Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e59992, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 13, 2024)
A response to: Evaluating the reliability of DNA Barcoding for Central
American Pacific shallow water echinoderms identification
Spencer Kelvin Monckton1; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9879-9118
Dirk Steinke1,2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8992-575X
Kevin Charles Robert Kerr1,2*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6784-3884
1. Centre for Biodiversity Genomics, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada; dsteinke@uoguelph.ca,
smonckto@uoguelph.ca, kkerr@uoguelph.ca (*Correspondence)
2. Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Received 16-V-2024. Corrected 27-VII-2024. Accepted 06-VIII-2024.
Introduction: Chacón-Monge et al. (2024) sought to test the accuracy of DNA barcoding for species identifica-
tion in Pacific Central American shallow water echinoderms. They used cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequences
derived from new material collected as part of the BioMar-ACG project in Costa Rica. Using their set of 348
echinoderm sequences, they compared species identification results from two online platforms: the National
Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) GenBank using the nucleotide Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
(BLASTn), and the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD) Identification Engine.
Objective: The present article is a response to their results and conclusions.
Methods: We reinterpreted the results from the authors’ Appendix 2 to enable an objective comparison between
the BOLD Identification Engine and BLASTn in GenBank.
Results: While the authors found that both platforms were limited by the number of reference sequences
available in their respective databases, they concluded that GenBank outperformed BOLD for identification;
however, we identify several methodological flaws in their analysis. These include pseudoreplication amongst
query sequences, contaminated sequences stemming from sampling errors, and a lack of standardization when
interpreting results from the two platforms. Their assessment of the BOLD Identification Engine was also limited
by improper selection of a reference database.
Conclusion: Addressing these errors, we reinterpret their results and demonstrate that there is no difference in
performance between the two platforms.
Key words: BOLD; GenBank; BLASTn; mitochondrial DNA; sequencing errors; Costa Rica.
Una respuesta a: Evaluando la fiabilidad del Código de Barras de ADN para la identificación
de equinodermos en aguas poco profundas del Pacífico de América Central
Introducción: Chacón-Monge et al. (2024) intentaron probar la precisión de los códigos de barras de ADN para
identificar especies de equinodermos de aguas poco profundas del Pacífico Centroamericano. Para ello, utiliza-
ron secuencias de citocromo c oxidasa I (COI) provenientes de material recolectado recientemente como parte
del proyecto BioMar-ACG en Costa Rica. Utilizando 348 secuencias de equinodermos, compararon los resul-
tados de identificación de especies de dos plataformas en línea: GenBank del Centro Nacional de Información
Biotecnológica (NCBI) empleando la herramienta de búsqueda de alineación local básica de nucleótidos
(BLASTn) y la herramienta de identificación del Sistema de Datos del Código de Barras de la Vida (BOLD).
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e59992, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 13, 2024)
Chacón-Monge et al. (2024) sought to
test the accuracy of DNA barcoding for spe-
cies identification in Pacific Central American
shallow water echinoderms using sequences
derived from newly collected material as part
of the BioMar-ACG project in the Área de
Conservación Guanacaste, Costa Rica (Cortés
& Joyce, 2020). They obtained cytochrome c
oxidase I (COI) sequences from 348 out of 475
echinoderm specimens collected during their
survey (approximately 72 %). They used mor-
phological characters to identify 325 specimens
to species, five to genus, 14 to family, and four
just to class, totalling 51 unique taxonomic
assignments (according to information in their
Appendix 2). The authors then compared the
performance of two online platforms for spe-
cies identification: the National Center for
Biotechnology Information (NCBI) GenBank
using the nucleotide Basic Local Alignment
Search Tool (BLASTn; Altschul et al., 1990),
and the Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD)
Identification Engine (Ratnasingham & Hebert,
2007). The authors concluded that 53.5 % of the
specimens they had morphologically identi-
fied to species were “correctly” identified using
GenBank, whereas only 33.9 % of them were
when using BOLD. They attributed the gener-
ally low performance of these platforms to mis-
identifications in their respective databases and
insufficient regional representation.
While we agree with the authors’ observa-
tion that DNA barcodes provide complemen-
tary information to identify Pacific Central
American shallow water echinoderms and that
increased sampling would improve the avail-
able species identification tools, we also identi-
fied a number of flaws in their methodology
that impede their assessment, particularly with
respect to BOLD. We outline these errors below
and provide a reinterpretation of their results
using data reported in their Appendix, which
demonstrates that the performance of the two
platforms is actually very similar.
Statistical errors: The authors did not
sample evenly across taxonomic entities, which
invalidates the numbers they have reported for
species identification success rates for the two
platforms. Considering both morphospecies
and provisional species together, the modal
value of replicates per species was only 2,
whereas the mean was 6.8 on account of repre-
sentation being heavily right-skewed (skewness
= 2.41; kurtosis = 7.37). Holothuria impatiens
was notably represented by 40 specimens. This
sampling distribution is not necessarily prob-
lematic and is in fact expected when samples
are derived from a biological survey, where
more common species are likely to be sampled
more frequently by chance alone. However, if
intraspecific variation is low, simply treating
each identification result of individuals within
Objetivo: El presente artículo es una respuesta a sus resultados y conclusiones.
Métodos: Reinterpretamos los resultados presentados por los autores en Apéndice 2 para comparar objetivamente
el sistema de identificación de BOLD y el de BLASTn en GenBank.
Resultados: Si bien los autores encontraron que ambas plataformas estaban limitadas por la cantidad de secuen-
cias de referencia disponibles en sus bases de datos, concluyeron que GenBank superó a BOLD en la identificación
de especies; sin embargo, notamos varias fallas metodológicas en su análisis. Estas incluyeron la pseudorreplica-
ción entre las secuencias consultadas, el uso de secuencias contaminadas derivadas de errores de muestreo y falta
de estandarización al interpretar los resultados de las dos plataformas. Su evaluación del sistema de identificación
de BOLD se vio limitada por la selección inadecuada de una base de datos de referencia.
Conclusión: Teniendo en cuenta estos errores, reinterpretamos sus resultados y demostramos que no existe una
diferencia significativa en el rendimiento de ambas plataformas.
Palabras clave: BOLD; GenBank; BLASTn; ADN mitocondrial; errores de secuenciación; Costa Rica.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e59992, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 13, 2024)
a species as an independent observation leads
to pseudoreplication (Hurlbert, 1984).
This issue is apparent in the case of H.
impatiens, where 22 of the samples appear to
share an identical sequence and had a match
via BLASTn but not BOLD. By the authors
analysis, this was counted as 22 independent
cases of GenBank outperforming BOLD; rather,
this should reflect only one instance of differing
performance. Consequently, their approach has
resulted in inflated values where they report
identification error rates (e.g., see Table 1 in
Chacón-Monge et al., 2024), obfuscating the
real difference in performance between the two
platforms. Alternatively, the authors could have
taken advantage of these replicates to examine
intraspecific variation, as has been done in prior
studies (e.g., Layton et al., 2016). Contrasting
intraspecific and interspecific variation would
have yielded further insights into the perfor-
mance of COI barcodes for species delimitation
in Central American echinoderms.
Sampling Errors: The authors’ sweeping
interpretation of mismatched species identi-
fications as failures of the identification plat-
forms is flawed, as there are alternative, more
parsimonious explanations in a number of
cases. For example, sequence BMAR368-19 was
supposedly derived from an easily recogniz-
able sea star, Nidorellia armata (a member of
the order Valvatida), but had > 97 % sequence
similarity to records from Toxopneustes spp.
(sea urchins from the order Camarodonta) in
both GenBank and BOLD, which the authors
scored as an identification error. Conversely,
sequence BMAR369-19 was meant to repre-
sent T. roseus, but was identified by the BOLD
Identification Engine as N. armata, which was
also interpreted as a misidentification. Neither
of these outcomes is very likely to be correct;
rather, the obvious interpretation is that the
two samples were swapped during sampling or
subsampling, with this field error later being
mistakenly attributed to the two platforms. We
found 13 such instances, in which a sequence
shared a high degree of similarity to an unre-
lated species (i.e., different genus, order, or
class) that was included in the sampling effort,
suggesting sample mix-ups or contamination
(see SMT1). In another 17 instances, we noted
probable contamination or misidentification
either due to identifications being mismatched
at the rank of class or higher, or due to the
query sequence failing to match an available
congener sequence in one or the other data-
base. We additionally noted eight instances of
possible mix-ups or contamination between
samples of related species of Holothuria, mak-
ing it difficult to determine whether the result-
ing species identifications represented true
errors or false negatives. This reinforces the
importance of interpreting results carefully,
such as considering sequencing results for each
species holistically.
Lack of Standardization Between Plat-
forms: There are fundamental differences in
the operation of the two molecular identifica-
tion platforms used by the authors, which were
not addressed in their study. The BLASTn
tool is not intended to provide a species-
level identification, but rather to align to the
most similar sequence(s) in the database. Thus,
when highly similar sequences are missing
from the database, matches can still be returned
from distantly related taxa. In contrast, BOLD
employs divergence thresholds to avoid return-
ing distantly related taxa as a “species match
and will abort the identification algorithm if a
sequence match exceeding 97 % is not found.
Thus, quantifying the cases of “no match” does
not provide a meaningful comparison of the
two platforms because only one of them is likely
to yield this result.
This distinction is especially important
when considering genus-level identifications
because the BOLD Identification Engine is not
designed for this purpose. To illustrate, con-
sider a case where the best available matches for
a query sequence are at most 96.9 % identical,
and these sequences are present in both data-
bases: these would appear in BLASTn results
and could readily be interpreted as genus-level
matches, whereas BOLD would simply return
no match” (i.e., no species match). We note
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e59992, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 13, 2024)
that BLASTn failed to match a sequence in
GenBank with greater than 97 % similarity
in 166 cases, which is not significantly differ-
ent than the number of cases with BOLD (n
= 178). Considering that BOLD will return a
list of hits in order of similarity, akin to output
from BLASTn, comparing hit tables from each
platform for the remainder of cases would have
provided a more appropriate comparison of
their performance.
Reference Database: Lastly, while access
to sequences through BOLD is limited to the
public database, private unpublished sequences
are nevertheless available for comparison via
the BOLD Identification Engine. By default,
the Identification Engine searches against all
Species Level Barcode Records, nearly five
million sequences at least 500 bp in length that
have species-level identifications. The “Public
Record Barcode Database” used by Chacón-
Monge et al. (2024) includes only published
records, is less than half the size (2.39 M records)
and tends to deliver fewer species-level identi-
fications. This distinction is not paralleled in
GenBank, which is entirely public, so although
the Public Record Barcode Database might
arguably provide a more direct comparison of
the two platforms in terms of data availability,
the default Species Level Barcode database is
the more appropriate choice for comparing
species identification capabilities between the
two platforms. For example, the sequence from
BMAR484-19 was identified by the authors as
Labidodemas maccullochi based on morpholog-
ical analysis but came up with no match in the
Identification Engine when the authors queried
the sequence; however, there were four repre-
sentative sequences from the species in BOLD
at the time of their analysis (a fact easily verified
using various search tools in BOLD), and thus
they likely would have received a correct spe-
cies ID had they used the “Species Level Bar-
code Records” database (a genus-level match
was not noted by the authors because congeners
for this species in BOLD had less than 97 %
similarity). This is an exceptional case because
a second sequence (i.e., BMAR889-20) was
also supposed to represent this species but had
a low-level match via BLASTn to Ophionereis
reticulata instead, as did their sequences from
O. annulate specimens, suggesting that the
sequence from BMAR889-20 was the result
of contamination from specimens of the latter
species. Because there was a sequence from O.
annulata in BOLD, this contamination would
have been more apparent had the “Species Level
Barcode Records” database been used.
We reinterpreted the results from the
authors’ Appendix 2 (see our SMT 1) to enable
an objective comparison between the BOLD
Identification Engine and BLASTn in GenBank.
We interpret a match as any result with con-
cordant taxonomy that exceeds 97 % pairwise
identity. Non-matching identifications above
97 % are counted as errors, while non-matches
and hits below 97 % are counted as gaps. We
also counted instances of improved identifica-
tions, wherein the sequence delivered an iden-
tification with more specific taxonomy than
indicated by the morphological identification.
To tally the results, we excluded instanc-
es of contamination or sample mix-ups and
counted each distinct outcome per taxon only
once (see our SMT 2). For example, all five
samples of Nidoriella armata resulted in a
match from BOLD and a gap from GenBank, so
are counted only once; meanwhile, five samples
of Pharia pyramidata returned gaps from both
BOLD and BLASTn, while one sample returned
a gap from BOLD and an error from BLASTn
– these are counted as two distinct outcomes.
To compare identification success between
the two platforms, we used the ‘mcnemar.test’
function from the stats package (v.4.3.1) in R
(R Core Team, 2023).
Our counts of the identification out-
comes of BLASTn and BOLD are provided in
Table 1. To compare genus and species level
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 72: e59992, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 13, 2024)
identifications between the two platforms, we
only counted matches above 97 %. For both
platforms, identification success was below 51
% at the genus level and below 44 % at the spe-
cies level. Contrary to the results of Chacón-
Monge et al. (2024), we found no significant
difference in success rate between the two
platforms for either genus or species level iden-
tifications (McNemar’s chi-squared = 0.5, df
= 1, p = 0.48; McNemar’s chi-squared = 0.94,
df = 1, p = 0.33).
Table 1
Summary of re-interpreted results from Chacón-Monge
et al. (2024) comparing sequence-based identification of
Central American Pacific echinoderms with GenBank and
BOLD. Counts are of distinct outcomes for each taxon
represented among the query sequences.
ID GenBank BLASTn BOLD ID Engine
Match 24 19
Improved 2 4
Error 7 6
Gap 31 35
We do not find that the data presented by
Chacón-Monge et al. (2024) in any way support
their claim that “GenBank outperforms BOLD
in terms of identification accuracy. If anything,
we would point to the fact that the BOLD Iden-
tification Engine produced one fewer error and
provided improved identifications for two addi-
tional records compared to BLASTn, suggesting
that BOLD delivers better accuracy overall.
Perhaps the most important difference between
the two platforms is in the number of gaps in
BOLD that are now notably filled by Chacón-
Monge et al.s own data; however, their data
remains private and thus only benefits users
that perform a BOLD Identification Engine
search using the full species level barcode data-
base. Unfortunately, the fact that the authors
have not yet made their data publicly available
on either BOLD or GenBank prevents them
from addressing the very issue they identified
(i.e., the gap in reference sequences available for
Central American echinoderms) and limits the
reproducibility of their analysis.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
See supplementary material a39v72n1-MS1
We thank the editors for the opportu-
nity to publish this response article. This work
was funded, in part, by awards in support of
BIOSCAN-Canada and the Centre for Bio-
diversity Genomics from the Government of
Canada through the Canada Foundation for
Innovation (2023 Major Science Infrastruc-
ture Program; 42450) and Genome Canada
and Ontario Genomics (Large-Scale Applied
Research Project; OGI-208).
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6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 72: e59992, enero-diciembre 2024 (Publicado Ago. 13, 2024)
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