Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57274, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Characteristics and spatial identification of Antillean manatee (Trichechus
manatus manatus Sirenia: Trichechidae) strandings in Guatemala
Oscar Machuca-Coronado1*, 2 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9413-914X
Ester Quintana-Rizzo3, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8957-0506
Tannia Sandoval4, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4951-100X
M. Fabiola Corona-Figueroa5, 6, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2227-2974
Heidy Amely Garcia1, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2392-6768
1. Fundación Defensores de la Naturaleza, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala; machuca.oscarhugo@gmail.com
(Correspondence*); hgarcia@defensores.org.gt
2. Asociación Guatemalteca de Mastozoólogos, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala; machuca.oscarhugo@gmail.com
3. Emmanuel College, Department of Biology, Boston Massachusetts, USA; tetequintana@comcast.net
4. Consejo Nacional de Áreas Protegidas, Izabal, Guatemala; tanniavs28@gmail.com
5. Centro de Datos para la Conservación, Centro de Estudios Conservacionistas, Universidad de San Carlos de
Guatemala, Guatemala; fabioco112@gmail.com
6. El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, Departamento de Sistemática y Ecología Acuática, Quintana Roo, México;
Received 26-VIII-2023. Corrected 25-I-2023. Accepted 11-IV-2023.
Introduction: Marine mammal strandings can be used to determine the impacts of anthropogenic activity on
the species survival, population health, and levels of environmental pollution in ecosystems. In addition, these
data can help design conservation and management strategies as well as identify priority areas for the species.
The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) is listed as endangered throughout its range. In Guatemala, it
is distributed along the Caribbean coast. Anthropogenic activities appear to be having a direct pressure on the
species, affecting the status of the population.
Objective: The general purpose of this study was to analyze the 30 years of documented manatee stranding
reports available for Guatemala. Two specific objectives were defined to: 1) conduct a spatial analysis of manatee
strandings to identify the areas of high stranding concentration, and 2) determine whether there were sex differ-
ences in the number of strandings.
Methods: Characteristics and areas of concentration of manatee strandings were described along the Caribbean
coast between 1992 to 2022. Sites with the highest probable density of strandings were identified using a Kernel
density analysis. We compared the number of stranding events that occurred in each protected area that included
manatees in their management plans and each municipality of Izabal. We determined whether there were sex dif-
ferences in the number of stranded manatees. We use the potential biological removal to estimate the maximum
number of manatees that can be removed from the population due to anthropogenic causes without negatively
impacting species survival.
Results: Forty-three manatee stranding events were recorded throughout the species’ range in Guatemala (48
total individuals). The sites with the highest predicted density of strandings were Santo Tomás de Castilla bay,
followed by Lake Izabal (including the limits of the Refugio de Vida Silvestre Bocas del Polochic) and Parque
Nacional Río Dulce. The majority of the cases were registered in protected areas (60 %). Estimates of potential
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57274, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Understanding animal strandings helps
attain information about endangered aquatic
species that are hard to see on the surface.
Stranding data provides critical information on
the species’ life history, population health, envi-
ronmental contamination levels, and general
impacts of anthropogenic activities on mari-
ne ecosystems (National Oceanographic and
Atmospheric Administration [NOAA], 2019).
It is one of the primary sources of evidence
biological removal were equivalent to less than one manatee per year, which was exceeded by the annual average
of stranded manatees recorded (three manatees).
Conclusions: Anthropogenic activities cause mortality of manatees in this region, despite the implementation of
protected areas. Poaching was identified as the main cause of manatee mortality in Guatemala. The implementa-
tion of management strategies focused on minimizing threats to the species, based on the application of environ-
mental legislation and environmental awareness, is essential. The creation and implementation of a protocol for
the stranding of marine mammals on the Caribbean coast of Guatemala is necessary, in order to obtain standard-
ized records of these events and conduct rescue efforts and releases when possible.
Key words: marine mammals; mortality; conservation; poaching; protected areas.
Características e identificación espacial de los varamientos del manatí antillano
(Trichechus manatus Sirenia: Trichechidae) en Guatemala
Introducción. Los registros sobre varamientos de mamíferos marinos pueden utilizarse para determinar los
impactos de la actividad antropogénica en la sobrevivencia de la especie, la salud de las poblaciones y los niveles
de contaminación ambiental en los ecosistemas. Además, estos datos pueden utilizarse para diseñar nuevas estra-
tegias de conservación y manejo en las áreas prioritarias para la especie. El manatí antillano (Trichechus manatus
manatus) está catalogado en peligro de extinción en todo su rango de distribución. En Guatemala, se distribuye
a lo largo de toda la costa caribeña. Las actividades antropogénicas están ejerciendo una presión directa sobre la
especie, afectando el estado de las poblaciones.
Objetivos. El objetivo general de este estudio fue analizar 30 años de información sobre los eventos de varamiento
de manatíes en Guatemala. Dos objetivos específicos fueron definidos: 1) realizar un análisis espacial sobre las
áreas con mayor concentración y densidad de varamientos de manatíes, y 2) determinar diferencias en el número
de manatíes varados con base en datos sobre el sexo.
Métodos. Se describieron las características y áreas de concentración de varamientos de manatíes registrados
de 1992 a 2022, en la costa caribeña. Se identificaron los sitios con mayor densidad probable de varamientos
utilizando el análisis sobre densidad de Kernel. Se comparó el número de eventos de varamientos ocurridos en
cada área protegida y municipio de Izabal donde se distribuye la especie. Se determinaron diferencias en la edad,
sexo, y causa de muerte en los varamientos. Además, se utilizó la eliminación biológica potencial para estimar
el número máximo de manatíes que pueden ser removidos de la población debido a causas antropogénicas, sin
afectar negativamente la supervivencia de la especie.
Resultados. Se registraron 43 eventos de varamiento de manatíes en todo el rango de distribución de la especie
en Guatemala (48 individuos en total). Los sitios con mayor densidad prevista de varamientos fueron en la Bahía
Santo Tomás de Castilla, seguido del Lago de Izabal (incluyendo los límites del Refugio de Vida Silvestre Bocas
del Polochic) y el Parque Nacional Río Dulce. La mayoría de los eventos se registraron en áreas protegidas (60
%). Las estimaciones sobre la eliminación biológica potencial fueron equivalentes a menos de un manatí por año,
sobrepasando la media anual de manatíes varados (tres manatíes).
Conclusiones. Las actividades antropogénicas causan mortalidad en los manatíes distribuidos en la región, a
pesar de la creación de áreas protegidas. La cacería ilegal fue identificada como la principal causa de muerte de los
manatíes en Guatemala. Es fundamental la implementación de estrategias de manejo enfocadas en minimizar las
amenazas hacia la especie, teniendo como base la aplicación de la legislación y conciencia ambiental. Es necesario
crear e implementar un protocolo de varamiento de mamíferos marinos en la costa caribeña de Guatemala, para
obtener registros estandarizados sobre este tipo de eventos y realizar rescates y liberaciones cuando sea posible.
Palabras clave: mamíferos marinos; mortalidad; conservación; cacería ilegal; áreas protegidas.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57274, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
regarding the effect of human activities such
as vessel strikes and fishery interactions
on aquatic mammals (Van der Hoop et al.,
2013). The data is also extremely valuable for
informing management and policy decisions
(Geraci et al, 2005).
Spatial analysis of stranding data can be
helpful for recognizing patterns. For example,
identifying areas with a high concentration of
strandings can depict the interaction between
a species and human activities if strandings
occur in areas of high vessel traffic (Bedriñana-
Romano et al., 2021). Spatial patterns can also
help enhance surveillance and monitoring pro-
grams and predict carcass deposition during
mortality events (Norman, 2008). This is extre-
mely important in the case of endangered spe-
cies, where the death of one individual could
significantly impact the populations health
(Onens et al., 2022).
The Antillean manatee (Trichechus mana-
tus manatus) is one of the subspecies of the
West Indian manatee, and it is classified as
endangered throughout its range (Diario de
Centro América [DCA], 2021; Quintana-Rizzo
& Reynolds, 2010; Self-Sullivan & Mignucci-
Giannoni, 2008). Manatee hunting is prohibited
by the Presidential Agreement of 1981 (DCA,
1981), which is still in effect. Further, Article 80
of the General Law on Fisheries and Aquacultu-
re prohibits the intentional capture or hunting
of threatened or endangered marine mammals
(Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Ali-
mentación, 2002).
Poaching has significantly reduced diffe-
rent manatee populations throughout their
distribution, including those in Central Ame-
rica (Machuca-Coronado & Corona-Figueroa,
2019; Ruiz Valladares et al., 2008). Interestingly,
in this region, Belize has the largest population
of Antillean manatees, estimated to be around
1 000 individuals (O’Shea & Salisbury, 1991;
Quintana-Rizzo & Reynolds, 2010), while the
neighboring country of Guatemala has only
approximately 150 manatees (Quintana-Rizzo
& Reynolds, 2010). Although Guatemala has a
small coastline, an average of 50 manatees were
sighted per survey of the entire Atlantic coast
during aerial surveys conducted between 1992
and 2014 (Quintana-Rizzo, 1993, Quintana-
Rizzo, 2005; Quintana-Rizzo & Machuca-Coro-
nado, 2008; Quintana-Rizzo et al., 2023).
There are anthropogenic activities that
have put direct pressure on manatees. In Gua-
temala, the recognized threats are poaching
for meat consumption, bycatch, entrapment
and hooking in fishing gear, vessel collisions,
and habitat deterioration and contamination
(Herrera et al., 2004; Machuca-Coronado &
Corona-Figueroa, 2019). Despite efforts to
address cases of local manatee strandings,
quantified information and an analysis of how
each threat affects the manatee population
are scarce or nonexistent. Thus, the general
purpose of this study was to analyze the 30
years of documented manatee stranding reports
available for Guatemala. The specific objectives
were to: 1) conduct a spatial analysis of manatee
strandings to identify the areas of high stran-
ding concentration and 2) determine whether
there were sex differences in the number of
strandings. The information was used to eva-
luate the role of protected areas in conserving
the species. We also used the potential biologi-
cal removal (PBR) approach to determine if the
level of human-caused mortality in the manatee
population could be sustained while allowing
the population to recover. The PBR approach
is suited to data-poor situations (Punt et al.,
2020). The study results are expected to stren-
gthen the management of protected areas and
bring attention to cases of stranded manatees.
The evidence can be used to promote the crea-
tion of an aquatic mammal stranding network
and to help regulate anthropogenic activities in
the Caribbean of Guatemala.
Study area: The study area included the
state of Izabal, which encompasses the distri-
bution area of the Antillean manatee in Gua-
temala. The state is bordered on the north by
the Caribbean Sea, and on the east by the Gulf
of Honduras (Arrivillaga & Baltz, 1999; Ixquiac
et al., 2008). It includes five municipalities: El
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57274, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Estor, Livingston, Morales, Los Amates, and
Puerto Barrios (Fig. 1). Izabal has remnants
of warm subtropical and very humid tropical
forest, wetland areas, mangrove forests, estua-
ries with patches of submerged vegetation,
secondary forests, areas of intensive agricul-
tural cultivation (e.g., oil palm, cattle pastu-
res, banana, pineapple, cardamom, etc.), urban
centers, beaches, and port areas (Suárez, 2011;
Yáñez-Arancibia et al., 1999).
There are four designated protected areas
within the study area, which include manatees
as a conservation element of their management
plans (Machuca-Coronado & Corona-Figue-
roa, 2019). Those protected areas are: (1)
Refugio de Vida Silvestre Bocas del Polochic
(RVSBP; total area 207.60 km2: 143.60 km2
terrestrial and 64.00 km2 aquatic zones; Fun-
dación Defensores de la Naturaleza [FDN],
2003), (2) Parque Nacional Río Dulce (PNRD;
total area 165.90 km2: 93.92 km2 terrestrial and
71.98 km2 aquatic zones; Consejo Nacional de
Áreas Protegidas [CONAP], 2019), (3) Área de
Uso Múltiple Río Sarstún (AUMRS; total area
475.82 km2: 437.93 km2 terrestrial and 37.89
km2 aquatic zones; Fundación para el Eco-
desarrollo y la Conservación [FUNDAECO],
2009), and (4) Refugio de Vida Silvestre Punta
de Manabique (RVSPM; total area 1,519 km2:
492.89 km2 terrestrial and 1,025.89 km2 marine
zones; Fundación Mario Dary Rivera [FUN-
DARY] et al., 2006) (Fig. 1).
Manatee stranding records: Information
on live and dead manatee stranding events
was compiled in two ways. First, we obtai-
ned records documented by the government
(CONAP) and non-government (FDN and
FUNDAECO) organizations in Izabal. Second,
we obtained data on manatee strandings in
national museum collections, and grey lite-
rature (e.g., unpublished reports, newspaper
articles, theses, and social media). Stranding
records were stored in a database that included
the following data points: year of the stranding,
stranding location, geographical coordinates
(when available), name of the organization
or person who made the report, manatee sex,
manatee age class, cause of death if known
(poaching, bycatch, boat impact), and whether
the stranding occurred within a protected area.
In some cases, it was impossible to record
all of these data points, due to the degree of
decomposition of the carcasses or due to lack
of record by the stranding response personnel.
Data compiled in technical reports generated
by CONAP and non-government organiza-
tions were considered “verified.” The data was
classified as “unverifiable” when obtained from
unofficial sources or non-technical reports
(e.g., communication with fishermen or tour
operators). Boundaries of the protected areas
were extracted from the World Database of
Protected Areas (United Nations Environment
Programme World Conservation Monitoring
Centre & International Union for Conservation
of Nature [UNEP-WCMC & IUCN], 2021).
Data analysis: Descriptive statistics (ave-
rage and standard deviation) were used for
stranding events that occurred over the years
inside protected areas and municipalities. Per-
centages of manatee strandings based on sex,
age class, and cause of death were calculated. To
determine whether there were sex differences
in the number of stranded manatees, we used
a chi-square test in R statistical software (R
Core Team, 2021). The spatial analysis inclu-
ded two components. First, to assess whether
there are concentrated areas where strandings
occur, a Kernel density plot was created, which
estimated the probability density function of a
stranding along the coast. The Kernel density
analysis was performed using a raster with cells
of 1 km2 size on the minimum convex polygon
(MCP) using ArcGIS Pro 3.0.0. The MCP is
the smallest possible convex polygon encom-
passing all the known locations of manatee
strandings (Hayne, 1949). Spatial Kernel den-
sity is a non-parametric method that measures
the local spatial clustering of a point pattern,
visualized by a continuous estimated surface
density layer distributed through and between
all points (Worton, 1989). Second, we com-
pared the concentration of stranded manatees
and the number of stranding events between
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57274, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Fig. 1. (1) Study area and general overview of the region. Location of Trichechus manatus manatus stranding events between
1992 and 2022 along the Caribbean coast of Guatemala, including (2) protected areas and (3) municipalities. Protected
areas are A) Refugio de Vida Silvestre Bocas del Polochic (RVSBP), B) Parque Nacional Río Dulce (PNRD), C) Área de Uso
Múltiple Río Sarstún (AUMRS); and D) Refugio de Vida Silvestre Punta de Manabique (RVSPM).
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57274, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
protected areas and between municipalities, by
using a chi-square test in R statistical software
(R Core Team, 2021).
We used the potential biological remo-
val (PBR) to estimate the maximum num-
ber of animals that could be removed from
the Guatemalan manatee population (due to
anthropogenic mortality) without affecting the
optimal population size (Wade, 1998). The U.S.
Marine Mammal Protection Act developed the
PBR statistic for managing the impacts of fis-
hing on marine mammal populations. PBR is
calculated as:
Nmin × 1/2Rmax × Fr
Where Nmin is the estimate of the mini-
mum population size of the stock, 1/2Rmax is
one-half the maximum theoretical or estimated
rate of population growth, and Fr is the reco-
very factor which is selected depending on the
species conservation status (lower values for
poorer conservation status) and varies from
0.1 to 1 (Wade, 1998). To calculate the PBR for
the Guatemalan population, we used the most
recent population estimate of 150 manatees
(Quintana-Rizzo & Reynolds, 2010). Additio-
nally, a PBR for 70 % and 40 % of this popula-
tion were calculated since those percentages are
within the range of older population estimates
(Quintana-Rizzo, 1993). We used the minimum
(0.04) and maximum (0.08) growth rates pre-
viously described or suggested for West Indian
manatees (Marsh et al., 2011; National Marine
Fisheries Service [NMFS], 2016; Runge et al.,
2004) after Galves et al. (2022). A Fr equal to 0.1
was used because this is the value expected for
endangered species or stocks that are declining
(Taylor et al., 2000; Wade, 1998).
A total of 48 manatee individuals were
recorded in 43 stranding events from 1992 to
July 2022 (Table 1; = 1.07, SD = 0.33). Of the
48 manatees, 96 % (N = 46) were dead animals
and only two were live animals (4 %, all female
orphan calves). The age group was determined
for 46 manatees; 61 % were adult manatees (n
= 28), 26 % calves (N = 12), and 13 % juveniles
(N = 6). Sex was determined for 24 manatees
(50 %). No significant difference was found
in the percentage of male and female manatee
strandings (χ2 = 0.050, d.f. = 1, p = 0.818).
Cause of death was determined in 65 % of the
stranded manatees (N = 30), due to the degree
of decomposition of the carcasses or lack of
record in some cases. Poaching was the main
cause of mortality (70 %, N = 21), followed by
entanglement in fishing gear (hereafter referred
to as bycatch) (17 %, N = 5) and boat collisions
(13 %, N = 4; Fig. 2). Entanglement in fishing
nets was recorded in six separate events. Of
these events, three were recorded in the RVSBP
(two dead adult manatees and one live calf),
two in the PNRD (two dead manatee calves),
and one in Lake Izabal (one dead adult mana-
tee). The highest number of stranding events
were reported in 2015 and 2020, with a total of
6 stranded manatees each year (Fig. 3). Since
Guatemala has not implemented a protocol for
marine mammal stranding, there were no stan-
dardized records of stranding. Consequently,
there were no recorded reports of manatee
stranding events during the following years;
1993-2002, 2006, 2010, 2012, and 2017 (Fig. 3).
Stranding events were recorded throug-
hout the distribution range of manatees in
Guatemala (Fig. 1). The Kernel analysis showed
that the highest predicted density of strandings
occurred in the Santo Tomás de Castilla bay
and surrounding waters. The second highest
predicted stranding density was the southern
corner of Lake Izabal including the limits of the
protected area RVSBP, and a third, less dense
area, was in the southern section of the protec-
ted area PNRD (Fig. 4).
Of the 43 stranding events, 65 % (N = 28)
occurred inside protected areas (AUMRS: =
1.33, SD = 0.58; PNRD: = 1.00; SD = 0.00;
RVSBP: = 1.00; SD = 0.00; RVSPM: = 1.00;
SD = 0.00) involving 29 individual manatees.
In protected areas, no statistically significant
differences were found among the number
of stranding events (χ2 = 3.43, d.f. = 3, p =
0.330) and the number of manatees stranded
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57274, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Table 1
Chronological records of Trichechus manatus manatus strandings in Guatemala from 1992 to 2022. Date is reported as year,
month, and day when available.
Date No. manatees Age class /sex Municipality Protected area* Cause of stranding
1992/03/01 1 NA/NA Livingston PNRD Boat impact
2003 1 Adult/NA Livingston PNRD Unverifiable
2004 1 Adult/NA El Estor Bycatch
2004 1 Juvenile/NA El Estor Poaching
2005/05/25 1 Adult/NA Puerto Barrios RVSPM Poaching
2005/06/18 1 Juvenile/male Livingston PNRD Unverifiable
2005/09/20 1 Adult/NA El Estor Poaching
2005/10/20 1 Juvenile/NA El Estor RVSBP Poaching
2007/05/10 1 Adult/female El Estor RVSBP Bycatch
2007/12/05 1 Calf /male El Estor RVSBP Unverifiable
2008 2 Adults/NA Livingston AUMRS Poaching
2008/07/12 1 Calf/female El Estor RVSBP Orphan
2008/08/11 1 Adult/NA Livingston Poaching
2009/06/08 1 Calf/NA El Estor RVSBP Poaching
2009/06/10 1 Adult/female El Estor RVSBP Poaching
2009/07/20 1 Adult/NA El Estor Poaching
2009/10/01 1 Adult/NA El Estor RVSBP Unverifiable
2011/07/01 1 Calf /male Livingston PNRD Boat impact
2013 1 NA/NA El Estor Poaching
2013/01/23 1 Adult/NA El Estor RVSBP Bycatch
2013/08/09 1 Juvenile/female Puerto Barrios RVSPM Unverifiable
2014/05/05 1 Calf/NA Los Amates Unverifiable
2015/04/06 1 Adult/female Livingston AUMRS Poaching
2015/07/01 5 1 adult/female
3 adults/NA
1 calf/NA
Puerto Barrios Poaching
2016/06/01 1 Adult/NA El Estor Unverifiable
2016/07/24 1 Adult/NA Puerto Barrios RVSPM Poaching
2018/07/19 1 Adult/female Livingston AUMRS Poaching
2018/07/31 1 Adult/female Puerto Barrios RVSPM Poaching
2019/10/13 1 Adult/male El Estor Unverifiable
2020 1 Calf/NA Puerto Barrios RVSPM Unverifiable
2020/02/15 1 Adult/male Livingston PNRD Boat impact
2020/02/27 1 Juvenile/male El Estor Unverifiable
2020/05/06 1 Adult/male Puerto Barrios Unverifiable
2020/05/13 1 Juvenile/male El Estor RVSBP Unverifiable
2020/06/14 1 Calf/NA Livingston PNRD Bycatch
2021/07/21 1 Calf/female Livingston Orphan
2021/11/13 1 Calf/male Puerto Barrios RVSPM Unverifiable
2021/12/09 1 Adult/NA Livingston PNRD Poaching
2022/02/04 1 Adult/male Los Amates Unverifiable
2022/04/29 1 Calf/male Livingston PNRD Unverifiable
2022/05/05 1 Calf/male Livingston PNRD Bycatch
2022/07/12 1 Adult/male Puerto Barrios Boat impact
2022/07/14 1 Adult/male Puerto Barrios RVSPM Unverifiable
NA = Not available. * PNRD (Parque Nacional Río Dulce); RVSPM (Refugio de Vida Silvestre Punta de Manabique); RVSBP
(Refugio de Vida Silvestre Bocas del Polochic); AUMRS (Área de Uso Múltiple Río Sarstún).
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57274, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
2 = 0.231, d.f. = 3, p = 0.510). Regardless of
location, the stranding events of two protected
areas combined included the highest propor-
tion of the strandings in the study area (42 %).
Those protected areas were RVSBP and PNRD
(stranding events in each: 21 %, N = 9; stranded
manatees N = 9).
In municipalities, significant differences
were found in the number of stranding events
(X2 = 11.7910, d.f. = 3, p = 0.0081) and the
number of manatees stranded (χ2 = 11.50, d.f. =
3, p = 0.009) among them. The highest number
of stranding events were recorded in El Estor
(39 %, N = 17; = 1.00; SD = 0.00), followed by
Livingston (33 %, N = 14; = 1.07; SD = 0.27),
Puerto Barrios (23 %, N = 10; = 1.17, SD =
0.58), and Los Amates (5 %, N = 2; = 1.00,
SD = 0.00). The percentage of stranded mana-
tees in each municipality was 35 % (N = 17)
in El Estor, 31 % (N = 15) in Livingston, 29 %
Fig. 2. Trichechus manatus manatus strandings based on age class, sex, and cause of mortality for each municipality and
protected area on the Caribbean coast of Guatemala.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57274, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
(N = 14) in Puerto Barrios and 4 % (N = 2) in
Los Amates (Fig. 2).
The mean annual verified mortality for
years with reported sightings was three mana-
tees, with three yearly events directly resulting
from anthropogenic causes. The estimated PBR
for a population of 150 manatees is 0.6 if the
growth rate is 0.08 and 0.3 if the growth rate
is 0.04. The PBR decreases for smaller popu-
lations of manatees (Table 2). Therefore, in all
cases, the PBR was equivalent to one manatee.
This PBR was exceeded in each reported year.
This study compiles data on manatee
strandings over 30 years throughout the species
distribution range in Guatemala. It represents
the country’s most extensive and complete
summary of manatee strandings. The results
show that a significant number of strandings
occurred in particular areas of the coast, inclu-
ding protected areas, and that a large percenta-
ge of the strandings involved the poaching of
adult males.
Fig. 3. Number of Trichechus manatus manatus strandings (live and dead) and number of individuals per sex identified from
1992 to July 2022. * = years with no stranding reports.
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57274, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Predicted density of stranded manatees.
The predicted density of stranded manatees
was highest in Santo Tomás de Castilla bay and
surrounding waters, as well as in the southern
corner of Lake Izabal. In both locations, mana-
tee carcasses with harpoons or wounds on the
body consistent with hunting processes were
recorded. Poaching was the leading cause of
death in these places (> 55 % of stranded
manatees). These areas are in close proximity
to municipal markets where there is evidence
of an illegal market for manatee meat (Ruiz
Valladares et al., 2008). In Santo Tomás de
Castilla bay, the Kernel density area of high
concentration of stranded manatees (0.019 to
0.030 manatees/km2) included the clustering of
nine manatees that were part of five stranding
events. Two events involved the poaching of
six manatees, including a calf. The other cau-
ses of mortality were unverifiable. In this bay,
groups of manatees are commonly observed
(T. Sandoval, pers. obs.), possibly due to the
presence of aquatic vegetation and seagrass
patches (Arrivillaga & Baltz, 1999; Ixquiac et
al., 2008; MacDonald, 2011; Yáñez-Arancibia
et al., 1999). However, Santo Tomás de Castilla
bay is a vulnerable area for manatees due to the
commercial vessel traffic of port Santo Tomás
de Castilla. This medium-sized commercial
port is located in the southwestern part of the
Fig. 4. Predicted Kernel density of stranded Trichechus manatus manatus along the Caribbean coast of Guatemala.
Table 2
Potential biological removal for the population of Trichechus
manatus manatus in Guatemala using both maximum
(0.08) and minimum (0.04) estimated growth rates based
on Marsh et al. (2011), NMFS (2016), and Runge et al.
Population size
Potential Biological Removal
Growth rate = 0.08 Growth rate = 0.04
60 0.24 0.12
105 0.40 0.21
150 0.60 0.42
* Based on (Quintana-Rizzo, 1993; Quintana-Rizzo &
Reynolds, 2010).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57274, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
bay. The vessel traffic in this area includes oil/
chemical tankers, container ships, bulk carriers,
general cargo, and crude oil tankers. Vessels as
large as 244 m have entered the bay and port
(Marine Traffic, 2022).
The other area with a high predicted stran-
ding density of manatees was the southern
corner of Lake Izabal, including the area within
the limits of a protected area (RVSBP). Kernel
density analysis projected strandings in the cen-
ter of Lake Izabal. However, only one stranding
was recorded at approximately 6.5 km from
the coast, and it could be a case of a carcass
transported by currents to the deep waters of
the lake. All other stranding events were within
1.5 km from shore. In the southern corner of
Lake Izabal, 37% (N = 16) of the total stranding
events were recorded, representing the highest
concentration of strandings in the entire cou-
ntry. This is worrisome as RVSBP has been
identified as a priority area for the manatees in
Guatemala (Quintana-Rizzo, 1993, Quintana-
Rizzo, 2005; Quintana-Rizzo & Machuca-Coro-
nado, 2008; Quintana-Rizzo et al., 2023), and
poaching was the leading cause of death within
this protected area (60 %, N = 3), followed by
bycatch (40 %, N = 5). Since the sex of most
of the manatees poached is unknown (N = 11,
52 %), there is no clear evidence of a sex-bias
in manatee poaching. However, in another
study, some hunters recognized that female
manatee meat is softer and has a better flavor
(Del Valle, 2002).
The highest mortality cases involved adults
(eight out of 15 identified by age-class) and
males (five out of eight identified by sex). Simi-
lar sex- and age-biased poaching mortality has
been observed in other wildlife populations
(Archie & Chiyo, 2012; Ginsberg & Milner-
Gulland, 1994; Jones et al., 2018). From a
demographic standpoint, age- and sex-biased
poaching mortality is expected to bear fitness
consequences in a population (Ginsberg &
Milner-Gulland, 1994). The PBR suggests that
this mortality is indeed having an effect on the
Guatemalan manatee population. Furthermore,
removing adult individuals from a population
could lead to a more significant reproductive
investment by young adults, with potentially
detrimental consequences on their overall sur-
vival (Ginsberg & Milner-Gulland, 1994). In
Guatemala, poaching continues to be a signifi-
cant challenge in spite of the fact that manatees
are protected by the Fisheries and Aquaculture
law, Decreto 80-2002, which declares that it is
illegal to hunt any endangered marine mammal
and that the fine for breaking this law is high for
the socio-economic status of the average person
living in Izabal (approximately USD $1 055.00
– USD $10 555.00). However, effective law
enforcement is problematic and generates con-
flict between the authorities and residents as
there are no alternatives for the sustainable use
of natural resources.
Protected areas, management,
and conservation.
Although protected areas have manage-
ment plans and the legal basis to protect mana-
tees and natural resources, more than half of
the cases of strandings were reported within
those areas (N = 28; 65 %). All types of morta-
lity were identified, but poaching was again the
leading cause of mortality. Eleven cases of poa-
ching were registered in all four protected areas
combined. Further, bycatch was identified in
RVSBP and PNRD, but mortality due to motor-
boat collisions was only reported in PNRD.
This protected area is one of the sites with the
highest tourism records in the country (Ins-
tituto Guatemalteco de Turismo [INGUAT],
2015). Watercraft collisions are among the
leading causes of anthropogenic mortality for
manatees in other habitats in Florida (Lightsey
et al., 2006), Puerto Rico (Mignucci-Giannoni
et al., 2000), and Belize (Galves et al., 2022). In
Guatemala, studies have shown that manatee
sightings are (weakly) positively correlated with
the presence of motorboats (Quintana et al.,
2023) in PNRD, suggesting the probability of
vessel collisions exists.
The variety and number of stranding cases
inside different protected areas demonstrate
that management strategies and actions have
not been sufficient for species protection. There
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57274, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
is no surveillance within the protected areas to
prevent poaching. Protected areas managers
have not proven effective at preventing poa-
ching or other threats to biological diversity. In
addition, it is necessary to regulate the speed of
boats within protected areas to avoid collisions
with manatees. Although there is no national
legislation that supports the implementation of
navigational regulations, in each municipality,
the authorities must disclose to motorboat users
the current navigation guidelines. For example,
the PNRD Management Plan stipulates naviga-
tion at speeds between 9 and 18 km/h (CONAP,
2019). This aspect is important, because in this
protected area, mortality related to boats was
recorded. Indeed, the shallow, narrow waters
and interconnected channels of PNRD requi-
re high regulation (Corona-Figueroa, 2012).
Evidence shows that speed restrictions reduce
manatee deaths (Calleson & Frohlich, 2007;
Laist & Shaw, 2006).
Municipalities, management,
and conservation.
Poaching was the leading cause of manatee
death in the municipalities of Puerto Barrios, El
Estor, and Livingston. In these municipalities, it
is known that manatee poaching has occurred
for at least 20 years (Del Valle, 2001; Machuca-
Coronado & Corona-Figueroa, 2019). Groups
of hunters have been identified moving along
the coast to areas with manatee presence (inclu-
ding inside protected areas). Hunters from
Livingston and Puerto Barrios have even been
reported to travel to Belizean territory, where
hunting is also illegal. In the 1990s, there were
reports of manatee poaching in Belize that
appeared to be the result of poaching from
Guatemala and possibly Honduras (E. Quin-
tana-Rizzo pers. obs.). In August-September
1995, at least 35 manatee carcasses were found
in the Port Honduras area, Belize, in what
appeared to be a butchering site. Manatee skulls
had deep cut marks, and evidence suggests
they were shot, harpooned, or chased until
exhausted (Bonde & Potter, 1995). A year later,
a second report of poaching was documented
south of Port Honduras, where another nine
manatees were found dead (Morales-Vela et al.,
2000). In Guatemala, manatee meat is illegally
sold in the main municipal markets at a lower
price than other types of meat (Quintana-Rizzo
& Reynolds, 2010; Ruiz Valladares et al., 2008).
In this study, reports of manatee entan-
glement in fishing gear occurred inside and
outside protected areas. The use of trawl nets
in large-scale commercial fishing (nets > 4
km in length) is common in the municipali-
ties of El Estor and Livingston, even though
this type of fishing is prohibited in inner or
continental waters (Ministerio de Agricultura,
Ganadería y Alimentación, 2002). Large fis-
hing nets interrupt the movement of manatees,
mainly at the mouth of rivers; they also reduce
the available habitat for the species (Machu-
ca-Coronado & Corona-Figueroa, 2019; Ruiz
Valladares et al., 2008).
Differences in the number of reported
stranding events in each municipality are
likely related to the presence of government
(CONAP) and non-governmental organiza-
tions co-managing protected areas in the diffe-
rent municipalities. Those organizations have
taken the lead in reporting and documenting
manatee strandings. In the case of El Estor,
since 2007, FDN established a protocol to
record manatee stranding data in collaboration
with community members, fishers, and boat
captains. This collaboration was fundamental
in implementing the procedures, mainly in the
notification of cases and location of manatee
carcasses (Quintana-Rizzo & Machuca-Coro-
nado, 2008), some of which are part of this
study. These actions represent the first efforts
toward the establishment and implementation
of a stranding protocol for marine mammals in
Izabal (Quintana-Rizzo & Machuca-Coronado,
2008); however, implementation has slowed
down in recent years. In Livingston and Puerto
Barrios, the presence of CONAP is funda-
mental to registering and confirming manatee
stranding cases. Since 2010, systematic reports
of each manatee stranding have been produ-
ced. In Los Amates, the number of stranding
records is lower than in other municipalities;
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57274, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
this could be because the government authori-
ties of this municipality have not implemented
a stranding protocol in their work plans.
Sex and age class.
Most stranding records include dead mana-
tees, and only two cases of live manatees were
recorded, both corresponding to female orphan
calves (Machuca-Coronado & Quintana-Rizzo,
2014; Quintana-Rizzo et al., 2008; T. Sandoval
personal communication July 21, 2021). Calf
strandings could be related to the poaching of
the corresponding mothers. Manatee hunters
are known to focus on adults (Ruiz Valladares
et al., 2008); however, they take the opportunity
to hunt calves when they are in the company
of their mother (Ruiz Valladares et al., 2008).
Poaching targeted to this demographic group
can directly affect the populations stability.
Females have low reproductive rates since they
do not reach sexual maturity until 3-years of
age and produce an average of one calf every
two to four years, which means that the growth
of manatee populations is significantly slow
(Hartman, 1979; Powell, 2002; Quintana-Rizzo
& Reynolds, 2010).
Stranding records were biased towards
adult males; 63 % of the stranding events
corresponded to this demographic group. Male
manatees are vulnerable because they spend
more time moving around than females and
calves (Quintana-Rizzo & Reynolds, 2010).
This behavior pattern may increase their expo-
sure to different threats. In fact, 75 % (N = 3)
of the registered cases of boat collisions corres-
pond to male manatees. However, the relation-
ship between strandings and demographics is
likely underestimated because sex and cause
of death determination were only possible in
50 % (N = 24) and 36 % (N = 16) of events,
Potential biological removal.
PBR has been used to calculate the spe-
cies-specific level below which human-induced
mortality must be reduced for species survi-
val (Marsh et al., 2004). If the anthropogenic
mortalities are less than the PBR, then a deple-
ted population should recover given sufficient
time (Williams et al., 2016). Our PBR estimates
were equivalent to less than one manatee per
year, which is lower than the annual avera-
ge number of stranded manatees recorded in
Guatemala over the past thirty years. As such,
anthropogenic activities affect the local mana-
tee population, although long-term studies on
population dynamics are needed to understand
the gravity of their impact.
Conservation and future
The success of conservation relies on key
factors, including the collection of scientific
data to understand species threats, the develo-
pment of stakeholder partnerships to address
potential threats, consistent enforcement of
regulations to protect the species, and equally
on public adherence to protection programs.
The lack of any one of these factors makes
conservation efforts more challenging and less
efficient. In Guatemala, there is a great need
to increase awareness of the threats facing
manatees and their habitat at all levels, and the
enforcement of laws is critical. Poaching was
identified as one of the main threats affecting
the local manatee population more than 30
years ago (Lefebvre et al., 1989; Quintana-
Rizzo, 1993), and this study shows that the
threat continues to be significant. If manatees
are to survive in Guatemala, developing a stra-
tegic plan to significantly reduce human-related
mortalities is crucial to their conservation and
proper management.
There is also a great need to develop and
implement a protocol for manatee strandings.
This includes performing necropsies and taking
samples of biological material. The existing
marine mammal stranding protocol for the
Guatemalan Pacific coast (WWF, 2018) could
serve as a starting point, but a protocol specifi-
cally focused on manatees must be included. In
addition, a marine mammal stranding network
needs to be established in the Caribbean area,
together with training sessions for technicians,
14 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57274, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
park rangers, and key local people. Finally, a
reduction in anthropogenic mortality of mana-
tees can be accomplished through education
and proactive management and training of the
park rangers and other stakeholders, together
with a conservation plan that includes law
enforcement, mortality assessment, scien-
tific research, and stakeholder involvement
and cooperation.
Ethical statement: The authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is
no conflict of interest of any kind; and that we
followed all pertinent ethical and legal proce-
dures and requirements. All financial sources
are fully and clearly stated in the acknowled-
gments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
Author contribution: O.H.M.C. and
E.Q.R. created the original idea for this manus-
cript, and H.A.G. expanded the details of the
publication. O.H.M.C. and E.Q.R. analyzed
the data. O.H.M.C., E.Q.R. and M.F.C.F pre-
pared the initial draft of the document. All
authors collected data, edited and revised the
manuscript, and approved the final version of
the document.
We thank all the entities, technical staff,
park rangers, fishers, and community mem-
bers who oversaw the search for the stran-
ded manatees and recorded information in
each event. We appreciate Franklin Herreras
contribution to promoting the initiation of
records and attention to manatee strandings
in Guatemala. A special thanks to CONAP,
FDN, FUNDAECO, Autoridad para el Manejo
Sustentable de la Cuenca Hidrográfica del Lago
de Izabal y Río Dulce, and everyone who shared
the information that was used to prepare this
document. We also thank CONAP, FDN, FUN-
DAECO, Naturaceites S.A., and Fundación Pro-
tectora de Animales en Vías de Extinción, for
their participation in the rescue process of two
stranded manatee calves in 2008 and 2021. We
thank all the people who make efforts focused
on the conservation and management of the
species in Guatemala. Finally, we thank the
anonymous reviewers for carefully reading our
manuscript and for their insightful comments
and suggestions.
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