Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e57696, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 05, 2024)
Ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Coccoloba uvifera
(Polygonaceae) in coastal ecosystems of Eastern Cuba
Mijail Mijares Bullaín-Galardis1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8123-4906
Ludovic Pruneau2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7529-4387
Bettina Eichler- Löbermann6; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8306-0452
Fatoumata Fall3; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8533-7010
Raúl Carlos López-Sánchez1; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0477-3572
Amadou Mustapha Bâ3,4,5; https://orcid.org/0009-0008-7398-4107
1. Centro de Estudios de Biotecnología Vegetal, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad de Granma, 85100,
Bayamo, Provincia Granma, Cuba; mbullaing@gmail.com (*Correspondencia), raulcarloslopez2015@gmail.com
2. Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, Unité Mixte de Recherche7205, Université des Antilles, Guadeloupe,
France; ludovic.pruneau@univ-antilles.fr
3. Laboratoire de Biologie et Physiologie Végétales, Université des Antilles, Fouillole, Pointe-à-Pitre, 97157 Guadeloupe,
France; fal1481@yahoo.fr, amadou.ba@univ-antilles.fr
4. Laboratoire des Symbioses Tropicales et Méditerranéennes, Unité Mixte de Recherche113/Université Montpellier2/
Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement/ Institut de Recherche pour
le Développement/Sup-Agro, Montpellier, France; amadou.ba@ird.fr
5. Académie Nationale des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal, Dakar, Sénégal
6. Department of Plant Sciences/Faculty of Agriculture/University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany;
Received 20-XI-2023. Corrected 18-VII-2024. Accepted 30-X-2024.
Introduction: Coccoloba uvifera, named also seagrape, establishes symbiotic relationships with many ectomycor-
rhizal fungi. However, in Cuba, these fungi have been little studied.
Objective: To characterize the diversity of sporocarps and ectomycorrhizae of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated
with C. uvifera in three coastal ecosystems of Eastern Cuba.
Methods: Four samplings of sporocarps and ectomycorrhizae were carried out at three-week intervals during the
rainy season, from June to September, in 2018 and 2019. Ectomycorrhizae were collected from three mature trees
and 30 young individuals per tree. The samples were transferred to the Abiotic Stress Laboratory of the Center
for Plant Biotechnology Studies of the University of Granma and the Laboratory of Plant Biology and Physiology
of the University of French West Indies for processing and subsequent identification.
Results: Five species of ectomycorrhizal fungi were identified from sporocarps collected under C. uvifera in the
three sampling sites (Scleroderma bermudense, Russula sp., Cantharellus sp., Inocybe sp., and Amanita sp.). Using
internal transcribed spacer sequencing, six taxa of ectomycorrhizal fungi were identified from ectomycorrhizas
of mature trees and seedlings (S. bermudense, two Tuber spp., Tomentella sp., Inocybe sp., and Thelephora sp.).
Only S. bermudense coincided (similarity 99-100 %) with sporocarps. S. bermudense was the most frequent
ectomycorrhizal fungus in the ectomycorrhizas and sporocarps collected. Mature trees and C. uvifera seedlings
shared between 75 and 100 % of the ectomycorrhizal fungal communities, being able to form potential common
ectomycorrhizal networks.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e57696, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 05, 2024)
Many trees form ectomycorrhizal (ECM)
symbioses with diverse Basidiomycota and
Ascomycota, which play a key role in many
tropical forests (Bâ et al., 2012; Corrales et
al., 2018), affecting tree growth and nutri-
ent absorption as well as protection against
pathogens (Smith & Read, 2008). Large areas of
tropical and neotropical forests are dominated
by ECM trees (Bâ et al., 2012; Corrales et al.,
2018), suggesting a key role of these symbio-
ses in the functioning of some tropical forest
ecosystems. ECM surveys from tropical forests
show that Africa has the highest number of
confirmed ECM plant species, followed by
Neotropics, including Central and South Amer-
ica and the Caribbean (Corrales et al., 2018).
ECM host plants in the neotropical lowlands
are from predominantly tropical lineages in the
Fabaceae, Cistaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Polygo-
naceae, and Nyctaginaceae families (Corrales
et al., 2018).
In Guadeloupe and Martinique (Lesser
Antilles), the ECM fungal diversity associ-
ated with the Polygonaceae Coccoloba uvifera
L. (seagrape) was quite poor (Bâ et al., 2014;
Séne et al., 2015; Séne et al., 2018) as compared
with the ECM fungal diversity of the Fabaceae
Afzelia africana Sm. from West Africa (Bâ et
al., 2012). This low diversity does not result
from insufficient sampling, because species
accumulation curves of sporocarps and ECM
fungal taxa reached an asymptote at all sites
in Guadeloupe (Séne et al., 2015). However,
other Caribbean and South American sites
Conclusions: At the three collection sites, sporocarp weakly reflected the belowground ectomycorrhizal fungal
community, ectomycorrhizal fungal diversity is quite limited, and S. bermudense was the only ectomycorrhizal
fungus that overlapped in sporocarps and ectomycorrhizae.
Key words: seagrape; fungal diversity; fruiting body; ectomycorrhizae; ITS sequencing.
Hongos ectomicorrícicos asociados con Coccoloba uvifera (Polygonaceae)
en ecosistemas costeros del oriente cubano
Introducción: Coccoloba uvifera, también llamada uva de mar, establece relaciones simbióticas con varios hongos
ectomicorrícicos, sin embargo, en Cuba, estos hongos han sido poco estudiados.
Objetivo: Caracterizar la diversidad de esporocarpos y ectomicorrizas de hongos ectomicorrízicos asociados a C.
uvifera en tres ecosistemas costeros del oriente de Cuba.
Métodos: Se realizaron cuatro muestreos de esporocarpos y ectomicorrizas a intervalos de tres semanas durante
la temporada de lluvias, de junio a septiembre, entre 2018 y 2019. Las ectomicorrizas se recolectaron en tres árbo-
les maduros y en 30 individuos jóvenes por árbol. Las muestras se trasladaron al Laboratorio de Estrés Abiótico
del Centro de Estudios de Biotecnología Vegetal de la Universidad de Granma y al Laboratorio de Biología y
Fisiología Vegetal de la Universidad de las Antillas, para su procesamiento y posterior identificación.
Resultados: A partir de esporocarpos recolectados bajo C. uvifera en los tres sitios de muestreo se identificaron
cinco especies de hongos ectomicorrícicos (Scleroderma bermudense, Russula sp., Cantharellus sp., Inocybe sp. y
Amanita sp.). Utilizando la secuenciación espaciador transcrito interno se identificaron seis taxones de hongos
ectomicorrícicos a partir de ectomicorrizas de árboles maduros y plántulas (S. bermudense, dos Tuber spp.,
Tomentella sp., Inocybe sp., y Thelephora sp.). Solo S. bermudense coincidió (similitud 99-100 %) con esporocar-
pos. S. bermudense fue el hongo ectomicorrícico más frecuente en las ectomicorrizas y los esporocarpos recolec-
tados. Los árboles maduros y las plántulas de C. uvifera compartieron entre el 75 y el 100 % de las comunidades
fúngicas ectomicorrícicas, pudiendo formar redes ectomicorrícicas comunes.
Conclusiones: En los tres sitios de recolección, los esporocarpos reflejaron débilmente la comunidad de hongos
ectomicorrízicos subterránea, la diversidad de hongos ectomicorrízicos fue bastante limitada y S. bermudense fue
el único hongo ectomicorrícico que se superpuso en esporocarpos y ectomicorrizas.
Palabras clave: uva de mar; diversidad fúngica; cuerpo fructífero; micorrizas; secuenciación ITS.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e57696, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 05, 2024)
have to be investigated before this feature can
be generalized to the whole distribution area
of seagrape (Bâ et al., 2014; Põlme et al., 2017).
There is evidence that the number of host tree
species drives diversity (Ishida et al., 2007),
and indeed, seagrape is the only ECM host of
the investigated beach sites (Séne et al., 2015).
Study of sporocarps fruiting near seagrape
weakly reflected the belowground ECM fungal
community, although five fruiting species were
found in ECM roots. Seagrape seedlings and
mature trees had very similar communities of
ECM fungi and could share potential common
mycorrhizal networks that could play a major
role in nutrient transfers (e.g., C, P, and N)
through hyphae from mature trees to seedlings
of Coccoloba (Karst et al., 2022; Séne et al.,
2015). This tree is associated with ECM fungi
in the genera Amanita, Inocybe, Cantharellus,
Melanogaster, Cenococcum, Lactarius, Russula,
Thelephoraceae, Xerocomus, and Scleroderma
(Álvarez, 2012; Bâ et al., 2014; Guzmán et al.,
2004; Kreisel, 1971; Miller et al., 2000; Pegler,
1983; Séne et al., 2015; Séne et al., 2018). The
ECM fungal species Scleroderma bermudense
plays a major role in mitigating salt stress for
seagrape (Bandou et al., 2006; Bullaín-Galardis
et al., 2023; Bullaín et al., 2022).
In the flora of Cuba, 34 species of Coc-
coloba including seagrape are listed and 25 are
endemic, suggesting that Cuba is an important
center of specific diversity of the genus Coccolo-
ba in the Greater Antilles (Castañeda, 2014).
As host tree species drive diversity (Ishida et
al., 2007), higher ECM fungal diversity should
be expected in Cuba. However, the ECM fungi
associated with seagrape in Cuba are poorly
studied. Therefore, the objective of this research
was to characterize the diversity of sporocarps
and ectomycorrhizae (EMe) of ECM fungi
associated with seagrape in three coastal eco-
systems in Eastern Cuba.
Study area: The ECM roots of seagrape
and sporocarps were collected at Las Coloradas
beach (19º55’31.9’’ N & 77º41’14.1’’ W), Cabo
Cruz (19º50’23.5’’ N & 77º43’14.4’’ W), and
Punta de Tomate (21º16’16.6’’ N & 76º31’ 18.5’
W) in Cuba (Fig. 1).
These sites are representative of sand-
growing littoral seagrape forests with abun-
dant seedling recruitment in the crowns of the
mature trees, except on Cabo Cruz beach. Due
to their geographical proximity, barely 10 km,
Las Coloradas and Cabo Cruz both have an
average annual rainfall and temperature of 942
mm and 27.0 °C. The precipitation and aver-
age annual temperature of Punta de Tomate is
Fig. 1. Location of the three coastal collection sites (Punta de Tomate, Las Coloradas, and Cabo Cruz) in Cuba.
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e57696, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 05, 2024)
920 mm and 31 °C. Seagrape is the dominant
tree in the three sampling sites. In Las Colora-
das, the presence of trees of Thespesia populnea
(Majaguilla), Cocos nucifera, Terminalia cata-
ppa (Indian almond tree), Rhizophora mangle
(Red mangrove), and creeping plants such as
Ipomoea pes-caprae (beach sweet potato) were
observed. In Punta de Tomate trees such as
Casuarina equisetifolia, Rhizophora mangle, and
creeping plants such as Canavalia rosea (mate
of the coast) were present. In Cabo Cruz, only
creeping plants such as Ipomoea pes-caprae,
Canavalia rosea, and Sessuvium maritium (sea
purslane) shared the same habitat.
The soils of the three collection sites are
formed on limestone, especially Cabo Cruz,
where calcareous rocks predominate, mainly
limestone. Unlike Cabo Cruz and Punta de
Tomate, Las Coloradas is a beach protected
from strong winds and waves due to its location
in the Gulf of Guacanayabo, which has mostly
muddy bottoms with little contaminated sedi-
ment (Arencibia et al., 2014).
Sampling of sporocarps and EMe: The
study area was divided into two permanent
plots in each forest site. The dimensions of
the plots were 750 m2 (150 x 5). The first plot
extended from the shoreline to five meters
and the other from five to ten meters from the
shoreline, both with a length of 150 meters.
The sporocarps and ECM roots were col-
lected from both plots. Each plot was sampled
four times a year, with an interval of three
weeks between each sampling during the rainy
season, from June to September, in 2018 and
2019. With the help of a garden spade, the
sporocarps were collected, grouped according
to their morphology, photographed, and placed
separately in a woven wooden basket with
handle to be transported to the laboratory. A
fragment of fresh tissue from each sporocarp
was placed in 50 ml centrifuge tubes containing
silica gel, labeled with the sample number and
date and place of collection until DNA extrac-
tion. The voucher specimens were deposited
in the herbarium of the Laboratory of Abiotic
Stress of the Center for Plant Biotechnology
Studies of the University of Granma (Cuba) and
the herbarium of the Laboratory of Plant Biol-
ogy and Physiology of the University of French
West Indies (Guadeloupe). The identification
of the sporocarps was carried out in accor-
dance with Coker (1939), Courtecuisse (2006),
Courtecuisse (2009), Guzmán et al. (2004),
Miller et al. (2000), and Pegler (1983).
Natural regeneration of seedlings was
observed under the crown of all mature sea-
grape trees except at the Cabo Cruz site. Each
mature tree and its seedlings covered approxi-
mately 4 m2 (2 × 2 m) in area and were distant
by at least 2 m from the other sampled trees.
Three mature trees and 30 young individuals
(1-2 months old) with two cotyledons and two
leaves, < 20 cm in height, and < 2 mm diameter
at ground level were randomly chosen and
collected during the rainy season under each
mature tree, carefully avoiding mature tree
roots that sometimes intermingled with seed-
ling roots. To sample the ECM roots of mature
trees, we carefully sampled ten soil cores (15
cm diameter and 20 cm depth, approximately
250 g of soil) under the crown where seedlings
were absent, avoiding mixing the root sizes and
reducing the damage to the seedlings. The ECM
roots of mature trees and seedlings were gently
washed separately with tap water to remove the
excess substrate. Subsequently, they were placed
in a Petri dish with water using sleeved needles
and a scalpel under a stereoscopic microscope
with 4X magnification. Special attention was
paid to the presence of any type of swelling,
color change, or defined growth pattern rec-
ognized as a fungal morphotype, based on
macroscopic characteristics, such as the color
and texture of the mantle, and microscopic
characteristics, such as the presence or absence
of hyphae, mycelial filaments, and sclerotia,
according to Thoen and Bâ (1989) and Agerer
(1991). The ECM colonization was confirmed
by observing root apex sections of each fungal
morphotype to verify the presence of the fungal
mantle and the Hartig network. A fragment
of each fresh ECM morphotype was placed in
50 ml centrifuge tubes containing silica gel,
labeled with the sample number and date and
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e57696, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 05, 2024)
place of collection for later identification using
molecular techniques.
DNA extraction and amplification of the
ITS region: DNA was extracted from spo-
rocarps (100 mg dry weight) and from each
ECM root tip using the DNeasy Plant Kit
(Qiagen, USA) according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. Sporocarp and EMe were sepa-
rately placed in extraction tubes containing 400
μL of extraction buffer (AP1) and 4 μL of RNase
A. The samples were incubated for 30 min at 65
°C. Thereafter, 50 μL of buffer (AE) was added
to each tube, and the extracted DNA was stored
at 4 °C. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS)
region of nuclear rDNA was amplified in a mix
containing 10 μL of Sigma Taq 5X Ready To
Go beads (buffer, dNTPs, MgCl2), 1 μL of each
TATTGATAT GC-3’) at 10 μM each, 6 μL of
water, and 2 μL of the total DNA extract. The
PCR conditions were programmed as follows:
1 cycle of 4 min at 95 °C followed by 35 cycles
at 95 °C for 30 s, 53 °C for 30 s, 72 °C for 1 min
30 s, and extension at 72 °C for 7 min. Negative
controls (no DNA template) were included to
test for the presence of DNA contamination.
The PCR products were separated by electro-
phoresis in 1 % agarose gel (Promega, Spain)
in 1x TAE buffer (0.04 M Tris-acetate, 1 mM
EDTA, pH 8.0) with 10 μL of GelRed Nucleic
Acid Stain per 100 ml of gel. DNA bands were
visualized by fluorescence under ultraviolet
light. The amplification products were sent to
Genoscreen (Lille, France) for sequencing.
Sequencing of the ITS region: PCR prod-
ucts were sequenced for both strands. Forward
and reverse DNA sequences were edited and
manually corrected to obtain the consensus
sequence using the software BioEdit (version
7.0.8). For taxonomic affiliation of EMe and
sporocarps, consensus sequences were com-
pared with the GenBank database using the
BLASTN algorithm to identify the most simi-
lar sequences. ECM fungal taxa names were
defined following the BLAST score. Species
were considered to have been identified when a
sequence presented more than 97 % full-length
similarity to sequences derived from sporo-
carps or from well-identified sequences in Gen-
Bank. Alternatively, sequences with less than 97
% identity were identified at the genus or family
level. The phylogenetic tree was built with the
MEGA 6.06 software using the maximum like-
lihood method. Representative sequences for
each ITS OTU sequence were queried against
GenBank using BLAST to define fungal taxa.
The frequency of each fungal taxon was calcu-
lated as the ratio of the number of each fungal
taxon over the total number of fungal taxa.
Poor diversity of ECM fungi: Sampling
revealed limited sporocarp diversity at the three
study sites (Fig. 2, Fig. 3). In all, 111 sporocarps
were collected and five ECM fungal taxa were
identified from sporocarps, including Amanita
sp., Russula sp., Inocybe sp., Scleroderma ber-
mudense, and Cantharellus sp. (Fig. 2, Fig. 3). Of
these five taxa, only S. bermudense was subhy-
pogeous, the remaining four were epigeous. All
collected sporocarps belong to basidiomycetes.
Sporocarps of the five ECM fungal species were
found in Las Coloradas (Fig. 2B), two (S. ber-
mudense and Russula sp.) were found in Punta
de Tomate (Fig. 2C), and one (S. bermudense) in
Cabo Cruz (Fig. 2D). The ECM fungus S. ber-
mudense was the most common ECM fungus
found in the three sites and represented 50 % of
the sporocarps collected (Fig. 2A).
We morphotyped 169 ECM roots and
sorted them into six EMe (Table 1, Table 2, Fig.
4). All ECM roots were sampled for subsequent
DNA analysis and were identified within six
fungal taxa, of which four were identified as
Basidiomycota (66.7) and two as Ascomycota
(33.3 %). The frequencies of ECM fungal taxa
on roots were determined and S. bermudense
appeared the most representative on root tips
of seagrape (Fig. 5). Overall, S. bermudense was
the only ECM fungus detected on sporomes
and on EMe in all sites.
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e57696, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 05, 2024)
A low similarity between aboveground
and belowground ECM fungi: A comparison
of the aboveground and belowground ECM
fungi revealed that S. bermudense was identi-
fied from sporocarps and ECM roots (99-100 %
homology). Cantharellus sp., Russula sp., and
Amanita sp. were not found on roots. We were
not able to sequence ITS from Inocybe sp. Some
ECM fungi found on roots, such as Tuber spp.,
Inocybe sp., and Thelephoraceae (Tomentella
Fig. 2. Frequencies of sporocarps collected under adult seagrape trees and seedlings. A. In the three sites. B. Las Coloradas.
C. Punta de Tomate. D. Cabo Cruz.
Fig. 3. Sporocarps fruiting from under seagrape. A. Russula sp. SUA06. B. S. bermudense SUA09. C. Cantharellus sp. SUA07.
D. Amanita sp. SUA01. E. Inocybe sp. SUA13.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e57696, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 05, 2024)
Table 1
ECM fungi associated with C. uvifera in the three coastal zones of Cuba.
number Fungal taxa Origin Seagrape Fungal form Size ITS
accession numbers
Reference sequence in
NCBI and origin
EUA01 Inocybe sp.Cuba
(Las Coloradas)
Seedling Ectomycorrhizae 647 OQ351717 Inocybe xerophytica
SUA13 Inocybe sp. Cuba
(Las Coloradas)
Seedling and
mature tree
Sporocarp nd nd nd nd
EUA02 Scleroderma
(Las Coloradas)
Seedling and
mature tree
Ectomycorrhizae 611 OQ351718 Scleroderma bermudense Ecu446
EUA03 Tomentella sp. Cuba
(Las Coloradas)
Seedling and
mature tree
Ectomycorrhizae 635 OQ351719 Tomentella sp. Ecu210
EUA04 Tuber sp. Cuba
(Las Coloradas)
Seedling and
mature tree
Ectomycorrhizae 564 OQ351720 Tuber beyerlei
SUA01 Amanita sp. Cuba
(Las Coloradas)
Seedling and
mature tree
Sporocarp 475 OQ351727 Amanita arenicola BA 03.12.26
SUA02 Russula sp. Cuba
(Las Coloradas)
Seedling and
mature tree
Sporocarp 682 OQ351728 Russula aeruginea
(North West America)
SUA03 Scleroderma
(Las Coloradas)
Seedling and
mature tree
Sporocarp 685 OQ351729 Scleroderma bermudense Scu14
SUA07 Cantharellus sp. Cuba
(Las Coloradas)
Seedling and
mature tree
Sporocarp 538 OQ351733 Cantharellus cinnabarinus
EUA05 Scleroderma
(Punta de Tomate)
Seedling and
mature tree
Ectomycorrhizae 592 OQ351721 Scleroderma bermudense Scu14
EUA06 Thelephora sp. Cuba
(Punta de Tomate)
Seedling and
mature tree
Ectomycorrhizae 625 OQ351722 Thelephora sp. Cu P16
Nd = not determined; NCBI = National Center for Biotechnology Information.
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e57696, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 05, 2024)
Fig. 4. EMe collected on seagrape. A. Bright white EUA02 of S. bermudense. B. Brown EUA01 of Inocybe sp. C. Yellow EUA04
of Tuber sp. D. Brown EUA03 of Tomentella sp. E. Brown light EUA06 of Thelephora sp. F. White EUA07 of Tuber sp.
Table 2
Number of sampled individuals, putative EMe, and ECM fungal taxa, and percentage of ECM fungal taxa fruiting and found
on roots of seagrape trees and seedlings in Las Coloradas, Punta de Tomate, and Cabo Cruz.
Las Coloradas Punta de Tomate Cabo Cruz
Tree Seedling Tree Seedling Tree Seedling
Number of sampled individuals 3 30 3 30 3 0
Number of putative ECM roots 36 28 54 36 15 0
Number of putative ECM sampled for DNA extraction 36 28 54 36 15 0
Number of putative ECM sampled for Sanger sequencing 26 22 31 21 7 0
Number of sequences 24 21 22 18 3 0
Number of ECM taxa 444320
Shared ECM fungal taxa (%) (1) 75 75 100 100 0 0
Similarity (%) of ECM fungal taxa found in sporocarps and EMe (2) 11 22 16 16 33 0
(1) % of ECM fungal taxa occurring on mature trees and seedlings at each site. / (2) % of ECM fungal taxa found aboveground
and belowground at each site.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e57696, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 05, 2024)
sp. and Thelephora sp.), were not found as spo-
rocarps, but were present in the roots. In each
site the ECM fungal taxa on roots that matched
with sporocarps were 11 % in Las Coloradas,
16 % in Punta de Tomate and 33 % in Cabo
Cruz (Table 2).
Sequence analysis and phylogenetic group-
ing of the ITS region was further used to
identify the unknown fungal symbionts by
comparing to a previously published database
of sequences from that region in GenBank (Fig.
6). Sequences from sporocarps and ECM roots
were compared to the GenBank database using
the algorithm BLASTN to identify the most
similar ITS sequences. In all cases, sequence
similarity was 97-100 % between unknown
EMe and their closest known genera within the
family or subfamily of Basidiomycota or Asco-
mycota sequences in the GenBank database.
Morphological identification of sporocarps
were all confirmed by phylogenetic analysis
except Inocybe sp. (Fig. 6). Two EMe were close-
ly related to the Thelephoroid taxa (Tomen-
tella and Thelephora), two to Tuber, and one to
Scleroderma (Fig. 5). Phylogenetic analysis as
displayed by the high bootstrap values shown
in the neighbor-joining-based tree in Fig. 6
also demonstrates that the different species fall
into the seven ECM fungal lineages proposed
by Tedersoo et al., (2010), including six from
Basidiomycota (/russula-lactarius-lactifluus, /
amanita, /cantharellus, /thelephora-tomentella,
/pisolithus-scleroderma, /inocybe) and one
from Ascomycota (/tuber-helvella) (Fig. 4).
Based on phylogenetic analysis and % of simi-
larity (99-100 %), only three common ECM
fungi compared to what was found using Blast,
one sporocarp S. bermudense and two EMe of
Inocybe sp. EUA01 and Thelephora sp. EUA06
of Cuba matching with Inocybe xerophytica and
Thelephora sp. Cu P16 of Guadeloupe, respec-
tively (Fig. 6).
Many ECM fungi are shared by mature
seagrape trees and seedlings: Of the six ECM
fungal taxa identified on roots, four were shared
between mature trees and seedlings (Table
2, Fig. 5). The other ECM fungi, Inocybe sp.
EUA01 and Thelephora sp. EUA06, were found
only on seedlings in Las Coloradas and mature
trees in Punta de Tomate, respectively. Two
fungal taxa belonging to Ascomycota, Tuber
sp. EUA04 and EUA07, were found on roots
of mature trees and seedlings in Las Coloradas
and Punta de Tomate, respectively (Table 2). In
all, mature trees and seedlings share between 75
Fig. 5. Relative frequencies of ECM fungal taxa on seagrape at Las Coloradas, Punta de Tomate, and Cabo Cruz.
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e57696, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 05, 2024)
and 100 % of the fungal taxa in Las Coloradas
and Punta de Tomate respectively (Table 2).
Poor diversity of ECM fungi: The lim-
ited diversity and uneven distribution and fre-
quency of ECM fungi in the three sampling
sites, based on sporocarp sampling, coincides
with what was observed by Séne et al. (2015)
at four sampling sites on the island of Guade-
loupe (France). In that study of 546 collected
sporocarps only seven species of ECM fungi
were identified. The distribution of the sporo-
carps of the different species was different in
the four sampling sites and S. bermudense and
R. cremeolilacina were the most abundantly
fruiting genera at the four sites. However, S.
bermudense was the most abundantly fruiting
species in the littoral forests of the Greater
Fig. 6. Phylogenetic tree showing the relationships between ITS sequences of ECM fungi of seagrape from Cuba (in bold)
compared to reference sequences in GenBank. The geographical locations of ECM fungi are indicated in square brackets.
GenBank accession numbers are indicated in brackets. Host plants are underlined. The herbarium numbers “EUA” represent
EMe and “SUA” sporocarps. Three common ECM fungi compared to what was found using Blast, one sporocarp S.
bermudense and two EMe of Inocybe sp. EUA01 and Thelephora sp. EUA06 of Cuba matching with Inocybe xerophytica and
Thelephora sp. Cu P16 of Guadeloupe, respectively. The phylogenetic tree was rooted with strains of Funneliformis mosseae
and Glomus mosseae.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e57696, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 05, 2024)
Antilles (Cuba) and the Lesser Antilles (Marti-
nique and Guadeloupe) (Bâ et al., 2014; Séne et
al., 2015). This result coincides with the report
that S. bermudense is an ECM fungus associated
with seagrape and follows its distribution in the
tropics (Guzmán et al., 2004).
Given the few sites investigated in Cuba,
it is difficult to identify the causes of the poor
diversity of ECM fungi and the differences
between the three collection sites in terms of
the presence of sporocarps of ECM fungi, but
this behavior could be related to the properties
of the soil, particularly salinity, and the average
annual rainfall at the three sites. Other authors
also suggest that the distribution of ECM fungi,
like many vascular and nonvascular plants, is
largely defined by adaptation and competi-
tion for niches related to stress tolerance (e.g.,
drought, soil acidity) and resource availability
(especially organic N, NH4+, and NO3) in soils
(Dickie et al., 2002; Koide et al., 2005).
Precipitation could also structure the diver-
sity, distribution, and fruiting of ECM fungal
species in the littoral forest where soil water
potential partly depends on the levels of annual
rainfall and salinity, which may be two impor-
tant factors structuring the ECM fungal com-
munity (Aučina et al., 2011; Séne et al., 2015).
Alternatively, the low diversity of ECM
fungi from sporocarps and ECM roots observed
in Cuba and Guadeloupe may be the result of
the adverse environmental conditions in which
seagrape grows, in sandy, calcareous, and rocky
soils with a low percentage of organic matter
and high levels of salinity (Bullaín et al., 2022;
Bullaín-Galardis et al., 2023; Parrotta, 2000;
Séne et al., 2015). Additionally, Bâ et al. (2014)
observed that the number of mycorrhizal roots
was almost three times greater in seagrape trees
that grew in soils with a lower level of salin-
ity (0-2 %) than those that grew in soils with
a higher level of salinity (2-15 %). They also
observed that the amount of ECM fungi col-
lected under seagrape was lower than under
mature trees of C. swartzii and C. pubescens that
grew at a greater distance from the coastline
with a lower level of salinity.
Another possible cause may be the fact that
seagrape is the only ECM host of the investi-
gated sites. Ishida et al. (2007) suggest there is
evidence that the number of host tree species
drives fungal diversity. On the other hand, it is
well known that there are various levels of spec-
ificity on the fungal side of the ECM symbiosis
(Borowicz & Juliano, 1991; Molina et al., 1992).
A low similarity between aboveground
and belowground ECM fungi: The poor simi-
larity between aboveground and belowground
ECM fungi in this research could be the result
of insufficient sampling, since Arnolds (1991)
states that the type and number of ECM spo-
rocarps reflect the belowground abundance of
mycorrhizas to a large extent, but exceptions
occur. Alternatively, Lang and Polle (2008)
report that belowground mycorrhizal diversity
drives aboveground diversity. In this sense, it
is well known that the Thelephoraceae fam-
ily rarely produces sporocarps but they com-
monly form EMe on roots of trees (Kõljalg
et al., 2000). The family Thelephoraceae is
very common worldwide, but rare and often
inconspicuous in terms of sporocarps. Its fungi
are frequent in species-poor ECM fungal com-
munities of tropical rainforests (Bâ et al., 2012;
Diédhiou et al., 2010; Furtado et al., 2023) and
dominate on Nyctaginaceae spp. from South-
ern Ecuador (Henkel et al., 2005). According
to Furtado et al. (2023), the members of this
family establish ectomycorrhizal associations
with low fungal diversity in the Neotropics, but
in a study carried out by Alvarez et al. (2018),
Nyctaginaceae was the family with the highest
number of ECM host species. Our study has
once again confirmed that belowground ECM
fungal diversity from ECM roots is dissimilar
from that of aboveground sporocarps (Ebenye
et al., 2017; Séne et al., 2015; van der Heijden
et al., 1999). Therefore, neither the diversity
nor abundance of aboveground ECM fungi can
be used to assess belowground ECM diversity
or abundance (van der Heijden et al., 1999),
underlining the importance of molecular analy-
ses for the assessment of ECM fungal diversity.
However, the absence of Amanita sp., Russula
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e57696, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 05, 2024)
sp., Inocybe sp., and Cantharellus sp. on roots
suggests that a better view of the ECM fungal
diversity is achieved by combining sporocarps
and ECM roots surveys.
The two ECM fungal taxa belonging to the
genus Tuber had not previously been reported
from seagrape forests in the Lesser Antilles and
the Greater Antilles (Bâ et al., 2014; Séne et
al., 2015). This may be related to the criterion
that host diversity contributes to ECM fungal
diversity (Ishida et al., 2007), as the greatest
speciation and radiation of the genus Coc-
coloba in the Antilles occurred in Cuba, and
Eastern Cuba, with 26 species, of which 15
are endemic, is considered the main center of
diversification on the largest island of the Antil-
les (Castañeda, 2017).
The low number of species of ascomycetes
detected is likely due to their specific ecological
requirements more than a methodological issue
(Tedersoo & Smith, 2013). Previous studies in
tropical ecosystems also found low diversity of
ECM ascomycetes (Diédhiou et al., 2010; Ebe-
nye et al., 2017; Henry et al., 2015). The ECM
fungus Scleroderma bermudense was the most
common fungal taxa on roots of mature trees
and seedlings whatever the studied site (Fig.
5). This ECM taxon may form potential com-
mon mycorrhizal networks (CMNs) between
these two cohorts. Similarity of ECM fungal
taxa composition between mature trees and
seedlings has often been reported in temperate
(Aučina et al., 2011) and tropical forests (Diéd-
hiou et al., 2010; Ebenye et al., 2017; Séne et al.,
2015). For instance, mature trees and seedlings
of dominant seagrape forests shared three ECM
fungal taxa representing 80% of the ECM colo-
nization (Séne et al., 2015). In a mixed tropical
rainforest in Guinea, ECM fungi shared by
mature trees and seedlings represented 79 % of
the ECM colonization (Diédhiou et al., 2010).
The CMNs and their impact on the nutrition,
growth, and fitness of regenerating seedlings
should be further investigated experimentally
in seagrape coastal forests.
As in Guadeloupe, sampling at the three
coastal collection sites in Cuba showed that
sporocarps of ECM fungi associated with sea-
grape only weakly reflected the belowground
ECM fungal community, although some fruit-
ing species were also found on roots. The diver-
sity of ECM fungi associated with seagrape was
rather limited, which is also true for other ECM
plants of the Polygonaceae family. In seed-
lings and mature trees, the same representa-
tives of the ectomycorrhizal fungal community
coincide with S. bermudense, Thelephoraceae
(Tomentella and Thelephora), and Tuber spp.
predominating in the roots of both cohorts,
which may allow seedlings to join the poten-
tial CMN existing under mature trees, where
S. bermudense forms the main potential CMN
between mature trees and seedlings. The role
of CMNs in the regeneration of seagrape seed-
lings remains to be clarified. Given the few sites
sampled and investigated in Cuba, it is difficult
to make broader comments on the differences
in sporocarps and EMe in the whole territory
of the largest island of the Antilles. Thus, more
exploration and sampling work should be car-
ried out to contrast the results obtained.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
We thank Editor and both reviewers for
correcting the manuscript. We are grateful for
the support of the French Embassy in Cuba,
the Laboratory of Plant Biology and Physiol-
ogy of the University of the Antilles and the
Laboratory of Abiotic Stress of the Center for
Plant Biotechnology Studies of the University
of Granma.
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