Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57272, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Heat loss or heat uptake? Skin temperature in Antillean manatees
(Trichechus manatus manatus, Sirenia: Trichechidae) in Belize
Nicola Erdsack 1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8590-3609
Jamal A. Galves 2; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0825-0744
James E. Powell 3; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8757-0556
1. Mote Marine Laboratory, Manatee Research Program, Sarasota, FL, USA; erdsack@mote.org (*Correspondence)
2. Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute, Belmopan City, Belize; jgalves@cmaquarium.org
3. Clearwater Marine Aquarium Research Institute, Clearwater, FL, USA; jpowell@cmaquarium.org
Received 13-VII-2022. Corrected 09-II-2023. Accepted 12-IV-2023.
Introduction: The two subspecies of the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), Florida manatees (T. m.
latirostris) and Antillean manatees (T. m. manatus), face different environmental challenges. While Florida mana-
tees have to cope with winter water temperatures below their lower critical temperature of ~ 20 °C and air tem-
peratures below freezing, Antillean manatees live in year-round warm Caribbean waters. Sirenians lack effective
thermal insulation and have limited capability of controlling peripheral heat loss. Although severe cold related
health issues and mortality are primarily known in Florida manatees, it can be assumed that Antillean manatees
and other extant sirenians share the cold-sensitivity, but hardly ever experience it. Contrarily, during summer,
Antillean manatees may face the opposite form of thermal stress by being exposed to water temperatures close to
their body temperature. However, the upper critical temperature of manatees is not known.
Objective: To improve understanding of the impact of high ambient temperatures on manatee physiology.
Methods: We measured skin temperature in six Antillean manatees in two different habitats in Belize, and com-
pared the results to skin temperatures measured in two captive Florida manatees.
Results: We found a similar temperature distribution pattern over the body surface in both subspecies, but sig-
nificantly higher temperatures and larger temperature ranges among measuring points in Antillean manatees as
compared to Florida manatees. In one Antillean manatee, skin temperature was consistently lower than ambient
water temperature by up to 2.5 °C. This implies potential heat uptake from the environment, in contrast to the
heat loss experienced by Florida manatees at low water temperatures, apparent in skin temperatures above ambi-
ent water temperature.
Conclusions: Our findings suggest that heat stress may be a more likely risk for manatees in warm tropical
waters. Despite the small sample size, our results present important findings towards understanding thermal
tolerance and impact of high ambient temperatures on manatee physiology.
Key words: thermoregulation; peripheral heat loss; heat dissipation; heat retention; blubber lipid composition;
thermoregulatory adaptations; surface area to volume ratio SA:V.
¿Pérdida o absorción de calor? Temperatura de la piel en manatíes antillanos (Trichechus manatus mana-
tus, Sirenia: Trichechidae) en Belice
Introducción: Las dos subespecies del manatí antillano (Trichechus manatus), los manatíes de Florida (T. m.
latirostris) y los manatíes antillanos (T. m. manatus), enfrentan diferentes desafíos ambientales. Mientras que
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57272, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Florida manatees, Trichechus manatus lat-
irostris (Harlan, 1824) and Antillean manatees,
Trichechus manatus manatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
are the two subspecies of the West Indian man-
atee (T. manatus). While Antillean manatees
are found in the Caribbean and from Mexico
down south to the coast of Brazil (Marsh et
al., 2011), Florida manatees primarily inhabit
Florida coastal and inland waters, with a typical
range from Texas to North Carolina in summer
with occasional sightings as far north as Mas-
sachusetts (Marsh et al., 2011). Although their
habitats overlap to a small extent in the Carib-
bean, each subspecies faces different environ-
mental challenges.
Florida manatees are the northern most
Sirenian population and have to face water
temperatures (Twater) as low as 13 °C in winter
over extended periods of time along with air
temperatures (Tair) below freezing in contrast
to summer water temperatures of up to 32 °C
and higher (National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, 2022). Florida manatees are
known to be very sensitive to cold with low
metabolic rates (Scholander & Irving, 1941)
and a high lower critical temperature of ~ 20 °C
(Irvine, 1983) due to poor thermal insulation
and limited control of peripheral heat loss.
Therefore, they rely on behavioral thermoregu-
lation and migrate to warm water refuges when
temperatures drop (Marsh et al., 2011). Still,
cold stress is a major threat to Florida mana-
tees, and cold stress syndrome (CSS) affects
and kills manatees every winter (Bossart et al.,
2002; Hardy et al., 2019). Extant sirenians share
low metabolic rates (Gallivan & Best, 1980)
and lack of effective thermal insulation (Hor-
gan et al., 2014) and other thermoregulatory
adaptations to the aquatic life style (Bryden
et al., 1978; Fawcett, 1942; Gallivan et al.,
1983), present in other marine mammal spe-
cies. Therefore, Antillean manatees and other
extant sirenians are likely sensitive to cold as
well, which is furthermore supported by reports
los manatíes de Florida tienen que hacer frente a temperaturas invernales del agua por debajo de su temperatura
crítica ~20 °C y temperaturas del aire por debajo del punto de congelación, los manatíes antillanos viven en aguas
cálidas del Caribe durante todo el año. Los sirenios carecen de un aislamiento térmico efectivo y tienen una
capacidad limitada para controlar la pérdida de calor periférico. Aunque los problemas de salud y la mortalidad
relacionados con el frío se conocen principalmente en los manatíes de Florida, se puede suponer que los manatíes
antillanos y otros sirenios existentes comparten la sensibilidad al frío, pero casi nunca la experimentan. Por el
contrario, durante el verano, los manatíes antillanos pueden enfrentar la forma opuesta de estrés térmico al estar
expuestos a temperaturas del agua cercanas a la temperatura de su cuerpo. Sin embargo, se desconoce la tempe-
ratura crítica superior de los manatíes.
Objetivo: Mejorar la comprensión del impacto de las altas temperaturas ambientales en la fisiología del manatí.
Métodos: Medimos la temperatura de la piel en seis manatíes antillanos en dos hábitats diferentes en Belice y
comparamos los resultados con las temperaturas de la piel medidas en dos manatíes de Florida en cautiverio.
Resultados: Encontramos un patrón de distribución de temperatura similar sobre la superficie del cuerpo en
ambas subespecies, pero temperaturas significativamente más altas y rangos de temperatura más amplios entre
los puntos de medición en los manatíes antillanos en comparación con los manatíes de Florida. En un manatí
antillano, la temperatura de la piel fue consistentemente más baja que la temperatura ambiente del agua hasta en
2.5 °C. Esto implica una posible absorción de calor del medio ambiente, en contraste con la pérdida de calor que
experimentan los manatíes de Florida a bajas temperaturas del agua, lo cual se evidencio con temperaturas de la
piel por encima de la temperatura ambiente del agua.
Conclusiones: Nuestros hallazgos sugieren que el estrés por calor puede ser un riesgo más probable para los
manatíes en aguas cálidas tropicales. A pesar del pequeño tamaño de la muestra, nuestros resultados presentan
hallazgos importantes para comprender la tolerancia térmica y el impacto de las altas temperaturas ambientales
en la fisiología de estos mamíferos marinos.
Palabras clave: termorregulación; pérdida de calor periférica; disipación de calor; retención de calor; composi-
ción de lípidos de grasa; adaptaciones termorreguladoras; relación superficie-volumen SA:V.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57272, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
of cold water avoidance behavior (Anderson,
1986; Zeh et al., 2018).
In contrast to Florida manatees, Antillean
manatees live in year-round warm Caribbean
waters, and knowledge about potential cold
sensitivity is only anecdotal. Contrarily, they
may experience Twater in the range of mamma-
lian body temperature (Tbody) during summer
months (Kaufman & Thompson, 2005), which
poses an entirely different thermoregulatory
challenge. To investigate and assess the poten-
tial risk of heat stress in manatees, knowledge
of their upper critical temperature is required.
However, manatee upper critical temperature is
currently not known.
Due to manatees’ poor thermal insulation
and limited ability to control peripheral heat
loss, their skin temperature (Tskin) is ideally
suited to indicate the animals thermal state by
assessing heat exchange between body surface
and environment (Erdsack et al., 2018; Worthy
et al., 2000). Long-term studies of Tskin and heat
flux in two captive Florida manatees indicated
areas of increased heat exchange on the body
surface, temperature distribution patterns and
potential impact of ambient temperature on
manatee Tskin (Erdsack et al., 2018; N. Erd-
sack unpublished).
Besides the unknown upper critical tem-
perature, knowledge about manatee thermo-
regulation, in particular the impact of high
ambient temperature is incomplete. In order
to fill some of these gaps, we measured Tskin
in wild Antillean manatees captured for health
assessments in two different habitats in Belize.
Here, we present these preliminary data in
comparison to Tskin measured in captive Flori-
da manatees between 2016 and 2021.
Tskin was measured in six adult Antillean
manatees captured for health assessments in
Belize in May 2019: three females in Southern
Lagoon, around Gales Point, and a female and
two males in the waters around Placencia. The
manatees were captured using a circle net and
hefted onto the capture boat for processing.
Tskin measurements took approximately 10 min
and started as soon as the net was removed and
the animal was in a safe and stable position
on the boat. If necessary, mud was rinsed off
with sea water. Animals were shaded by a tarp
during processing. Tskin was measured using a
wireless thermometer with an attached K-Type
surface thermocouple (TMD-55W, Amprobe,
Everett, WA, USA), which was also used in
a long term study of Tskin measurements in
captive Florida manatees (N. Erdsack unpub-
lished). The 14 defined measuring spots on
the manatees’ dorsal body surface (Fig. 1A)
were selected in accordance with this study
(N. Erdsack unpublished). The two trained
manatees (“Hugh, “Buffett”) are held at Mote
Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, FL, U.S. in an
outdoor tank at a constant water temperature
of 26.3±0.4 °C. For measurements, the mana-
tees were stationing at the water surface and
the respective body part was lifted above the
water surface. For comparison with Antillean
manatees, only measurements at average Tair
comparable to average Tair during measure-
ments in Belize were considered (Hugh: n = 7;
Buffett: n = 6). Temperature differences were
tested for statistical significance using a two-
tailed paired or homoscedastic t-test, respec-
tively, in MS-Excel 2019. Level of significance
was α = 0.5. Relations between Tskin and Twater,
Tair were reported using Pearson correlation
coefficient (r).
Average Tskin per measuring point in Antil-
lean and Florida manatees are displayed in Fig.
1B. Both subspecies exhibited similar tempera-
ture distribution patterns over the body surface.
Except for the almost identical temperature
on the top of the head, manatees in Southern
Lagoon and Placencia exhibited almost congru-
ent temperature distribution patterns. However,
average Tskin in manatees in Southern Lagoon
was significantly higher than in manatees cap-
tured around Placencia (p << 0.0001), and
average Tskin in Antillean manatees was signifi-
cantly higher than in Florida manatees (p <<
0.0001). Moreover, average temperature range
amongst measuring points was significantly
larger in Antillean manatees (2.92 ± 1.08 °C,
p = 0.0011) as compared to Florida mana-
tees (1.28 ± 0.74 °C). One animal captured in
Southern Lagoon at Twater = 33 °C had average
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57272, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Tskin = 31.6 °C and Tskin < Twater in all but one
of the measuring points (center of the tail,
P12 = 33.1 °C). In Southern Lagoon, average
Twater during measurements was 31 ± 1.7 °C,
in Placencia 28.9 ± 0.6 °C, and 26.4 ± 0.3 °C in
the Florida manatee tank. Average Tair during
measurements was 30.2 ± 0.8 °C in Belize, and
30.7 ± 1.3 °C in Florida. In Antillean manatees,
Tskin was weakly correlated to Twater (r = 0.60),
but no correlation to Tair (r = 0.29) was found.
Our measurements revealed similarities
but also significant differences in average Tskin
and Tskin distribution between Antillean and
Florida manatees. Distribution of Tskin over
the body surface, indicating body locations
with higher and lower heat exchange with the
environment, was similar in both subspecies.
However, in Antillean manatees, this pattern
was much more pronounced, that is, tempera-
ture differences between measuring points were
Fig. 1. Location of measuring spots on the manatees’ dorsal body surface including ventral (P2) and dorsal (P3) side of the
pectoral flipper (A) and average Tskin+SD per measuring point (B) in Antillean manatees captured in Southern Lagoon (black
diamonds, n = 3), and Placencia (white diamonds, n = 3), and in two captive Florida manatees (Hugh: black dots, n = 7;
Buffett: black circles, n = 6). Average Twater during measurements was 31±1.7 °C in Southern Lagoon (black dotted line),
28.9±0.6 °C in Placencia (gray dotted line), and 26.3±0.4 °C in the Florida manatee tank (dashed line). Average Tair during
measurements was 30.2±0.8 °C in Belize, and 30.7±1.3 °C in Florida.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57272, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
significantly larger in Antillean manatees (up to
4.8 °C in individual manatees) than in Florida
manatees (up to 2.7 °C). The overall higher Tskin
in Antillean manatees can likely be attributed to
the higher Twater in Belizean waters, as indicated
by the positive correlation between Tskin and
Twater found in Antillean manatees (r = 0.6).
A potential impact of netting and handling on
metabolic rate and thermal state of individual
manatees cannot be excluded. However, Twater
cannot explain the significantly larger tempera-
ture ranges on the body surfaces of Antillean
manatees in comparison to Florida manatees.
The most obvious difference between
the two subspecies is their body size. Antil-
lean manatees are on average smaller than their
Florida conspecifics (Castelblanco-Martínez et
al., 2021; Wong et al., 2012), which are the
largest extant Sirenian (sub)species. Since heat
exchange with the environment occurs primar-
ily via the body surface, a reduced surface-area-
to-volume ratio (SA:V) is favorable in terms of
heat retention in the cold (Schmidt-Nielsen,
1997). Florida manatees’ larger body size along
with the small pectoral flippers found in all
sirenians result in a reduced SA:V, constitut-
ing an adaptation to the colder climate they
inhabit in comparison to other extant Sirenians.
This was even more pronounced in the extinct
Stellers sea cow, Hydrodamalis gigas (Zimmer-
mann, 1780), which inhabited the cold waters
of the Bering Sea with estimated body lengths
and masses up to 10 m and 10 000 kg (Marsh et
al., 2011). In comparison to Florida manatees,
Antillean manatees have larger SA:Vs due to
their smaller body size (Castelblanco-Martínez
et al., 2021). Heat retention is likely not essen-
tial in this subspecies, considering that they
rarely experience Twater < 18 °C. Contrarily,
during summer, Antillean manatees may expe-
rience Twater in the range of mammalian Tbody.
Data on manatee core Tbody is scarce. Irvine
(1983) reported rectal temperatures of 27-32
°C measured in three captive Florida manatees,
but simultaneously measured stomach temper-
atures of 35-36.8 °C, which, moreover, could be
significantly impacted by food intake. Recent
measurements of pharyngeal temperature in
20 captive Florida manatees resulted in 35.1-
35.9 °C (Martony et al., 2020). Average oral
temperature measured in wild manatees during
health assessments was significantly higher in
Antillean (34.6 ± 0.9 °C) than in Florida (32.6 ±
1.8 °C) manatees (Wong et al., 2012). It is likely
that during summer months, Twater in shallow
Caribbean lagoons can reach and exceed these
values, regarding that we measured Twater up
to 33 °C in Southern Lagoon as early as May.
Marsh et al. (2011) even mentioned Twater as
high as 41 °C in an area frequented by Florida
manatees in summer. Without a thermal gradi-
ent from the body surface to the surrounding
water, an animal is not capable of dissipating
excess heat, which will eventually result in heat
stress. Average Tskin measured in one Antillean
manatee in Southern Lagoon with Tskin < Twater
did not differ from average Tskin measured
in the other manatees in Southern Lagoon;
however, Twater was higher. We did not observe
physiological abnormalities in this manatee,
suggesting the presence of physiological and/
or behavioral adaptations that help them deal
with these extreme thermal conditions, at least
temporarily. These findings also leave room for
speculations about upper critical temperature
and thermal tolerance in Antillean manatees,
which may be relatively high in the water.
As the differing body sizes, the observed
temperature distribution pattern along with the
differences in Tskin and Tskin ranges over the
body surface may indicate anatomical adapta-
tions to differing thermal environments. Sire-
nians lack arteriovenous anastomoses (AVAs)
in the skin (Bryden et al., 1978; Fawcett, 1942),
which are essential structures for the regulation
of peripheral heat dissipation and retention
(Hales, 1985). Thus, the observed temperature
distribution pattern on the manatees’ body
surfaces likely displays underlying anatomical
structures and conditions, such as distribution
of blood vessels, differences in skin thickness,
and variations in blubber distribution. Since
manatees, in contrast to other marine mam-
mals, do not have thick insulating blubber
layers (Reynolds & Lynch, 2017), potential
differences in blubber distribution are more
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57272, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
likely in lipid composition rather than thick-
ness. Blubber lipid composition varies between
species and individuals (Iverson, 2009), as well
as intra-individually between body locations
and seasons (Neises et al., 2021). Blubber lipid
composition in Antillean manatees may have
evolved to facilitate higher heat transfer as
opposed to thermal insulation and heat reten-
tion. Despite the analogous distribution of
blood vessels in the subspecies, apparent in
the similar temperature distribution pattern,
in Antillean manatees, heat dissipation from
underlying blood vessels would be more appar-
ent in increased temperatures in the overlying
skin. A further possible cause for the higher
Tskin range measured in Antillean manatees
could be increased heat dissipation at the less
insulated body parts at high Twater. This is indi-
cated by significantly higher Tskin at head, flip-
pers and in particular the tail (p = 0.0001) than
on the trunk, found in Antillean manatees, but
not in the Florida manatee data presented here.
The absence of a correlation between Tair
and Tskin in the presented data can likely be
attributed to the preliminary state of the data,
with small sample sizes and similar Tair dur-
ing measurements. Heat flux measurements in
Florida manatees indicated a potential impact
of Tair on heat flux (Erdsack et al., 2018). In any
case, more temperature measurements in Antil-
lean and in particular wild Florida manatees
under varying environmental conditions are
required. Comparative analyses of blubber lipid
composition will help identify potential dif-
ferences in thermal properties of blubber and
their role in manatee thermoregulation. Despite
limitations due to small sample size, our find-
ings provide valuable new information and an
important step towards a better understand-
ing of thermal tolerance in manatees and the
impact of environmental temperature on mana-
tee physiology, thermoregulation and health.
This knowledge is essential for the prevention
and treatment of thermal stress in the threat-
ened West Indian manatee.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that they fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
Author Contribution: NE was responsible
for data collection, data analysis, and prepara-
tion of the initial, revised, and final manuscript,
JG assisted in data collection, provided back-
ground and environmental information, and
JP provided supervision, infrastructure, and
technical information for this project. Both JG
and JP contributed to various versions of the
Manatee research in Belize was conduct-
ed under a scientific research permit (#FD/
WL/1/19 (20)) issued by the Belize Forest
Department and was part of a Clearwater
Marine Aquarium Research Institute long-term
manatee research and conservation project.
We would like to thank Dr. Robert Bonde and
Cathy Beck of USGS as well as the Government
of Belize and local partners for their expertise
and support. Manatee captures were facilitated
by our experienced local crew from Gales Point
and many volunteers from Belize and abroad.
The skin temperature study in Florida mana-
tees was funded by a Research Grant of the
German Research Foundation to NE (DFG, ER
800/1-1) and performed under USFWS permits
MA837923-8 and MA100361-4.
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