Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e58329, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Dic. 11, 2024)
Spatio-temporal changes for natural resources conservation
and illegal logging monitoring using Breaks for Additive Season
and Trend (BFAST) algorithm in Costa Rica
Iván Dimitri Ávila-Pérez1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4093-2799
Erik Lindquist2; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5265-8021
Cornelia Miller-Granados3; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9460-626X
Matieu Henry4; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1145-2390
1. National Center for High Technology, PRIAS Laboratory, San Jose, Costa Rica; iavila@cenat.ac.cr (*Correspondence)
2. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy; Erik.Lindquist@fao.org
3. National Center for High Technology, PRIAS Laboratory, San Jose, Costa Rica; cmiller@cenat.ac.cr
4. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy; Matieu.Henry@fao.org
Received 18-I-2024. Corrected 11-X-2024. Accepted 25-XI-2024.
Introduction: Costa Rica is committed to addressing environmental issues by involving a range of strategies and
policies, with goals of sustainability and conservation. Nonetheless, addressing many challenges remains neces-
sary, with the prominent issue of illegal activities, such as logging and land use change.
Objective: To evaluate the direct detection capacity of tree cover losses caused by logging within the various
land uses of the landscape, and their relationship with physical variables of the environment such as slope and
proximity to the road network using remote sensing techniques.
Methods: Tree cover losses were detected using time series analysis of the Normalized Difference Vegetation
Index (NDVI) from Landsat and Sentinel images (S2) through the Breaks for Additive Season and Trend
(BFAST) algorithm in The Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve (RFGD) and the Amistosa Biological Corridor (CBA).
Selected sites where logging was detected were physically visited in the field and inspected using Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). The results were analyzed through confusion matrices to determine the algorithms
accuracy to detect illegal logging.
Results: The study highlighted a significant relationship between NDVI change and logging activities on the
ground. In areas with major NDVI changes (less than -500), the model accuracy was greater than 75 %. In addi-
tion, there is a significant relationship between logged areas and slope, and distance to roads.
Conclusions: The proposed methodological approach allows identifying forest cover logging activities in space
and time. It could be adopted and complement field operations to improve monitoring of illegal logging.
Key words: deforestation; land use change; SEPAL; NDVI; remote sensing; earth observation.
Cambios espacio-temporales para la conservación de recursos naturales y el monitoreo de la tala ilegal
mediante el algoritmo Quiebres por temporada y tendencia aditiva (BFAST) en Costa Rica
Introducción: Costa Rica es un país comprometido en tratar temas ambientales, involucrando estrategias y polí-
ticas con objetivos de sostenibilidad y conservación. Sin embargo, aún se requiere trabajar en soluciones a varios
problemas, entre los que se destacan actividades ilegales como la tala y el cambio de uso de suelo.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e58329, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Dic. 11, 2024)
Costa Rica has set ambitious targets for
protecting its environment and strong emphasis
on preserving its rich biodiversity. With around
702 366 hectares of secondary forest (Sistema
Nacional de Áreas de Conservación [SINAC],
2015) and more than 25 % of its territory allo-
cated to protected areas (Marx et al., 2017),
Costa Rica is internationally recognized as an
example for environmental protection. As for
example, the national system for Payment for
Environmental Services serves as a model for
other countries seeking to balance economic
development with environmental conservation
(Le Coq et al., 2015). However, to consolidate
the progress of national resources conserva-
tion, it is necessary to work on solutions to
several problems, among which the prevalence
of illegal activities such as logging and land use
change and structural problems in territories
where the rural population is concentrated and
where nature conservation is a priority (Minis-
terio de Ambiente y Energía [MINAE], 2015).
In recent years, technical advances in the
field of remote sensing and earth observation
allowed the development and use of revolu-
tionary methods for monitoring forest cover
dynamics and landscape changes (Cipta et al.,
2019; Marx et al., 2017; Yin et al., 2018). Among
the technologies used, Synthetic Aperture Radar
sensors (Hoekman et al., 2020), optical sensors
(Coulter et al., 2016), data fusion of both types
and the use of time series (Muñoz et al., 2020)
have been successfully implemented and dem-
onstrated useful results. On the other hand,
among the data used today, the Normalized
Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) stands out
for its importance, since it allows analyzing the
vigor of the vegetation as well as monitoring
and predicting the dynamics of the vegetation
(Huang et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2016).
When analyzing the NDVI through time
series, it is possible to identify three categories
of changes: seasonal, gradual and abrupt (Ver-
besselt et al., 2010). The seasonal changes are
due to the natural variability of the reflectance
according to the phenological cycles of the
plants. Gradual changes occur due to slow envi-
ronmental events, such as climate change, pest
and diseases or anthropogenic actions such as
socola” (Wu et al., 2018). Finally, abrupt chang-
es are due to sudden events that affect coverage,
such as landslides or forest exploitation.
The detecting and monitoring land use/
land cover (LULC) changes is crucial (Ngadi,
et al., 2023). These changes can be detected by
the algorithm of Breaks for Additive Season
Objetivo: Evaluar la capacidad de detección directa de las pérdidas de cobertura arbórea dentro de los diversos
usos de suelo de un paisaje debido a la tala, y su relación con variables físicas del entorno como pendiente y
proximidad a la red vial mediante técnicas de teledetección.
Métodos: Las pérdidas de cobertura arbórea se detectaron mediante series temporales del Índice de Vegetación
de Diferencia Normalizada (NDVI) en imágenes Landsat y Sentinel a través del algoritmo Breaks for Additive
Season and Trend (BFAST) en la Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce (RFGD) y el Corredor Biológico Amistosa (CBA).
Los sitios seleccionados donde se detectó tala fueron visitados físicamente en el campo e inspeccionados utili-
zando vehículos aéreos no tripulados (UAVs). Los resultados se analizaron mediante matrices de confusión para
determinar la precisión del algoritmo en detectar la tala ilegal.
Resultados: El estudio resaltó que existe una relación entre el cambio de NDVI detectado y la existencia de tala
en campo. En las áreas con cambios en el NDVI inferiores a -500 se obtuvo una precisión global superior al 75 %
de modelo. Además, existe una relación entre las áreas taladas y la pendiente del terreno, así como su distancia
a las vías de acceso.
Conclusiones: La metodología propuesta permite identificar actividad de tala de la cobertura forestal en espacio
y tiempo. Adoptar esta metodología e integrarla en las labores de monitoreo dentro de las instituciones guberna-
mentales permitirá un seguimiento más eficiente de la tala ilegal.
Palabras clave: deforestación; cambio de uso de la tierra; SEPAL; NDVI; sensores remotos.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e58329, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Dic. 11, 2024)
and Trend (BFAST) which allows the analysis
of time series by decomposing them into trend
and seasonality components to detect and char-
acterize changes in a definite period of time
(Anoma-Kouassi et al., 2022). BFAST itera-
tively estimates the time and number of abrupt
changes within time series and characterizes
the change by its magnitude and direction (Ver-
besselt et al, 2010). Using this algorithm, time
series can be analyzed from various sensors
(for example, Landsat and Sentinel) and can be
applied to disciplines such as hydrology, clima-
tology, and econometrics (Geng et al., 2019).
BFAST method detects significant seasonal
changes in dense satellite image time series
(SITS) by combining a high-speed algorithm
with a time series similarity metric. Tested on
various datasets, BFASTm-L2 effectively identi-
fies changes, especially those caused by large-
scale land acquisitions, outperforming existing
algorithms in accuracy and speed crucial (Ngadi
et al., 2023). BFAST can provide analysis of for-
est disturbances and resilience (Zhu et al., 2024)
indicating that 20 % of forests in East, South,
and Southeast Asia experienced disturbances
from 2000 to 2022, with Southeast Asia being
most affected. Notably, 95 % of forests showed
robust resilience, often recovering within a few
decades, with stronger resilience observed in
forests experiencing greater disturbances.
This study evaluates the capacity of remote
sensing applications to detect tree cover losses,
logging and illegal logging in different land uses
and landscapes by integrating time series analy-
sis of the Normalized Difference Vegetation
Index from Landsat and Sentinel (S2) using the
Breaks for Additive Season and Trend (BFAST)
algorithm and field data. In addition, the study
explores the potential of using remote sens-
ing information and physical variables such as
slope and accessibility, to predict areas that are
more vulnerable to illegal logging and then may
benefit from stronger field and remote sensing
monitoring. This aims at supporting national
entities in their effort to prevent illegal logging
and improve nature conservation.
Study site: The study area corresponds to
the Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve (RFGD), locat-
ed in the Osa conservation area (ACOSA) and
the Amistosa Biological Corridor (CBA), that
connects the Osa conservation area (ACOSA)
and the Amistad-Pacific conservation area
(ACLA-P) (Fig. 1). The RFGD (8º23’37”-
8º49’45” N & 83º15’53”-83º43’42” W) has an
official extension of 59 915 ha. The climate of
this area is characterized by an average annual
temperature between 26 and 28 °C (Tapia,
2011a) and an average annual rainfall that
varies between 3 000 and 6 000 mm (Tapia,
2011b). In the less humid parts, up to a dry
month can be recorded.
As for the CBA (5º33’31”-9º01’32” N &
83º13’46”-82º49’17” W), with an area of 92 913
ha (SINAC, 2018), the climate in the corridor
is characterized by an average annual tempera-
ture between 20 and 28 °C (Tapia, 2011a) and
an average annual rainfall that varies between
1 500 and 6 000 mm (Tapia, 2011b). In the dri-
est parts, from one month up to three months
of dry season has been reported.
On the other hand, forestry activities are
intense in both study sites since the diagnoses
of the regulatory plans define this region as
an area of great forest wealth, with more than
40 timber species. According to field data
campaigns, this caused 16 % of the forest to be
logged between 1980 and 1995, further dividing
an additional 3 %; being this area in great risk
of being deforested (Roman & Angulo, 2013;
Rosero-Bixby et al., 2002).
Implementation of the BFAST algorithm
in SEPAL for change detection: Through the
Sepal platform (Tondapu et al., 2018), a tempo-
ral analysis of the study area was carried out, in
the period between June 1st, 2019 and Decem-
ber 31st, 2020 using the BFAST algorithm
implemented through the BFAST GPU plugin.
In the present study, a combined analysis was
carried out between the Sentinel-2 and Landsat
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e58329, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Dic. 11, 2024)
8 images and the algorithm was programmed
to detect monthly changes in the Normalized
Vegetation Index (NDVI) on the surface of the
area of study.
Random selection of sampling polygons
and field control: Based on the results obtained
by the algorithm, a review of the areas identi-
fied in SEPAL was carried out through the
NICFI platform, which allows access to PLAN-
ET image mosaics. Based on this review, three
categories of change were detected: Perma-
nence of tree cover, loss of non-tree vegetation
and loss of tree cover. For each of the classes, a
random selection of the polygons with a nega-
tive change in NDVI was carried to determine
the sample that was field visited. Then, the
formula recommended by Chuvieco (2010) to
establish a validation sample for a quantitative
variable was used, to calculate the number of
polygons to visit in each class.
Once the negative polygons were deter-
mined, a random selection of the positive poly-
gons was carried out using the same number
obtained for the negative areas. In total, 228
polygons were selected within RFGD with a
total area of 133.98 ha (Fig. 1), which represents
2.81 % of the total area of the polygons identi-
fied by the algorithm in RFGD. In the case of
CBA, 276 polygons with a total area of 216.78
ha were selected (Fig. 1), which represents a
sampling of 1.32 % of the total area of the poly-
gons identified by the algorithm.
Field measurements: Once the sampling
areas were defined, each of the polygons to be
checked in the field were visited by means of
photogrammetric flights with UAVS at 120 m to
determine the existence of logging signs within
each area. According to the existence of infra-
structures for forest exploitation and reduc-
tion of the canopy in the field, each polygon
Fig. 1. Location of the study sites. A. Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve (RFGD) located in the Osa conservation area (ACOSA). B.
the Amistosa Biological Corridor (CBA).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e58329, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Dic. 11, 2024)
was assigned a damage category according
to Table 1.
Algorithm validation and data analy-
sis: The results of the BFAST algorithm were
validated using error matrices according to
the results of the field control polygons. Any
negative change in the NDVI detected by the
algorithm was considered as a warning of loss
of tree cover, while positive changes were con-
sidered as permanence or increase in canopy in
each area. From the error matrices, the accu-
racy of the producer and the user was calcu-
lated for both classes, in addition to the total
accuracy of each study area.
To determine the variables that influ-
ence the identification of areas where log-
ging was carried out, various factors between
field aspects and computational data were ana-
lyzed. The relationship between the changes in
the NDVI detected by the BFAST algorithm
and the results obtained in the field was ana-
lyzed. For this, the mode of the pixels of the
raster obtained after the implementation of
the algorithm was calculated using QGIS 3.18
(QGIS.org, 2021).
This information was compared with the
information obtained in the field on the pres-
ence of logging signs in the polygon using a
T-Test for independent samples in “R. In order
to study the relationship between the presence
of logging in the field and the land use prior to
logging, a supervised classification was carried
out on the SEPAL platform of a mosaic gener-
ated for the 2019 year on the same platform and
the results were compared using contingency
tables and the calculation of Pearsons Chi
square statistic in “R” (R Core Team, 2021).
Then, differences between land uses and dam-
age categories were analyzed through changes
in NDVI using Analysis of Variances (ANO-
VAS) tests in “R.
In order to contrast the distance from the
polygon to the routes and access roads and the
presence of signs of logging in these areas, said
distance was and classified into three different
categories: from 0 to 500 meters, from 500 to 1
000 meters and more than 1 000 meters. With
this classification, the distribution of frequen-
cies of the polygons with and without logging
signs in said categories is compared using con-
tingency tables and the calculation of Pearsons
Chi-square statistic in “R.
To determine the relationship between
the polygons with logging signs and the slope
percentage in these areas, firstly, the slope per-
centages were calculated from a Digital Eleva-
tion Model (DEM) obtained on the Copernicus
platform. Then the mode of the raster pixels
was associated with the slopes. Finally, it was
compared with the information obtained in
the field on the presence of logging signs in
the polygon, using a T Test for independent
samples in “R” (R Core Team, 2021).
Table 1
Diagrammatic scale of damage assessment.
Damage types
1Place without loss of tree cover, there are no signs of any forest exploitation
2There is a loss of tree cover due to the felling of individuals, there are signs of forest exploitation such as
clearings and logging tracks
3There is a loss of tree cover due to the felling of individuals and the creation of forest exploitation
structures. Clearings, extraction tracks, skid trails and storage yards are observed
4There is a loss of tree cover due to the felling of individuals and the creation of forest exploitation
structures. Clearings, extraction tracks, skid trails and storage yards, loading yards and truck roads are
5The loss of tree cover causes a total change in land use in the area and the disappearance of the forest.
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e58329, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Dic. 11, 2024)
Algorithm validation: The results show
that for the Amistosa Biological Corridor
(CBA), a general accuracy of 54.51 % was
obtained by the algorithm, while for the Golfo
Dulce Forest Reserve (RFGD) the accuracy was
64.63 % when all negative changes detected in
the NDVI were considered as lost in tree cover.
For the CBA, 35 polygons that were origi-
nally considered as polygons with loss of forest
cover, in the field had indeed suffered type 2, 3,
4 or 5 damage (Fig. 2A) and 103 did not suffer
changes and had remained as forest cover. In
the case of RFGD, of the 114 polygons classified
by the algorithm as loss of forest cover, 46 have
actually suffered changes, which were verified
in the field, and 68 remained unchanged.
The cases presented where the algorithm
detected a negative change in the NDVI, but
no cut signs were found in the field, can be
explained due to various changes in the reflec-
tivity of the canopy for reasons such as stress,
seasonality, factors associated with the index,
among others. The accuracy of the user of the
tree cover loss class obtained for both CBA
(25.36 %) and RFGD (40.35 %) shows that high
possibilities are obtained of considering poly-
gons that have not suffered damage as logging
areas when only the direction of change of the
NDVI is taken into account. On the other hand,
the accuracy of the user (92.45 %) of the class
no change” indicates that there are low prob-
abilities of classifying a polygon where a cut was
carried out as “no change.
Regarding the accuracy of the producer,
there is a 51.24 % probability in CBA and a
43.59 % probability in RFGD of incorrect-
ly classifying polygons that did not present
changes within the logging class, when only
taking into account the direction of change in
the NDVI. However, despite the limitations
presented, the algorithm is able to identify the
logging of trees in various land uses such as
wooded pastures (Fig. 2B).
Relation of the changes in the NDVI and
the presence of logging in the field: There
were differences between the polygons with
and without signs of logging according to the
direction and magnitude of the change in the
NDVI for both CBA (p-value = 0.0002) and
RFGD (p-value < 0.0001). The polygons where
logging was carried out present much higher
negative magnitudes of change compared to the
polygons without change (Fig. 3).
Similarly, there are significant differences
between the categories of damage observed in
the field and the change in the NDVI calculated
by the algorithm in both study areas (p-value
= <0.0001). The greatest magnitude of change
detected was present in the polygons under
category 3 (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4 shows how the detected NDVI
change increases from category 1 to category
3 and then decreases from category 4 to 5. This
Fig. 2. Polygon with signs of logging detected in the field.
A. Logging signs in forest polygon. B. Logging signs in
wooded pastures.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e58329, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Dic. 11, 2024)
may be due to the fact that categories 4 and 5
have almost or completely lost their tree cover,
which means that they have a reflectance simi-
lar to non-forested areas and that the change in
NDVI is more stable and tends towards 0.
Most of the categories that imply the pres-
ence of logging (2, 3, 4 and 5) show NDVI
changes below -500, which implies that areas
with a value above -500 are more likely to
represent polygons without changes (Fig. 4).
Therefore, a validation was carried out again,
considering as classified with the possibility of
logging only those polygons where the algo-
rithm detected a negative change in the NDVI
below -500. Using this new limit, the global
accuracy increases to 75.82 % in the case of
CBA and up to 75.82 % in the case of RFGD.
Relation of physical variables of the envi-
ronment and the presence of logging: There
are no significant differences between the pres-
ence or not of logging according to the land
use of each polygon (CBA: p-value = 0.8008,
RFGD: p-value = 0.1205); however, the fre-
quency distribution shows that most of the cuts
detected in the field occur within the forest
category, followed by the pasture class.
The study shows that there is a significant
relationship between logging and the distance
to the roads in CBA (p-value= <0.0159) and
RFGD (p-value= <0.0001) (Table 2).
The areas with the presence of logging
decrease as the distance to the access roads
increases, which coincides with the dynamics of
logging on the site, since vehicle access is neces-
sary to carry out the extraction of the wood.
When analyzing the behavior within the
class from 0 to 500 m, the same trend is
observed in both zones, since the majority of
polygons with presence of logging are located
Fig. 3. Changes in the average NDVI according to the presence of logging signs. A. Amistosa Biological Corridor. B. Golfo
Dulce Forest Reserve.
Fig. 4. Changes in the average NDVI according to damage category. A. Amistosa Biological Corridor. B. Golfo Dulce Forest
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e58329, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Dic. 11, 2024)
between 0 and 100 m, decreasing the frequency
as the distance to the tracks increases (Fig. 5).
Regarding the relationship between the
percentage of slope and tree cuts, the p-value
obtained (< 0.0001) allows us to determine that
land with a lower slope is more likely to be log
(Fig. 6).
By associating the information generat-
ed through the methodology exposed in this
paper, with the logging licenses granted in the
area, it would be possible to create a digital
monitoring system that allows to determine
loggings that were carried out illegally. This sys-
tem could even include the information from
the date of logged detected by the methodology,
to the period of each logging license, so that it
can be determined if, once the time of a license
expires, illegal logging continues and could
result in a possible change of land use.
Efforts to create similar systems are
recorded worldwide. For example, Miomir et
al. (2018), worked with the Minister of Science
and Technological Development of the Repub-
lic of Serbia on forest inventories and illegal
logging prevention in this country by analyzing
NDVI changes in Landsat images from 2006 to
2014. Also, Isaienkov et al. (2020), used Deep
Learning in Sentinel 2 images to detect regular
changes in Ukrainian forest ecosystems which
Fig. 5. Relationship of the presence of signs of logging and distance from the area to the access roads within the category of
0 to 500 m. A. Amistosa Biological Corridor. B. Golfo Dulce Forest Reserve.
Fig. 6. Percentage of average slope according to the presence
of signs of logging.
Table 2
Relationship between the presence of logging and the distance to roads.
Distance from roads CBA RFGD
Logging No changes Total Logging No changes Total
0 - 500 m 32 104 136 39 63 102
500 – 1 000 m 6 35 41 7 22 29
More than 1 000 m 5 62 67 5 71 76
Total 43 201 244 51 156 207
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e58329, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Dic. 11, 2024)
develop in periodical and effective monitoring
of changes in forest cover.
On the other hand, it is important to
understand the limits of remote sensing tech-
nologies. While the models have the potential
to be adopted and offer operational functions,
it is important to highlight some characteristics
and interpretation of NDVI in different condi-
tions. For example, that the algorithm detected
negative changes in NDVI without trees being
cut may be due to the seasonality of the area,
that is, the changes that occur in the trees such
as the loss of leaves, flowering and fruiting,
depending on the season of the year in which
it is found among other climatic and phys-
iographic characteristics (Olivares & López-
Beltrán, 2019). In addition, under drought and
pest vegetation stress (Rimkus et al., 2017),
the reflectance is changing (Sun et al., 2018).
Therefore, this difference in spectral response
can lead to negative changes in NDVI over time
(Díaz, 2015). In addition, the spatial heteroge-
neity of the NDVI values in a particular region
could also be influenced by the topography and
environmental variables (Gómez, 2019).
Related to the factors associated with the
index that can cause the identification of log-
ging that have not undergone any change, is
that the NDVI has the drawback of being sen-
sitive to different climatic and environmental
factors (Dong et al., 2021) like the reflectivity
of the soil on which the vegetation is located,
which limits its discrimination potential. For
example, in an area with low density of veg-
etation, the reflectivity of a pixel would be
determined mainly by the ground, with a small
variation due to the presence of vegetation. In
fact, this problem occurs more frequently when
the vegetation cover is less than 50 % (Muñoz,
2013). This would explain some of the cases
where negative NDVI values were obtained
in polygons where the trees had considerable
distances, for example, in wooded pastures, or
there were natural clearings within the forest,
but no cutting of trees was detected in the field.
However, despite some limitations, the
algorithm was able to identify tree logging even
within wooded pastures. This shows why the
NDVI continues to be recommended and is
widely used to describe the spatio-temporal
variation of vegetation cover in different ter-
restrial ecosystems (Meera et al., 2015), due
to the long time series and global coverage,
which makes this index one of the most suit-
able for characterizing the vegetation cover of
a particular area (Ayhan et al., 2020) and also
allows identifying changes and trends in a given
period (Gómez, 2019; Usman et al., 2015).
At last, by integrating different data sourc-
es such as road network and terrain slope, it is
possible to equip illegal monitoring activities
with models that helps cost-effective methods
and approaches and support nature conserva-
tion. In terms of the relation between forestry
use and the distance to the road network, this
study shows that most logged areas appear on a
range from 0 m to 500 m which coincides with
the average travel distance of 500 m necessary
for an average productivity in wood harvesting
labor (Cadei et al., 2020). The results obtained
also coincides with López-Alegría et al. (2018),
who analyzed and modeled spatial patterns of
deforestation in the La Unión micro-basin in
the municipality of Chiapa de Corzo, Chiapas,
Mexico; and determined that there is a rela-
tionship between the distance of the roads and
the probability of logging, since, the greater
the road network, the greater the population
density and therefore greater pressure on the
production of the forests. This study also coin-
cides with that published by Pérez (2021), who
determined that there is a relation between the
distance to the road network and deforestation
in the Pómac Forest Historic Sanctuary, Peru;
and its buffer zone.
In terms of the relation between forestry
use and the terrain slope, this study coincides
with that reported by Putz et al. (2019), who
studied the behavior of forest harvesting pro-
cesses in Indonesia, Gabon, Democratic Repub-
lic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Suriname and
Mexico and determined that loggers tend to
avoid steep slopes, largely due to the fact that
said topography increases exploitation costs
by requiring techniques and machinery that
allow overcoming gravitational forces. Also,
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e58329, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Dic. 11, 2024)
Quispe (2021), studied deforestation patterns
in the district of Nueva Requena (Peru) and
coincide with this study since he determined
that on slopes less than 20 % there was greater
deforestation, with the trend on slopes being
even more evident in areas with less than 11 %.
In conclusion, this study demonstrates how
the implementation of the BFAST algorithm in
the SEPAL platform allows for repeated infor-
mation on the location and period of forest
cover logging in the study areas. The integra-
tion of the methodology used in this paper
in the monitoring labors within institutions
such as the National System of Conservation
Areas of Costa Rica would allow governments
to carry out more efficient monitoring of log-
ging within conservation areas and therefore
decrease the country’s deforestation rate.
Ethics statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and that
they have made contributions that justify their
authorship; that there is no conflict of interest
of any kind; and that they have complied with
all relevant ethical and legal requirements and
procedures. All funding sources are fully and
clearly detailed in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. The respective signed legal document is in
the archives of the magazine.
We thank the Regional of the Osa Con-
servation Area (ACOSA) from the National
Conservation Areas System (SINAC) for the
valuable accompaniment and assistance in the
field. The SEPAL team for the assistance and
development of the base code. The FAO costar-
ican country office for doing the link between
PRIAS and the Forestry Office and FAO for the
financing of this project.
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