Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e55276, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 21, 2024)
Aboveground biomass in a post-mining forest succession
in the Colombian Pacific
Jhon Jerley Torres-Torres*1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0503-837X
Harley Quinto-Mosquera2; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5989-4334
Mayira Guerrero-Machado3; https://orcid.org/0009-0003-0411-0493
1. Maestría en Bosques y Conservación Ambiental, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia, Cra. 65 #59a-110;
jhtorrest@unal.edu.co (*Correspondence)
2. Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó, Programa de Biología. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Quibdó, Colombia, 22
N°18B-10; hquintom@gmail.com
3. Fundación Biodiversidad, Cambio Climático y Bienestar Social, Quibdó, Colombia; mayiraguerrero@hotmail.com
Received 17-I-2024. Corrected 07-V-2024. Accepted 12-VIII-2024.
Introduction: Mining is one of the main drivers of deforestation of tropical forests. This activity affects the stor-
age of aboveground biomass of these ecosystems; therefore, their ability to contribute to the mitigation of global
climate change.
Objective: To assess the influence of soil properties on the aboveground biomass storage of post-mining forests
in the Colombian Pacific.
Methods: Plots were established in areas post-mining and with different successional ages (12-15 years, 30-35
years, and mature forest). The aboveground biomass and physicochemical parameters of the soil were measured.
Results: An aboveground biomass of 15.58 t ha-1, 35.17 t ha-1, and 178.32 t ha-1 was recorded at 12-15 years,
30-35 years, and mature forests, respectively. The species with the highest biomass content in post-mining for-
ests were Cespedesia spathulata and Clidemia septuplinervia. The aboveground biomass was positively correlated
with organic matter (OM), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), CICE, total nitrogen (N), and silt. In contrast, the
relationship was negative with sand, aluminum (Al), and potassium (K) content. It was evidenced that the rela-
tionship between aboveground biomass and soils differed in each successional age. When evaluating the changes
of aboveground biomass and soils in the succession, it was observed that the aboveground biomass and total N
increased with the recovery time. At the same time, the P and K decreased with succession. On the other hand,
the contents of OM, Mg, Al, Ca, and CICE showed curvilinear tendencies since they increased in the first stages
and then decreased in the advanced successional stages.
Conclusions: Aboveground biomass increases with forest recovery time in the study area. This increase is influ-
enced by the presence of two dominant species shared among the investigated ecosystems and by the soils N, P,
and K content.
Key words: aluminum toxicity; carbon; Chocó biogeographical; nutrient limitation; restoration; plant succession.
Biomasa aérea en una sucesión de bosques post-minería del Pacífico colombiano
Introducción: La minería es una de las principales causas de deforestación de los bosques tropicales. Esta activi-
dad afecta el almacenamiento de biomasa aérea de estos ecosistemas; y, por tanto, su capacidad para contribuir a
la mitigación del cambio climático global.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e55276, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 21, 2024)
Tropical forests are crucial in mitigating
global climate change (Pachauri et al., 2014), as
they store approximately 59 % of the total car-
bon in terrestrial ecosystems. Additionally, due
to their high net primary productivity, these
forests capture an estimated 30 % of the atmo-
spheric carbon dioxide annually, significantly
contributing to carbon sequestration world-
wide (Yguel et al., 2019). These ecosystems are
estimated to store 470 billion tons of CO2 in
aboveground and belowground biomass (Pan
et al., 2011; Pugh et al., 2011). Despite their
importance, tropical forests have faced sig-
nificant deforestation and degradation in recent
decades, resulting in net losses of 3.9 million
hectares in Africa and 2.6 million hectares in
South America over the last decade (FAO &
PNUMA, 2020). Anthropogenic activities, par-
ticularly mining, have been the primary drivers
of these alarming deforestation rates (Primack
et al., 2019; FAO & PNUMA, 2020).
In particular, open-pit mining of metals,
such as gold, has become one of the main driv-
ers of deforestation and degradation of tropical
forests (Kalamandeen et al., 2020; Primack et
al., 2019). It is estimated that between 2001
and 2013, about 1 680 km2 of tropical forests
in South America were lost (Primack et al.,
2019), of which 41 % corresponds to mining
carried out in Guyana, 28 % in the Southwest
of the Amazon, 11 % in the Tapajos Xingú for-
ests in Brazil, and 9 % in the Magdalena basin
in Colombia (Alvarez-Berríos & Aide, 2015).
Between 2010 and 2017, it is estimated that
between 57 000 and 60 000 ha of natural forests
were lost to gold mining in Guyana and Peru,
respectively (Kalamandeen et al., 2020), which
not only affects the biodiversity of the region
threatened but also affects the carbon content
stored and the capacity of ecosystems to miti-
gate global climate change (Quinto et al., 2013).
Open pit mining affects the functioning
of the ecosystem because it causes deforesta-
tion of forests, edaphic erosion, changes in the
physicochemical conditions of the soil, chemi-
cal contamination by substances such as mer-
cury, excavation of the subsoil, sedimentation
of rivers and streams, loss of OM, changes in
nutrient content, alteration of biogeochemical
cycles, decrease in forest biomass and carbon,
changes in species composition, and biodiver-
sity loss (Kalamandeen et al., 2020; Quinto et
al., 2013; Ramírez et al., 2019). However, due to
the enormous carbon emissions into the atmo-
sphere generated by this economic activity, it is
Objetivo: Evaluar la influencia de las propiedades del suelo en el almacenamiento de la biomasa aérea de bosques
post-minería del Pacífico colombiano.
Métodos: Se establecieron parcelas en áreas post-minería con diferentes edades de sucesión (12-15 años, 30-35
años y bosque maduro). Se midió la biomasa aérea y parámetros fisicoquímicos del suelo.
Resultados: Se registró una biomasa aérea de 15.58 t ha-1, 35.17 t ha-1 y 178.32 t ha-1 en 12-15 años, 30-35 años
y bosque maduro, respectivamente. Las especies con mayor contenido de biomasa en los bosques post-minería
fueron Cespedesia spathulata y Clidemia septuplinervia. La biomasa aérea se correlacionó positivamente con
la materia orgánica (MO), calcio (Ca), magnesio (Mg), CICE, nitrógeno total (N) y limo. Por el contrario, la
relación fue negativa con el contenido de arena, aluminio (Al) y potasio (K). Se evidenció que la relación entre
la biomasa aérea y los suelos difería en cada edad sucesional. Al evaluar los cambios de la biomasa aérea y los
suelos en la sucesión, se observó que la biomasa aérea y el N total aumentaron con el tiempo de recuperación.
Al mismo tiempo, el P y el K disminuyeron con la sucesión. Por otro lado, los contenidos de OM, Mg, Al, Ca, y
CICE mostraron tendencias curvilíneas ya que aumentaron en los primeros estadios y luego disminuyeron en los
estadios sucesionales avanzados.
Conclusiones: la biomasa aérea aumenta con el tiempo de recuperación del bosque en el área de estudio. Este
incremento está influenciado por la presencia de dos especies dominantes compartidas entre los ecosistemas
investigados y por el contenido de N, P y K del suelo.
Palabras clave: toxicidad de aluminio; carbono; Chocó biogeográfico; limitación de nutrientes; restauración;
sucesión vegetal.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e55276, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 21, 2024)
considered to reduce the climate change mitiga-
tion potential of tropical forests substantially
(Kalamandeen et al., 2020; Poorter et al., 2016).
Therefore, to recover the functionality and role
of the post-mining ecosystems in the carbon
balance and the mitigation of global warming,
it is necessary to evaluate the aboveground
biomass storage and the environmental factors
that favor it.
The biomass recovery in areas degraded
by anthropogenic activities (mining, logging,
livestock, and agriculture) is conditioned by
factors such as climate, water availability (pre-
cipitation), recovery time, type and disturbance
intensity, surrounding forest cover, soil condi-
tions and fertility, among others (Guariguata
& Ostertag, 2001; Kalamandeen et al., 2020;
Oberleitne et al., 2021; Poorter et al., 2016).
Due to this, secondary forests with 20 years of
regeneration (without significant soil modifi-
cation) present aboveground biomass ranges
between 20 and 225 tons per hectare (t ha-1),
with 122 t ha-1 on average (Poorter et al., 2016).
Likewise, these areas can reach up to 90 % of
the aboveground biomass of a primary forest
in an average time of 66 years (Poorter et al.,
2016). In areas affected by mining, the recovery
of aboveground biomass is limited by soil nutri-
ents, especially N (Kalamandeen et al., 2020).
Therefore, it is evident that these factors are
essential in forest recovery.
Although few studies directly link aboveg-
round biomass with soil nutrients in post-min-
ing areas, some research results in ecosystems
under ecological succession (other than post-
mining) indicate that as aerial biomass and
succession increase, soil nitrogen (N) tends to
increase. In contrast, phosphorus (P) tends to
decrease (Feldpausch et al., 2004). This obser-
vation aligns with the hypothesis of nutritional
limitation of available P and total N with suc-
cession (Walker & Syers, 1976). According
to this hypothesis, tropical soils in early suc-
cessional stages have limited availability of N
(Davidson et al., 2004). However, as ecosystem
biomass and succession progress, the availabil-
ity of N increases (Davidson et al., 2004; Reed
et al., 2011). On the other hand, P levels tend
to be high in the initial successional stages,
but over time, its availability diminishes and
becomes limiting in the ecosystem (Reed et al.,
2011; Vitousek et al., 1993; Vitousek et al., 2010;
Walker & Syers, 1976). Nevertheless, these pat-
terns and hypotheses have yet to be tested in
post-mining areas.
The Colombian Pacific is one of the raini-
est regions in the world, with places that have
rainfall levels higher than 10 000 mm per year
(Poveda et al., 2004). In this region, open pit
gold mining generates the deforestation and
degradation of more than 360 ha of forest annu-
ally (Ramírez & Ledezma, 2007). Due to this,
these ecosystems offer us an opportunity to
evaluate the hypotheses above about nutritional
limitations. Therefore, our objective was to
evaluate the influence of soil properties on the
aboveground biomass storage of post-mining
forests in the Colombian Pacific. The follow-
ing questions guided this objective: How does
aboveground biomass vary as a function of suc-
cession time in areas post-mining? Which tree
species and botanical families have the highest
aboveground biomass in areas post-mining? To
what extent do edaphic conditions, especially
soil nutrients, determine the aboveground bio-
mass of areas post-mining in these high-rainfall
tropical ecosystems? This inquiry is especially
pertinent considering that, as noted by Austin
& Vitousek (1998), high precipitation levels can
lead to decreased nutrient content due to runoff
and leaching.
Study Area: The present study was carried
out in forested areas previously degraded by
open-pit gold mining in the town of Jigualito
(5º06’01” N & 76º32’44” W), municipality of
Condoto, in the Colombian Pacific, which has
an average rainfall of 8 000 mm per year, an
altitude of 70 m and flat topography. This local-
ity is part of the Chocó biogeographical Chocó
subregion, which includes the upper basins of
the Atrato and San Juan rivers, in Piedemonte
and Colinas low landscape units with humid
terraced soils and with a type of transitional
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e55276, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 21, 2024)
sedimentary rock (Poveda et al., 2004). The
forests are primarily secondary, with different
recovery ages, because mining has been carried
out in the area at different times.
The soils are ultisols, but due to mining,
they were characterized by a lot of rocky mate-
rial and sand. In addition, they are acidic and
have high contents of OM, total N, available P,
Al, and clay. At the same time, the concentra-
tions of Ca, K, Mg, CICE, and silt are deficient
in areas of recent mining activity, but their
content is higher in areas with more recovery
time (Ramírez et al., 2019). On the other hand,
the soils of the forested areas surrounding the
mines present extreme acidity, with high con-
tents of Al, MO, and total N and low amounts
of P, Mg, and Ca. Likewise, the K contents are
intermediate, and the CICE is low (Quinto &
Moreno, 2016; Quinto et al., 2022).
Experimental Design: A design strati-
fied by age of succession was used, with three
strata for sampling. Stratum 1, Initial Age (IA)
included areas post-mining, with a succession
time of 12-15 years. This stratum presented
a small shrubby and woody vegetation with
a smaller average diameter and tree species
richness. In contrast, in stratum 2, recovery
Age (RA) corresponded to areas with a 30-35
year recovery time. In this tree, vegetation
with greater diameter and specific richness was
found. The stratum 3 corresponded to primary
forests present in the region and was taken as
the reference scenario.
Establishment of plots: In stratum 1 (EI),
mine areas with a recovery time between 12-15
years were selected. In these mines, 21 per-
manent plots of 50 x 50 m (2 500 m2) were
installed; these plots were the sampling units.
Similarly, in stratum 2 (ER), which corre-
sponded to another forested area with more
than 30-35 years of regeneration, 11 permanent
plots of 50 x 50 m (2 500 m2) were installed;
these plots were the sampling units. In stratum
3, seven plots of one hectare (100 x 100 m)
located in forests of the localities of Opogodó,
Pacurita, and Salero, in the Colombian Pacific,
were used, which were divided into 25 quad-
rants of 20 x 20 m (400 m2).
Measurement of tree diameters: The cir-
cumference at breast height in cm (1.30 m
above ground level) was measured with a tape
measure for all trees with DBH ≥ 10 cm in each
quadrant; later, the circumference values were
transformed to DBH. The perimeter of the tree
trunk where DBH was measured was marked
with yellow spray to guarantee that subsequent
measurements were made in the same strip as
the first. All measured trees were marked with
aluminum plates. Additionally, growth habits
were identified, and the characteristics of each
individual were recorded.
Botanical identification: Trees were iden-
tified to the highest possible taxonomic level
(NN, species, genus, botanical family) in the
herbarium of the Universidad Tecnológica del
Chocós “Herbario Chocó.” Gentry (1993) spe-
cialized key was used to make this identification.
Estimation of wood density: To estimate
this variable, the values published in two inter-
national databases of wood density were taken
and generated in tropical forests (Brown, 1997).
In cases where a species or genus found in the
plots was not reported in these databases, the
average genus or family of the species was used.
Estimation of aboveground biomass: To
determine the aboveground biomass of the
trees, the model of Álvarez et al. (2012) includes
DBH and wood density as variables. The model
AB (kg) = EXP(1.59 − 1.22*ln(DBH) +
1.23*(ln(DBH 2) − 0.12*(ln(DBH 3) +
Where AB is aboveground biomass, DBH
is the diameter, Ln is the Neperian logarithm,
and pi is the wood density. The aboveground
biomass was determined at the ecosystem level,
successional age, plant species, and botanical
family. The biomass growth rate was estimated
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e55276, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 21, 2024)
based on the forest age and the net aboveg-
round biomass values.
Measurement of edaphic characteristics:
In each sampling unit, five composite soil
samples were taken at a depth of 20 cm in the
corners and the center of each 10 x 10 m and
20 x 20 m quadrant. In total, 300 composite soil
samples were taken, 125 in the EI and ER suc-
cessional strata of areas post-mining and 175 in
primary natural forests. The collected samples
were sent to the Biogeochemistry Laboratory
of the National University of Colombia, Medel-
lin. In said laboratory, the samples were ana-
lyzed for texture (sand, silt, and clay), pH, OM
content, Al, effective cation exchange capacity
(ECEC), and nutrient content (N, P, K, Ca and
Mg); using the techniques that are referenced
below: the texture with the Bouyoucos tech-
nique, the pH with the Potentiometer of soils:
water 1:2, the OM with the Walkley and Black
technique and with volumetry, the available P
with Acid L ascorbic acid, UV-VIS spectropho-
tometer, total N with the Micro-Kjeldahl ana-
lytical technique, Al with 1M KCl/Volumetry,
NTC 5 263, nutrients (Ca, Mg, K) with the 1N
ammonium acetate method, neutral, atomic
absorption (Osorio, 2014).
Statistical analysis: To evaluate the varia-
tion of the aboveground biomass as a func-
tion of the recovery time, the non-parametric
Kruskal-Wallis test was used since the assump-
tions of normality and homogeneity of vari-
ances of the data and their residuals were not
met, evaluated with the Bartlett, Hartley, and
Kurtosis statistics (between +2.0 and −2.0).
Then, to determine the linear correlations and
associations between edaphic variables of each
successional stage and aboveground biomass,
multiple regressions were used with the method
of selection of significant variables “backward,
for which the aboveground biomass and soil
data were transformed with the natural loga-
rithm, due to their lack of statistical normal-
ity. In addition, Spearman rank correlations
and Pearson, as well as multiplicative, recipro-
cal, logarithmic, and linear regressions, were
used to determine correlations and associations
between the physical-chemical variables of the
soil and aboveground biomass. Finally, regres-
sion models were used to evaluate the changes
in the variables through successional time.
These analyses were carried out for the strata of
12-15 and 30-35 years of recovery together and
later separately. The analyses were performed
in the R programming environment (R Core
Team, 2013).
In areas post-mining, aboveground bio-
mass increased significantly with recovery time
(Kruskal-Wallis = 176.9; P = 0.00004). Specifi-
cally, in strata with 12-15 years of succession, it
was 35.17 t ha-1; in those with 30-35 years old
it was 56.30 t ha-1, and in the reference primary
forests it was 178.32 t ha-1 (Fig. 1). Based on the
aboveground biomass values and succession
time, an aboveground biomass accumulation
rate of 2.34 t ha-1year-1 for areas of 12-15 years
of succession, and 1.87 t ha-1year-1 for areas
with 30-35 years of recovery.
It was observed that aboveground bio-
mass at the level of species, the stage from
12-15 years, presented a higher proportion in
Cespedesia spathulata, Cyathea sp., Hampea
romeroi, Vismia sp., and Tovomita weddeliana
(Fig. 2A), while the stage from 30-35 years
presented a higher proportion in Tovomita
weddeliana, Cespedesia spathulata, Clidemia
septuplinervia, Inga lopadadenia, and Cecro-
pia peltate (Fig. 2B). On the other hand, at
the level of botanical families, those with the
highest aboveground biomass were Ochna-
ceae, Cyatheaceae, Malvaceae, Hypericaceae,
Asteraceae, and Clusiaceae in stages of 12-15
years (Fig. 2C), while the families Clusiaceae,
Ochnaceae, Fabaceae, Melastomataceae, and
Urticaceae, were the most representative in the
30–35-year-old stage (Fig. 2D).
The aboveground biomass was positively
correlated with OM, Ca, Mg, CEC, and total N
(Table 1). In the areas with 12-15 years, aboveg-
round biomass was positively related to CICE,
but the association was negative with sand and
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e55276, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 21, 2024)
silt (Table 2). On the other hand, in the areas
with 30-35 years, aboveground biomass was
positively related to P and silt, but the relation-
ship was negative with Ca (Table 3).
When evaluating the changes in aboveg-
round biomass and physicochemical param-
eters of soil through the successional ages, it
was observed that aboveground biomass and
total N increased with the recovery time. At the
same time, P and K decreased with succession
(Fig. 3). On the other hand, OM, Mg, Al, Ca,
and CICE showed curvilinear trends since they
increased in early stages and then decreased in
advanced stages (Fig. 3).
Fig. 1. Aboveground biomass in areas post-mining with different successional ages in Jigualito, Colombian Pacific.
Tabl e 1
Correlations of aboveground biomass and soil parameters
in areas post-mining, with 12-15 years and 30-35 years of
recovery in Jigualito, Colombian Pacific.
Soil parameters
Aboveground biomass
Correlation of
Correlation of
Organic matter 0.34 (0.016)
Calcium 0.44 (0.0018)0.29 (0.036)
Magnesium 0.32 (0.025)
ECEC 0.40 (0.005)0.32 (0.024)
Nitrogen 0.29 (0.039)
The values in brackets correspond to the p-value. Significant
correlations are included in the table.
Tabl e 2
Multiple regression of aboveground biomass based on edaphic variables in abandoned mines from 12-15 years in Jigualito,
Colombian Pacific.
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square Test F P-value
Model 6.9414 3 2.3138 4.62 0.0145
Residue 9.02074 18 0.501152
Total (Corr.) 15.9621 21
Parameter Estimate Standard Error T Statistic P-value
Constant 10.1892 3.49669 2.91397 0.0093
Ln(ECEC) 0.768866 0.30179 2.54768 0.0202
Ln(Sand) -1.31407 0.606447 -2.16683 0.0439
Ln(Silt) -1.00182 0.365238 -2.74292 0.0134
Where R2 = 43.48 %, R2(adjusted) = 34.06 %. Backward variable selection method.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e55276, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 21, 2024)
Fig. 2. Percentage of aboveground biomass of the dominant tree species and botanical families in areas post-mining in
Jigualito, Colombian Pacific.
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e55276, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 21, 2024)
Tabl e 3
Multiple regression of aboveground biomass based on edaphic variables in abandoned mines aged 30-35 years in Jigualito,
Colombian Pacific.
Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square Test F P-value
Model 1 679.22 3 559.739 4.60 0.0375
Residue 973.913 8 121.739
Total (Corr.) 2 653.13 11
Parameter Estimate Standard Error T Statistic P-value
Constant 26.9221 11.0445 2.43759 0.0407
Phosphorus 0.903366 0.32787 2.75526 0.0249
Calcium -9.31647 3.30217 -2.82132 0.0224
Silt 1.56158 0.425212 3.67248 0.0063
Where R2 = 63.29 %, R2(adjusted) = 49.5 %. Backward variable selection method.
Fig. 3. Changes in aboveground biomass and chemical parameters of the soil in areas post-mining at different successional
stages in Jigualito, Colombian Pacific.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e55276, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 21, 2024)
After thirty years of succession, areas post-
mining can recover up to 31.57 % of the
aboveground biomass of a primary forest in
the region. Contrary to this, Kalamandeen et
al. (2020) reported an average aboveground
biomass between 1.06 and 6.63 t ha-1 in areas
post-mining for 3 and 4 years in the Guyanese
Amazon. Consequently, in these ecosystems,
after four years, only 1.62 % of the aboveground
biomass of the mature reference forest was
recovered (Kalamandeen et al., 2020). These
results show that, both in the Amazon and in
the Colombian Pacific, after mining, the forests
take many years to recover the aboveground
biomass characteristic of the primary forest of
each region. Consequently, open-pit mining
would affect not only the amounts of carbon in
the ecosystem but also their ability to recover in
times when they would do so with another type
of intervention or disturbance, such as crop
abandonment and forest use.
In the forests of the Colombian Pacific,
Torres-Torres et al. (2017) measured aboveg-
round biomass ranging from 62.6 to 136.1 t ha-1
in secondary forests aged 12 to 40 years, which
had previously been impacted by logging and
abandoned agriculture. This illustrates that,
even within the same biogeographic region,
there are variations in the recovery of aboveg-
round biomass in tropical forests affected by
different human-induced disturbances. Addi-
tionally, Alves et al. (1997) reported that sec-
ondary forests of varying ages and subjected
to different types of human intervention in the
Amazon region could achieve 40-60 % of the
aboveground biomass of a primary forest after
just 18 years of regeneration. Moreover, Ober-
leitner et al. (2021) documented that within a
mere 20 years of regeneration, secondary for-
ests in Costa Rica can recover up to 52 % of the
areas aboveground biomass of primary forests.
In an analysis carried out a few years ago, at the
level of Neotropical forests, Poorter et al. (2016)
reported that after 20 years’ secondary forests
can reach up to 122 t ha-1 of aboveground bio-
mass in areas previously affected by livestock
and agriculture. Additionally, this study con-
cluded that, after about 66 years of recovery,
they can reach up to 90 % of the aboveground
biomass of a primary forest (Poorter et al.,
2016), which is a situation contrary to what is
recorded in areas post-mining, as mentioned
before. Possibly, this difference is due to the
influence of different factors that affect the suc-
cession in abandoned mines, among which we
can mention the degree of damage caused to
the soil and subsoil, which restricts the recovery
of the ecosystem (Torres-Torres et al., 2023).
The impact of mining on the soil influ-
ences the type of ecological succession (pri-
mary or secondary) and the time required for
aboveground biomass (AB) recovery in the
ecosystem (Chazdon, 2003). Specifically, the
differences in AB recovery between mining-
affected areas and those impacted by other
disturbances are determined by the type of suc-
cession that follows the disturbance (Chazdon
et al., 2016; Guariguata & Ostertag, 2001). In
the case of mining, primary succession is typi-
cally observed (Kalamandeen et al., 2020), as
this activity involves the removal of the organic
soil horizon, resulting in altered structure and
texture, often leaving rocks and sand on the soil
surface (Ramírez et al., 2019). This is akin to the
processes observed in newly formed substrates,
landslide areas, soils resulting from volcanic
eruptions, and igneous rocks where primary
successions occur (Walker, 1993). In contrast,
secondary successions take place on soils with
organic matter, high nutrient content, and seed
banks, such as those following activities like
livestock, agriculture, and logging (Guariguata
& Ostertag, 2001), leading to a much faster
recovery of species richness and biomass. The
slow recovery of AB after mining underscores
the necessity for ecosystem restoration.
Another factor that may be determining
the recovery of the ecosystem in abandoned
mines is the composition of tree species and
their respective capacity to grow and store
biomass. The species recorded in abandoned
mines are commonly reported for degraded
ecosystems and secondary forests with dif-
ferent stages of succession (Alves et al., 1997;
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e55276, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 21, 2024)
Guariguata & Ostertag, 2001). The composi-
tion, diversity, and biomass of these species are
influenced by the fertility or toxicity of the soil
in which they grow (Martins et al., 2015; Ober-
leitner et al., 2021; Poorter et al., 2016; Torres-
Torres et al., 2023). Notably, in abandoned
mines, a high concentration of Al was recorded,
which is undoubtedly generating toxicity for
plants (Carreño & Chaparro-Giraldo, 2013;
Jansen et al., 2002; Quinto et al., 2022); and
consequently, it follows that the species with
the highest aboveground biomass are possibly
the ones with the highest tolerance to Al toxic-
ity (Carreño & Chaparro-Giraldo, 2013). Such
is the case of trees from botanical families such
as Melastomataceae, Rubiaceae, Euforbiaceae,
and Lauraceae, among others, that in previ-
ous studies have been determined as tolerant
and bioaccumulative of Al (Jansen et al., 2002¸
Watanabe & Osaki, 2002). This probably occurs
in the post-mining forests under study, where
species belonging to these botanical families
are well represented (see floristic composition
in Torres-Torres et al., 2023). Therefore, it
would be worthwhile to verify this assumption
in future research.
High levels of aluminum in the soil may
restrict the aboveground biomass storage of
some species in areas affected by mining. This
is because the high availability of this min-
eral in many species with low tolerance to
its excessive content leads to a decrease in
root elongation, reduced stem growth, altered
metabolic and physiological processes, and
decreased ecosystem productivity (Shetty et al.,
2021). Additionally, edaphic Al reduces nutrient
absorption, causes nutritional stress, chlorosis,
and necrosis, decreases leaf size, and affects
photosynthesis (Chandra & Keshavkant, 2021).
Consequently, Al toxicity may be responsible
for the limited recovery of aboveground bio-
mass observed in post-mining forests over a
30-year succession period.
The edaphic conditions are fundamental
for recovering aboveground biomass in aban-
doned mines (León & Osorio, 2014). In this
sense, this study evidenced a positive relation-
ship between aboveground biomass and soil
nutrients, showing that small soil patches with
higher fertility facilitate carbon accumulation
in the ecosystem. This higher aboveground bio-
mass recorded in more fertile abandoned mines
is similar to that reported by Kalamandeen et
al. (2020), who reported a higher aboveground
biomass in abandoned mines with higher N
content. Likewise, Poorter et al. (2016) deter-
mined that soil fertility in Neotropical sec-
ondary forests determines the percentage of
aboveground biomass accumulation. Similarly,
Tucker et al. (1998), in forests with more than
15 years of succession, compared the recovery
of basal area (an indirect measure of biomass)
in nutrient-rich soils with that of infertile oxi-
sols and found that in fertile soils, the basal
area was much more significant with the pas-
sage of successional time, and reached the
aboveground biomass of a primary forest more
quickly. Thus, the positive influence of soil fer-
tility on the recovery of aboveground biomass
in tropical forests (Guariguata & Ostertag,
2001; Moran et al., 2000; Lu et al., 2002) at local
and regional scales, as occurs in areas post-
mining, is evidenced. Likewise, these results
show the influence of different nutrients on
the restoration of aboveground biomass, which
denotes a limitation due to multiple nutrients
(Kaspari et al., 2007; Sullivan et al., 2014), as
previously evidenced by Paoli et al. (2005) and
has been shown experimentally by Davidson
et al., (2004) on secondary successions, and
Vitousek & Farrington (1997), and Harrington
et al. (2001) in primary successions. These
multiple limitations show the need to develop
restorations, applying various nutrients in the
mines. In addition to soil nutrients, sandy soil
texture negatively influenced aboveground bio-
mass. This result is similar to that reported by
Johnson et al. (2000), who showed that aboveg-
round biomass accumulation on nutrient-poor
sandy soils is lower than on non-sandy soils in
secondary forests, which evidences the joint
influence of soil fertility, texture, and moisture
retention on succession (Chazdon, 2003; John-
son et al., 2000). Possibly, in abandoned mines,
the greater macroporosity of the sand facili-
tates the leaching of nutrients, which favors a
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e55276, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 21, 2024)
lower accumulation of aboveground biomass,
as denoted in this study.
The hypothesis of aboveground biomass
limitation by nutrients (K, P, and N) in plant
succession in abandoned mines. Nutritional
limitation of P and N has been hypothesized
with succession (Walker & Syers, 1976); accord-
ing to which, in tropical soils with initial suc-
cessional ages, there is little availability of N due
to its reduced biological fixation and scarcity
of leguminous plants (Davidson et al., 2004).
However, to the extent that there is a more
significant colonization of N-fixing plants, the
biomass of the ecosystem increases and succes-
sion advances, its availability increases (Reed
et al., 2011). While the levels of phosphorus
in the soil tend to be high in the first succes-
sional stages, over time, its availability tends
to decrease and be limited in the ecosystem
(Vitousek et al., 2010) due to losses due to
leaching and immobilization in carbon oxides.
Fe and Al, especially in tropical clay soils (Reed
et al., 2011; Vitousek et al., 1993; Walker &
Syers, 1976). This hypothesis was corroborated
in the present investigation since, when evalu-
ating changes in aboveground biomass and
nutrients (available P and total N) of the soil
at different successional ages after mining, it
was observed that aboveground biomass and
total N increase with recovery time. Also, this
result is supported by the recent findings of
Quinto et al. (2024a), who observed significant
increases in leaf nitrogen content after add-
ing nitrogen to the soil. This demonstrates the
limitation of forest productivity components
by nitrogen, as trees generally show better
responses when their scarcest resource is sup-
plied (Quinto et al., 2024b).
However, the K content presented a similar
trend to that of P, with which the hypothesis of
nutritional limitation of edaphic P and K on the
biomass and productivity of low-altitude tropi-
cal rain forests was corroborated. The contents
of OM, Mg, Al, Ca, and CICE showed curvi-
linear trends since they increased in the first
stages. Then, they tend to decrease their edaph-
ic concentration in the advanced successional
stages. This is undoubtedly because plants with
progress in succession tend to store nutrients
(K, Mg, and Ca) in their aboveground biomass
(Feldpausch et al., 2004) as a strategy to reduce
their losses by edaphic leaching and thus a
way to make nutrient recycling more efficient
(Chazdon, 2003; Guariguata & Ostertag, 2001).
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
This research was financed through the
project: Evaluation of the effect of soil fer-
tilization on the net production of the eco-
system in areas degraded by mining, as a
strategy to promote carbon capture and the sale
of environmental services in the Chocó Biogeo-
graphic (CODE 1128-852-72243), presented by
the Technological University of Chocó DLC,
National University of Colombia Medellín,
University of Valladolid (Spain), John Von Neu-
mann Pacific Environmental Research Insti-
tute, and SENA, and approved by the Ministry
of Science, Technology and Innovation. We
thank Yeison Rivas, Darlington, and Jesus Erlin
for their support in the field activities.
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