Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58995, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
Fatty acid composition and metabolic pathways in Arbacia dufresnii
(Arbaciidae: Arbacioida) gametes: implications of shrimp
byproducts in aquaculture feeds
Mercedes Vera Piombo1, 2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0361-7845
Marisa Avaro2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4923-8189
Agustín Gittardi2; https://orcid.org/0009-0004-3980-9031
Maximiliano Cledon3; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1757-7274
Tamara Rubilar1, 2*; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1728-3273
1. Laboratorio de Oceanografía Biológica (LOBio), CESIMAR- CCT CENPAT CONICET. Bv. Brown 2915, 9120U, Puerto
Madryn, Chubut, Argentina; mpiombo@cenpat-conicet.gob.ar, rubilar@cenpat-conicet.gob.ar (*Correspondence)
2. Laboratorio de Química de Organismos Marinos (LABQUIOM), Instituto Patagónico del Mar (IPAM), Facultad de
Ciencias Naturales y Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, Bv. Brown 3051,
9120U, Puerto Madryn. Chubut, Argentina; mavaro@unpata.edu.ar; aagittardi@gmail.com
3. Centro de Investigación aplicada y transferencia tecnológica en recursos Marinos “Almirante Storni”, Güemes 1030,
San Antonio Oeste, Argentina; mcledon@gmail.com
Received 28-VI-2023. Corrected 19-XII-2023. Accepted 08-I-2024.
Introduction: Care towards nutrition is essential for the quality of a sustainable aquaculture product. Since the
balance in food affects the growth and production of gametes. The circular economy is made possible through
the use of discarded materials.
Objective: The aim of this research was to study the fatty acid composition and metabolic pathways in the gam-
etes of Arbacia dufresnii, with a focus on the implications of incorporating shrimp byproducts into aquaculture
Methods: Four different treatments were designed to maintain optimal nutritional quality, particularly in lipids
and proteins, based on previous studies. The fatty acid profiles of the feeds and gametes were analyzed by using
gas-chromatography, and statistical analyses were conducted to determine significant differences.
Results: Significant differences were observed in the abundance (%) of omega-3 (ω-3) and omega-6 (ω-6) fatty
acids. The (ω-3) metabolic pathway was more pronounced in the gametes of wild animals and those fed with the
experimental feeds. In contrast, the (ω-6) metabolic pathway was less relevant in these groups. The (ω-3) /(ω-6)
ratio was highest in the gametes of wild animals. Feeds enriched in fatty acids enhanced their bioaccumulation
in the gametes reaching higher concentrations than wild animals. The availability of fatty acids in foods allowed
their bioaccumulation in gametes, with concentrations equal to or higher than those observed in animals in their
natural environment for certain fatty acids.
Conclusions: Incorporating shrimp byproducts in aquaculture feeds demonstrated a promising strategy for
resource utilization and organic input generation. The fatty acid composition in the gametes of A. dufresnii was
influenced by the diet, highlighting the potential of balanced feeds to enhance the bioaccumulation of essential
fatty acids. These findings provide valuable insights for the development of sustainable aquaculture practices and
the production of nutritionally enriched seafood products.
Key words: sea urchin; reproductive cells; lipid profile; biochemical pathways; marine byproducts; sustainable
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58995, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
Sea urchin aquaculture has shown great
potential for growth in recent years (Rubilar
& Cardozo, 2021) with research focused on
the development of feed formulations that can
optimize growth and gonad development in
commercially available species (Lawrence et al.,
2013). Formulated dry feeds have become an
essential component of aquaculture practices
for marine species, offering several advantages
over traditional feeds such as consistency in
quality and composition, water stability, and
ease of use. The use of formulated feeds in sea
urchin aquaculture is crucial for the establish-
ment of large-scale production facilities and the
commercial viability of the industry. However,
the nutritional content and ingredient quality
of the feeds play a significant role in the success
of sea urchin aquaculture, with research indi-
cating that specific feed formulations can have
a significant impact on gonad development
(Martínez-Pita et al., 2010; Raposo et al., 2019).
In addition to the importance of feed qual-
ity, feed costs can represent a significant por-
tion of the total production cost in aquaculture.
To address this issue, feeds formulated with
viable nutritional levels of by-products have
been developed, reducing production costs and
contributing to environmental sustainability
(Vizzini et al., 2019; Ciriminna et al., 2021). By-
product feeds, such as shrimp and squid meals,
have been successfully used as ingredients for
sea urchin feed formulations, improving feed
efficiency and reducing organic waste gener-
ated in the fish and seafood processing industry
(Gunathilaka et al., 2021). These developments
have contributed to the circular economy, pro-
moting the sustainable use of resources and
reducing waste.
Shrimp is an important economic
resource in the Argentinean Patagonian region
Composición de ácidos grasos y vías metabólicas en los gametos de Arbacia dufresnii
(Arbaciidae: Arbacioida) implicaciones de los subproductos de langostinos en los alimentos de acuicultura
Introducción: El cuidado hacia la nutrición es fundamental para la calidad de un producto acuícola sostenible. Ya
que el balance en los alimentos afecta el crecimiento y producción de los gametos. A partir del aprovechamiento
de materias de descarte se posibilita la economía circular.
Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la composición de ácidos grasos y las vías metabólicas en los
gametos de Arbacia dufresnii, centrándose en las implicaciones de la incorporación de subproductos de camaro-
nes en los alimentos de acuicultura.
Métodos: Se diseñaron cuatro tratamientos diferentes para mantener una calidad nutricional óptima, especial-
mente en lípidos y proteínas, basándose en estudios previos. Se analizaron los perfiles de ácidos grasos de los
alimentos y los gametos mediante cromatografía de gases, y se realizaron análisis estadísticos para determinar
diferencias significativas.
Resultados: Se observaron diferencias significativas en la abundancia (%) de ácidos grasos omega-3 (ω-3) y
omega-6 (ω-6). La vía metabólica de (ω-3) fue más pronunciada en los gametos de los animales en su entorno
natural y aquellos alimentados con los piensos experimentales. Por el contrario, la vía metabólica de (ω-6) tuvo
menos relevancia en estos grupos. La relación (ω-3) /(ω-6) fue más alta en los gametos de los animales en su
entorno natural. La disponibilidad de ácidos grasos en los alimentos permitió su bioacumulación en los gametos,
con concentraciones iguales o superiores a las observadas en los animales en su entorno natural para ciertos
ácidos grasos.
Conclusiones: La incorporación de subproductos de camarones en los alimentos de acuicultura demostró ser una
estrategia prometedora para la utilización de recursos y la generación de insumos orgánicos. La composición de
ácidos grasos en los gametos de A. dufresnii fue influenciada por la dieta, destacando el potencial de los alimentos
balanceados para mejorar la bioacumulación de ácidos grasos esenciales. Estos hallazgos brindan información
valiosa para el desarrollo de prácticas sostenibles en acuicultura y la producción de productos marinos enrique-
cidos nutricionalmente.
Palabras clave: erizo de mar; células germinales; perfil lipídico; vías metabólicas; subproductos marinos; alimen-
tos sostenibles.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58995, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
(Bondad-Reantaso et al., 2012). Shrimp pro-
cessing generates large amounts of waste,
including heads, shells, and other by-products,
which can be a source of environmental pollu-
tion if not properly managed. In Patagonia, for
instance, the shrimp industry generates an esti-
mated 60 000 tons of waste per year (González-
Zevallos et al., 2020; Moriondo & de la Garza,
2020). In this context, the development of
shrimp-based feed formulations has the poten-
tial to contribute to both the economic and
environmental sustainability of the region.
Several studies have investigated the use of
shrimp waste as a source of protein and other
nutrients for the production of aquaculture
feeds (Abuzar et al., 2023; Canseco et al., 2015;
Espinosa-Chaurand et al., 2015). For example,
Espinosa-Chaurand et al. (2015), formulated a
shrimp-based feed that achieved similar growth
rates and feed conversion ratios to those of
a commercial feed. Similarly, Canseco et al.
(2015) found that shrimp waste could replace
up to 50 % of fishmeal in the diet of juve-
nile white shrimp. Shrimp meal has also been
used as a protein source in sea urchin feed,
with studies showing that it can improve feed
efficiency and reduce the cost of feed. These
findings suggest that the use of shrimp waste in
feed formulations may reduce the cost of feed
production while contributing to the circular
economy by reducing waste.
Although much research has been con-
ducted on the effect of feed on gonads in com-
mercially available sea urchin species, little
is known about the effect of feed on Arbacia
dufresnii (Blainville, 1825) a novel commercial
species (Lawrence et al., 2013). This species is
attractive to consumers due to the production
of nutraceutical products manufactured by a
Start Up EriSea S.A. One of the products has
high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids and
high polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs and
HUFAs) from their gonads (Díaz de Vivar et al.,
2019). Since PUFAs and HUFAs are important
for human health and have been shown to have
anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and cardio-
vascular benefits (Jobling, 2012; Simopoulos,
2010; Trenzado et al., 2012) and the fatty acid
composition of sea urchin gonads and eggs can
be influenced by feed quality and composition
(David et al., 2020; Kozhina et al., 1978); it is
important to investigate the effect of feed on the
fatty acid composition of A. dufresnii gonads.
The most important HUFA are docosa-
hexaenoic acid (DHA) and Arachidonic acid
(ARA), since they are components of cell mem-
brane phospholipids and play important roles
in cell division, differentiation, and signaling
(National Research Council, 2011). Besides
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), which is also an
essential HUFA, is present in high propor-
tions in marine organisms; (Bell et al., 2003).
Therefore, the incorporation of HUFAs in the
diet of A. dufresnii may have a positive impact
on gonad development and fatty acid composi-
tion. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the
effect of feed on the fatty acid composition of A.
dufresnii eggs. Understanding how feed affects
the fatty acid composition of this novel com-
mercial species can provide valuable informa-
tion for the development of feed formulations
that optimize growth and gonad development,
and increase the commercial viability of sea
urchin aquaculture.
Specimens collection: Mature individu-
als of the species A. dufresnii were collected by
scuba diving during the winter and spring of
2021, as well as at the end of summer in 2022.
The collection took place in Puerto Madryn
(42º 43.6” S & 65º 1.2” W), Gulf Nuevo Bay,
Northern Patagonia, Chubut, Argentina. Sub-
sequently, the individuals were transported in
seawater to the Erisea S.A. pilot aquaculture
facility. Once there, the individuals were sorted
by sex through the induction of spawning using
an injection of KCl [0.5 M]. The individuals
were then kept in a fasting state for a minimum
period of five days after spawning.
Experimental design: Four different fatty
acids concentrations in feed were tested. Their
concentrations in gametes were analyzed before
and after 60 days. A total of 2 240 females
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58995, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
were separated into the four treatments, each
treatment with four replicates (140 individuals
per replicate).
Individuals of A. dufresnii were randomly
distributed into baskets within a production
tank. Throughout the 60-day duration of the
experiment, environmental conditions were
kept constant, including temperature (14 ± 2
ºC) and photoperiod (12:12 h) (Sepúlveda et al.,
2021), and periodic monitoring of ammonia,
nitrite, nitrate, dissolved oxygen, and salinity
values (35 ppm) was conducted to maintain
them within recommended ranges (Rubilar &
Crespi-Abril, 2017). The animals were fed ad
libitum with 400 mg feed per individual every
three days, following the protocol described by
(Rubilar et al., 2016).
Feed: Four balanced feeds were developed
with different concentrations of fatty acids for
aquaculture. Each diet shared 76 % of its basic
formulation, while the remaining 24 % was
differentiated by the addition of flours from
different parts of Pleoticus muelleri (Spence
Bate, 1888) shrimp: pulp (TA), cephalothorax
(TD), or a combination of both with exoskel-
eton (TB or TC; 12 %: 12 % respectively). The
formulation of each diet was based on theo-
retical nutritional information of the ingredi-
ents obtained from an aquaculture formulators
database (Table 1) and the concentration of
essential fatty acids (Table 2). Furthermore,
analyses were conducted on the feeds to verify
the actual FA concentration in each ingredient.
Gametes collection: The oocytes of A.
dufresnii females were collected before the start of
the experiment and at its conclusion, after being
fed with the treatments. They were induced to
spawn by injecting 0.3 mL of KCl [0.5 M] into
the peristomal membrane (Sun & Chiang, 2015).
Once injected, the females were placed in direct
contact with previously filtered and UV-treated
seawater, and a pool of oocytes was collected
from each experimental replicate. Subsequently,
the oocyte sample was allowed to settle in a
Table 1
Proximal composition (%) for each feed.
Nutrient (%) TA TB TC TD
Lipids 4.17 4.83 5.47 5.49
Soluble protein 12.18 15.86 17.67 19.55
Insoluble protein 16.48 21.10 23.04 25.73
Fiber 7.05 8.56 10.80 10.07
Ashes 15.96 18.94 22.46 21.91
Abbreviations from balanced feeds treatments’ labeled: TA, 24 % of P. muelleri pulp; TB, combination pulp and exoskeleton
of P. muelleri (12 %: 12 %); TC, combination cephalothorax and exoskeleton of P. muelleri (12 %: 12 %); TD, cephalothorax
of P. muelleri (24 %).
Table 2
Specific differentiation in the composition of fatty acids in feed.
Fatty acids (%) in feed TA TB TC TD
LA 1.66 1.58 1.51 1.51
ALA 0.62 0.52 0.44 0.41
ARA 0.30 0.31 0.30 0.32
EPA 0.36 0.99 1.90 1.62
DHA 2.56 2.14 1.96 1.72
Abbreviations from balanced feeds treatments’ labeled: TA, 24 % of P. muelleri pulp; TB, combination pulp and exoskeleton
of P. muelleri (12 %: 12 %); TC, combination cephalothorax and exoskeleton of P. muelleri (12 %: 12 %); TD, cephalothorax
of P. muelleri (24 %). Fatty acids abbreviated names: LA, Linoleic acid; ALA, α-Linolenic acid; ARA, Arachidonic acid; EPA,
Eicosapentaenoic; DHA, Docosahexaenoic acid.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58995, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
settling funnel for a maximum of 12 h. at 4 ºC.
Ten milliliters of oocytes from each treatment
were stored at -20 ºC under the N2 atmosphere
until further processing, while maintaining light
protection throughout the process.
Fatty acid (FA) determination: Gametes
from A. dufresnii females, as well as meal
from P. muelleri and the four feeds used in
the experiment, were employed. To obtain the
FAME (fatty acid methyl ester), a 100 mg dry
sample (dried at 40 ºC) was taken and sub-
jected to transmethylation using the Lepage
& Roy (1986) method, with tricosanoic acid
as the standard (51.04 μg). The separation
and quantification of FAME were performed
using gas chromatography with mass spectrom-
etry detection (GC-MS) on a Thermo Focus
ISQ instrument. Peaks corresponding to each
detected FAME molecule were identified by
comparing their relative retention times with
authentic standards (a mixture of 37 FAME
species from Supelco 47885-U). Additionally,
mass spectra were analyzed and compared to
the NIST library (National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology, USA) and The Lipid
Web database for confirmation (Christie, 1998;
Fahy et al., 2007).
The concentration of fatty acids (FA) was
calculated in the four formulated feeds and
A. dufresnii gametes. The values are present-
ed as mean (± SD) in μg·g-1 of dry sam-
ple. FA were expressed using their I.U.P.A.C
nomenclature and corresponding abbreviated
names, which include: Linoleic acid (LA, C18:2
(n-6)), α-Linolenic acid (ALA, C18:3 (n-3)),
Arachidonic acid (ARA, C20:4 (n-6)), Eicosa-
pentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5 (n-3)), and Doco-
sahexaenoic acid (DHA, C22:6 (n-3)). The FA
were grouped according to the abundance (%)
of the nutritional metabolic pathway in (ω-3)
(ALA→EPA→DHA) and (ω-6) (LA→ARA). The
(ω-3) /(ω-6) ratio was calculated.
Statistical analysis: Analysis of variance
(ANOVA) was used to test the significance of
the concentration of each FA and the abun-
dance (%) grouped according to the metabolic
pathways, (ω-3) and (ω-6), in the gametes of A.
dufresnii females from the treatments, includ-
ing the wild animals. The assumptions of nor-
mality and homogeneity of variances were
verified using the Welch method, α = 0.05 (©
Minitab, 2017), and were checked before all
ANOVA analyses.
Fatty acids concentration: Based on the
data obtained from GC-MS chromatography,
the concentration was calculated for the FA
in the four food types (TA, TB, TC, TD). TA
showed the highest concentration of the stud-
ied FAs, being 50 times richer in LA, 60 times
richer in ALA, EPA, and DHA, and 11 times
richer in ARA. Although treatments TB, TC,
and TD have similar concentrations among
themselves, there is a decreasing trend in the
concentration of FAs, especially in LA. The
concentration of FAs, expressed as (μg·g-1), in
the four foods (TA, TB, TC, TD) is detailed in
Table 3.
Table 3
Fatty acids concentration (μg·g-1) in the four foods.
TA 298 865.46 92 441.77 9 131.53 78 770.08 88 959.84
TB 5 118.59 1 642.88 837.83 1 331.61 1 518.34
TC 5 014.57 1 620.38 48.01 1 358.97 1 591.51
TD 4 707.16 1 476.31 169.66 1 251.24 1 455.72
Abbreviations from balanced feeds treatments’ labeled: TA, 24 % of P. muelleri pulp; TB, combination pulp and exoskeleton
of P. muelleri (12 %: 12 %); TC, combination cephalothorax and exoskeleton of P. muelleri (12 %: 12 %); TD, cephalothorax
of P. muelleri (24 %). Fatty acids abbreviated names: LA, Linoleic acid; ALA, α-Linolenic acid; ARA, Arachidonic acid; EPA,
Eicosapentaenoic; DHA, Docosahexaenoic acid.
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58995, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
The fatty acids composition: FA composi-
tion in the female gametes presented significant
differences among treatments. They were also
different from the wild individuals analyzed in
this study (Fig. 1). TA and TB exhibited higher
values of LA (5 026 ± 435 μg·g-1; 4 903 ± 1 199
μg·g-1), respectively, in the diets. On the other
hand, from wild animals’ values showed the
lowest FA concentration (1 346 ± 468 μg·g-1) (F
(4, 21; 0.05) = 19.3, P = 0.000). TC had the lowest
values of ALA (1 142 ± 301 μg·g-1), similar to
the values found in wild gametes (1 192 ± 374
μg·g-1) (F (4, 21; 0.05) = 5.3; P = 0.005). Although
the ARA values in TC seem to be the highest
(2 532 ± 1 764 μg·g-1), there were no significant
differences (1 496 ± 471 μg·g-1) (F (4, 21; 0.05) =
2.57; P = 0.073). TD had the highest values of
EPA (4 909 ± 816 μg·g-1) among the treatments,
which were very similar to the wild gametes
(5 256 ± 729 μg·g-1), however, no significant
differences were observed (4 541 ± 946 μg·g-
1) (F (4, 21; 0.05) = 1.66; P = 0.203). TA and TB
exhibited the highest values of DHA (2 643 ±
261 μg·g-1; 2 479 ± 39 μg·g-1), respectively (F (4,
21; 0.05) = 14.64; P = 0.000).
Fatty acids abundance: There were signifi-
cant differences in the abundance (%) of both
(ω-3) and (ω-6). The (ω-3) metabolic pathway
was higher in the gametes of wild animals
and those fed with TD (F (4, 21; 0.05) = 8.56; P =
0.000). On the other hand, the (ω-6) metabolic
pathway was less relevant in this group (F (4, 21;
0.05) = 8.56; P = 0.000) (Fig. 2). The (ω-3) /(ω-6)
ratio showed the highest values in the gametes
from wild animals (F (4, 21; 0.05) = 12.71; P =
0.000), with increasing values observed from
TA to TD treatments (Table 4), and the wild
had the highest ratio.
Fig. 1. Concentration of fatty acids (μg·g-1) in female gametes of A. dufresnii. A. gametes from treatment A; B. gametes from
treatment B; C. gametes from treatment C; D. gametes from treatment D; and gametes from Wild animals spawning before
Table 4
The (ω-3) /(ω-6) ratio of the abundance (%) in gametes of
A. dufresnii.
Feed TA TB TC TD Wild
Ratio 1.43 1.44 1.52 2.10 3.37
Abbreviations from balanced feeds treatments’ labeled:
TA, 24 % of P. muelleri pulp; TB, combination pulp and
exoskeleton of P. muelleri (12 %: 12 %); TC, combination
cephalothorax and exoskeleton of P. muelleri (12 %: 12 %);
TD, cephalothorax of P. muelleri (24 %).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72(S1): e58995, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
In this study, the female gamete fatty acid
composition was studied using different con-
centrations of fatty acids in the feed. The
origin of the fatty acid were different parts of
the shrimp P. muelleri. The cephalothorax was
identified as the most abundant part in (ω-3)
fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA (Cretton
et al., 2020; Hop et al., 1990). Conversely, the
exoskeleton is considered a by-product of the
shrimp industry, resulting from the processing
for human consumption (De Carli et al., 2012).
The utilization of this shrimp waste in the feed
provided to A. dufresnii demonstrates an inter-
esting strategy for resource utilization and the
generation of organic inputs in aquaculture.
The feed composition used in this study is
highly complex, incorporating ingredients from
diverse sources such as terrestrial vegetable
meals, fish oil, and algae meal. This complexity
may impact the bioavailability and potential
oxidation of fatty acids during the pelletization
process of the feeds. However, it is noteworthy
that LA and ALA are essential fatty acids pri-
marily originating from terrestrial plant sources
(Prato et al., 2018), while ARA, EPA, and DHA
are predominantly derived from marine sourc-
es. These findings align with previous research
analyzing the fatty acid composition in differ-
ent feeds with varied nutrients that are better
assimilated (Espinoza et al., 2022; Fernandez
& Boudouresque, 1998; Lawrence et al., 2013;
Spirlet et al., 2001).
The different fatty acid composition in
the feed fed to A. dufresnii revealed that the
composition of the feeds used in the treatments
maintained is in an appropriate range of pro-
teins; considered of high nutritional quality for
echinoderms (Wilson, 2003). These findings
are consistent with previous research highlight-
ing the importance of maintaining adequate
nutritional quality in the diet of sea urchins
(Lawrence et al., 2013).
The availability of fatty acids in the feeds
allowed for their bioaccumulation in the gam-
etes, reaching concentrations equal to or higher
than those observed in wild animals for LA,
ALA, and DHA. ARA and EPA concentrations
remained stable. Our results indicate that the
duration of the 8-week experiment and the
selection of feeds were appropriate for obtain-
ing values equivalent to those observed in ani-
mals in their natural environment.
Fig. 2. Abundance (%) of FA according to their metabolic pathway in A. dufresnii gametes. A. gametes from treatment A;
B. gametes from treatment B; C. gametes from treatment C; D. gametes from treatment D; and gametes from Wild animals
spawning before treatments.
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72(S1): e58995, marzo 2024 (Publicado Mar. 01, 2024)
During the gametogenesis stage, there is
an increase in the accumulation of (ω-3) fatty
acids, particularly EPA and ARA, in the gametes
of wild animals (Rahman et al., 2014; Rocha et
al., 2019; Sanna et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2020;
Zárate et al., 2016). Diet plays a significant role
in the bioavailability of these fatty acids, and it
has been demonstrated that balanced feeds can
enhance the bioaccumulation of EPA and DHA
in gametes studies investigating fatty acid con-
centrations in gametes have reported elevated
levels of EPA and ARA in wild animals (Díaz
de Vivar et al., 2019; García & Pita, 2010; Qi et
al., 2018); and studies of modulation in the FA
accumulated in the eggs (Carboni et al., 2013;
Zhou et al., 2011). The availability of fatty acids
in the feeds allowed bioaccumulation in the
gametes, reaching concentrations equal to or
higher than those observed in wild animals for
LA, ALA, and DHA. ARA and EPA concentra-
tions remained stable in A. dufresnii. Therefore,
this study demonstrated that diet modulated
the fatty acid composition in female A. dufresnii
The effect of overfeeding in the aquarium,
as mentioned by Guillou et al. (2000), is a
phenomenon that occurs when animals have
low energy expenditure and accumulate excess
energy in their tissues. The excessive contribu-
tion of fatty acids from the TA diet, compared
to LA and ALA, may be related to this over-
feeding effect, which was reflected in a dis-
proportionate accumulation of EPA and DHA.
Therefore, the formulation of balanced diets
and regulation of dosage to meet the nutritional
needs of A. dufresnii is crucial to avoid imbal-
ances in fatty acid metabolism.
In conclusion, this study demonstrated
significant differences in fatty acid composi-
tion and metabolic pathways in A. dufresnii
gametes under different feeding treatments.
Diets rich in (ω-3) fatty acids had a notable
effect on the (ω-3) metabolic pathway, while
diets rich in (ω-6) fatty acids deviated sig-
nificantly from the natural metabolic pathways
of the organisms. The TD diet, formulated
with shrimp waste, resulted in gametes with
fatty acid values similar to those found under
natural feeding conditions, making it a suitable
option for maintenance diet in aquaculture.
The study also highlighted the potential of uti-
lizing shrimp waste as a resource in aquaculture
and promoting the development of a sustain-
able blue economy.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
We want to thank the technology-based
company Erisea S. A. for allowing the space and
equipment to carry out the experiment, as well
as the participation of the technical staff.
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