Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Succession of the sessile benthic community
at a coral reef restoration site
Benjamin R. Chomitz1, 5 *; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8878-5935
Joan Anne Kleypas2; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4851-7124
Jorge Cortés3, 4; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7004-8649
Juan José Alvarado3, 4; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2620-9115
1. Posgrado en Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro, San José, Costa Rica; ben@chomitz.com
(* Correspondence)
2. Climate and Global Dynamics Lab, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, United
States of America; kleypas@ucar.edu
3. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro, San José, Costa
Rica; jorge.cortes@ucr.ac.cr
4. Escuela de Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro, San José, Costa Rica; juan.alvarado@ucr.ac.cr
5. Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies, Atlantic Oceanic and Meteorological Laboratories, Miami,
Florida, United States of America.
Received 24-VIII-2022. Corrected 10-III-2023. Accepted 17-III-2023.
Introduction: Ecosystem restoration facilitates ecological succession. When a coral reef experiences a distur-
bance, the community of sessile benthic organisms can follow a successional trajectory that favors the domi-
nance of coral or a change of state to an ecosystem dominated by algae.
Objective: To better understand the impact of coral transplants on succession of the sessile benthic community.
Methods: To measure and monitor the coral cover (cm2) of Pocillopora spp., and the composition of the associ-
ated benthic community, experimental and control coral reef patches were established at the coral restoration
site in Golfo Dulce, South Pacific Costa Rica. Thirty Pocillopora spp. colonies were attached to nails on the
substrate in an experimental patch. The control coral patch contained nails with non-transplanted colonies. Both
treatments were photographed monthly during a period of eight months. Changes in the coverage of coral and
other sessile benthic organisms were measured from the images and compared over time between the experi-
mental and control patches.
Results: The coral transplants experienced bleaching events in August through September 2019 and January
through February 2020. The first bleaching event possibly due to sedimentation, and the second to high tem-
peratures. By the end of the experiment, 83 % of the colonies had survived. The live colonies grew significantly
following transplantation; > 67 % of their initial coverage area after eight months. In the experimental patch, the
areas of Pocillopora spp., coralline crustose algae (CCA), and cyanobacteria increased while the area of algal
turf decreased. The increase in coral coverage and CCA, and decrease in algal turf in the experimental patch
could be due to herbivores attracted to transplants. The increase in cyanobacteria in the experimental patch could
be the result of higher temperatures and may have been a factor in the death of colonies.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Coral reefs are in decline globally due
to many factors including climate change,
pollution, inadequately planned coastal devel-
opment, mismanagement of fisheries, and
eutrophication (Sandin et al., 2008, Van Oppen
et al., 2017). In addition to the ecological
impact, this decline has an economic impact
on societies that depend on coral reefs for their
livelihood (Costanza et al., 2014). The marine
conditions responsible for this decline in reef
ecosystems can inhibit the recuperation of a
coral reef following a disturbance to the reef
environment (Anthony et al., 2020; Good &
Bahr, 2021; Rinkevich, 2005). Coral reef res-
toration is one form of human mediation that
aims to rebuild coral reef communities through
active propagation of coral in order to promote
the recovery of the ecosystems’ natural comple-
ment of diversity and ecological functionality
(Hancock et al., 2017; Horoszowski-Fridman et
al., 2015). The most common method of coral
reef restoration is through coral gardening and
transplantation (Bayraktarov et al., 2019).
Coral restoration is essentially a facilita-
tion of natural successional processes through
the reintroduction and management of key
species (Walker et al., 2007; Young, 2001).
Ecological succession is the process by which
Conclusions: The transplantation of Pocillopora spp. colonies in Golfo Dulce changed the early successional
trajectory of the sessile benthic community to favor the dominance of coral dominance in the experimental patch.
These results may be useful in informing expectations for future restoration efforts.
Key words: coral reef; reef phase change; coral-algae interaction; inhibition.
Sucesión de la comunidad bentónica sésil en un sitio de restauración de arrecifes de coral.
Introducción: La restauración de ecosistemas facilita la sucesión ecológica. Cuando un arrecife de coral experi-
menta una perturbación, la comunidad de organismos sésiles bentónicos puede seguir una trayectoria de sucesión
que favorezca la dominancia del coral o un cambio de estado a un ecosistema dominado por algas.
Objetivo: Comprender mejor el impacto de los trasplantes de coral en la sucesión de la comunidad bentónica
Métodos: Para medir y monitorear la cobertura de coral (cm2) de Pocillopora spp. y la composición de la comu-
nidad bentónica asociada se establecieron parches de arrecifes de coral experimentales y de control en el sitio
de restauración de coral en Golfo Dulce, Pacífico Sur de Costa Rica. Treinta colonias de Pocillopora spp., se
trasplantaron a los clavos en el sustrato en el parche experimental. El parche de coral de control contenía clavos
sin colonias trasplantadas. Ambos tratamientos fueron fotografiados mensualmente durante un periodo de ocho
meses. Los cambios en la cobertura de coral y otros organismos bentónicos sésiles se midieron a partir de las
imágenes y se compararon a lo largo del tiempo entre los parches experimentales y de control.
Resultados: Los trasplantes de coral experimentaron eventos de blanqueamiento de agosto a septiembre de 2019
y de enero a febrero de 2020. El primer evento de blanqueamiento puede haber sido el resultado de la sedimen-
tación y el segundo puede deberse a las altas temperaturas. Al final del experimento, el 83 % de las colonias
habían sobrevivido. Las colonias vivas crecieron significativamente después del trasplante; > 67 % de su área
de cobertura inicial después de ocho meses. En el parche experimental, las áreas de Pocillopora spp., algas
coralinas costrosas (ACC) y cianobacterias aumentaron mientras que el tapete de algas disminuyó. El aumento
en la cobertura de coral y ACC, y la disminución en tapetes de algas en el parche experimental podría deberse a
los herbívoros atraídos por los trasplantes. El aumento de cianobacterias en el parche experimental podría ser el
resultado de temperaturas más altas y puede haber sido un factor en la muerte de las colonias.
Conclusiones: El trasplante de las colonias de Pocillopora spp. en Golfo Dulce cambiaron la trayectoria de suce-
sión temprana de la comunidad bentónica sésil para favorecer la dominancia del coral en el parche experimental.
Estos resultados pueden ser útiles para informar las expectativas de futuros esfuerzos de restauración.
Palabras claves: arrecife de coral; cambio de fase de arrecifes; interacción coral-alga; inhibición.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
an ecosystem undergoes a predictable sequence
of the replacement of communities that reach
a stable climax and remains reasonably
unchanged over time until the next disturbance
(Odum, 1964). The early succession of a reef is
critical to the establishment, survival and resil-
ience of coral reef communities (Doropoulos
et al., 2016). For example, algal turf impedes
the settlement of coral larvae and the growth of
colonies (O’Brien & Schiebling, 2018; Smith
et al., 2010). Conversely, coralline crustose
algae promote the settlement and growth of
corals (Doropoulos et al., 2016).
Coral growth rate is one of the most widely
used assessments of coral reef health and res-
toration success (Edmunds & Putnam, 2020).
The growth of corals can be affected by envi-
ronmental factors including temperature (Jimé-
nez & Cortés, 2003; Manzello, 2010), seawater
pH (Guo et al., 2020; Manzello, 2010), nutri-
ents (Toh et al., 2014), light (Wellington,
1982), depth, and biological factors such as the
presence of certain fish, invertebrates (Glynn &
Enochs, 2010) and algae (Lirman, 2001). Coral
growth information is used to assess and pre-
dict the environmental conditions and locations
where corals can survive and thrive (Edmunds
& Putnam, 2020).
The succession of coral reefs occurs at
short time scales in the range of months and
geological time scales that occur over cen-
turies, millennia or even millions of years
(Grigg, 1983; Karlson, 1999). At short time
scales, succession is localized on small patches
of substrate and is dominated by fast-growing
organisms such as algae competing for light,
space, and other resources. This short time
scale succession is the most relevant to pro-
cesses of coral recruitment, competition, and
growth (Doropoulos et al., 2016). Coral reef
succession at geological time scales is charac-
terized by turnovers of species of hermatypic
corals and the physical structure of the reef as
long-term changes in the ecology, environment,
and frequency of disturbance favor the growth
of certain species and forms over others (Grigg,
1983). For example, fast-growing branching
corals such as pocilloporids and acroporids
tend to be early colonizers of a new reef that
are sensitive to environmental changes and are
replaced by slower growing, more tolerant,
massive species that build on the physical and
ecological foundations of the branching spe-
cies, eventually replacing them as the dominant
growth forms (Grigg, 1983).
Coral reefs are ecosystems characterized
by constant disturbance, including anthropo-
genic and natural factors. This constant dis-
turbance contributes to the high diversity of
life in coral reefs (Grigg, 1983) and also their
vulnerability to decline. Disturbances such as
high sediment loads, elevated temperatures
from El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
events stress corals and cause them to lose their
zooxanthellae symbionts a process known as
coral bleaching. If a disturbance is strong and
persistent, a coral reef ecosystem can settle
into alternate stable states dominated by dif-
ferent organisms depending on environmental
and ecological factors (Dudgeon et al., 2010;
Fung et al., 2011). Thus, as succession follows
a disturbance, its trajectory can be affected by
these environmental and ecological factors. For
example, under conditions of constant distur-
bance, climate change and other anthropogenic
factors tend to push recovering ecosystems
to favor the proliferation of macroalgae and
turfs instead of reef-forming corals. Algae-
dominated marine ecosystems often do not
naturally revert to coral-dominated ecosystems
without intervention (Smith et al., 2010). This
is because reef-forming corals tend to be out-
competed by algal turfs that often flourish in
ecosystems with high water nutrient concentra-
tions and fewer herbivores; a condition that can
occur in ecosystems degraded by eutrophica-
tion and poorly regulated fisheries (Smith et al.,
2010). However, processes such as herbivory
and coral expansion that encourage the eco-
logical trajectory towards a self-sustaining reef
ecosystem are also evident in the dynamics of
the community of benthic encrusting organ-
isms on the reef bottom (Ceccarelli et al., 2011;
Fong et al., 2016).
The benthic sessile community of a reef
is a complex and competitive arena. The main
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
competitors are often simplified into the fol-
lowing categories: turf, an overarching term for
a multispecies, dense, often filamentous mat of
algae; crustose coralline algae (CCA) that can
promote the growth and recruitment of coral;
and scleractinian corals (Flower et al. 2017;
Smith et al., 2010; Steneck & Dethier, 1994).
Corals, especially highly branched species such
as Pocillopora, provide structural complexity
to a reef ecosystem that attracts diverse and
abundant populations of fish and other associ-
ated fauna (Stella et al., 2011). Herbivorous
coral associates control populations of turf and
macroalgae that inhibit the growth and settle-
ment of coral and thus encourage the expan-
sion of the reef (Burkepile & Hay, 2010; Hixon
& Bronstoff 1996; Humphries et al., 2014).
Seasonal shifts in the populations of species
associated fauna can influence the interactions
between algae and coral (Brown et al., 2019;
Doropoulos et al., 2016; Fong et al., 2016;
Muthukrishnan et al., 2016).
Favorable sites for coral reef restoration
are areas where corals previously flourished
and are unlikely to settle and grow at a new site
under current marine conditions (Rinkevich,
2005). Likewise, the most appropriate candi-
dates for species to be introduced are those
that might not colonize the restoration area
unassisted (Society for Ecological Restoration
International Science & Policy Working Group
[SER], 2004). In Golfo Dulce, an ecologically
unique tropical fjord-like embayment on the
southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica, histori-
cally abundant branching corals in the genus
Pocillopora have practically disappeared. The
initial loss of Pocillopora was due the change
in the path of rivers that brought fresh water
and sediments into the Gulf (Cortés, 1991;
Cortés & Reyes-Bonilla, 2017). In more recent
history, coastal development and deforesta-
tion around the rivers liberated sediment and
resulted in the further destruction of the gulfs
reefs and a near complete loss of Pocillopora
corals (Cortés, 1991). With so few colonies
remaining, the population of Pocillopora in the
gulf could have experienced the Allee effect,
a condition of a community where there is not
enough population density to sustain sexual
reproduction (Allee, 1938; Gascoigne & Lip-
cius, 2004). A small number of Pocillopora
colonies in Golfo Dulce that have demonstrated
particular resilience to sedimentation and ther-
mal stress (J. Kleypas, pers. comm., 2020) have
become the basis of a coral reef restoration
effort to preserve and propagate the genus in
the Gulf.
Monitoring the health and growth of trans-
planted corals and changes to the ecosystem
around them provides insight into whether
those colonies are functioning ecologically as
“ecosystem engineers,” and thus can inform
future reef restoration efforts. This exploratory
study aimed 1) to monitor the health and survi-
vorship of a cohort of transplanted Pocillopora
spp. colonies in Golfo Dulce, South Pacific
Costa Rica, 2) calculate the growth rate of the
corals in terms of area, and 3) to describe the
effect of the transplantation of the colonies
on a short time scale succession of the sessile
benthic community. This information will aid
reef restoration scientists in understanding how
the reef community changes following coral
colony transplantation.
Study area: Golfo Dulce is a narrow-
mouthed embayment (8° 27’ – 8° 45’ N, 83° 07’
– 83° 30’ W) oriented northwest to southeast
between the Osa peninsula and the southern
Pacific coast of Costa Rica (Fig. 1). The Gulf
has an approximate length of 50 km and width
between 10 and 15 km and covers an area of
680 km2 with a maximum depth of 200 m. The
dry season lasts from December to March with
an average rainfall of 100 to 160 mm per month
(Fig. 2). The wet season peaks in October with
an average rainfall of 800 mm (Cortés, 1990).
The monthly seawater temperature ranging
from 18 º to 35 ºC with annual average of
approximately 26.5 ºC (Fig. 3).
Geographically and ecologically, Golfo
Dulce is part of the Eastern Tropical Pacific
(ETP) marine biological province (Glynn et
al., 2017; Guzmán & Cortés, 1993). It is often
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
referred to as a tropical fjord due to its anoxic
deep waters and bathymetry (Cortés, 1990;
Wolff et al., 1996). The anoxic waters prevent
the energy contained in detritus that sinks to
the depths of the gulf from being recycled back
into the higher trophic levels of the ecosystem
(Wolff et al., 1996). These unique conditions
result in a community structure of fish and
invertebrates that differs significantly from
other marine ecosystems of the Pacific coast of
Costa Rica (Alvarado et al., 2014).
Coral Nurseries: The experiment was
performed between July 2019 and February
2020. The coral colonies used in this study were
cultivated in in situ nurseries at Playa Nicuesa
(Fig.1) as part of the restoration initiative of the
NGO Raising Coral Costa Rica and the Center
of Marine Science and Limnology (CIMAR) of
the University of Costa Rica (UCR). The coral
nurseries are tree-shaped structures with central
PVC “trunk” and radiating fiberglass “branch-
es” to which the Pocillopora spp. colonies
Fig. 1. A. The location of Golfo Dulce within Costa Rica. B. The transplantation site at Punta Bejuco is marked with a red
star and Nicuesa site is marked with a red asterisk and the red triangle marks where the meteorological data were collected.
C. The location of the transplantation and control sites near Punta Bejuco marked with a red star.
Fig. 2. Rainfall (mm month-1) data from January 2019
through August 2020 from the Instituto Meteorológico
Nacional de Costa Rica station, near Golfo Dulce (08º
42’ 03” N, 83º 30’ 49” W, at 80 m above sea level). Gray
shading indicates the timeframe of the experiment.
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
area attached with nylon monofilament lariats.
These colonies are derived from wild Pocil-
lopora spp. from various reefs in Golfo Dulce.
The colonies are fragmented by breaking off
the tips of the branches either manually or
using a diamond band saw to multiply the num-
ber of individual colonies through reproduction
assisted fragmentation (Horoszowski-Fridman
et al., 2015; Rinkevich, 2005). The nurseries
are located between 3 and 5 m of depth below
the water surface and anchored to the sea floor
with rope and kept vertical with a floating
buoy. The colonies in the nurseries are cleaned
of algae each month and their health monitored
(T. Villalobos, pers. comm., 2019). The experi-
mental colonies were chosen at random from
the coral nurseries before being transplanted at
Punta Bejuco.
Study organisms: Pocillopora is a fast-
growing genus (Darling et al., 2012) of branch-
ing scleractinian coral and an important reef
builder in the ETP (Guzmán & Cortés, 1993).
Pocillopora spp. can be categorized as pioneer
species in the establishment of a coral reef
due to the rapid growth rate and highly com-
plex structure of corals in the genus (Clark &
Edwards, 1994). Thus, Pocillopora is a popular
genus for coral reef restoration (Boström-Ein-
arsson et al., 2018). This coral is highly impor-
tant to reef ecosystems due to its complex
structure that permits the coral to harbor the
greatest diversity of associated organisms of
all coral genera (Stella et al., 2011). Pocillo-
pora spp. in the ETP are particularly resilient
to thermal stress (Manzello, 2010), possibly
due to their propensity to harbor the more ther-
mally tolerant Durusdinium glynnii (formerly
“Clade D”) zooxanthellae symbionts (Wham et
al., 2017). Pocillopora may be thought of as a
pioneer species and is a good candidate in that
their branched skeletons create the conditions
that allow other organisms to colonize an area
where they previously would not be able (Clark
& Edwards, 1994; Darling et al., 2012).
The benthic organisms and abiotic com-
ponents of the sea floor in this study were
categorized in operational taxonomic units
(OTUs). These OTUs included: rubble, sand,
bare calcium carbonate (CaCO3), the corals
Pocillopora spp. and Porites spp., dead Pocil-
lopora spp. (Dead Coral), unclassified sponge,
the macroalga Caulerpa spp., Cyanobacteria
(Cyano.), articulated coralline algae (ACA),
crustose coralline algae (CCA), the bivalve
mollusk Pinna rugosa and algal turf (Turf).
Fig. 3. Area-averaged daytime sea surface temperatures from the northern tip of Golfo Dulce from July 2018 to July 2020,
as derived from the MODISA satellite data using the NASA GIOVANNI web application for the coordinate rectangle: - 83°
26’ 12”, 8° 42’ 3”, - 83° 24’ 38, 8° 43’ 14.88”. Gray shading indicates the timeframe of the experiment.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
Transplantation site: Punta Bejuco reef
(8° 43’ 39” N, 83° 24’ 29” W) (Fig. 1) was
selected as the transplantation site for the
Pocillopora spp. colonies that were cultivated
in underwater coral nurseries near Playa Nicue-
sa of Golfo Dulce. Punta Bejuco was chosen as
a site for transplantation because Pocillopora
colonies that had been transplanted there prior
to this study were healthy and growing (T. Vil-
lalobos, pers. comm., 2020). The species of
corals used in this study were P. damicornis
and P. elegans although they were not distin-
guished from one another in the experiment.
Pocillopora spp. currently has low rates
of natural recruitment in Golfo Dulce (T. Vil-
lalobos pers. comm., 2020). Small Pocillopora
colonies are more likely to die as a result of
predation (Toh et al., 2014) and out-compe-
tition by algae (Kuffner et al., 2006). Punta
Bejuco consists of three reef-built platforms
with steeply sloping edges separated by chan-
nels of sand. The reef substrates are mostly
made up of dead Pocillopora and Psammocora
rubble. The predominant live coral species are
Porites lobata (Cortés, 1990) and Porites ever-
manni (Boulay et al., 2014) that have an aver-
age coverage of 0.97 % of the sea floor (Cortés,
1990). Living colonies of Pocillopora that
were not cultivated in coral nurseries are cur-
rently absent from Punta Bejuco, but the his-
torical presence of Pocillopora can be inferred
from coral skeletons (Cortés, 1990).
Out-planting of nursery-grown Pocil-
lopora colonies and experimental design: A
total of 30 Pocillopora spp. colonies were trans-
planted to the restoration site in Punta Bejuco
in July 2019. The colonies were anchored with
nylon zip-ties to steel nails, driven into the cal-
cium carbonate substrate in a six by five colony
rectangular arrangement with a distance of 30
cm from neighboring colonies. The rectangular
transect extended 15 cm from the centroids of
the fringing nails to measure 1.5 by 1.8 m in
total (Fig. 4). To understand how the presence
of the transplanted coral effected the benthic
Fig. 4. The arrangement of experimental colonies and nails within transects on the sea floor. The black dots represent nails
used as attachment points for the colonies or as markers of transect area and quadrat centers. The white circles represent
Pocillopora spp. colonies. The dotted line represents the edge of the experimental and control transects. Each colony or nail
position is given a procedural name so that it can be easily located.
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
community, a control transect, devoid of coral
transplants was designated and monitored
using the same methods as the transplantation
site. The control transect was located approxi-
mately 10m from the experimental patch at
Punta Bejuco in a relatively flat region with a
(visually) similar substrate composition. This
transect was prepared in the same layout of
30 steel nails as the experimental transplanted
transect, but contains no Pocillopora trans-
plants (Fig. 4). The control patch contained no
corals, living or dead over the course of the
experiment. Likewise, the experimental patch
never contained P. rugosa. Both the experimen-
tal and control patches contained negligible
areas of sponge and sand.
Data Collection and Processing: Data
from the 30 transplanted Pocillopora spp.
colonies were recorded monthly from July
2019 to February 2020 using photography
and observation.
Coral transplant survivorship and bleach-
ing: The bleaching and survival status of each
Pocillopora spp. colony was recorded each
month. Coral could be categorized as bleached
(and alive), dead or healthy (neither bleached
nor dead). If a transplanted coral colony was
visibly completely white yet free of macroal-
gae, cyanobacteria or loose tissues, the colony
was recorded as bleached, having lost its
symbiotic microalgae. If a colony had tissues
visibly separated from the skeleton and/or the
exposed skeleton was completely covered in
macroalgae or cyanobacteria, the colony was
recorded as dead as it no longer had any sig-
nificant living, growing coral tissue.
In situ photography: To monitor the
behavior of the community of sessile ben-
thic organisms, a quadrat around each coral
colony was photographed once each month
from above using an Olympus TG-5 camera in
a proprietary waterproof housing attached to a
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) armature that held
the camera 40 cm above the sea floor. The base
of the armature formed a frame measuring 30 x
30 cm and was situated so that each anchor nail
was positioned at the center of the base using
virtually marked center point on the camera’s
monitor. For each photograph, the camera was
set to “under-water wide mode” with a zoom of
1.1 and set to shoot in RAW and JPEG image
file formats. Each image was evaluated using
the purpose-made photo analysis software,
PhotoQuad (Trygonis & Sini, 2012) in order to
calculate the coverage area of the transplanted
coral colonies and benthic sessile organisms.
Photo Preparation: The JPEG imag-
es from the camera were loaded into Adobe
Bridge where they were organized and renamed
according to the month and colony number or
position within the control transect. The images
were corrected for “fisheye” distortion from
the wide-angle settings of the camera and opti-
cal properties of water in the Adobe Camera
Raw image editor. To correct the distortion
effectively, the correction was set to the point
where the frame in the image was parallel with
the gridlines in Camera Raw. The distortion
correction was set to -31 for all of the images.
Quadrat assignment: Once loaded into the
PhotoQuad application, distances in the distor-
tion-corrected images of each coral were cali-
brated individually by selecting the “calibrate”
toggle and dragging the ends of the calibration
bar to the bottom inner edge of the T-joints on
the left and right of the PVC frame. The length
of the calibration bar was then set to 30cm, the
true distance between the supports of the PVC
frame (Trygonis & Sini, 2012).
Coral area measurement: The quadrat of
each image was assigned manually using the
“manual detection” toggle in the PhotoQuad
application. The quadrat was defined by drag-
ging the points supplied by the application to
the inner corners of PVC frame to draw straight
lines on the inner borders and around the joints
of the PVC frame. The area of the coral colo-
nies parallel to the substrate was measured with
the “region of interest” (ROI) method in Photo-
Quad (Trygonis & Sini, 2012). In this method,
the border of the living coral tissue (tissue that
was neither visibly separated from the skeleton
nor covered in macroalgae nor cyanobacte-
ria) was traced and assigned as Pocillopora
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
damicornis. The data from PhotoQuad were
then exported as comma separated values for
analysis using R (R Core Team, 2013). The
“SPECIES Area Total cm2 (sic.)” PhotoQuad
output variable was used for analysis. This
value was defined by the following formula:
Where: Apix is the number of pixels enclosed
in the ROI; fclb is the calibration factor of the
image based on the distance between the inside
edges of the PVC frame in the image.
Benthic coverage measurement: The
benthic community of the experimental tran-
sects was defined as the area of each encrust-
ing organism or abiotic benthic component
(OTU) within the quadrat. The area of each
of the encrusting organisms was measured in
PhotoQuad using the grid method (Trygonis &
Sini, 2012). A grid was drawn over the quadrat
with the horizontal grid field set to 150 pixels,
equivalent to 2 250 pixels in each cell. Grid
cells were selected when positioned over an
encrusting organism. When the grid cells fell
over the borders of the encrusting organisms,
the fraction of the cell occupied by the encrust-
ing organism was estimated and added to other
occupied fractions of grid cells. When the
fractions added up to one (1), a grid cell was
selected. Selected grid cells were assigned to
the OTU they covered. The data consisted of
the area covered by the OTU in cm2, pixels,
and the proportion of the quadrat occupied by
that OTU. These data were imported into R for
analysis (R Core Team, 2013).
Outliers: Two coral colonies extended
beyond the PVC frame in the image. The data
from the quadrats that contained these two
colonies were excluded from the data set and
analysis, but left in situ for other experiments.
Data derived from in situ photography during
the month of August was not included in the
results because of malfunctions with the cam-
era case that negatively affected the quality of
the images.
Statistical analysis:
Growth rate: To estimate the rate of cover
growth (cm2) of the corals over the eight
months of the experiment, the average area
(cm2) of each Pocillopora spp. colony were
plotted each month with line-of-best-fit from
linear regression. The slope of the line-of-best-
fit was the areal growth rate of the colonies in
cm2 month-1.
Comparison of experimental and control:
Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS)
from Bray-Curtis similarity matrices was used
to detect differences in the benthic community
composition in the initial (July 2019) and final
(February 2020) months in the experimental
and control patches. These similarity matrices
were built using the areas of each OTU in each
of the photo-quadrats. The area values of OTUs
in each patch were square root transformed to
ensure that OTUs that occupied small propor-
tions of each photoquadrat were would not
“drowned out” by the OTUs that occupied the
majority of the photoquadrat area and could be
compared on the same scale. These area values
excluded Pocillopora spp. colonies, dead coral
and artificial structures (anchor nails, tags
and zip ties) to ensure that any differences in
benthic community resulted from the presence
of transplanted coral rather than simply detect-
ing the growth of the transplants themselves.
ANOSIM was performed on the nMDS data
to quantify the separation and significance of
any difference between initial and final ben-
thic communities. SIMPER was performed to
identify which OTUs contributed most to any
differences that were detected. Construction,
visualization and analysis of nMDS were per-
formed in PRIMER 7 (Clarke & Gorley, 2015).
Temporal changes in sessile benthic
community: Changes in the area of OTUs
in each patch over time were estimated with
linear regression in R (R Core Team, 2013).
In the experimental patch, measurements from
quadrats where the coral colony had died were
analyzed separately from those that survived
the eight months of the experiment. The quad-
rats were separated in this manner to see if
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
temporal patterns in the abundance of benthic
organisms were different when the coral trans-
plant had died.
Coral Survivorship and bleaching: In
the eight months following transplantation
(July 2019 – February 2020), five of the 30 (17
%) colonies died; three (10 %) died in October
(four months from planting) and two more in
November (7 %) (Table 1). The colonies expe-
rienced two episodes of bleaching: the first, in
August and September 2019 (13 and 52 % of
the original 30 colonies, respectively) and the
second, in January and February 2020 (10 and
67 % of the original 30 colonies, respectively)
(Table 1). At the end of the experiment, 5 colo-
nies had died and of the remaining 25 living
colonies, 20 were bleached and 5 were healthy.
Areal Growth: The average area of live
Pocillopora spp. colonies increased signifi-
cantly (linear regression: P < 0.05, R2 = 0.036)
from an average of 119.4 ± 72.6 cm2 in July
2019 to 175.9 ± 113.0 cm2 in February 2020, a
68 % growth in area on average from initial to
final months. The change in area of the Pocil-
lopora spp. transplants was calculated to be 8.1
cm2 month-1 based on linear regression (R2 =
0.036, P < 0.05) (Fig. 5).
Change in the benthic community com-
position: The composition of the benthic com-
munity differed significantly between July
2019 and February 2020 in the experimental
patch (ANOSIM; P < 0.01, R = 0.147) but not
in the control patch (ANOSIM; P > 0.05, R =
0.031) (Fig. 6). Based on SIMPER analysis,
the main contributors to the difference in the
benthic community in the experimental patch
after 8 months following coral transplantation
were turf, CCA and Cyano.; contributing to
34, 27, and 37 % of the difference respectively
(Table 2).
Change in area of the benthic commu-
nities: In the experimental patch, the areas of
turf, cyanobacteria, dead coral, Pocillopora
spp. and CCA changed significantly over time
(linear regression: P < 0.05) in the 24 quadrats
where the colonies remained alive throughout
the experiment. The coverage area of turf
decreased by an average of 12.1 cm2 per month
and the coverage of cyanobacteria, dead coral,
and CCA increased by an average of 4.2, 1.0,
Total number of transplanted Pocillopora spp. colonies that were bleached, dead, or healthy (neither bleached nor dead) each
month in the experimental patch in Golfo Dulce.
Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
Total n30 24 29 30 30 30 29 30
Total Bleached 0 3 15 0 0 0 3 20
Total Dead 00035555
% Bleached 0 % 13 % 52 % 0 % 0 % 0 % 10 % 67 %
% Dead 0 % 0 % 0 % 10 % 17 % 17 % 17 % 17 %
% Healthy 100 % 87 % 48 % 90 % 83 % 83 % 73 % 16 %
The number of colonies reported (n) varied from month to month due observational challenges.
Fig. 5. Monthly average area (cm2) of transplanted
Pocillopora spp. colonies in the transplanted site in Golfo
Dulce. The plot includes standard deviation and line-of-
best-fit from linear regression (line-of-best-fit equation:
Area of colony = 110.2 + 8.1 (number of months following
transplantation)); the gray area represents 95 % confidence
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
and 3.1 cm2 per month respectively. In the
four quadrats where corals died, the areas of
Pocillopora spp., cyanobacteria, and dead coral
changed significantly over time (linear regres-
sion: P < 0.05). The area of living Pocillopora
spp. decreased by 26.3 cm2 per month and the
areas of cyanobacteria and dead coral increased
by 32.8 and 24.8 cm2 per month respectively
(Fig. 7). In the control patch, the areas of OTUs
remained constant and none changed signifi-
cantly over time from their initial values.
The OTU that decreased the most in cov-
erage was Pocillopora spp. in the “dead” coral
quadrats with a decrease from 23.55 to 2.52 %
Similarity of assemblages of benthic organisms in the
experimental patch at Punta Bejuco, Golfo Dulce and
OTUs with the greatest contribution as the result of
Group Average
Similarity OTU % Contribution
February 84.68 % Turf 90.42
July 81.03 % Turf 90.47
February vs. July 80.55 %
Turf 33.67
CCA 27.32
Cyano. 26.39
Fig. 6. Non-metric multidimensional scaling of the benthic communities in Punta Bejuco July 2019 versus February 2020. A.
Communities in quadrats around Pocillopora spp. transplants in the experimental patch. B. Communities in quadrats around
marking nails in the control patch.
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
of the total coverage. In the “dead” quadrats,
the coverage of cyanobacteria and dead coral
increased substantially as well from 0 to 20.20
% and 0 to 15.20 % respectively, taking up
more of the quadrats than the initial coverage
of the Pocillopora spp. transplants by 11.85
%. The average coverage of live Pocillopora
spp. increased by 7.95 % from 16.89 to 24.84
% in “live” coral quadrats. In the control patch,
no OTU changed more than 1.5 % in average
coverage of the quadrats (Table 3). No sand or
sponge was present in the control, nor experi-
mental patches.
Coral health and survivorship: Over
the course of eight months of this exploratory
study, there were two bleaching events and
17 % of the transplanted colonies died. It is
unknown whether a similar proportion of colo-
nies died in the nurseries where the corals were
grown. The first event occurred in August and
September 2019. High rainfall in these two
months typically causes significant run-off and
sedimentation in the gulf as sediment is washed
in from the surrounding rivers that feed into
Golfo Dulce and the water was visibly turbid
during field operations. This sedimentation
was one of the primary causes for the loss of
Pocillopora spp. colonies in the Gulf in the
1960’s-80’s (Cortés, 1990). Sediment settles
on the coral colonies, blocking sunlight, and
stimulating the production of excess mucus,
causing stress and bleaching (Philipp & Fabri-
cius, 2005). Alternatively, bleaching could
have occurred as the result of the stress of the
transplantation process, an event observed in
other restoration efforts (Cunning et al., 2014;
Forrester et al., 2012).
Fig. 7. Average areas (cm2) of benthic sessile organisms over time in the quadrats where corals in the experimental patch A.
survived for the length of the experiment or B. died before the end of the experiment and C. in the control patch at Punta
Bejuco, Golfo Dulce.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
The second bleaching event occurred in
January and February 2020. These months
correspond to the dry season when water tem-
peratures are typically elevated and sea surface
temperature at the study site averaged 31.2 °C
(Fig. 3) during this period of the experimental
timeframe. Although temperature tolerance can
vary significantly within corals of the same
species from different regions (Coles et al.,
1976), corals in the ETP have been reported to
bleach when sea surface temperatures exceed
30 ºC (Podestá & Glynn, 1997). In general,
corals often do not recover following severe
bleaching. The majority of the bleached cor-
als at the transplantation site regained some
of their original color and grew significantly
although none of the coral transplants regained
the color they had in the first month of the
experiment immediately following transplanta-
tion (personal observation).
Given that many of the colonies did not
survive in the timeframe of the experiment, a
different location and/or different environmen-
tal conditions should be considered for future
restoration efforts in Golfo Dulce. The rela-
tively shallow depth of the corals at 3 m may
have offered little protection for the corals from
higher temperatures near the water surface, or
higher light intensity; a problem encountered
in other coral transplantation efforts (Lohr
et al., 2016). Tides in Golfo Dulce can vary
between 2 m and 4 m in the inner part of the
gulf (Svendsen et al., 2006). The tidal activity
at Punta Bejuco was not recorded in this study
and it is possible that tides could have exacer-
bated the colonies’ exposure to solar radiation.
It is generally recommended to transplant cor-
als at the depth they are encountered naturally
in the area. In Golfo Dulce, Pocillopora spp. is
encountered from 3 to 5 m below the surface
(Cortés, 1990) although most of the native
colonies that provided fragments for the nurs-
ery were deeper, up to 8 m below the surface
(J. Kleypas, pers. comm., 2020.). As of October
2020, almost all of the nearby coral transplants
that were not part of the experiment and which
were positioned deeper at 5.6m survived the
Average percent proportions (SD) of the quadrat area occupied by benthic organism OTUs in the initial (July) and final (February)
months of data collection at Punta Bejuco, Golfo Dulce.
Status nRubble ACA Bare CaCO3Pinna rugosa Pocillopora spp. Caulerpa spp. Porites spp. Turf Cyano. Dead Coral CCA
Live Jul Avg 23 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.1(0.5) 0.0(0.0) 16.9(10.6) 0.3(0.7) 0.5(2.4) 80.5(10.5) 0.18(0.9) 0.0(0.0) 1.6(3.1)
Live Feb Avg 17 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 24.8(13.2) 0.1(0.4) 0.8(3.3) 65.4(11.7) 3.6(4.2) 1.0(2.7) 4.2(3.8)
Dead Jul Avg 4 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 23.6(7.3) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 73.5(6.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 2.9(2.5)
Dead Feb Avg 4 0.0(0.0) 0.2(0.3) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 2.5(2.9) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 60.2(12.8) 20.2(9.4) 15.2(7.4) 1.7(1.5)
Cons Jul Avg 21 0.2(0.9) 0.0(0.0) 1.1(3.7) 0.1(0.3) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.2) 0.0(0.0) 97.1(6.2) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 1.5(2.7)
Cons Feb Avg 29 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.2(0.9) 0.1(0.5) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 0.0(0.0) 98.5(2.2) 0.0(0.1) 0.0(0.0) 0.9(1.6)
Averages are grouped by the patch and status of coral outplants as follows: Live – quadrats in the experimental patch where the coral survived the entire 8 months of the experiment;
Dead – quadrats in the experimental patch where the outplants died at some point over the course of the experiment; Control – quadrats (Cons) in the control patch.
14 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
bleaching event in January and February 2020
(T. Villalobos, pers. comm., 2020).
Coral growth: Despite the two bleach-
ing events and non-ideal transplantation site,
the average area of the corals grows signifi-
cantly over the course of the experiment. Other
research suggests that the average sizes of the
Pocillopora spp. colonies in the experimental
patch were in a range of sizes that are likely to
grow but less likely to survive over the course
of a year (Ishida-Castañeda et al., 2020; Kodera
et al., 2020; Tortolero-Langarica et al., 2020).
This practical information could be very useful
for determining the size of coral transplants to
use for the purposes of restoration.
Temporal change in the sessile ben-
thic community following transplantation:
The increase in area of live coral, CCA and
Cyanobacteria and decrease in area of algal
turf in the experimental patch following the
transplantation of Pocillopora spp. colonies
suggests that the coral colonies affected the
succession of the sessile benthic community.
Corals, especially structurally complex, highly
branched forms such as Pocillopora, attract
associated fauna (Lewis, 1986, Smith et al.,
2010). Herbivorous coral associates contribute
to the health and resilience of coral reefs by
preventing algal succession from progressing
from a state dominated by early successional
CCA which do not compete with corals and
fleshy, leafy algae which impede growth of
corals (Burkepile & Hay, 2010; Hixon & Bron-
stoff, 1996; Humphries et al., 2014).
The lack of change in the coverage of
sessile benthic organisms in the control patch
further supports the conclusion that coral had
an effect on the trajectories of succession of
the benthic community. Differing trends in the
area of turf between experimental and control
patches may be the result of greater herbivory
in the experimental patch from herbivores
attracted to the structural complexity of the
transplanted coral (Lewis, 1986; Smith et al.,
2010). Conversely, the area of algal turf in
the control patch remained constant and high
because it is less structurally complex and thus
attracts fewer herbivores (Lewis, 1986).
Over the entire experimental patch and
particularly in quadrats where corals had died,
there was a strong increase in the coverage
of cyanobacteria. In quadrats where the coral
transplants had died, the area of cyanobacteria,
along with dead coral tissue had almost entirely
replaced live coral by the end of the experi-
ment. Cyanobacteria flourish in high tempera-
tures and could have contributed to the ultimate
death of the coral colonies following bleaching
by smothering the weakened coral and ben-
thos (Ford et al., 2018; Kuffner et al., 2006).
Cyanobacteria may produce toxins that could
deter herbivores that would otherwise control
macroalgal populations (Ford et al., 2018; Leão
et al., 2012). It is important to understand the
characteristics and processes that occur when
coral colonies die because it can provide clues
and warnings when monitoring the health of
reefs and implementing management responses
(Goatley et al., 2016). This could be a problem
for future coral transplantation in the zone as
the environmental conditions in the shallow
reefs of Golfo Dulce could favor the growth
of Cyanobacteria.
The decrease in algal turf in the experi-
mental patch from ~80 to ~65 % is comparable
in magnitude to the decrease in turf coverage
at the coral reefs of Coco Island following 20
years of reef recovery after the 1982-83 ENSO
event (Guzmán & Cortés, 2007). Coral cover-
age recovered from an average of 2.99 ± 0.25
% to 14.87 ± 6.78 % (average ± SE) % at Coco
Island, a similar magnitude to this study with
the experimental patch containing a negligible
coverage of coral before transplantation and
upwards of 24.8 % coverage eight months fol-
lowing transplantation. Although the study at
Coco Island was conducted at a much larger
spatial and temporal scales, and under much
higher conservation standards than in Golfo
Dulce, similar processes may account for the
decrease in turf coverage albeit over a much
shorter time period in this study. Restora-
tion, together with other coastal management
actions, could increase the survivorship of the
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
corals and the recovery of the reef and their
ecological functions.
Although one of the shortest times report-
ed for succession to reach a climax in a coral
reef ecosystem is approximately ten months
(Matsuda, 1988), the process of succession on
coral reefs generally takes much longer than the
timeframe of this experiment (Karlson, 1999).
Over a longer timeframe, further evidence of
succession and its associated ecological pro-
cesses could be detected. Also, following the
ultimate bleaching and death of the coral trans-
plants, a longer experiment could explore how
succession of the sessile benthic community
changes following the death of corals, a process
that was beginning to occur with the increase
in cyanobacteria. Coral-algae interactions also
vary seasonally due to the complex interplay
between encrusting organisms, grazing ani-
mals, eroding animals, and the environmental
variables that effect their health, populations
and behaviors (Brown et al., 2019; Doropoulos
et al., 2016; Fong et al., 2016; Muthukrishnan
et al., 2016). As this experiment lasted less than
a year, a longer experiment where seasonal
cycles repeat could help discern what changes
in the benthic community are due to seasonal
shifts versus succession.
Photo-quadrats were positioned directly
over the transplanted coral colonies in the
experimental patch, resulting in a bias toward
greater coral coverage. An experiment using
larger quadrats could capture the dynamics
of the sessile benthic community at the scale
of a reef rather than a colony. The differ-
ences observed in the dynamics of the benthic
communities in the experimental and control
patches may be the result of methodological
artifacts. The observed decrease in turf area
may be the result of the coral transplants tak-
ing up more area of the photoquadrats as their
branches grow up and over the sea floor. The
branches could be covering turf in the image
that may still be present around the bases of the
colonies and thus, reduce their apparent area.
Ecological succession is intrinsically
important to restoration efforts. Environmen-
tal and ecological conditions can direct the
succession of a reef towards alternate stable
states (Smith et al., 2010). Under current envi-
ronmental conditions, many coral reefs tend
to follow a successional trajectory that favors
the dominance of algae and other organisms
that inhibit the recruitment and growth of cor-
als (Pandolfi et al., 2005; Rinkevich, 2005).
Coral restoration through transplantation is an
increasingly common intervention that is used
to accelerate the process of succession to favor
the growth and persistence of coral reefs.
The transplantation of Pocillopora spp.
colonies influenced the succession of a ses-
sile benthic community of a restoration site
in Golfo Dulce, as evidenced by the growth
of organisms that promote coral growth and
the decline of those that compete for space
and resources with corals. Additionally, fol-
lowing transplantation, these shifts in the sea
floor composition favored a successional tra-
jectory that promotes the growth of coral and
may improve the reefs’ resilience to future
disturbance and the acceleration of ecosystem
recuperation. Transplantation and growth of
Pocillopora spp. colonies corals modified the
local ecosystem around the colonies to promote
further coral reef growth and development.
These results suggest that the transplantation of
Pocillopora spp. could improve the outcomes
of coral restoration efforts by changing the
trajectory of succession. However, this must
be carried out in conjunction with watershed
management to reduce sedimentation in the
area and associated stress to the corals. A simi-
lar experiment conducted over longer temporal
and larger spatial scales may reveal if succes-
sional trends continue or change.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is no
conflict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledge-
ments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
16 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71 (S1): e54881, abril 2023 (Publicado Abr. 30, 2023)
We acknowledge the Center for Research
in Marine Science and Limnology (CIMAR),
the University of Costa Rica, and Raising Coral
Costa Rica for their resources and support.
Additionally, we acknowledge the field sup-
port, data collection and advice from Tatiana
Villalobos, José Andrés Marín Moraga, Celeste
Sánchez, Adriana Arce, Beatriz Naranjo, Tati-
ana Araya, Fabio Quesada, Sebastián Mena,
Andrea Arriaga, José Cascante, Carolina Salas-
Moya, Cindy Fernández, Sergio Madrigal,
Sònia Fabregat, Mario Espinoza, Davis Morera,
Eleazar Ruiz, Jon Chomitz, Virginia Rall Cho-
mitz and especially Juan Carlos Azofeifa who
was instrumental to every trip to the field. This
study could not have been carried out without
their generous contributions of time, resources
and creativity.
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