Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e57498, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
Notes on the natural history and identity of
the pelagic sea snake Hydrophis platurus (Serpentes: Elapidae)
from Golfo Dulce, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Alejandro Solórzano1*
Mahmood Sasa1,2; http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0118-5142
1. Museo de Zoología, Centro de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Ecología Tropical, Universidad de Costa Rica, Ciudad
Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, Costa Rica; solorzano29@gmail.com (*Correspondence)
2. Instituto Clodomiro Picado, Escuela de Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, Ciudad Universitaria Rodrigo Facio, San
Pedro de Montes de Oca, Costa Rica; msasamarin@gmail.com
Received 02-XI-2023. Corrected 08-IV-2024. Accepted 16-IX-2024.
Introduction: The pelagic sea snake Hydrophis platurus has the broadest distributional range of all the snakes
and is the only sea snake of tropical waters off the west coast of the Americas. Within the variation in the color
pattern of this species, completely yellow specimens were considered very rare or occasional. However, a yel-
low pattern dominates a population established in the interior of the Golfo Dulce in the Southern Pacific of
Costa Rica.
Objective: We studied the abundance, activity patterns, morphometry, and feeding behavior of the yellow H.
platurus within the Golfo Dulce.
Methods: Between February 2009 and July 2018, we conducted surveys for sea snakes from a boat within the
perimeter of the Golfo Dulce.
Results: Adults from the gulf population are smaller than the bicolor oceanic population, with females having
larger bodies. Sea snakes within the gulf float and move with surface currents without being linked to drift lines
and debris. These snakes are mainly found in clean, calm waters with little turbulence. They feed on a wide
diversity of small fish, which they capture using passive stalking predatory behaviors floating on the surface. Prey
are quickly captured and swallowed alive. This species has an almost total absence of predation, a pattern that
extends to this yellow population.
Conclusions: The characteristics of the gulf and the direction and strength of the surface currents at its entrance
might restrict the transit of this yellow population to the outside and the entry of the bicolored snakes of the
oceanic population. We do not consider making taxonomic changes in this Golfo Dulce population prudent. This
yellow population is relatively common within the basin. However, the high tourist traffic and other activities are
risk factors for its conservation. Protection policies must be created to preserve and protect this small population
of yellow sea snakes unique within this species’ distribution range.
Key words: Elapidae; Hydrophis platurus; distribution; taxonomy; natural history; Golfo Dulce.
Notas sobre la historia natural e identidad de la serpiente marina pelágica Hydrophis platurus
(Serpentes: Elapidae) del Golfo Dulce, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Introducción: La serpiente marina pelágica Hydrophis platurus tiene el rango de distribución más amplio de
todas las serpientes y es la única serpiente marina de aguas tropicales del oeste de América. Dentro de la varia-
ción en el patrón de color de esta especie, los ejemplares completamente amarillos se consideraban muy raros u
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e57498, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
The pelagic sea snake Hydrophis platurus
(Serpentes: Elapidae) has the broadest distribu-
tional range of all the snake species (Boundy,
2020; Greene, 1997; Heatwole, 1999; Wallach
et al., 2014), and is the only occurring in tropi-
cal waters off the west coast of the Americas
(Campbell et al., 2004; Kropach, 1975). In
this region, H. platurus ranges in tropical and
subtropical waters from the Gulf of Califor-
nia southward through Ecuador, including the
Galapagos and Easter islands, to Northern Peru
(Campbell et al., 2004). It is common along the
Pacific coast of Costa Rica, especially on gulfs
and bays, usually between 1 and 20 km from
the coast (Lillywhite et al., 2015; Savage, 2002;
Solórzano, 2004; Solórzano, 2022).
The color pattern of H. platurus varies from
the extremely rare entirely or almost complete-
ly yellow specimens recorded in the Eastern
Pacific (Campbell et al., 2004; Kropach, 1975)
to the more common bicolored or tricolored
individuals: a black dorsum with cream, brown
or yellowish flanks in the belly (Campbell et al.,
2004). The yellowish morphs, once considered
extremely rare in early population assessments
of the species, were often interpreted as the
result of rare recessive alleles or the adverse
effect of natural selection (Campbell et al.,
2004; Kropach, 1975; Savage, 2002; Tu, 1976;
Voris, 1983). However, a recent discovery has
challenged this notion. A population composed
entirely of yellow specimens was reported for
Golfo Dulce in the Southern Pacific of Costa
Rica (Solórzano, 2011), suggesting that infre-
quent alleles may not be sufficient to explain
the prevalence of that phenotype there.
In fact, the restricted geographical area
where this population is located suggests that
it may experience selective and environmental
pressures different from those found in other
populations throughout the distribution of the
species. Evaluating ecological aspects in this
yellow-morph population could help clarify
its enigmatic origin. Since 2009, we began a
series of studies on these unusual yellow pat-
tern snakes to better characterize this popula-
tions morphological and ecological patterns
and compared them with those of the bicolored
population inhabiting the Pacific coast out-
side the gulf (from now on referred to as the
oceanic population). Here, we present some
observations on the natural history, density,
ocasionales. Sin embargo, los patrones amarillos dominan una población establecida en el interior del Golfo Dulce
en el Pacífico sur de Costa Rica.
Objetivo: Monitoreamos y estudiamos la abundancia, patrones de actividad, morfometría y comportamiento
alimentario del H. platurus amarillo dentro del Golfo Dulce.
Métodos: Entre febrero 2009 y julio 2018, realizamos búsquedas mensuales de serpientes marinas desde una
embarcación dentro del perímetro del Golfo Dulce.
Resultados: Los adultos de la población de golfo son más pequeños que la población oceánica bicolor, con las
hembras de cuerpos más grandes. Las serpientes del Golfo Dulce flotan y se mueven con las corrientes super-
ficiales sin asociarse con líneas de deriva y escombros. Las serpientes se encuentran principalmente en aguas
limpias y tranquilas con poca turbulencia. La dieta se compone de una amplia diversidad de peces pequeños, que
capturan con un comportamiento depredador de acecho pasivo, flotando en la superficie. La presa es rápidamente
capturada y tragada viva. Esta especie tiene una ausencia casi total de depredación, patrón que se extiende a esta
población amarilla.
Conclusiones: Las características del golfo y la dirección y fuerza de las corrientes superficiales en su entrada
podrían restringir el tránsito de esta población amarilla hacia el exterior y el ingreso de las serpientes bicolores de
la población oceánica. No consideramos prudente realizar cambios taxonómicos en esta población. La población
amarilla es relativamente abundante dentro de la cuenca. Sin embargo, el alto tráfico turístico y otras actividades
son factores de riesgo para su conservación. Políticas de protección deben crearse para preservar y proteger esta
pequeña población de serpientes marinas amarillas, única dentro del rango de distribución de esta especie.
Palabras clave: Elapidae; Hydrophis platurus; distribución; taxonomía; historia natural; Golfo Dulce.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e57498, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
and morphometrics of H. platurus within the
Golfo Dulce region in Costa Rica.
Study site: The Golfo Dulce is a deep
tropical estuary like a fjord (Wolff et al., 1996),
surrounded by steep mountains, located on the
South Pacific coast of Costa Rica (8°27’-8°45’
N & 83°07’-83°30’ W, Fig. 1). This ecosystem
represents the only anoxic basin on the Pacific
coast of the Western Hemisphere and is one of
the four systems with these characteristics that
exist in the tropics (Quesada-Alpízar & Cortés,
2006; Quesada-Alpízar & Morales-Ramírez,
2004; Svendsen et al., 2006). The gulf is about
50 km long and has an approximate surface
area of 680 km2, with a width of 10 to 15 km
(Quesada-Alpízar & Cortés, 2006). The maxi-
mum depth reaches 215 m in the inner part
of the gulf, with a shallow entrance of about
60 m deep (Fig. 2). These characteristics tend
to limit water circulation in the internal basin
of this gulf, and most of the circulation results
from the entry of fresh water from rivers,
effect of local winds, and its interaction with
the topography (Svendsen et al., 2006). There
are two layers of water in the Inner Gulf: one
superficial with high temperatures, low salinity,
and moved mainly by the winds, and another
deeper, colder, and with higher salinity, with a
slower flow (Svendsen et al., 2006).
Snake surveys and capture: We searched
for H. platurus from a low-speed boat during
the morning (7:00-11:00) and night (19:30-
23:00) from February 2009 to July 2018. Sur-
veys started at Playa Nicuesa (8°66’084’’ N &
83°28’098’’ W) following random routes across
the gulf, moving between the sectors of Puerto
Jiménez, Rincón, Playa Blanca, Punta Mogos,
Punta Esquinas and San Josecito (Fig. 1). We
also searched in the gulf entrance, between
Playa Matapalo and Punta Banco (Fig. 1). A
Fig. 1. Location of Golfo Dulce in the Southern Pacific coast of Costa Rica.
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e57498, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
total of 34 visits were made for three to four
days each month to the Golfo Dulce (102 days
in total) to sampling the abundance, dial activ-
ity patterns, and external morphology (mor-
phometry and lepidosis).
Snakes were collected manually using a cir-
cular net (Fig. 3A). Sea surface conditions and
GPS coordinates were recorded at sight. The sea
surface condition was recorded on an ordinal
scale with four categories: a) mirror-effect (i.e.,
water without surface movement, Fig. 4A); b)
clean and calm surface (minor undulations or
weak surface waves, Fig. 4B); slightly disturbed
surface (evident water movement and moder-
ate waves, Fig. 4C); d) turbulent surface (strong
waves and evident movement of the surface
water mass, Fig. 4D). We also registered the
behavior and surface activity of the snakes prior
to capture.
Body measurements: The captured snakes
were sexed manually, using the inversion of
the hemipenis in males. For all specimens,
body lengths (total length, snout-vent length,
head length, and width) were taken to the
nearest millimeter using a tape measure. The
animals weight is also estimated using a 500 g
electronic scale. For comparative purposes, we
took body measurements from oceanic bicol-
ored specimens captured in both Golfo Dulce
and Playa del Coco, Guanacaste Province, in
the Northern Pacific of Costa Rica, kept at the
Museo de Zoología, Centro de Investigaciones
en Biodiversidad y Ecología Tropical, Univer-
sidad de Costa Rica. To avoid duplication of
information, captured individuals were marked
by cutting a tissue clip from the end of the tail
(approximately 3 mm long). This clip was saved
for future DNA analysis.
Female reproductive status (gravid vs non-
gravid) was examined by palpation of the lower
abdomen. Sometimes, stomach contents and
freshly ingested prey were collected after manu-
ally forcing regurgitation.
Statistical analyses: Morphometric data
were analyzed using means comparisons using
ANOVA or non-parametric analogs. The
Fig. 2. Bathymetry in Golfo Dulce and the position of current meters. Depth measures in meters. (Courtesy of Omar Lizano,
Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, CIMAR).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e57498, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
comparisons were implemented in SPSS 20.0
(IBM Institute).
Research and collection permit issued by
the Instituto de Pesca y Acuacultura (INCOP-
ESCA), Resolution A.J.D.I.P 138/2010.
Surface conditions during captures:
Within Golfo Dulce, we found 482 yellow-pat-
tern specimens and four bicolored or tricolored
individuals during our surveys. Most of these
snakes were encountered in the gulfs internal
sector, which coincides with its deepest area
(Fig. 2). The snakes were found floating day and
night on the surface, mostly (> 90 %) in clean,
calm, and mirror-effect waters (Fig. 3B, Fig. 3D,
Fig. 4A, Fig. 4B). However, a few individuals
were observed in slightly disturbed waters (Fig.
4C). In contrast, none were observed in the
shallower and usually turbulent surface area at
the entrance to this gulf around Cabo Matapalo
(Fig. 4D). We rarely find individuals within the
flotation strips or smooth points (drift lines or
foam cords) with accumulations of debris and
organic remains such as twigs, branches, and
leaves. In most cases, the snakes were found at
rest, with their bodies wavy or slightly coiled
Fig. 3. A. Collecting specimens of Hydrophis platurus using a circular net. B.-C. Specimen floating during the day time
on the surface in the interior of Golfo Dulce, Puntareas province. D.-E. Specimen floating during the night time on the
surface in the interior of Golfo Dulce, Puntarenas province (E. Photo by Jaime Culebras, Photo Wildlife Tours). F. A group
of 62 individuals of Hydrophis platurus colected at night on a monitoring trip of May 13, 2013, in Golfo Dulce, Puntarenas
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e57498, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
(Fig. 3E). Rain and strong wind breezes that
cause high turbulence significantly affect the
presence of snakes on the surface, as no indi-
viduals were observed under these conditions.
Diel activity: The number of snakes
observed during the day and night differs. The
highest sightings occurred during nocturnal
surveys, with an average of 7.8 individuals
(2-62) per trip and a maximum of 122 observed
for three nights (62, 16, and 44 specimens) on
13, 14, and 15 May 2013 (Fig. 3F). In contrast,
the average number of individuals observed
during the day was 3.7 individuals (1-16).
We could not find individuals during the
censuses on a full moon, so this condition
influences their activity on the surface. How-
ever, we observed and collected specimens that
approached the boat several times at night.
These facts prove the version of local fishermen
who claim that snakes are attracted to boats
light when anchored at various points fishing
at night.
Body size: In Golfo Dulce, yellow morph
females have snout-vent body lengths between
285 and 555 mm, while those of the captured
males varied between 275 and 473 mm. Con-
sequently, the mean body length of females is
significantly larger than that of males (Table 1,
SVL: U = 176.0, df = 1, p = 0.026). In this popu-
lation, females have more robust and elongated
heads, recording head lengths between 20 and
34 mm, while for males, this measurement var-
ies between 19.7- and 29.1 mm. Means for this
variable also differ between sexes (U = 164, df
= 1, p = 0.029).
On the other hand, snout-vent body
lengths of oceanic bicolored females varied
between 241 and 730 mm, while in males from
Fig. 4. Usual condition of the surface layer in the interior of Golfo Dulce. A. Note the effect of flat or ¨mirror¨ surface. B.
Clean and calm surface. C. Slightly disturbed waters. D. Usual turbulent surface on the entrance of Golfo Dulce in Cabo
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e57498, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
that same population, the measurement was
between 456 and 635 mm. No differences were
retrieved between sexes in mean body size in
our sample from the oceanic population (SVL:
U = 217, df = 1, P = 0.95; TL: U = 216, df = 1,
p = 0.93). Furthermore, for this population, the
head length ranges from 18.0 to 44.0 mm for
females, while that of males varies between 25
and 34 mm. Again, this variable does not show
dimorphism in this population (Head length: U
= 177, df = 1, p = 0.38).
Thus, the values of body and head mea-
surements reported here indicate that yellow-
morph adults from the Golfo Dulce population
are significantly smaller than the bicolor adults
of the oceanic population (Fig. 5, SVL: Mann
Whitney U = 1031.5, df = 1, p = 0.001; TL: U =
1648, p < 0.001).
Color pattern variation: Individuals in
the Golfo Dulce population exhibit an entirely
yellow or yellow pattern combined with spots
(black, dark brown, or greenish), and dark or
light circles or lines predominate. In addition,
there is variation in the intensity of the yellow
tones (Fig. 6A). In the entire research period,
only four bicolor or tricolor specimens (the typ-
ical color patterns of the oceanic population)
were found within the gulf (Fig. 6B), which
represents less than 0.9 % frequency.
Diet and feeding behavior: Stomach con-
tents and prey found in the snakes’ mouths
before ingestion reveal the exclusive presence of
small fish (< 30 % snake length, Fig. 7A) from
three families: Carangidae (Caranx sexfascia-
tus), Clupeidae (Ophistonema sp.) and Priacan-
thidae (possibly Pristigenys serrula). Nocturnal
observations show snakes passively floating on
the surface with the body undulating and coiled
and with the head slightly downward and the
mouth sometimes ajar, stalking their approach-
ing prey.
Reproduction: We only found three juve-
niles between March and April 2009 with sizes
between 305 and 336 mm in total length. On
February 16, 2011, a mating pair was observed
on the surface between 10 and 11 in the
morning, made up of a yellow and a bicolor
specimen. The male (yellow) was coiled tightly
around the females tail (Fig. 8A). Between
Tabl e 1
Body size ( ± S.E.) for adult males and females from Golfo Dulce and the bicolored oceanic population.
Population/ Sex SVL TL Head length
Golfo Dulce
Female 452.05 ± 12.02* 506.45 ± 9.68* 27.90 ± 0.63*
Male 415.43 ± 13.62 477.54 ± 8.83 25.75 ± 0.72
Female 507.54 ± 17.96 570.40 ± 20.16 31.47 ± 0.90
Male 526.75 ± 19.92 596.37 ± 21.30 29.75 ± 1.19
*Sex differences, p < 0.05.
Fig. 5. Comparative body size of females (above) and
males (below) Hydrophis platurus from bicolor oceanic
population (left) and yellow population of Golfo Dulce
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e57498, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
Fig. 6. A. Variation in the intensity of the yellow tone in the population of Hydrophis platurus in Golfo Dulce, Puntarenas
province. B. Oceanic color specimen of Hydrophis platurus found in the inner part of the Golfo Dulce during a monitoring
trip of May 13-17, 2013.
Fig. 7. A. Stomach contents and prey found in specimens of Hydrophis platurus from Golfo Dulce, Puntarenas province
(A-photo by Alejandra Rojas-Barrantes). B. Yellow specimen of Hydrophis platurus with a small fish caught laterally and
using their venom to subjugate it.
Fig. 8. A. Pelagic seasnakes (Hydrophis platurus), a yellow male and a bicolor oceanic female, mating in the interior of Golfo
Dulce in February 2011 (Photo courtesy of Gerardo Sequeira). B. Dissection of gravid yellow female of Hydrophis platurus,
with two embryos with advanced development, February 2013, Golfo Dulce, Puntarenas province.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e57498, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
March 20 and 21, 2018, two gravid females were
collected at night, one of them with two almost
fully developed embryos of 204 and 200 mm,
respectively (Fig. 8B).
Behavior and surface activity: Observed
specimens within the Golfo Dulce generally
remain floating passively on the surface, and
most of the specimens were found in the cen-
tral part within the perimeter of greater depth
of the gulf. In the surveys during the day, we
noticed that most individuals tend to be more
evasive when approaching the boat and tend to
sink quickly. However, a shift in their behavior
occurs at night. They become much more pas-
sive, allowing observers to get closer before
showing signs of evasive behavior. This unique
nocturnal behavior was a significant finding of
our research. During our surveys, we observed
a few individuals close (< 2 km) to the coast.
Local fishermen reported that sea snakes are
rarely seen stranded on inland Gulf beaches,
and we did not observe any during this inves-
tigation. Even so, we were able to register some
reports of specimens found lifeless in the sand,
but for the local inhabitants, these encounters
are infrequent.
Predation: We did not observe any preda-
tion case on this population of yellow snakes,
and none has been documented to date. How-
ever, in May 2013, we found a specimen with
the tail cut and scarred by apparent bites, like
what was observed in the oceanic bicolor indi-
viduals in Golfo de Papagayo in the Northwest
of the province of Guanacaste (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9. A.-C. Adults specimens of oceanic Pelagic seasnakes (Hydrophis platurus) from Golfo de Papagayo in Northwestern
Guanacaste province, with tails cut off and body scarred. D. Adult yellow specimen from Golfo Dulce, Puntarenas province,
with tail cut and scarred tail, all probably from an attempted predation.
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e57498, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
The discovery of a population of H. pla-
turus established in the interior of the Golfo
Dulce basin of Costa Rica, where yellow mor-
phos predominate, was an unexpected event
(Bessessen, 2012; Solórzano, 2011). On the
one hand, the species is remarkably pelagic,
and in the Eastern Pacific, it is distributed
uninterruptedly close to the American con-
tinental shelf, where bicolored morphotypes
dominate. These bicolored morphs resemble
those observed in the Western Pacific and
Indian Ocean populations (Heatwole, 1987).
The recent report of a population dominated
by yellow-pattern snakes from Golfo Dulce
(Solórzano, 2011) was also surprising due to
the extensive history of herpetological exports
in Costa Rican territory (Savage, 2002). Never-
theless, the available literature shows that only a
few sea snake-collecting expeditions took place
on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica during 20th
century. These expeditions were carried out
mainly in the Northwestern sector of the prov-
ince of Guanacaste (Tu, 1976) and the North of
the province of Puntarenas (Voris, 1983). This
last author points out that in September 1970,
at the “mouth” of Golfo Dulce, 268 specimens
were collected, with 3 % of specimens being
completely yellow. There is no evidence of other
records or earlier collections in the inner part
of this gulf, which eventually explains why this
population remained anonymous for so long.
Yellow-colored individuals from the Golfo
Dulce population are significantly smaller than
the bicolored or tricolored individuals from
the oceanic population. Morphological differ-
ences in general, and body size in particular,
in isolated populations or with restricted gene
flow have been extensively reported in different
animal groups (Boback, 2003; Case, 1978), and
in snakes, this is no exception (Aubret, 2015;
Keogh et al., 2005).
Evaluating the factors that mediated the
origin and maintenance of morphological and
color characters in the Golfo Dulce population
is beyond the scope of this article. However, the
morphological variation revealed here, and the
prevalence of an otherwise rare phenotype in
Golfo Dulce could result from adaptive pres-
sure. Coloration modification in snake popula-
tions and other ectotherms is often interpreted
as adaptive, as natural selection promotes color
polymorphism on spatial and temporal scales
(Cox & Davis-Rabosky, 2013). Tanaka (2005)
found that the heating rate is negatively related
to body size in the snake Elaphe quadrivir-
gata, while the increase in body temperature
is significantly faster in the melanistic morph
than in the striped morph in that species. Simi-
larly, melanistic morphs of other snake species
maintain higher body temperatures than light-
colored morphs (Forsman, 1995; Gibson &
Falls, 1979). It is tempting to speculate that the
Golfo Dulce populations predominant yellow
pattern and smaller body size could also rep-
resent a temperature adaptation. Golfo Dulce
is a narrow and deep gulf with surface water
temperatures higher than those recorded on
the external ocean surface (Quesada-Alpízar
& Cortés, 2006; Quesada-Alpízar & Morales-
Ramírez, 2004; Svendsen et al., 2006). Thus,
pelagic ectotherms within the Golfo Dulce
could experience higher environmental tem-
peratures than their conspecifics outside, which
could relax the pressure to maintain a higher
level of melanism and larger size necessary for
thermal regulation in colder waters.
Body size in snakes has also been consid-
ered a phenotypic trait that varies in response
to diet type and size (Boback, 2003; Tanaka &
Ota, 2002), especially in gape-limited species
or stages where selective pressure can act more
strongly (Aubret, 2012; Aubret, 2015; Meik et
al., 2010). Thus, the smaller body size and the
coloration pattern recorded in individuals from
the Golfo Dulce could result independently.
The diet of individuals in this Golfo Dulce
population consists exclusively of small fish of
several species. However, it is still being deter-
mined if there are differences in the relative size
of the prey caught by the oceanic population
since they also feed on small fish (Kropach,
1975). Likewise, the predatory behavior of
the passive stalker that floats on the surface,
waiting for fish to approach, is similar to the
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e57498, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
hunting behavior of oceanic bicolor individu-
als (Kropach, 1975; Pickwell, 1972). On the
other hand, personal observations indicate that
specimens fed in captivity generally swallow
the offered fish alive and, apparently, only use
venom when the prey is captured from the
side (Fig. 7B), taking a few seconds longer
to ingest it.
A remarkable aspect is the absence of pre-
dation on H. platurus; even previous research-
ers agree that this species lacks significant
population-limiting predators (Heatwole, 1975;
Kropach, 1975). The few recorded predation
events involve bicolored individuals. These
instances have generally occurred when snakes
are thrown onto the sand of beaches due to
seasonal winds that push the strips or water-
lines, where snakes are usually found in the
surf zone (Kropach, 1975; Solórzano, 2022).
Being exposed and with little mobility, they are
vulnerable to opportunistic predators such as
raptors (Solórzano & Kastiel, 2015; Solórzano &
Sasa, 2017). Furthermore, in the Pacific North-
west of Costa Rica, Sheehy III et al. (2011)
found individuals with scars on their bodies
that suggest the occurrence of sporadic preda-
tion attempts, possibly by seabirds. Although
no predation records are available for yellow
morphs in Golfo Dulce, during our surveys,
we recorded anecdotic versions from residents
that photographed spotted dolphins (Stenella
attenuata) playing and chasing the snakes and
sometimes throwing them out of the water but
without eating them (Fig. 10), similar to what
was reported by Durso et al. (2015) in Puerto
Vallarta, Mexico, where a group of dolphins of
this species interacted with a sea snake in the
same playful way. We were also told of a bicolor
specimen of H. platurus found in the stomach
of a common fish in the area, a spotted snapper
(Lutjanus guttatus), caught in the outer sector
of the Golfo Dulce in Punta Matapalo.
The physical characteristics of this Gulf
and the behavior of the surface currents at its
entrance (Quesada-Alpízar & Cortés, 2006;
Svendsen et al., 2006) seem to be the events
that generate the isolation and development of
the yellow-colored population in the interior of
Fig. 10. A.-B. Spotted dolphins (Stenella attenuata) interacting and chasing a yellow Pelagic seasnake (Hydrophis platurus) in
Golfo Dulce, Puntarenas province (A. Photo courtesy of Nicuesa Rainforest Lodge. B. Photo from video of Gerson Cedeño).
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e57498, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
Golfo Dulce (Solórzano, 2011). Given that the
movements of this pelagic species are deter-
mined mainly by surface currents (Kropach,
1975), the current circulation pattern could
constitute a natural barrier that restricts the
transit of bicolor oceanic sea snakes towards the
Golfo Dulce and of the yellow morph towards
the outside of it (Fig. 11). Likewise, the physi-
cal conditions of the Golfo Dulce explain why
snake strandings within the beaches of this
basin are extremely rare and occasional. It is
likely that the mountains surrounding the gulf
function as barriers that cushion and reduce the
effect of surface winds (Svendsen et al., 2006),
making it more stable.
Evidence of genetic structure that could
explain the reported phenotypic variation is
still pending (see below). The presence of
some bicolor or tricolor specimens inside Golfo
Dulce (even mating with yellow specimens)
suggests that the flow in both directions is not
completely interrupted. In any case, the few yel-
low specimens reported in the Gulf of Panama
(Kropach, 1975), Bahía Culebra (Tu, 1976), and
other beaches on the Pacific coast (anecdotal
reports with photographs) probably dispersed
Fig. 11. A. Surface marine currents near the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Coastal Current of Costa Rica which flows mostly
from Southeast to Northwest is noticed. B. Behavior of the surface currents in Costa Rica from January 2014 to 2022
(Courtesy of Omar Lizano, Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, CIMAR).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e57498, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
from the Golfo Dulce through the Costa Rican
Coastal Current, which flows mostly from
Southeast to Northwest (Quesada-Alpízar &
Cortés, 2006; Solórzano, 2011).
The taxonomic status of the Golfo Dulce
seasnake population has recently attracted the
attention of different researchers. Solórzano
(2011) emphasized the need to perform addi-
tional genetic-molecular and morphometric
studies to evaluate the case. Using nuclear and
mitochondrial DNA sequences from speci-
mens from the Golfo Dulce and the North-
ern Pacific of Costa Rica (Gulf of Papagayo,
Guanacaste), Sheehy III et al. (2012) found
a low level of molecular variation and low
population structure, concluding that the local
variation at the morphological and color level
cannot be explained by isolation. These results,
in turn, support the notion that gene flow
between populations might not be as restric-
tive as previously thought. Bessessen & Gal-
breath (2017) recognized the differences in
coloration and morphology, hastening to name
the Golfo Dulce population as a subspecies
(Hydrophis platurus xanthos). Although some
authors argue that the concept of subspecies is a
valid taxonomic division that could enrich our
understanding of evolution and biogeography
by reflecting geographic variation within spe-
cies (Patten, 2015; Patten & Unitt, 2002), we
believe that the proposed trinomial nomencla-
ture could be confusing.
On the one hand, the criteria for defining
a subspecies rarely pass the multiple-character
test; they are generally defined based on one or
a few characters (Wilson & Brown, 1953). In
this case, the difference in the color pattern is
clear, but further analyses in lepidosis and mor-
phometry are still pending. On the other hand,
the low genetic differentiation unraveled by the
markers used (Sheehy III et al., 2012) prevents
a distinction sustained by molecular characters.
Similarly, Lomonte et al. (2014) found no dif-
ferences in the protein composition of the ven-
oms of yellow individuals of the Golfo Dulce
and that of bicolor individuals from the Golfo
de Papagayo in the Northwest of the province
of Guanacaste. The combined molecular data
show a vigorous gene flow between both popu-
lations, reinforced by the interbreeding between
yellow and bicolor individuals observed in our
surveys. Future studies should use nuclear mic-
rosatellites or finer-scale markers to investigate
the population structure of this species and
assess whether this Golfo Dulce population is
an incipient state of speciation.
Although the movements of this species
and sea snakes, in general, are still poorly
understood, the monitoring results suggest,
unlike what was suggested by Bessessen et
al. (2022), that this population is currently
healthy and relatively abundant within the lim-
ited perimeter of this basin despite the acceler-
ated growth of the tourism industry and other
related activities. Economic activities in the
Golfo Dulce (Morales-Ramírez, 2011; Morales-
Ramírez et al., 2015) may constitute potential
risk factors for the health and stability of this
small population of sea snakes. We believe pre-
serving and protecting this small population of
yellow sea snakes unique within this species
wide distribution range is necessary.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
Our thanks to Louis W. Porras and Wil-
liam W. Lamar for their comments and sugges-
tions on this manuscript, as well as to Gerardo
Chaves and Federico Bolaños for the facilities
provided at the Museum of Zoology of the
University of Costa Rica. We especially high-
light the key logistical support from Donna
and Michael Butler and the staff at Nicuesa
Rainforest Lodge in Golfo Dulce and Catalina
Torres in Golfito. We also thank Marcelo López,
Joe Bernini, Gerardo Sequeira, Jaime Culebras,
14 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e57498, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
Omar Lizano, Quetzal Dwyer, Alejandra Rojas-
Barrantes, and Arturo Angulo for their col-
laboration, photographs, and contributions to
different aspects of this research.
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