Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57284, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Brydes Whale (Balaenoptera edeni brydei, Artiodactyla: Balaenopteridae)
aggregation area in the Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama
Kristin Rasmussen1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4758-5010
Daniel M. Palacios2, 3; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7069-7913
1. Panacetacea, 1554 Delaware Ave., St Paul, MN 55118, USA; panamakristin@gmail.com (*Correspondence)
2. Marine Mammal Institute, Oregon State University, Newport, OR 97365, USA; daniel.palacios@oregonstate.edu
3. Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences, Oregon State University, Newport, OR 97365, USA
Received 28-VII-2022. Corrected 23-VIII-2022. Accepted 07-II-2023.
Introduction: Even though they occur worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters, Brydes whales (Balaenoptera
edeni) are one of the most enigmatic of all the balaenopterid species. Previous research has reported the pres-
ence of Brydes whales off the Pacific coast of Panama, but little is known about their behaviors, abundance, and
distribution in these waters.
Objective: We report on an area in the Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama, where Brydes whales have regularly been
Methods: We conducted small-boat surveys for marine mammals in the Gulf of Chiriqui between 2001 and 2022,
during both the austral (26 300 km) and boreal (4 700 km) winter seasons.
Results: We made 25 sightings of 33 Brydes whales. Sightings were made in nine of the years surveyed, and most
were in the austral winter season (92 %). Most sightings were of one animal (80 %), and one sighting was of a
mother-calf-escort trio. The aggregation area appears near the Contreras Islands, where most sightings (84 %)
were made. We have photo-identified 14 individual whales using the dorsal fin. One individual has been sighted
over two years (2014 and 2015), while the remaining have been documented only once. No photographic matches
have been made to other areas.
Conclusions: The persistent use of this aggregation area could indicate it is used for foraging, and the presence
of a calf may indicate the area is also used for reproduction. The one inter-annual resight suggests this area may
be used repeatedly by some of the same animals. Further research is needed off Panama to better understand this
population of Brydes whales, its conservation status, and its relationship to the broader eastern tropical Pacific
populations. Expanding the marine protected areas in the Gulf of Chiriqui may be warranted in order to protect
this aggregation area.
Key words: Central America; baleen whales; eastern tropical Pacific; occurrence; photo-identification.
Área de Agregación de la Ballena de Bryde (Balaenoptera edeni brydei) en el Golfo de Chiriquí, Panamá
Introducción: Aunque la ballena de Bryde (Balaenoptera edeni) tiene una distribución global en aguas tropicales
y subtropicales, la especie es una de las más enigmaticas entre los balaenoptéridos. Observaciones previas han
reportado la presencia de ballenas de Bryde en la costa del Pacífico de Panamá, pero sabemos poco acerca de su
comportamiento, abundancia, y distribución en estas aguas.
Objetivo: Reportamos un área en el golfo de Chiriquí, Panamá, donde la ballena de Bryde ha sido avistada
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57284, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Brydes whales (Balaenoptera edeni Ander-
son, 1878) are one of the most enigmatic
of all the balaentopterid species, despite hav-
ing a worldwide distribution in tropical and
subtropical waters, including in the Pacific,
Atlantic, and Indian Oceans (Kato & Perrin,
2018). Much remains unclear about this spe-
cies, including its taxonomy, distribution, and
migration. Currently there are two subspe-
cies recognized; B. edeni edeni is smaller and
typically found in coastal waters, and B. edeni
brydei is larger and globally distributed (Kato
& Perrin, 2018; Kershaw et al., 2013,). Both
subspecies have been found in the Indian and
Pacific oceans, and B. edeni brydei also has
been found in the Caribbean (Luksenburg et
al., 2015). Unlike other baleen whale species,
Brydes whales do not make long annual migra-
tions between cold-water feeding areas and
warm-water breeding areas, but remain in trop-
ical and subtropical waters year-round. How-
ever, some populations have shown evidence of
large-scale movement within this range, while
others appear to be resident (Best, 2001; Kato
& Perrin, 2018; Lagerquist et al., 2017; Murase
et al., 2015). Brydes whales are considered
opportunistic feeders and can feed on small
pelagic schooling fish or zooplankton. Different
populations tend to show a preference for one
type of prey depending on geographic location
(Constantine et al., 2018; Kato & Perrin, 2018).
Between 1986 and 2005, large-scale visu-
al surveys in offshore waters of the eastern
tropical Pacific (ETP) documented Brydes
whales between 30°N and 15°S (Hamilton et
al., 2009). Additionally, an acoustic study in the
ETP between 1999 and 2001 detected Brydes
whale calls at seven different offshore sta-
tions between 12° N and 8° S (Heimlich et al.,
2005). Across the broader eastern Pacific, other
reports of Brydes whales include off southern
California (Kerosky et al., 2012; Smultea et al.,
2012), Mexico (Salvadeo et al., 2011; Tershy,
1992; Viloria- Gómora et al., 2021), Nicaragua
(De Weerdt et al., 2021), Costa Rica (May-
Collado et al., 2018), Colombia (Palacios et
al., 2012), Ecuador, including the Galapagos
Islands (Alava et al., 2013; Biggs et al., 2017;
Castro et al., 2017; Palacios & Forney, 2008),
Peru (Clarke & Aguayo, 1965; Ramirez, 1986;
Valdivia et al., 1981), and Chile (Clarke &
Aguayo, 1965; Gallardo et al., 1983; Pastene et
al., 2015). Brydes whales have been previously
reported in Panama (May-Collado et al., 2018;
Rasmussen & Palacios, 2013), but little infor-
mation is available from the Gulf of Chiriqui.
Métodos: Realizamos muestreos para mamíferos marinos desde embarcaciones pequeñas en el golfo de Chiriq
entre el 2001 y el 2022, tanto durante el invierno austral (26 300 km) como el boreal (4 700 km).
Resultados: Registramos 25 avistamientos de 33 ballenas de Bryde. Los avistamientos ocurrieron en nueve de los
años muestreados, la mayoría en el invierno austral (92 %). La mayoría de avistamientos fueron de un animal (80
%), y un avistamiento fue de un trío madre-cría-escolta. El área de agregación ocurre cerca de las islas Contreras,
donde la mayoría de los avistamientos (84 %) fueron registrados. Foto-identificamos 14 individuos usando la aleta
dorsal. Un individuo fué avistado en dos años (2014 y 2015), mientras que el resto solamente ha sido documen-
tado una vez. No se han registrado recapturas fotográficas con otras áreas.
Conclusiones: El uso repetido de ésta área de agregación podría indicar que es usada para alimentación, y la
presencia de un trío madre-cría-escolta también sugiere actividad reproductiva. El único re-avistamiento inte-
rannual sugiere que el área es usada por algunos de los mismos animales. Se necesita más investigación en aguas
panameñas para entender mejor esta población de ballena de Bryde, su estatus de conservación, y su relación
con otras poblaciones del Pacífico tropical oriental. Una expansión de las áreas marinas protegidas en el golfo de
Chiriquí puede ser necesaria para proteger esta población.
Palabras clave: Centroamérica; ballenas de barbas; Pacífico tropical oriental; ocurrencia; foto-identificación.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57284, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
This study reports on Brydes whales sighted
in the Gulf of Chiriqui from long-term, small-
boat surveys between 2001-2022.
Study site: The Gulf of Chiriqui lies in the
western part of Panama and is bordered by the
Azuero Peninsula to the east, and Punta Burica
to the west (7°18’ - 8°18’ N & 82°54’ - 81°36’
W; Fig. 1). This gulf is characterized by gener-
ally shallow waters (< 300 m) and many island
groups. Monthly sea surface temperature ranges
between 25 – 29 °C (Randall et al., 2020). How-
ever, like the rest of the ETP, the gulf is subject
to the anomalous effects from the regional El
Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenom-
enon, which results in warmer sea surface tem-
peratures (Podestá & Glynn 2001; Randall et
al., 2020; Wang & Fiedler, 2006;). Two protected
areas have been established by the government
of Panama (Fig 1a): Coiba National Park and
its Special Zone of Marine Protection, which
is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and
includes Coiba Island and the Contreras Islands
(https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1138/), and the
Gulf of Chiriqui National Marine Park, which
includes the Paridas Islands. The gulf is also
well-known for its use as a breeding area by
two different populations of humpback whale,
Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski, 1781), one
migrating from feeding areas in the Southern
Fig. 1. A. Minimum convex polygons (MCP) for both survey area (green) and sighting locations (orange), red circles indicate
sighting locations for all Brydes whale sightings. The hatched overlays represent marine protected areas, including Gulf of
Chiriqui National Marine Park at the Paridas Islands, and Coiba National Park (right side of Coiba hatched overlay) and its
Special Zone of Marine Protection (left side of overlay). B. Survey effort tracklines and Brydes whale sighting locations for
two seasons (blue for boreal winter and red for austral winter). C. Gridded representation of the survey effort in the Gulf of
Chiriqui using a honeycomb grid with 1-km edges. D. Kernel density distribution for Brydes whale sightings.
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57284, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Hemisphere, and one migrating from feeding
areas in the Northern Hemisphere (Rasmussen
et al., 2007).
Boat surveys: Visual surveys were con-
ducted from a small boat in the Gulf of Chiriqui
between 2001 and 2022, in both the bore-
al winter (January-March) and austral win-
ter (July-September), to correspond with the
breeding seasons of the two humpback whale
populations that use this area (Rasmussen et
al., 2007). Humpback whales were the primary
species targeted, but all marine mammal spe-
cies encountered were documented. Data col-
lected included time, GPS location, number of
animals in the sighting, and behaviors. Surveys
were non-systematic in design and conducted
in waters less than 200 m depth, near coastlines,
island groups, and rocky outcroppings, which
are the preferred humpback whale breeding
habitat (Clapham & Mead, 1999; Rasmussen
& Palacios, 2013). When Brydes whales were
encountered, identification photographs of the
right and left sides of the dorsal fin were taken
with a Nikon SLR camera equipped with a tele-
photo lens.
Data analyses: Given the extensive and
non-uniform survey effort, the survey track-
lines were gridded for visual interpretation
using honeycomb cells with 1-km edges with
the XtoolsPro software (https://xtools.pro/) for
ArcMap v. 10.8.2 (Esri, Redlands, CA). Ker-
nel density analysis of the sighting locations
was conducted with ArcMap to characterize
the concentration of Brydes whale sightings.
The total survey area and the area used by the
Brydes whales were estimated using minimum
convex polygon analysis (MCP) in ArcMap.
We surveyed a total of 31 000 km over 334
days. Most effort (26 300 km and 294 days) was
in the austral winter between 2002 and 2019
(with the exception of 2005 and 2016, when
no effort took place) (Fig. 1b). The remaining
effort (4 700 km and 40 days) was in the boreal
winters of 2001-2003, 2018, and 2022 (Fig. 1b).
Surveys covered most of the gulf, with the
greatest concentration near the island groups
of Secas, Paridas, Ladrones, and Contreras (Fig.
1b and c).
Between 2004 and 2022 we made 25
sightings of 33 Brydes whales. Most sightings
(n = 23, 92 %) were in August and Septem-
ber, and two sightings (8 %) were in February
(Fig. 1b). Whales were sighted in nine separate
years (2004, 2007, 2009, 2013-2015, 2018, 2019,
2022), with the most sightings in one year (nine)
occurring in 2014. Most sightings were of single
whales (n = 20, 80 %), three sightings were of
two whales (12 %), and one sighting was of four
whales (4 %). One sighting (4 %) in September
2004 included a mother-calf-escort trio.
Encounter rates (whales seen per 100 km
surveyed) were calculated for both the austral
and boreal seasons to give an index of relative
abundance. Brydes whales were seen at a rate
of 0.09 whales/100 km in the austral winter,
and 0.04 whales/100 km in the boreal winter.
For comparison, humpback whales were docu-
mented during these same surveys at a rate of
13.79 whales/100 km in the austral winter and
0.41 whales/100 km in the boreal winter.
All sightings were near the Contreras and
Secas island groups, and one near Coiba Island
(Fig. 1b). All sightings were made in depths
of less than 200 m. Distances to shore ranged
between 1 and 16.1 km (mean = 5.0 km, medi-
an = 2.5 km, SD = 4.3 km).
The kernel density analysis of the sighting
locations revealed the highest concentration
of sightings around the southern Contreras
Islands, and extending to the northwest towards
the Secas Islands (Fig. 1d). The total survey
area, as delineated by a MCP, was estimated
at 11 800 km2, while the MCP of the area of
Brydes whale sightings was estimated at 1 200
km2, or 10 % of the survey area (Fig. 1a).
Of the 25 sightings of Brydes whales, most
(n = 17, 68 %) were under 20 minutes in dura-
tion, either because the whales were difficult
to follow or due to bad weather. The longest
period we followed a single whale was 1 hour
25 minutes. Most whales exhibited an erratic
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57284, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
surfacing pattern, in which the direction of
travel changed between each surface series, and
sometimes within a surface series. Five sight-
ings included close approaches by the whales
to the boat.
We photographed dorsal fins of 19 whales,
of which 14 were of good quality for identifica-
tion purposes. Of the 14, six had distinctive
nicks or shape, and eight were nondescript.
One individual (identification #009) was sight-
ed over two years on 6 September 2014 and
again on 5 September 2015. The estimated dis-
tance between the two sighting locations was 12
km. The remaining 13 whales were identified
only once.
In the Gulf of Chiriqui, Brydes whales are
seen at a much lower rate (0.09 whales/100
km in the austral winter and 0.04/100 km
in the boreal winter) than humpback whales
(13.79/100 km in the austral winter and
0.41/100 km in the boreal winter). The results
of the kernel density estimate as well as the
MCP of the aggregation area both also indicate
that despite the extensive survey effort, Brydes
whales are more likely to be found near the
Contreras and Secas island groups than any-
where else in the Gulf of Chiriqui, regardless of
the season or year. Such a persistent aggrega-
tion area suggests this may be a localized area
of elevated productivity where Brydes whales
are foraging. The Contreras Islands are his-
torically known by local fishers to be one of the
most productive areas in the Gulf of Chiriqui,
including small schooling fish (L. Bernal, per-
sonal communication, 6 May 2022), although
this area is currently protected and no fishing
is allowed within the National Park boundaries
(see Fig. 1a). Examples of Brydes whale feeding
areas described less than 10 km to shore include
in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador (Biggs et
al., 2017), the Beibu Gulf, China (Chen et al.,
2019), and the Gulf of California, Mexico (Ter-
shy, 1992). Further study is needed specifically
in the Contreras and Secas Islands to assess the
oceanographic and bathymetric conditions that
may lead to a localized area of high productivity
(Wingfield et al., 2011).
The September sighting of a mother-calf-
escort trio in Chiriqui could indicate that in
addition to this being a feeding area, it may also
be an area used for reproduction. Mother-calf
pairs have been seen in an area associated with
foraging in the Galapagos Islands (Biggs et al.,
2017), suggesting it is an area where both forag-
ing and breeding behaviors both occur. Further
study would also address the extent to which
Brydes whales are using Chiriqui for reproduc-
tive purposes in addition to foraging.
The seasonality of Brydes whales in this
area is somewhat unclear. This study reports
sightings in February, August and Septem-
ber, but there are also anecdotal reports from
residents and naturalists in Chiriqui from
November and December (L. Klein, V. Wil-
son, personal communication, 19 April 2022).
Between 2013-2021 seven strandings of Brydes
whales were reported off Panama in February,
March, April, August and December, although
none of these were in Chiriqui (L. Trejos-Lasso,
personal communication, 29 April 2022). A
current study in Chiriqui using continuously
sampling bottom-mounted hydrophones could
add information on the seasonality of Brydes
whales in the area (L. May-Collado, personal
communication, 4 May, 2022).
While the re-encounter of one of our pho-
to-identified whales to the same area a year
later could suggest that the same animals may
be using this area year after year, further study
is necessary to determine the extent of site fidel-
ity. Other studies have reported varying degrees
of site fidelity for this species (Athayde et al.
2020; Figueiredo et al. 2014, Lodi et al. 2015,
Tezanos-Pinto et al. 2017,). There is no infor-
mation on whether this population is strictly
coastal or may also move to offshore areas.
Different populations of Brydes whales have
shown a variety of seasonal movement patterns.
Two distinct populations of Brydes whales in
South Africa are an example of this, with one,
the Southeast Atlantic population, migrating
between the equator and 34° S, while the South
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57284, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
African coastal population is resident year-
round (Best, 2001; Constantine et al., 2018).
A previous study compared our photo-
identification catalog to 51 individually identi-
fied Brydes whales from Ecuador (both the
continent and the Galapagos) and Peru, and
found no matches (Castro et al., 2017). Fur-
ther comparisons among regional photo-ID
catalogs as well as satellite tagging could yield
more information about the movements of
these whales.
The taxonomy of this population and how
it relates to other Brydes whale populations in
the ETP is also worthy of investigation. Genetic
sampling will help determine the taxonomic
status as well as help to resolve some of the
uncertainty of this species on a global level
(Constantine et al., 2018). A previous genetic
study determined that Brydes whales off Brazil,
Chile, and Peru were the B. brydei form (Pas-
tene et al., 2015). Further genetic sampling is
needed not only off Panama, but in other areas
of the ETP as well.
While the Gulf of Chiriqui does contain
some marine protected areas (MPAs), extend-
ing some of these MPAs to better include
the Brydes whale aggregation area we have
identified here may be warranted. The gulf
is an important breeding area for humpback
whales from the southeast Pacific (Rasmussen
& Palacios, 2013) and is also used by hump-
back whales from the Central America Dis-
tinct Population Segment, which is currently
listed as endangered by the USA government
(Rasmussen et al., 2011, Rasmussen & Pala-
cios, 2020; National and Oceanic Atmospheric
Administration, 2016). In comparison with
humpback whales, Brydes whales are seen far
less frequently in the Gulf of Chiriqui, yet they
have been consistently sighted since 2004 and
are concentrated in a relatively small area of the
gulf. Globally, the conservation status of Brydes
whales is considered of “Least Concern” by the
IUCN (Cooke & Brownell, 2018). However, the
restricted distribution and low encounter rates
in the Gulf of Chiriqui suggests that either this
is a small and localized population, or that this
habitat supports a small number of visiting
individuals. This population could be particu-
larly vulnerable due to its restricted distribu-
tion within the gulf, although this restricted
distribution is well-suited for conservation pur-
poses as it lends itself to a clear designation of
a protected area. While some of the Brydes
whale aggregation area (as determined by the
MCP analysis) is within the Coiba National
Park MPA, some if it is outside the protected
zone (Fig. 1a). Therefore, it may be advisable
to expand this MPA to include all of the area
where Brydes whales are sighted. Connecting
it with the Gulf of Chiriqui Marine Park in
the Paridas Islands would create a continuous
protected corridor which could benefit not only
Brydes whales, but other marine species as well.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgements sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
Author Contribution: KR collected data
in the field, conceptualized and conducted data
analysis, and drafted the manuscript. DMP
collected data in the field, conceptualized and
assisted with data analysis, and contributed to
the manuscript.
Funding for this project was provided by
the Islas Secas Foundation, Cascadia Research
Collective, the Earl and Ethel Myers Oceano-
graphic Trust, and The Packard Foundation.
Assistance in the field was provided by Luis
Bernal, Betzi Perez-Ortega, Ursula Gonzalez-
Peral, Tomas Bernal, Jose David Palacios, Laura
May-Collado, Matthew Leslie, Chelina Batista,
Jose Julio Casas, Ester Quintana, Lissettte Tre-
jos-Lasso, Marco Tulio-Saborio, and numerous
student interns. Linda Klein, Michael Klein,
Jim Matlock, George Ravenscroft, and the Islas
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57284, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Secas Resort provided logistical assistance. We
thank these people and organizations.
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