Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58967, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
Preliminary study of the population and reproductive dynamics
of Echinaster sepositus (Spinulosida: Echinasteridae) in Cala del Racó
Daniel López Casares*1,2; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9014-0776
José Carlos Hernández Pérez2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1539-1783
José Tena Medialdea1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2391-699X
José Rafael Gara March1; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1646-5331
1. Instituto de Investigación en Medio Ambiente y Ciencia Marina (IMEDMAR-UCV) Universidad Católica de Valencia.
Av del Port 15, 03710 Calpe, Alicante, España; danilcasares97@gmail.com (*Correspondence), josetena@ucv.es,
2. Universidad de La Laguna. Av, Astrofísico Francisco Sánchez, S/N, 38206 La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España;
Received 14-VI-2023. Corrected 06-XII-2023. Accepted 20-XII-2023.
Introduction: The red starfish (Echinaster sepositus) is one of the most common asteroid species in the
Mediterranean Sea. However, information about their biology or their role in benthic communities is scarce.
Objective: This study aims to provide new information on the ecology of this species through the temporal
characterization of the population of E. sepositus in Cala del Racó (Alicante, Spain) and the in situ monitoring
of its reproductive cycle.
Methods: For this purpose, three study areas were established at different depths. For each of the recorded
starfish, data about the size, the substrate on which it was found, the area, the depth and the sex in the case of
observing the reproduction were collected.
Results: A total of 19 samplings have been carried out throughout a year of study. In this way, it has been pos-
sible to observe that the density of individuals increases in the shallower zone during autumn and winter, when
the temperature drops to 14.13 ºC, while it decreases in spring and summer when the temperature rises to 27.17
ºC. Those results are reversed in the deepest part of the study. The highest density of individuals (0.51 ind/m2)
occurred in October. Arborescent photophilic algae and crustose coralline algae were the substrates with the
highest number of E. sepositus recorded. Medium to large specimens are located preferably on crustose coralline
algae or arborescent photophilic algae, while smaller individuals were mostly located on Posidonia oceanica. No
specimens of E. sepositus were observed spawning.
Conclusions: Data leads to assume that there is a migration of starfishes towards more superficial areas when the
water is at colder temperature and towards deeper areas when the temperature increases. It is valued the possibil-
ity that there is a change in the nutritional needs of E. sepositus throughout its development. According to our
observations, the future reproduction studies should be concentrated between late-summer and early-autumn.
Key words: starfish; population density; population characterization; temporal monitoring; in situ reproduction.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58967, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
The genus Echinaster comprises a total of
30 species, although this figure is still under
debate since some new morphotypes are being
described (Lópes et al., 2016; Seixas et al.,
2019). These are medium-sized starfish whose
color varies between yellow and red, with five
cylindrical-conical arms and a small central
area. Their skin is thick and covered with
glands that offer them a good chemical defense,
which probably explains the absence of pedicel-
lariae in the Echinaster species (Turner, 2013).
In the present work we focus on the study
of one of the most emblematic species of the
genus Echinaster: the one commonly known as
red Mediterranean starfish, Echinaster sepositus
(Retzius, 1783). This species belongs to the class
Asteroidea, superorder Spinulosacea, order Spi-
nulosida, family Echinasteridae, genus Echinas-
ter and subgenus Echinaster. It was described
by Aristotle in ancient Greece more than 2 300
years ago in the Historia Animalium, being
the first starfish to be mentioned in science
(Turner, 2013). In recent years it has been used
as a model species for studies of systematics
and morphology of asteroids (Lafay et al., 1995;
Mah & Blake, 2012). Its distribution covers the
entire Mediterranean basin and the temperate
waters of the eastern Atlantic, from the south-
eastern limit of the English Channel to Cape
Verde. It is a species that inhabits from shallow
waters (less than 2 m) to depths of 250 m (Wirtz
& Debelius, 2003) and can live in a wide variety
of environments, such as soft sediment bot-
toms, rocky substrates, phanerogams seagrass
or communities of coralline algae (Entrambasa-
guas et al., 2008). The spatial distribution of E.
sepositus varies depending on the algal cover,
the sand cover and the depth (Entrambasaguas
et al., 2008). However, the exact causes of these
variations remain unknown. Furthermore, the
Estudio preliminar de la población y dinámica reproductiva de Echinaster sepositus
(Spinulosida: Echinasteridae) en Cala del Racó
Introducción: La estrella de mar roja (Echinaster sepositus) es una de las especies de asteroideos más comunes
del mar Mediterráneo. Sin embargo, la información sobre su biología o su papel en las comunidades bentónicas
es escasa.
Objetivo: Este estudio pretende aportar nueva información sobre la ecología de esta especie mediante la carac-
terización temporal de la población de E. sepositus en la Cala del Racó (Alicante, España) y el monitoreo in situ
de su ciclo reproductivo.
Métodos: Con este fin se establecieron tres zonas de estudio a distintas profundidades. Para cada una de las
estrellas registradas se tomaron datos de tamaño, el sustrato sobre el que se encuentra, la zona, la profundidad y
el sexo en caso de observar la reproducción.
Resultados: A lo largo de un año de estudio se han realizado un total de 19 muestreos. De esta forma se ha podido
observar que la densidad de individuos aumenta en la zona menos profunda durante otoño e invierno, cuando la
temperatura del agua baja hasta los 14.13 ºC, mientras que se reduce en primavera y verano, cuando la tempera-
tura se eleva hasta los 27.17 ºC. Este resultado se invierte en la zona más profunda del estudio. La mayor densidad
de individuos ha sido observada en octubre (0.51 ind/m2). Las algas fotófilas arborescentes y las algas coralinales
costrosas han sido los sustratos con un mayor número de E. sepositus registrados. Los ejemplares de tamaños
medianos a grandes se localizan preferentemente sobre algas coralinales costrosas o algas fotófilas arborescentes,
mientras que los individuos de menor tamaño se sitúan mayormente sobre Posidonia oceanica. No se observaron
ejemplares de E. sepositus reproduciéndose.
Conclusiones: Los datos permiten presuponer que existe una migración entre las zonas más superficiales, cuando
la temperatura del agua es menor, y zonas más profundas cuando la temperatura aumenta. Se valora la posibilidad
de la existencia de un cambio en los requerimientos nutricionales de E. sepositus a lo largo de su desarrollo. De
acuerdo con nuestras observaciones, los estudios futuros sobre la reproducción de esta especie deben concentrarse
entre finales de verano y principios de otoño.
Palabras clave: estrella de mar; densidad poblacional; caracterización poblacional; monitoreo temporal; repro-
ducción in situ.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58967, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
density of individuals varies among apparently
similar locations, which suggests that it could
be affected by factors, biotic or abiotic, that act
on scales of hundreds of meters or even less
(Chapman & Underwood, 2008; Underwood
& Chapman 1996). E. sepositus feeds on detri-
tus and small organisms that are found on the
substratum by the evagination of their stomach
towards the outside of the buccal opening (Vas-
serot, 1961). There are indications that they
also feed on sponges, although the defensive
systems of many species can repel the starfish
(Waddell & Pawlik, 2000). Villamor & Becerro
(2010) also observed a certain affinity of E.
sepositus by areas where encrusting algae pre-
dominate, characterized by having associated
small invertebrates and being a place of recruit-
ment for many species of benthic invertebrates.
E. sepositus is a dioecious species, although
some authors have described an “accidental
hermaphroditism” in up to 4 % in the individu-
als studied (Cognetti & Delavault, 1962; Scheib-
ling & Lawrence, 1982). The Mediterranean
red starfish reproduces only sexually, through
external fertilization, giving rise to a lecithotro-
phic larva whose period prior to settlement
does not usually exceed a week (Turner, 2013).
The gonads are found in pairs on each limb and
communicate with the exterior by means of the
gonopores, located on the side of the arms, near
the central disc (Turner, 2013).
Lecithotrophic larvae have an energy
reserve in the form of a yolk that is consumed at
the time of settlement. This means, with respect
to the planktotrophic larvae, a higher prob-
ability of successful recruitment and a higher
survival of settlers (Byrne et al., 1999; Villinski
et al., 2002), but a lower number of larvae emit-
ted. The inability of the lecithotrophic larvae to
feed also implies limited dispersal capacity in
relation to planktotrophic larvae and can have
large consequences on the genetic structure of
their populations, although the high probability
of settling near the areas inhabited by adults of
the same species favors the location of an area
good enough for their vital development (Cis-
neros, 2016). Species that have a lecithotrophic
larvae have a buffer system through which they
limit the large population fluctuations suffered
by other echinoderms, both in decrease as well
as population growth (Uthicke et al., 2009). It
has been seen that in the northwestern Medi-
terranean Sea the spawning of gametes occurs
during the months of summer, especially dur-
ing June and July, when the starfishes have a
greater gonadal weight (Villamor & Becerro,
2010). However, in September 2015, the spawn-
ing of E. sepositus was observed a few days apart
at different points along the coast of Catalonia
(Cisneros, 2016). On October 18, 2018, the
emission of gametes of E. sepositus was record-
ed during a night dive in Cala del Racó (Calpe,
Alicante) and the same group of researchers
observed this phenomenon again the following
week at the same time (Diana López, personal
communication, 2018).
Gametogenesis in asteroids may be regu-
lated by endogenous factors such as age, nutri-
tional status or size, or by exogenous factors
such as photoperiod, temperature or food avail-
ability (Mercier & Hamel, 2009). Among all
these factors, the photoperiod is probably the
most important factor in controlling the repro-
duction in asteroids, and not only the annual
photoperiod, but also the daily one (Basch &
Pearse, 2022; Byrne et al., 1999; Georgiades et
al., 2006; Gibson et al., 2011; Pastor-de-Ward
et al., 2007; Stewart & Mladenov, 1997). This
influence has been corroborated by multiple
manipulative experiments in different species
of starfish (Pearse & Beauchamp, 1986; Pearse
& Bosch, 2002; Pearse & Eernisse, 1982; Pearse
& Walker, 1986). On the other hand, previous
studies have described that the influence of
nutritional status or food availability sometimes
follows an inverse relationship with the gonadal
index, so that the direct influence of feeding on
the reproduction of asteroids remains unclear
(Barker & Xu, 1991; Chen & Chen, 1992;
Farmanfarmaian et al., 1958; Grange et al.,
2007; Rubilar et al., 2005).
While predation on offspring can be avoid-
ed with parental care, species that do not pro-
tect the clutch develop alternative strategies to
avoid high mortality thereof (Balshine, 2012).
To avoid predation by diurnal animals, some
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58967, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
groups synchronize the spawning of gametes
during twilight or nocturnal hours, when mor-
tality is considerably lower (Čech et al., 2005;
Metcalfe et al., 1999). Despite the lack of previ-
ous scientific observations on the relationship
between light and the laying of gametes in E.
sepositus, the last observations of spawning
in Cala del Racó were made during the night,
which has led us to hypothesize that daily
photoperiod would be influencing the spawn-
ing of this species, possibly to ensure greater
offspring survival.
Despite being one of the most common
starfish in the Mediterranean Sea, informa-
tion about the biology of E. sepositus or its
role in benthic communities is scarce and
sometimes contradictory (Villamor & Becerro,
2010). Besides, some populations of E. sepositus
in the northwestern Mediterranean have been
reduced in the last decade. Among the main
causes is the direct extraction of individuals for
ornamental aquariums or souvenirs (Villamor
& Becerro, 2010), practice that is widespread
and that lacks an appropriate system of regu-
lation (Olivotto et al., 2011). For this reason,
the main objective of this work is to improve
the knowledge of the ecology of this species
through annual night monitoring via fixed
sampling stations. The specific objectives are,
in the first place, to perform a characterization
with temporal monitoring of the population of
E. sepositus in Cala del Racó (Calpe), where the
spawning was recorded in 2018 and, in the sec-
ond place, to try to record in situ, once again,
the spawning of this species.
Study area: The study took place in Cala
del Racó (38º38’09’’ N & 0º04’16’’ E), in the
town of Calpe (Alicante, Spain). The waters of
Cala del Racó bathe the west of the “Peñón de
Ifach. This calcareous outcrop was declared a
Nature Reserve by the Generalitat Valenciana
(Decree 1/1987), on 1987, January 19. How-
ever, it was not until 1993 when a plan of park
administration was approved. The marine area
that surrounds the rock has been declared a
Zone of Special Conservation Area for Birds
(ZEPA) under (Directive 79/409/CEE, 1992)
and includes a Site of Community Importance
(SCI Espacio Marino de Ifach: ESZZ16006) for
hosting funds of Posidonia oceanica in a good
state of conservation.
Cala del Racó is protected from the wind
and waves due to the geographical protection
of the adjacent mountains (Oltá, Bernia and
Mascarat). However, on the south face it is
more exposed to waves. The substrate of the
study area is composed of rocks or boulders
with a high presence of photophilic algae that,
with the gradient of depth, gives way to dif-
ferent biocenoses of fine sand and Posidonia
oceanica meadows. On this side, the P. oceanica
meadows extend from 6 to 22 m deep (Abbiati
et al., 2017) (Fig. 1).
Experimental design: All the dives were
carried out with the logistical support of the
marine station of the Instituto de Investig-
ación en Medio Ambiente y Ciencia Marina
(IMEDMAR-UCV). Sampling began in May
2021 and finished in May 2022. They were
distributed based on the results of the gonadal
maturation of Villamor & Becerro (2010) and
the information obtained during the registra-
tion of the spawning of E. sepositus gametes
that occurred in 2018 in Cala del Racó. Since
the aforementioned gamete spawning lasted for
at least two weeks and was recorded overnight,
the dives in this study were conducted during
the night with variable frequencies depending
on the period of the year: weekly during the
period with the highest probability of spawning
(October 2021), biweekly during the periods
of moderate probability of spawning (between
May and October 2021 and between Novem-
ber and December 2021), and monthly in
periods of lesser spawning probability (from
January to May 2022). The samplings were
made to coincide with the full moon and the
new moon whenever the weather conditions
allowed it, to know if gametogenesis in E.
sepositus followed a lunar pattern, as has been
detected in captivity in other starfish such as
Protoreaster nodosus (Scheibling & Metaxas,
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58967, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
2008). However, spawning records have not
been analyzed because this phenomenon has
not been detected during this study.
For data collection and characterization of
the E. sepositus population, all samplings were
carried out with the help of autonomous diving
equipment. Three fixed areas were established
for the entire studio. Zone 1 was found at an
average depth of 3.5 m and is made up of a
mainly rocky environment, with a large cover
of arborescent photophilic algae and crusty
coralline algae, although small patches of P. o c e -
anica and sand were also found. Zone 2 had an
average depth of 5 m and included the interface
between the rocky surface and the beginning
of the meadow of P. oceanica, for which reason
substrates both common to Zone 1 and Zone
3 occurred. Zoe 3 was located at an average
depth of 7 m and was made up mostly of P.
oceanica meadow and sandy bottoms, although
some scattered rocky surfaces were also found.
The zones were separated by a limited depth
gradient of 3 to 7 m. However, the environ-
ment observed at each depth changed rapidly.
In each of the 3 zones mentioned above, a line
transect of 50 x 2 m was established and the
presence of the starfish E. sepositus was noted.
Therefore, a 100 m2 surface was sampled in
each transect. For each starfish observed, the
depth, the corresponding area (1, 2 or 3), the
distance of the transect at which it was located
and the substrate (naked rock, arborescent
photophilic algae (AF), crusted coralline algae
(CCA), sand, sponges, P. oceanica leaves or P.
oceanica rhizomes) were recorded. In case of
observing a starfish on more than one of these
substrates at the same time, we would consider
the substrate as “mixed substrate. The length
of the arm opposite to the madreporite (LB)
was also recorded, that is, the distance from the
end of the arm to the beginning of the central
area. The reason for measuring LB is that Bodí
Broseta (2019) showed with R2 = 0.78 that this
is the best variable to estimate the total length
(i.e. the distance between the end of the arm
and the end of the opposite arm) (TL) of E.
sepositus individuals.
A database was built with Microsoft Excel
(2016) with all the data collected from each
observed individual. A data matrix was devel-
oped and the E. sepositus density (individuals/
m2) was determined for each of the surveys and
zones. In this way, descriptive graphs showing
the changes in the density of starfishes for the
Fig. 1. A) Map of the study area located in Cala del Racó (Calpe), west of the Natural Park of Peñón de Ifach. Coordinates:
38º 38’ 03’’ N & 0º 04’ 16’’ E. B) Exact location of the transects of monitoring carried out it the different sampling areas. Zone
1: 3.5 m deep, rocky surface. Zone 2: 5 m deep, interface between rocky and Posidonia oceanica meadow surfaces. Zone 3:
7 m deep, P. oceanica meadow surface (GVA Viewer, 2022).
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58967, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
entire year, in each of the zones, were gener-
ated. Besides, a one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) was used to determine if there were
significant differences between the densities
of E. sepositus recorded in each of the zones.
Water temperature was also recorded twice a
month in vertical profiles of up to 15 m depth,
using the oceanographic probe AAQ-RINKO
177 (LFE Advantech CO., Ltd.) to relate the
seasonal temperature changes with the popula-
tion changes of E. sepositus. Subsequently, the
Ocean Data View (ODV) program was used to
graphically represent the temperature profiles
taken throughout the study year.
The size distribution of the starfishes was
also analyzed by zone (measured in LB). Since
LB measures were continuous quantitative data,
LB measurements were classified into the fol-
lowing 6 categories: “< 3 cm, “3-4 cm, “4-5 cm,
“5-6 cm, “6-7 cm” and “>7 cm. The program
IBM SPSS Statistics was used to perform a
Pearson Chi-square analysis to see if there was
a statistically significant dependency between
the zone and the size of the starfishes. For this
work, the sizes were grouped into 3 categories:
SMALL if its LB is less than 4 cm, MEDIUM if
its LB is between 4 and 6 cm, and BIG if its LB is
greater than 6 cm. On the other hand, another
Pearson Chi-square analysis was performed
to see if there was a statistically significant
dependency between the LB and the substrate
in which the individuals were found. For this
analysis, the same 3 categories as in the previ-
ous Chi-square were used: SMALL, MEDIUM,
BIG. Subsequently, the program R-Project 4.1.3
(R Core Team, 2022) and the “readxl” package
were used to graphically represent the size dis-
tribution (SMALL, MEDIUM, BIG) in each of
the substrates using a barplot.
After 19 days of sampling, a total of 488
individuals of E. sepositus were recorded, with
an average number of 25.7 starfish per sample
with a standard deviation of 11.2.
Echinaster sepositus density in each of the
sampled zones: ANOVA showed significant
differences in density in each of the zones (F
= 4.01, P = 0.002). In Zone 1, 120 individu-
als were found (24.6 % of the total) with an
average density of 0.06 individuals/m2. Such
density increased irregularly from spring (time
with a lower density in Zone 1) to winter, when
the density reached twice the maximum value
recorded in this area (0.14 ind/m2). There was
also another peak density in summer (0.1–0.11
ind/m2), although not as marked as the one
that appeared from December to March. The
lowest densities were recorded between spring
and summer, with zero individuals recorded on
one occasion.
In Zone 2, 218 individuals were found
(44.7 % of the total encounters) and an aver-
age density of 0.11 ind/m2. In this case, the
maximum density was observed in spring (0.24
ind/m2). This density was reduced in sum-
mer and increased again between October and
November, where the second highest density
peak occurred (0.17–0.19 ind/m2). The lowest
recorded starfish density (0.02 ind/m2) was
observed in May.
In Zone 3, 150 individuals were found
(30.7 % of the total encounters), with an aver-
age density of 0.08 ind/m2. The individual
density remained between 0.01 and 0.06 from
May to August. From September, the density
increased progressively until October, when it
reached its maximum (0.24 ind/m2). After this
peak, the density remained lower between 0.11
and 0.15 ind/m2 and then it reached a second
peak in January (0.21 ind/m2). In the following
months, the density declined until it equaled
the low densities found in spring.
The sampling day with the highest num-
ber of starfish found was the 21st of October
of 2021, in autumn. Up to 51 individuals were
recorded in one transect (0.51 ind/m2). On the
contrary, on May 10th, 2022, in spring, the low-
est E. sepositus density in a sample was recorded
(0.09 ind/m2) (Fig. 2).
The water temperature showed the typical
seasonal variations of the Western Mediter-
ranean Sea, with a minimum temperature of
14.13 ºC in March 2022 and a maximum of
27.17 ºC in August 2021. As usual in these
waters, the summer period presented a seasonal
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58967, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
Fig. 2. Echinaster sepositus density (ind/m2) in the different sampling zones during the study. Zone 1: 3.5 m deep, rocky
surface. Zone 2: 5 m deep, interface between rocky and Posidonia oceanica meadow surfaces. Zone 3: 7 m deep, P. oceanica
meadow surface.
thermocline, while the winter months present-
ed homogeneity of temperature in the water
column. Between mid-November 2021 and Jan-
uary 2022 and in July 2022, there was missing
data due to malfunction of the oceanographic
probe (Fig. 3).
Percentage of appearance of Echinaster
sepositus in the different types of substrates:
Of the 120 individuals studied in Zone 1, 68
individuals (59.6 %) were found on AF. Subse-
quently, 29 specimens (24.17 %) were found on
CCA, 11 starfish (9.17 %) on mixed substrate,
6 (5 %) on rhizomes of Posidonia plants and 4
individuals (3.3 %) on bare rock. Finally, the
substrates in which a smaller number of starfish
were found were Posidonia leaves and sponges,
with only one specimen on each (< 1 %). No
individual was found on the bare sand. Of the
218 sightings of E. sepositus in Zone 2, 120
(55 %) occurred on AF, 39 encounters (17.9 %)
were observed on the rhizome of P. oceanica,
21 (9.6 %) on CCA, 16 (7.3 %) on mixed sub-
strate, 10 (4.6 %) on bare rock and 8 (3.67 %)
on the leaves of P. oceanica. Finally, there were
3 records of starfish (1.38 %) on sandy bottom
and a specimen was sighted on a sponge (0.46
%). In Zone 3, 150 individuals of E. sepositus
were recorded. Of the total of sightings, 110
(73.3 %) occurred on the rhizomes of P. o c e -
anica, 23 records (15.3 %) occurred on Posido-
nia leaves, 7 starfish (4.67 %) were observed
on the sandy bottom and 5 individuals (3.3
%) appeared on a substratum occupied by
AF. Finally, in the CCA and mixed substrates,
3 and 2 sightings were recorded respectively,
which represents 2 and 1 % of the sightings.
No specimen of E. sepositus has been recorded
on sponges or on bare rocks. The percentage of
appearance of E. sepositus in the different types
of substrates is shown in Table 1.
Size distribution of Echinaster sepositus
in the sampling areas: The starfish studied in
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58967, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
Zone 1 had an average LB of 5.8 cm, a maxi-
mum LB of 8.8 cm and a minimum LB of 2.9
cm, with a peak of individuals between 5 and
6 cm. In Zone 2, an average size of 5.3 cm, a
maximum size of 9.4 cm and a minimum of 3.4
cm were recorded, with a predominant size dis-
tribution between 4 and 6 cm in this zone. Indi-
viduals which were in Zone 3 have an average
LB of 4.34 cm, a maximum LB of 6.2 cm and a
minimum LB of 2.6 cm and a very noticeable
peak of specimens between 4 and 5 cm (Fig. 4).
The Pearson Chi-square analysis showed
that there was a statistically significant rela-
tionship between the different zones and the
different sizes grouped into categories: SMALL,
MEDIUM, BIG, with 95 % confidence. So the
distribution of the different sizes of starfish in
each zone was not uniform and they had size
segregation per zone (P < 0.001) (Table 2).
While the small starfish were located mostly in
Zone 3, most of the largest animals were found
in Zones 1 and 2. Similarly, another Chi-square
analysis established, with 95% confidence, that
there was a statistically significant relationship
between the different substrates and the starfish
sizes (again grouped into SMALL, MEDIUM,
BIG) (P < 0.001) (Table 3). The individuals of
medium to large sizes were located preferen-
tially on substrates covered by AF and CCA.
On the other hand, medium to small starfish
were found preferentially in the rhizomes or the
leaves of P. oceanica (Fig. 5).
Reproduction in Echinaster sepositus:
After 19 samplings carried out during one year
of research, there was no record of spawning of
E. sepositus.
Table 1
Percentage of appearance of E. sepositus in the different types of substrates in each of the zones.
AF CCA Rock P. l e a v e s P. rhizomes Sand Sponge Mix
Zone 1 56.67 24.17 3.33 0.83 5.00 0.00 0.83 9.17
Zone 2 55.05 9.63 4.59 3.67 17.89 1.38 0.46 7.34
Zone 3 3.33 2.00 0.00 15.33 73.33 4.67 0.00 1.33
AF: arborescent photophilic algae; CCA: crusted coralline algae; P. leaves: leaves of Posidonia oceanica; P. rhizomes: rhizomes
of P. oceanica. Zone 1: 3.5 m deep, rocky surface. Zone 2: 5 m deep, interface between rocky and P.oceanica meadow surfaces.
Zone 3: 7 m deep, P.oceanica meadow surface.
Fig. 3. Oceanographic profile of the station at a depth of 15 m of temperature values during the sampling period in Calpe.
Between mid-November 2021 and January 2022 and in July 2022, there was missing data due to malfunction of the
oceanographic probe.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58967, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
Populations of the Mediterranean red star-
fish follow an aggregated distribution, so that
they can be absent or be very abundant in loca-
tions close to each other. However, the factors
determining this distribution remain unknown
(Villamor & Becerro, 2010). A greater variability
of habitats favors a greater settlement of species
that can occupy the different niches, regulat-
ing different ecological parameters such as
abundance and distribution of species (Hewitt
et al., 2005; Zajac et al., 2003). The high density
of individuals observed in Cala del Racó could
be due to the diversity of habitats occurring in
a relatively small area, including rocks, sandy
bottoms and meadows of P. oceanica (Abbiati
et al., 2017). Another characteristic of the study
area that could help to explain the high density
of individuals in Cala del Racó, is the protec-
tion to the North and East winds offered by the
Peñón de Ifach and the West winds from the
Fig. 4. Distribution of the sizes (cm) of the number of individuals of Echinaster sepositus registered in each of the sampling
zones. Zone 1: 3.5 m deep, rocky surface. Zone 2: 5 m deep, interface between rocky and Posidonia oceanica meadow surfaces.
Zone 3: 7 m deep, P.oceanica meadow surface.
Table 2
Result of Pearsons Chi-Square analysis between the different substrates and the sizes of Echinaster sepositus grouped into
Crosstab between Zone*LB (category)
Study areas Zone 1 52 64 4 120
Zone 2 58 150 10 218
Zone 3 3 111 36 150
Total 113 325 50 488
Pearsons Chi-Square Test
Value gl Asymptotic significance (bilateral)
Pearsons Chi-Square Test 95.881 4 <.001
Likelihood ratio 105.572 4 <.001
N of valid cases 488
Zone 1: 3.5 m deep, rocky surface. Zone 2: 5 m deep, interface between rocky and P.oceanica meadow surfaces. Zone 3: 7 m
deep, P.oceanica meadow surface. gl: degrees of freedom. LB: length of the arm.
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58967, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
Morro the Toix outcrop. An earlier study by
Villamor & Becerro (2010) indicated a change
in the communities at a depth of 5 m produced
by the hydrodynamics, which makes the pres-
ence of E. sepositus accidental. However, in our
study area, there have been 120 records of star-
fish in Zone 1, whose average depth was 3.5 m.
In Zone 1, located at a shallower depth,
there was an increase in the density of starfishes
from December to March, when the tempera-
ture of the water drops to 14 ºC, and there was
a decrease in density in spring and summer,
when the water temperature reaches 27 ºC. In
Zone 3, on the contrary, the density of indi-
viduals begins to increase from the month of
August to October-November and decreases
again during winter and early spring, except
for records taken in the sampling carried out
Fig. 5. Size distribution of Echinaster sepositus grouped into categories in each of the substrates considered in the study.
(Small: LB lower than 4 cm. Medium: LB between 4 and 6 cm. Big: LB bigger than 6 cm).
Table 3
Result of Pearsons Chi-Square analysis between the different study areas and the sizes of Echinaster sepositus grouped into
Croostab between Substrate*LB (category)
Substrate AF 64 121 4 189
Sand 0 8 2 10
CCA 22 26 4 52
Sponge 1 1 0 2
Mix 9 21 1 31
P. le a ve s 1 27 5 33
P. rhizome 8 112 34 154
Rock 8 9 0 17
Total 113 325 50 488
Pearsons Chi-Square Test
Value gl Asymptotic significance (bilateral)
Pearsons Chi-Square Test 96.312 14 <.001
Likelihood ratio 111.036 14 <.001
N of valid cases 488
gl: degrees of freedom. LB: length of the arm.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58967, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
in January. These data suggest that the popu-
lation of E. sepositus would be moving, from
deeper and colder areas in summer, to shal-
lower and warmer areas in winter. Changes
in the behavior of starfish due to temperature
have already been studied. A study carried out
with Astropecten irregularis (Pennant, 1777)
concluded that this species exhibited a seasonal
pattern of abundance, with maximum densities
in summer and minimum densities during the
winter (Freeman et al., 2001). Similar results
already described in A. irregularis by Chris-
tensen (1970), recorded a decrease in popula-
tion density in the coldest months. This author
contemplated the idea that these starfish could
even “hibernate” during certain months of the
year. The starfish Asterias rubens Linnaeus,
1758 also shows a greater density in the warm
months and less in the cold months. However,
in A. rubens, its variation is due to the seasonal-
ity of its main food, mussels (Gallagher et al.,
2008). In the same way, it is possible that the
movement observed in E. sepositus at different
depths is due, not only to the temperature itself,
but also to the seasonal availability of food.
In Zone 1, most of the starfishes were
located on AF (56.7 %) and on CCA (24.17 %).
In Zone 2, the substrates with the highest num-
ber of E. sepositus specimens were AF (55.1 %)
and the rhizomes of P. oceanica with 17.9 % of
the records. In Zone 3, 73.3% of the starfishes
were located between the rhizomes of P. o c e -
anica and 15.3 % on the leaves. The appearance
of starfishes in sand, bare rock or sponges was
much lower. This study coincides with previous
ones that mention the presence of E. sepositus
in seagrass, sand, rock, pebbles and crusted
coralline algae (Bacallado et al., 2020; Caballero
et al., 2000; Clark & Downey, 1992; Entram-
basaguas et al., 2008; Villamor & Becerro,
2010). A study conducted on the Catalan coast
concluded that the abundance of E. sepositus
was only correlated with the percentage cover
of crusted coralline algae (Villamor & Becerro,
2010). However, in Cala del Racó only 10.6 % of
the sightings occurred over coralline algae, well
behind sightings over AF and rhizomes of P.
oceanica, 38.7 % and 31.5 %, respectively. As for
the presence of red starfish on rocky bottoms,
our data showed a greater similarity with the
observations of E. sepositus made on the coast
of Corsica by Raisch (2018), where E. sepositus
appeared in greater abundance in the tussock
and shrub algae.
If we focus on the relationship between the
size of the starfishes and the area in which they
were found, we observed a clear predisposition
of medium and large individuals in Zone 1 and
Zone 2, which were at an average depth of 3.5
to 5 m respectively. Nevertheless, the smallest
specimens were located preferably in Zone 3,
which was at an average depth of 7 m. A clear
preference of medium and large individuals was
also observed by substrates covered by arbores-
cent photophilic algae and by crusted coralline
algae. Instead, the smallest starfishes tend to
be in the Posidonia meadow, both in the leaves
and in the rhizome. One of the reasons why
this phenomenon happens could be a change
in nutritional requirements of E. sepositus at
different stages of growth. At the same time, it
could be due to a hydrodynamic reason. Hydro-
dynamic plays a central role in the ecology of
environment shorelines influencing survival,
morphology, movement, feeding and repro-
duction (Denny, 2006). Adverse hydrodynamic
conditions can produce changes in the behavior
of some echinoderms (McEuen, 1988). The
Zone 1, where AF and CCA substrates abound,
was the shallower and more exposed environ-
ment to currents. Smaller starfishes might have
a harder time withstanding these currents while
feeding on the algae that grow on the rocks.
The Posidonia meadow, together with a
greater depth, would offer a calmer environ-
ment for smaller starfish. Species of the genus
Echinaster feed on microscopic organisms and
detrital materials by internal digestion or may
consume tissues partially digested from larger
organisms by external digestion (Turner, 2013).
The observation of a starfish with its stomach
everted indicates that it is feeding at the time
(Lawrence, 2013). Observations made in aquar-
iums indicate that E. sepositus feeds on different
groups of invertebrates, microbial films and
carrion (Brooks & Gwaltney, 1993; Ferguson,
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58967, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
1984; Jangoux & Lawrence, 1982; Scheibling
& Lawrence, 1982; Sloan, 1980). They have
also been found with the stomach evaginated
on multiple invertebrates, algae and sediments
(Ferguson, 1969). However, no study has shown
what E. sepositus eats in the wild (Turner, 2013).
Some authors considered sponges as a key food
for E. sepositus (Sarà & Vacelet, 1973; Vasserot,
1961). However, subsequent studies have not
found a consistent trophic relationship between
the Mediterranean red starfish and the sponges
(Maldonado & Uriz, 1998). The presence of E.
sepositus on sponges has been anecdotal during
the sampling year in Cala del Racó, unlike 33 %
of appearance on sponges of E. gramicola in an
investigation by Ferguson (1969). This could
support the results obtained by Maldonado &
Uriz (1998). It is necessary to carry out special-
ized studies on the feeding of E. sepositus since
there are many knowledge gaps to be resolved
(Turner, 2013). Despite the feeding of E. seposi-
tus was not the main objective of the present
work, the results obtained in the location of the
starfishes in the different substrates, and the
differentiation of size in each one of the sub-
strates, provide useful information to improve
the development of future research.
Regarding the reproductive cycle, there is
a great variety of strategies in asteroids regard-
ing reproduction, which can be seasonal or
continuous (Mariante et al., 2010). Seasonal
reproduction has been demonstrated in some
species of the genus Echinaster in the Atlantic
Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico (Chen & Chen,
1992; Ferguson, 1975; Guzmán & Guevara,
2002; Scheibling & Lawrence, 1982; Turner,
2013). The main advantage of this kind of
reproduction is the synchronization of game-
togenesis in males and females, which makes
fertilization more likely (Bos et al., 2008; Car-
valho & Ventura, 2002; Raymond et al., 2007).
After 19 samplings carried out during a year in
Cala del Racó, no specimen of E. sepositus has
been observed reproducing. For the spawning
to occur in the time intervals between the sam-
plings, it should have happened in a short time
window of a few days in summer and autumn,
but no indications of it were recorded. It is more
probable to suppose that the laying of gametes
in E. sepositus did not happen that year because
it does not occur annually. The reproduction in
the subgenus Echinaster (Echinaster) could be
dependent on environmental conditions such
as temperature, hydrodynamics or the amount
of available food, which would determine the
starfish of spawning; as it happens with the
subgenus of Echinaster (Otilia) (Mariante et
al., 2010; Scheibling & Lawrence, 1982). The
importance of temperature in gametogenesis
has also been mentioned for Marthasterias
glacialis, a species of starfish that inhabits from
the sublittoral to depths of 180 m and that lays
gametes in surface waters, where tempera-
ture increase is maximum in spring-summer
(Benítez-Villalobos et al., 2006; Mercier &
Hamel, 2009; Minchin, 1987).
Despite reproduction not being observed,
the highest density of individuals (0.51 ind/m2)
occurred in October, far exceeding the densities
recorded in the samplings directly before and
after. This date coincides with the time of the
year in which the reproduction of E. sepositus
was recorded in this same area in 2018. This
timing also seems to adjust to the maximum
gonadal development registered for the months
of June and July by Villamor & Becerro (2010).
During breeding events, asteroids congregate
to facilitate external fertilization after spawning
(Hancock, 1958). To have occurred in the same
time intervals between sampling, spawning
would have had to take place within a short
window of a few days in summer and autumn.
However, no evidence of this was recorded.
Another possibility is that gamete spawning in
E. sepositus did not occur that year, possibly due
to some water conditions such as temperature,
hydrodynamics or the amount of available food
(Mariante et al., 2010). The conditions of the
water could also be the ones that explained the
time difference between the different records
of reproduction in E. sepositus. For future
research, we recommend repeating the sam-
pling intensity, and concentrating the effort in
the months of September and October, when
data indicate that the probability of observing
spawning is higher.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58967, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
This study would not have been possible
without the Instituto de Investigación en Medio
Ambiente y Ciencia Marina (IMEDMAR-UCV)
of the Universidad Católica de Valencia, for the
contribution of its facilities, its resources and its
time. Special agreements to: Clara Téllez, Diana
López, Ana Bodí, Teresa Uribe, Marina Muñoz
and María José Valera for their help in the dives.
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