Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
False killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens Cetacea: Delphinidae) along
the Pacific coast of Central America and Mexico: Long-term movements,
association patterns and assessment of fishery interactions
Annie B. Douglas1; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2755-2510
Frank Garita Alpízar1; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3713-7804
Alejandro Acevedo-Gutiérrez2, 3; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9128-826X
Sabre D. Mahaffy1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8255-192X
Kristin Rasmussen4; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4758-5010
Ester Quintana-Rizzo5, 6; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8957-0506
Joëlle De Weerdt7, 8; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4054-6609
Daniel M. Palacios9; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7069-7913
Damián Martínez-Fernández10; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8498-7919
Camila Lazcano-Pacheco11; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3725-8078
Christian Daniel Ortega Ortiz12; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5691-9388
Nicola Ransome13, 14; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3130-3966
Astrid Frisch-Jordán15; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4937-8023
Francisco Villegas-Zurita16; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1614-997X
John Calambokidis1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5028-7172
Robin W. Baird1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9419-6336
1. Cascadia Research Collective, 218 ½ W 4th Ave, Olympia, WA 98501 USA; abdouglas@cascadiaresearch.org, frank-
garita@gmail.com, mahaffys@cascadiaresearch.org, rwbaird@cascadiaresearch.org,
2. Marine Mammal Research Program, Texas A&M University, Galveston, TX 77551, USA;
3. Department of Biology, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA 98225, USA; aceveda@www.edu
4. Panacetacea, 1554 Delaware Ave, Saint Paul, MN 55118, USA; Krill@aol.com
5. Simmons University, Department of Biology, 300 Fenway, Boston, MA 02115, USA; tetequintana@comcast.net
6. Emmanuel College, Department of Biology, 400 Fenway, Boston, MA 02115, USA
7. Association ELI-S, Allée, de Verdalle 39, 33470 Gujan-Mestras, France; eliscientific@gmail.com
8. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium; joelle.de.weerdt@vub.be
9. Marine Mammal Institute and Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences, Oregon State University,
2030 SE Marine Science Dr., Newport, OR 97365 USA; Daniel.Palacios@oregonstate.edu
10. Federación Costarricense de Pesca, San José, Costa Rica; damian.martinezcr@gmail.com
11. Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Universidad de Guadalajara. Zapopan, Jalisco, México;
12. Facultad de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad de Colima, Kilometro 20 carretera Manzanillo-Barra de Navidad, C.P.
28860. Manzanillo, Colima, México; christian_ortega@ucol.mx
13. Harry Butler Institute, Environmental and Conservation Sciences, College of Science, Health, Engineering and
Education, Murdoch University, Western Australia, Australia; nicola.ransome@murdoch.edu.au
14. La Orca de Sayulita, Sayulita, Nayarit, Mexico
15. Ecología y Conservación de Ballenas, A.C., México; fibbcatalogo@yahoo.com
16. Instituto de Ecología, Universidad del Mar, Oaxaca, México; fvillegas@angel.umar.mx
Received 31-VII-2022. Corrected 21-X-2022. Accepted 11-IV-2023.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Introduction: Worldwide, false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) are infrequently encountered, yet long-term
studies have shown strong site fidelity as well as long-term associations among individuals in several locations.
Detailed studies of this species have primarily been conducted around tropical oceanic islands or in the subtropi-
cal southern hemisphere.
Objectives: We assess movements and association patterns among false killer whales along the Pacific coasts of
the USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica including Isla del Coco, and Panama, representing one of the
longest-running (albeit non-continuous) studies of this species. We also examine photos for evidence of interac-
tions with fisheries, a known source of mortality to false killer whales.
Methods: From Central America, we selected 212 individuals (50 encounter groups) out of 244 individuals (56
encounters) for inclusion in analyses based on photo quality and distinctiveness. Photos were collected on dedi-
cated surveys from 1991-1994 and dedicated and opportunistic surveys from 1998-2022. Other than the effort
off the oceanic Isla del Coco (1993-1994), surveys were undertaken in continental shelf waters. Additionally, we
selected by photo quality and distinctiveness 124 (33 encounter groups) out of 189 individuals from southern
California and Mexico for inclusion in these analyses. Association patterns were analyzed in SOCPROG and
movements were analyzed in R.
Results: Of the 328 total individuals, 158 (48.2 %) were encountered more than once, and 114 (34.8 %) were
re-sighted after a year or more. The longest individual sighting history spanned 26.2 years with six re-sightings
over that period between southern Costa Rica and Panama. Association and movement analyses revealed that
individuals identified off southern Costa Rica and Panama linked into a single social network, with extensive
movements between the two countries. Three individuals encountered off northern Costa Rica were re-sighted
off northern Nicaragua, and individuals encountered off Nicaragua were encountered off Guatemala and central
mainland Mexico. Nine matches were found among false killer whales between central mainland Mexico and
Central America. There were no matches between the mainland coastal waters and the 33 individuals encoun-
tered around Isla del Coco. Dorsal fin disfigurements consistent with interactions with line fisheries ranged from
0 to 21 % for individuals within social clusters identified by community division.
Conclusions: The infrequency of sightings combined with a high re-sighting rate of individuals and groups from
the same area, suggests multiple small populations with large home ranges that include coastal waters. Small
populations are sensitive to environmental changes, and as the human population grows, so do the demands on
fisheries and ecotourism, which could directly impact the different populations. Additional effort in offshore
areas is needed to determine the population status of false killer whales in pelagic waters, how often false killer
whales using coastal waters move into pelagic waters, and the relationship between whales in the two habitats.
Key words: small cetacean; photo-identification; fisheries; dorsal fin disfigurement; social network; social
Falsas orcas (Pseudorca crassidens Cetacea: Delphinidae) de la costa del Pacífico de Centroamérica
y México: movimientos, patrones de asociación y evaluación de interacciones pesqueras
Introducción: Alrededor del mundo, las falsas orcas (Pseudorca crassidens) son encontradas con poca frecuencia,
aunque estudios a largo plazo han demostrado una fuerte fidelidad al sitio, así como asociaciones a largo plazo
entre individuos. Estudios detallados de esta especie se han realizado principalmente alrededor de islas oceánicas
tropicales o en la región subtropical del hemisferio sur.
Objetivo: Se evaluaron los movimientos y patrones de asociaciones a largo plazo entre falsas orcas, a lo largo de las
costas del Pacífico de E. U., México, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica (incluyendo a la Isla del Coco) y Panamá,
lo que representa uno de los más extensos (aunque no continuos) estudios de esta especie. Además, se analizaron
las fotos de aletas dorsales en busca de evidencia de interacciones con la pesca, una fuente de mortalidad conocida
para las falsas orcas.
Métodos: Seleccionamos a 212 (50 encuentro grupos) de 244 individuos (56 encuentros) de Centroamérica para
incluirlos en los análisis basados en la calidad y el carácter distintivo de las fotografías. Utilizamos fotos recopi-
ladas en muestreos dedicados de 1991 a 1994 y encuentros dedicados y oportunistas de 1998 a 2022. Aparte del
esfuerzo alrededor de la isla oceánica, Isla del Coco (1993-1994), se realizaron estudios en aguas de la platafor-
ma continental. Además, seleccionamos basados en la calidad y el carácter distintivo de las fotografías 124 (33
encuentro grupos) de 189 individuos del sur de California y México para incluirlos en los análisis. Patrones de
asociaciones fueron analizados en SOCPROG y los movimientos fueron analizados con el programa R.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
False killer whales, Pseudorca crassidens
(Owen, 1846) primarily inhabit pelagic tropical
and warm temperate waters worldwide, with
the highest density in the tropics (Ferguson &
Barlow, 2003). There are a few well-document-
ed populations that are island-associated or
encountered in nearshore waters (Baird et al.,
2008; Palmer et al., 2017; Zaeschmar, 2014).
Although this species is highly surface-active
and tends to travel in large groups (20–100
individuals), false killer whale encounters are
infrequent even in areas where they are resident
year-round (e.g., Hawai‘i; Baird, 2016) or pres-
ent seasonally (e.g., New Zealand; Zaeschmar,
2014). In the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP),
extensive large and small vessel surveys con-
ducted in the Exclusive Economic Zone of
Costa Rica from 1979 to 2001 documented
only nine encounters of false killer whales
(May-Collado et al., 2005) and sightings were
relatively few and sparsely distributed through-
out the ETP (Martínez-Fernández et al., 2011;
Quintana-Rizzo & Gerrodette, 2009; Quintana-
Rizzo, 2012; Wade & Gerrodette, 1993). Based
on extensive survey work of the eastern Pacific
Ocean from 1985-2005, no false killer whales
were encountered north of Mexico (Hamilton
et al., 2009), although there have been occa-
sional documented encounters off California
and even farther north into British Columbia
(Baird et al., 1989; Norris & Prescott, 1961).
The first photographic identification (pho-
to-ID) study of this species was conducted
from 1991-1995 by Acevedo-Gutiérrez et al.
(1997) in the coastal waters of Golfo Dulce,
southern Costa Rica, and off Isla del Coco,
an island approximately 500 km southwest of
Costa Rica. Acevedo-Gutiérrez et al. (1997)
found that individuals were re-sighted over
two years in Golfo Dulce and three years off
Isla del Coco, and stable associations between
some individuals were evident. Based in the
same area of southern Costa Rica (not includ-
ing Isla del Coco) but using a separate photo-
ID catalog and dataset, Sánchez Roblado et
al. (2020) estimated that 92 false killer whales
used this area. Although these earlier studies
were spatially limited, they indicated that there
is a small population encountered occasionally
off southern Costa Rica, with no documented
Resultados: Del total de 328 individuos encontrados en Centroamérica, 158 (48.2 %) fueron observados más de
una vez y 114 (34.8 %) se volvieron a avistar después de un año o más. El historial de avistamientos individuales
más largo abarcó 26.2 años con seis re-avistamientos durante ese período entre el sur de Costa Rica y Panamá.
Los análisis de asociación revelaron que todos los individuos identificados en el sur de Costa Rica y Panamá,
se vincularon a una sola red social, con amplios movimientos entre los dos países. Tres individuos encontrados
frente al norte de Costa Rica fueron avistados frente al norte de Nicaragua, y los individuos encontrados frente
a Nicaragua fueron encontrados frente a la región central continental de México. Hubo traslape de nueve indi-
viduos entre México y Centroamérica. No hubo traslape entre los individuos avistados en el continente y los 33
individuos identificados alrededor de la Isla del Coco. Las desfiguraciones de la aleta dorsal, consistentes con
interacciones con artes de pesca que usan líneas variaron de 0 a 21 % para los individuos dentro de los grupos
identificados por división de la comunidad.
Conclusiones: La poca frecuencia de avistamientos combinada con muchos re-avistamientos de individuos y
grupos en la misma área, sugiere que las falsa orcas representan muchas poblaciones pequeñas con áreas de dis-
tribución grandes que incluyen aguas costeras. Las poblaciones pequeñas son sensibles a los cambios ambientales
y, a medida que crece la población humana, también lo hacen las demandas sobre la pesca y el ecoturismo, lo que
podría afectar directamente a estas poblaciones. Se necesitan más estudios en las áreas alejadas de la costa para
determinar el estado de conservación de las falsas orcas en regiones pelágicas, la frecuencia con la que las falsas
orcas que usan aguas costeras se trasladan a aguas pelágicas y la relación entre ellas en los dos hábitats.
Palabras clave: pequeños cetáceos; foto-identificación; pesca; desfiguración de la aleta dorsal; red social; orga-
nización social.
Nomenclature: SMT1: Supplementary material Table 1; SMF1: Supplementary material Figure 1.
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
interchange with Isla del Coco (Fig. 1). An
entirely separate photo-ID study identified 14
individuals but documented no re-sightings in
Guatemala (Quintana-Rizzo, 2012).
The question of how far these individuals
are ranging along Mexico, Central America,
and into offshore waters is unclear. Genetic
and photo-ID studies in the eastern Hawaiian
Islands show a distinct insular/island-associ-
ated population of false killer whales with
high site fidelity (Baird et al., 2008, Baird
et al., 2012), and a genetically differentiated
broadly ranging offshore population (Ander-
son et al., 2020; Chivers et al., 2007; Fader et
al., 2021; Martien et al., 2014). Home ranges
for groups and individuals from the main
Hawaiian Islands’ insular population tend to be
extensive, but predictable (Baird et al., 2012),
while individuals from the pelagic population
appear to be much wider ranging (Anderson
et al., 2020; Fader et al., 2021). The maximum
travel distance for a satellite tagged insular
main Hawaiian Islands false killer whale was
421 km (Baird et al., 2010), while it was 2 263
km for an individual from the pelagic popula-
tion (E. Oleson personal communication, 27
July, 2022). Although far less is known about
populations elsewhere, Palmer et al. (2017)
reported that the maximum travel distance
from a satellite-tagged false killer whale in the
Arafura and Timor Seas off Australia was about
880 km from 104 days of tag transmission. Off
New Zealand, Zaeschmar (2014) reported a
maximum travel distance of 647 km based on
photo-ID. From photo recapture studies in the
Hawaiian Islands, the greatest span of years for
an individual was 33 years (S. Mahaffy 6 May,
2022, personal communication).
The ongoing studies on false killer whales
in the Hawaiian Islands have shown that there
are three discrete yet partially overlapping pop-
ulations (Chivers et al., 2007, Chivers et al.
2010; Baird et al., 2008, Baird et al., 2010, Baird
et al., 2013; Martien et al., 2014). Individuals
within a population maintain strong bonds over
decades, hunt cooperatively, and share prey
with hunting partners (Baird, 2016; Martien et
al., 2019). Martien et al. (2019) found that both
male and female main Hawaiian Islands insular
false killer whales remain in their natal social
groups throughout their lives and that between
34 to 64 % of matings occurred in the same
Fig. 1. Map of sighting locations (red circles) of false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) with acceptable quality photographs.
Line width between sightings reflects the number of re-sightings of individuals between areas. Map created using R Statistical
Software (R Core Team, 2021).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
social group. This differs from other highly
social species that may practice natal dispersal
or exogamy to avoid inbreeding. As with other
top predators, false killer whale population
numbers are fairly low, they are slow to mature,
have low birth rates, and females remain active
in their family groups past their reproduc-
tive years (Baird, 2018a). False killer whales
are active during the day and night and have
been observed feeding on various species of
fish including neritic, demersal, bathydemersal,
reef, and pelagic game fish (Baird, 2016; Herz-
ing & Elliser, 2016) and an analysis of stomach
contents of stranded animals has shown that
oceanic and neritic-oceanic squids make up
a large part of their diet as well (Alonso et
al., 1999). False killer whales’ cooperative and
adaptable hunting styles as well as their propen-
sity to share prey within their group and occa-
sionally with divers and boaters (Baird, 2018b)
tend to put this species in conflict with small
and large fishing boat operators where human
and false killer whale fishing areas overlap.
Globally, false killer whales and other dol-
phin species are known to take the bait and
catch off hook and line fisheries, and in the
Hawai‘i-based deep-set longline fishery, false
killer whales are the cetacean species most fre-
quently recorded as hooked as bycatch (Brad-
ford et al., 2014; Forney & Kobayashi, 2005).
One study of depredation in the Hawai‘i-based
deep-set longline fishery with 21 % observer
coverage reported that ~6 % of hauls from
2004-2018 experienced odontocete depreda-
tion, most of it thought to be from false killer
whales (Fader et al., 2021). The Inter-American
Tropical Tuna Commission [IATTC] manages
large longline vessels (>24 m) in the area from
500 N to 500 S from the coast of the Americas
to the 1500 W meridian of the eastern Pacific
Ocean, with 1 123 longline vessels currently
authorized to fish in this area (IATTC, 2022).
Importantly, from the perspective of docu-
menting fishery interactions, vessels less than
24 m are not managed by the IATTC and
are not required to carry observers (IATTC,
2011). The Organization of the Fisheries and
Aquaculture Sector of the Central America
Isthmus [OSPESCA] reports more than 5 000
vessels in the coastal and Pacific longline fleet
(OSPESCA, 2012). The IATTC has repeatedly
recommended at least 20 % observer coverage
on longline vessels in this area, yet coverage has
remained at only 5% (IATTC, 2019), and since
April 2020, due to the COVID pandemic, the
requirement of any observer coverage may be
waived upon request (National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration [NOAA], 2022).
Thus, indirect methods of assessing whether
individual false killer whales have survived
fishery interactions may be the only way to
determine the magnitude of such interactions
on groups or populations.
In the case of false killer whales, when an
individual ingests a hook or is hooked in the
mouth and is able to break free from the line,
scars around the mouthline and dorsal fin are
often the only external evidence that an animal
has been hooked and survived (Baird & Gor-
gone, 2005; Baird et al., 2014, Baird et al., 2017).
In the absence of observer coverage, Baird et al.
(2014) conducted a photo review of dorsal fin
disfigurements and scarring of individual false
killer whales encountered in Hawaiian waters.
They found that 7.5 % of the individuals from
the main Hawaiian Islands population bore
scars consistent with fisheries interactions and
had higher rates of fishery-related injuries than
the offshore or northwestern Hawaiian Islands
populations (Baird et al., 2014).
The purpose of the current study was to
examine the movements of false killer whales
along the Pacific coast of North and Central
America, ranging from southern California to
Panama. We combined the results of indepen-
dent photo-ID efforts from six different coun-
tries, providing an assessment of association
patterns and site fidelity, as well as examining
individuals for evidence of prior fishery inter-
actions. We hope that our findings will add to
the current body of knowledge on false killer
whales, as well as inspire future collaborative
research with this species in these regions.
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Research Collective (CRC) as well as inde-
pendent researchers. Other efforts included
systematic cetacean surveys conducted in Gua-
temala year-round 2008-2009 and between
December-April from 2018 onward, and Costa
Rica 2005-2006. In the majority of cases, effort
was conducted from “pangas” or tour boats
with an outboard motor, and were restricted to
returning to the launch location at the end of
the survey day. Photos and encounter details
from 2010 to 2022 were collected and shared
with CRC from directed surveys and whale
and dolphin watch operations working along
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama expressly
for this project. The majority of CRC surveys
were nonsystematic and attempted to cover a
large coastal area with the primary objective of
discovering humpback whales. Non-humpback
whale cetacean encounters were approached
for sighting position, species identification,
group size estimation, and photo documenta-
tion depending on species and time of day.
Sighting positions were based on an onboard
GPS (directed surveys), an estimated position
based on the photographers’ description, or
a “general” position based on where the ves-
sel launched and returned. During false killer
whale encounters from directed surveys, efforts
were made to photograph all individuals from a
group, regardless of age class, or distinctiveness.
As with the Central America collection, the
southern California-Mexico photo-ID catalog
and sighting data were collected by both direct-
ed research efforts and opportunistic sightings
from ecotourism businesses. Mexico data were
collected from 2004, 2007 to 2008, and 2011
to 2020 (Lazcano-Pacheco et al., 2023). Survey
effort and collection methods are described by
Ortega-Ortiz et al. (2014).
Data analysis: Groups were defined as
all individuals encountered on the same day
within a region, and IDs obtained during that
day were pooled as part of a single encounter.
This is a broader definition for a group than is
typically used for association analysis of odon-
tocetes, however, as with Baird et al. (2008), we
view that the choice is justified for this species
Study area: The ETP is characterized by a
strong shallow thermocline, relatively high sea
surface temperatures and strong winds (Heile-
man, 2008). The southern part of Mexico and
northern part of Central America form one side
of the eastern Pacific warm pool, which consti-
tutes an open-ocean biogeographic province
with a distinct biological community (Fiedler
& Talley 2006). The study area is part of a
marine mega-ecosystem characterized by gulfs,
bays, coastal lagoons, and extensive intertidal
areas and barriers (Gocke et al., 2001; Lizano
& Alfaro, 2004). It includes part of the Costa
Rica Dome (CRD), an open-ocean upwelling
region caused by a seasonally changing com-
bination of interconnected features including
the Intertropical Convergence Zone, coastal
jets and eddies, and geostrophic balance at the
eastern extreme of the 10° N thermocline ridge
(Mora-Escalante et al., 2020). The CRD sup-
ports a higher density of marine fauna includ-
ing cetaceans than other parts of the Central
American marine ecosystem (Fiedler & Talley,
2006; Lavín et al., 2006), and likely influences
the high productivity of the Pacific Central
American coast (Heileman, 2008). For the pur-
pose of examining movements, the study area
was broken down into a number of regions
reflecting discrete study sites: southern Califor-
nia, southern Baja California, the central and
southern Mexican mainland coasts, Guatemala,
Nicaragua, northern and southern Costa Rica,
Panama and Isla del Coco.
Data collection: Research efforts varied
by year, season and among regions (Table 1;
Fig. 1). False killer whale photos were col-
lected from 1991-1992 on directed surveys for
cetaceans along southern Costa Rica and 1993-
1994 off Isla del Coco (Acevedo-Gutiérrez
et al., 1997). From 1998 to 2009 false killer
whale encounters were documented during
directed humpback whale surveys conduct-
ed during the dry season (December-March)
along the Pacific coast of southern Costa Rica
and northern Nicaragua (Table 1) by Cascadia
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Table 1
Number of groups encountered (number of identifications) of false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) by year and region, and total number of individuals by region, restricted to
identifications with fair to excellent quality photographs and slightly to very distinct dorsal fins. Group was defined as all individuals encountered on the same day in the same general
area. Number of groups in which group size estimates with acceptable photos are available are also included.
Ye a r S.
Cent. Mainland
S. Mainland
Guatemala Nicaragua N. Costa Rica S. Costa Rica Panama Isla del Coco Tota l
1991 1 (10) 1 (10)
1992 1 (7) 1 (7)
1993 2 (11) 2 (11)
1994 5 (40) 5 (40)
1998 2 (5) 2 (5)
2000 1 (2) 1 (2)
2004 1 (7) 1 (7)
2005 1 (4) 4 (24) 5 (28)
2006 3 (36) 3 (36)
2007 1 (1) 1 (1)
2008 1 (5) 2 ( 9) 1 (7) 1 (1) 5 (22)
2009 1 (6) 6 (102) 7 (108)
2010 3 (12) 3 (12)
2011 1 (8) 1 (8)
2012 3 (17) 1 (1) 3 (4) 7 (22)
2013 2 (11) 1 (13) 2 (20) 5 (44)
2014 4 (36) 4 (36)
2015 1 (1) 2 (18) 2 (9) 5 (28)
2016 1 (10) 2 (6) 2 (13) 5 (29)
2017 1 (1) 1 (9) 2 (10)
2018 4 (7) 1 (1) 2 (20 ) 7 (28)
2019 1 (9) 1 (4) 1 (9) 3 (22)
2020 2 (13) 1 (15) 3 (28)
2021 1 (3) 2 (23) 3 (26)
2022 1 (7) 1 (7)
Sum of groups 9 2 19 3 4 7 1 26 5 7 83 (577)
Sum of groups that included
group size estimates
5 2 17 3 4 7 1 24 5 7 75
Mean group size (SD) 34.5 (16.2) 42.7 (52.7) 54.5 (60.1) 17.7 (6.8) 12.5 (7.7) 13.6 (8.1) 17 (13.0) 41 (15.6) 18.1 (10.9) 28.2 (34.7)
Median (range) 32.5 (15-60) 42.7 (5-80) 35 (5-200) 20 (10-23) 14 (2-20) 10 (6-25) 13 (1-50) 25 (25-60) 14 (4-34) 18 (1-200)
Sum identifications 66 11 99 21 16 56 15 204 38 51 577
Sum individuals 37 10 77 16 16 45 15 95 31 33 375
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
based on the infrequency of false killer whale
encounters and the small groups encountered,
often traveling in the same direction and spread
out over many kilometers (see e.g., Bradford et
al., 2014). This choice is also justified based on
the many positive re-sightings of individuals
between subgroups encountered on the same
day. To report the mean and median group size
when only a range (min/max) of group size
was available, we chose the median of the two
numbers. When multiple encounters occurred
on the same day of the same group of animals,
we chose the largest group size number, with
the assumption that smaller estimates were
derived from counts of subgroups encountered.
Following the photo-ID protocol described in
Baird et al. (2008), a Central America catalog
was constructed from photographs of individu-
als taken off Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica
and Panama. Photos from each encounter were
sorted by individual into folders, assigned tem-
porary IDs and given separate scores for photo
quality (1 – poor, 2 – fair, 3 – good, 4 – excel-
lent) and distinctiveness (1 – indistinct, 2 –
slightly distinct, 3 – distinct, 4 – very distinct).
Photo quality was based on focus, angle, and
proportion of the dorsal fin visible, and distinc-
tiveness was based on the absence or presence
of notches on the leading and trailing edge of
the fin, and/or the dorsal fin shape. Poor quality
or indistinct individuals were only compared
to individuals encountered on the same day,
within region, while all fair to excellent quality
photos of slightly distinct to very distinct IDs
were compared to all IDs in the catalog. When
possible, photos of unusual scars on the body
and along the mouthline were noted for each
individual, and scored with the likelihood that
the injury could have been associated with a
fishery interaction (Baird et al., 2014, Baird et
al., 2017). Once the temporary ID had been
compared to the catalog, the best left and/or
right dorsal fin of each individual was assigned
a unique ID number, or if it was found in the
historical catalog the ID was collapsed into the
existing record of that individual. Every posi-
tive match found between sightings was con-
firmed by at least two experienced matchers.
The southern California-Mexico catalog was
created with similar practices as described
above with quality and distinctiveness scores
for each individual. Once completed, the Cen-
tral America catalog was compared with the
southern California-Mexico false killer whale
catalog, with two experienced matchers con-
firming all positive matches between catalogs.
In an effort to avoid false-negative matches
between these two catalogs, a second experi-
enced matcher (SDM) compared 18 % of the
IDs in the southern California-Mexico catalog
that had not been found by the initial matcher
(ABD) (Elliser et al., 2022), and no additional
matches were found. For all catalogs, only those
IDs with photo quality and distinctiveness cat-
egories of two (fair) or better were compared
between catalogs – these are defined as “accept-
able quality” identifications. Our decision to
include “fair” quality photos and slightly-dis-
tinctive IDs was made to retain a reasonable
sample size for analysis and interpretation, and
while it is more permissive than many studies
with larger catalogs or for less remote locations,
it is not without precedent (Baird et al., 2021;
Elliser et al., 2022).
Linear-geographical distances between
all possible pairs of encounter locations both
within regions and among all regions were
calculated for all encounters where acceptable
identification photos and latitude and longi-
tude were available using R Statistical Software
(R Core Team, 2021). To control for pseudo-
replication, when more than one individual
was identified from a particular encounter,
that encounter location was only used once in
the calculations. If there was more than one
encounter in an area on the same day (that
were pooled as a single encounter), the first
location was used. Combinations of encounters
were generated using the combinations function
within the gtools package (Warnes et al., 2020).
Straight line geographical distances were calcu-
lated using the st_distance function within the
sf package (Pebesma, 2018). Distances between
all encounter combinations for each individual
sighted on two or more occasions were also
calculated. Because of the sociality of false killer
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
whales, there were several instances where
multiple individuals were re-sighted together
more than once. Hence, when summarizing
distances across individual re-sightings, we
only used a single set of calculated distances
between pairs of individual sightings to avoid
Association analyses of photo-identified
individuals were undertaken in SOCPROG
2.9 with MATLAB 9.5 (Whitehead, 2009), and
social network metrics were calculated and
illustrated in Netdraw 2.176 (Borgatti, 2002). To
provide a quantitative measure of the frequency
of co-occurrence of individuals, while control-
ling for effort (Whitehead, 2008), we used the
half-weight index of association (HWI). White-
head (2008) and Cairns & Schwager (1987)
recommend the use of HWI in situations where
it is likely that not all individuals within a sam-
pling period are identified or when individuals
of a pair are more likely to be observed sepa-
rately than when together.
We used SOCPROG to assess whether
the false killer whales in our study could be
divided into meaningful social clusters based
on levels of association between individuals
using community-based modularity (Newman,
2004; Whitehead, 2009). This method divides
the population into clusters in a way that maxi-
mizes associations within clusters rather than
between them. A modularity value greater than
0.3 is considered to indicate the useful division
of a population (Newman, 2004). We checked
all cluster assignments to make sure that they
made logical sense based on our knowledge of
these data and the eigenvector or final bifurca-
tion involving the individual. The eigenvector
value corresponds to the certainty in the assign-
ment of an individual in the cluster in which
the individual was placed, with values near zero
indicating uncertainty. We tested whether indi-
viduals showed preferential associations with
companions, using the preferred/avoided asso-
ciation test in SOCPROG (Bejder et al., 1998;
Whitehead, 2009). The null hypothesis of this
test is that individuals will associate with the
same probability with all other individuals in
the population without individual preference.
Based on similar studies (Baird et al., 2008), we
tested our data against 20 000 randomly per-
muted variations, so that the resultant P value
was determined by the proportion of 20 000
permutations that had higher Standard Devia-
tion (SD) values of the association indices than
the SD of the association indices found in our
data. For these analyses, we restricted our data
to all individuals seen two or more times. We
refer to groups of three or more individuals
linked by association in the social network as
separate components, and these components
could be comprised of one or more social clus-
ters based on the association analyses.
To evaluate possible fishery interactions,
the primary catalog curator (ABD) reviewed
the best left and/or right dorsal fin photo of
each individual in both the Central America
and southern California-Mexico catalogs for
evidence of fishery interactions. Based on the
presence of linear cuts, dorsal fin disfigure-
ment (e.g., deep cut on the leading edge, miss-
ing dorsal fin, bent dorsal fin) or scarring of
the area immediately in front or behind the
dorsal fin (Baird et al., 2014), ABD chose pho-
tos of individuals for further evaluation. Each
individual was assigned a score of one (not
consistent), two (possibly consistent), or three
(consistent) with a fishery interaction by ABD
and two additional reviewers (SDM, RWB)
with experience in reviewing dorsal fin injuries
in relation to fishery interactions. The reviews
were conducted independently and sent to
ABD who averaged the scores for each indi-
vidual whale. To assess differences in fishery
interactions among areas or social clusters, we
considered individuals with an average score of
>2.6 as having injuries consistent with a fishery
interaction (i.e., at least two reviewers would
have to have scored it 3 (consistent) and the
third reviewer would have to score 2 (possibly
consistent)), following Baird et al. (2014).
Acceptable quality photos were obtained
from 83 encountered groups, resulting in 577
identifications and 328 individuals (Table 1;
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Fig. 1). Group sizes were available for 75 of the
83 encounters, with a mean group size of 28.2
(SD = 34.7, range = 1-200, median = 18) (Table
1; SMT1). The smallest groups encountered
were in Guatemala with a mean of 12.5 (SD =
7.7, range = 2 –20, n = 4 groups), and the largest
groups were encountered in central mainland
Mexico, with a mean of 54.5 (SD = 60.1, range
= 5-200, n = 17 groups) (Table 1). The number
of individuals identified in each encountered
group (n = 83) ranged from one to 40 (mean =
7.6, SD = 10.0, median = 5). Of the 328 individ-
uals identified, 158 (48.2 %) were encountered
more than once, with the span of years between
first and last sightings ranging from one to 9
577 days (26.2 years). One hundred and four-
teen individuals (34.8 %) were seen over peri-
ods of a year or greater, and the maximum
times an individual was documented was 10.
Association analyses revealed nine sepa-
rate components containing three or more
individuals in the social network, as well as five
individuals that were not linked by association
to any others (Fig. 2A). Matches were found
between individuals encountered off southern
California and Baja California (Fig. 1; Table 2),
but no individuals from either of those regions
were encountered farther south, and all but two
of the 39 individuals encountered off southern
California and Baja California were linked by
association in the same component of the social
network (Fig. 2A). Of the 328 individuals in the
social network, the largest component included
183 identifications of 119 individuals (37.4 %)
from 29 encounters, with individuals docu-
mented from mainland Mexico to northern
Costa Rica. Within this component, individuals
encountered off central mainland Mexico were
also sighted in Guatemala, and as far south
as southern Nicaragua. Nicaragua encounters
occurred either close to the northern or south-
ern borders of the country, with four individu-
als encountered in both the north and south.
Nine of 45 individuals encountered off Nica-
ragua were also seen off northern Costa Rica
(Table 2). Four smaller groups of individuals
and two lone individuals photographed along
the coast from mainland Mexico to Nicaragua
Table 2
Re-sightings of false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) within and among regions. Individuals that are re-sighted in multiple regions appear in the total count for each region
Region S.
Central Mainland
S. Mainland
Mexico Guatemala Nicaragua N.
Costa Rica
Costa Rica Panama Isla del
S. California 12
Baja California 7 1
Cent. Mainland MX 0 0 21
S. Mainland MX 0 0 9 5
Guatemala 0 0 1 2 0
Nicaragua 0 0 5 5 4 9
N. Costa Rica 0 0 0 0 0 9 0
S. Costa Rica 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59
Panama 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 6
Isla del Coco 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Fig. 2. Social network of false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens), with individuals presented as nodes and lines between
nodes indicating individuals encountered in the same area on the same day, restricted to individuals with acceptable quality
and distinctiveness scores. Node color indicates the region where it was first encountered. Number of sightings by region:
Southern California (n = 9); Baja California (n = 2); central mainland Mexico (n = 19); southern mainland Mexico (n = 3);
Guatemala (n = 4); Nicaragua (n = 7); northern Costa Rica (n = 1); southern Costa Rica (n = 26); Panama (n = 5); Isla del
Coco (n = 7). Large nodes represent individuals with injuries consistent with fishery interactions. A. All individuals from
California to Panama and Isla del Coco (1991 to 2022), (n = 328). The greatest number of individuals linked by association
(upper left – n = 119) are from mainland Mexico to northern Costa Rica. The second largest number linked by association
(upper right – n = 116) represents individuals from southern Costa Rica and Panama. Node shape indicates individuals
encountered in multiple regions (circle) or single region (square). B. False killer whales from southern Costa Rica to Panama
(1991 to 2022), restricted to individuals seen 2 or more times. Node shape represents clusters: hourglass – Cluster 3; up
triangle – Cluster 4; diamond – Cluster 9; square – Cluster 13; down triangle – Cluster 17 (Clusters with evidence of fishery
interaction are listed in Table 4). Location first seen is indicated by color as per A. Social network metrics were calculated
and illustrated in Netdraw 2.176.
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
were not linked to the largest component of the
social network (Fig. 2A). The second largest
number of individuals linked by association
(242 identifications of 116 individuals over 31
encounters) was from southern Costa Rica and
Panama (Fig. 2B). All individuals documented
in those two areas were linked in the same com-
ponent of the social network, with ten individu-
als encountered in both regions (Table 2). Out
of the 116 southern Costa Rica and Panama
individuals, 52.6 % (61) individuals have been
re-sighted on more than one day, and 40.5 %
(47) individuals have been re-sighted for more
than one year.
No matches were found between the 33
individuals documented (from seven encoun-
ters) around Isla del Coco and individuals
encountered in coastal waters, although re-
sightings of individuals were reported within
the region (Table 2). The majority (21 of 33,
63.6 %) of individuals from Isla del Coco were
linked by association in one component of the
social network, and 11 (33.3 %) were linked in
another (Fig. 2A).
The average straight-line distance among
re-sightings of individuals (mean = 303.3 km,
SD = 505.4, median = 51.2) was far less than
the average distance among encounters (mean
= 1 796.7 km, SD = 1 551.2, median = 1 594.1).
Greatest straight-line distances between re-
sightings of individuals were between Mexico
and Central America (mean = 794.5 km, SD
= 626, median = 639.5), with 2 265 km being
the maximum straight-line travel distance for
an individual (CRC_CA_Pc234_MX_Pc176)
sighted off central mainland Mexico on 1 Feb-
ruary 2020 and re-sighted off southern Nica-
ragua 6 August 2021 (Table 3, Fig. 1). Average
re-sighting distances of individuals between
southern Costa Rica and Panama were far less
than between the other regions (mean = 79.9
km, SD = 88.5).
Social network cluster analysis and com-
munity structure: Using community division
by modularity and social network analysis, we
found that the 328 distinct individuals iden-
tified could be assigned into 22 clusters by
association (modularity = 0.77, maximum
modularity type 1 controlling for gregarious-
ness). Tests for preferred/avoided associations
among individuals were significant (P = 0.999),
so that we could reject the null hypothesis that
associations were random. Repeated associa-
tions were documented most consistently in the
southern Costa Rica-Panama social network,
with average and maximum mean association
HWI values among individuals of 0.09 (SD =
0.04) and 0.79 (SD = 0.18), respectively (Fig.
2B). Individuals within the Costa Rica-Panama
social network from Cluster 3 (average and
maximum mean association HWI values 0.11
(SD = 0.03) and 0.80 (SD = 0.17)) had the
longest association between individuals (CRC_
CA_Pc027 and CRC_CA_Pc028) spanning
12.1 years, with five sightings of these whales
Table 3
Straight-line distances between all possible pairs of encounters where individual false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens)
were photo-identified, and distances among re-sightings of individuals. For the comparison of distances of re-sighted
individuals, the grand mean/median values are shown.
Mean distance
(SD) (km)
distance (km)
distance (km)
All countries – all possible pairs 1 796.7 (1 551.2) 1 594.1 5 096.3
Re-sighted individuals 303.3 (504.4) 51.2 2 265.1
S. California & Baja California – all possible pairs 628.7 (784.0) 50.9 1 655.8
Re-sighted individuals 543.5 (745.7) 34.4 1 655. 8
Cent. Mainland Mexico-N. Costa Rica – all possible pairs 1 162.5 (874.0) 1 095.0 2 710.1
Re-sighted individuals 794.5 (626.5) 639.5 2 265.1
S. Costa Rica & Panama – all possible pairs 79.8 (83.3) 48.6 246.1
Re-sighted individuals 79.8 (88.5) 42.1 238.6
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
encountered together. Except for the first and
last encounters of CRC_CA_Pc027, in 2005 and
2019, CRC_CA_Pc027 and CRC_CA_Pc028
have been encountered together every time that
one has been sighted. Long term associations
have been observed in the southern California
and Baja California region as well, with two
individuals (IDs MX_085 and MX_90) encoun-
tered together five times between 2013-2021
(9.0 years). Additionally, individuals MX_085
and MX_166 have been encountered together
five times between 2014-2022 (8.0 years).
Insufficient information on survey effort
is available to quantify seasonal sighting rates.
However, it is worth noting that thirty-eight
(76.0 %) of Central America encounters
occurred during the Boreal winter (November-
March), while 90.0 % of southern California-
Mexico encounters occurred during the same
period. All of the southern California and one
of the two Baja California encounters occurred
in March, the second Baja California encounter
occurred in May.
Fishery interactions: Seventeen individu-
als were initially selected for review of injuries
consistent with fisheries interactions, 12 from
the Central America catalog and five from the
southern California-Mexico catalog. Of these,
our three reviewers agreed that nine had inju-
ries consistent with fisheries interaction (aver-
age score > 2.6): one off southern California,
two off central mainland Mexico, one individu-
al seen off Guatemala, Nicaragua, and northern
Costa Rica, and five from southern Costa Rica
(see Fig. 3 for examples). A single individual
encountered off Isla del Coco bore injuries that
may have been related to fisheries, but received
an average score of 2.3. Individuals with fish-
ery-related injuries were found in five of the
clusters identified through community divi-
sion, with the greatest percentage of individuals
with fisheries-related injuries (21.4 %) found in
southern Costa Rica (Cluster 17) (Table 4), and
the second greatest percentage from Cluster
12 encountered off central mainland Mexico,
with 7.1 % of individuals having fishery related
injuries. One of the individuals from Cluster 21
(Fig. 3G) had injuries consistent with fishery
interactions, although it is also possible the
wound was caused by a propeller injury.
Our analyses of false killer whales individ-
ually identified from 1991 to 2022 from south-
ern California to Panama show high levels of
site fidelity, particularly off southern Costa Rica
and Panama, and strong associations among
individuals, with maximum HWI association
values among individuals exceeding 0.50. Gero
et al., (2008) and Durrell et al., (2004) note
associations are considered strong when the
HWI between associates was at least twice the
mean index of all the dyads in the unit or cluster
being considered, which was the case in Cluster
3 from southern Costa Rica and Panama. From
re-sightings of individuals photographed off
central mainland Mexico and Nicaragua, we
documented travel distances greater than those
observed from satellite-tagged pelagic false
killer whales in Hawaiian waters (Anderson et
Table 4
Number and percentage of individual false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) by cluster (determined through community
division) with injuries consistent with fishery interactions.
Cluster Regions documented Number of individuals in
Number (%) with injuries consistent with
fishery interactions
6S. California & Baja California 37 1 (2.7 %)
12 Cent. Mainland Mexico 28 2 (7.1 %)
10 Cent. Mainland Mexico - N. Costa Rica 33 1 (3.0 %)
17 S. Costa Rica 14 3 (21.4 %)
3S. Costa Rica & Panama 69 2 (2.9 %)
Tota l 182 9 (4.9 %)
14 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Fig. 3. Examples of scarring and injury of dorsal fins determined to be consistent with fisheries interaction (FI) from
southern Costa Rica, (A) CRC_CA_Pc23, 1992, (B) CRC_CA_Pc102, 1991, (C) CRC_CA_Pc057, 2009, (D) CRC_CA_Pc032,
2006, and Central Mainland Mexico (E) MX_074, 2013, (F) MX_084, 2013. (G) CRC_CA_Pc188 from northern Costa Rica
is an example of an injury that we determined to be consistent with fisheries interaction, although whether the injuries were
caused by a line or propeller is unknown.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
al. 2020; E. Oleson personal communication,
27 July, 2022) especially considering that we
calculated straight-line distances, and did not
account for non-linear movements and inter-
vening land masses. False killer whales encoun-
tered off southern Costa Rica and Panama
appear to have a much smaller range of travel,
smaller even than the insular false killer whales
tagged in the Hawaiian Islands (Baird et al.,
2012). It is important to note, however, that
there was very limited effort off the continental
shelf, so we are unable to assess offshore move-
ments. The infrequency of sightings of false
killer whales on the continental shelf could be
an indication that individuals documented in
our study spend a considerable proportion of
their time in offshore waters, that local abun-
dance is low, or a combination of both factors.
There were no matches between individuals
documented off Isla del Coco in 1993 or 1994
and the mainland. While the mainland photo-
graphic sample was largely obtained from six to
more than twenty years later, there were match-
es from the Acevedo-Gutiérrez et al. (1997)
effort off mainland Costa Rica from prior to the
Isla del Coco effort.
We found that the proportion of indi-
vidual false killer whales with evidence of
surviving prior fishery interactions for at least
one cluster was higher than those found in
the endangered main Hawaiian Islands insular
population (Baird et al., 2014). Individuals
from Cluster 17, which had the greatest per-
centage of fisheries interactions (21.4 %), have
only been encountered off southern Costa Rica.
They were encountered by Acevedo-Gutiérrez
et al. (1997) in Golfo Dulce in 1991 and 1992
and the most recent sightings of any of these
animals occurred off Drake Bay in 2006. In
a similar study of fishery-related injuries in
Hawai‘i, the evaluators found significant dif-
ferences in fishery interaction rates by popu-
lation and cluster, with 12.8 % of individuals
from Cluster 3 from the main Hawaiian island
population determined to have fishery-related
scarring. Baird et al. (2014) found a significant
bias towards females with injuries consistent
with fisheries interactions, which, the authors
note, could reduce the potential population
growth rate to a greater extent than if fishery
interaction was unbiased by sex. Although we
identified the sex of some individuals based on
close attendance of small calves, performing a
comparable test with our data was beyond the
scope of this study. It is important to note that
false killer whales can incur severe injuries that
may appear to be fishery related from sources
other than fisheries interaction. For example,
Ortega-Ortiz et al. (2014) describe at least one
individual with injuries obtained from interac-
tions with a billfish or sailfish.
There are a number of assumptions and
biases in this study that we would like to note.
Many of the encounters in this study came from
community scientists or were collected oppor-
tunistically, and thus not all individuals within
larger groups were necessarily photographed.
Thus, there are a lot of isolated individuals
or small clusters in the social network that in
reality should be linked to other individuals.
For example, the 2018 encounter of the only
individual not linked to a cluster from Gua-
temala had an estimated group size of two.
Therefore, we can safely assume that there is at
least one and likely a number of clusters that
use our larger study area that are unaccounted
for in these data. Group size estimates were
collected with different methodologies, and we
acknowledge that false killer whale group size
is difficult to assess, as individuals are gener-
ally fast moving in a spread-out group (Baird
et al., 2008; Bradford et al., 2014). Sighting
positions are estimated in most non-directed
survey efforts, and this can impact the cal-
culated distance between sightings, although
this should not influence the large difference
between encounter locations and re-sighting
locations documented. Distinct individuals are
more likely to be photographed and recognized
over time, even with lesser quality photographs,
so there are likely some missed matches within
our catalog, particularly given the long dura-
tion of our study. The two individuals with the
longest sighting history (CRC_CA_Pc063 seen
over 26 years, and CRC_CA_Pc009 seen over
19 years) were both very distinct. Although
16 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
we are not estimating abundance here nor
survival, we would like to note that our stated
method of including “fair” quality photos as
well as only considering recaptures with high
certainty, could result in higher abundance
estimates and lower re-sighting rates (Ashe &
Hammond, 2022).
We recommend additional effort in off-
shore areas as well as satellite tagging to clar-
ify population structure and relationship to
animals in coastal areas, especially in light
of the lack of connection between Central
America and Isla del Coco. Additional accept-
able ID photos from any region would be wel-
come, especially offshore waters, the Galapagos
Islands, Isla del Coco, and South America. One
of our authors (DMP) recalls false killer whale
encounters a handful of times in the Galapagos
during the warm-water season. From records
collected from 1923 to 2003 there is a single
record of a mass stranding of six false killer
whales in the Galapagos Islands (Palacios et al.,
2004). False killer whales are also encountered
farther south, with an encounter noted off
central Ecuador in 2003 (Baird, 2010; Castro,
2004). Photos of two individuals from the
Galapagos were not included in this study due
to poor quality; however, these photos are avail-
able to compare to any future identifications
that we receive.
Field effort in most of the study sites was
seasonally biased. However, southern Califor-
nia has whale and dolphin watch excursions
year-round, therefore the apparent seasonal
presence of false killers along southern Cali-
fornia in March is likely not random. This con-
sistency of presence could allow for planning a
successful photo-ID and tagging effort on this
group of false killer whales, which could shed
light on these animals’ whereabouts over time.
Throughout the study area, individuals whose
livelihoods depend on whale and dolphin watch
tourism would benefit if these animals’ patterns
were better understood, and most importantly,
we hope that future studies could help inform
fisheries so that they could avoid encounters
that are detrimental to false killer whales as well
as the humans whose livelihoods depend on
the same food source. Currently, to learn more
about how and why false killer whales are inter-
acting with longline vessels, the fisheries have
options of either increasing observer coverage
and/or the installment of electronic monitoring
systems (EMS) on fishing vessels. Due to the
stated difficulty of finding observers willing
to take part in the observer program, as well
as the difficulties of dealing with the COVID
pandemic, Costa Rica and other countries have
appealed to the IATTC to provide funds for
EMS (Villanueva, 2018).
In addition to recommending future sur-
vey work, we urge greater cooperation among
researchers and community scientists in shar-
ing historical catalogs/photo collections. Our
data collection has been a slow process, span-
ning 31 years with sometimes a few photos
and a general location from a tour vessel rep-
resenting the only encounter for a year or a
region. Additional catalogs/photo collections
exist throughout this study area, which we
were not able to access, and we hope that with
careful planning and cooperation these data
will become available in the near future. As
with other odontocetes, false killer whales are
viewed as sentinel species in their environment,
and studies in the Hawaiian Islands have shown
they have high levels of lipophilic contaminants
(Kratofil et al., 2020). Greater cooperation
among researchers with these data will lead to a
greater understanding of how false killer whales
use these waters and the depth of long-term
associations with individuals and their habitat.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
Author Contribution: ABD conceptual-
ized the manuscript, coordinated data acquisi-
tion, performed analysis, interpreted the data
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57189, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
results, and drafted the initial and revised ver-
sions of this manuscript. FGA, AAG, SDM, KR,
RWB contributed with data, and interpretation
of the results for each study site, reviewed and
approved the various drafts and final version
of the manuscript. NR, AFJ and FV contrib-
uted data and reviewed the final version of
the manuscript.
See supplementary material
CRC would like to thank and acknowl-
edge photo contributors throughout Central
America, especially R. M. Arias, E. Falcone, F.
A. Madrigal, C. Aguilera, P. Godoy, Oceanic
Society, Road Scholar participants especially
A. Hermann, J. Harris and M. V. Anderson,
the Drake Bay Wilderness Lodge, Costa Rica,
and Marina Puesta del Sol, Nicaragua. From
Southern California-Mexico we acknowledge
O. Guzón, J. Urbán, L. Kretchschmar, D. Kalez,
D. Frank, M.Tyson, C. Jaeger, K. Campbell, S.
Velasco, K. Audley, C. Mayer, A. Schulman-
Janiger, M. Stumpf, and Captain Daves Dolphin
and Whale Watching Safari. Surveys conducted
in Guatemala were run by EQR and funded
by Fondo Nacional de Ciencia Tecnología,
awarded by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y
Tecnología, through the Secretaria Nacional de
Ciencia y Tecnología (Fodecyt 85-2007 Proj-
ect), Cetacean Society International, Sarasota
Dolphin Research Institute; PADI Foundation;
Idea Wild; Defensores de la Naturaleza Founda-
tion. Surveys in Nicaragua were run by Asso-
ciation ELI-S and funded by Cetacean Society
International, Rufford Foundation, Vrije Uni-
versiteit Brussel. JDW would like to acknowl-
edge E. Pouplard and V. Pouey-Santalou who
helped with photo-ID and boat-based surveys.
Surveys off Panama were conducted by Panace-
tacea and funded by the Islas Secas Foundation.
EQR would like to acknowledge several key
people who helped with the cetacean photo-ID
surveys including L. Girón, G. Méndez, and J.
Morales, and the enthusiasm and support from
P. Negreros, V. García, L. Palmieri, S. Rosales,
and O. Zamora. Surveys conducted by AAG
were possible via funding from the Marine
Mammal Research Program, Texas A&M Uni-
versity at Galveston, and the Whale Conserva-
tion Institute in Lincoln, MA; in Golfo Dulce:
Earthwatch-Center for Field Research; at Isla
del Coco: Parque Nacional Isla del Coco and
The Netherlands Embassy in Costa Rica; and
fellowships from Texas A&M University, Inter-
national Womens Fishing Association, and
Houston Underwater Society; logistic support
was provided in Golfo Dulce by the Golfito
Research Station of the Universidad de Costa
Rica and at Isla del Coco by Parque Nacional
Isla del Coco, Okeanos Aggressor, and Under-
sea Hunter; the Servicio de Parques Nacionales,
Costa Rica, issued permits #01-91 and #08-95
to work at the island; Y. Camacho, K. Dudzik,
L. Gonzalez, K. Lebo, E. Lundin, and the R/V
Odyssey crew assisted during sightings. NR
conducted surveys in Central Mainland Mexico
funded by Cetacean Society International. FV
acknowledges Mamiferos Marinos de Oaxaca
Biodiversidad y Conservación AC for support-
ing data collection in southern Mexico. Final-
ly, thank you to three anonymous reviewers
whose comments and suggestions substantially
improved this manuscript.
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