Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Long-term spatiotemporal distribution, abundance, and priority areas for
manatees and calves (Trichechus manatus Sirenia: Trichechidae) in Guatemala
Ester Quintana-Rizzo1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8957-0506
Oscar Machuca-Coronado2, 3; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9413-914X
Heidy Amely Garcia3; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2392-6768
1. Emmanuel College, Department of Biology, Boston MA 02115 USA; tetequintana@comcast.net (Correspondence*)
2. Asociación Guatemalteca de Mastozoólogos, Guatemala City, Guatemala; machuca.oscarhugo@gmail.com
3. Fundación Defensores de la Naturaleza, Guatemala City, Guatemala; machuca.oscarhugo@gmail.com;
Received 20-X-2022. Corrected 03-I-2023. Accepted 21-IV-2023.
Introduction: The Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) is an endangered species found throughout
the Caribbean, and the coastal waters of Central and northeastern South America. Their low numbers are the
result of a variety of human-related pressures. A small population of manatees has been identified in Guatemala;
however, their spatial and temporal dynamics remain unclear.
Objective: To examine long-term trends in the spatiotemporal distribution and abundance of manatees in
Guatemala. This included identification of priority areas for manatees including the presence of calves, assessing
whether distribution areas are inside protected areas, and studying the relationship between manatee sightings
and human activities.
Methods: Nine years of standardized aerial surveys were conducted along the Atlantic coast (1992, 2005-2008,
2010-2011, 2014, 2022). Quantitative approaches to detect priority areas, specifically the Kernel density estima-
tion and the Getis-Ord Gi* statistic, were used in the spatiotemporal analysis. A Spearman rank correlation
analysis tested for significant correlations between human activities, coastline topographies, and manatee num-
bers along coastline segments. Manatee abundance across years, survey sections, and protected areas were also
Results: A total of 293 sightings and 518 manatees were observed including 476 adults (92 %) and 42 calves
(8 %). Manatees were most frequently observed as solitary individuals (60 %). Most manatee (61 %) and calf
(68 %) sightings occurred inside protected areas where several priority areas were identified. The two priority
areas were Refugio de Vida Silvestre Bocas del Polochic (Bocas del Polochic) and Refugio de Vida Silvestre Punta
de Manabique, which were identified as important manatee habitats in 1992. Bocas del Polochic had the highest
manatee abundance of all protected areas (p < 0.05). However, a shift in manatee distribution was recorded in
2014, although the cause is unclear. No annual significant differences in manatee abundance were found over
time (p = 1.0), but significant differences in abundance were detected between survey sections and protected
areas (p < 0.05). Manatee numbers had positive significant correlations with ecological and human parameters.
The highest correlation was between manatees and rivers (p < 0.01), and the weakest correlation was between
manatees, motorboats, and fishing nets (p < 0.01).
Conclusions: The results indicate that the local manatee population remained relatively stable for over 20 years,
although changes in overall distribution were noted. It is unclear if the changes are temporary or permanent. As
a sentinel species, manatee distribution shifts can be used as early warnings about the health of the environment
and can depict current or potential impacts on individual- and population-level animal health.
Key words: Antillean manatee; mammal; conservation; endangered species; Central America.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Identifying spatiotemporal patterns of
distribution and abundance is important for
understanding the status of a population. This
information can be used to identify areas of
importance and to evaluate the effectiveness of
established protected areas since animals must
utilize or concentrate in those areas if they have
conditions that are important for their survival
(e.g., food resources, habitat characteristics,
etc.; Roberts et al., 2021). Spatiotemporal infor-
mation is also useful for identifying wheth-
er anthropogenic activities impact animals,
particularly when their habitat overlaps with
these activities as it does in coastal environ-
ments (Halpern et al., 2008). Understanding
these complex interactions is crucial for the
design and implementation of an effective con-
servation management plan (de Souza et al.,
2021; Yoccoz et al., 2001).
The Antillean manatee (Trichechus mana-
tus manatus, Linnaeus, 1758) is an endangered
species found throughout the Caribbean, and
in the coastal waters of Central and northeast-
ern South America (Self-Sullivan & Mignucci-
Giannoni, 2008; Quintana-Rizzo & Reynolds,
2010). Their low numbers are the result of
Distribución espacio-temporal a largo plazo, abundancia y áreas prioritarias para manatíes
y crías (Trichechus manatus Sirenia: Trichechidae) en Guatemala
Introducción: El manatí antillano (Trichechus manatus manatus) es una especie en peligro de extinción que se
encuentra en todo el Caribe y las aguas costeras de Centro América y noreste de América del Sur. Su bajo número
es el resultado de una variedad de presiones relacionadas con los humanos. Se ha identificado una pequeña pobla-
ción de manatíes en Guatemala; sin embargo, su dinámica espacial y temporal sigue sin estar clara.
Objetivo: Examinar las tendencias a largo plazo en la distribución espacio-temporal y la abundancia de los mana-
tíes en Guatemala. Esto incluyó la identificación de áreas prioritarias para los manatíes y las crías, la evaluación
de si las áreas de distribución se encuentran dentro de áreas protegidas y el estudio de la relación entre los avista-
mientos de manatíes y las actividades humanas.
Métodos: Se realizaron nueve años de censos aéreos estandarizados a lo largo de la costa atlántica (1992, 2005-
2008, 2010-2011, 2014, y 2022). En el análisis espacio-temporal se utilizaron métodos cuantitativos para detectar
áreas prioritarias, específicamente la estimación de la densidad Kernel y el estadístico Getis-Ord Gi*. Un análisis
de correlación de rangos de Spearman probó correlaciones significativas entre las actividades humanas, las topo-
grafías costeras y el número de manatíes a lo largo de los segmentos de la costa. También se examinó la abundan-
cia de manatíes a lo largo de los años, las secciones de estudio y las áreas protegidas.
Resultados: Se observaron un total de 293 avistamientos y 518 manatíes, incluidos 476 adultos (92 %) y 42 crías
(8 %). Los manatíes se observaron con mayor frecuencia como individuos solitarios (61%). La mayoría de los
avistamientos de manatíes (61 %) y crías (68 %) ocurrieron dentro de áreas protegidas donde se identificaron
varias áreas prioritarias. Las dos áreas prioritarias fueron el Refugio de Vida Silvestre Bocas del Polochic (Bocas
del Polochic) y el Refugio de Vida Silvestre Punta de Manabique, que fueron identificados como importantes
hábitats para manatíes en 1992. Bocas del Polochic tenía la mayor abundancia de manatíes de todas las áreas pro-
tegidas (p < 0.05). Sin embargo, se registró un cambio en la distribución del manatí en 2014, aunque la causa no
está clara. No se encontraron diferencias significativas anuales en la abundancia de manatíes a lo largo del tiempo
(p = 1.0), pero se detectaron diferencias significativas en la abundancia entre las secciones de estudio y las áreas
protegidas (p < 0.05). El número de manatíes tuvo correlaciones positivas significativas con parámetros ecológicos
y humanos. La correlación más alta fue entre los manatíes y los ríos (p < 0.01), y la correlación más baja fue entre
los manatíes y las lanchas motoras y las redes de pesca (p < 0.01).
Conclusiones: Los resultados indican que la población local de manatíes se mantuvo relativamente estable
durante más de 20 años, aunque se observaron cambios en la distribución general. No está claro si estos cambios
son temporales o permanentes. Como especie centinela, el cambio en la distribución del manatí se puede utilizar
como advertencia temprana sobre la salud del medio ambiente y puede representar los impactos actuales o poten-
ciales en la salud animal a nivel individual y poblacional.
Palabras clave: manatí Antillano; mamífero; conservación; especies amenazadas; Centroamérica.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
human-related pressures including poaching,
habitat loss, entanglement in fishing/shrimp
nets, chemical contamination, and watercraft
collisions (Jiménez, 2002; Lefebvre et al., 1989;
Reynolds & Powell 2002; U.S. Fish & Wild-
life Service, 2001). Poaching, specifically, has
caused an extensive reduction in manatee pop-
ulations throughout most of the species’ range
(Lefebvre et al., 1989).
A small population of manatees has been
identified in Guatemala. The most recent popu-
lation estimate is 150 manatees (Quintana-Riz-
zo & Reynolds, 2010). Poaching resulted in the
death of 20 manatees between 2003 and 2016.
A more comprehensive update details 48 deaths
between 1992 and 2022, although this num-
ber includes undetermined causes of mortal-
ity (Machuca-Coronado et al., 2023). Different
mechanisms exist to protect the species, such as
The National Strategy for the Conservation of
the Manatee, whose objectives are to monitor
and protect manatees, manage and protect their
habitat, and promote the cultural and ecological
value of the species throughout its range in the
country (Herrera et al., 2004). Their recom-
mendations include collecting long-term data
on population distribution and identifying the
effects of anthropogenic activities on manatees
and their habitats. There are also protected
areas including the “Biotopo para la Conser-
vación del Manatí Chocón-Machas. This is
the first protected area for manatees in Latin
America (Lefebvre et al., 1989), although it is
mostly terrestrial (Consejo Nacional de Áreas
Protegidas [CONAP], 2022).
Marine protected areas (MPAs) can be
effective tools for the conservation of species
at risk. The protection of manatees could result
in the protection of many aquatic organisms.
This is because aquatic mammals typically
live in large areas where, if effective protection
measures are established, numerous other spe-
cies could be conserved and protected, as well
as the ecosystem itself (Hooker & Gerber,
2004; Quintana-Rizzo et al., 2021; Roberts et
al., 2021). However, ensuring the effective-
ness of MPAs requires a thorough understand-
ing of species distribution, abundance, and
habitat relationships (Hunt et al., 2020). In
simple terms, it requires knowing where ani-
mals are distributed, what areas are impor-
tant to them and why, how many animals are
there, and how they are negatively impacted by
human activities.
In the case of aquatic mammals, imple-
menting effective protective measures poses
a challenge. They typically have long-range
movements, are hard to see at the surface, and
have long lives, which bolster the need for
multi-year studies. Some field techniques are
better suited for the challenge. Aerial surveys
can cover large areas in short periods, allowing
for the observation of animals from above and
the simultaneous examination of human activi-
ties. They have been widely used to determine
manatee abundance, distribution, and habitat
use in the Wider Caribbean, and are one of
the most suitable field methods for monitoring
sirenian populations in the world (e.g., Edwards
et al., 2007; Garrigue et al. 2008; Hagihara et al.,
2018; Morales et al., 2000; Olivera-Gomez &
Mellink, 2002, Olivera-Gomez & Mellink, 2005).
In Guatemala, a 9.8-hour aerial survey
detected nine manatees along the Atlantic coast
in 1991 (Ackerman, 1991). A more compre-
hensive set of monthly aerial surveys were used
to generate the first population estimate of 53
manatees in 1992 (Quintana-Rizzo, 1993). In
2005 and 2014, regional surveys were conduct-
ed with the objective to examine the manatee
numbers in the Belize-Guatemala-Honduras
and Mexico-Belize-Guatemala regions (Quin-
tana-Rizzo, 2005a, Quintana-Rizzo, 2005b).
Annual aerial surveys were conducted between
regional surveys (Machuca-Coronado & Quin-
tana-Rizzo, 2011; Quintana-Rizzo & Machu-
ca-Coronado, 2008), but none of the studies
looked at trends in spatiotemporal patterns of
manatee distribution and abundance. They did
not examine the relationship between manatee
sightings and human activities even though
earlier studies recognized that manatees must
travel through areas of high boat traffic to move
between preferential habitats. Here we present a
comprehensive assessment of the data collected
during all of the aerial surveys conducted since
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
1992 and a depiction of long-term trends in the
spatiotemporal distribution and abundance of
manatees in Guatemala. Priority areas, or areas
of particular importance for conservation, for
the species were identified including the pres-
ence of calves, a determination of whether they
are using protected areas, and the co-occur-
rence of manatee sightings and human activi-
ties. The results fill a critical gap in knowledge
to ensure that the protection of this endangered
species is based on a foundation of the most
inclusive data available.
Study area: The study area included the
entire Atlantic Coast of Guatemala, located
along the state of Izabal (Fig. 1.1). It is bordered
Fig. 1. (1) Location of the study area along the Atlantic Coast of Guatemala including (2) important geographical points,
(3) protected areas, (4) survey sections, and location of (5) manatee sightings and (6) calf sightings between 1992 and 2022.
Protected areas evaluated: A) Refugio de Vida Silvestre Bocas del Polochic, B) Parque Nacional Río Dulce, C) Refugio de Vida
Silvestre Punta de Manabique, and D) Área de Usos Múltiples Río Sarstún.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
to the north by the Caribbean Sea and to
the east by the Gulf of Honduras. The study
area encompasses distinctive aquatic ecosys-
tems. Lago de Izabal is the largest freshwater
lake in Guatemala (area = 717 km2; Fig. 1.2).
It connects to the Gulf of Honduras in the
Caribbean Sea by Río Dulce. It has an average
depth of 12 m and a maximum depth of 18 m
(Arrivillaga, 2002). The southwestern part of
the lake includes the protected area “Refugio de
Vida Silvestre Bocas del Polochic” (Bocas del
Polochic, Fig. 1.1). This RAMSAR site is a wet-
land of great ecological importance, providing
food for more than 250 species of birds, both
resident and migratory (Fundación Defensores
de la Naturaleza, 1997). Midway between the
lake and the sea is Río Dulce, a tidal river that
broadens into a large and shallow area (4.5 m
depth) known as El Golfete (Brinson et al.,
1974). Both Río Dulce and El Golfete are part
of a protected area called “Parque Nacional
Río Dulce” (Fig. 1.3), which has terrestrial and
aquatic zones (CONAP, 2005).
The Atlantic Coast forms a semi-enclosed
bay called Bahia de Amatique. This bay includes
a complex ecosystem of coastal lagoons, marsh-
es, and swamps influenced by tides and the Río
Dulce-El Golfete riverine systems. It is part of
the protected area “Refugio de Vida Silvestre
Punta de Manabique” (Punta de Manabique), a
RAMSAR site located in the Gulf of Honduras
(Fig. 1.3). Punta de Manabique is one of the
most important ecosystems in the country as
it is composed of multiple marine, coastal, and
terrestrial areas (Yañez-Arancibia et al., 1999).
Río Sarstún is another important site, locat-
ed on the borderline between Guatemala and
Belize. Two protected areas are partially located
within this basin, the “Área de Usos Múltiples
Río Sarstún, a RAMSAR site, located in Guate-
mala, and the Sarstoon-Temash National Park
located in Belize (Fundación para el Ecodesar-
rollo y la Conservación [FUNDAECO], 2005)
(Fig. 1.3).
Survey methods: Standardized aerial sur-
veys were selected as an efficient and cost-effec-
tive method to collect data on the distribution
and number of manatees (Reynolds et al.,
2012). In 1992, April 2005, and 2022, aerial
surveys were conducted by two observers who
sat on each side of the aircraft and maintained
their position throughout the survey. The 1992
surveys covered the center of Lago de Izabal,
although since manatees were never sighted
there, this portion of the lake was not included
in the analysis or future surveys. The May 2005,
2006-2011, and 2014, surveys involved three
observers. Two observers sat in the rear seats,
while a pilot and another observer sat in the
front seats. The front observer (EQR) was the
more experienced, participated in all surveys,
and was responsible for confirming total mana-
tee numbers. Each observer scanned an area
approximately 400 m wide (Olivera-Gomez &
Mellink, 2002, 2005). Surveys were conducted
parallel to the coast at altitudes of 150 to 200
m and at an average airspeed of 160 km/h from
a Cessna 337 or Aero Commander (1992), or
a Cessna 335 and Cessna 206 (2005-2022). A
GPS continuously recorded the survey path
during each survey.
The study area was divided into four sec-
tions: Lake Izabal, El Golfete, Livingston-Río
Sarstún, and Livingston-Río Motagua (Fig. 1.4).
A survey of the entire study area generally took
a day, however in cases of unfavorable weather
conditions some surveys were conducted over
two days. A given section of the survey area
was fully surveyed on the same day. Each sight-
ing was considered to be independent because
it was impossible to determine whether the
manatees moved to different sections of the
survey area on different days. When manatees
were sighted, the aircraft circled to obtain the
most accurate count (number of individuals)
possible (Lefebvre & Kochman, 1991). Mana-
tees within close proximity of one another
and displaying similar behavior were grouped
as one sighting. For each sighting, individuals
were classified as adults or calves. Calves were
defined as smaller animals up to 1/3 of the adult
size (Hartman, 1979) and closely associated
with a larger manatee (Irvine, 1982; Reynolds
& Wilcox, 1994). One or more manatees were
considered a group (Morales-Vela et al., 2000).
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Observers recorded the number of manatees
(calves and non-calves) and the location of each
sighting. For each section of the survey area,
environmental conditions such as the percent-
age of cloud cover and water surface conditions
were estimated and recorded by the observers.
To ensure that visibility was acceptable for effi-
cient spotting of manatees, surveys were con-
ducted only when sustained winds were < 10
knots and surface conditions scored ≤ 3 on the
Beaufort wind scale.
Data analysis: The data were divided into
two sets based on the available survey effort
(e.g., total kilometers) at the time of the analy-
sis. Data with no survey effort (DNS) included
surveys conducted in 1992 and April 2005.
Data with survey effort (DWS) included sur-
veys conducted from May 2005 on.
Manatee groups: size, calf presence, and
sighting distance from shore. Group size across
years were examined using a two-tailed Krus-
kal–Wallis test, and multiple Mann-Whitney U
post hoc tests were used to compare differences
between years. The 2-tailed statistical tests were
conducted using the SPSS package
(2021) at a significance level of 0.05. The per-
centage of groups with calves inside and outside
of protected areas was reported as descriptive
statistics (mean ± standard error). Distance of
manatee sightings and calf sightings from shore
were calculated in ArcGis Pro 3.0.0.
Spatial distribution: two metrics were
used to quantify the spatial distribution of
manatees and identify priority areas: (1) a
hotspot analysis, and (2) Kernel density esti-
mation (Roberts et al., 2020). The first metric
allows the use of DWS data as sightings per unit
effort, and therefore, the evaluation of sections
with uneven coverage. Thus, statistically, a pri-
ority area was defined by this study as one that
was identified as either a “hot spot” or “cold
spot, which are areas of statistically significant
spatial clustering (see Hotspot analysis), or an
area where the manatee density is more than
85 % of the estimated density in a given year
(see Kernel density analysis).
A Hotspot analysis tests for statistically
significant spatial clustering using the Getis-
Ord Gi* statistic (Getis & Ord, 1992), which
determines the spatial clustering of grid cell
values that are higher (hot spot) or lower (cold
spot) than is expected by random distribution.
The study area was divided into 4 km x 4 km
grid cells resulting in 246 cells. A 4 km width
was chosen because it covered the survey flight
path, the meandering sections of the study
area, and the mouths of large and medium
rivers flowing into the coastline (also referred
to as secondary rivers). Medium and large riv-
ers were defined based on the contribution of
their streams as >10 to 100 m3/s and > 100 to
500 m3/s, respectively (Spillman et al., 2000).
Within each grid cell, the total number of man-
atees and the total length of survey tracks were
calculated. If no sightings occurred in a grid cell
that was surveyed, the grid cell was attributed a
value of zero, but the cell was considered part
of the survey effort. A spatial map was created
at three levels of confidence (99 %, 95 %, and
90 %), and all clusters that were within the 90 %
confidence level were considered hot spots or
cold spots.
The second metric used was the Kernel
density estimation to identify core activity areas.
This nonparametric method estimates density
curves, where each observation is weighted by
the distance from a central value or core, also
named kernel, generating a smoothed surface
that describes a likely distribution at a given
time (Worton, 1989). The analysis allows the
use of data regardless of effort (e.g., both DNS
and DWS), and thus, the examination of tem-
poral patterns across the 8 years of surveys. A
buffer with a 4 km extension over the coastline
was created to include river mouths and delimit
the analysis boundaries. The 4 km extension
is of a similar size to one side of the grid cells
used in the Hotspot analysis. Predicted density
rasters were generated using a cell size of 1 km2.
All spatial analyses were conducted using Arc-
Gis Pro 3.0.0.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Relationship between sightings, coastline
features, and human activities: A Spearman
rank correlation analysis tested for signifi-
cant correlations between human activities,
coastline features such as rivers, and manatee
numbers per segment (Alves et al., 2013) in
the study area and in each protected area.
This correlation analysis was chosen due to
the non-linear nature of relationships and the
non-normality and heteroscedasticity of most
distributions (Alves et al., 2013). The coastline
was divided into 4 km segments for a total of
122 segments. For each analysis and segment,
the occurrences of five ecological and human
parameters were examined: (1) manatee num-
bers, (2) fishing activity (fishing nets), (3) tour-
ism activity (transiting motorboats, kayaks), (4)
commercial traffic (merchant or cargo ships),
and (5) rivers. Fishing activity was recorded
during the 2006-2008 and 2010 surveys, and
tourism activities were recorded during the
2006-2011 surveys by the left rear observer.
Since the final sample size of the commercial
traffic parameters was small and confined to
a specific area, we only reported descriptive
statistics. The fifth parameter was based on
cartographic and bibliographic analyses and it
included the presence of large/medium size riv-
ers in each segment. These are secondary rivers
as sections of the coast such as El Golfete and
Río Sarstún are part of the main rivers. Thus,
for the correlation between manatees and riv-
ers, one protected area was excluded from the
analysis (Area de Usos Múltiples Río Sarstún)
because no secondary rivers flow into the por-
tion of the main river (Río Sarstún) that was
surveyed. All analyses were performed using
SPSS package (2021) at a significance
level of 0.05.
Manatee abundance: Abundance was mea-
sured as density (Krebs, 2014) or the number of
manatees per square kilometer to account for
incomplete surveys (e.g., the entire study area
was not surveyed but individual surveyed sec-
tions were fully covered) and an unequal num-
ber of surveys per section. Periods of circling
were excluded from this and all other analytical
calculations. DWS data were used to examine
manatee abundance across years, survey sec-
tions, and protected areas using a non-paramet-
ric Kruskal-Wallis test. Years with incomplete
coverage (e.g., 2010 and 2022) of the study
area were excluded from this analysis. Multiple
Mann-Whitney U post hoc tests were used to
compare differences in abundance using the
SPSS package (2021) at a significance
level of 0.05. Boundaries of the protected areas
were extracted from the World Database of
Protected Areas (United Nations Environment
Programme World Conservation Monitoring
Centre & International Union for Conservation
of Nature [UNEP-WCMC & IUCN], 2021).
Distribution of sightings: A total of 293
sightings were recorded between 1992 and
2022. This included 518 manatees, 476 adults
(92 %) and 42 calves (8 %) (Table 1). Of the 293
sightings, 17 % included groups with calves.
Further, 61 sightings were part of the DNS
data and 232 sightings were part of the DWS
data. Manatees were most frequently observed
as solitary individuals (63 %), but a group of
12 individuals was sighted on one occasion.
This large group included a calf. Calves were
typically sighted in groups of 3 ± 0.30 (stan-
dard error) while the mean group size for all
manatees, regardless of age class, was 2 ± 0.09
(Fig. 2). Significant differences in group size
were found among years (H = 18.02, d.f. = 8,
p = 0.02). Group size was smaller in 2005 than
in 2007, 2014 (p < 0.05); it was also smaller in
2006 than in 2007 and 2014 (p < 0.05). How-
ever, group size was not significantly different
between 2005 and 2006, and among all other
years (p > 0.05).
Analysis of sighting distribution from
shore showed that manatees were most fre-
quently sighted at distances ranging from 0.02
km to 2.6 km from the coast. Survey areas are
depicted in Figure 1.3. Manatees were most fre-
quently sighted at distances ranging from 0.02
km to 2.6 km from the coast. The mean and
median distances from shore were 6.5 km and
5 km, respectively, followed by a continuous
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
decrease in the sighting frequency toward open
waters (Fig. 2).
Spatial distribution: Manatees were sight-
ed throughout the study area, but they were
unevenly distributed (Fig. 1.3, Fig. 1.4). Most
manatee and calf sightings occurred inside
protected areas (60 % and 68 %, respectively).
Half of the groups with calves were observed in
Bocas del Polochic, but in the overall Lago de
Izabal, 82 % of groups with calves were sighted.
No calves were observed in the coastal waters
from Rio Sarstun to Rio Motagua.
A series of priority areas were identi-
fied and all occurred inside protected areas.
This included three hot spots or areas of high
clustering and two cold spots or areas of low
clustering (Fig. 3). A hot spot was detected in
the protected area Punta de Manabique while
a large cold spot and two large hot spots were
detected in Lago de Izabal (Fig. 3). In Lago
de Izabal, one of the hot spots overlapped by
approximately 1.5 km2 with the protected area
Bocas del Polochic. This protected area also
overlapped with the cold spot by more than 50
km2. A small cold sport was identified in the
north side of Parque Nacional Río Dulce in El
Golfete. No hot or cold spots were identified in
other protected areas.
The location, number, and extension of
predicted core activity areas for manatees var-
ied across years (Fig. 4). However, some general
patterns emerged. Lago de Izabal is a priority
area for manatees as one or more core activity
areas were detected there in each of the nine
years of surveys. Within the lake, the southern
corner, which covers the entire aquatic zone
of Bocas del Polochic and Punta Chapin, was
Table 1
Total number of manatees (including adults and calves) sighted per month, protected area, and survey section between 1992
and 2014 along the Atlantic coast of Guatemala.
Year Month
No. of manatees
in study area No. of manatees in protected areas No. of manatees
in survey sections
Total Adults Calves RVSBP PNRD AUMRS RVSPM 1234
1992 January 15 13 2 8 1 0 0 14 1 0 0
March 28 24 4 19 0 0 0 21 0 7 0
April 15 13 2 7 4 2 1 7 4 2 2
May 15 15 0 3 2 0 1 3 2 0 10
2005 April 39 36 3 14 6 0 6 22 6 2 9
May 49 43 6 15 2 0 8 35 2 2 10
2006 July 27 26 1 21 4 0 NS 21 4 2 NS
October 53 48 5 8 7 0 10 25 7 6 15
2007 January 52 48 4 13 6 0 7 39 6 0 7
March 38 35 3 5 7 2 20 8 7 2 21
2008 February 40 39 1 11 12 0 NS 28 12 0 NS
2010 May 26 23 3 26 NS PC PC 26 NS PC PC
2011 March 52 48 4 14 7 1 5 40 3 7 2
2014 May 45 43 2 4 7 0 10 20 14 1 10
2022 August 24 22 2 1 5 NS NS 19 5 NS NS
Total 518 476 42 169 70 5 68 328 76 31 86
Range 12-53 12-48 0-6 4-26 0-7 0-2 0-10 3-40 0-14 0-7 0-21
Percentage 100% 92% 8% 54% 22% 2% 22% 63% 14% 6% 17%
PC = poor conditions, NS = no surveyed. RVSBP = Refugio de Vida Silvestre Bocas del Polochic, PNRD = Parque Nacional
Río Dulce, RVSPM = Refugio de Vida Silvestre Punta de Manabique, and AUMRS = Área de Usos Múltiples Río Sarstún.
Survey sections: (1) Lago de Izabal, (2) El Golfete, (3) Livingston-Río Sarstún, and (4). Livingston-Río Motagua.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
consistently identified as a core activity area,
although this pattern shifted to the northern
shoreline of the lake in 2014 and continued
in 2022 (Fig. 4). Another core activity area
was detected inside Punta de Manabique, near
Bahia La Graciosa. In Parque Nacional Río
Dulce, a core activity area was identified but
only in half of the nine years of surveys (Fig. 4).
Correlations of coastal features and
human activities: For the entire study area, the
Spearman rank correlation analysis identified
significant correlations between manatees and
ecological and human parameters (Table 2). The
first and highest positive significant correlation
was found between manatees and rivers (rs =
0.67, p < 0.01). A similar significant correla-
tion was detected in the inshore protected areas
(Bocas del Polochic and Parque Nacional Río
Dulce) with the highest correlation (rs = 1.00)
being between manatees and rivers of a pro-
tected area (Bocas del Polochic). Additionally,
Fig. 2. Frequency distribution of group sizes of manatees and their distance from shore in Guatemala.
Table 2
Spearman correlation (rs) between numbers of manatees, selected coastal features, and human activities in the study area and
individual protected areas.
Parameters Study area Protected Areas
Coastal features (rivers) rs = 0.67, p < 0.01* rs = 0.99, p < 0.01* rs = 0.52, p < 0.01* NA rs = -0.07, p = 0.75
Fishing nets rs = 0.04, p = 0.40 rs = -0.06, p = 0.54 rs = 0.27, p < 0.05 NA NA
Tourism activity
Motorboats rs = 0.07, p < 0.05* rs = 0.19, p < 0.05* rs = 0.19, p < 0.05* rs = -0.15, p = 0.59 rs = 0.14, p = 0.15
Kayaks rs = -0.40, p = 0.26 rs = 0.06, p = 0.48 rs = -0.15, p = 0.87 rs = -0.31, p = 0.26 rs = -0.06, p = 0.54
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Fig. 3. Hotspots and cold spots of manatees based on sightings per unit effort. Additional details of the study area are shown
in Figure 1.
Fig. 4. Interannual variation in core activity areas of manatees in Guatemala between 1992 and 2022 using Kernel estimates.
Each section of the study area was surveyed except in 2008 (no survey: Livingston-Río Motagua), 2010 (no survey: El Golfete;
poor weather conditions: Livingston-Río Motagua, Livingston-Río Sarstún), and 2022 (no survey: Livingston-Río Motagua,
Livingston-Río Sarstún).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
manatee sightings were weakly positively corre-
lated with the presence of motorboats (p < 0.01)
in these two protected areas and with fishing
gear (p < 0.05) in Parque Nacional Rio Dulce
(Table 2). No other correlations were found for
the entire study area or in the protected areas.
Commercial traffic in the form of mer-
chant or cargo ships was only observed in the
Livingston-Río Motagua section. Within this
section, the commercial traffic happened near
the Santo Tomas de Castilla port where 10
cargo ships were observed during surveys. A
total of eight manatees were sighted in this area.
Manatee abundance: Manatee abundance
was estimated for the entire study area, each
surveyed section, and each protected area.
For a given survey, the mean abundance was
0.10 ± 0.01 manatees/km2 (range = 0.05 – 0.26
manatees/km2) and the overall mean calf abun-
dance was 0.01 ± 0.002 manatees/km2 (range =
0.00 – 0.03 calves/km2). No annual significant
differences in manatee abundance were found
among 2015 (May), 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, and
2014 (H = 0.82, d.f. = 6, p = 0.99) or the years
with complete surveys of the study area.
Manatee abundance was significantly dif-
ferent among sections surveyed and among
protected areas (p < 0.01). In the first case, no
statistical difference in manatee abundance was
found between Lago de Izabal and Livings-
ton – Río Motagua (U = 9.28, p = 0.06). Mean
abundance was 0.18 ± 0.02 manatees/km2 in
Lago de Izabal and 0.10 ± 0.02 manatees/km2
in Livingston – Río Motagua (Fig. 5). However,
manatee abundance was significantly different
between Lago de Izabal and El Golfete (U =
12.20, p = 0.006) and between Lago de Izabal
and Río Sarstún (U = 15.20, p < 0.001). Further,
manatee abundance was not statistically differ-
ent among El Golfete and the two more coastal
sections (Livingston – Río Sarstún, Livingston –
Río Motagua; p > 0.05). In these three sections,
mean abundance varied between 0.06 and 0.10
manatees/km2 (Fig. 5).
In the case of the protected areas, Bocas del
Polochic (Lago de Izabal) had the highest man-
atee abundance (1.52 ± 0.03 manatees/km2) of
all protected areas (p < 0.05; Fig. 5). Manatee
abundance was not statistically different among
the other three protected areas (p > 0.10).
This study comprises the largest effort to
quantify and correlate the distribution of mana-
tees along the Atlantic coast of Guatemala,
yielding important insights into the local status
of the species. Our results show that manatees
were nonuniformly distributed along the sur-
veyed area with most sightings being recorded
in protected areas (60 %).
Spatiotemporal distribution and priority
areas: Our results agree with other studies that
found that manatees tend to be located in areas
near freshwater sources (Alvarez-Alemán et al.,
2017; Castelblanco-Martínez et al., 2018; Fave-
ro et al., 2020; Lefebvre et al., 2001; Marsh et
al., 2001; Olivera-Gomez et al., 2022; Powell &
Rathbun, 1984; Rathbun et al., 1990), with shal-
low waters (Hartman, 1979; Olivera-Gomez &
Mellink, 2005), close to shore (Olivera-Gomez
& Mellink, 2005), where aquatic vegetation
(Arrivillaga & Baltz, 1999; Poll, 1983; Yañez-
Arancibia et al., 1999) known to be part of
the species diet (Allen et al., 2018; Alves et al.,
2013; Hurst & Beck, 1988) exists, and where
there is minimum motorboat traffic and little
to no coastal human development. Priority
areas were identified in the southern corner of
Lago de Izabal, from Punta Chapin to Bocas
del Polochic, and the innermost corner of
Punta de Manabique (Bahia de Amatique). The
southern corner of Lago de Izabal has been an
important area for manatees for nearly 30 years
(Machuca-Coronado & Quintana-Rizzo, 2011,
Machuca-Coronado & Quintana-Rizzo, 2014;
Quintana-Rizzo, 1992), although a shift in
manatee distribution occurred in 2014. Within
the southern corner, manatees clustered in
small groups (1-2 manatees) in the northern
section and in large groups (up to 8 manatees)
in the southern section (Punta Chapin). A high
percentage of sightings that included calves was
also reported there (50 %) and in coastal waters
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
of the lake (82 %). This distribution may reflect
habitat requirements specific to this social unit
or demographic group (Gannon et al., 2007).
The southern corner of the lake is probably
the most protected section for manatees of Lago
de Izabal and the entire Atlantic coast, but the
area is not free of human activities and inter-
actions. Illegal gillnets of up to 4 km long are
commonly sighted there (H. A. Garcia personal
communication). An orphaned manatee was
entangled in one of those nets in 2014. The calf
was rescued from the net but died after a failed
rehabilitation attempt (Machuca-Coronado &
Quintana-Rizzo, 2014). Further, changes in
land use and development have altered anthro-
pogenic nutrient inputs resulting in an increase
of raw sewage, strip mining flow, and agricul-
tural fertilizers into the lake (Obrist-Farner
et al., 2019). This has negatively impacted the
water quality and overall health of the ecosys-
tem. In the southern corner, water quality was
classified as medium and good based on the
National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality
Index (a 100-point scale from excellent, good,
medium, bad, to very bad; Aguirre Cordón et
al., 2006). The lake has also started to undergo
cultural eutrophication, which contributes to
frequent harmful algal blooms, the proliferation
Fig. 5. Relative abundance of manatees for years 2005-2022 with survey effort of the entire study area, each section, and
protected areas in Guatemala. Note: * = only one section was completed; thus, mean was not calculated, ** = no aerial surveys
were conducted. RVSBP = Refugio de Vida Silvestre Bocas del Polochic, PNRD = Parque Nacional Río Dulce, RVSPM =
Refugio de Vida Silvestre Punta de Manabique, and AVMRS = Área de Usos Múltiples Río Sarstún.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
of invasive species such as Hydrilla verticillata,
and a decline in fish abundance (Obrist-Farner
et al., 2019). Additionally, predictive models
indicate that the temperature of the coastal
surface waters will increase by 2 – 5 °C by
2100 and that this will be a biological stressor
that could alter or harm the aquatic ecosystem
(Marchese, 2015).
The 2014 shift in manatee distribution
could have been caused by multiple factors.
Since manatees are considered sentinel species
of the overall health of the ecosystem (Bonde et
al., 2004; Bossart, 2011), distributional changes
could be used as early warnings about current
or potential negative impacts on individual-lev-
el and population-level animal health; Bossart,
2011). Those warnings could help identify
environmental stressors that could ultimately
affect human health associated with the oceans
(Bossart, 2011). The fact that a similar pattern
was observed in 2022 suggests that the change
in manatee distribution is permanent, and
future studies will help to determine this. A
multispecies approach could be useful in this
case since other species like macroinvertebrates
are also biological indicators of an aquatic eco-
system in stress (Roldán-Pérez et al., 2016).
Protected areas do not appear to be equally
important for manatees as indicated by differ-
ences in the number, location, and temporal
presence of priority areas. For example, the
innermost section of Punta de Manabique is a
priority area but its extension and persistence
varied over time. No priority areas were iden-
tified in Área de Usos Múltiples Río Sarstún
while they were only detected in some years
in Parque Nacional Río Dulce. There is a high
presence of human activities in the former.
The demand for land leases in mangrove areas
has increased considerably in Parque Nacional
Río Dulce, which saw the construction of large
tourist complexes (Arrivillaga, 2003). Parque
Nacional Río Dulce is one of two coastal areas
in the entire country where the transforma-
tion of mangrove areas by coastal develop-
ment and tourist infrastructure is more evident
(Arrivillaga, 2003). Notably, we recorded the
highest number of motorboats (64 %) and
kayaks (68 %) there along the entire Atlantic
coast. Manatees that use this area must navigate
through a busy intersection of fast-moving ves-
sels, kayaks, and fishing gear. They appear to
stay within the coastal waters as suggested by
their high proportion of sightings (80 %) within
a kilometer from the coast. Females with calves
must pay attention in this busy environment for
the safety of the calf, and few appear to remain
there as suggested by the small percentage of
calf sightings (6 %) in this protected area.
Manatee abundance including calf pres-
ence: Our manatee abundance estimates are
within the lower confidence limit of abundance
estimates reported in 1992 (Quintana-Rizzo,
1993). Nevertheless, early abundance estimates
were calculated based on Schaeffer et al. (1986)
and thus, differences in analytical procedures
could account for the observed differences.
New population modeling techniques based
on aerial survey data could provide more reli-
able population estimates (e.g., Martin et al.,
2015). However, those models require different
collection protocols than the ones used in this
survey, and observers that are trained in those
protocols. A preliminary survey was conducted
in this way, and there are plans to apply one of
those models to the results.
Mean manatee abundance was comparable
to that reported in other parts of Mesoamerica
including Bahia de Chetumal, although the
study was conducted at a different time of the
year (Morales-Vela & Olivera-Gómez, 1994).
The overall percentage of calf sightings (12 %)
and number of calves sighted (8 %) were also
comparable to other parts of Mesoamerica
(Callejas-Jiménez, 2021; Edwards et al., 2014;
Morales-Vela et al., 2000) and the Caribbean
(Alvarez-Alemán et al., 2017).
Mean manatee abundance was not signifi-
cantly different from 2005 to 2014. This repre-
sents approximately 10 years of relative stability,
which is significant for a small population of
an endangered species. Yet at least 20 mana-
tees died around the same time (2003-2016;
Machuca-Coronado & Corona Figueroa, 2019)
representing 13 % of a minimum population
14 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
of 150 manatees (Quintana-Rizzo & Reyn-
olds, 2010). This begs the question of how the
population could appear to remain stable at this
mortality rate, which is likely underestimated.
Possible explanations include that the popula-
tion is higher than 150 manatees or that the
survey methodology does not account for the
re-sighting of individual animals (i.e., one indi-
vidual could be sighted twice in the same sur-
vey). Alternatively, or in conjunction with this,
there could be an influx of manatees moving to
and from neighboring countries such as Belize,
which has the largest manatee population of
Antillean manatees in the Caribbean (Morales-
Vela et al., 2000; O’Shea & Salisbury, 1991), and
Honduras. This influx could counterbalance
the effects of mortality. However, this assumes
that mortality remains at a sustainable rate,
which is unclear. Better population estimates
and record keeping of mortality events are
needed to understand the dynamics of the Gua-
temalan manatee population.
Conservation and management: The
identification of priority areas for manatees
should be used to better focus management
efforts in the future. This level of information
is needed to design and evaluate the effective-
ness of protected areas for the conservation of
the species. Manatee protection needs to be
strengthened by ensuring that priority areas
and critical resources (e.g., freshwater sources,
feeding areas) are given special management
consideration. It is urgent that the impact of
human activities, such as those caused by the
cultural eutrophication of Lago de Izabal, are
minimized, and controlled. Similar actions are
needed to minimize the use of fishing nets in
protected areas. Motorboat speed restrictions
need to be implemented to increase safety
for manatees traveling through and between
protected areas, considering the movement
of animals between the inshore waters of the
lake and the marine environment. This 150
km (round-trip) movement is well within the
species capabilities since manatees can con-
duct 600-km+ round-trip migrations (Deutsch
& Barlas, 2016). Manatee movements among
different parts of the coastline highlight the
importance of connectivity between protected
areas. The most effective conservation and
management actions require a comprehensive
understanding of animal movement patterns
and habitat selection as depicted by this study.
Ethical statement: The authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is no
conflict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
Author Contribution: E.Q.R conceived
the original idea for this manuscript. E.Q.R,
O.H.M.C, and H.A.G. expanded and agreed on
the details of the publication. All authors col-
lected data and helped secure funding for aerial
surveys and related field work. E.Q.R. (lead)
and O.H.M.C. processed and analyzed the data.
E.Q.R. lead the manuscript writing with contri-
butions to drafting, critical review, and editorial
input from O.H.M.C. and H.A.G.
The study was conducted under the
research permit 042/2010 approved by the
Guatemalan Government National Council for
Protected Areas (CONAP). We would like to
thank the many agencies that provided different
types of funding and/or support (chronological
order from oldest to newest): Shell Exploration
Guatemala; Y. Fustukjian Memorial Scholar-
ship, University of South Florida to EQR; Ligh-
Hawk; CONAP; European Union and Comitato
Internationale Per Lo Sviluppo dei Popoli; Fun-
dación para el Ecodesarrollo y la Conservación;
Aviones Comerciales; Fundacion Defensores
de la Naturaleza; Fondo Nacional para la Con-
servación de la Naturaleza; and Clearwater
Marine Aquarium. Gerrit Hartman and Jose
Miguel Giron provided geographical informa-
tion system assistance. Sarah Leiter provided
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57273, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
helpful comments that improved the quality
of the manuscript. Jorge Cardona and Nicole
Auil helped to collect data during the 1992
and 2005 (May) aerial surveys, respectively.
Claudia Romero, Diana Ramirez, and Franklin
Herrera participated in an aerial survey. Many
people helped with field logistics including
Hans Droege, Michelle Gangaware, Charles
(Chuck) Schroll, George Simchuk, Alejandro
Berthet, Gerardo Poitevan, Enrique Escalante,
and Diana Ramirez. This work is dedicated to
the Antillean manatee.
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