Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57292, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Lobomycosis Like Disease in Bottlenose Dolphins Tursiops truncatus
(Artiodactyla: Delphinidae) from Costa Rica Pacific Waters
Juan Diego Pacheco-Polanco1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3592-0950
David Herra-Miranda1; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2056-5060
Lenin Oviedo Correa1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8015-1367
1. Laboratorio de Ecología de Mamíferos Marinos Tropicales, Centro de Investigación de Cetáceos-Costa Rica (CEIC),
Puntarenas, Costa Rica; dpachecop@gmail.com (*Correspondence); leninovi1@gmail.com; davidceic@gmail.com
Received 02-VIII-2022. Corrected 22-IV-2023. Accepted 07-VI-2023.
Introduction: Lobomycosis, is a chronic mycotic disease of the skin and sub-dermal tissue caused by
Paracoccidioides ceti, which affects dolphins worldwide. In Costa Rica, the incidence of lobomycosis Like Disease
(LLD) has been documented in inshore common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the waters of
Golfo Dulce, South Pacific.
Objective: Examine the prevalence pattern of LLD in inshore T. truncatus from Costa Rica Pacific waters, specifi-
cally in Golfo Dulce and Golfo de Nicoya.
Methods: We examined over 20 000 photographs of T. truncatus, collected during long-term research on ceta-
ceans in 2005-2020 (n = 476 surveys), in Golfo Dulce, as well of nine sightings T. truncatus from the Golfo de
Nicoya , obtained during 17 samplings events in 2014-2022, these records for the presence of LLD allowed to
calculate the prevalence rate with a confidence interval.
Results: The prevalence rate of LLD in adult photo-identified individuals was 13.1 % (CI: 12 -14.2) in Golfo
Dulce, and 100 % in Golfo de Nicoya, considering the size of the population for the period of 2022.
Conclusion: The persistence and high prevalence levels of LLD in small, localized, communities of T. truncatus
are a cause for serious concern.
Key words: bottlenose dolphin; lobomycosis Like Disease; Golfo Dulce; Golfo de Nicoya; inshore ecotype.
Enfermedad similar a la generada por Lobomicosis en delfines nariz de botella Tursiops truncatus
(Artiodactyla: Delphinidae) de las aguas del Pacífico de Costa Rica
Introducción: La enfermedad similar a Lobomicosis (LLD), asociada al hongo Paracoccidioides cetii, es una con-
dición dérmica frecuentemente reportada en pequeños cetáceos alrededor del mundo. En Costa Rica se ha docu-
mentado la presencia de LLD en Tursiops truncatus del ecotipo costero en aguas del Golfo Dulce, Pacífico Sur.
Objetivo: Examinar el patrón de prevalencia de la enfermedad en el ecotipo costero de T. truncatus en la costa
Pacífica de Costa Rica, específicamente en Golfo Dulce y Golfo de Nicoya.
Métodos: Se examinaron cerca de 20 000 registros fotográficos de T. truncatus provenientes de un monitoreo de
cetáceos a largo plazo entre el 2005-2020 (n = 476 muestreos) en Golfo Dulce, así como nueve encuentros de T.
truncatus en Golfo de Nicoya derivados de 17 muestreos realizados entre 2014-2022, estos registros fueron ana-
lizados, para identificar y estimar el índice promedio de prevalencia de LLD mediante un intervalo de confianza.
Resultados: El índice promedio de prevalencia de LLD en individuos adultos marcados es de 13.1 % (CI: 12–14.2)
en Golfo Dulce, y de 100 % en Golfo de Nicoya considerando el tamaño de la población para el periodo del 2022.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57292, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Skin lesions have been described in odon-
tocetes and mysticetes worldwide (Burdett Hart
et al., 2012; Van Bressem and Van Waerebeek.,
1996; Wilson et al., 1999). They may be caused
by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa and
appear to have been increasing in frequency
during the last two decades (Daura-Jorge &
Simões-Lopes, 2011; Van Bressem et al., 2009).
Their occurrence and severity seem to be relat-
ed to natural and anthropogenic factors such as
water quality, inland water discharges, climate
change, and habitat degradation (Burdett Hart
et al., 2012; Daura-Jorge & Simões-Lopes, 2011;
Gómez-Salazar et al., 2012; Harzen & Brunnick,
1997; Kiszka et al., 2009; Moore, 2008; Van
Bressem et al., 2009; Wilson et al., 1999).
Caused by the yeast-like organism Paracoc-
cidioides ceti, (Vilela, et al., 2016), lobomycosis
(lacaziosis) is a chronic fungal disease of the skin
and subdermal tissues that affects dolphins. It is
characterized by raised, sometimes ulcerated or
plaque-like, dermal lesions of grayish, whitish,
or slightly pinkish color that can spread to dis-
figure large areas of the dorsal, dorsolateral, and
pedunculated regions of the body (Bermudez et
al, 2009; Bessensen et al. 2014; Daura-Jorge &
Simões-Lopes, 2011; Félix, Van Bressem et al.
2019; Kiszka et al. 2009; Murdoch et al. 2010;
Paniz-Mondolfi et al. 2012; Ramos et al. 2018;
Rotstein et al. 2009, Van Bressem et al. 2009,
Van Bressem et al. 2015).
Lobomycosis-like disease (LLD) is a condi-
tion whose clinical presentation is reminiscent
of lobomycosis but lacks confirmation based
on histologic and molecular diagnosis (Kiszka
et al., 2009; Ramos et al., 2018; Van Bressem et
al., 2009, 2015; Vilela et al., 2021). Nevertheless,
there is a very good correlation between at-sea
observations and corresponding photographic
documentation and laboratory diagnosis (Mur-
doch et al. 2008; Sacristan et al. 2015; Van Bres-
sem et al., 2007), even up to 100 %, as reported
by Murdoch et al. (2008). In the common bot-
tlenose dolphin, cases of lobomycosis appear to
be significantly associated with disorders of the
adaptive immune system, which may be related
to chronic exposure to chemicals and biological
pollutants (Reif et al., 2009).
In Costa Rica, the prevalence of LLD has
been documented in inshore bottlenose dol-
phins in the waters of Golfo Dulce in the period
1991-1992, 2010-2011 (Bessesen et al., 2014).
Here, we examine the prevalence of LLD in
inshore bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus
(Montagu, 1821)) from Costa Rican Pacific
waters, update previous observations of the
incidence in the Golfo Dulce bottlenose dol-
phin population ten years after the first obser-
vation, and report new cases of the disease in a
small, localized dolphin population inhabiting
Golfo de Nicoya.
Golfo Dulce is a 50 km long and 10–15
km wide tectonic embayment located in Costa
Rica between 8°33’N and 83°14’W (Acevedo
& Burkhart, 1998; Cubero, 1998; Oviedo et
al., 2015; Rincón & Ballestero, 2015; Svend-
sen et al., 2006). The main freshwater inputs
come from the Coto-Colorado, Tigre, Esquinas
and Rincón rivers. This embayment has been
divided into three sub-areas defined by topog-
raphy and oceanographic conditions: the inner
basin, the sill area, and the transitional oceanic
area at the mouth of Golfo Dulce (Dalsgaard
et al., 2003, Dalsgaard et al., 2005; Ferdelman
et al., 2006; Morales et al., 2015; Oviedo et
al., 2009, Oviedo et al., 2015; Quirós, 2003;
Thamdrup et al., 1996).
Conclusión: La alta incidencia de LLD y el tamaño poblacional notablemente reducido de T. truncatus en aguas
del Golfo Dulce y Golfo de Nicoya podría ser indicativo de una baja calidad de agua y degradación ambiental, por
la presión de las actividades humanas que se realizan en las zonas costeras.
Palabras clave: Delfín Nariz de Botella; enfermedad similar a Lobomicosis; Golfo Dulce; Golfo de Nicoya; Costa
Pacífica; ecotipo costero.
Nomenclature: SMT1: Supplementary material Table 1; SMF1: Supplementary material Figure 1.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57292, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Golfo de Nicoya is located on the Pacific
coast of Costa Rica (10”N, 85°W) and is one
of the largest estuaries (1 530 km²) in Central
America. It extends about 80 km from its nar-
rowest point at the mouth of the Tempisque
River to its widest point (about 55 km) where it
borders the open ocean (Maurer & Vargas 1984;
Brenes et al., 2001; Wolf et al., 1998).
We conducted 476 photo-identifica-
tion surveys in Golfo Dulce and 17 in Golfo
de Nicoya, using a 7-m-long boat powered
by a 115-horsepower four-stroke engine as
a research platform during two seasons, wet
(June - October) and dry (November - May),
from 2005 to 2022. Each survey was conducted
between 7:00 am and 4:00 pm on a given
day. There were four observers on board the
research vessel, with one observer acting as
the primary photographer, usually assisted by
another secondary surveyor, to photograph as
many dolphins in the group as possible. Photo-
graphs were taken with an SRL digital camera
(Canon 7D/70D) equipped with a 400 mm
telephoto lens. In the presence of a group of
dolphins, we photographed the dorsal fins of all
individuals within the group, as perpendicular
to the body axis as possible. Photographs were
classified according to the classes described
in Sanchez-Robledo et al. (2020). A quality
criterion was prioritized in photographic data
processing (Karczmarki et al., 2005). Therefore,
only high-quality images (80 % and above on a
quality scale from 1 to 100 %) were selected and
used in the analysis. The photo processing was
designed to eliminate any sampling bias, there-
by strengthening one of the key assumptions of
the capture-mark-recapture models, the likeli-
hood of homogeneous capture of all individu-
als in the group. Once all LLD photographic
records were organized and selected, we vali-
dated the diagnosis after consultation with an
expert (Marie-Françoise Van Bressem, personal
communication, 6 October, 2022). After analy-
sis and classification of all folders, we counted
the number of individuals with LLD.
We estimated an LLD prevalence rate,
taking into account the individual history
of encounters, which allowed us to calculate
annual prevalence indices from the rainy sea-
son of 2011 to the rainy season of 2020. This
was done by considering the annual presence
records of non-calf individuals with photo-
graphic evidence of LLD in relation to all non-
calf individuals recorded and photographed in
that year. The latter resulted in a prevalence rate
for Golfo Dulce, presented with a confidence
interval. In the case of Golfo de Nicoya, the
number of individuals with LLD in all surveys
where coastal bottlenose dolphins were record-
ed was also equal to the number of individuals
recorded and photographed per year, due to
the low number of dolphins in this population.
Data consisted of 590 T. truncatus sighting
records collected during long-term cetacean
research (2005 - 2020) in Golfo Dulce. In Golfo
de Nicoya, the data collected consists of nine
sightings of T. truncatus from 17 boat sampling
events (2014: n = 6; 2015: n = 8, 2019: n = 1,
2022: n = 2).
In the period 2005-2020, the average per-
centage of dolphins identified with LLD in
Golfo Dulce was 13.1 (CI: 12 – 14.2) in 105 dol-
phins photo-identified (Fig. 1; Supplementary
Table 1). The highest prevalence estimated in
2014 was 16.2 %, whereas the lowest prevalence
was estimated at 9.1 % in 2019 (SMT1), within
this range most of the prevalence values varied
around 12 to 14 %.
These prevalence levels are comparable
with those reported for other coastal popula-
tions of T. truncatus from South America (5.4 %
- 44.4 %), North America (12.4 %), and Tursiops
aduncus (Ehrenberg, 1832 [1833]) from Africa
(8.4 %), the percentage of individuals with skin
lesions in Golfo Dulce is consistent with those
reported in these locations (Kiszka et al., 2009;
Moreno et al., 2008; Murdoch et al., 2008; Félix,
Van Bressem et al., 2019).
The estimated prevalence of LLD in T.
truncatus from the Golfo de Nicoya was 100 %
(LLD dolphin; n = 6 from identified individu-
als, all of them adults; n = 6) (Fig. 1) in 2019
and 2022. Such a high prevalence rate in an
inshore dolphin community is unprecedented.
The highest prevalence rate reported until now
was 44.4 % in a small community (n= 9) of
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57292, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
T. truncatus from Salinas, Ecuador (Félix, Van
Bressem et al., 2019). In Golfo Dulce the major-
ity of LLD cases were documented in males
(n=5), with only two females affected by the
disease and two unidentified sex individuals.
Similarly, in Golfo de Nicoya three males were
identified as LLD dolphins, along with two
females and one unidentified sex individual.
The lesions of the dorsal fin progressed over
years in a dolphin TtGN005 from Golfo de
Nicoya and individual TtGD003 from Golfo
Dulce (Fig. 1).
There are intrinsic demographic character-
istics that differ between these two populations,
while the coastal bottlenose dolphin population
in Golfo Dulce would be considered discrete at
just over 100 individuals, with a portion of it
showing important site fidelity (Oviedo, 2018),
the Golfo de Nicoya population is smaller than
ten individuals. In the course of our assessment,
we captured the same adult individuals on each
sampling occasion, suggesting not only site
fidelity but also an apparent lack of immigra-
tion into this population. There are other simi-
larly small populations of the coastal bottlenose
dolphin ecotype elsewhere in Latin America,
such as the Santa Elena Peninsula, Ecuador,
where these dolphins were observed intermit-
tently from 2005-2018, with a mean group size
of 5.31 dolphins/group (SD = 1. 97, range 1–10)
(Félix, Zavala et al., 2019), and in the Traman-
dai estuary in southern Brazil, where they have
been observed since the early 90s, with an aver-
age of nine dolphins (including calves) com-
monly recorded over the years (Di Giacomo &
Otts, 2016), with at least two dolphins affected
by LLD (study period 1991- 2008) (Moreno et
al., 2008). Félix, Zavala et al. (2019) suggested
that such small dolphin populations may be a
remnant of larger communities, possibly affect-
ed by external environmental stressors, likely of
anthropogenic origin. In the case of Golfo de
Nicoya, the high prevalence of LLD in such a
small community is a cause for serious concern.
Demography and social behavior influ-
ence the incidence and transmission of the
disease (Félix, Van Bressem et al., 2019). Even
though the analysis of social behavior and
characteristics of these populations is in prog-
ress. There are important similarities in terms of
sex classes occurrence, distribution, and social
behavior profiles of both populations, with that
reported by Félix, Van Bressem et al (2019).
In the case of Golfo de Nicoya, as mentioned
above, the high prevalence could be explained
primarily by the demography of such a small,
localized community, where most of the indi-
viduals affected are males, basically half of the
adults observed in the field, with at least a high
ranked individual (TtGN001; Fig.1). Whereas,
in Golfo Dulce, LLD is equally observed mostly
in males (five out of nine cases). The medium
to low prevalence rate (13.14 %) could be
affected by the incidence of the disease in one
out of two male alliances. This lower-ranked
pair (TtGD015 and TtGD016; Fig.1) had a
wider home range than the dominant alliance.
All of this supports the notion of horizontal
disease transmission and geographic spread by
non-resident individuals (Félix, Van Bressem et
al., 2019; Van Bressem et al., 2015).
Although differences in sample size may
explain some of this variation, environmental
and individual factors are also likely to play
an important role. Burdett Hart et al. (2011)
suggested that differences in freshwater input
could influence the development and persis-
tence of lobomycosis between T. truncatus
communities of west and east coast estuaries in
Florida; this could be the case for Golfo Dulce
and Nicoya.
In Golfo Dulce and Golfo de Nicoya, the
presence of polychlorinated biphenyl com-
pounds (PCBs, DDT, DDD, DDE, dieldrin, and
BHC) is associated with agriculture practices
(Spongberg & Davis, 1998; Spongberg, 2004a;
Spongberg, 2004b; Umaña., 1998. Along the
riverbanks draining into the Golfo Dulce, a
number of agricultural practices have been
developed, such as cattle ranching and mono-
cultures of African palm and banana (Umaña,
1998). The increase in these activities has intro-
duced heavy metals (Fe 5.8 ug/g, Zn 96 ug/g,
Cu 87 ug/g, Pb 6 ug/g) and organochlorine
pesticides into the water column (5000 ug/g)
and sediments (15.7 ug/g) (Acuña-González et
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S4): e57292, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
al., 2004; Spongberg & Davis, 1998; Spongberg,
2004a; Spongberg, 2004b).
Many other anthropogenic activities,
including agriculture, forestry, tourism, aqua-
culture, salt-mining, mining and industry have
been carried out in the Golfo de Nicoya, mak-
ing the area vulnerable to contamination by
petroleum hydrocarbons, wastewater, pesti-
cides, heavy metals and organic compounds
(León Coto et al., 1998; Marín-Alpizar, 2000;
Fig. 1. A. Cases of lobomycosis-like disease in inshore bottlenose dolphins from Golfo Dulce (framed by dark blue rectangle)
and Golfo de Nicoya (framed by light blue rectangle) in the Pacific waters of Costa Rica. 1.b Lesion progression in individual
TtGD003 (Golfo Dulce) and TtGN005 (Golfo de Nicoya).
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S4): e57292, diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 01, 2023)
Morera-Gonzalez et al., 2019;). These can be
associated with other particles and become
available to biota and bioaccumulate in the
lipid tissues of organisms (León Coto et al.,
1998; Marín-Alpizar, 2000; Morera-Gonzalez
et al., 2019).
Very low concentrations of PCBs and DDT
can bioaccumulate and suppress the immune
system of these animals, thereby facilitating the
onset of disease (Jepson et al., 2005; Reif et al.,
2009; Ross., 2002), which could be the case in
the Golfo Dulce and Golfo de Nicoya bottle-
nose dolphin population.
The anthropogenic impacts that the coastal
populations of T. truncatus have been exposed
to may become critical and even cause a decline
in the largest and smallest populations of these
coastal dolphins in the country. Although there
is no documented mortality caused by the
disease in Golfo Dulce and Golfo de Nicoya,
a high rate of disease could lead to septicemia,
considering the severity and sometimes open
lesions, these can be exposed to bacteria (Van
Bressem et al. 2015). Additionally, the spread
to key anatomical areas, such as the rostrum,
could impede prey consumption and result in
emaciated individuals. If we put more pressure
on these areas through coastal development,
such as marinas and luxury hotels, the ceta-
cean populations and the tourism industry that
depends on them would be at risk. The restrict-
ed geographic range used by these populations
of T. truncatus and the strong dependence of
these dolphins on specific environmental char-
acteristics (structure and available resources)
makes them vulnerable to habitat loss and deg-
radation. The persistence, and high prevalence
levels of LLD, in small, localized, communities
of T. truncatus in the Pacific Ocean of Costa
Rica is a cause for serious concern.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are
fully and clearly stated in the acknowledgments
section. A signed document has been filed in
the journal archives.
See supplementary material
This study has been possible thanks to the
valuable support of citizen science, fostered by
the institutions: International Student Volun-
teers (2011-2013); in particular by the support
of Wagner Quirós, Earthwatch Institute (2013-
2023), especially the following internal funding
schemes: Arunas A and Pamela A, Chesonis
Family Foundation and Gaye Hill and Jeff Urbi-
na (2013-2014) and Gaye Hill and Jeff Urbina
(2015-2016). Special thanks to each group of
volunteers, who accompanied us on each field
trip. Thanks to our CEIC partners: the Medina
family for providing us with our base in Rincon
de Osa. Special thanks to our captain “Taboga.
We thank Marie-Françoise Van Bressem, for
her expertise and advice and three anonymous
reviewers for their contribution to improving
the manuscript.
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