Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57281, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
First song description of the humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae
(Balaenopteridae: Artiodactyla), breeding off Nicaragua
Joelle De Weerdt1, 2*; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4054-6609
Divna Djokic3, 4; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6454-255X
Renata S. Sousa-Lima3, 4; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2638-1695
Federica Pace5; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8788-5427
1. Association ELI-S, Education, Liberté, Indépendance - Scientifique, Allée de Verdalle 39, 33470 Gujan-Mestras,
France; eliscientific@gmail.com (Correspondance*)
2. Marine Biology, Ecology and Biodiversity, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
3. Graduate Program of Psychobiology and Behavior, Biosciences Center, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte,
Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, divna.divna@yahoo.com
4. Laboratory of Bioacoustics, Department of Physiology and Behavior, Biosciences Centre, Universidade Federal do Rio
Grande do Norte, Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, sousalima.renata@gmail.com
5. JASCO Applied Sciences (Deutschland) GmbH., Schwentinental, Germany; federica.pace@jasco.com
Received 02-VIII-2022. Corrected 04-IV-2023. Accepted 07-VI-2023.
Introduction: Humpback whales belonging to the Central American (CA) Distinct Population Segment breed off
the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. Knowledge on this endangered population and its conservation status is limited.
Objective: The aim of this study is to provide the first description of the CA humpback whale song off Nicaragua,
which helps further understanding on the populations dynamics.
Methods: Acoustic recordings of songs were obtained during dedicated boat-based surveys at two locations on
the Pacific coast of Nicaragua in 2018. Recordings were made from the boat using a portable system for a total
of 23 hours and 56 minutes over 32 days from January to April 2018. A total of nine recordings of high enough
quality for the song analysis were identified during this period from three different days at Padre Ramos (PR)
(northern site) and four different days at San Juan del Sur (southern site). Song structure was described using
standard humpback whale song elements, i.e. themes, phrases, and units.
Results: A total of seven themes, seven phrases, and 19 unit types were identified. Three of the themes were
common and frequently repeated in a song cycle while the others were less common in the repertoire and were
recorded only during the middle of the season. Song theme order was variable, both within and across song
Conclusions: This study provides the first song description of humpback whales along the Pacific coast of
Nicaragua. Comparison of these songs with other datasets from the CA population and other breeding areas in
the Northern Hemisphere could help understand the migratory patterns of these animals and the level of con-
nectivity among populations since song can be socially learnt. Future data collection of humpback whale song
recordings in Nicaragua is necessary to gain further understanding on the song structure variation within this
population and the mechanisms of song transmission and dynamics across populations in the region.
Key words: Acoustics; Central America; Song structure; North Pacific; Reproduction.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57281, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
The humpback whale, Megaptera novaean-
gliae (Borowski, 1781) is known for its seasonal
migration between breeding and feeding areas.
There are 14 recognized Distinct Population
Segments (DPS), of which seven located in the
North Pacific, and amongst which the Central
America DPS (Bettridge et al., 2015), the focus
of this study. The Central America whales (here-
after CA whales) migrate to Central America
between January and April, from their feeding
areas on the West coast of the United States
(Calambokidis et al., 1997; Calambokidis et al.,
2000; De Weerdt et al., 2022). The waters off
Nicaragua are considered important breeding
habitats for CA whales with Padre Ramos being
used mainly by mother-calf pairs, and San Juan
del Sur mainly by adult whales (De Weerdt et
al., 2022). CA whales are listed as endangered
according to the National Marine Fisheries Ser-
vice (NMFS) and little information is available
on their ecology (Bettridge et al., 2015).
Humpback whale males produce structured
and complex songs (Payne & McVay, 1971), and
while singing activity occurs extensively during
the breeding season, it has also been described
along migration corridors and on feeding areas
(Kowarski et al., 2022; McSweeney et al., 1989;
Schall et al., 2022). Humpback whale songs are
used as a parameter to study individual move-
ments and population dynamics (Cerchio et
al., 2001; Cholewiak & Cerchio, 2022; Darling,
Goodwin, et al., 2019; Darling & Sousa-Lima,
2005). Males from the same population con-
form to similar songs, which evolve through the
season. This evolution partially happens by the
error accumulation of singers. Accumulation of
changes, the sharing of such changes and cul-
ture are determined by the social interactions
between singers (Garland et al., 2022).
Because only males are known to sing
(Cholewiak & Cerchio, 2022; Darling & Bérubé,
2001; Darling et al., 1983), their songs are
thought to be a male precopulatory display
Primera descripción del canto de las ballenas jorobadas, Megaptera novaeangliae
(Balaenopteridae: Artiodactyla) que se reproducen en Nicaragua
Introducción: La ballena jorobada del segmento poblacional Centroamericano se reproduce en la costa Pacífica
de Nicaragua. El conocimiento sobre la biología y estado de conservación de esta población amenazada y su
estado de conservación es limitado.
Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio es generar la primera descripción del canto de las ballenas jorobadas de la
población de Centroamérica observadas en aguas nicaragüenses.
Métodos: Se obtuvieron grabaciones acústicas durante salidas de investigación en dos localidades de la costa
Pacífica de Nicaragua en el 2018. Las grabaciones se realizaron desde el bote utilizando un sistema portátil
durante un total de 23 horas y 56 minutos en 32 días de enero hasta abril del 2018. Un total de nueve grabaciones
de suficiente calidad para el análisis de los cantos fueron identificados durante este periodo en tres días en Padre
Ramos (Norte) y cuatro días en San Juan del Sur (Sur). La estructura del canto se describió de acuerdo con los
elementos estándares de canciones de ballenas jorobadas: temas, frases y unidades.
Resultados: Se identificaron siete temas, siete frases y 19 unidades. Tres temas eran comunes y se repetían varias
veces dentro de una canción mientras que otras eran menos comunes en el repertorio de canto y se grabaron solo
en la mitad de la temporada. El orden de los temas en la canción fue variable a dentro de la canción y entre las
sesiones de canto.
Conclusiones: Este estudio representa la primera descripción del canto de las ballenas jorobadas en el Pacifico
nicaragüense. La comparación de estos cantos con los de otras localidades de la población de Centroamérica y con
otras áreas de reproducción de poblaciones en el hemisferio norte contribuirá a comprender mejor los patrones
migratorios de estos animales y el nivel de conectividad entre poblaciones desde que la canción fue aprendida. La
recolección futura de datos de cantos de ballenas jorobadas en Nicaragua es necesaria para mejorar la compren-
sión de la variación en la estructura del canto de esta población y el mecanismo de transmisión y dinámica de
canto entre poblaciones de la región.
Palabras clave: Acústica; Centroamérica; Estructura de canción; Pacifico Norte; Reproducción.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57281, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
(Dines et al., 2015) used to attract females
and/or mediate male-male interactions (Her-
man, 2017; Smith et al., 2008; Tyack & Clark,
2000). Humpback whale songs are tradition-
ally classified into themes, phrases, and units,
allowing comparisons of song elements across
geographical regions (Darling & Sousa-Lima,
2005; Payne & Payne, 1985; Payne et al., 1983)
and between populations (Cholewiak & Cer-
chio, 2022; Garland et al., 2011; Schall et al.,
2022). Within a breeding season, the song can
vary, however, males eventually conform to
the same song for their population (Herman,
2017). Songs sung by humpback whales under-
go both an evolutionary and a revolutionary
process (Owen et al., 2019). The evolutionary
process consists of song modification over time
by accumulation of small changes resulting in a
progressive change (Cerchio et al., 2001; Gar-
land et al., 2011), while revolution, or cultural
diffusion, is a rapid change whereby a novel
song appears and is adopted by the popula-
tion (Noad et al., 2000). A song can therefore
change within and between seasons in any
given population.
Humpback whale song studies can provide
valuable insights on population connectivity
and function (Garland et al., 2011; Garland et
al., 2022; Garland, Gedamke, et al., 2013).
Understanding changes in humpback whale
songs within and between seasons can help
understand migratory routes, by comparing
songs between regions. Furthermore, studying
song composition within and between seasons
can provide insights on the cultural transmis-
sion that occurs in different humpback whale
populations (Darling, Acebes, et al., 2019; Gar-
land et al., 2015; Zandberg et al., 2021). Pres-
ently, there is only one study describing songs
of CA humpbacks at their breeding ground in
2016-2017 off Caño Island, Costa Rica (Chere-
skin et al., 2019). This present study provides
additional information on the song of CA
whales breeding in Central America; until now
no description of song is available for animals
breeding in Nicaraguan waters. Recent work
comparing phrase compositions of humpback
whale songs sung between 2011 and 2013 in
Mexico, Hawaii, the Philippines and Japan
showed that mixing of population throughout
the North Pacific occurs (Darling, Acebes, et
al., 2019).
Boat based surveys took place between
January and April 2018 on two study sites along
the Nicaraguan Pacific coast: Padre Ramos,
northern Nicaragua and San Juan del Sur,
southern Nicaragua. During the surveys, an
omni-directional hydrophone (H2a Aquarian)
connected to a recorder (Tascam DR-05V2)
was deployed to determine presence/absence
of singers every 30 minutes. Whenever a singer
was detected, and if their song was audible
above the background noise, a recording was
made at a sampling rate of 92 kHz and 24 bits
resolution for as long as the song was detectable.
A total of 108 recordings (San Juan del Sur,
n = 66; Padre Ramos, n = 42) were made in
32 days of boat survey effort during the 2018
breeding season. Any recordings with multiple
audible singers and/or with low signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) were excluded from further analy-
ses. SNR was estimated by measuring NIST
Quick Signal-to-Noise ratio (Sostres Alonso &
Nuuttila, 2015) for each labeled unit in every
recording (RAVEN 1.5; (K. Lisa Yang Center
for Conservation Bioacoustics at the Cornell
Lab of Ornithology, 2022)). Recordings that
captured at least 10 minutes of a song were
selected for the analysis as humpback whale
songs are known to last on average 10-15
minutes (Cerchio et al., 2001). An additional
criterion was that the SNR of the recordings
had to be 14 dB or above. We considered a
humpback whale song as a continuous record-
ing containing at least one performance of
each theme in that moment of the season (as it
happens that themes are added or lost within
the season) (Cholewiak et al., 2013). Songs
recorded on different days were considered as
samples of distinct individuals (Warren et al.,
2020), while recordings from the same day
were assumed to be from the same individual.
Each analyzed recording contained either a
song or a song fragment (i.e., part of a song
composed of a stereotyped series of vocaliza-
tions, repeated at least once), as described in
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57281, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Kowarski et al. (2019). Whether songs were
incomplete because the animal moved away,
stopped singing or did not perform the full
song, could not be determined due to the logis-
tical constraints of the setup (e.g. boat drifting
substantially from original location). Only nine
recordings were above 10 minutes in length and
met our SNR criterion. The selected recordings
totaled 3 hours and 30 minutes for the analy-
sis. These recordings were collected on three
different days at PR and four different days at
SJDS; therefore, based on the assumption that
each day represents a new singer, an estimated
number of seven singers were recorded (Fig. 1).
Songs were manually analyzed in RAVEN
Pro by generating spectrograms, with a Fast
Fourier Transform (FTT) of 1 024 points reso-
lution, and a Hanning window (50 % overlap),
corresponding to frequency resolution of 43.1
Hz. Finer frequency resolution (2 Hz) was used
for the graphical representations presented in
this study. Following the method of Cholewiak
et al. (2013), songs were classified into themes,
phrases, and units. For the unit classification,
the following acoustic variables were consid-
ered: fundamental frequency contour, tonal
quality type (e.g. tonal or pulsed), duration
(delta time), peak, low, high, and delta fre-
quency (Malige et al., 2020). Each unit type was
assigned a unique letter (Green et al., 2011).
To test the consistency of the manual unit clas-
sification, a Random Forest Analysis (RFA) was
applied on the measured variables of the units:
low, high, Delta and peak frequencies and the
duration (Delta time). A Random Forest model
is a machine learning algorithm that combines
multiple decision trees using “bagging” to cre-
ate a final classification that averages all the
decisions. The Out Of Bag (OOB) score is a
way to validate a Random Forest model (Hastie
et al., 2009).
Phrases were assigned only after reviewing
multiple recordings to ensure consistency. The
guidelines described in Cholewiak et al. (2013)
were followed for the identification of phras-
es within the recordings. Transitional phrases
were also identified and marked as such. How-
ever, these are not included in the results to
clearly indicate the song sequence. Finally,
themes were identified and assigned a unique
color (Cholewiak et al., 2013), based on the
phrase delimitations and sequence. A total of 19
unit types were identified based on the manual
classification. The RFA of 1500 trees tested the
manual classification of units and gave an OOB
error rate of 31 %, showing duration and peak
frequency as the most important measurable
variables for unit classification. This OOB value
indicates that manual classification was robust
and reliable throughout the dataset. All unit
types were shared on both Nicaraguan sites.
The CA male whales in Nicaragua sang
songs made of seven themes represented by
different colors in Fig. 1. The themes repre-
sented by the colors light and dark green are
constituted of the repetition of phrases 4 or 3,
respectively. These phrases differed by just one
unit (j vs. n). However, since they were sung
consistently separately, they were considered
as unique themes (Fig. 1). The red and purple
themes are made up of the repetition of phrases
1 and 2 respectively. These phrases share a com-
mon subphrase made of units a and b at the
beginning of the phrase. At the start of the sea-
son, almost all themes were recorded on both
sites. However, the sequence of themes varied
between study sites (and within the season). In
January, all themes were present in San Juan del
Sur, except for the light green theme. However,
the sample size at this location is limited to a
single day of recording for January. The same
themes observed in January in San Juan del
Sur were present in Padre Ramos in February,
except for the light green theme that appeared
in Padre Ramos. Finally, the yellow and orange
themes were not encountered in March at
both sites and in April in San Juan del Sur
only. There was only one common month of
recording between sites (March), but both sites
presented the same overall number of themes.
Due to the lack of common recordings in the
same months, it is challenging to compare the
two sites.
The results of this study show a lot of
variability in theme sequences. This indicates
the 2018 Nicaragua CA song did not follow a
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57281, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
strict theme order, as described for some other
Southern hemisphere populations (Garland,
Noad, et al., 2013). The presence of common
themes at both sites suggests that a certain
level of movement of males takes place; this is
in contrast with the low level of photographic
recapture observed between sites (De Weerdt
et al., 2022). This inconsistency highlights the
need for further research to understand whale
movements in this area. To confirm if the same
song is sung on both sites at the same time,
synchronous recordings during the entire sea-
son would be needed. Gradual change of song
along the season was observed in studies on
other breeding grounds, such as Mexico and
Hawaii (Cerchio et al., 2001; Darling, Acebes, et
al., 2019). Compared to other Northern hemi-
sphere songs, this study showed a more ‘elabo-
rate’ and less organized song structure than
previously reported for the 2016-2017 breeding
season in Caño Island, Costa Rica (Chereskin
et al., 2019). No further comparison with the
song from Costa Rica could be achieved due
to the limited information presented about
individual unit characteristics and the resolu-
tion of the spectrograms. Within season com-
parison between breeding grounds would allow
to gain a better insight on the dynamics and
potential exchanges between animals in these
breeding grounds.
Fig. 1. Spectrograms of phrases identified in CA humpback whales singing off Nicaragua (hamming window, frequency
resolution: 2 Hz, frame length: 0.128 s, time step: 0.032 s); the repetition of such phrases results in the theme identified at the
top of each spectrogram. Distinct themes are represented by the colors red, yellow, orange, dark green, light green, purple and
blue. The sequence of themes per recording are presented per site at Padre Ramos: PR (north) and at San Juan del Sur: SJDS
(south) at the bottom of the figure (table) (P = Pause in whale singing; E = End of recording). A new line was started when
there was a pause in the singing in the recording that was longer than the silence between phrases. The theme sequence was
aligned (thick vertical black lines) arbitrarily to try to identify matching sequences across recordings.
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57281, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Although our dataset was rather small, a
poorly structured theme sequence could be
observed in the second half of the season; this
could be due to the mixing with other popula-
tions such as the Mexican DPS; furthermore,
error accumulation over the entire season could
be an alternative or concurrent explanation for
the observed lack of structured sequence in the
song (Mcloughlin et al., 2018; Mercado III et
al., 2005) and/or the evolution of the song as
the season progresses. In other words, whales
may be rearranging themes and introducing or
removing elements until the end of the season.
A broader dataset would be required to deter-
mine if the pattern observed in this study is rep-
resentative of the CA population in Nicaragua
or if these are idiosyncrasies from individual
singers. Interestingly, an extensive variability
in the order in which themes are sung was also
observed in some recordings from Socorro,
Mexico, in unpublished work from Smith-
Aguilar, as reported in Cholewiak et al. (2013).
The gradual replacement of the yellow and
orange themes by the more common blue
theme as the season progressed, suggests that
gradual song changes took place in the songs of
Nicaraguan whales. This process is described as
song evolution and it has been widely reported
for other humpback whale populations in both
hemispheres (Fournet et al., 2018; Garland et
al., 2011; Mercado, 2021; Payne & Payne, 1985).
The findings of this paper can be used for
future regional song comparisons with whales
from the North Pacific to assess population
connectivity. Future work should explore song
evolution and the seasonal dynamics within the
Central America population.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
Author Contributions: JDW, conceptual-
ized the study, acquired the data, and contrib-
uted to analysis interpretation, and drafted the
initial and revised versions of this manuscript.
DD, RSL, and FP contributed to data analysis
and interpretation of results, and contributed
to the drafting of the manuscript at all stages.
We wish to acknowledge all research assis-
tants that participated in data collection with
Association ELI-S. To Professor Marcelo Rivad-
eneira that assisted with the Random For-
est analysis. Financial support was received
from the Rufford Foundation, Cetacean Society
International, Fondation Yves-Rocher, and pri-
vate donors from Association ELI-S. This study
was financed in part by the Coordenação de
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior -
Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001. RSL is sup-
ported by the Brazilian research agency CNPq
through a fellowship (process 312763/2019-0)
and a grant (number 443308/2019-5). Unit clas-
sification was based on DDj PhD work financed
by CAPES (process 88882.344 054/2019-01).
This research was done under research permit
No DGPNB – IC – 011 – 2018 from MARENA.
Special thanks to Aldo Pacheco for Spanish cor-
rections in the summary.
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