Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58993, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
Study of histopathology on Arbacia lixula (Arbaciidae: Arbacioida)
and Paracentrotus lividus (Parachinidae: Camarodonta)
with bald sea urchin disease symptoms in Gran Canaria Island, Spain
Raibel Núñez-González1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6088-3042
María José Caballero2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2575-0997
Daniel Padilla2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6678-5029
José Luis Martín Barrasa2, 3; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3280-9838
José Juan Castro Hernández1; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9577-5957
1. Instituto Universitario EcoAqua, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 35017 Tafira, Spain;
raibel.nunez101@alu.ulpgc.es (*Correspondence), jose.castro@ulpgc.es
2. Institute for Animal Health and Food Safety (IUSA), Veterinary School, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria,
35413 Arucas, Spain; mariajose.caballero@ulpgc.es, daniel.padilla@ulpgc.es, joseluis.martin@ulpgc.es
3. Experimental Animal Facility, Research Unit, Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria, Dr. Negrín, Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria, Spain.
Received 27-VI-2023. Corrected 06-XII-2023. Accepted 03-I-2024.
Introduction: Sea urchin diseases have been documented in several locations worldwide, with reported occur-
rences of bacterial, protozoan, fungal, and algal infections.
Objective: This study aimed to investigate pathogen agents in populations of Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus
lividus along the coast of Gran Canaria Island (Central-East Atlantic, Spain).
Methods: Sampling was conducted at San Cristobal beach, on the Northeast side of the island, where sea urchins
were manually collected from depths of 1-3 m during June, July, and October 2022. Swab samples were taken
from the external and internal areas of the lesions and cultured on various media plates.
Results: Eight different pathogen agents, including bacteria and fungi, were identified, with Vibrio alginolyticus
being the most frequently observed bacteria in all diseased sea urchin samples. Additionally, ciliated protozoans
were found within the tests, potentially acting as opportunistic parasites.
Conclusions: This research provides a unique perspective on bald sea urchin disease by identifying a significant
number of associated pathogens, including Candida, previously unreported in diseased organisms. Furthermore,
the study highlights the presence of an inflammatory response in tissues with bacterial colonies, offering crucial
insights into understanding this sea urchin disease.
Key words: rocky shore; Vibrio; sea urchin mortality; Canary Islands; Webbnesia.
Estudio de histopatología en Arbacia lixula (Arbaciidae: Arbacioida) y Paracentrotus lividus
(Parachinidae: Camarodonta) con síntomas de la enfermedad del erizo desnudo
en la Isla de Gran Canaria, España
Introducción: Las enfermedades en los erizos de mar han sido descritas en muchas localidades alrededor del
mundo, y se han asociado con la presencia de infecciones por bacterias, protozoarios, hongos y algas.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58993, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
Sea urchin diseases have been described
around the globe, particularly those that caused
several mass mortalities, including those that
occurred in the 80´ with Diadema antillarum
(Philippi, 1845) in the Caribbean Sea (Lessios,
1988), and Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis
(O.F. Müller, 1776) in Nova Scotia, Canada
(Jones et al., 1985). In both cases, the infection
agents were not deeply described. In addition,
sea urchin diseases have been reported between
2001 and 2020 in some regions of Webbnesia:
Madeira (Portugal), and Tenerife and La Palma
in Canary Islands (Spain), mainly in Diadema
africanum (Rodríguez, Hernández, Clemente &
Coppard, 2013), but in other species as Paracen-
trotus lividus (Lamarck, 1816), Arbacia lixula
(Linnaeus, 1758), and Sphaerechinus granularis
(Lamarck, 1816) (Clemente et al., 2014; Dyková
et al., 2011; Girard et al., 2011; Gizzi et al., 2020;
Hernández et al., 2020; Salazar-Forero et al.,
2022), and it is important to highlight that there
are no reports of mass mortalities or diseases in
Gran Canaria Island.
In recent times, some authors have report-
ed the pathogenic action of different infec-
tious agents in sea urchins, such as bacteria,
protozoan, fungi, and algae, being bacteria the
most common agent appearing in all diseases
(Dyková et al., 2011; Gizzi et al., 2020; Grech
et al., 2019; Grech et al., 2022; Hernández et
al., 2020; Hewson et al., 2023; Jangoux, 1987;
Salazar-Forero et al., 2022; Shaw et al., 2024;
Shimizu et al., 1995; Wang et al., 2013b; Wang
et al., 2023). In the case of bacteria, one of the
groups most frequently described in marine
habitats is that of the Vibrio genus, which
increases its concentration during the tempera-
ture rise and produces blooms (Mira-Gutiérrez
& García-Martos, 1998). Within the Vibrio
genus, Vibrio alginolyticus (Miyamoto et al.,
1961) is the most abundant and halotolerant
species in temperate marine ecosystems (Mira-
Gutiérrez & García-Martos, 1998).
Several authors around the globe have
reported Vibrio spp. in diseased tissues of
some sea urchins species, such as D. africa-
num, Strongylocentrotus intermedius (A. Agas-
siz, 1864), and P. lividus (Becker et al., 2008;
Clemente et al., 2014; Gizzi et al., 2020; Grech
et al., 2022; Salazar-Forero et al., 2022; Shimizu
et al., 1995; Wang, Chang et al., 2013; Wang,
Feng et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2023). However,
there is some controversy because the same
bacteria are isolated from healthy sea urchins,
leading to their classification as opportunistic
rather than primary pathogens. For this rea-
son, it is essential to resort to histopathologi-
cal studies to visualize tissue alterations and
to complement the diagnosis of this disease
(Virwani et al., 2021).
Different protozoan species have been
described in some echinoderms as infection
Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como finalidad investigar sobre los agentes patógenos que afectan a las poblaciones de
Arbacia lixula y Paracentrotus lividus a lo largo de la costa de la Isla de Gran Canaria (Atlántico Centro-Oriental,
Métodos: El muestreo fue llevado a cabo en la playa de San Cristóbal, al noreste de la isla, dónde los organismos
fueron capturados entre 1-3 metros de profundidad, durante junio, julio y octubre del año 2022. Se tomaron
muestras en la zona interna y externa de la lesión en cada organismo, y se cultivaron en varios medios de cultivo.
Resultados: Fueron identificados ocho agentes patógenos diferentes, incluyendo bacterias y hongos, y sien-
do Vibrio alginolyticus la bacteria más frecuentemente observada en todas las muestras de erizos enfermos.
Además, se observaron protozoarios ciliados dentro de los caparazones, actuando potencialmente como parásitos
Conclusiones: Esta investigación proporciona una perspectiva única sobre la enfermedad del erizo desnudo
al identificar un número significativo de patógenos asociados, incluida Candida, que no se había reportado
previamente en organismos enfermos. Además, el estudio destaca la presencia de una respuesta inflamatoria
en tejidos con colonias bacterianas, lo que ofrece información crucial para comprender esta enfermedad de los
erizos de mar.
Palabras clave: costas rocosas; Vibrio; mortalidad de erizos de mar; Islas Canarias; Webbnesia.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58993, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
agents. For example, Hernández et al. (2020)
reported that the mass mortality events of D.
africanum in Madeira and the Canary Islands
were associated with anomalous southwest
storms that resuspended bottom sediment and
favored the appearance of paramoebas pro-
moting paramoebiasis. Also, Scheibling and
Lauzon-Guay (2010) described how the amoe-
bic disease has been producing sea urchin mas-
sive mortalities in the North Atlantic Ocean,
because of intense tropical cyclones near warm
coastlines, which has facilitated the spread of
the disease. Furthermore, Jangoux (1987) in
his echinoderm diseases review described the
presence of the ciliate Orchitophrya stellarum
(Cépède, 1907) which parasites the gonads
of Asterias rubens (Linnaeus, 1758). Finally,
Virwani et al. (2021) reported the presence
of ciliates and encysted metazoan parasites in
diseased test tissues on Tripneustes ventricosus
(Lamarck, 1816) from St. Kitts, Caribbean Sea.
It is crucial to emphasize that certain authors
have associated the increase of pathogen bac-
teria with the rising seawater temperature.
Indeed, the collaborative work of Garrabou et
al. (2022) showed that the increase in seawater
temperature in the Mediterranean Sea between
2015–2019 is the cause behind the mass mortal-
ity of 23 taxa and seven phyla, with the shallow
water echinoderms, distributed between 0 and
10 m depth, included in this list.
In this context, this work aimed to char-
acterize the infection agents and describe the
histopathology and disease observed in Arbacia
lixula and Paracentrotus lividus populations on
the coast of Gran Canaria Island (Northeast
Atlantic, Spain).
Study area: This study was conducted on
San Cristobal beach, on the northeast coast of
Gran Canaria Island (Canary Islands, Spain;
27º45´N 15º45´W) (Fig. 1). This urban beach
of the capital city of Las Palmas of Gran Canar-
ia, the most populated area of the island, is a
highly anthropogenic coast close to the La Luz
harbor, one of the most important ports in
Fig. 1. San Cristobal beach location, where sea urchins (Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula) were collected (Gran
Canaria Island, Spain).
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58993, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
the northwest Africa area because of its great
influence on fish products and goods traffic
of the region.
Field survey: Diseased and apparently
healthy individuals of the sea urchins of Arba-
cia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus were manu-
ally collected between 1 and 3 m depth, with
temperatures over 23 °C, according to data col-
lected by the State Ports Buoy Network, Gov-
ernment of Spain, for the eastern area of Gran
Canaria (Ministerio de Transporte, Movilidad
y Agenda Urbana- Puertos del Estado, 2022).
All individuals were larger than 4 cm in test
diameter and were collected with basic apnea
equipment in June, July, and October 2022.
After being collected, the live sea urchins were
transported to the laboratory in a small box
with seawater.
Additionally, one visual census was carried
out to count the number of complete sea urchin
tests in an area of 30 m2 (two parallel transects
of 15 m2) to estimate test density (Fig. 2A, Fig.
2B); some sea urchins with the presence of ill-
ness marks, and tests suspected that they could
have been broken due to fishing activity or
predation were discarded.
Laboratory: Tissue samples were taken on
the external and internal face of lesions, scrap-
ing the test surface with a sterilized swab, and
in the external and internal face of the healthy
sea urchin. The samples were then placed on
plates with different culture media (Blood agar,
MacConkey agar, Baird Parker and Sabouraud
agar (Pronadisa, Laboratorios Conda, Madrid,
Spain)). The culture plates were incubated at 25
ºC during 7 days of aerobiosis. Strains obtained
Fig. 2. A. Sea urchin tests around the sampling area; B. test of a recently dead sea urchin with areas of the test showing the
presence of disease; C. healthy sea urchins: black sea urchin in the upper part of the image is Arbacia lixula and the two in
the lower area (greenish and purple) are Paracentrotus lividus; D. and H. A. lixula individuals with the presence of external
test damage caused by disease; E. and I. A. lixula organism with the presence of internal test damage caused by the disease;
F. and J. P. lividus individuals with the presence of external test damage caused by the disease; G. and K. P. lividus specimens
with the presence of internal test damage caused by the disease.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58993, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
from culture were identified through mass
spectrometry, employing MALDI-TOF tech-
nique (Autoflex III, Bruker Daltonics GmbH).
This method is a standard tool in clinical
microbiology due to its rapid and depend-
able microorganism identification capabilities
(Siller-Ruiz et al., 2017), creating a spectrum
based on the protein profile using a complete
database of more than 16 000 strains covering
more than 5 000 species and more than 1 000
genera of marine microorganisms (Bizzini &
Greub, 2010; Croxatto et al., 2012).
Samples of the test, gonad, and tube feet
from diseased and healthy sea urchin were
fixed in formaldehyde (4 %) for 48 hours. Test
samples were decalcified for 5 minutes. After
that, all samples were dehydrated with graded
ethanol and xylene series, and embedded in
paraffin using a routine histological process.
Serial cross sections (4 µm) were made and
stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E)
and Gram stains. The slides were mounted and
examined with a light microscope (Olympus
BX51TF, Japan).
Analysis: The frequency of appearance
of the infection agent in the organisms was
represented using ggplot2 package (Wickham,
2016) in R v4.2.3 (R Core Team, 2023), and the
map was graphed using QGIS software (QGIS.
org, 2023).
Description of samples: The counting of
192 complete sea urchin tests in 30 m2, resulted
in a density of 3.84 dead sea urchins/m2. In
general, all the complete tests showed marks
associated with diseases (Fig 2A, Fig. 2B).
Overall, the signals of disease in both sea
urchin species were bare test surfaces, without
spines or pedicellaria, and discoloration of the
test in comparison with the healthy calcarean
tissue (Fig. 2D). Additionally, it was observed
that when the disease was advanced, the test in
the affected area was weakened. In the case of
A. lixula, the affected area was in cream color
with brown-reddish zones (Fig. 2H, Fig. 2I)
compared to the blackish color of the healthy
test. For P. lividus, the affected area was in a
greenish color (Fig. 2F, Fig. 2G) compared to
the dark red color of the healthy test. In the
last phases of the disease, lesions resulted in the
perforation of the test (Fig. 2J, Fig. 2K), expos-
ing the coelomic cavity. In addition, the inside
of the injured area was darkened to different
degrees (Fig. 2E, Fig. 2G, Fig. 2I, Fig. 2K).
Microscopically, an inflammatory reaction
composed mainly of coelomocytes and pig-
ment cells, was observed at the edge of the
injured areas from diseased sea urchins (Fig. 3,
inset I). In the affected spines, groups of gram-
negative bacterial colonies (Fig. 4A, Fig. 4B),
were observed. Moreover, ciliate protozoan
(Fig. 4C) inside the sea urchin test and meta-
zoans inside the pedicellaria were found in
affected sea urchins (Fig. 4D). Neither bacterial
colonies nor the presence of parasitic forms
was observed in the apparently healthy sea
urchins collected.
Analysis of infection agents: A total of 17
sea urchins, 13 sick (7 of Arbacia lixula and 6
of Paracentrotus lividus), and four apparently
healthy individuals of both species were sam-
pled. The infection agents vary between species
and health conditions, but Vibrio alginolyticus
was the most frequent bacteria in sick speci-
mens of both species on the internal or external
side of the tests. The other microorganism
which appeared in both species was Candida
sp. Variations among species considering other
infection agents were found: in case of sick A.
lixula, Acinetobacter johnsonni, Pseudomonas
frederiksbergensis and Vibrio myliti were found.
However, on P. lividus we found Vibrio harveyi
and Pseudomonas rhodesiae (Fig. 5). On the
other hand, no infection agents in healthy A.
lixula internal tissues and P. lividus external tis-
sues were found, even though V. alginolyticus
was detected in external tissues of A. lixula.
Comparing the infection agents on sea
urchins reported in the bibliography in dif-
ferent areas of the globe, some authors
describe the presence of Vibrio in samples of
P. lividus, S. intermedius, D. africanum and
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58993, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, but V. alginolyti-
cus was only reported in an association with D.
africanum and S. purpuratus (Table 1).
The present study provides fundamental
pathology data for two species of common sea
urchins in Gran Canaria, P. lividus and A. lixula,
with a particular focus on visually infected indi-
viduals. Test lesions were found to be a preva-
lent feature among reports of urchin diseases,
establishing a description of the morphological
representation of this condition. Diseased sea
urchins present bare surfaces in the test asso-
ciated with tissue necrosis, loss of spines and
tube feet, and some greenish or brownish areas
in the most compromised tissue, features that
have been associated with bald sea urchin dis-
ease (Bauer & Young, 2000; Becker et al., 2008;
Clemente et al., 2014; Dumont et al., 2004;
Hernández et al., 2020; Hughes et al., 1985;
Virwani et al., 2021).
The samples of sick sea urchins collected
in San Cristobal beach were consistent with the
description of bald sea urchin disease. All the
affected organisms exhibited varying degrees of
infection, manifesting the described character-
istics associated with this disease. In the case of
P. lividus, the bald surface had a greenish color
and in A. lixula, it had a brown-reddish color;
in both cases the test presented loss of spines
and tube feet, and in advanced disease condi-
tion, it also included epidermal tissue loss and
perforation of the test.
Fig. 3. Histological test preparation with the general view of the injured area. A. ST: sick tissue, b: bacteria colony, P: non-
affected spine base, I: inflammation area with coelomocytes and pigment cell in the edge of lesion (scale bar = 500 μm); B.
close-up of the area in the box of Fig. 3A, showing inflamed areas with a high concentration of coelomocytes (dark purple
cells) (scale bar = 50 μm).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58993, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
The presence of protozoans and metazoans
in different tissues has been reported in previ-
ous works (Francis-Floyd, 2020; Grech et al.,
2022), and specifically the presence of amoe-
bas has been described in several works as an
infection agent in sea urchin diseases (Dyková
et al., 2011; Hernández et al., 2020; Jones et al.,
1985; Salazar-Forero et al., 2022; Scheibling &
Lauzon-Guay, 2010). In our study, we found
different protozoa and metazoan species in
diseased sea urchin tests, spines, and tube feet,
while other authors described them just in the
rigid structures (spines and test). According to
Jones et al. (1985), infiltration of protozoan is
frequently observed in the organic matrices of
spines but the notable impacts of the disease
are primarily evident in the spine bases. The
presence of these microorganisms associated
with echinoderms, has been extensively docu-
mented by multiple authors (Jangoux, 1987),
and in some cases, they have been considered
commensal in the gut of sea urchins because
they inhabit the digestive systems of certain
echinoids without causing disease (Grech et
al., 2022). In our samples, we found that these
organisms were proximate to diseased tissues,
suggesting they might function as opportunis-
tic pathogens rather than the primary cause of
the disease.
Considering the presence of bacteria with-
in the lesions, numerous studies have reported
several bacterial species consistent with bald
sea urchin disease; in the Pacific Ocean, Vibrio
genus was reported in S. intermedius sick sea
urchin in Japan and China (Wang, Feng et al.,
2013; Wang et al., 2023). In the Mediterranean
Sea, bacteria were present in lesions of P. l iv i -
dus and A. lixula (Maes & Jangoux, 1984), and
Vibrio genus in P. lividus (Becker et al., 2008;
Grech et al., 2022). In the Canary and Madeira
archipelagos, V. alginolyticus was reported in
affected tissues of D. africanum, A. lixula, and
Fig. 4. Histological test preparation with the presence of pathogen organisms: (A) bacteria colony in the injured spine base,
cross-sections stained with H&E (scale bar = 100 µm); (B) bacteria colony stained with Gram stain, denoting their gram-
negative characterization (red color) (scale bar = 100 µm); (C) Ciliate protozoa inside the test (scale bar = 50 µm); (D)
Metazoan inside the pedicellaria (scale bar = 200 µm).
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58993, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
P. lividus (Clemente et al., 2014; Gizzi et al.,
2020; Salazar-Forero et al., 2022), and in S.
purpuratus grown in aquariums (Shaw et al.,
2024); this species was frequent in almost all
the samples of healthy and sick individuals in
our study, inside and outside the diseased tis-
sue. Additionally, the second most abundant
bacterial species found both in our study and
in other studies was V. h ar v e y i in P. lividus
samples, which coincides with the finding of
Wang, Feng et al. (2013) in hatcheries in China.
Furthermore, Shaw et al. (2024) reported the
presence of Acinetobacter sp. in S. purpuratus
hatcheries consistent with our findings in dis-
eased tissues of A. lixula. We also found other
pathogen agents in diseased tissues of both spe-
cies (Table 1) that together could be producing
the signal of the disease.
Importantly, while it is true that many of
these bacteria, such as V. algynoliticus and V.
harveyi, can be found in the marine environ-
ment, we can assert that, when present within
the internal region of the diseased tissue, they
serve as contributors to the development of the
disease. Moreover, Shaw et al. (2024) highlight-
ed that diseased sea urchins could be exposed
to great abundance, concentration, or diversity
of opportunistic microorganisms, potentially
intensifying the pathogenic effects.
Our research has effectively established a
histopathology association between the pres-
ence of bacterial colonies in the injured areas
and an accompanying inflammatory response
in the affected tissue. This evidence strongly
suggests that these bacterial colonies could be
the causative agents of the disease.
The presence of V. alginolyticus on the
external tissues of healthy A. lixula is expected
because this is one of the most frequent bacteria
in marine ecosystems. Similarly, the presence of
other unidentified bacteria within the tests of
both sea urchin species is an expected result as
it is widely recognized that the coelomic fluid
of sea urchins harbors a diverse bacterial com-
munity. Indeed, Clemente et al. (2014) report-
ed that in some instances, individuals harbor
pathogens in their coelomic fluid without
exhibiting any outward signs of disease. Even
upon experimental injection with a pathogen-
containing suspension, the individuals did not
contract the disease throughout the duration of
the infection experiments, indicating that the
Fig. 5. Frequency of appearance of the infection agent in Arbacia lixula and Paracentrotus lividus organisms, both healthy
and sick.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58993, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
Tabl e 1
Comparison between the infectious agents reported in different species of sea urchin.
Author Sampling year Locality Sea urchin species Pathogen agent
Jones et al., (1985) 1982 Nova Scotia Strongylocentrotus
Maes and Jangoux
1984 Mediterranean Sea and
North Atlantic, France
Echinus esculentus,
Sphaerechinus granularis,
Psammechinus miliaris
Arbacia lixula and
Paracentrotus lividus
Bacterial infection
Shimizu et al., (1995) 1990-1992 Fisheries Breeding
Center, Japan
Vibrio and Aeromonas
Becker et al., (2008) 2006 Atlantic coast, Brittany,
Paracentrotus lividus 5 Alphaproctobacteria, 8 Gammaprotobacteria and 1 Fusobacteria.
Some were identified as Vibrio sp., Colwellia sp., Stappia sp.,
Bacteroidetes sp. and Cytophagales sp.
Girard et. al., (2011) 2003 Tenerife, Spain Paracentrotus lividus Bald sea urchin disease related with global climate warming
Dyková et al., (2011) 2010 Tenerife, Spain Diadema africanum Neoparamoeba branchiphila
Wang, Feng et al.
2009-2010 Heishijiao
Hatchery, China
Vibrio splendidus, V. shilonii, V. harveyi, Pseudoalteromonas
tetraodonis, Shewanella aquimarina
Clemente et al,
2009-2010 Madeira Island
(Portugal) to the Canary
Islands (Spain)
Diadema africanum Vibrio alginolyticus.
Virwani et al. (2021) 2017-2018 St. Kitts, Caribbean Sea Tripneustes ventricosus Ciliates and encysted metazoan parasites
Hernández et al.,
Since 2001 Tenerife and La Palma,
Diadema africanum Paramoeba branquiphila
Gizzi et al., (2020) 2018 Madeira, Portugal Diadema africanum In the coelomic fluid: Aeromonas salmonicida and non-identified
β-hemolítica (gram-negative) bacteria species (as V. alginolyticus)
Grech et al., (2022) 2019 Sardinia (Italy) Paracentrotus lividus Vibrio splendidus, protozoa and metazoan observed too
Salazar-Forero et al.,
2020 After Filomena Storm.
Tenerife, Spain
Diadema africanum Neoparamoeba brachiphula, Vexillifera minutissima, Vibrio
Sphaerechinus granularis Neoparamoeba brachiphila, Vexillifera minutissima
Paracentrotus lividus
Arbacia lixula
Federico et al., (2023) 2019-2020 Napoli (Italy) Paracentrotus lividus Vibrio anguillarum, Aeromonas salmonicida, Tenacibaculum spp.
Wang et al. (2023) 2020 Sea urchin farm in
Weihai, Shandong
Province, China
Vibrio coralliilyticus
Hewson et al., (2023) 2022 Saba (Caribbean
Netherlands) and St.
John (USVI)
Diadema antillarum Philaster spp (ciliate)
Zirler et al., (2023) 2022 Levantine coast of
Greece and Turkey
Diadema setosum Infection agents were not described
Shaw et al., (2024) Southern California Sea
Company (Corona del
Mar, CA)
Many different pathogenic bacteria, including V. alginolyticus, V.
coralliilyticus, Flexibacter sp., Acinetobacter sp., Tenacibaculum sp.,
Colwellia sp., Flexibacteraceae, Rhodobacterales, Cohaesibacter
gelatinilyticus, Stappia, Psychrobacter,
Staphylococcus, and Saprospiraceae
Our study 2022 Gran Canaria, Spain Arbacia lixula Acinetobacter johnsonii
Pseudomonas frederiksbergensis
Vibrio alginolyticus
Vibrio myliti
Paracentrotus lividus Pseudomonas rhodesiae
Vibrio alginolyticus
Vibrio harveyi
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58993, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
presence of this diversity of bacteria is not nec-
essarily related to the appearance of the disease.
Furthermore, it is important to mention
that in our samples the detected pathogen agent
varied according to the individual despite the
lesions showed having the same characteris-
tics. This result coincides with that reported
by Becker et al. (2008). The diverse symptoms
associated with this disease suggest that pathol-
ogy can vary significantly between individuals,
because of the presence of different oppor-
tunistic infection agents, producing different
levels of the bald sea urchin disease (Shaw et
al., 2023). Finally, the histological work of Beck-
er et al. (2008) revealed that bacteria infect-
ing Paracentrotus lividus test were confined to
the central zone, whereas the peripheral zone
exhibited a high concentration of cells that
function as a barrier and the surrounding tis-
sues remained unaffected, impeding the spread
of the infection.
The presence of Candida in A. lixula and P.
lividus affected surfaces represents a new record
in sea urchins’ infection agents. There is only
one previous work that reports other species of
fungi in sea urchin spines in the Pacific Ocean,
but those fungi were not considered as patho-
gens (Dabrowa et al., 1964). This information
shows a novel perspective on the bald sea
urchin disease, adding new possible pathogens
that cause this disease.
Even with all the infectious agents described
above, it is important to highlight that these
diseases seem to have a multifactorial origin,
influenced by physiological and environmental
factors (temperature variation, adverse factors,
and plankton blooms), and life cycles in trophic
networks (Federico et al., 2023). These adverse
characteristics in the conditions agree with the
season of our study, with the highest tempera-
tures reported in Gran Canaria Island during
2022, and with the reproductive season of the
sea urchin species in the area (Núñez-González
et al., unpublished data). According to what was
described above, the presence of these patho-
genic agents could be inducing the weakening
of the organism. First for the immune system,
but then because of diminished adhesion to
the substrate due to the external lesions and
loss of the tube feet that affect the normal
behavior of the sea urchin (Girard et al., 2011),
and make them prone to being attacked by
predators (Hughes et al., 1985). In addition to
these physiological effects, our study reveals the
presence of an inflammatory response within
the affected tissues where bacterial colonies
are present, providing crucial insight into the
understanding of this sea urchin disease.
In this sense, we highlight the importance
of histopathology as the primary tool for com-
prehending the impact of pathogens, not only
on tissues but also on the overall development
of sea urchins in their natural habitat. The
utilization of histopathology enables a com-
prehensive assessment of the effects caused by
these pathogens.
Finally, the exhaustive review of Feehan &
Scheibling (2014) and Sweet (2020) indicated
that research about disease patterns in marine
key species, such as sea urchins, could be affect-
ed by climate change and other human-induced
pressures, such as pollution and fishing activi-
ties which affect the top-down control exerted
by predators. While the species of the study are
not frequently consumed by the inhabitants
of Gran Canaria Island, they hold significant
value as bait for fishing some species of fish. It is
crucial to enhance our understanding of disease
dynamics in marine ecosystems and recognize
the role that disease plays in driving alterations
within these ecosystems.
The effect of the disappearance of coastal
sea urchins can produce important changes in
ecosystem dynamics, as the case reported by
Sangil & Hernández (2022), where the decrease
in D. africanum population implied a rapid
recovery of non-crustose macroalgae in the
Canary Archipelago. However, the impact of
species’ disappearance in our study remains
unexplored and should be worthy of further
studies. We emphasize the need to continue
monitoring marine species and to gain insight
into the development of these diseases within
marine ecosystems, to provide new methods
for the efficient management and governance
of coastal resources. By doing so, we can
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58993, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
implement conservation measures to safeguard
these species for future generations.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
The authors gratefully thank the Govern-
ment of the Canary Islands, for providing the
scientific permit Nº: 168/2020 - Tomo: 1, Libro:
401, Date: 10/06/2020, to collect all the samples
for this study. We also thank Sarah Piaugeard
for helping during the sampling campaigns,
Eleinis Ávila-Lovera for helping us to improve
the manuscript, and Sam C. for helping us cor-
rect English grammar.
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