Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e56840, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 10, 2024)
Local and landscape constraints of adult population
of Anastrepha obliqua (Diptera: Tephritidae) in mango orchards
Nadia L. García-Olivos1; https://orcid.org/0009-0001-0102-3154
Rodrigo Lasa-Covarrubias2; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1175-7538
Ricardo Serna-Lagunes1; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1265-9614
Miguel A. García-Martínez1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0644-4601
1. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias Región Orizaba-Córdoba, Universidad Veracruzana. Josefa Ortiz de
Domínguez S/N, Puela, Amatlán de los Reyes, 94950, Veracruz, México; nadia.garciaolivos@gmail.com, rserna@
uv.mx, miguelgarcia05@uv.mx (*Correspondence)
2. Red de Manejo Biorracional de Plagas y Vectores, Instituto de Ecología, A.C. Carretera antigua a Coatepec 351, El
Haya, Xalapa, 91073, Veracruz, México; rodrigo.lasa@inecol.mx
Received 15-XII-2023. Corrected 29-III-2024. Accepted 30-VIII-2024
Introduction: The West Indian fruit fly, Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart), is one of the most economically impor-
tant pests of mangoes in Mexico and the Neotropics.
Objective: To analyze adult population patterns of A. obliqua and their relation to local and landscape factors.
Methods: We selected 11 “Manila” mango orchards along the middle part of La Antigua River, which were char-
acterized to determine their biophysical structure and landscape configuration considering their distance to six
different land uses/land covers. Anastrepha obliqua population was estimated by collecting adult flies in colorless
polyethylene plastic bottle traps baited with a protein for three weeks in June 2022.
Results: A total of 1 869 adults of A. obliqua were trapped, of which 75 % were females and 25 % were males.
Abundance varied from 68 to 490 adult flies per orchard, while capture frequency from 0.36 to 1.8 flies/trap/
day. Abundance increased in highly shaded orchards, and capture frequency decreased in orchards with highly
soil compaction. Abundance and the frequency of capture increased in orchards near isolated trees of Spondias
spp. and decreased in orchards near sugarcane plantations. Shade management in mango orchards may be used
as an effective strategy to promote biotic interactions to naturally regulate A. obliqua populations, meanwhile,
soil compaction represents a limiting ecological condition, which might severely impact fruit fly larvae survival.
Conclusions: Adult population of A. obliqua depends on several local and landscape factors because they indicate
resource availability and ecological conditions. These findings could be considered for control strategies in the
integrated management of this pest to promote protection and improve the fruit quality of mango crop.
Key words: pest ecology; control strategy; insect population; pest management.
Limitantes locales y del paisaje de la población adulta de Anastrepha obliqua
(Diptera: Tephritidae) en huertos de mango
Introducción: La mosca de las indias occidentales, Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart), es una de las plagas más
importantes económicamente en el cultivo de mango de México y el neotrópico.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e56840, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 10, 2024)
The West Indian fruit fly, Anastrepha obli-
qua (Macquart), is a pest widely distributed
along tropical areas of the Americas from the
Southern United States to Southern Argentina
(Norrbom, 2008; Santos et al., 2020). How-
ever, it can potentially expand to other tropi-
cal regions worldwide (Fu et al., 2014). It is
polyphagous and infests fruits of economic
importance such as mango (Mangifera indica
L.; Sapindales: Anacardiaceae), red or yellow
mombin, Mexican apple or “jocote” plums
(Spondias purpurea L. and S. mombin L.; Sap-
indales: Anacardiaceae) and sometimes guava
(Psidium guajava L.; Myrtales: Myrtaceae)
(Aguirre-Ramírez et al., 2017; Carvalho et al.,
1996; Guillén et al., 2022; Hernández-Ortiz &
Aluja, 1993). Recently, A. obliqua is considered
a cryptic pest species (Ruiz-Arce et al., 2012)
and stands out as the most important pest of
mango crop in the Neotropics (CABI, 2021).
The monitoring of adult incidence of A.
obliqua has been performed using different
hydrolyzed proteins as baits (IAEA, 2018; Lasa
y Williams, 2022). Meanwhile, control strate-
gies for this pest in mango orchards include the
spraying of a mixture of a hydrolyzed protein
bait and an insecticide (Epsky et al., 2014). The
most common killing component of these mix-
tures is malathion, which is a broad-spectrum
synthetic organophosphate highly toxic (Díaz-
Fleischer et al., 2017). Recent studies suggest
that the use of a toxic bait formulated with
biorational insecticide spinosad (GF120, Dow
Agrosciences) represents a promising alterna-
tive to minimize impact against non-target
insects and environment (Flores et al., 2011).
However, the optimization of any control strat-
egy for this pest requires a comprehensive
analysis of population patterns of abundance
and frequency of capture at orchard level and
spatial distribution at regional scale.
Population properties play a crucial role in
the implementation of management strategies
for controlling fruit flies in mango crop (Abei-
jon et al., 2019; Dias et al., 2018; Guillén et al.,
2022; Paredes et al., 2021). For instance, spa-
tial fluctuations in local population abundance
and frequency of capture may allow growers
to identify pest infestation levels and rein-
force insecticide application at orchard level
to improve control (Pimentel, 2007). On the
other hand, pest spatial distribution is useful
for the design and development of management
programs in an “area wide pest management”
approach, which is commonly applied for con-
trolling fruit flies (López et al., 2019; Klassen et
Objetivo: Analizamos los patrones de la población adulta de A. obliqua y su relación con factores locales y del
Métodos: Un total de 11 huertos de mango “Manila” fueron caracterizados en estructura biofísica y configuración
del paisaje. Los adultos de A. obliqua fueron capturados con trampas (botellas de polietileno cebadas con una
proteína) durante tres semanas en junio de 2022.
Resultados: Se capturaron 1 869 adultos de A. obliqua, de los cuales 75 % fueron hembras y 25 % machos. La
abundancia varió de 68 a 490 moscas adultas por huerto, mientras que la frecuencia de captura de 0.36 a 1.8 mos-
cas/trampa/día. La abundancia incrementó en huertos altamente sombreados y decreció en huertos con suelos
compactos. La abundancia y frecuencia incrementaron en huertos cercanos a árboles de Spondias spp. y decreció
en huertos cercanos a plantaciones de caña de azúcar. El manejo de la sombra puede ser utilizado como una
estrategia efectiva para promover las interacciones que regulan naturalmente la población de A. obliqua, mientras
que la compactación del suelo representa una condición ecológica limitante que podría impactar severamente en
la supervivencia de larvas de moscas de la fruta.
Conclusión: La población adulta de A. obliqua depende de varios factores locales y del paisaje que indican dispo-
nibilidad de recursos y condiciones ecológicas. Estos hallazgos podrían considerarse en las estrategias del manejo
integrado de esta plaga para promover la protección y el mejoramiento de la calidad de frutos en el cultivo de
Palabras clave: ecología de plagas; estrategia de control; población de insectos; manejo de plagas.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e56840, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 10, 2024)
al., 2008; Pimentel et al., 2007; Silva et al., 2019).
Thus, the analysis of variations in abundance,
frequency of capture, and spatial distribution
of A. obliqua adult population, and the factors
that could potentially modulate them, may be
an effective tool to improve agricultural man-
agement planning to prevent increased damage
and economic impacts in mango crops.
Some studies have suggested that popu-
lation abundance and frequency of capture
of fruit flies are influenced by microclimatic
conditions and structural complexity of habi-
tat (i.e., local factors) (Hudiwaku et al., 2021;
Krasnov et al., 2019). Particularly, these mea-
sures are commonly influenced by several local
biotic and abiotic factors of habitat such as
ambient temperature, soil moisture, crop type,
and host abundance (Bota et al., 2018; Tiring
& Satar, 2021). For example, the incidence
and abundance of A. obliqua is also dependent
of fruit availability for oviposition in mango
crop (Aluja & Birke,1993). In fact, fruit fly
populations are more abundant and frequent
in highly shaded and humid habitats of tropical
regions because they have lower fitness costs,
meanwhile, in temperate regions they are more
abundant and frequent in warmer and sunnier
habitats (Navarro-Llopis & Vacas 2014). Due to
low-distance dispersion capacity of fruit flies,
mainly of the genus Anastrepha (250-300 m),
there are reports that their populations are
denser in small area plots than in larger ones
(Krasnov et al., 2019; Weldon et al., 2014).
Although the abundance and frequency of cap-
ture of A. obliqua population are firstly shaped
by diverse local factors, its spatial distribution
is expected to be also influenced by the type of
matrix or surrounding non-habitat uses/covers.
The relative influence of the surrounding
landscape on spatial distribution of fruit fly
populations in agricultural regions is poor-
ly understood. A few studies have suggested
that composition (i.e., covered proportion and
number of different land uses/land covers)
and the configuration (i.e., spatial arrangement
of land uses/land covers) of the surrounding
landscape presumably modulate this pattern
(Aluja & Birke 1993; Clemente & Álvarez,
2019; Krasnov et al., 2019; Ricci et al., 2009).
Adult population of A. obliqua is widely dis-
tributed within a landscape matrix in lemon
orchards (Citrus latifolia Tan.; Sapindales: Ruta-
ceae), meanwhile, it is negatively affected in a
sugarcane matrix (Saccharum officinarum L.;
Poales: Poaceae) (Pacheco-Morales, personal
communication). Moreover, López et al. (2019)
reported that shorter distances among mango
trees favors the dispersion. Indeed, this popula-
tion can use different connectivity elements of
the landscape (e.g., isolated trees, living fences,
or native vegetation remnants), which are com-
posed of plum host species (Spondias spp.),
to obtain supplementary and/or complemen-
tary resources that may compensate for limited
resource availability in mango crop (Schwarzm-
ueller et al., 2019). Therefore, landscape factors
may be an important focus for considering in
management planning to limit survival, spread
and establishment of A. obliqua population in
vast agricultural areas.
In Mexico, A. obliqua is one of the main
pests that threatens yield and profitability of
mango and other economically important crops
(Díaz-Fleischer et al., 2017) and, although
there is a pest management program in fruit
orchards, its populations have not been sup-
pressed effectively. Identification of local and
landscape factors that influence adult popula-
tion of A. obliqua may be useful in decision-
making for control strategies establishment
that allow producers to mitigate this pest.
Therefore, this study analyzes distribution pat-
terns of abundance and capture frequency of
A. obliqua adult population and their relation
to local and surrounding landscape factors in
mango orchards in central Veracruz, Mexico.
We hypothesize that variations in abundance
and frequency of capture of adult populations
depend on at least a local and landscape factor
since they are indicators of resource availability
and of environmental conditions.
Study area: Field work was conducted in
the municipalities of Jalcomulco and Apazapan,
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e56840, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 10, 2024)
Veracruz, in the middle and lower zone of the
La Antigua River basin. The climate in this
region is markedly seasonal, with two well-
defined seasons, rainy season (June to Novem-
ber) and dry season (December to May). The
study area has a seasonally tropical dry or
semideciduous forest (Comisión Nacional para
el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
[CONABIO], 2023; Murphy et al., 1995; Pala-
cios-Wassenaar et al., 2014). The most common
land uses/covers are human settlements, water
bodies, remnants of native vegetation and agri-
culture. The main crops are mango, sugarcane,
lemon (Citrus limon L.) (Sapindales: Rutaceae)
and papaya (Carica papaya L.) (Brassicales:
Caricaceae). The soil type is a sandy loam
(CONABIO, 2023). Even though this region
does not stand out as one of the main mango
producers in Mexico, previous studies have
shown high population densities of A. obliqua
due to the lack of phytosanitary management
for this pest (Diaz-Fleischer et al., 2017; Lasa &
Williams, 2022).
Sampling plot selection and design: In
the study area, we selected a total of 11 per-
manent sampling plots of 100 × 100 m embed-
ded within “Manila” mango orchards, which
were regarded as experimental units in the
study (Fig. 1). The selected plots did not have
any type of agronomic management and a
minimum distance of 500 m among plots was
considered to ensure experimental unit inde-
pendence. Plots were divided in four 50 × 50
m quadrats (0.25 ha), and a mango tree placed
in the center of each quadrat was selected ran-
domly as a sampling unit.
Sampling of A. obliqua flies: Two traps
were set in each sampling unit. These traps
were constructed using 0.6 L colorless poly-
ethylene bottles. Four circular holes of 10 mm
diameter were made around the circumference
at a height of 12 cm from the base (Fig. 2). One
trap was completely colorless and other was
covered at the bottom with yellow plastic tape
(50 mm wide) as a visual stimulus. Both traps
were baited with 250 ml of CeraTrap® (Bioi-
berica, Barcelona, Spain), an enzymatic hydro-
lyzed protein attractant of animal origin highly
attractive to A. obliqua (Lasa & Williams, 2022).
CeraTrap® bait is a long-lasting attractant (Lasa
et al., 2015), so was not rebaited and only from
10 to 30 ml were added weekly to the trap to
maintain a volume of 250 ml. Traps were hung
at the upper one-third of the total tree height
Fig. 1. Location of 11 mango orchards (Mangifera indica L.) “Manila” located in the middle part of La Antigua River basin
in the municipalities of Jalcomulco and Apazapan, Veracruz. Gray circles indicate the orchard location of the 11 permanent
sampling plots.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e56840, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 10, 2024)
inside the tree canopy at a central point of lat-
eral branches hung on two different branches
(6-8 m distance) in a mango tree placed in the
center of each sample point, the trees had a
height of 10 to 26.6 m. Traps were monitored
weekly for A. obliqua and rotated to the right
of their position. Considering the 11 sampling
plots and the eight traps per plot, a total of 88
traps were revised weekly, resulting in a total
of 264 traps for the entire sampling. Adults of
A. obliqua were monitored in the study area
for three consecutive weeks, between May 14
and June 4 of 2022, matching with the main
period of A. obliqua population increase in that
region (Birke et al., 2013; Martínez-Flores et al.,
2023). During this period temperature varied
from 18.8 to 27.8 ºC and relative humidity
from 76 to 81 %.
Captured insects were transported to the
laboratory in 70 % ethanol, recording the date
and type of trap and A. obliqua adults were
identified and sorted by sex. The abundance
and frequency of capture of A. obliqua were
considered as response variables (Ativor et al.,
2012; Vayssières et al., 2013). Abundance was
considered as the total number of A. obliqua
individuals collected during the three-week
sampling period on each experimental unit.
Availability was expressed as FTD index (flies
per trap per day) which is used to know the
relative presence of fruit flies in each area and
period. This was obtained using the formula:
FTD = F ∕ (T × D)
where F is the number of flies captured, T is the
number of traps, and D is the number of days
the traps were exposed in the field.
Local scale characterization: The orchards
were structurally characterized to identify if the
changes present in each of them may directly
affect A. obliqua population. Shade cover (%)
was recorded for each sampling unit using a
convex spherical densitometer (Forestry Sup-
pliers, Jackson, Mississippi). In addition, tree
density and tree height (m) were measured in
each sampling unit to determine influence of
Fig. 2 . Frontal view of the set traps for capturing Anastrepha obliqua in 11 mango orchards in central Veracruz, Mexico. (a)
Completely colorless trap. (b) Trap covered at the bottom with yellow plastic tape.
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e56840, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 10, 2024)
planting density on the levels of infestation by
A. obliqua. Also, soil compaction (kg/cm²) in
each sampling unit was recorded using a pock-
et conical penetrometer (Humboldt H-4195,
Elgin, Illinois). The proportion of soil cover
(%) was estimated by delimiting an area of 1
m2 with a square frame in each sampling unit.
All these parameters were quantified in the first
day of sampling (14 May 2022), at the begin-
ning of the rainy season.
Landscape scale characterization: To
determine landscape configuration, we deter-
mined the distance from each individual plot
to the nearest edge of other land uses/covers
such as: i) native vegetation, ii) other mango
orchards, iii) Spondias spp. remnants, iv) sug-
arcane plantations, v) human settlements and
vi) water bodies. Distance measurements were
done using the ArcMap Patch Analyst exten-
sion version 10.8 (ESRI; 2021).
Data analysis: To identify the predictor
variables that significantly influenced the popu-
lation structure of A. obliqua, single and multi-
ple regression models were performed. As these
statistical techniques are sensitive to collinear-
ity between predictor variables, Pearsons corre-
lation coefficient was used to exclude correlated
or redundant variables because all variables are
continuous, meanwhile, Spearmans correlation
coefficient was used for numerical discrete
variables such abundance (Cohen et al., 2009).
Of each set of significantly correlated variables,
only the most intuitive and interpretable vari-
able was retained.
We used generalized linear models (GLM)
to assess the independent effects of each land-
scape predictor on abundance and availability
of A. obliqua (i.e., a single univariate regression
between a response and a predictor variable).
We applied a Gaussian error distribution for
continuous variables (i.e., availability) and a
Poisson error distribution for count-dependent
variables (i.e., abundance). For each multi-
ple regression model, variance inflation factor
was used to exclude predictor variables that
could affect the accuracy of the estimates. We
followed an information-theoretic approach
and multi-model inference to assess the rela-
tive effect of each local and landscape factor on
abundance and availability of A. obliqua using
the package glmulti for R version 3.5.0 (Calcag-
no & de Mazancourt, 2010). This function built
a set of models representing all possible combi-
nations of landscape predictors for abundance
and availability. It also computed the Akaikes
information criterion, corrected for small sam-
ples (AICc) for each built model. To correct for
the overdispersion associated with count data,
abundance was assessed with qAICc instead of
AICc values (Burnham & Anderson, 2002). The
goodness-of-fit of the models was estimated
as the explained deviance for each complete
model using the modEvApackage for R version
3.5.0 (Barbosa et al., 2014).
Adult population of A. obliqua: A total
of 2 045 individuals of Anastrepha spp. were
captured, which 1 869 were A. obliqua (Table 1).
The total abundance of this species varied sig-
nificantly between sexes (F = 54.1, p < 0.05) and
plots (F = 18.7, p < 0.05). Female abundance
varied from 46 (plot #6) to 318 (plot #5), mean-
while male abundance ranged from 16 (plot #2)
to 175 (plot #5). Availability, estimated as FTD,
varied significantly between sexes (F = 56. 4, p
< 0.05) and plots (F = 18. 5, p < 0.05). Female
availability varied from 0.3 flies/trap/day (plot
#1) to 2.5 (plot #6), while that of males ranged
from 0.11 (plot #2) to 1.15 (plot #5).
Local factors: In the sampled plots, shade
cover ranged from 62.1 % (plot #3) to 92.7 %
(plot #2) and was positively correlated with tree
availability (R = 0.74, p < 0.05) (Table 2). Tree
height ranged from 10.13 (plot #4) to 26.3 m
(plot #1) and was positively correlated with soil
cover (R = 0.70, P < 0.05) and negatively with
soil compaction (R = −0.53, p < 0.05).
Landscape factors: Distance from each
individual plot to the nearest Spondias spp.
remnant edge ranged from 10 m (plot #5) to
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e56840, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 10, 2024)
4820 m (plot #2), and it was positively corre-
lated with distance from each individual plot
to the nearest edge of other mango orchards
(R = 0.73, p < 0.05), human settlements (R =
0.83, p < 0.05) and water bodies (R = 0.60, p <
0.05) (Table 2). Meanwhile, distance from each
individual plot to the nearest edge of Spondias
spp. remnants, sugarcane plantations (R = −0.7,
p < 0.05) and native vegetation (R = −0.54, p <
0.05) were negatively correlated.
Influence of local factors on A. obliqua
population: Abundance was significantly and
negatively influenced by shade cover produced
by mango trees. When the percentage of shade
increased the number of individuals decreased
(Z = −19.4, d.f. = 10, p < 0.05) (Fig. 3A). The
remaining structural variables did not influ-
ence abundance (p > 0.05). Availability was
significantly and negatively influenced by soil
compaction (t = −3.5, d.f. = 10, p < 0.05) (Fig.
3B). Plots with compacted soils presented a
lower availability of individuals. Remaining
structural variables did not influence availabil-
ity (p > 0.05).
Influence of landscape factors on A. obli-
qua population: Abundance (Z = −17.07, d.f.
= 10, p < 0.05) and availability (t = −2.5, d.f. =
10, p < 0.05) were significantly and negatively
influenced by distance from each individual
plot to the nearest Spondias spp. remnant edge
(Fig. 3C, Fig. 3D). In addition, abundance (Z
= 26.4, d.f. = 10, p < 0.05) and availability (t =
5.6, d.f. = 10, p < 0.05) were significantly and
positively explained by distance from each indi-
vidual plot to the nearest sugarcane plantation
edge (Fig. 3E, Fig. 3F). The A. obliqua popula-
tions increased with shorter distances between
orchards and Spondias spp. trees, while popula-
tions decreased with shorter distances between
orchards and sugarcane crops.
Local and surrounding landscape char-
acteristics of diverse economically impor-
tant crops are key factors, which modulate
insect pest populations (Carrière et al., 2012).
The present study provides insights into the
Table 1
Variation in adult population measures (mean ± SE) of Anastrepha obliqua studied in mango orchards in central Veracruz,
Adult population measures Females Males Both sexes
Abundance (individuals) 106.36 ± 20.9 43.81 ± 13.09 150.18 ± 37.11
Availability (flies/trap/day) 0.55 ± 0.11 0.24 ± 0.06 0.72 ± 0.13
Table 2
Local and landscape characteristics of mango orchards in central Veracruz, Mexico.
a) Local scale factors Mean ± SE Range
Tree height (m) 18.82 ± 1.33 10.1-26.3
Shade cover (%) 82.63 ± 2.99 62.1-92.7
Planting density (trees/ha) 13.36 ± 0.78 9-18
Soil compaction (kg/cm²) 17.82 ± 3.94 4.8-47
Soil cover (%) 69.54 ± 6 19.2-94.8
b) Landscape scale factors
Distance to nearest native vegetation (m) 260 ± 50 50-530
Distance to nearest mango orchard (m) 150 ± 20 30-350
Distance to nearest Spondias spp. remnant (m) 1600 ± 460 10-4820
Distance to nearest sugarcane plantation (m) 690 ± 140 130-1610
Distance to nearest water body (m) 630 ± 160 20-1450
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e56840, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 10, 2024)
importance of variables, indicators of resources
and conditions, at local and landscape level and
their influence on adult population A. obliqua
associated with mango orchards. These results
also improve the understanding of the main
drivers, which commonly are not consider in
the management of A. obliqua distribution
among agricultural settings devoted to mango
production. Overall, abundance and availability
of this fruit fly in mango orchards are mainly
modulated by the shade cover, soil compaction,
distance to plum trees and distance to sugar-
cane plantations.
The shade cover is a characteristic of crop
biophysical structure, which is directly related
to physiognomy vegetation and leaf litter in
soil. This local factor generates habitat parti-
tions where a vast diversity of insects is distrib-
uted according to specific requirements. Our
results indicate that total abundance of males
and females decreased as function of shade
cover in mango orchard. This pattern is due to
in more shaded orchards there are insects that
patrol mango trees and protect or defends food
resources against competitors (Cuautle et al.,
2005). In these orchards there is a thicker leaf
litter layer, which is a microhabitat of a specious
arthropods assemblage with highly specialized
feeding habits, including predation (García-
Martínez et al., 2015). Then, A. obliqua larvae
Fig. 3. Significant regression models of local and landscape factors and the abundance and availability of adult population
of A. obliqua associated with mango orchards in central Veracruz, Mexico. The goodness-of-fit of each model is indicated in
each panel as the percentage of deviance explained by each model (D2).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e56840, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 10, 2024)
are more susceptible to be predated by spiders,
ants and beetles when infested mango fruits fall
to ground (Cruz-Miralles et al., 2022; García et
al., 2020). Thus, although our results indicate
a significant negative relation between shade
cover in mango orchards and A. obliqua adult
population, it should be taken as a hypothesis
for testing on the ecology of this pest.
Availability and abundance of males and
females was affected by increasing soil compac-
tion. This is physical property of any type of
soil, which is associated with soil composition
and structure and is influenced by the size of
the interacting particles allowing the presence
of water and air. Compacted soils have greater
difficulty in wetting and generally have fewer
pores to allow aeration which hinders the via-
bility of organisms, such as fruit flies. This local
characteristic points to a microhabitat where A.
obliqua pupal stage takes places. For example,
when the larvae reach the last stage of develop-
ment, the mango fruits fall to the ground, sub-
sequently, they leave the fallen fruits and begin
to quickly excavate the most superficial layer
of soil to start the pupation phase. This high
compaction prevents or hinder soil penetration.
In addition, those larvae which can bury and
pupate, face the same obstacle imposed by com-
paction at the time of emerging as adults (Abei-
jon et al., 2019; Fernandes et al., 2012; Ismail
& Ahmed, 2020). Although soil compaction
is correlated with soil moisture and both are
critical for adult emergence (Ismail & Ahmed,
2020), its importance stands out as a mechani-
cal resistance to digging in that severely impacts
larvae survival in shadier orchards. (Fernandes
et al., 2012; Ismail & Ahmed, 2020; Khan et al.,
2020). Soil compaction represents an easy man-
agement practice which may severely impacts
on larvae survival and adult emergence howev-
er, its implementation should be carefully taken
due to implications on soil biodiversity associ-
ated with mango orchards (Ishak et al., 2014).
Regarding landscape factors, abundance,
and availability of A. obliqua adults increased
significantly in mango orchards near to plum
trees of S. mombin and S. purpurea. This result
is concordant with a previous study carried
out in Central Veracruz, which reports a high
level of A. obliqua infestation (435 pupae/kg)
in Spondias fruits when compared with a low
level (14.55 pupae/kg) in mango fruits (Aluja
et al., 2001). This is due to, Spondias spp. fruits
have an optimal development for being infested
about 3 to 5 weeks earlier than mango so one
fruit fly generation precedes the beginning of
mango harvest in this region (Lasa, 2016; Tino-
co-Dominguez, 2019). In addition, the increase
in plum fruit number significantly increases
infestation levels of this pest in mango orchards
(López et al., 2019). For this reason, plum trees
in surrounding landscape might be acting as
reservoirs for A. obliqua adult population asso-
ciated with mango orchards. Even though these
trees are also considered as reservoirs of fruit
fly parasitoid species (de Sousa et al., 2021),
parasitoid abundance is relatively low (usually
< 10 %) compared to adult emergence of A.
obliqua (Sivinski et al., 2000). Unfortunately,
relictual Spondias spp. trees are commonly iso-
lated, scattered and used in live fences through-
out the study area (Díaz-Fleischer et al., 2017).
Given this context, collection, and destruction
of plum fruits and/or trees in the surrounding
landscape, or even spraying insecticides, is nec-
essary to mitigate adult population growth A.
obliqua in mango production regions.
The abundance and availability of A.
obliqua decreased in mango orchards near to
sugarcane crop land cover. This result is not
surprising since there is a previous report
that a landscape matrix composed of such a
crop negatively impacts this species (Pacheco-
Morales, 2022). In Mexico, this monoculture
is intensively managed, which includes a bio-
physical structure simplification and a dispro-
portionate agrochemical use (Meza-Palacios
et al., 2019). These crop fields are deeply tilled
before planting, have a homogeneous surface
highly exposed to sun radiation and during
harvest sugarcane plants are burned to facilitate
cutting. For this conditions, A. obliqua popula-
tion associated with mango orchards near or
surrounded by this crop is adversely affected
and decreased. Therefore, sugarcane crop plays
a key role as a barrier for A. obliqua distribution
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e56840, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 10, 2024)
and movement at regional scale (Vermunt et al.,
2019). However, broader planning instruments
of control strategies should take into consid-
eration the environmental cost of this crop in
tropical regions devoted to mango production.
This study demonstrates empirically that
adult population of A. obliqua is dependent
on factors inside (i.e., local level) and outside
(i.e., landscape level) of mango orchards. We
demonstrate the significance and intimately
relations among shade cover, soils compac-
tion and Spondias spp. and sugarcane land
covers for shaping abundance, availability, and
distribution of adult population of A. obliqua.
These findings may allow optimization for
selecting and applying agronomic management
practices against A. obliqua in mango crop.
However, to highlight the importance of local
and landscape factors to regulate A. obliqua
populations, this study should be replicated in
other mango producing regions along the Gulf
of Mexico such as Actopan or Cosamaloapan,
Veracruz. Finally, effective outcomes will only
be achieved if the scope of this study may be
included as an efficient tool in the integrated
management of this pest to promote protection
of mango crop and improve its fruit quality in
this producing region.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is
no conflict of interest of any kind; and that we
followed all pertinent ethical and legal proce-
dures and requirements. All financial sources
are fully and clearly stated in the acknowled-
gments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
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