Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57288, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Killer whales, Orcinus orca (Artiodactyla: Delphinidae) in Guatemala:
sighting records, photographic match, and interaction with Brydes whales,
Balaenoptera edeni (Artiodactyla: Balaenoptera)
Jenniffer Ortiz-Wolford1, 4*; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6334-9718
Julio C. Romero2, 4; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3978-0393
Andrea A. Cabrera3, 4; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5385-1114
1. Departamento de Investigación Marino-Costera, Semillas del Océano, ONG. Guatemala, Guatemala; jennysow86@
gmail.com (Correspondence*)
2. BQB Biosfera, Investigaciones biológicas. Guatemala, Guatemala; julioromeroguevara@gmail.com.
3. Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 5-7, Copenhagen, Denmark; andrea_ca_gt@yahoo.com
4. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas y Farmacia, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala.
(Affiliation during research surveys in 2011).
Received 13-VII-2022. Corrected 04-XII-2022. Accepted 25-IV-2023.
Introduction: Killer whales (Orcinus orca) have a global distribution, but many low-latitude populations such as
the Eastern Tropical Pacific are not well studied.
Objective: Provide a review of killer whale sightings in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Pacific of Guatemala,
for which there has previously been little information.
Methods: We reviewed national and regional publications, as well as anecdotal records of killer whale sightings
in Guatemala.
Results: We document five sightings spanning three decades (1990-2020). Four sightings were recorded between
2010 and 2020 and occurred within the San José Canyon or over the continental shelf. Group size varied from
1-15 individuals ( : 6 ± 4.3). We report a photographic match of three killer whale individuals from a single pod
previously sighted in Cabo Corrientes, México, 11 years and 1 778 km apart. We also describe an interaction
between a killer whale pod and two adult Brydes whales (Balaenoptera edeni), in which the Brydes whales fol-
lowed a female killer whale and its calf.
Conclusions: This study represents a contribution to the knowledge of killer whales in the region. It highlights
the importance of data collection from both scientific and anecdotal records and supports the need of establish-
ing national and regional monitoring and conservation programs for cetaceans.
Key words: Central America; cetaceans; Eastern Tropical Pacific; orca; photo-ID; resighting.
Orcas, Orcinus orca (Artiodactyla: Delphinidae) en Guatemala: registros de avistamientos, fotoidentifi-
cación e interacciones con ballenas de Bryde, Balaenoptera edeni (Artiodactyla: Balaenoptera)
Introducción: Las orcas (Orcinus orca) tienen una distribución global, pero muchas poblaciones de bajas latitu-
des, como el Pacífico Tropical Oriental, no han sido bien estudiadas.
Objetivo: Proporcionar una revisión de los avistamientos de orcas en la Zona Económica Exclusiva del Pacífico
de Guatemala.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57288, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
The killer whale, Orcinus orca (Linnaeus,
1758) is a widely distributed cetacean inhabit-
ing all oceans (Forney & Wade, 2006). It is most
frequently found in coastal temperate and polar
waters of high productivity (Forney & Wade,
2006), where some populations have been well
documented (e.g., Best et al., 2010; Dahlheim
et al., 2008; Guinet et al., 2015; Jourdain et al.,
2019; Pitman & Ensor, 2003). Despite recent
advances in killer whale research in the Eastern
Tropical Pacific (ETP; e.g., Denkinger et al.,
2020; Guerrero-Ruiz et al., 2005; Pacheco et al.,
2019; Vargas-Bravo et al., 2021), the distribu-
tion, ecology and behavior of killer whales in
the region remains poorly understood. Records
of killer whales are sporadic in Guatemala
(Cabrera et al., 2012, Cabrera et al., 2014; Hill et
al., 1991), and reports of sightings have mainly
been anecdotal. To better understand killer
whales in the region and establish a baseline of
research, we review five killer whale sightings
in Guatemala from 1990 till 2020, including
three previously unreported. We also document
photographic matches of a killer whale pod
sighted 11 years and 1 778 km apart. Finally,
we describe a pair of Brydes whales, Balaenop-
tera edeni (Anderson, 1878) following a killer
whale pod.
Killer whale sighting records from Guate-
mala were obtained by reviewing national and
regional publications and anecdotal records
from third parties. We also provide additional
details of a sighting previously reported by the
authors (Cabrera et al., 2012). The original
observers from anecdotal records were contact-
ed to obtain detailed information of the sight-
ing, including date, coordinates or approximate
location, estimated number of individuals, as
well as photographic and/or video evidence.
Using photographs and videos, we identi-
fied age class and sex according to the follow-
ing categories: adult male, individual showing
relatively large erect dorsal fin; adult female,
only differentiated if the individual was accom-
panied by a calf; calves, small size and marked
association with another adult individual; juve-
niles, they can be females without associated
calf, or young males whose dorsal fin is not
fully developed (Vargas-Bravo et al., 2021).
To gain insights into possible movements
of killer whale pods and individuals, good
quality photographs were compared with the
following regional photo-identification catalogs
of killer whales: Black et al., (1997); Ellis et al.,
(2008); Olson & Gerrodette (2008). Experts in
the area were also contacted to compare the
photographs with unpublished catalogs from
the Galapagos Islands (J. Denkinger & Alarcon,
n.d.) and from the Mexican central Pacific (C.
Ortega-Ortiz, personal communication, Octo-
ber 27, 2020).
Killer whale sighting records: We docu-
mented five killer whale sightings off Guatema-
la between the years 1990 and 2020 (Fig. 1A).
Two sightings were recorded during separate
Métodos: Revisamos publicaciones nacionales y regionales, así como registros anecdóticos de avistamientos de
orcas en Guatemala.
Resultados: Documentamos cinco avistamientos que abarcan tres décadas (1990-2020). Registramos cuatro avis-
tamientos entre 2010 y 2020 que ocurrieron en el Cañón de San José o sobre la plataforma continental. El tamaño
de grupo varió de 1 a 15 individuos ( : 6 ± 4.3). Reportamos una coincidencia fotográfica de tres individuos de
orcas de un solo grupo previamente avistado en Cabo Corrientes, México, con 11 años y ~1 778 km de diferencia.
También describimos una interacción entre un grupo de orcas y dos ballenas de Bryde adultas (Balaenoptera
edeni), en la que las ballenas de Bryde siguieron a una orca hembra y su cría.
Conclusión: Este estudio contribuye al conocimiento de las orcas en la región. Destaca la importancia de recopi-
lar datos tanto de registros científicos como anecdóticos y apoya la necesidad de establecer programas nacionales
y regionales de monitoreo y conservación de cetáceos.
Palabras clave: Centro América; cetáceos; foto-ID; orca; Pacífico Tropical Oriental; recaptura.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57288, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
research surveys, two during whale watching
activities, and one during a sport fishing trip.
Four of the sightings were recorded during
2010 and 2020 and occurred within the San
José Canyon or over the continental shelf off
the coast of Escuintla and Santa Rosa. Four
sightings occurred during the Guatemalan dry
season equivalent to the Northern Hemisphere
winter season (November to February). Below
we describe the five killer whale sightings:
#1 On September 1, 1990, a pod of five indivi-
duals was recorded 278 km from the coast-
line between Escuintla and Santa Rosa
(10°56’ N 92°28’ W) during a cetacean
research survey of the ETP conducted by
the United States National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (Hill et al.,
#2 On February 14, 2010, a solitary adult
male was observed traveling ~10 km
from Monterrico coastline, Santa Rosa
(13°47’12.1056”N 90°33’9.7812”W). The
sighting occurred during a whale watching
trip by the company Extremo a Extremo (P.
Cabrera, personal communication, Octo-
ber 21, 2020).
#3 On December 17, 2011, a pod of four
killer whales consisting of one male, two
females, and one calf was recorded by
the authors during a research survey at
13°33’22.8’N 91°29’15.9’W, ~48 km off
Escuintla (Cabrera et al., 2012).
#4 On November 24, 2017, a pod of five to ten
killer whales was recorded during a sport
fishing trip off Guatemala. The exact loca-
tion was not recorded but was approxima-
tely 13°22’N 90°51’W. The pod consisting
of at least one male and several females
and/or juvenile males was traveling and
did not interact with the boat (C. Monte-
ros, personal communication, October 16,
#5 On January 25, 2020, a pod consisting of
a minimum of ten (range 10-15) killer
whales, was reported by the whale wat-
ching company Serviturismo Las Lisas.
The pod consisted of at least two males
and several females/young males and cal-
ves. The sighting occurred in the San José
Canyon, ~74 km off the coast of Santa Rosa
(13°15’01.4’N 90°40’0.1’W). Some mem-
bers of the pod, mainly the calves, swam
under and around the boat (O. Marro-
quín, personal communication, January
26, 2020).
Photographic match of a killer whale
pod: Through photo-identification, three adult
individuals from the same pod photographed
in 2011, were matched with a sighting photo-
graphed 11 years earlier, on August 15, 2000,
as part of group No. 25.00 off Cabo Corri-
entes, Mexico (20°16’13.2’’N, 105°45’24.6’’W)
consisted of seven individuals (Olson & Ger-
rodette, 2008). The shortest distance between
sightings is ~1 778 km. The female in Fig. 1B
matches E060 (Olson & Gerrodette, 2008) and
was identified by two notches on the back of
her dorsal fin. The female with a calf (E061,
Fig. 1C) was identified by the unique pattern on
its saddle patch, although a modification had
occurred on the tip of its dorsal fin (red arrow).
The male (E059, Fig. 1D) was identified by the
beveled tip.
Interaction between killer whales and
Brydes whales: We observed a peculiar inter-
action between a killer whale pod and two
adult Brydes whales (Fig. 1E). The sighting
occurred on December 17, 2011, and began
at 11:20h when we recorded a “splash” at ~1
km from our vessel (65-foot frigate). Once in
the area, at 11:33h, a female killer whale and
a calf approached the vessel for a few minutes,
swimming slowly, sideways, and near the water
surface. A few minutes later, two Brydes whales
were observed swimming slowly at ~100 m
from the killer whales. At 11:44h, when the
killer whales started moving away from the
boat, the Brydes whales swam behind the killer
whales and accelerated, a behavior that we con-
sider as chasing or pursuit. During the obser-
vation, the Brydes whales remained within
~100 m of the killer whales while traveling at
high speed. One of the Brydes whales breached
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57288, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Fig. 1. A. Killer whale sightings off Guatemala. Location of Escuintla (ESC) and Santa Rosa (S.R.). Insert shows the location
of the photographic match between our sighting #3 and group 25.00 reported by Olson & Gerrodette (2008); B-D. Killer
whales from sighting #3 that match individuals E-060 (B), E-061 (C) and E-059 (D) from group 25.00. Arrows point to the
original (white) and new (red) distinctive marks. Inserted numbers indicate the catalog number based on Cabrera et al.
(2012); E. Schematic representation of killer whale-Brydes whale encounter in 2011; including two Brydes whale following
killer whales, Brydes whale breaching, two killer whales accompanying calf and retreat of Brydes whales; F. Female killer
whales positioning the calf between them; G. Brydes whale breaching while following the killer whales.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57288, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
twice, at 11:49h and 11:51h (Fig. 1G). The event
lasted about 11 minutes, ending when a second
female killer whale approached and positioned
herself on the opposite side of the first female,
positioning the calf in the middle (Fig. 1F). At
11:55h, the two Brydes whales turned away
from the killer whales. At 11:58h, we spotted
the fin of a male killer whale at ~500 m away.
The male slapped his tail at least three times,
and then the two females and the calf dove and
swam to join the male. The four killer whales
continued to swim very close until they were
out of sight. At no time did we observe a direct
response or attack by the killer whales towards
the Brydes whales.
Killer whales are rare visitors in Guate-
mala: Five opportunistic sightings collected
over a span of 30 years suggests that killer
whales are rare in Guatemala, and there are
no indications of resident pods. Although no
predatory behavior was observed in any of
the reports, it is possible that the killer whales
that approach the Guatemalan coast between
November and February do so in search of
humpback whale calves (Pacheco et al., 2019),
or other cetaceans as it has been observed in the
ETP (e.g., Flórez-González et al., 2007; Pitman
et al., 2007; Testino et al., 2019). Killer whales
from low latitude regions such as the ETP and
Hawaii have been considered generalists feed-
ing not only on marine mammals, but also on
fish and turtles (e.g., Baird et al., 2006; Vargas-
Bravo et al., 2021).
A photographic match represents the
longest time interval and distance recorded
for a killer whale pod in the ETP: The photo-
graphic match between three killer whale indi-
viduals sighted in Guatemala and previously
in Mexico provides insights into killer whales
movements and behavior in the ETP. Although
the minimum distance (1 778 km) between the
two sights is well below previous reports (5 535
km (Guerrero-Ruiz et al., 2005) and 3 839 km
(Pacheco et al., 2019)) for a single individual
in the region, it represents the longest distance
recorded for multiple individuals from the
same pod in the ETP. The time interval of 11
years between the sightings provides infor-
mation on family association or cohesion. At
least three of the seven killer whales originally
recorded by Olson & Gerrodette (2008) as part
of their group number 25.00 have potentially
remained together for at least 11 years. In addi-
tion, the new photographs of the individuals
can be used to update the original photo-iden-
tification catalog from Olson & Gerrodette
(2008) particularly for those individuals with
fin modifications, such as female E061.
Interaction between Bryde’s whales and
killer whales. To our knowledge, the described
interaction between these two species has
not been reported before. Previous report of
Brydes whales and killer whales interactions
have involved either an attack of the killer
whales (Alava et al., 2013; Silber et al.,1990),
fleeing of the Brydes whales (Ford & Reeves,
2008) or indifference in which both species
moved away from one another (Villegas-Zurita
et al., 2016). Although we did not observe any
direct attack from the killer whales towards
the Brydes whales or any other species, the
observed Brydes whales behavior could be
associated with an antipredatory response such
as the “fight strategy” (Ford & Reeves, 2008),
or an altruistic behavior such as “mobbing
(Pitman et al., 2017). However, these strategies
have not been reported for Brydes whales and
other rorquals of the genus Balaenoptera, but
only for whales with robust body shapes such
as humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae)
(Ford & Reevs, 2008; Pitman et al., 2017).
Additionally, it is known that breaching repre-
sents an activity of high energy cost (Segre et
al., 2020). The Brydes whale breaches observed
during the interaction could be associated with
a demonstration of strength against potential
predators or as a means of communication
(Whitehead, 1985). Other behaviors such as
social interaction including playing or curios-
ity could also be considered as an explana-
tion. Given the novelty of the behavior, more
research needs to be done in the future before
drawing any conclusion.
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57288, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Implications for research and conserva-
tion: Although the number of killer whale
sighting records in Guatemala is limited, this
information contributes to current efforts to
increase knowledge on distribution, move-
ments, and intra- and interspecific behaviors of
killer whales in the ETP. The potential increase
in killer whale sighting frequency over the
past decade may be attributed to an increased
sighting effort, which includes citizen sci-
ence, whale watching, and research programs.
This highlights the importance of establishing
long-term monitoring programs of cetaceans
in the country. The cross-border movements
observed in some killer whales emphasize the
need for international conservation efforts, as
killer whales are not bound by political borders.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
Author contribution: Conceptualization,
AAC, JOW; Investigation, JOW, AAC, JCR;
Formal analysis, JOW; Writing – Original Draft
JOW, AAC; Writing – Review & Editing, All
authors; Supervision, AAC; Funding Acquisi-
tion, AAC, JOW.
The project “Cetáceos de la Costa Pacífica
de Guatemala, Parte II: Pacífico Central’’ in
2011 was funded by the “Fondo Nacional para
la Conservación de la Naturaleza” (F16/2010)
and the “Comando Naval del Pacífico de Guate-
mala. AAC was funded by the Rubicon-NWO
grant (019.183EN.005), and by the University
of Copenhagen. We thank those who contrib-
uted with the opportunistic killer whale sight-
ing records in Guatemala: Pablo Cabrera from
Extremo a Extremo, Oscar Marroquín from
Serviturismo Las Lisas, and Carlos Montero.
We also thank the colleagues who advised us
and gave us access to their photo-identification
catalogs: Miguel Iñíguez, Judith Denkinger, and
Christian Ortega Ortiz.
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