Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S3): e57584, agosto-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 20, 2023)
Thirty years of research in tropical medicine: historical trends for the world
and for the Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical (1990-2020)
Julián Monge-Nájera1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7764-2966
Yuh-Shan Ho2*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2557-8736
1. Laboratorio de Ecología Urbana, Vicerrectoría de Investigación, Universidad Estatal a Distancia, 2050 San José, Costa
Rica; julianmonge@gmail.com
2. Trend Research Centre, Asia University, No. 500 Lioufeng Road, Wufeng, Taichung 41354, Taiwan ysho@asia.ed.tw
Received 29-VI-2022. Corrected 22-VIII-2022. Accepted 25-IX-2023.
Introduction: The importance of tropical medicine cannot be overstated, since by the end of the 2030s, most
humans will live in the tropics and will need protection from tropical diseases. Nevertheless, until now, there are
no bibliometric studies about tropical medicine as a whole; all previous studies are limited to diseases, countries
or particular journals, and are often limited to brief periods of time. Here we present an analysis of historical
trends for the world and for the Revista de Biología Tropical in celebration of the journal’s 70th anniversary.
Objective: To assess geographic and historical trends in the study of tropical medicine included in a general
database, the Web of Science and from a detailed analysis of one journal of particular importance for the field
in the neotropical region.
Methods: We limited our data to journals covered by the Web of Science category “tropical medicine” in the
Science Citation Index Expanded (data updated 19 January 2022) and the Journal Citation Report on 30 June
Results: We retrieved 69 480 articles, of which 44 % resulted from international collaboration with 194 partici-
pating countries; articles may reach 17–21 citations each, and the countries with outstanding results in the data-
base include USA, Brazil, UK, Kenya and Switzerland. Research focus changes as diseases such as HIV, Dengue
and tuberculosis become more or less important over time, but overall there was much research on Plasmodium,
leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis. The journal Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical has significantly increased the num-
ber of topics covered, but still publishes studies about tropical biomedical subjects.
Conclusions: While countries with large research budgets have a large presence in this database, lower income
tropical countries like Brazil and Kenya have done a remarkable contribution in the field of tropical medicine.
The Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical has been publishing quality research about tropical medicine for the last seven
Key words: scientometrics; research in the tropics; international collaboration on health research; contributions
of tropical science; future health issues.
Treinta años de investigación en medicina tropical: tendencias históricas para el mundo
y para la Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical (1990-2020)
Introducción: La importancia de la medicina tropical no se puede subestimar, pues para fines de la década
de 2030, la mayoría de los humanos vivirán en los trópicos y necesitarán protección contra las enfermedades
2Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S3): e57584, agosto-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 20, 2023)
This article was written in celebration of
70 years of the Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical, an
international journal published by the Univer-
sity of Costa Rica, but covers both the history
of tropical medicine in the journal, and the
world-wide trends of the field in the last thirty
years. The journal was established as part of a
movement to modernize the country that start-
ed in the mid-20th century (Gutiérrez, 1986);
the idea of the journal was first proposed in
1949 by Alfonso Trejos Willis (ZeledĂłn, 2015)
and in its early years it mostly published tropi-
cal medicine contributions originating in the
Hospital San Juan de Dios and the University of
Costa Rica (Girolami, 1988; Gutiérrez, 2002).
Over the years, the journal grew significantly in
other fields of biology, like marine biology, and
the health-related content became a smaller
percent of content in each issue but remained
stable in total numbers at around 80 publica-
tions per decade (Gutiérrez, 2002).
Tropical medicine is relatively a recent
concept, a field that has been studied under
that name for only about a century (Keiser &
Utzinger, 2005); the concept was born from
the need that European empires had to control
disease in the invaded African lands (Packard,
2012). Its importance is clear: at the end of
the 2030 decade, most humans will live in the
tropics and will need protection from tropical
diseases (Wilkinson, 2014).
An early attempt to study the bibliometrics
of research in tropical medicine reported a high
concentration of articles in relatively few jour-
nals, and the predominance of the English lan-
guage in the sample (Brennen & Davey, 1978);
however, the study was based on a handful of
American and European journals and consid-
ered only a brief period (1972-1975), making
any generalizations unwarranted.
Decades passed before another study,
which covered the period 1996-2003 and only
one European journal, provided new informa-
tion; unsurprisingly, this limited study found
that Europe produced most of the papers pub-
lished in the journal, but, surprisingly, also
found that Africa was not far behind in number
of articles, and that African authors were highly
cited (Glover & Bowen, 2004). It also found that
many papers were about Malaria, HIV/AIDS,
tropicales. Sin embargo, hasta el momento no hay estudios bibliométricos sobre la medicina tropical en su con-
junto; todos los estudios previos se limitan a enfermedades, paĂ­ses o revistas particulares y, a menudo se limitan
a períodos breves de tiempo. Acá presentamos un análisis detallado de tendencias históricas en el mundo y en la
Revista de Biología Tropical, para celebrar los 70 años de la revista.
Objetivo: Evaluar las tendencias geográficas e históricas de la medicina tropical usando los artículos científicos
incluidos en la base de datos Web of Science. Además de un análisis detallado de una revista de particular impor-
tancia en la regiĂłn neotropical.
Métodos: Limitamos nuestros datos a las revistas cubiertas por la categoría “medicina tropical” en el Science
Citation Index Expanded (datos actualizados el 19 de enero de 2022) y el Journal Citation Report del 30 de junio
de 2021.
Resultados: Identificamos 69 480 artĂ­culos, de los cuales el 44 % resultĂł de la colaboraciĂłn internacional con 194
países participantes; los artículos pueden llegar a 17–21 citas cada uno, y los países con resultados destacados en
la base de datos incluyen EE. UU., Brasil, Reino Unido, Kenia y Suiza. El enfoque de la investigaciĂłn cambia a
medida que enfermedades como el VIH, el dengue y la tuberculosis se vuelven más o menos importantes con el
tiempo, pero en general hubo mucha investigaciĂłn sobre Plasmodium, leishmaniasis y esquistosomiasis. Aunque
se ha diversificado, Biología Tropical aun publica sobre temas biomédicos del trópico.
Conclusiones: Mientras que los paĂ­ses con grandes presupuestos de investigaciĂłn tienen buena presencia en esta
base de datos, paĂ­ses tropicales como Brasil y Kenia han hecho una contribuciĂłn notable en el campo de la medici-
na tropical, dentro del cual Biología Tropical ha estado presente con un alto nivel de calidad durante siete décadas.
Palabras clave: cienciometrĂ­a; investigaciĂłn en los trĂłpicos; colaboraciĂłn internacional en investigaciĂłn en salud;
contribuciones de la ciencia tropical; temas de salud futuros.
Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S3): e57584, agosto-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 20, 2023)
schistosomiasis, public health, health promo-
tion, and health policy (Glover & Bowen, 2004).
At the turn of the century, American and
European journals specializing in tropical med-
icine included four large publications: Acta
Tropica, American Journal of Tropical Medicine
and Hygiene, Annals of Tropical Medicine and
Parasitology, and Transactions of the Royal Soci-
ety of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (Keiser &
Utzinger, 2005). A new study reported that the
number of publications and the size of research
teams increased from 1950 to 2000, but that
the funding available to tropical researchers
was always far smaller than funding available
to their colleagues in industrialized countries
(Keiser & Utzinger, 2005).
A study that included both tropical and
non-tropical biomedical research, and that
covered from 1995 to 2003, found that most
publications on infectious diseases were from
Western Europe (39 %), while the United States
led in preventive medicine, public health, and
epidemiology. When adjusted for country
wealth, Canada, the United States, and Austra-
lia were the main publishers, while developing
countries had small research footprints. In the
specific field of tropical medicine, Western
Europe, Africa, and Latin America had the
highest output (Falagas et al., 2006). A much
smaller study from that time reported that,
among Latin American countries, Chile and
Brazil had the strongest presence in the scien-
tific literature (Rodriguez-Morales & Mayta-
Tristán, 2009).
The practical effect that research can have
on health needs to be improved, and this can
be done through operational research to close
the implementation gap; thus, the simple num-
ber of publications cannot be equated with the
advance in tropical health, according to a later
study by Zachariah et al. (2012).
More recent research has been limited to
particular diseases, like leishmaniasis, giar-
diasis, or Zika, or to particular regions, like
Asia-Pacific, Brazil, or China. Leishmani-
asis, endemic in 98 countries, has been studied
intensively, with 3 380 publications from 1945-
1980 to 8 267 from 2001-2010 in 1 846 journals;
originally, the leading producers were USA,
Brazil, and India, but in later years Brazil took
the lead. By population, the most productive
countries are Israel and Switzerland; by gross
domestic product, Nepal and Tunisia; and by
per capita income, India and Ethiopia (Ramos
et al., 2013). In the case of Giardia, its inclusion
in 2004 in the World Health Organization’s
Neglected Diseases Initiative seemed to favor
an increase in output (Escobedo et al., 2015).
The Zika virus increased greatly from 38 pub-
lications in 2015 to 1962 publications in 2017,
led by the US (47 %) (Nasir & Ahmed, 2018).
The studies about particular regions found
that Asia-Pacific research, published on the
journal of the same name, had a mean of 6.6
citations per article and that the most frequent
keywords were malaria, dengue, apoptosis,
antioxidant, rate, invasion, Anopheles stephesi,
and inflammation (Musa et al., 2020).
A recent study about tropical bioresearch
in Brazil found that there was an empha-
sis on Basic biomedical research (30 % of
publications) and a shortage of Health policy
and systems (7 %) and Social sciences (3 %).
Additionally, the main health problems did
not match the most studied subjects: research
output and funding were poorly correlated
with disease burden. Much money was spent
on diseases like leprosy, which are now minor-
ity diseases, and less funding was given to more
important diseases like leishmaniasis and schis-
tosomiasis (Fonseca et al., 2020).
Finally, a study of tropical medicine
research in China (2010 to 2019) reported 3 372
articles, most from a state disease control cen-
ter; it also found that Chinese research focused
on parasites and had a significant component of
international collaboration, done mostly with
the USA (Li et al., 2021). Similar studies have
been published recently (e.g. Ho, 2021; Juang
et al., 2021), centering on particular specialties.
In this article, we present the first-ever
study to consider all available fields and coun-
tries on the subject of tropical medicine; addi-
tionally, this study covers, in depth, a relatively
long period (the most recent three decades).
4Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S3): e57584, agosto-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 20, 2023)
For the overall field analysis, we used the
Web of Science category tropical medicine in
the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-
EXPANDED), from here on called the data-
base, Web of Science Core Collection, Clarivate
Analytics (data updated on 19 January 2022).
The 2020 journal Impact Factor (IF2020) val-
ues were from the Journal Citation Report
(JCR) on 30 June 2021. According to the defi-
nition of journal impact factor, it is best to
search documents published in 2020 from SCI-
EXPANDED after IF2020 were presented. The
SCI-EXPANDED indexes only a fraction of
academic output, namely 9 531 journals across
178 Web of Science categories, and 23 of them
are classified in the category of tropical medi-
cine in 2020.
We used the relationship between the
annual number of highly cited articles (TP)
and yearly citations per publication (CPPyear),
to understand impact trends, as done recently
for emergency medicine (Ho, 2021) and anes-
thesiology (Juang et al., 2021). We also used six
publication indicators and citation indicators as
detailed by Ho & Mukul (2021).
We also analyzed the distribution of
words in titles, abstracts, author keywords, and
KeyWords Plus in different periods to iden-
tify changes in research focus and ranked them
according to the whole study duration and
10-year study period, according to Zhang et al.
(2010) and Wang and Ho (2016).
The full record of SCI-EXPANDED and
the number of citations in each year for each
article were downloaded into Excel Microsoft
360 and checked. Additional coding was manu-
ally performed by the functions, for example,
Counta, Concatenate, Match, Vlookup, Proper,
Rank, Replace, Freeze Panes, Sort, Sum, and
Len were applied. The journals’ impact factors
(IF2020) were taken from the Journal Citation
Reports (JCR) published in 2020.
In the SCI-EXPANDED database, the cor-
responding author is designated as the reprint
author; corresponding author will remain as
the primary terminology instead of the reprint
author. In a single-author article where author-
ship is unspecified, the single-author is consid-
ered both the first author and the corresponding
author (Ho, 2014). Similarly, in an individually
institutional article, the institution is both clas-
sified as the first-author institution and the
corresponding-author institution (Ho, 2014).
To have more accurate analysis results, affilia-
tions were checked and reclassified. Affiliations
in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales,
Montserrat, Cayman Islands, Anguilla, and
British Virgin Isl (British Virgin Islands) were
reclassified as in the United Kingdom (UK).
Affiliations in Hong Kong before 1997 were
included with China (Fu et al., 2012). Affilia-
tions in Zaire were reclassified as being from
Dem Rep Congo (the Democratic Republic of
the Congo) (Chuang et al., 2011). Affiliations
in French Guiana and New Caledonia were
reclassified as being from France. Affiliations
in Sint Maarten were reclassified as being from
the Netherlands. Affiliations in Greenland were
reclassified as being from Denmark (Tchuifon
Tchuifon et al., 2017). Affiliations in Senegam-
bia were checked and reclassified as being from
Gambia and Senegal respectively. Affiliations
in USSR were checked and reclassified as being
from Russia. Affiliations in W Ind Assoc St
(West Indies Associated States) were checked
and reclassified as being from Trinidad Tobago
(Trinidad and Tobago) and the UK respectively.
Affiliations in Czechoslovakia were checked
and reclassified as being from the Czech Repub-
lic and Slovakia respectively (Lin & Ho, 2015).
Similarly, Czechoslovak Acad Sci (Czechoslo-
vak Academy of Sciences) was also checked and
reclassified as Czech Acad Sci (Czech Academy
of Sciences). Acad Med Sci USSR (USSR Acad-
emy of Medical Sciences) and Acad Sci were
checked and reclassified under the heading
of Russian Acad Med Sci (Russian Academy
of Medical Sciences) (Chong et al., 2021) and
Russian Acad Sci (Russian Academy of Sci-
ences) respectively. Univ London London Sch
Hyg & Trop Med in the UK was reclassified as
London Sch Hyg & Trop Med (London School
of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine).
Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S3): e57584, agosto-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 20, 2023)
Publications were assessed using following
citation indicators:
• Cyear: the number of citations from Web
of Science Core Collection in a particular
year (e.g. C2020 describes citation count in
• TCyear: the total citations from Web of
Science Core Collection received since
publication year till the end of the most
recent year (2020 in this study, TC2020)
(Wang et al. 2011).
• CPPyear: citations per publication
(CPP2020 = TC2020/TP), TP: total num-
ber of publications (Ho, 2013).
Six publication indicators were applied to
evaluate publication performance of countries
and institutions:
• TP: total number of articles.
IP: number of single-country or single-institu-
tion author articles.
• CP: number of internationally or inter-
institutionally collaborative articles.
• FP: number of first-author articles.
• RP: number of corresponding-author
• SP: number of single-author articles.
Word analysis was complicated by the
inclusion of low value words, such as report,
conclusions, and significant, as subject indica-
tors in the Web of Science. We manually elimi-
nated those cases.
For the analysis of publications in the
Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical, we read the titles
of all articles and communications published
between 1953 and 2021 (the last full year
available), and extracted documents that fit
the criteria listed by Gutiérrez (2002), i.e.
from the following tropical medicine fields:
parasitology, microbiology, hematology, clini-
cal chemistry, pathology, genetics, toxicology,
and pharmacology.
Publication output: We retrieved 69 480
articles, an average of nearly 2 400 articles per
year (1991 to 2020). For over a year, the database
did not increase the number of yearly articles
that it incorporated (1991-2004), but there was
a steady increase afterwards, only interrupted in
2018 and 2019 (Fig. 1). The citations per paper
increased from 1991 to 2003 and seemed to fall
after that date, but these results might be due to
a lag in citation processing (Fig. 1).
Journals: Nearly half (14 out of 37) jour-
nals, representing 2 972 articles, did not have
IF2020 data, i.e. they were no longer listed
under tropical medicine in 2020 (Table 1).
Some changed titles and focus, for example, in
2012, Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitol-
ogy became Pathogens and Global Health; and
Annals of Tropical Paediatrics became Paedi-
atrics and International Child Health (Table 1).
Articles published in the American Jour-
nal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (IF2020 =
2.345; rank 11th) had the highest CPP2020 (a
mean of 28 citations per article) while 147 arti-
cles in the Journal of Tropical Medicine (IF2020
= 2.488; rank 10th) had the lowest (2.2). PLoS
Neglected Tropical Diseases had the highest APP
(8.9 authors per article) and Tropical Doctor
the lowest (3.5). Infectious Diseases of Poverty
(IF2020 = 4.520) with a CPP2020 of 8.7, and an
APP of 8.2, ranked top (Table 1).
Output by countries and institutions:
Author affiliations were available for 195 coun-
tries, 56 % of them single-country articles, the
rest was international collaboration with a total
of 194 participating countries.
The CPP2020 had an overall mean of 17 cita-
tions, with internationally collaboration lead-
ing to 21 citations, higher than single-country
articles (14 citations) (Table 2).
The USA, Brazil and the UK dominated
publication indicators in the database: USA
with 23 % of total publications and 39 % of
collaboration publications; Brazil with 22 %
of single-country articles; 15 % of first-author
articles; and 15 % of corresponding-author
articles; the UK represented 16 % of single-
author articles (Table 2).
6Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S3): e57584, agosto-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 20, 2023)
Citations included in the web of science:
For the citations included in this database, and
comparing the top 20 countries, other remark-
able countries are Switzerland with the high-
est CPP2020 for total articles, single-country
articles, first-author articles, corresponding-
author articles, and single-country articles, with
a CPP2020 of 27, 27, 30, 27, and 26, respectively.
Kenya had the highest CPP2020 for total articles
and internationally collaborative articles with a
CPP2020 of 27 and 29, respectively.
For the top eight productive countries,
yearly publications had a steady growth for the
USA; there was an intermediate growth for Bra-
zil and the UK, and a more stable situation for
India, France, China, Thailand and Switzerland
(Fig. 2). The citation curves for the top cited
articles, followed three main trends: most a soft
up and down curve from 2000 through 2020; a
few grew steadily from 2012 through 2020; and
one had a clear peak around 2010 (Fig. 3). The
growth trend applies to institutions and articles
(Table 3, Table 4).
Concerning institutions, most (76 %) par-
ticipated in inter-institutional collaborations
(Table 5). The London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine in the UK took the lead-
ing position for three indicators with 4.1 % of
articles, 5.1 % of inter-institutionally collabora-
tive articles, and 3.5 % of single-author articles.
The Fundación Oswaldo Cruz (“Fiocruz MS”)
in Brazil ranked top in other indicators, with
2.0 % of inter-institutionally collaborative arti-
cles, 1.6% of first-author articles, and 1.7 % of
corresponding-author articles.
The WHO in Switzerland had the highest
CPP2020 for TP and RP with 33 and 37 respec-
tively. The University of Basel in Switzerland,
Fig. 1. Historical trend for tropical medicine: number of articles and citations the Web of Science.
Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S3): e57584, agosto-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 20, 2023)
the Kenya Medical Research Institute in Kenya,
the University of Oxford in the UK, and the
Mahidol University in Thailand had the highest
CPP2020 for their IP, CP, FP, and SP values, with
65, 33, 45, and 31 respectively.
Seven of the top 20 productive institutes
had higher CPP2020 for their single-country
articles than internationally collaborative arti-
cles, for example, the University of Basel in
Switzerland, the University of California-San
Francisco, and the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention in Maryland. However, the
Kenya Medical Research Institute in Kenya, the
Mahidol University in Thailand, and the Swiss
Tropical and Public Health Institute increased
their CPP2020 by international collaboration.
Research focus and development trends:
Most articles included abstract keywords
(95 %) and author keywords (55 %). “Malaria”,
“plasmodium falciparum”, “epidemiology”, and
“Brazil” were the most-frequently used author
keywords (1 000 articles or more). Consider-
ing the top twenty words on each list, about
half of the words in the titles also appear in the
abstracts; followed by around 40 % in Keywords
Plus and around 35% in the author keywords
(Table 5). There were also historical trends
as research priorities changed: a typical new
research focus was found from “Aedes aegypti”,
a term that was used as author keywords in 15
articles in the 1990s and in 450 articles in the
2010s. Similarly, the rank and percentage of
articles with “dengue” in the author keywords
Table 1
The 23 journals in the Web of Science category of tropical medicine in 2020
Journal TP (%) R (IF2020)APP CPP2020
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 10 409 (15) 11 (2.345) 7.2 28
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7 552 (11) 2 (4.411) 8.9 21
Malaria Journal 5 796 (8.3) 5 (2.979) 8.0 18
Parasites & Vectors 5 122 (7.4) 3 (3.876) 7.3 14
Memories Of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute 4 981 (7.2) 8 (2.743) 5.1 16
Acta Tropica 4 752 (6.8) 4 (3.112) 6.1 19
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 4 310 (6.2) 12 (2.184) 5.9 24
Tropical Medicine & International Health 3 761 (5.4) 9 (2.622) 6.6 26
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine 2 407 (3.5) 15 (1.581) 5.8 7.5
Tropical Doctor 2 340 (3.4) 20 (0.731) 3.5 5.1
Pathogens and Global Health 2 223 (3.2) 6 (2.894) 5.1 17
Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2 197 (3.2) 18 (1.165) 4.8 11
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 1 958 (2.8) 17 (1.226) 4.9 8.2
Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 1 730 (2.5) 23 (0.267) 5.3 4.7
Leprosy Review 1 173 (1.7) 22 (0.537) 4.2 8.8
Revista Do Instituto De Medicina Tropical De Sao Paulo 1 127 (1.6) 13 (1.846) 6.0 7.7
Biomedical 1 078 (1.6) 19 (0.935) 4.8 4.4
Tropical Biomedicine 1 065 (1.5) 21 (0.623) 5.5 6.0
Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical
Diseases 644 (0.93) 7 (2.831) 5.4 6.2
Infectious Diseases of Poverty 615 (0.89) 1 (4.520) 8.2 8.7
Journal of Vector Borne Diseases 595 (0.86) 14 (1.688) 5.1 6.4
Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine 526 (0.76) 16 (1.545) 5.2 4.7
Journal of Tropical Medicine 147 (0.21) 10 (2.488) 5.4 2.2
TP: number of articles; %: the percentage of articles in total publications; IF2020: journal impact factor in 2020; R: IF2020 rank
in the Web of Science category of tropical medicine; APP: number of authors per publication; CPP2020: number of citations
(TC2020) per publication (TP).
8Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S3): e57584, agosto-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 20, 2023)
went from 26 articles (rank 14th; 1.7 %) in the
1990s to 494 articles (rank 6th; 2.0 %) in the
2010s (Table 5).
A dominating subject was the epide-
miology and control of malaria, caused by
Plasmodium falciparum and other species of
Plasmodium, particularly in children and in
Brazil (Table 5). Malaria always was the most
studied tropical disease, fluctuating around
240 articles per year from 1991 to 2002; after
that, there was an “explosion” in the number of
articles, reaching 962 articles in the year 2016
only, and with a small decrease from there to
2020, with 823 articles (Fig. 4).
Another leading subject is leishmaniasis or
“Chagas Disease”, caused by species of Trypano-
soma transported by Phlebotomus, Lutzomyia,
and others (Table 5). Leishmaniasis had under
200 articles per year from 1991 to 2006; after-
wards it increased constantly and reached peaks
of 423 articles in 2015 and 420 articles in 2020
(Fig. 4).
The third remarkable subject was schisto-
somiasis, a disease produced by trematodes, in
which freshwater snails play a key role (Table
5). Schistosomiasis fluctuated between 100 and
200 articles per year in the study period; from
2007, the number of articles increased to reach
239 articles in 2020 (Fig. 4).
The human immunodeficiency virus, HIV,
originated in tropical Africa and attacks the
immune system of the human body, and can
cause the acquired immunodeficiency syn-
drome, AIDS. The number of HIV and AIDS
Table 2
Top productive countries.
TPR (%) CPP2020 IPR (%) CPP2020 CPR (%) CPP2020 FPR (%) CPP2020 RPR (%) CPP2020 SPR (%) CPP2020
USA 15 598 1 (23) 23 3 (9.5) 24 1 (39) 23 2 (13) 25 2 (14) 23 3 (12) 22
Brazil 11 517 2 (17) 15 1 (22) 12 4 (10) 21 1 (15) 13 1 (15) 13 2 (13) 13
UK 9 501 3 (14) 24 6 (3.4) 20 2 (27) 25 4 (6.0) 24 4 (6.4) 23 1 (16) 19
India 5 467 4 (7.9) 12 2 (11) 10 15 (4.1) 19 3 (6.8) 11 3 (6.7) 11 4 (7.0) 11
France 4 208 5 (6.1) 23 10 (2.2) 20 3 (11) 24 7 (3.0) 22 7 (3.2) 21 10 (2.0) 18
China 3 687 6 (5.3) 12 4 (6.0) 8.8 13 (4.5) 18 5 (4.5) 10 5 (4.7) 10 12 (1.7) 11
Thailand 3 618 7 (5.2) 18 5 (4.0) 9.1 6 (6.8) 24 6 (3.7) 15 6 (3.8) 14 9 (2.1) 19
Switzerland 3 054 8 (4.4) 27 23 (0.81) 27 5 (8.9) 27 13 (1.7) 30 13 (1.9) 27 8 (2.6) 26
Australia 2 682 9 (3.9) 23 13 (1.6) 24 7 (6.7) 22 10 (2.0) 24 9 (2.3) 22 11 (1.9) 21
Germany 2 456 10 (3.5) 20 18 (1.1) 19 8 (6.7) 20 12 (1.8) 20 12 (1.9) 19 16 (1.3) 18
Netherlands 2 277 11 (3.3) 24 27 (0.76) 18 9 (6.5) 24 14 (1.6) 23 15 (1.6) 22 7 (2.6) 12
Kenya 2 163 12 (3.1) 27 29 (0.6) 12 10 (6.3) 29 19 (1.2) 23 22 (1.2) 22 17 (1.2) 8.9
Colombia 1 950 13 (2.8) 12 7 (3.1) 7.9 26 (2.5) 18 8 (2.3) 10 8 (2.3) 10 17 (1.2) 10
Nigeria 1 929 14 (2.8) 12 8 (3.1) 9.1 27 (2.4) 16 9 (2.1) 10 11 (2.0) 10 5 (6.6) 8.5
Spain 1 828 15 (2.6) 18 16 (1.3) 18 14 (4.4) 19 15 (1.5) 18 14 (1.6) 18 39 (0.43) 18
Belgium 1 823 16 (2.6) 22 35 (0.46) 16 11 (5.4) 23 21 (1.2) 22 18 (1.3) 21 15 (1.4) 6.7
Tanzania 1 755 17 (2.5) 25 36 (0.42) 12 12 (5.2) 26 25 (0.91) 19 25 (0.87) 19 14 (1.4) 16
South Africa 1 647 18 (2.4) 18 15 (1.3) 13 17 (3.7) 20 20 (1.2) 17 20 (1.3) 16 12 (1.7) 8.4
Malaysia 1 608 19 (2.3) 12 9 (2.6) 8.7 33 (2.0) 16 11 (1.9) 10 10 (2.0) 10 21 (0.89) 13
Japan 1 557 20 (2.3) 16 19 (0.92) 14 16 (3.9) 17 16 (1.3) 16 16 (1.4) 16 45 (0.35) 13
TP: total number of articles; TPR (%): rank of total number of articles and percentage; IPR (%): rank of single-country articles
and percentage in all single-country articles; CPR (%): rank of internationally collaborative articles and percentage in all
internationally collaborative articles; FPR (%): rank of first-author articles and percentage in all first-author articles; RPR (%):
rank of corresponding-author articles and percentage in all corresponding-author articles; SPR (%): rank of single-author
articles and percentage in all single-author articles; CPP2020: number of citations (TC2020) per publication (TP).
Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 71(S3): e57584, agosto-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 20, 2023)
Table 3
Top 20 productive institutions in the Web of Science category of tropical medicine
Institution TP TP IP CP FP RP SP
London Sch Hyg & Trop Med, UK 2 825 1 (4.1) 27 7 (1.0) 29 1 (5.1) 27 3 (1.5) 28 3 (1.6) 27 1 (3.5) 30
Ctr Dis Control & Prevent, USA 1 977 2 (2.9) 31 10 (0.86) 40 2 (3.5) 30 5 (1.2) 33 5 (1.3) 31 9 (0.62) 18
Univ Sao Paulo, Brazil 1 934 3 (2.8) 15 3 (1.8) 12 3 (3.1) 16 4 (1.4) 16 4 (1.4) 15 8 (0.89) 17
Mahidol Univ, Thailand 1 842 4 (2.7) 20 2 (1.9) 8.6 4 (2.9) 22 2 (1.6) 16 2 (1.6) 15 11 (0.58) 31
Fiocruz MS, Brazil 1 754 5 (2.5) 19 1 (2.0) 17 5 (2.7) 19 1 (1.6) 19 1 (1.7) 18 4 (1.5) 21
Univ Oxford, UK 1 327 6 (1.9) 29 42 (0.26) 32 6 (2.4) 29 20 (0.32) 45 13 (0.43) 35 7 (0.93) 27
Univ Liverpool, UK 1 105 7 (1.6) 28 15 (0.63) 22 7 (1.9) 28 10 (0.56) 24 10 (0.56) 25 3 (1.6) 18
Univ Fed Minas Gerais, Brazil 1 094 8 (1.6) 16 6 (1.1) 12 9 (1.7) 17 6 (0.77) 14 6 (0.77) 14 9 (0.62) 15
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil 1 037 9 (1.5) 14 18 (0.53) 10 8 (1.8) 14 9 (0.58) 14 8 (0.60) 15 18 (0.43) 1.6
Inst Trop Med, Belgium 818 10 (1.2) 21 49 (0.24) 17 11 (1.5) 21 11 (0.45) 24 12 (0.53) 22 15 (0.47) 9.3
Kenya Govt Med Res Ctr, Kenya 814 11 (1.2) 32 240 (0.072) 16 10 (1.5) 33 23 (0.29) 36 35 (0.26) 32 N/A N/A
Swiss Trop & Publ Hlth Inst, Switzerland 747 12 (1.1) 20 1625 (0.006) 9.0 12 (1.4) 20 12 (0.43) 21 11 (0.56) 19 402 (0.039) 8.0
Univ Basel, Switzerland 744 13 (1.1) 19 1625 (0.006) 65 13 (1.4) 19 627 (0.025) 19 45 (0.23) 9.3 402 (0.039) 8.0
WHO, Switzerland 736 14 (1.1) 33 31 (0.32) 38 14 (1.3) 32 26 (0.26) 39 25 (0.28) 37 5 (1.3) 25
Inst Pasteur, France 694 15 (1.0) 26 26 (0.34) 22 15 (1.2) 26 19 (0.33) 30 18 (0.36) 27 24 (0.35) 10
Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil 666 16 (1.0) 18 4 (1.3) 14 29 (0.85) 19 8 (0.63) 17 8 (0.60) 16 2 (2.1) 14
Univ Fed Rio De Janeiro, Brazil 665 17 (1.0) 13 20 (0.50) 8.8 17 (1.1) 14 14 (0.37) 12 15 (0.38) 12 11 (0.58) 11
University of Malaya, Malaysia 661 18 (1.0) 13 5 (1.2) 11 27 (0.88) 13 7 (0.69) 12 7 (0.73) 12 204 (0.078) 5.0
Johns Hopkins Univ, USA 640 19 (0.92) 27 58 (0.22) 30 16 (1.1) 27 17 (0.34) 30 20 (0.33) 27 24 (0.35) 28
Univ Calif San Francisco, USA 583 20 (0.84) 20 127 (0.12) 43 18 (1.1) 19 25 (0.28) 22 21 (0.33) 20 402 (0.039) 0
TP: total number of articles; TPR (%): the rank and the percentage of total articles in the total number of articles; IPR (%): the rank and the percentage of single-institute articles in the
total single-institute articles; CPR (%): the rank and the percentage of inter-institutionally collaborative articles in the total inter-institutionally collaborative articles; FPR (%): the rank
and the percentage of first-author articles in the total first-author articles; RPR (%): the rank and the percentage of the corresponding-author articles in the total corresponding-author
articles; SPR (%): the rank and the percentage of the single-author articles in the total single-author articles; CPP: number of citations (TC2020) per publication (TP); N/A: not available.
10 Revista de BiologĂ­a Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 71(S3): e57584, agosto-diciembre 2023 (Publicado Nov. 20, 2023)
Fig. 2. Historical trend for the top eight productive countries with TP > 3.000.
Fig. 3. The citation life of the top 10 most frequently cited articles in the Web of Science; citation lifespan can reach three