Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e59832, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 15, 2024)
Distribution of Ambystoma altamirani (Caudata: Ambystomatidae)
in relation to biotic and abiotic factors in its habitat
Ana Citlali Vargas-Gómez1; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4273-1023
Diego J. Chaparro-Herrera2*; https://orcid.org/0009-0002-2451-4703
1. Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Unidad de Posgrado, Edificio D, 1° Piso,
Circuito de Posgrados, Ciudad Universitaria, Coyoacán, C.P. 04510, CDMX, México; anacit.gomez@gmail.com
2. División de Investigación y Posgrado, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Estudios Superiores
Iztacala, Laboratorio de Microecología Ambiental UIICSE-CyMA, Av De los Barrios S/N, Los Reyes Iztacala
Tlalnepantla de Baz, Estado de México; diego.chaparro.herrera@gmail.co (*Correspondence)
Received 06-V-2024. Corrected 19-VIII-2024. Accepted 30-X-2024.
Introduction: The mountain stream axolotl (Ambystoma altamirani) is an endemic amphibian of Mexico
cataloged as a priority species for conservation with a very restricted distribution in the Sierra de las Cruces.
Anthropogenic activities currently endanger it.
Objective: To determine the habitat factors most associated with its presence to propose conservation strategies.
Methods: Four sites in Villa del Carbon, State of Mexico, were sampled monthly for one year (September 2022 to
August 2023) with the presence and absence of A. altamirani. Environmental, physicochemical, bacteriological,
physicochemical, and biotic parameters of the water were randomly analyzed.
Results: A total of 1 186 organisms were censused, and it was determined with a CCA that the variables most
related to the populations were solar radiation, total coliforms, percentage of oxygen saturation, UV radiation,
fecal coliforms, and temperature. It was observed that the habitat is not being adequately conserved. The popu-
lations studied showed a decline during the study. The sites with the highest population abundance showed an
increase in the presence of adults, mainly females. It is essential to focus conservation actions on this umbrella
species and maintain the variables mentioned above with little disturbance to allow the prevalence of the species.
Conclusion: This information can be useful in developing conservation actions for the habitat, which it shares
with other endemic and endangered amphibians. 1) It is urgent to protect this species due to the fragility of its
populations and rapid decline; 2) It is necessary to propose conservation strategies that are adapted to the locali-
ties studied and 3) This will help to prioritize the protection of microendemic species in local environments.
Key words: Ambystoma altamirani; endemic amphibian; water quality; wildlife conservation; extinction risk.
Distribución de Ambystoma altamirani (Caudata: Ambystomatidae)
en relación con factores bióticos y abióticos en su hábitat
Introducción: El ajolote arroyero de montaña (Ambystoma altamirani) un anfibio endémico de México es cata-
logado como una especie prioritaria para la conservación y tiene una distribución muy restringida en la Sierra
de las Cruces. Actividades antropogénicas actualmente suponen un riesgo para la especie.
Objetivo: Determinar los factores de su hábitat más asociados a su presencia para plantear estrategias de
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e59832, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 15, 2024)
Mexico is positioned as the fifth country
in amphibian richness with a very high level of
endemism; however, amphibians are the most
endangered vertebrates worldwide (Hoffmann
et al., 2010) and are currently suffering the
worst extinction crisis in their history; 43 % of
Mexican species are considered threatened or
critically endangered (Parra-Olea et al., 2014),
as is the case of amphibians of the genus
Ambystoma (Parra-Olea et al., 2011). In an
analysis carried out by the IUCN, it was deter-
mined that the most important factor for the
decrease in Mexican amphibian populations is
deforestation and transformation of vegetation;
this problem is affecting areas such as the Villa
del Carbón mountain range, which is the cur-
rent habitat of Ambystoma altamirani (Deme-
trio & Martínez, 2020). However, more studies
are needed to have the necessary information to
qualify the degree of threat to many species of
Ambystomidae in Mexico and propose appro-
priate conservation strategies (Frías-Álvarez et
al., 2010; Heredia-Bobadilla & Sunny, 2021).
Amphibians, specifically ambystomas, play
an important role in the stability of all the eco-
systems they inhabit. It has been pointed out
that they can act as emblematic species and bio-
indicators of environmental changes, especially
in aquatic environments since they require
these spaces for reproduction and develop-
ment of early life stages (Monroy-Vilchis, 2015;
Oropeza-Sánchez et al., 2022). The aquatic
habitat inhabited by ambystomas may appear
identical, but it certainly presents characteris-
tics that influence the presence of specific spe-
cies (Franco et al., 2022; Rohman et al., 2020;
Venâncio et al., 2022). Water quality is among
the essential parameters for the adequate main-
tenance of amphibians (Odum & Zippel, 2008),
as are feeding and ecological interactions with
their prey (Arribas et al., 2014). The causes
of amphibian population decline in the genus
Ambystoma are complex and are generally
shared by all aquatic animal taxa (Chaparro-
Herrera et al., 2013; Grant et al., 2019). While
the global decline of amphibians is alarm-
ing, ambystomids are not alone in facing an
uncertain future unless we are able to conduct
appropriate conservation efforts at local scales
rather than pursuing generalities and increas-
ing capacity to test and implement manage-
ment strategies at appropriate levels, especially
for vulnerable and endemic species with small
geographic distributions (Grant et al., 2019;
Heredia-Bobadilla & Sunny, 2021).
Very few natural history studies have been
developed for wild species in Mexico. For
some groups they are practically nonexistent,
Métodos: Se muestrearon mensualmente por un año (septiembre 2022 a agosto 2023) cuatro sitios con presencia
y ausencia de la especie A. altamirani, en Villa del Carbón, Estado de México. Se analizaron aleatoriamente pará-
metros ambientales, fisicoquímicos, bacteriológicos y bióticos del agua.
Resultados: Se censó un total de 1 186 organismos y se determinó mediante un ACC que las variables que
más se relacionaron con las poblaciones fueron: radiación solar, coliformes totales, porcentaje de saturación de
oxígeno, radiación UV, coliformes fecales y temperatura. Se observo que el hábitat de los organismos no se está
conservando adecuadamente y las poblaciones estudiadas mostraron declive durante el estudio. Los sitios con
mayor abundancia poblacional mostraron un incremento en la presencia de adultos, principalmente de hembras.
Es fundamental enfocar las acciones de conservación en esta especie sombrilla, y mantener las variables antes
mencionadas con poca perturbación, para permitir la prevalencia de la especie.
Conclusión: Esta información puede resultar útil para desarrollar acciones de conservación del hábitat, que ade-
más comparte con otros anfibios endémicos y en peligro. 1) Urge proteger esta especie debido a la fragilidad de sus
poblaciones y rápido decrecimiento 2) Se necesita proponer estrategias de conservación que se adecuen a las loca-
lidades estudiadas; y 3) Esto ayudará a priorizar la protección de especies micro endémicas en ambientes locales.
Palabras clave: Ambystoma altamirani; anfibio endémico; calidad del agua; conservación de vida silvestre; riesgo
de extinción.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e59832, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 15, 2024)
as is the case for the caudates in general and
more specifically for the family Ambystoma-
tidae (Lemos-Espinal et al., 2016). This family
is represented by a single genus comprising 33
species, of which 18 are distributed in Mex-
ico, 17 are endemic, and are listed in NOM-
059-SEMARNAT-2010 (Frías-Álvarez et al.,
2010). We studied the mountain stream axolotl
(Ambystoma altamirani); due to its high level of
endemism, it is listed as threatened in the offi-
cial Mexican standard (Diario Oficial [DOF],
2010) and in the endangered category accord-
ing to the IUCN (Shaffer et al., 2008). In addi-
tion, its distribution is limited to the west and
south of the Valley of Mexico in the Sierra de las
Cruces in the states of Morelos, State of Mexico,
and Mexico City (Fig. 1) (Lemos-Espinal et al.,
2016). Currently, this species shows a drastic
decrease in its population (González-Martínez
et al., 2014; Shaffer et al., 2008), and it has been
shown that this species is susceptible to distur-
bance (Cosentino et al., 2011; Lemos-Espinal et
al., 2016) and there is limited ecological infor-
mation on it.
Because this species presents very particu-
lar characteristics for its presence, the objective
of this study was to determine the biotic and
abiotic factors that are associated with the dis-
tribution of A. altamirani in the wild, contrast-
ing them with sites with historical presence and
local extinction of the species. These popula-
tions present different characteristics of human
disturbance, which can help us determine what
factors are influencing the distribution of this
species in its natural habitat in contrast to
the monitored sites of absence. This study is
relevant since there are no clear conservation
strategies to be applied for this group of endem-
ic amphibians, and it is important to propose
strategies applicable at a local scale.
Fig. 1. A juvenile axolotl is shown on the left side and on the right side a usual site where this species is present in the Sierra
de las Cruces.
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e59832, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 15, 2024)
Study area: Villa del Carbon is located in
the Sierra de las Cruces, a mountain range with
a maximum elevation of 3 800 meters above sea
level that is part of the Trans-Mexican Volca-
nic Belt and is the border between the Mexico
Basin and the Toluca Basin. In this Sierra, there
are abundant altitudinal contrasts over rela-
tively short distances, which is associated with
the development of abundant ravines and val-
leys (García-Palomo et al., 2008). This area is
vital for the recharge of other aquifers; there are
more than 50 wells that supply water to vari-
ous populations, and this represents a growing
threat (Mejía, 2012).
The oak-pine forest in Villa del Carbon is
well preserved, covering 57 % of the municipal-
ity’s surface, of which 25 % of the flora has some
type of use, including timber (Rubio-Licona et
al., 2011). Villa del Carbon is a municipality
that still has a significant natural value, and
there is a recent interest in seeking alternatives
to help reduce environmental impact levels,
as well as to conserve and contribute to the
permanence of natural resources (Hernández-
Ramírez & Rosas-Roa, 2010).
For these reasons, Villa del Carbon was
selected to study the distribution of Ambystoma
altamirani; for this purpose, we selected four
sites that represent different populations of
this species with particular characteristics and
different degrees of disturbance, as well as sites
with local extinction of the species to contrast
them. A small tributary of water represents site
one in a sparsely populated rural area. Live-
stock farming activities are carried out on the
slopes of this body of water. It was observed
that human and domestic waste from these
settlements could reach the said body of water
through leachates. Site two is a river located
in an ecotourism park where tourist activities
such as fishing, camping, outdoor grills, and
swimming pools are carried out with a con-
stant flow of tourists. Site three is located near
human settlements and cattle and sheep grazing
was observed, as well as people visiting the site
in order to wash clothes in that body of water.
Finally, site four is a body of water close to a
mine that is no longer active and there is also
cattle grazing. Occasional vehicular traffic was
also identified near all sites (Fig. 2).
Habitat characterization and sampling
design: One visit per month during one year
(September 2022 to August 2023) was made
for each site, alternating the time and day of
Fig. 2. Map showing the main rivers and the four sites located to study the mountain stream siredon in the Sierra de las
Cruces; in yellow are the sites where the species is present, and in red are the sites where it is absent in the locality of Villa
del Carbon. The red star represents the municipal seat of the municipality of Villa del Carbon.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e59832, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 15, 2024)
sampling, for which a 1 000 m2 transect, was
drawn parallel to the river. Each transect was
sampled by direct search and visual encounter
in the opposite direction to the river cur-
rent to avoid counting the same individual
twice for approximately one hour (Pineda &
Rodríguez-Mendoza, 2010). The stage of each
specimen was recorded, considering gilled
organisms as adults, and the sex was deter-
mined when possible.
Transparency was determined in situ as
well as physicochemical factors of the water: pH,
temperature, dissolved oxygen, and percentage
of oxygen saturation using a HANNA HI98194
multiparametric probe. Solar and UV radia-
tion were also recorded at the water level using
APOGEE MQ-500 and MU-200, respectively.
A surface water sample was taken with
500 ml amber bottles to determine nutrients
(nitrates, phosphates, and ammonium) and
heavy metals (copper, arsenic, and chromium)
in the laboratory using colorimetric tests in a
YSI EcoSense 9 500 Photometer.
A bacteriological sample was taken in
NASCO WHIRL-PAK sterile bags and trans-
ferred to the laboratory to determine fecal and
total coliforms using the most probable num-
ber technique according to NMX-AA-042-SC-
FI-2015 (DOF, 2015).
Using a fine mesh fish net number five
Azul brand, a trawl was performed at each site,
and the zooplankton organisms captured were
fixed in 5 % formalin (Guerly, 2022). Samples
were processed by identifying each organism
to a taxa level using QUASAR stereo microsco-
py Science Qm15 80X. Subsequently, monthly
zooplankton abundance data were analyzed by
obtaining the Shannon-Weaver index using the
PAST program version 4.03 (Chávez-Veintemi-
lla et al., 2021).
Statistical analyses: One-way ANOVA
tests were performed for each factor evalu-
ated, and Tukey’s test was used to determine
differences between sites using SigmaPlot soft-
ware V. 13 3.1. p = 0.05 was used to deter-
mine differences between groups (DCruze &
Kumar, 2011).
To analyze the relationship between the
parameters mentioned above and axolotl popu-
lations, a canonical correspondence analysis
(CCA) was performed using CANOCO 5.0
software, which allows us to show the relation-
ship in terms of environmental characteris-
tics (physicochemical parameters, temperature,
etc.) and biological variables (species), only
that in this case it will be adapted considering
populations as species for the purposes of this
study (Kostov, 2008).
Four localities with different characteris-
tics were sampled with the presence of the spe-
cies in Villa del Carbon from September 2022
to August 2023. Populations one and three are
close to rural towns; population two is associ-
ated with a place with ecotourism activity close
to axolotls. On the other hand, the population
four are associated with a site with abandoned
mining activity. A total of 1 199 salamanders
were recorded at these sites, of which sites one
and two had the greatest number of organisms,
with 639 and 374, respectively, and showed
the greatest number of adult specimens. Sites
three and four showed the lowest numbers of
specimens with 166 and 20, respectively. No
eggs were recorded at site four during the year
of sampling (Fig. 3). Similarly, the proportion of
females and males was higher in sites one and
two than in the others (Fig. 4).
The environmental, physicochemical, bac-
teriological, and biotic parameters of the water
showed differences in the sites with the pres-
ence and absence of Ambystoma altamirani
(Table 1). Of the 16 parameters analyzed, eight
showed significant differences: water tempera-
ture, transparency, UV radiation, fecal coli-
forms, total coliforms, nitrates, phosphates, and
zooplankton diversity.
The biotic parameters of the water, such
as zooplankton, were composed of numerous
taxa, of which the most numerous were cope-
pods, followed by larvae of Ephemeroptera,
Diptera, Ostracoda, and Coleoptera, among
others. Predation by A. altamirani on anuran
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e59832, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 15, 2024)
larvae and various larvae and insects such as
Coleoptera was observed.
The canonical correspondence analysis
showed that the variables most associated with
the presence of the populations were solar
radiation (64.61 %), followed by total coli-
forms, oxygen saturation, fecal coliforms, and
UV radiation, which together explained 97.76
% of the variability of the data (Fig. 5). Each
population showed different associations with
environmental, physicochemical, bacteriologi-
cal, and biotic parameters of the water; popu-
lation one showed an inverse correlation with
zooplankton and fecal coliforms, as well as a
close relationship with ammonium and solar
radiation. Population two showed a strong
interaction with dissolved oxygen, as well as
an inverse relationship with temperature and
Fig. 4. The proportion of females and males in each of the four populations.
Fig. 3. The number of organisms sampled by life stage, categorized into adults, juveniles, larvae, and eggs in each of the four
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e59832, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 15, 2024)
Table 1
The environmental, physicochemical, bacteriological, and biotic parameters of the water of each population of Ambystoma altamirani.
Parameter Population Absence Min- Max+ p
pH 6.945+ 6.973- 7.191+ 6.945 7.295 6.10 7.92 0.334
Dissolved oxygen (mg/l) 5.400- 6.852+- 6.030 6.295 5.540 3.44 8.22 0.298
Oxygen saturation (%) 88.713- 92.100+ 87.450 92.500 74.000 44.7 103.2 0.075
Temperature (°C) * 15.479 12.093- 16.004 16.704+ 14.625 8.1 21 0.012
Transparency (cm)* 2.917 0.000 3.333+ 0.000 23.000 0 40 < 0.001
Solar radiation (µmol m-2 s-1)1 152.50+ 575.60 212.900 410.500 625.000 0 1 725 0.147
UV radiation (µmol)* 35.250+ 6.250 21.200 26.400 30.000 0 189 0.020
Fecal coliforms
(NMP/100 ml) *
12.050 6.050 13.500+ 4.500 38.500 0 290 0.001
Total coliforms (NMP/100 ml) * 115 000 13 000 58 500 27 000+ 185 000 01 100 0.023
Nitrates (mg/l) * 0.0910 0.0960 0.0635+ 0.0625 0.400 0 0.840 0.009
Phosphates (mg/l) * 0.0390+ 0.01000 0.01000 0.000 0.650 0 1.8 0.002
Ammonium (mg/l) 0.0300+ 0.0250 0.0200 0.0250 0.0350 0 0.07 0.703
Arsenic (PPB) 10.000 0.000+ 10.000 10.000 10.000 0 30 0.600
Chromium (mg/l) 0.0450+ 0.0150 0.0390 0.0300 0.000 0 0.65 0.444
Copper (mg/l) 0.000 0.0750 0.000+ 0.000 0.000 0 0.4 0.092
Zooplankton diversity (H’) * 0.912- 1.126+ 1.338 0.983 0.791 0.4826 1.852 0.002
Parameters that showed a significant difference with respect to the control are shown with the symbol *. The + symbol represents the site with the highest value recorded for the
parameter, and the - symbol represents the lowest value recorded in the year of sampling.
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e59832, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 15, 2024)
pH. Population three did not show a close
association with the variables. Population four
maintained a relationship with fecal coliforms,
zooplankton, and some heavy metals.
Several studies on A. altamirani and other
ambystomatids have reported a higher abun-
dance of females (1.0 versus 0.6 males) (Guer-
rero de la Paz et al., 2020); in our study, we
found that in populations one and two, the
proportion of females was higher than 60 %.
Likewise, these sampling points have a higher
proportion of eggs and the presence of adults,
so we could consider them more stable and
healthier compared to the other sampling sites.
A. altamirani has been reported under
very particular habitat characteristics for its
persistence; abundance has been associated
mainly with physicochemical factors, with lim-
ited influence of terrestrial factors (Franco et
al., 2022). Although each population from the
different sampling sites showed different asso-
ciations to environmental, physicochemical,
bacteriological, and biotic parameters of the
water, the CCA showed that among the most
important characteristics that we should main-
tain in the environments to maintain popula-
tions with the highest number of organisms
include terrestrial factors, such as solar and UV
radiation in the ranges found.
On the other hand, coliforms in low
amounts (fecal and total) are the preferred sites
for these amphibians in relation to the absence
sites. The presence sites showed values below
13.5 and 115 NMP/100 mL, respectively (Table
1). Fecal and total coliforms are below the
Fig. 5. CCA biplot of the Ambystoma altamirani sites sampled in which the dots represent the four populations studied.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e59832, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 15, 2024)
permissible limits for rivers, lakes, and lagoons,
according to NOM-001-SEMARNAT-2021
(DOF, 2022).
Otherwise, according to the CCA, high
oxygen saturation (6.852 mg/l) is also funda-
mental to maintaining the species populations
(Table 1).It has been reported that higher lev-
els of dissolved oxygen have been shown to be
preferable for organisms (Lemos-Espinal et al.,
2016). In this case, population two showed the
highest levels of dissolved oxygen; However,
population one could be defined as the healthi-
est, and it also presented the lowest levels of
dissolved oxygen saturation. We know that
dissolved oxygen can be reduced by increasing
temperature (Bello et al., 2017), and based on
the data, the temperature of population one is
higher than population two. On the other hand,
fecal coliforms, total coliforms, phosphates,
ammonium, and chromium presented higher
levels at this site compared to population two
and even other sites. It has been reported that
the decomposition of nutrients also consumes
dissolved oxygen (Liu et al., 2022). These fac-
tors cause the reduced reading of oxygen satu-
ration and dissolved oxygen in population one
compared to population two, which is also
more stable compared to the others.
Although it has generally been reported
that high oxygen concentration is preferable for
axolotls, it has also been seen that the species
is usually found at levels of 5.44 ± 0.44 mg/l
(Lemos-Espinal et al., 2016). It should be noted
that levels above 5 mg/L of dissolved oxygen
are healthy for aquatic life (Prasad et al., 2014).
Transparency was among the values that
showed the difference between presence and
absence sites, highlighting that organisms
prefer good water transparency. This may be
explained by the fact that the genus Ambysto-
ma has low visibility compared to other aquatic
organisms such as fish; therefore, environments
with greater transparency may benefit it in its
hunting behavior and competition for food
against other organisms (Chaparro-Herrera et
al., 2020). On the other hand, it cannot be ruled
out that low transparency may be a factor inter-
fering with the observation of this species, and
this aspect should be studied with other types
of population censuses.
Nutrients in the water, such as nitrates and
phosphates, were also different in the absence
and presence of amphibians. However, all sites
are well below the permissible limits according
to NOM-001-SEMARNAT-2021 to not affect
aquatic fauna (DOF, 2022).
One of the most striking parameters has
been UV radiation since it has recently been
identified as one of the stressors that most
threaten amphibians at all stages of their lives
and can have sublethal effects, as well as inter-
act with pollutants to enhance their effects
(Blaustein et al., 2003). However, the popula-
tion with the highest number of organisms and
the sites of absence also showed the highest
value of UV radiation, which could indicate
that the effects of UV radiation may be due
to the sum of several related factors, such as
synergy with pollutants, or may be evidence
of the tolerance of these organisms to the rays.
Tolerance in amphibians to UV radiation has
been documented as a local adaptation, and it
has been inferred that organisms at high alti-
tudes may show greater tolerance (Pahkala et
al., 2002). It has also been shown that exposure
to UV radiation is reaching lethal levels in con-
junction with cold temperatures, increasing the
thermal limits of organisms as plasticity (Kern
et al., 2015), which is consistent with our data.
Although the temperature of population
one was not the lowest, in general, these organ-
isms are characterized by preferring cold tem-
peratures, even showing activity close to the
freezing point (Sánchez-Sánchez et al., 2022).
The temperature difference between sites is
due to factors such as flow volume, flow speed,
riparian vegetation, and human use of the
aquatic system. This species, like other ambys-
tomatids, presents high genetic variability, find-
ing genetic subpopulations with a significant
level of genetic structure and variability within
the same population (Heredia-Bobadilla et al.,
2017). Due to this condition, the four popula-
tions studied showed different relationships
with the variables analyzed. Each population
is behaving differently to the variables which
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e59832, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 15, 2024)
makes it very difficult to define conservation
actions applicable to the species and even more
so to the genus Ambystoma.
This species, like other ambystomatids,
presents high values of heterozygosity, inbreed-
ing, and reduction of the effective population
size probably caused by bottlenecks, which
may be reducing its genetic variability, which
is fundamental for the species to adapt to envi-
ronmental changes (Heredia-Bobadilla et al.,
2017). The reduction of genetic quality can be
a factor that leads species to extinction since it
reduces their plasticity; in ambystomas, there
is a low flow, and genetic knowledge is insuf-
ficient, which greatly hinders their conserva-
tion (Parra-Olea et al., 2011). We know that
amphibians and ambystomes are susceptible
to water quality and the characteristics of their
habitat, so we should focus conservation efforts
on both (Piñon-Flores et al., 2021), in addition
to further study of site contamination, which
may be presenting effects that are not yet visible
in the organisms and although they do not yet
show alarming values.
This species of salamander does not show
a clear relationship with zooplankton diversity,
according to the CCA, but we could assume that
they prefer environments with greater diversity
(Table 1). There needs to be more information
on the feeding of these organisms; in the case of
larvae, it has been reported mainly ostracods,
gastropods, and insects (Lemos-Espinal et al.,
2015), although, in the adult stage, there is no
precise information. A greater abundance of
prey could benefit organisms in all stages of
their life.
Although some studies have suggested that
habitat variables show no influence on the pres-
ence or absence of this species (Guerrero de la
Paz et al., 2020), the CCA shows the variables
that we can pay attention to for the conserva-
tion of amphibians in these environments.
Several studies on this species have proposed
conservation strategies to maintain favorable
water conditions for its persistence, among
which are good water flow and volume, low
temperature, good stream width, shallow water
depth, high dissolved oxygen level (Franco et
al., 2022; Lemos-Espinal et al., 2016) suggest-
ing that critical stream characteristics for A.
altamirani include sites that do not dry out,
presence of mud substrates and absence of fish
(Hernández et al., 2020a). It is also highlighted
that it is crucial to minimize the expansion of
human influence on aquatic habitats where A.
altamirani specimens are found (Franco et al.,
2022) as desiccation due to the likely increased
water use by Mexico City, which may be a cru-
cial factor for the decline of this species (Franco
et al., 2022; Lemos-Espinal et al., 2016).
The favorable water temperature for
this species has been reported in low ranges,
between 12.32 °C and 17.44 °C (Camacho et
al., 2020), even observing organisms with water
temperature activity at 6.4 °C (Sánchez-Sánchez
et al., 2022). The temperature at sites one and
two, which had the highest number of organ-
isms, was between 12.093 and 15.497 °C, and at
the sites with the lowest number of organisms,
it was higher than 16 °C. Water temperature
has been one of the most relevant factors for
the study and maintenance of Ambystoma; it
has also been shown that high temperatures
(27 °C) represent a higher risk of mortality
than cool and dry conditions (Rohr & Palmer,
2013). Temperature is a factor that cannot be
ruled out, as the synergistic effects of climate
change, emerging diseases, and exotic species
will continue to increase pressure on remnant
populations (Hernández et al., 2020b).
This species responds differently to season-
al environmental variations at different stages
of development (Martínez-Ugalde et al., 2022),
which should be studied further, and each pop-
ulation may respond differently to the environ-
ment, which complicates the establishment of
generalized conservation actions. The causes of
amphibian population declines are multifaceted
and context-dependent; they include complex
effects of abiotic and biotic factors that can be
stressful and lead to population losses (Blaus-
tein et al., 2018). We conclude that it is urgent
to protect this species due to the fragility of
its populations and rapid decline; in addition,
we know that the organisms of this group are
emblematic species of which conserving their
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e59832, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Nov. 15, 2024)
habitat can be beneficial to preserve numer-
ous species (Oropeza-Sánchez et al., 2022).
We propose conservation strategies to avoid
contamination by heavy metals and other com-
pounds to maintain water quality in good con-
dition as reported in this study, maintain water
transparency to not interfere with the behavior
of organisms, as mentioned above, avoid reduc-
ing the water level to avoid reducing dissolved
oxygen, which is important for these organisms
(Oropeza-Sánchez et al., 2022).
We know that the fragility of populations
and rapid decline of amphibians is alarming; we
need more specialized and possibly experimen-
tal studies to propose conservation strategies
that are appropriate to the localities studied,
although each population may act differently to
the factors of their environment to generalize
some vital aspects that could ensure the con-
servation of the species at least in a particular
area. It is essential to prioritize the protection of
microendemic species in local environments, as
this ensures the persistence of the habitat of all
the species and the community associated with
these habitats.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
This paper is part of the requirements
for obtaining a Master’s Science degree in
the Posgrado en Ciencias Biologicas UNAM.
Vargas-Gómez Ana Citlali thanks Posgrado
en Ciencias Biológicas (PCBiol) by Univer-
sidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
for its support in carrying out this project
andConsejo Nacional de Humanidades, Cien-
cias y Tecnologías (CONAHCYT) for a master
scholarship (CVU 1190591). Vargas-Gómez
Ana Citlali thanks the support provided by the
Consejo Mexiquense de Ciencia y Tecnología
(COMECYT) through the research stay of
the Programa Investigadoras e Investigadores
COMECYT 2024 (EESP2024-0136).
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