Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57287, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Population size and demographic parameters of pantropical spotted dolphin
(Stenella attenuata graffmani) (Cetartiodactyla: Delphinidae)
in Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica
Lenin Oviedo Correa1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8015-1367
David Herra-Miranda1; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2056-5060
Juan Diego Pacheco-Polanco1; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3592-0950
1. Laboratorio de Ecología de Mamíferos Marinos Tropicales, Centro de Investigación de Cetáceos-Costa Rica,
Puntarenas, Costa Rica; leninovi1@gmail.com (*Correspondence); davidceic@gmail.com; dpachecop@gmail.com
Received 30-VIII-2022. Corrected 17-III-2023. Accepted 12-IV-2023.
Introduction: The coastal form of pantropical spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata graffmani) is commonly
found along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Within Golfo Dulce, a fiord-like-embayment bordering the Osa
Peninsula, pantropical spotted dolphins are sympatric with inshore bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and
these marine predators provide an important source of revenue for local communities through boat-based tours.
Objective: Here we estimated the population size and demographic parameters of the coastal pantropical spotted
dolphins in Golfo Dulce.
Methods: The study area was surveyed using non-random boat surveys. Upon encounter, dolphins were indi-
vidually photo-identified using natural marks in their dorsal fins to estimate population abundance and survival
using three emigration scenarios.
Results: A total of 280 dolphins were photoidentified, 65 % of which were observed only once. A total of 30
models were produced, and only two were considered to be parsimonious. Both models explain seasonal appar-
ent survival and its variation due to heterogeneity in capture-recapture probability, one under no emigration
(ΔQAICc = 0.00) and the other under random emigration (ΔQAICc = 1.72). We deemed the latter to be a more
realistic model as it better reflects our in-situ observations. Under this preferred model the population size of
pantropical spotted dolphins in Golfo Dulce varied from 187.30 individuals (CI: 168.67 – 208.02, CV: 0.11) to
367.88 individuals (CI: 341.51 – 396.31, CV: 0.07), with no significant differences in abundance due to seasonality
and very high apparent survival (S = 0.98, CI: 0.68 – 0.99, SE: 0.02).
Conclusions: The number of identified dolphins and the proportion of individuals seen only once suggest the
fluid movement of the population in and out of the gulf. However, the population size and demographic estimates
are characterized by several identified individuals regularly recaptured inside the gulf. This group of dolphins
appears to favor the inner basin as a critical foraging habitat. Given the increase of anthropogenic impacts within
Golfo Dulce, future management and conservation efforts will require the recognition of an ecologically discrete
population unit of coastal pantropical spotted dolphins within the gulf.
Key words: Golfo Dulce; Stenella attenuatta graffmani; population size; survival; robust design; Costa Rica;
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57287, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
The pantropical spotted dolphin, Stenella
attenuata (Gray, 1846) is distributed throughout
the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP) where two
genetically and morphologically distinct popu-
lations or ecotypes are recognized, oceanic and
coastal (Perrin 1975, Perrin 2001, Perrin 2018).
The oceanic ecotype lives in pelagic waters
where, along with spinner dolphins, Stenella
longirostris(Gray, 1828), it tends to associate
with yellowfin tuna, resulting in high mortality
due to the tuna purse seine fishery (Ballance et
al., 2021; Cramer et al., 2008; Scott et al., 2012).
The coastal ecotype is distributed at < 200 km
from the coast of Central America where it is
exposed to various human activities including
commercial whale watching (Montero-Cordero
& Lobo 2010; Pacheco-Polanco 2016); water
quality and coastal habitat modification (Pache-
co-Polanco 2016); and marina development
projects near critical coastal cetacean habitats
(Herra-Miranda et al., 2016).
Of the two ecotypes, the oceanic eco-
types population and demographic status are
best known. Since the late 1970s, the U.S.
government agency National Oceanographic
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has gen-
erated management recommendations based
on estimates of abundance, population size,
survival, migration, and recruitment of oce-
anic pantropical spotted dolphins in the ETP
(e.g., Gerrodette & Forcada 2005; Gerrodette
et al., 2008; Wade et al., 2007). These efforts
are the responsibility of NOAA, which is one
of three U.S. federal agencies responsible for
Tamaño poblacional y parámetros demográficos del delfín manchado pantropical
(Stenella attenuata graffmani) (Cetartiodactyla: Delphinidae) en el Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica.
Introducción: La forma costera del delfín manchado pantropical (Stenella attenuata graffmani) se encuentra
comúnmente a lo largo de la costa Pacífica de Costa Rica. En el Golfo Dulce, una bahía similar a un fiordo en la
Península de Osa, los delfines manchados pantropicales son simpátricos con los delfines nariz de botella costeros
(Tursiops truncatus) y estos depredadores marinos proporcionan una importante fuente de ingresos para las
comunidades locales a través de actividades de avistamientos ecoturísticos.
Objetivo: Se estimó el tamaño de la población y los parámetros demográficos de los delfines manchados pantro-
picales costeros para el Golfo Dulce.
Métodos: El área de estudio se estudió mediante muestreos no aleatorios desde embarcaciones. Tras el encuentro,
los delfines fueron foto-identificados individualmente usando marcas naturales en sus aletas dorsales, para esti-
mar la abundancia y supervivencia de la población usando tres escenarios posibles de emigración.
Resultados: Un total de 280 delfines fueron foto-identificados, 65 % de los cuales fueron observados una sola
vez. Se elaboraron un total de 30 modelos, y sólo dos se consideraron parsimoniosos. Ambos modelos explican
la supervivencia estacional aparente y su variación debido a la heterogeneidad en la probabilidad de captura-
recaptura, uno bajo emigración nula (ΔQAICc = 0.00) y el otro bajo emigración aleatoria (ΔQAICc = 1.72).
Consideramos que este último es un modelo más realista, ya que refleja mejor nuestras observaciones in situ.
Bajo este modelo seleccionado, el tamaño de la población de delfines manchados pantropicales en el Golfo Dulce
varió de 187.30 individuos (CI: 168.67 – 208.02, CV: 0.11) a 367.88 individuos (CI: 341.51 – 396.31, CV: 0.07),
sin diferencias significativas en la abundancia debido a la estacionalidad y una supervivencia aparente muy alta
(S = 0.98, CI: 0.68 – 0.99, SE: 0.02).
Conclusiones: El número de delfines identificados y la proporción de individuos vistos una sola vez sugieren un
movimiento fluido de la población dentro y fuera del golfo. Sin embargo, el tamaño de la población y las esti-
maciones demográficas se caracterizan por varios individuos identificados y re-capturados regularmente dentro
del golfo. Este grupo de delfines parece favorecer la cuenca interior como hábitat crítico de alimentación. Dado
el incremento de los impactos antropogénicos dentro del Golfo Dulce, los futuros esfuerzos de manejo y con-
servación requerirán el reconocimiento de una unidad poblacional ecológicamente discreta del delfín manchado
pantropical costero dentro del golfo.
Palabras clave: Golfo Dulce; Stenella attenuatta graffmani; tamaño poblacional; sobrevivencia; diseño robusto;
Costa Rica; fotoidentificación.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57287, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
implementing the mandate of the Marine
Mammal Protection Act. This mandate estab-
lishes that marine mammal populations that are
endangered by the impact of human activities
must be recovered, and to this end, periodic
quantitative assessments of their population
dynamics must be made (Marine Mammal Pro-
tection Act, 1972). However, such efforts have
not been made for the coastal ecotype. Pres-
ently, there are few estimates of the population
size of coastal spotted dolphins at the Central
American region level (Gerrodette & Palacios,
1996; Palacios & Gerrodette 1996) or even by
country, and they do not include demographic
characterizations of the populations studied.
The coastal pantropical spotted dolphin
(S. attenuata graffmani) is probably the most
representative cetacean of the Pacific coast
of Costa Rica. Several aspects regarding its
ecology have been documented since the late
1990s, in particular, its presence and distri-
bution (Acevedo & Buckhart, 1998; Cubero-
Pardo, 1998; Cubero-Pardo, 2007a; Holst et al.,
2017; Martinez-Fernandez et al., 2011, Mar-
tinez-Fernandez et al., 2014; May-Collado et
al., 2005;; Oviedo, 2007, Oviedo, 2008; Oviedo
et al., 2009, Oviedo et al, 2015), fine-scale
relative abundance estimation (May Collado
& Forcada, 2012), genetic identity (Escorza-
Treviño et al., 2005; Leslie et al., 2019; Leslie &
Morin, 2018), behavior (Cubero-Pardo, 2007b;
May-Collado & Morales, 2005; Oviedo, 2007,
Oviedo, 2008; Oviedo et al., 2018), interac-
tion with fisheries (Palacios-Alfaro, 2006) and
tourism activities (Montero-Cordero & Lobo,
2010). However, the size of the population in
the Pacific of Costa Rican and their demogra-
phy have not yet been assessed.
This study focuses on estimating the popu-
lation size, and some demographic parameters
(apparent survival, capture-recapture probabil-
ity, and emigration) for the coastal pantropical
spotted dolphins in Golfo Dulce. This gulf is a
coastal marine habitat with tropical fiord char-
acteristics, where the species has semi-pelagic
habits and is sympatric with the inshore eco-
type of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops trun-
catus). In Golfo Dulce, the spotted dolphins
show habitat partitioning, facilitating the coex-
istence of both marine predators (Oviedo, 2018;
Oviedo et al., 2018). Previous demographic
assessments have shown that dolphins of coast-
al habits show seasonal variability in abun-
dance, affecting demographic characteristics
and possibly reproductive strategies in males
and females (Bolaños-Jiménez et al., 2022). For
these reasons, this study will consider the pos-
sible effects of dry (November-May, as reported
in Oviedo et al., 2018) and rainy (June-October,
as reported in Oviedo et al., 2018) seasons on
the demography and population size of this
delphinid in Golfo Dulce. There remains a need
for a regional quantitative assessment of popu-
lation dynamics and demographic information
for this dolphin ecotype.
Study Area: Golfo Dulce is a stratified
estuary of tectonic origin, located in the South
Pacific region of Costa Rica, centered at 8°33’N
and 83°14’W (Svendsen et al., 2006). It has a
215 m deep internal basin with a 60 m sill that
restricts ocean circulation (Morales-Ramírez
et al., 2015; Svendsen et al., 2006); a length of
50 km; a width of 10-15 km; and a total area
of approximately 750 km² (Von Wangelin &
Wolff, 1996; Wolff et al.,1996). The climate is
tropical and humid with a rainy season from
June to early November, generating an average
monthly rainfall of 100–700 mm. The main
freshwater supply comes from the Coto Colo-
rado, Tigre, Esquinas, and Rincón rivers, form-
ing estuaries and mangrove zones in their areas
of influence. They also affect the gulfs circula-
tion pattern, resulting in a stratified current
structure (Spongberg & Davis, 1998). Due to its
physiographic and hydrological characteristics,
Gulf Dulce can be divided into three sub-areas:
1) a deep inner basin with a maximum depth
of about 215 m, an anoxic layer below 100
meters (Brenes & León, 1988) and restricted
surface circulation; 2) a flat outer basin with an
average depth of 70 m (Hebbeln et al., 1996),
which begins 20 km from the mouth of the
Gulf; and 3) a third area corresponding to the
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57287, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
transitional-oceanic zone at the mouth of the
Gulf (Oviedo et al., 2009, Oviedo et al., 2015),
where this gulf communicates with the Pacific
Ocean. In this external oceanic portion, depths
close to 1 000 m are reached at a relative dis-
tance of 6 km (Fig. 1).
Field data collection: Pantropical spotted
dolphin surveys were conducted from June
2011 to April 2014 in the three sub-areas
described above. The surveys were conducted
from a 7 m long boat with a 115 HP four-stroke
outboard motor, zig-zagging from the point
of origin (Bahía Rincón or Puerto Jiménez)
to spatially cover as much of each sub-area as
possible. The surveys were conducted between
7:00 am and 4:00 pm. During each survey, four
observers were on board, one of which served
as the main photographer, generally support-
ed by another secondary photographer, they
photographed as many dolphins as possible in
each observed group using digital DSLR cam-
eras (Canon 7D/70D) equipped with 400 mm
telephoto lenses.
The definition of a group used in this
study is that of Karczmarski et al. (2005): a
spatial aggregation of animals engaged in simi-
lar (often the same) activities and interacting
with each other on short enough time scales
that there is little (or no) change in group
membership. During each sighting, the boat
approached within approximately 100 m of
the group, and then the geographic position
of the boat was recorded, as was its position
relative to the group, the time of the encounter,
group size, and composition, and the behavior
records (initial and 10-minute) for the encoun-
ter. Specifically, group size was recorded, while
group composition was classified according to
the presence of adults, juveniles, and calves.
Fig. 1. The study area in Golfo Dulce: 1) Photoidentification sampling during the rainy seasons of 2011, 2012, and 2013.
Blue lines correspond to the routes traveled during data collection. 2) Photoidentification sampling during the dry seasons
of 2011–2012, 2012–2013, and 2013–2014. Green lines correspond to the routes traveled during data collection. Red
circles: encounters and photographic sampling locations with the pantropical spotted dolphin (S. a graffmani). Gray circles:
encounters with other cetaceans.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57287, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
The identification of the different age classes
was based on Perrin (1975), Perrin (2001), and
Perrin (2018), where the increase of spots on
the body determines the maturity of the indi-
viduals. Accordingly, juveniles and calves with
a length of 1/3 of the length of the mother have
a coloration pattern composed of two shades of
gray and a few ventral spots. In contrast, adults
are more pigmented with white spots that
merge dorsally.
The stable association of an adult with a
small calf or medium size juvenile, though not
always spotted in the infant position (Mann &
Smut, 1998, Mann & Smut, 1999), was used as
a cue to assign the female gender. On several
occasions clear photographs of the genital slits
supported sex identification. Highly acrobatic
displays or bouts of social behavior such as
copulation facilitated photographic evidence
to differentiate male and female individuals.
Behavior was described as feeding, resting,
socializing, traveling, and milling, following the
definitions of Marfurt et al., (2022) and Macha-
do et al., (2019). Once the initial data collection
was completed, the group-follow protocol for
photoidentification was initiated.
Photoidentification: The traditional
method of individual identification in dolphins
uses photographs of the dorsal fin, which allows
the modeling of presence/absence data by
mark-recapture analysis (Bolaños-Jimenez et al.
2022; Brooks et al., 2017; Hupman et al., 2018;
Parra et al., 2006; Wilson et al., 1999; Wursig
& Jefferson, 1990; Zanardo et al. 2016). In one
photography session, an individual may end up
being photographed several times, depending
on group size and behavior. After the photo-
graphs were collected, they were categorized
based on their quality and distinctiveness and
then used to build an identification catalog
with images of each individual dolphin in Golfo
Dulce. The selection process ensured that each
sampling occasion was backed by a type-photo
of every individual, if available. The type-photo
was then associated with the presence record
on a specific date and location. Photographic
quality was scaled as 1-100, with a minimum
use criterion of ≥ 70. A quality of more than
70 meant that the fin occupied no less than a
quarter of the photo, was focused and defined,
and was as perpendicular as possible to avoid
distortion by angles (parallax) (Karczmarski
et al., 2005). Distinctiveness refers to the pres-
ence of individual marks. Each high-quality
photograph of the dorsal fin was assigned a
distinctiveness (D) value between 0-4. Zero is
when a dorsal fin is smooth, with no appar-
ent markings, and four is a dorsal fin that is
conspicuously distinctive, e.g., a malformed
or partially mutilated fin. Individual dolphin
identification in this study was based on the
presence and distribution of marks (nicks and
notches) on the dorsal fin profile. Other natu-
ral markings such as discolorations, scars, and
spotting patterns were not ruled out but played
a secondary role. Only dorsal fin photographs
with quality ≥ 70 and distinctiveness from
1 to 4 were considered in this analysis. The
construction of the catalog was carried out in
the Discovery program (Galey & Karczmarski,
2012), which allows the processing and selec-
tion of the photographs based on the criteria
described above. It also associated the sighting
data with the identified dolphin and facilitated
the construction of a matrix with the capture
history of each individual (the basic input for
the mark-recapture analysis).
Analysis of population size and demog-
raphy: The capture-recapture matrices were
used to estimate the population size and char-
acterize the demography of pantropical spot-
ted dolphins in Golfo Dulce, using a “robust
design” model (Pollock et al., 1990). This model
involves primary and secondary levels of sam-
pling. The robust design integrated a series of
short-time closed models at the secondary sam-
pling level, where the effect of sampling time
and individual heterogeneity on the probability
of capture was controlled. The demographic
closure models were connected by a frame
model at the primary sampling level, which
released the demographic closure, assuming a
population where births, deaths, as well as the
entry of immigrants and the exit of emigrants
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57287, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
were considered temporally. This allowed us
to infer dynamics associated with metapopula-
tions (migratory movements in the absence of
physical geographic barriers), following Kend-
all & Bjorkland (2001). For the secondary level,
the sampling occasions were unified by month
within the seasons, while the primary occasions
were focused explicitly on the seasons (Rainy:
June-October, Dry: November-May).
The above demographic aspects were met,
pursuant with the validation of several basic
assumptions of the mark-recapture analysis,
under the robust design approach: (a) marks
are not lost; although they can be modified,
they are sufficiently distinctive to guarantee
individual identification; b) samples are instan-
taneous at secondary levels; c) given a sampling
occasion, all individuals in the population have
the same probability of capture; d) survival of
marked individuals does not vary from one
capture occasion to the next at primary levels
(seasons) of demographic openness; e) capture
occasions at secondary levels (months) are
with demographic closure within each pri-
mary level: and f) captures are independent
among individuals without aggregation and
overdispersion effect.
All models considered were analyzed using
the Mark software interface in the “R” environ-
ment (R-Mark Laake et al., 2013). The following
demographic parameters of pantropical spotted
dolphins in Golfo Dulce were estimated:
(Sj) apparent survival (does not refer to biolo-
gical survival, but demographic survival
by presence) at the first season j for j>1.
(γ’’) probability of emigrating before season j,
being present in j-1, for j>1
(γ’) probability of emigrating before season j,
being absent in j-1, for j>2
(pij) probability of the first capture in sample i
of season j for i ≥ 1
(cij) probability of recapture in sample i of
season j for i > 1
(Nj) the population size of marked individuals.
For this study, we set pij = cij, since pho-
toidentification, being non-invasive and not
promoting adverse reaction, did not directly
affect the probability that a previously identi-
fied dolphin is recaptured (Parra et al., 2006).
Three classes of temporal emigration models
were evaluated: 1) Markovian emigration (γ’
γ’’), where the probability of a dolphin being
present at Golfo Dulce would be conditional on
presence or absence on the previous sampling
occasion (Kendall & Nichols, 2002; Kendall
et al., 1997); 2) random emigration (γ’= γ’’),
where the probability of a dolphin being pres-
ent in the gulf is independent of presence or
absence on the previous sampling occasion; and
3) no emigration (γ’ = γ’’ = 0), where there is no
movement out of the gulf.
Before the construction and evaluation
of models by robust design, the fitting of the
capture history matrix was corroborated, using
a goodness-of-fit test in the Release GOF pro-
gram. The lack of fit to temporality led to the
estimation of a variance inflation factor (ĉ),
which levelled the dispersion of the data. Thirty
models were constructed and selected using the
Akaike selection criterion (AICc). Considering
the dispersion implied by the variance inflation
factor (ĉ) the QAICc was used under the cri-
terion that models with a difference expressed
by Delta-QAICc greater than 10 lacked support
(Burham & Anderson, 2004), and those less
than two should not be discarded. To obtain
the total population size, the number of marked
individuals ( ) was related to the proportion of
marked individuals in the sample ( ) (Wilson
et al., 1999):
The variance was estimated as follows:
Where n is the total number of individual
dorsal fins for which was estimated. The coef-
ficient of variation for the total population CV
( total ) could be defined as the sum of the
coefficients of variation of and :
The standard confidence interval could
unrealistically set the lower bound to zero.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57287, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Therefore, we followed Burnham et al., (1987)
using a log-normalized confidence interval,
such that the lower limit is given by L = /r,
and the upper limit by U = r.
For a 95% confidence interval, r would be
given by:
Where (1+(CV( total )) 2 is an approximation
of var(ln total ).
The variation of the total population size as
a function of the seasons was explored using the
non-parametric test Kruskal Wallis at a signifi-
cance level (alpha) of 0.05.
There were 201 surveys for photograph-
ic capture of pantropical spotted dolphins in
Golfo Dulce from 2011 to 2014, equating to
1 102 hours over 25 months and a travel effort
of 18 730 km (Fig. 1). Details are shown in
Table 1.
A total of 26 352 photographs were taken
and analyzed, resulting in the identifica-
tion of 280 individuals, 65 % of which were
recorded only once. The rest of the dolphins
cataloged showed an important level of recap-
ture (98 individuals). The discovery curve, or
the cumulative curve of entries into the cata-
log by sampling occasion, shows three trends
(Fig. 2) that could explain the dynamics above:
a non-asymptotic curve that incorporates all
identifications, including those with individu-
als only captured once, and distinctiveness
equal to one. Another curve becomes asymp-
totic only with distinctiveness greater than one,
and finally, a nearly constant curve of individu-
als cataloged with very distinctive fins (D > 3).
For pantropical spotted dolphins the good-
ness-of-fit test showed significantly high dis-
persion (χ2 = 22.81, df = 8, p = 0.001). This
is mainly due to the significant effects of the
probability that capture-recapture is affected
by individual heterogeneity, which is duly
addressed by the robust design models. Due
to the degree of dispersion, a variance infla-
tion factor was estimated (ĉ = 22.81/8 = 2.85).
Thirty models were generated from the capture
history of individuals cataloged under the crite-
ria of quality > 70 and distinctiveness ≥ 1.
The best-fitted models were those of
apparent survival by sex group and the varia-
tion in the probability of capture due to het-
erogeneity during both seasons; among these,
the best fit was that of no emigration (ΔQAICc
= 0.00), followed by the random migration
model (ΔQAICc = 1.72). Based on these two
scenarios the population size differed in coef-
ficient of variation (Table 2). For the no-emi-
gration models, the coefficient of variation
remained between 7 – 10 % (Table 3), and for
the random-emigration models, the coefficient
of variation was between 7 – 12 % (Table 4). If
the spotted dolphin population in Golfo Dulce
is considered under a pattern of no movement
out of the study area, the population size of the
Table 1
Details of the search effort and the identification photographs included in the pantropical spotted dolphin catalog, including
level of distinctiveness: D= 1, D≥ 2, D> 3.
Season No. Months No. Surveys No. Hours No. Cataloged IDs (New)
D = 1 D ≥ 2 D ≥ 3
Rainy 2011 3 28 143 17 22 24
Dry 2011_2012 5 18 94 74 (57) 59 (37) 25 (1)
Rainy 2012 4 44 263 89 (15) 65 (6) 25 (0)
Dry 2012_2013 4 29 155 111 (22) 71 (6) 25 (0)
Rainy 2013 5 56 291 134 (23) 72 (1) 25 (0)
Dry 2013_2014 4 26 156 182 (48) 73 (1) 25 (0)
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57287, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Fig. 2. Discovery curves for the coastal pantropical spotted dolphin in Golfo Dulce: A) The blue curve represents all cataloged
individuals, including those recorded only once. B) The orange curve contains only the individuals with dorsal fins with D>1.
C) The gray curve contains the individuals with dorsal fins classified under a distinctiveness level D>3. The bottom panel
shows representative photographs of distinctiveness levels, from left: one (blue), two (orange), and 4 (gray).
Table 2
Selected best-fitted models generated from the capture history of pantropical spotted dolphins in Golfo Dulce under the
Robust Design. S= apparent survival, P= capture probability, Het= heterogeneity, SC (CI) = apparent survival (confidence
interval) for females, SF (CI)= apparent survival (confidence interval) for males, p-hat = capture probability, ψ ’ = ψ
emigration probability. The notation ‘(.)’ implies that a given parameter was kept constant.
Classification Criteria Demographic Parameters
Parameters QAICc ΔQAICc QAICc
Weighted S
(CI) S
(CI) p-hat ψ’=ψ’’
S (. Sex) P(Het) No-Emigration 11 266.94 0.00 0.64 0.98 (CI: 0.81-0.99) ≈ 1 (CI: 0.99-1) 0.10 0.00
S (. Sex) P(Het) Random Emigration 12 268.67 1.72 0.27 0.98 (CI: 0.68-0.99) ≈ 1 (CI: 0.99-1) 0.12 0.16
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57287, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
species varies between 217 to 422 dolphins.
For the random emigration model, the popula-
tion size ranges from 187 to 368 individuals.
However, these differences are not significant
(Kruskal Wallis: χ2 = 2.08, df = 1, p = 0.150),
and similarly, there is no statistical difference in
the population size of pantropical spotted dol-
phins in Golfo Dulce between seasons (Kruskal
Wallis: χ2 = 0.05, df = 1, p =0.827).
The demographic analysis of coastal
pantropical spotted dolphins in Golfo Dulce
through capture-recapture modeling resulted in
the selection of two models, one where emigra-
tion was null and another one that suggested
fluid dynamics of entries and exits to the popu-
lation of pantropical spotted dolphins in Golfo
Dulce, independent of the season evaluated.
No matter the model, we found the population
size of spotted dolphins in this gulf does not
exceed 400 individuals. These results indicated
that at least a portion of the population, equat-
ing to more than 90 individuals, remains for
extended periods as demonstrated by a high
level of recaptures and suggesting site fidelity
throughout the year, particularly in the inner
basin (Acevedo & Buckhart, 1998; Cubero-
Pardo, 1998; Cubero-Pardo, 2007a; Oviedo,
2007; Oviedo et al., 2015, Oviedo et al., 2018).
The study further indicates that the conditions
associated with seasonality do not affect the
population size and demographic patterns of
spotted dolphins in Golfo Dulce. The discovery
curves (Fig. 2) suggest that dolphins with low
dorsal fin distinctiveness may not be readily
recaptured. Hupman et al. (2018) found low
Table 3
Population size of the pantropical spotted dolphin in Golfo Dulce under the no-emigration robust design model. =
proportion of individuals tagged per season, N-Marked= number of marked individuals, N-Total= Total population size,
CI = Confidence Interval, CV Coefficient of Variation, C = dolphins identified as females, F = dolphins identified as male.
Seasons Cluster N-Marked N-Total CI CV
Rainy 2011 C80.51 203.82 189.95-218.71 0.07
F0.79 58.51 148.13 136.30-160.99 0.08
Total 351.95 326.24-379.70 0.07
Dry 2011-2012 C81.38 235.88 220.95-251.82 0.07
F0.69 64.38 181.61 173.35-200.88 0.07
Total 422.49 394.30-452.71 0.07
Rainy 2012 C52.21 132.18 121.07-144.30 0.09
F0.79 38.21 96.73 87.22-107.28 0.10
Total 228.91 208.29-251.59 0.09
Dry 2012-2013 C47.48 137.62 126.30-149.96 0.09
F0.71 55.16 99.94 90.30-110.62 0.10
Total 237.57 415.42-461.15 0.09
Rainy 2013 C55.16 139.65 128.26-152.04 0.09
F0.80 42.16 106.73 96.80-117.69 0.10
Total 246.38 225.06-269.73 0.09
Dry 2013-2014 C42.42 122.96 112.27-134.66 0.09
F0.68 32.42 93.97 84.63-104.34 0.10
Total 216.93 196.90-239 0.09
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57287, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
dorsal fin distinctiveness in oceanic dolphins,
such as Delphinus sp., to be associated with a
low level of recaptures of identified individuals.
For the study population, apparent sur-
vival derived from the best-fitted models was
relatively high. It only decreased slightly for
females. When considering the no-immigration
model, the survival of female pantropical spot-
ted dolphins in Golfo Dulce would be above
reported biological survival levels (Brooks et
al., 2017; Taylor et al., 2007) and is supported
by the low relative width of the confidence
interval. However, it should be considered that
the model based on non-immigration only
describes a partial reality, focusing only on
those individuals that develop long-term site
fidelity. The model that considered random-
type migration seemed closer to what was
recorded in the capture histories of photo-
identified individuals. Under this approach,
the survival of females did not change in mag-
nitude, but it did change in precision, as the
width of the confidence interval was larger.
Additionally, under this model, a comparatively
low probability of emigration was established,
which would support the dynamics of visiting
individuals and resident individuals sharing
the same seascape, as has been documented
in coastal dolphin populations in Australia
(Brooks et al., 2017), though with no apparent
effect of seasonality.
The physiography of Golfo Dulce as a
basin, or semi-enclosed internal sea, supported
expectations of some demographic closure in
the spotted dolphin population. Indeed, even
during in situ sampling, several individuals evi-
denced a notable degree of recaptures, although
there was no physical barrier to effectively pre-
vent their departure from Golfo Dulce. In addi-
tion to the differences in individual behavior
Table 4
Population size of the pantropical spotted dolphin in Golfo Dulce, under the robust design random emigration model.
= proportion of individuals tagged per season, N-Marked= number of marked individuals, N-Total= Total population size,
CI = Confidence Interval, CV Coefficient of Variation, C = dolphins identified as females, F = dolphins identified as male.
Season Cluster N-Marked N-Total CI CV
Rain 2011 C70.67 178.91 165.88-192.97 0.08
F0.79 48.67 123.22 112.35-135.14 0.09
Total 302.13 278.23-328.10 0.08
Dry 2011-2012 C71.96 208.58 194.51-223.67 0.07
F0.69 54.96 159.30 147.00-172.64 0.08
Total 367.88 341.51-396.31 0.07
Rain 2012 C45.8 115.95 105.43-127.40 0.09
F0.79 31.8 80.51 71.78-90.29 0.12
Total 196.46 177.31-217.69 0.11
Dry 2012-2013 C41.89 121.42 110.77-133.09 0.09
F0.71 28.89 83.74 74.87-93.66 0.11
Total 205.16 185.64-226.75 0.10
Rain 2013 C48.85 123.67 112.95-135.41 0.09
F0.80 35.86 90.76 81.57-100.98 0.10
Total 214.43 194.52-236.40 0.09
Dry 2013-2014 C37.31 108.14 98.11-119.20 0.10
F0.68 27.31 79.16 70.55-88.81 0.12
Total 187.30 168.67-208.02 0.11
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57287, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
affecting the probability of capture (hetero-
geneity), there is nevertheless the possibility
of fluid transience, which rules out the non-
immigration that framed the best-fitted model
(probability of capture as a function of indi-
vidual heterogeneity, constant survival, and no
emigration). Consequently, the model where
the probability of capture was fitted as a func-
tion of individual heterogeneity with constant
survival, under random emigration was consid-
ered the most parsimonious (Delta QAICc ≤ 2).
The seasonal survival estimate defined the
true survival of pantropical spotted dolphins in
Golfo Dulce, as well as the respective trend of
random emigration, based on the high prob-
ability that the survival of an adult remains
constant over relatively short periods when
compared with its life span (≈ 45 years is the
oldest age of a reproductive female) (Taylor et
al., 2007). Notwithstanding a catastrophic event
affecting pantropical spotted dolphin survival
over the study period, emigration patterns are
expected to be associated with individual het-
erogeneity and apparent survival estimates.
The seasonal survival estimate is relatively high
(0.99 +/- 0.01), but similar to that expected for
other adult and sub-adult (non-calf) dolphins.
For example, spinner dolphins (S. longirostris)
from Hawaii have a survival of 0.97 +/- 0.05
(Tyne et al., 2014), and Mediterranean Sea com-
mon and striped dolphins, Delphinus delphis,
Linneaeus, 1758-Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen,
1833) of 0.94 +/- 0.05 (Santostasi et al., 2016).
Pantropical spotted dolphin population
size apparently fluctuated between seasons, but
this pattern was not significant. The popula-
tion size of pantropical spotted dolphins in
Golfo Dulce is a relatively discrete number
considering that groups larger than 1 000 indi-
viduals have been documented outside the
gulf (Authors’ unpublished data 2005-2022).
Fluctuations in population size are expected to
be primarily influenced by the availability of
resources in Golfo Dulce, especially given the
presence of another delphinid, the inshore bot-
tlenose dolphin (T. truncatus), which, as anoth-
er marine predator, exerts additional pressure
on available prey resources (Cubero Pardo,
2007a; Oviedo, 2007; Oviedo et al., 2018).
Based on the above, potential prey avail-
ability in Golfo Dulce would be the primary
determinant for the aggregation pattern, site
fidelity, and movement of this species in the
study area, as proposed by Gowans et al. (2007)
for several dolphin species with an intermedi-
ate home range pattern. Those authors argue
that variations in home range patterns reflect a
gradient of resource availability from predict-
able to extremely variable. Golfo Dulce may
be a relatively predictable resource locality for
pantropical spotted dolphins in terms of prey
availability, and considering the availability
of females for breeding, and refuge from pre-
dation. Relatedly, a study by Marin-Alpizar
(2011) found small pelagic fish of the family
Hemiramphidae to be present in this gulf year-
round. If this fish is an important source in the
diet of spotted dolphins, it may support not
only the resident dolphin population but also
be available to transient dolphins. To expand
our understanding of the habitat-use patterns
of these dolphins, future studies should incor-
porate spatial and temporal variations of their
prey into their models.
It is important to recognize that individual
differences in behavior, as well as the possibil-
ity of each dolphin leaving the Golfo Dulce,
influenced variation in survival and probabil-
ity of capture. To minimize the associated
bias during field sampling, efforts were made
to provide an equal distribution of individual
photographic capture probability within each
spotted dolphin encounter. Still, the grouping
pattern of the dolphins in this gulf, especially
in group sizes of ≥ 100 individuals, may have
affected photographic coverage. Additionally,
the sample size could also have been affected by
our strict selection and analysis protocol. Given
the increased human impacts in the study
area (Herra-Miranda et al., 2016; Pacheco et
al., 2016), effective conservation and manage-
ment of pantropical spotted dolphins and other
coastal/inshore cetaceans within Golfo Dulce
require the recognition of discrete populations
as management units. Therefore, to facilitate
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57287, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
the detection of population-level changes over
time, it is important to effectively determine
the demographic parameters, as estimated here.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
we all agree with this publication and made sig-
nificant contributions; that there is no conflict
of interest of any kind; and that we followed
all pertinent ethical and legal procedures and
requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
Author contributions: LOC conceptual-
ized the study. LOC, DHM, and JDPP designed
boat surveys, carried out field data collection
and data analysis, coordinated data manage-
ment, and wrote this manuscript.
This study was made possible by the valu-
able support of a major citizen science frame-
work promoted by the following institutions: 1)
International Student Volunteers (2011-2013);
we appreciate the support of Wagner Quirós, 2)
Earthwatch Institute (2013-2023) especially the
following internal funding scheme: Arunas A
& Pamela A Chesonis Family Foundation and
Gaye Hill & Jeff Urbina (2013-2014) and Gaye
Hill & Jeff Urbina (2015-2016). Special thanks
to each volunteer that accompanied us on each
field survey and observation. Special thanks
to our CEIC colleagues: to “El Chontal” fam-
ily Jorge Medina and Azucena Herra-Miranda
for providing us with our base at Rincón de
Osa. A special thanks to our captain “Taboga,
Dr. David Aurioles, Dr. Hector M. Guzman,
and Dr. Leszek Karczmarski for their valuable
academic support. We appreciate the additional
comments from our colleagues Dr. Brooke
Bessesen and Msc. Phoebe Edge.
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