean survival
time of 7.00 ± 0.00 days after settlement on
substrate T1, 31.50 ± 10.5 days on substrate
T5, and 14.00 ± 2.21 days on substrate T6 (Fig.
5B). No significant differences were found in
the survival time between substrate coatings
(Log-rank test, P > 0.05).
Overall, our results show that the presenta-
tion of substrates with distinct chemical coat-
ings and combinations to two species of coral
larvae results in low but distinct settlement
patterns and post-settlement survival.
For O. annularis, the substrate with the
combination of properties with a high level
of hydrophobicity combined with light blue
phosphorescent micro-particles (C1) and the
substrate with a high level of hydrophobicity
and red-orange phosphorescent micro-particles
(C2) were the preferred settlement substrates
when compared to the other combinations.
Fig. 5. Survival probability of primary polyps on substrates with coatings with a single property (T1 to T6) throughout 42
days after settlement (DAS). A. O. annularis. B. O. faveolata.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54864, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Nevertheless, the experiment with a single
property revealed that the ceramic control (T6)
was preferred over intermediate hydrophobic-
ity (T4) and light blue phosphorescent micro-
particles (T2). For O. faveolata, we found that
a high level of hydrophobicity, combined with
the red-orange (C2) phosphorescent micro-
particles, was the preferred combination as
a settlement substrate when compared to the
substrate with intermediate hydrophobicity and
hydroxyapatite coating (C4). This means that
combinations of properties generate successful
settlement on these substrates. Individual prop-
erties did not generate this effect. The fact that
the greatest number of settlers was observed on
substrates with phosphorescent microparticles,
and a high level of hydrophobicity confirms
that these species use photosensitivity and
respond to colour, in this case, light blue and
red-orange, to fine-tune the selection of appro-
priate substrates or microhabitats (Mason et al.,
2011). This photosensitivity towards certain
wavelengths of light may assist larvae in select-
ing a microhabitat (Strader et al., 2015), serv-
ing as a form of depth gauge (Mason & Cohen,
2012) or guide, given that the distribution of
light on coral reefs is highly heterogeneous at
the microhabitat level due to depth, water clar-
ity, bottom slope, substrate type and exposure
(Brakel, 1979).
The substrate types determined the sur-
vival rates of O. annularis and O. faveolata
recruits. On transferring the recruits to aerated
aquaria, the number of polyps that survived on
the substrates dropped abruptly, especially for
those coated with polyester resin. This was evi-
denced by the fact that in the experiment with
coatings with combinations of properties, the
longest survival time (41 days after settlement)
was associated with the only substrate without
a polyester resin coating (C6). In the experi-
ment with coatings with a single property, we
observed the same pattern; the longest survival
time (42 days after settlement) was on a sub-
strate without this polyester resin coating (T5).
The polyester resin used is somewhat soluble
in water; hence the resin may have slowly
dissolved, resulting in an unstable substrate,
possibly preventing viable adhesion and com-
promising long-term post-settlement survival.
Additionally, hydrophobic surfaces generate a
contact angle with the water greater than 90°.
When this contact angle is greater, the adhe-
sion force to this surface will be less (Lejars et
al., 2012). Therefore, hydrophobicity generates
a weaker adhesion force between the recruit
and the substrate and possibly, when generat-
ing movement in the aquarium system or due
to aeration, the settlers detached from the
substrate possibly due to a weak attachment.
Therefore, using these hydrophobic surfaces
to prevent the colonization of other organ-
isms, such as filamentous algae, can also be
detrimental to coral survival since they func-
tion as antifouling coatings that allow for easy
release when water motion is applied (Lejars et
al., 2012). This would mean that, even though
the combination of high hydrophobicity and
phosphorescent micro-particles presents the
most favourable settlement option compared
to other combinations, the component used to
create intermediate hydrophobicity (polyester
resin) and high hydrophobicity may have been
detrimental to settler attachment.
However, even though substrate condition-
ing is known to encourage settlement (Erwin
et al., 2008), in the experiment with coatings
with combinations of properties, it should also
be noted that none of the substrates used in
the O. annularis and O. faveolata experiments
were conditioned; hence no biofilm could have
formed at their surfaces, yet larvae settled
successfully, which means that conditioning
is unnecessary for these substrates. This repre-
sents an advantage over other substrates (Har-
rison & Wallace, 1990; Patterson et al., 2016;
Petersen et al., 2005) that require conditioning
prior to larval settlement. However, for the
experiment with coatings with a single prop-
erty, we found that the settlement of O. faveo-
lata was greater on conditioned substrates; this
may indicate that these substrates with a single
property are not attractive enough on their own
to larvae and require conditioning to generate
an adequate settlement cue for coral larvae.
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54864, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Orbicella annularis and O. faveolata lar-
vae showed different behaviours, most notably
in their settlement patterns. For O. faveolata,
most larvae settle within the first two weeks
if an appropriate site is found, with 80 % of
larvae remaining in the plankton for more than
eight days before attempting to settle (Szmant
& Meadows, 2006). Our results show that the
peak settlement period for O. faveolata larvae
was between nine and 13 days after spawn-
ing. For O. annularis, the settlement peak was
between three and eight days after spawning.
This behaviour may also affect the affinity
that O. annularis larvae have for the substrates
with the combination of properties. More O.
annularis larvae settled and they settled more
rapidly when compared to O. faveolata larvae.
Furthermore, we did not find this pattern in O.
annularis in the single-property experiment,
possibly because the larvae were not attracted
to the substrates. Thus, they took more time to
settle and were therefore settled in a time frame
similar to O. faveolata larvae.
In conclusion, this is the first study to
report the ability of O. annularis and O.
faveolata to detect phosphorescence and hydro-
phobicity during the substrate selection pro-
cess, which could be key to micro-habitat
selection. Furthermore, this is the first time
that the effects of substrate surface properties
have been tested on these species, with vary-
ing effects. On the one hand, microparticles
with blue and red-orange phosphorescence and
high hydrophobicity favour settlement in O.
annularis and O. faveolata, but some of the
components used to coat the substrates may be
detrimental to the survival of the polyps over
time. These issues need to be addressed as
long-term survival is critical in restoration proj-
ects involving the outplanting of coral settlers.
Finally, it is essential to keep testing different
combinations of substrate surface properties to
determine the ones that are most conducive to
larval settlement and polyp survival as well as
being the least favourable to fleshy algal settle-
ment. This will help us to identify the most
suitable substrates for each species and is vital
for optimizing future restoration efforts.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is no
conflict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
We wish to thank members of the Cora-
lium laboratory for sharing their knowledge
and support in the field and the lab, particularly
Gandhi Ramírez, Raul Tecalco, and Sandra
Mendoza. Also, to Pablo Andrés Guzmán for
his help with statistical analyses and expertise
in R Software.
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