Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e58870, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
Morphological aspects of Sticholecitha serpentis
(Plagiorchiida: Plagiorchiidae) in a new Viperidae host
in the Brazilian Amazon
Darlison Chagas-de-Souza1,2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7610-9665
Tássio Alves Coêlho1*,2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0264-4526
Ricardo Bassini-Silva3,4; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9568-4120
Francisco Lazameth Ishiguro5; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3972-6434
Hipócrates de Menezes Chalkidis5; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7466-9669
Lúcio André Viana1,2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0932-0479
Lincoln Lima Corrêa6; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6453-4824
1. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade Tropical (PPGBIO), Universidade Federal do Amapá, Macapá,
Amapá, Brazil; darlisondcs@hotmail.com, coelho.tassio@gmail.com (*Correspondence), lucviana74@gmail.com
2. Laboratório de Estudos Morfofisiológicos e Parasitários (LEMP), Departamento de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde,
Universidade Federal do Amapá, Macapá, Amapá, Brazil
3. Laboratório de Coleções Zoológicas, Instituto Butantan, 05345-040, São Paulo, Brazil; ricardo.bassini@gmail.com
4. Departamento de Patologia, Reprodução e Saúde Única (DPRSU), Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias,
Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho, 14884-900 Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil
5. Centro Universitário da Amazônia (UNAMA), 68010-200, Santarém, Pará, Brazil; franciscolazameth@gmail.com,
6. Instituto de Ciências e Tecnologia das Águas (ICTA), Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará, 68015-110, Santarém,
Pará, Brazil; lincorre@gmail.com
Received 09-III-2024. Corrected 17-VI-2024. Accepted 10-IX-2024.
Introduction: Sticholecitha serpentis is a poorly studied parasite of the snakes’ esophagus, with an unclear tax-
onomy. Currently, there are few records of S. serpentis in snakes in Brazil. Although it has been recorded in snakes
of the family Viperidae, it has not yet been reported in Bothrops atrox.
Objectives: To present new morphological characters, as well as ecological and parasitic relationships of S. ser-
pentis with B. atrox.
Methods: The samples were obtained in a dryland area in the Tapajós National Forest, Pará State, Brazil. Ten
specimens of B. atrox were examined manually with the aid of tweezers, and three were positive for trematodes
identified as S. serpentis in the oral cavity.
Results: We provide scanning electron microscopy images, with detailed images of the S. serpentis tegument and
its spines, as well as details of the dorsal keel using light microscopy methods. Moreover, we report the first record
of S. serpentis parasitizing an Amazonian viperid, with infection frequency data of 30 %.
Conclusion: We emphasize that the new morphological data presented in this manuscript provide additional
information to facilitate the identification of this trematode in future studies.
Key words: snakes; Bothrops atrox; Trematoda; new morphological aspects.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e58870, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
The Amazon viper or the common lance-
head, Bothrops atrox (L., 1758) (Squamata:
Viperidae), is medium size and slightly robust
snake (Fraga et al., 2013; Monteiro et al., 2020).
This species can be differentiated from other
species of snakes by having a spear-shaped
head, with an olive-green color, uniform or
slightly darker comparing with its body, gener-
ally without spots (Da Silva et al., 2017). Besides
that, B. atrox presents a dark-brown post-
orbital line starting located on the eyes to the
sides of the oral cavity, covering the last three
supralabial scales, showing a golden bronze iris
color (Fraga et al., 2013; Monteiro et al., 2020).
This snake has a wide distribution in the
Neotropical region, inhabiting the Andes in
Colombia, and other South American coun-
tries, such as Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Guyana,
Surinam, and Brazil, in an altitudinal range
from the sea level to 1 200 meters (Fraga et
al., 2013; Da Silva et al., 2017). Also, B. atrox is
predominantly nocturnal, but daytime activi-
ties are not uncommon (Egler et al., 1996). The
diet includes invertebrates, fish, amphibians,
reptiles, and small mammals (Bisneto & Kae-
fer, 2019). Recent studies regarding the biol-
ogy of this species, reveal that their juveniles
are arboreal and feed on ectodermal prey,
while the terrestrial adults feed on endothermic
prey, being possible that these preys may be
intermediate hosts for endoparasites, such as
nematodes and trematodes (Fraga et al., 2013;
Rodrigues et al., 2016).
Currently, there are 150 valid species of
parasitic trematodes of reptiles in South Amer-
ica, with 112 species recorded to the Brazilian
territory (Kohn & Fernandes, 2014). These
parasites can be found in various sites of infec-
tion in reptiles, and specifically, into the Pla-
giorchiidae, they have been recorded from the
intestine, lungs, tongue, trachea, esophagus,
stomach, ureters, kidney, rectum, cloaca, oral
cavity, oviduct, liver, heart, spleen, and mesen-
tery (Kohn & Fernandes, 2014).
Sticholecitha serpentis Prudhoe, 1949
(Trematoda: Plagiorchiidae), the only species
of the genus, described in Surinam in the
esophagus of the snake Chironius carinatus
L., 1758 (Squamata: Colubridae), is a poorly
known parasite with an unclear taxonomy.
This species has also been reported in Bothrops
moojeni Hoge, 1966 (Squamata: Viperidae) and
Xenodon severus (L., 1758) (Squamata: Colubri-
dae), both from São Paulo state, in Brazil (Kohn
& Fernandes, 2014).
Aspectos morfológicos de Sticholecitha serpentis (Plagiorchiida: Plagiorchiidae)
en un nuevo hospedero de Viperidae en la Amazonia brasileña
Introducción: Sticholecitha serpentis es un parásito del esófago de serpientes poco estudiado y su sistemática no
está clara. Actualmente, existen pocos registros del parásito en serpientes en Brasil. Aunque ha sido registrada en
serpientes de la familia Viperidae, aún no ha sido reportada en Bothrops atrox.
Objetivos: Presentar novedades en aspectos morfológicos, relaciones ecológicas y parasitarias de S. serpentis,
parásito encontrado por primera vez en la cavidad bucal de B. atrox.
Métodos: Las muestras provienen de un área seca en la Floresta Nacional de Tapajós, Estado de Pará, Brasil. Diez
especímenes de B. atrox fueron examinados manualmente con la ayuda de pinzas. De estos individuos tres fueron
positivos para trematodos compatibles con S. serpentis en la cavidad oral.
Resultados: Se proporcionan imágenes de microscopía electrónica de barrido, con imágenes del tegumento de S.
serpentis y sus espinas, y detalles de la quilla dorsal mediante métodos de microscopía óptica. Además, se reporta
el primer registro de parasitismo por S. serpentis en un vipérido amazónico, con datos de frecuencia de infección
del 30 %.
Conclusión: Los nuevos datos morfológicos presentados en este manuscrito proporcionan información adicional
para facilitar la identificación de este tremátodo en futuros estudios.
Palabras clave: serpientes; Bothrops atrox; Trematoda; nuevos aspectos morfológicos.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e58870, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
Currently, there are different studies about
the morphology of S. serpentis already high-
lighted by Prudhoe (1949), Artigas and Perez
(1969), Corrêa et al. (1990), Da Silva et al.
(1999), Silva and Barrella (2002), Barrella and
Silva (2003), Da Silva (2004), Silva (2005)
and Silva et al. (2005). Nevertheless, those
studies did not include enough morphological
aspects based on SEM micrographs, as well
as did not offer enough details on the surface
ultrastructure. Additionally, a fresh view of the
parasite shows the keel dorsal view without
histological sections.
In the original description, S. serpentis was
characterized by having externally well-devel-
oped suckers, with the ventral sucker medial to
the body, and a slightly protruding genital pore
on the left side. Their life cycle involves two sec-
ondary hosts, an invertebrate (gastropod) and a
vertebrate (fish or amphibian) (Prudhoe, 1949).
Studies on S. serpentis have been limited to the
esophagus and oral cavity of snakes (Barrella &
Silva, 2003; Prudhoe, 1949; Silva et al., 2005).
The objective of this study is to provide
enough data about the characters of S. serpentis
using SEM and light microscopy micrographs,
as well as, about the parasitism relationship
between this trematode and B. atrox collected
in the Brazilian Amazon.
Host collection and capture area: The col-
lections occurred from January to May 2010 in
an area of the Amazonian Forest, located in the
Tapajós National Forest-FLONA conservation
unit, West of Pará State, Brazil (Fig. 1). The cap-
tures were made using the active visual search
method, limited by time on trails, secondary
roads, gallery forests, and residential areas, in
addition to occasional encounters as described
by Oliveira and Martins (2001).
The captured specimens were placed in
plastic boxes and sent to the Zoological Research
Laboratory of the Unama Centro Universitário
Fig. 1. Map showing the collection area of Bothrops atrox, hosts of Sticolecitha serpentis, in the conservation unit of the
Tapajós National Forest, Pará State, Brazil.
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e58870, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
da Amazônia, in Santarém municipality, Pa
State. In the laboratory, the snakes were sub-
mitted to physical examination and the para-
sites observed were collected for identification.
After that, the venom was extracted for bio-
chemical studies, the snakes were deposited
at the Coleção Herpetológica from Zoological
Research Laboratory by accession numbers:
HMC 66, 67, 60, 186, 59, 42, 156, 78, 141,
and 63.
Collection of parasites and morphologi-
cal analysis: During this examination, abnor-
malities in the oral cavity with the parasites
were observed collected with tweezers, fixed
and stored in an alcoholic solution of 70 %.
Sex, weight measurements, snout-vent length
(SVL), and tail length (TL) were also deter-
mined for the B. atrox specimens.
The trematodes collected were prepared by
the Carmine method, using Langeron acid in
permanent slides with Canadian balm (Amato
& Amato, 2010), and the morphological iden-
tification was carried out according to Yama-
guti (1971) and Travassos et al. (1969). Two
specimens of S. serpentis have been deposited
in UFOPA Parasitological Collection, at the
Laboratório de Ecologia e Comportamento
Animal (LECAn) under access numbers: UFO-
PA-P(Tre)001 and UFOPA-P(Tre)002. Also, the
material was analyzed under light microscopy
with a magnification of 100X to 400X at the
Microscopy and Sample Collection Labora-
tory of the Universidade Federal do Oeste
do Pará (UFOPA), Pará, Brazil. Samples were
photographed using a Zeiss Axioplan optical
microscope with an Axiocam ERc 5s camera.
The morphometric study was carried out with
the Blue Zen software 2nd edition. As well as for
the SEM micrographs, were obtained using a
Digital Scanning Microscope FEI, Quanta 250,
located at the Laboratório de Biologia Celular,
Instituto Butantan, São Paulo, Brazil.
Scanning electron microscopy: Exter-
nal morphology was evaluated by scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) previously fixed
in ethyl alcohol (70 %), transferred to glutar-
aldehyde solution (2.5 %) in 0.15 M phosphate
buffer (pH 7.3), and then subsequently fixed
in osmium tetroxide (1 %) in the same buffer,
for 2 h. The samples were dehydrated in an
increasing sequence of ethyl alcohol solutions
and washed in a solution of distilled water and
filtered water (1:1). Dehydration was carried
out with an increasing sequence of ethyl alcohol
solutions, and drying was carried out employ-
ing a critical point in CPD 020 (Balzer Union),
with liquid CO2. The samples were placed on
double-sided tape in Stub and covered with a
gold-palladium jet.
Data analysis: The ecological terms per-
cent infected (%), mean intensity, and mean
abundance (IC = confidence intervals) were
used according to Bush et al. (1997). These
parameters were calculated using Quantitative
Parasitology 3.0 software (Reiczigel et al., 2019).
Ten specimens of B. atrox were examined,
seven females and three males with SVL: 580.8
mm ± 118.52 mm, and TL: 97.6 mm ± 63.68
mm. During the physical examination, three
specimens presented parasitism by trematodes:
HMC186 = 21 parasites in the mouth; HMC156
= 26 parasites; and HMC59 = 53 in the mouth
and 19 in the esophagus. All the parasites found
were adults and the morphometric measure-
ments are shown in Table 1.
The preparations described in the Method-
ology were made and the 25 trematodes were
identified as S. serpentis (Trematoda: Plagior-
chiidae). More details are in the ‘Taxonomic
Summary’ section. The percent infected of S.
serpentis on their hosts was 30 %, with a mean
infection intensity of 39.67 (IC = 21.0-56.67)
worms/host and a mean abundance of 11.90
(IC = 2.10-33.50).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e58870, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
Taxonomic Summary
Class Trematoda Rudolphi, 1808
Subclass Digenea
Family Plagiorchiidae Lühe, 1901
Sticholecitha serpentis Prudhoe, 1949
Host: Bothrops atrox (Squamata:
Geographical location: Amazonian For-
est, Pará State, Brazil (3º 02’ 39.07” S & 54º 57’
04.24” W).
Infection site: Oral cavity and esophagus.
Morphological description: The descrip-
tion presented here is based on the analysis
of 25 specimens of S. serpentis examined. In
nature, it has a milky color with a well-high-
lighted cup-shaped oral sucker in the anterior
region and a cup-shaped ventral sucker located
in the equatorial region. The genital pore stands
out with a slightly lighter placement than the
body on the left lateral extremity. The body
has a navicular shape, being flat or slightly
concave ventrally, with an evident elevation of
a keel dorsally, having a thin cuticle armed with
sharp spines.
The large leafy-shaped uterus, when con-
sidered its proportion to the total body size,
can occupy up to one-third of the total size,
presenting a slightly yellowish color (Fig. 2A).
In Carmine, the pharynx stands out wider than
long, and the testicles can present rounded
shapes varying the globose with a smooth
appearance. The cirrus pouch is elongated in
shape and can extend from the ventral sucker
region to the genital pore.
The lobous ovary located close to the
ventral sucker, with small vitellogenic glands
in granular-lobed form, lateralized to the body
(Fig. 2B). It was possible to compare the varia-
tions with parasites from other hosts (Table 1),
demonstrating that the parasite in this study is
smaller in comparison to others.
SEM photographs are displayed an elon-
gated body in boat-shaped (Fig. 3), with details
of the oral sucker (Fig. 3A) and the acetabulum
(Fig. 3B), presented body longer than wide,
with tegument covered by microspines, and two
well-defined spines on the ventral and posterior
regions of the body (Fig. 3C). The oral sucker is
oval, with circular striated grooves at the base,
and a robust labial portion protruding at the
apical region, which is longer than it is wide.
The oral sucker measures 160 µm long by 150
µm wide, and there are no spines along the
entire edge (Fig. 3A). In addition, the dermis
Table 1
Morphometry of the external and internal structures of adult individuals of Sticholecitha serpentis.
Sticholecitha serpentis
(n = 25) Present study
Sticholecitha serpentis
(n = 25) Silva et al. 2005
Sticholecitha serpentis
(n = 25) Prudhoe, 1949
Body L3.30 (2.9-3.5) 7.41 (6.23-8.12) 6.8 (5.20-8.40)
W1.00 (0.80-1.2) 1.58 (1.39-1.68) 1.6 (1.20-2.0)
Oral sucker L0.38 (0.32-0.45) 0.62 (0.56-0.71) 0.56-0.65 (in diameter)
W0.37 (0.31-0.42) 0.63 (0.61-0.66)
Acetabulum L 0.33 (0.28-0.40) 0.79 (0.70-0.85)
W0.31 (0.27-0.35) 0.59 (0.53-0.63)
Pharynx L0.19 (0.15-0.22) 0.25 (0.21-0.30) 0.21-0.25 (in diameter)
W0.21 (0.17-0.24) 0.28 (0.26-0.30)
Right testes L0.26 (0.23-0.29) 0.47 (0.43-0.51) 0.62 (0.5-0.75)
W0.30 (0.26-0.34) 0.52 (0.46-0.56) 0.47 (0.45-0.50)
Left testes L0.25 (0.19-0.29) 0.47 (0.42-0.55) 0.45 (0.40-0.50)
W0.23 (0.19-0.27) 0.42 (0.38-0.44) 0.47 (0.46-048)
Ovary L0.20 (0.17-0.23) 0.34 (0.29-0.38) 0.48-0.50 (in diameter)
W0.22 (0.18-0.24) 0.34 (0.32-0.37)
L: Length, W: Width; the values in parentheses (in mm) represent the range).
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e58870, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
has a raised, volcano-like area with spines at the
base and center, but none at the apical margins
(Fig. 3B). The dermal border is circular and has
grooves due to its muscular origin and fixation,
making it a muscularized structure. The cavity
on the inner edges measures 109 µm in length
by 85 µm in width, while on the outer edges, it
measures 91 µm in length by 98 µm in width
(Fig. 3B).
The dorsal keel appears as a prominent ele-
vation from a horizontal view of the parasites
body, with discrete undulations in the median
to caudal region, with a marked lowering in
the first anterior third (Fig. 4). In addition, the
first anterior third is marked by the presence
of rugosities and furrows in a longitudinal
direction. In the second third, from the median
region to the end of the distal caudal region of
the parasite body, the roughness and furrows
are horizontal (Fig. 4).
This is the first record of the association of
S. serpentis and B. atrox. Until now, the records
of parasitism by this trematode are restricted to
Surinam, parasitizing the C. carinatus (Prud-
hoe, 1949); and in Porto Primavera, São Paulo
State, Brazil, parasitizing B. moojeni (Barrella
& Silva, 2003; Silva et al., 2005) and unidenti-
fied locality in Brazil, parasitizing X. severus
Fig. 2. Adult specimen of Sticolecitha serpentis. A. External
structures observed in natura (OS-Oral Sucker Cup Shaped,
GP-Genital Pore, AC-Acetabulum), B. Internal structures
observed after staining in Carmine (PH-Pharynx,
GP-Genital Pore, OV-Ovary, RT-Right testes, LT-Left
testes, U-Leaf Shaped Uterus), C. Schematic drawing
(OS-Oral Sucker Cup Shaped, GP-Genital Pore, VS-Ventral
Sucker, PH-Pharynx, CP-Cirrus Pouch, GP-Genital Pore,
OV-Ovary, RT-Right testes, LT-Left testes, U-Uterus),
D. Reproductive organs (CP-Cirrus Pouch, OV-Ovary,
RT-Right testes, LT-Left testes).
Fig. 3. Photographs on SEM of adult specimen of Sticolecitha
serpentis. A. Oral sucker, B. Ventral Sucker, C. Details of
tegument with microspines.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e58870, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
(Freitas, 1956). So, this study reports the new
host to S. serpentis and the first record of
this species parasitizing a viperid snake in the
Brazilian Amazon.
As shown in other studies involving Pla-
giorchiidae and other trematodes (Byrd & Sco-
field, 1952; Byrd & Scofield, 1954; Corrêa et
al., 1990; Pinto & De Melo, 2012; Sogandares-
Bernal & Grenier, 1971; Sue & Platt, 1999), the
life cycle of S. serpentis in B. atrox, can be con-
sidered invertebrate and vertebrate intermedi-
ate hosts. We conjecture that the eggs of the
parasite are dispersed in the aquatic or terres-
trial habitat, where they are consumed by snails,
which are considered to be the first hosts. The
secondary intermediate host, which in this case
could be an anuran, can be infected in two
different ways: by ingestion of invertebrates
infected with metacercariae or by ingestion,
aspiration, or coming into direct contact with
infective metacercariae in their anuran larval
forms (tadpoles). Consequently, considering
the feeding habits of B. atrox, which includes
amphibians in its diet (Bisneto & Kaefer, 2019),
Fig. 4. Ligh microscopy photographs of adult specimen of Sticolecitha serpentis showing dorsal keel. A. Dorsal view, B. Lateral
dorsal view, C. Horizontal view with details of the keel in SEM photograph.
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e58870, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
the intermediate host is preyed upon and thus
the parasite completes its life cycle in its defini-
tive host.
Ingesting parasitized adult amphibians
is suggested as a hypothesis of infection in
the studies of Corrêa et al. (1990), where a
Bothrops insularis (Amaral, 1922) (Squamata:
Viperidae) kept in captivity with controlled diet
became infected with Ochetosoma heterocoe-
lium (Travassos, 1921) after feeding on a Hyla
sp. amphibian, suggesting this as a probable
secondary host. Anurans are predators of gas-
tropods and are known components of the diet
of B. atrox (Bisneto & Kaefer, 2019; Da Silva et
al., 2010; Solé et al., 2017; Solé et al., 2019).
Our study found a lower infection fre-
quency compared to Barrella and Silva (2003)
results. They reported a total prevalence of 68
% in fifty analyzed B. moojeni, with 1 to 15
trematodes per animal being the most com-
mon finding. Only one snake had a total of 51
parasites. We analyzed the same infection sites
as Barrella and Silva (2003) and found 21 to 51
parasites in the mouths of three B. atrox. Only
one individual was infected with 19 S. serpentis
in the esophagus. These parasites are typically
present in high numbers within their hosts.
Due to the low number of studies involving S.
serpentis, there is limited integrated informa-
tion regarding its distribution, taxonomy, para-
site ecology, and molecular characterization. As
a result, the systematic of this species is poorly
known (Artigas & Perez, 1969; Prudhoe, 1949).
It should be emphasized that there are currently
no DNA sequences available for S. serpentis in
any nucleotide database.
Also, the present study aimed to contribute
to the knowledge of the species S. serpentis,
with detailed morphological descriptions and
SEM images that had never been done before.
The new aspects presented, demonstrate that
through the usual technique for trematodes,
unfortunately, the dorsal keel is pressed, mak-
ing its visualization difficult. However, in his-
tological study, the dorsal keel is visualized, as
presented by Silva (2005). Nevertheless, in our
study, we present a fresh parasite visualization,
as well as SEM photographs that demonstrate
the well-defined dorsal keel. Therefore, we are
showing, through different techniques, infor-
mation that will help in the identification of S.
serpentis in further studies. Furthermore, we
emphasize the need for molecular studies to
better understand the phylogenetic position of
the group and the relationship with their verte-
brate hosts.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives. Ethics approval: This study
was approved by the Animal Use Committee
from the Federal University of Western Pará
(Authorization #1020180044). Wild animals
were collected with the approval from the
Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renew-
able Natural Resources, authorized through the
Biodiversity Information and Authorization
System-SISBIO nº. 66047-4.
To Beatriz Mauricio of the Laboratory of
Cellular Biology of the Butantan Institute for
the images obtained through the Scanning
Electron Microscopy. The authors would thank
for Dr. Reinaldo José Da Silva at São Paulo
State University for the helpful of identifica-
tion this parasite. This work was supported
by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) under the
Grant # 88887.636892/2021-00 (DCS) and Pro-
cess #88887.598663/2021-00 (TAC); and by
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado
de São Paulo under the Grant FAPESP no.
2017/01416-7 (RB-S), 2018/24667-8 (RB-S),
2020/11755-6 (RB-S).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e58870, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Set. 18, 2024)
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