Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Community-based identification of ecosystem services
in Ramsar wetlands: a socio-ecological network approach
Vladimir González-Gamboa1,2*; https://orcid.org/0009-0000-5283-8989
1. Programa Estado de la Nación, CONARE, San José, Costa Rica; vgonzalez@estadonacion.or.cr,
vladimir.gonzalezgamboa@ucr.ac.cr (*Correspondence)
2. Programa de Posgrado en Gestión Integrada de Áreas Costeras Tropicales, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José,
Costa Rica.
Received 08-VIII-2024. Corrected 17-XII-2024. Accepted 24-I-2025.
Introduction: Ramsar wetlands are recognized worldwide for the ecosystem services they provide to society,
for example they are source of food and water. However, the study of their socio-ecological complexity is often
not focused on the local communities that directly interact with the ecosystem. However, the participation and
involvement of local actors with wetland management authorities are key factors in achieving sustainability.
Objective: To study the socio-ecological relevance of Ramsar wetland ecosystem services at the community level
in Costa Rica.
Methods: Information was collected from one participatory workshop, 27 interviews with community leaders,
and a survey administered to 744 households. These methods were applied in 14 communities within seven
Ramsar wetlands where interaction between the ecosystem and the communities is significant.
Results: Provisioning ecosystem services were most frequently mentioned by local leaders and households. The
main product quantified was fish harvesting, except for the Térraba-Sierpe wetland where mollusks were the
most collected wetland product. The social network of wetland actors shows that public actors are the prin-
cipal actors interacting positively with wetland authorities. The socio-ecological network of wetland-collected
products identified central products. The fish families that are relevant simultaneously for many wetlands are
robalo (Centropomidae), roncador (Haemulidae), and pargos (Lutjanidae). Additionally, the Caribe Noreste,
Térraba-Sierpe, and Gandoca Manzanillo wetlands are those where more diversity and quantity of products were
Conclusions: The two socio-ecological networks highlight that two wetlands have conditions for high manage-
ment tension, four have moderate tension, and only one has low tension for management.
Key words: ecosystem services; socio-ecological network; natural resources management; local communities;
Ramsar wetlands.
Identificación comunitaria de servicios ecosistémicos en humedales Ramsar:
un enfoque socioecológico hacia el manejo sostenible
Introducción: Los humedales Ramsar son reconocidos mundialmente por los servicios ecosistémicos que pro-
porcionan a la sociedad como por ejemplo son fuente de alimento, y agua. Sin embargo, el estudio de su com-
plejidad socio-ecológica a menudo no se centra en las comunidades locales que interactúan directamente con el
ecosistema. La participación e implicación de los actores locales con las autoridades de gestión de humedales son
factores clave para lograr la sostenibilidad.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Wetlands General Insights: Wetlands are
commonly understood as complex ecologi-
cal communities and their associated environ-
ments, forming integral components of natural
ecosystems (Mitsch et al., 2009). Despite cove-
ring only 5 % to 7 % of the Earths land surface,
wetlands play a disproportionately significant
role in global ecological functions (Mitsch
et al., 2009). Wetlands contribute to various
aspects of human well-being, including the
provision of resources for human consump-
tion, maintenance of climate stability, enhan-
cement of water quality, coastal protection,
flood mitigation, and preservation of wildlife
habitats (Mitsch et al., 2009; Straton, 2006;
Van der Valk, 2012). Consequently, wetlands,
as ecological entities, not only play a crucial
role in maintaining ecosystem connectivity but
also deliver indispensable ecosystem services
to society (Straton, 2006). The social and eco-
nomic implications of these services contribute
significantly to the overall well-being of human
populations (Constanza et al., 1997; De Groot
et al., 2006; Turner et al., 2000). Hence, the
goal of the present study is to identify ecosys-
tem services from which the local population
benefits in Ramsar wetlands in Costa Rica. A
detailed explanation is provided in the final
part of this section.
Ecosystem services obtained from wet-
lands are exclusively related to hydrological
processes. Due to this nature, there are challen-
ges in assessing the benefits derived from these
processes. They often align with non-market
values, making it difficult to explicitly quantify
ecosystem services (Barbier, 2011). Thus, to
sustain the long-term benefits of wetlands, it is
urgent that society moves towards their protec-
tion and, when possible, rational use (Ramsar
Convention Secretariat, 2010).
In 1971, the Convention on Wetlands
(Ramsar, Iran) took place, creating an inter-
governmental treaty for the conservation and
wise use of all wetlands, promoting local and
national actions, as well as international coo-
peration. According to the Ramsar Convention
Secretariat, as of August 24, 2023, 172 countries
have subscribed to the Ramsar Convention, and
Costa Rica has been a signatory since April 27,
1992 (Ramsar Convention Secretariat, 2023a).
The Ramsar List is the worlds largest net-
work of wetland protected areas with interna-
tional importance. According to this list, there
are over 2 400 Ramsar sites covering more than
2.5 million square kilometers. A wetland can be
designated as Ramsar if it is a site containing
representative rare or unique wetland types
or the site is of international importance for
Objetivo: Estudiar la relevancia socio-ecológica de los servicios ecosistémicos de los humedales Ramsar a nivel
comunitario en Costa Rica.
Métodos: Se recopiló información de un taller participativo, 27 entrevistas con líderes comunitarios y una encues-
ta aplicada a 744 hogares. Estos métodos se aplicaron en 14 comunidades dentro de siete humedales Ramsar
donde la interacción entre el ecosistema y las comunidades es significativa.
Resultados: Los servicios ecosistémicos de aprovisionamiento fueron mencionados con mayor frecuencia por
líderes locales y hogares. El producto principal cuantificado fue la pesca, excepto en el humedal Térraba-Sierpe
donde los moluscos fueron el producto más recolectado. La red social de actores de los humedales muestra que
los actores públicos son los principales actores que interactúan con las autoridades del humedal. La red socio-
ecológica de productos recolectados en el humedal identificó productos centrales. Las familias de peces que son
relevantes simultáneamente para muchos humedales son robalo (Centropotamidae), roncador (Haemulidae) y
pargos (Lutjanidae). Además, los humedales Caribe Noreste, Térraba-Sierpe y Gandoca Manzanillo son aquellos
donde se identificó mayor diversidad y cantidad de productos.
Conclusiones: Las dos redes socio-ecológicas resaltan que dos humedales tienen condiciones de alta tensión de
gestión, cuatro tienen tensión moderada y solo uno tiene baja tensión para la gestión.
Palabras clave: servicios ecosistémicos; red socio-ecológica; gestión de recursos naturales; comunidades locales;
humedales Ramsar.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
conserving biological diversity (Ramsar Con-
vention Secretariat, 2016). Costa Rica alone
has 12 Ramsar sites, covering 569 742 hectares
(Ramsar Convention Secretariat, 2023b).
Types of ecosystem services: One example
of an ecosystem service classification system is
provided by Barbier (2011). This system cate-
gorizes services into three groups: provisioning,
regulating, and cultural. Provisioning services
include goods, which are products obtained
from ecosystems, such as crops and water. A
common example is food for the population,
which can be provided by fisheries. Regulating
services encompass many processes that regu-
late the environment, such as soil retention that
helps to reduce erosion control. Cultural bene-
fits encompass spiritual, religious, and aesthetic
values that contribute to human well-being.
Another detailed classification of wetland
ecosystem services has been proposed based
on their relationship with human development
(De Groot et al., 2006). This classification cate-
gorizes services into four types: provisioning,
regulating, cultural, and supporting. Suppor-
ting services are those that underpin the pro-
vision of all other ecosystem services. They
include processes such as nutrient cycling and
biodiversity, which is essential for maintaining
habitat for resident and migratory species.
Complexity of wetland socio-ecolo-
gical interactions: There are many studies
that analyze the ecosystem services provided
by wetlands to society. However, due to the
complexity involved in analyzing interactions
between the biophysical and socio-economic
systems at the community level, the local social
dimension tends to be overlooked. An approach
to viewing and analyzing the complexity of the
biophysical and ecological system interacting
with the socio-economic system is through the
complex systems framework (Reyes et al., 2013;
Straton, 2006).
According to Reyes et al. (2013), identi-
fying and measuring ecosystem services and
changes in them is particularly difficult due to
the interaction of social and ecological factors.
Limburg et al. (2002) argue that the socio-eco-
nomic system indicates the human preferences
at a specific moment; this occurs within a
socio-economic system where tastes, preferen-
ces, and needs are changing (Chopra & Adhika-
ri, 2004; Limburg et al., 2002; Straton, 2006).
Therefore, it is advisable to analyze the socio-
economic and environmental systems jointly,
considering them as part of a co-evolutionary
process, where the economic system may exert
significant pressure on the environment (Tur-
ner et al., 2000). To pursue this, identifying
the interconnections between ecosystems and
their beneficiaries is the first step (Gunderson
& Holling, 2002).
Mapping ecosystem services: In map-
ping ecosystem services, Burkhard et al. (2013)
highlight that it is fundamental for decision-
making processes as it provides information
about the relevance of conservation investment
and land use planning since these require
robust data. Moreover, the identification and
geospatial location of ecosystem services are
prerequisites for future economic valuation.
Therefore, it is necessary to understand where
and what wetland goods and services benefit
the population (Burkhard et al., 2013).
There are ecosystem services mapping
tools such as InVEST, ARIES, and GUMBO
that are mostly used to map regional and natio-
nal scales. In this context, regulating services
mapping dominates, integrating biophysical
information, and less frequently, social values
(Crossman et al., 2013). For instance, Crossman
et al. (2013) indicate that the sub-national level
is the most common scale for mapping ecosys-
tem services. The use of empirical data, inclu-
ding social actors, to map local socio-ecological
relations with ecosystem services is rare (Page-
lla & Sinclair, 2014).
Ecosystem services can be identified and
prioritized with stakeholders, including the
local population. For this, Cárcamo et al. (2014)
propose a network approach. The relevance
of identifying ecosystem services based on
the population is that peoples perceptions are
correlated with the activities and livelihoods
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
directly associated with the wetland. Thus, the
socio-ecological system can be better unders-
tood (Cárcamo et al., 2014). Furthermore, this
approach incorporates the knowledge of the
local population and creates local legitimacy
for ecosystem services maps, thus helping to
enhance any policy intervention to improve
wetland management (Pagella & Sinclair, 2014).
Identifying ecosystem services via the
population focuses on the social demand side,
instead of the capacity of the system to provide
those services (Castro et al., 2013). The relevan-
ce of this approach is that it shows the societal
dependence on ecological life. This is highly
relevant since the status of ecosystem services
is not only influenced by ecosystem properties
but also by societal needs. Hence, there is a
need to record and spatially localize the actual
ecosystem services collected and consumed by
the population (Castro et al., 2013). At the local
scale, this approach requires fine-resolution
datasets, with the advantage that local farmers
and fishermen identify their natural context
(Pagella & Sinclair, 2014).
Therefore, the present study contributes
to the identification and mapping of ecosystem
services at the local level. More specifically,
the goal of the present study is to empirically
and spatially identify ecosystem services that
the local population directly demands from
Ramsar wetlands in Costa Rica. For this, we
approach the socio-ecological system similarly
to Cárcamo et al. (2014) and as Barnes et al.
(2019) who analyze the socio-ecological net-
work. Barnes et al. (2019) defined this network
as the linked structures between social actors
and ecological resources. The socio-ecological
network takes place as long as it models the
social and ecological relationships at some
level, independently if the discussion is focused
on one of both dimensions (Sayles et al., 2019).
The case of Costa Ricas wetlands: Accor-
ding to Xu et al. (2020), no scientific studies
on wetland ecosystem services in Costa Rica at
the national level have been documented in the
international literature. This reflects that the
identification and quantification of wetlands
in Costa Rica have been major challenges.
On this concern, we could identify several,
mostly local and regional, research studies done
on Costa Ricas wetlands. The actual number
of hectares of registered wetlands is 268 703
(Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación
[SINAC], 2023). An examination of the socio-
economic contributions of Palo Verde National
Park estimates how the park quantitatively and
qualitatively benefits society at local, regional,
national, and international levels (Moreno et
al., 2010). Another study focusing on the live-
lihoods of communities around Medio Queso
wetland analyzes interactions by concentrating
on different types of capital (Gutiérrez & Siles,
2008). Alvarado (2008) carried out a compre-
hensive assessment to estimate interactions
among economic, social, ecological, cultural,
and institutional components using a multicri-
teria analysis for Gandoca-Manzanillo wetland.
In the Térraba-Sierpe wetland, several
studies have been conducted. For instance,
the BIOMARCC-SINAC-GIZ Project, (2012)
estimates the capture and fixation of carbon
through different ecosystems. Sanchez et al.
(2013) identified and valued ecosystem services
including tourism, artisanal fishing, “piangua
(a type of mollusk) extraction; in the producti-
ve part: oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), pineapple
(Ananas comosus), rice (Oryza sativa), dual-
purpose livestock, and forestry. A similar
approach was used by Barton (1995), who iden-
tified and quantified a wide range of ecosystem
services. Kocian et al. (2010), relying on litera-
ture for quantification, given the lack of local
data on ecosystem services. They identified
ecosystem services such as flood protection,
natural protection against droughts, nutrient
cycling, biodiversity, providing “piangua, and
aesthetic value (Kocian et al., 2010). Reyes et
al. (2004) assessed the ecosystem services of
the Térraba-Sierpe wetland, focusing primarily
on three services: fishing, “piangua” extraction,
and tourism (including hospitality). Aguilar &
Moulaert (2011) proposed the use of multicri-
teria valuation as a form of participatory valua-
tion, political influence, and conflict resolution
for use in the Térraba-Sierpe wetland. Through
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
consultation with experts and key stakeholders,
scenarios were constructed.
Aguilar & Moulaert (2011) conducted a
study to estimate the loss in ecosystem services
due to the conflict in Isla Portillos in the Nor-
theast Caribbean Wetland. This study identifies
ecosystem services such as food, drinking water,
fuel, plant fiber, among others. In another study,
Reyes et al. (2013) identified and valued ecosys-
tem services associated with Las Baulas Marine
National Park (PNMLB). This valuation was
based on the local tourism cluster: lodging,
food, transportation, and tour operation. Pro-
yecto Humedales SINAC-PNUD-GEF (2017)
pursued an economic valuation of ecosystem
services of Ramsar wetlands for Costa Rica
using the method known as transfer value per
unit. This method uses secondary information
from literature review to identify ecosystem
services. The authors complement this method
with expert interviews and remote sensing to
assign land use categories. This study has been
the most relevant found in the literature about
identification and valuation of ecosystem servi-
ces in Costa Rica. However, as Proyecto Hume-
dales SINAC-PNUD-GEF (2017) underlines,
each wetland exhibits unique characteristics
distinct from others; hence, the optimal ecosys-
tem services assessment process involves deve-
loping methodologies that can adjust to this
heterogeneity. From this perspective, we pro-
pose to approach the communities that interact
directly with Ramsar wetlands; thus, we hope
to capture the heterogeneity of socio-ecological
relations and related ecosystem services in the
Ramsar wetlands of Costa Rica.
We propose a methodological framework
to inventory Ramsar wetlands’ ecosystem ser-
vices and to understand them in light of social
actors. This is important since within the Ram-
sar Secretary, social actors analysis and ecosys-
tem services inventory are two steps that must
be carried out to provide a robust context for
policymakers and for further economic valua-
tion exercises (De Groot et al., 2006).
Thus, we propose an approach that con-
siders the activities of the communities that
interact directly with Ramsar wetlands to iden-
tify ecosystem services. For this, in-depth inter-
views were conducted with communal leaders.
The research instrument focused on questions
that helped to identify the usages and relation-
ships that the local population establishes with
the wetlands. To identify social actors related
to the wetlands, the results of a workshop were
used, which took place with the National Sys-
tem of Conservation Areas (SINAC) officials
in charge of each wetland. The identification
of ecosystem services was conducted in seven
Ramsar wetlands in Costa Rica: Las Baulas,
Palo Verde, Caño Negro, Maquenque, Caribe-
Noreste, Gandoca-Manzanillo, and the Térra-
ba-Sierpe. These wetlands are shown in Fig. 1.
The analysis is limited to these seven wetlands
because these are the ones where there is direct
interaction between the communities and the
wetland. In other Ramsar wetlands, such as Isla
del Coco and Turberas, there are no communi-
ties directly interacting with the wetlands.
Once the ecosystem services were identi-
fied, an analysis was conducted to determine
and quantify which ecosystem services were
most relevant. This part used information from
a survey that took place between 2015 and
2016 as part of the Wetland Project (Conser-
vación, Uso Sostenible de la Biodiversidad y
Mantenimiento de los Servicios de los Ecosiste-
mas de Humedales Protegidos de Importancia
Internacional), which was coordinated bet-
ween SINAC-PNUD-GEF. Besides the empiri-
cal research, a secondary literature review was
also conducted. The objective of this review
was to identify all ecosystem services reported
in previous studies. Generally, this methodolo-
gical approach integrates fieldwork using social
research methods such as interviews, a survey,
and a participatory workshop, with network
analysis. It aims to provide a nuanced unders-
tanding of the socio-ecological interactions
surrounding wetlands that are evidenced in the
ecosystem services.
Mapping social actors: The objective
of this part is to determine the interactions
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
between social actors and wetlands. For this,
we aim to identify stakeholders and socio-eco-
logical interactions. The final analysis provides
valuable insights into the dynamics between
social actors and wetlands, aiding in the deve-
lopment of targeted management strategies and
fostering a greater understanding of the shared
responsibilities and benefits associated with
wetland conservation. To analyze interactions,
network analysis proves to be a valuable tool
for determining the influence and degree of
relationships among actors (Bödin & Prell,
2011). In addition, network analysis is crucial
for interpreting how natural resources are co-
managed, as the actor network reveals commu-
nication patterns regarding a resource (Crona
& Bödin, 2006).
The analysis of results was based on infor-
mation gathered in the workshop: “Planning
the Wetlands Project at the Conservation Area
Level.” This workshop took place from 17th to
19th March 2015 and included the participa-
tion of the officials in charge of each Ramsar
wetland. There are nine Ramsar wetlands of
Costa Rica included in this actors’ map; howe-
ver, our analysis focuses on only seven out of
the nine wetlands. Isla del Coco and Turberas
wetlands were excluded from this study for the
reasons previously mentioned.
The result of this part is a network where
wetlands interact with social actors. A rela-
tion is registered if the rangers expressed that
there is collaboration and positive interaction
between the social actor and the wetland. To
present the results, two network statistics were
used: indegree centrality and outdegree centra-
lity. Indegree network centrality measures the
number of incoming relations, indicating the
prominence of an actor as a collaborator with
the wetland management processes. The inde-
gree centrality is estimated as follows: , where i
is any actor and represents incoming relation-
ships of those linked to a wetland, as they are
nominated as contacts (Brandes & Erlebach,
2005). Outdegree, on the other hand, quantifies
the number of outgoing relations, highlighting
Fig. 1. Costa Ricas Ramsar wetlands included in the study. Source: self-elaborated based on SINAC (2023).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
a wetlands significance in creating intercon-
nections. The outdegree centrality is estimated
as follows: , where i is any actor and represents
those linked to i, namely, his neighborhood
when, i, wetland authorities collaborated with
a social actor, their outgoing relations (Brandes
& Erlebach, 2005).
By considering these two network sta-
tistics, we gain insights into the centrality of
actors within the socio-ecological network,
shedding light on their relevance and influen-
ce in the overall structure. The use of these
metrics allows for a comprehensive analysis of
the networks central actors and their respective
roles. Additionally, we present the Ego-network
of each wetland. An Ego-network, as defined
by Crossley et al. (2015), is the network rela-
ted to any node, i. The actors related directly
to this node are known as alters. The ego-net
can be limited to the representation of an ego
and its alters or can be expanded to include the
relations between alters (Crossley et al., 2015).
Here, we limit the ego-net to the representation
of ego and its alters. This network technique
aims to better represent the individual wetland
immediate social actor’s circle.
The statistical analysis and network mode-
ling were conducted using the R statistical
software (R Core Team, 2023). Specifically, the
library igraph (Csardi & Nepusz, 2006). For
network visualization, the specialized software
Gephi (Bastian et al., 2009) and Cytoscape
(Shannon et al., 2003) were used.
Interviews with communal leaders: We
interviewed communal leaders because these
local actors exhibit many characteristics of an
opinion leader, as outlined by Rogers (2003).
Opinion leaders have a positive influence on
others and enhance the diffusion of ideas,
information, and innovations within the net-
work (Burt, 1999; Rogers, 2003; Valente &
Davis, 1999). Therefore, interviews with com-
munity leaders provided an initial appreciation
and helped to list ecosystem services perceived
by influential actors of communities in each
wetland. The communities were chosen using
the criteria to prioritize the most diverse and
strongest possible relations with the wetland.
To pursue this, we based our selection on the
workshop results, personal conversations with
the SINAC officials, and the literature review.
The experience of the SINAC rangers, the most
cited communities, and wetland uses were cen-
tral. Thus, the goal of the community selection
was to identify as many ecosystem services as
possible. The key respondents were selected
based on initial approximations in the field,
recommendations of the SINAC officials, and
other local institutions. These actors must be
active within the community and have lived
long enough to have perceived any change in
the interactions between the community and
the wetland over time.
Although each wetland has a different
number of villages in the surroundings, not all
have the same relation with it. As observed in
Table 1, there are 143 communities within the
influence area of the wetlands. Thus, we wor-
ked with 10 % of all the communities, but with
those who were identified as most important
in a two-way relationship between the wetland
and the population, as explained.
Finally, two communal leaders of each
community were interviewed, except for the
case of Las Cubas, in Caño Negro wetland,
where only one interview was conducted due
Table 1
Number of communities within the wetland influence area.
Wetland Number
of communities
Las Baulas 21 -Mata Palo
Palo Verde 17 -El Rosario
Co Negro 15 -Caño Negro
-Las Cubas
Maquenque 30 -Golfito
-Boca San Carlos
Caribe Noreste 12 -Tortuguero
-San Francisco
Manzanillo 10 -Manzanillo
Térraba-Sierpe 38 -Ajuntaderas
Total 143 14
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
to the rejection of a communal leader. In gene-
ral, four communal leaders per wetland were
interviewed, and three in the Caño Negro wet-
land, resulting in a total of 27 interviews. The
interviews were conducted between March and
May 2015.
The survey: The survey was conducted
with the aim of capturing detailed informa-
tion on the interactions between the local
population and the wetland, which is revealed
in the provisioning ecosystem services. The
results are a detailed inventory of this type of
ecosystem services, quantified for each Ramsar
wetland. More specifically, the provisioning
ecosystem services are the most dominant and
diverse ecosystem services identified by the
communal leaders. In this type of services, the
socio-ecological relationships are more evident
in those activities related to the extraction of
a biological wetland product. Thus, our aim is
to describe the socio-ecological network that
results from this ecosystem service. The objec-
tive is mainly to observe the relations between
each wetland and the different types of wetland
products collected by households, for instance
fish, mollusks, and plants.
Therefore, through a survey, it was possible
to determine the significant extent to which
community residents are connected to wetlands
through ecosystem services. The survey was
conducted to determine the quantities in which
different ecosystem services contribute directly
or indirectly to the household. The survey was
conducted from September to October 2015,
in communities that inhabit and interact with
the wetlands.
Based on the previous results of the work-
shop, literature review, and key informant
interviews, along with time and financial limi-
tations, we decided to apply the survey in the
two communities that were selected for the
interviews with communal leaders in each
Ramsar wetland. These communities have a
key and close role in the interaction with the
wetland, which was our main criterion for the
identification of ecosystem services. To guaran-
tee a full mapping of the ecosystem services and
the socio-ecological interactions in the com-
munities, the research instrument was applied
to all household heads. Thus, we interviewed
all (census) household heads within all the
selected communities; we did not sample the
community (Frank in Carrington et al., 2005).
The total population found in the villages diffe-
red from the total that the National Institute of
Statistics and Censuses (INEC) had from the
2011 census (Instituto Nacional de Estadísti-
ca y Censos [INEC], 2011). The population
dynamics show an increase in some cases and a
decrease in others, as shown in Table 2.
A total of 14 communities were surveyed,
representing approximately 10 % of the 143
communities in the wetland influence zone.
The total number of surveys conducted was
744, with 140 rejections. Table 2 shows the com-
munities that were surveyed. The total surveys
applied per wetland are as follows: Las Baulas
with 159, Palo Verde with 113, Caño Negro
with 70, Maquenque with 56, Caribe Noreste
with 163, Gandoca-Manzanillo with 77, and
Térraba-Sierpe with 106. Finally, 85 % of the
households were surveyed, and the remaining
15 % rejected to participate in the study.
The information was collected using recall
questions about the type of products, species,
quantity, and prices (if sold) of the products
collected from the wetland over the last 12
months. The use of recall questions has some
inconveniences, as the respondents were not
always able to recall the exact details of the pro-
ducts. For example, the respondents were able
to identify the type of fish they caught and pro-
vide an approximate number of fishes, but the
details were not enough to establish the species.
Hence, we only determined the family of the
fish based on the common name provided by
the respondent. For any future economic valua-
tion, several factors must be considered; the-
refore, it is necessary to explore the valuation
method that fits best. Products from the sea,
such as fish, are mostly sold locally. Conversely,
freshwater fish are mostly consumed by house-
holds, and if sold, they are also sold locally to
neighbors, small supermarkets, or local bars.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
To analyze the data, the socio-ecological
network was examined as defined by Sayles et
al. (2019) and Barnes et al. (2019). The nodes
represent either a wetland or a wetland pro-
duct. The wetland represents the aggregation
of the household heads responses. Since it was
possible to estimate the quantity collected from
each product by the households, the network
is a weighted graph, where the tie represents
the quantity of the products (Kleinberg, 1999).
Therefore, to identify the most central nodes,
network weighted centrality measures must be
used. To estimate the degree centrality in the
weighted network, two statistics were applied:
the hub score and the authority score developed
by Kleinberg (1999).
The authority score represents how valua-
ble the wetland product is for the households
as they collect (demand) from the wetland.
The hub score indicates how crucial a Ramsar
wetland is by providing products to many hou-
seholds, playing a key role in offering valuable
natural resources for the local population. In
the graph, , the non-negative authority weight
is , and the non-negative hub weight is . Thus,
the value for the authority statistic is: , and for
the hub statistic is: , where is a network node.
Therefore, a node with value of 1 will have the
highest value possible (Kleinberg, 1999). These
metrics were calculated using the random sur-
fer model, where relations with larger weights
influence the probability of being selected by
the surfer (Csardi & Nepusz, 2006). In addition,
the Ego-network of each wetland was visualized
to better explain the results, using the defini-
tion of Crossley et al. (2015). The statistical
analysis and network modeling were conducted
using the R statistical software (R Core Team,
2023), specifically, the library igraph (Csardi
& Nepusz, 2006). For network visualization,
the specialized software Gephi (Bastian et al.,
2009) and Cytoscape (Shannon et al., 2003)
were used.
Finally, we estimated network clusters
based on the survey results. The objective
of this method is to identify network sub-
groups that belong to the same category based
on the ecosystem products collected by their
Table 2
The surveyed communities.
Wetland Communities Applied surveys Rejections Total households
Las Baulas Mata Palo 71 15 86
Villareal 88 34 122
Palo Verde El Rosario 80 8 88
Bagatsí 33 4 37
Co Negro Co Negro 62 4 66
Las Cubas 8 1 9*
Maquenque Golfito 25 4 29
Boca San Carlos 31 1 32
Caribe Noreste Tortuguero 105 25 130
San Francisco 58 9 67
Gandoca-Manzanillo Manzanillo 33 15 48
Gandoca 44 7 51
Térraba-Sierpe Ajuntaderas 25 0 25
Coronado 81 15 96
Total 744 142 877**
*According to the INEC population census of 2011, there were 35 households living in Las Cubas. However, at the moment of
the field research, we found that many had left the community. **Based on the INEC population census of 2011, we expected
a total of 955 households; nonetheless, we found a dynamic where many communities have reduced their population due to
many factors such as unemployment. In other places, like in Coronado, in Térraba-Sierpe wetland, the population was 16
households more than expected, thus, it gained population.
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
households. For instance, two wetlands may
belong to the same cluster if the products they
collect are similar, i.e. such as fish from the
same families. To achieve this, we applied the
Walktrap method (Pons & Latapy, 2006), which
utilizes a random walk technique to construct
clusters based on the neighborhood structure of
nodes. The results of this analysis are important
because wetlands within the same cluster tend
to share similar collected or demanded pro-
ducts; therefore, management strategies could
be considered in a similar manner.
Literature review: Before delving into the
empirical results, we present the main ecosys-
tem services in Costa Ricas Ramsar wetlands
that we found through the literature review.
They are detailed presented in Appendix 1-4.
The types of ecosystem services with the hig-
hest number of identified cases in the literature
are provisioning and regulating. Functions such
as providing society with raw materials and
food are among the most commonly found.
Functions like regulating climate and hydro-
logical related functions are also frequently
mentioned. Cultural and supporting functions
are the ones with the fewest ecosystem services.
This may be due to the difficulty in measuring
such services and, at times, the lack of resour-
ces for research in areas such as ethnology and
biological species. Although there is literature
about the wetlands, very little is focused on
ecosystem services or on the economic valua-
tion of wetlands in Costa Rica.
In summary, Table 3 presents the number
of ecosystem services that the literature review
led to identifying. The Proyecto Humedales
SINAC-PNUD-GEF (2017) is the most com-
plete source because it identified ecosystem
services for all seven wetlands of interest. The
Térraba-Sierpe wetland has the highest number
of services with 23; it is also the one with the
most identified provisioning services and regu-
lating services. The wetlands of Las Baulas and
Caño Negro have the least number of provisio-
ning services identified. Besides that, the rest of
the services are equally distributed.
Mapping social actors around Ramsar
wetlands: Our findings indicate that wetlands
interact with three primary types of social
actors: communal, public, and private indivi-
duals or enterprises. Fig. 2 displays the resul-
ting network, composed of 61 actors with 139
connections. The number of mentions that
each actor receives is used to estimate which
actors are the most central within the network.
In this network, 41 actors (the majority) are
public institutions, 8 are communal, and 5
are private-individual actors, such as producer
organizations. Fig. 2 illustrates the four types of
actors in the network: wetlands (yellow), com-
munal actors (red), public actors (green), and
individual actors (blue). The two main actors
interacting with the wetlands are the Munici-
palities (9 relations) and the Ministry of Public
Security (9 relations).
Table 3
Total mentions of ecosystem services found according to the literature review.
Wetland Type Total
Provisioning Cultural Supporting Regulating
Térraba-Sierpe 5 5 5 8 23
Las Baulas 2 4 4 4 14
Co Negro 2 4 4 4 14
Maquenque 3 4 4 4 15
Caribe Noreste 3 4 4 4 15
Gandoca Manzanillo 3 4 4 4 15
Palo Verde 3 4 4 5 16
Source: self-elaborated based on literature review.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
We can visualize the network node size
according to the number of incoming links
(network indegree centrality). Fig. 3 shows this
statistic, with Municipalities and the Ministry
of Public Security depicted as the two larger red
nodes. Following closely in size is a third actor,
Public Universities (8 relations), positioned as
the third red node, indicating its significance
within the network. It is important to clarify
that the position of the nodes in the network
is related to their shared relations with others.
Thus, we observe larger node sizes for social
actors that interact with many wetlands and are
positioned at the center of the network. This
results in actors with fewer ties being situated
at the periphery of the network, forming a core-
periphery structure. Additionally, two other
Fig. 2. Ramsar wetlands social actors network.
important actors, the Costa Rican Institute of
Electricity (ICE, 7 mentions), also depicted in
red, and Communal Associations (7 mentions),
shown in green, are noteworthy.
If we determine the size of the node based
on the wetlands with the most relations in
the network (outdegree centrality), we obtain
the network visualization shown in Fig. 4.
The wetlands that reported the most ties with
other actors were Turberas (22 mentions), Palo
Verde (21 mentions), Gandoca-Manzanillo (20
mentions), and Caribe Noreste (20 mentions).
Additionally, we find Isla del Coco with 18
mentions, Caño Negro with 11 mentions, and
Las Baulas, Maquenque, and Térraba-Sier-
pe with 9 mentions each. In our study case,
Palo Verde, Gandoca-Manzanillo, and Caribe
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Noreste are those with a denser network. Con-
versely, Las Baulas, Maquenque, and Térraba-
Sierpe are the wetlands with fewer connections
to social actors.
In terms of differences in the composition
of the ego-networks, we can differentiate three
Group 1: Wetlands with 20 and 21 or more
actors that have a presence of public, com-
munal, and private actors, although there
is a majority of public actors. Here we find
Caribe Noreste, Gandoca-Manzanillo, and
Palo Verde wetlands.
Group 2: Wetlands where the combination of
two types of actors is balanced, while the
third type is missing. In this category, we
find Caño Negro with public and commu-
nal actors (11 in total), but without any
private actor. Additionally, Las Baulas wet-
land has only 9 actors, with participation
from three private and six public actors,
but lacks communal participation in the
Group 3: Maquenque and Térraba-Sierpe wet-
lands, each with only nine actors in the
ego-network. In these cases, the network is
predominantly composed of public actors,
with only one communal actor interacting
with them.
The ego-network and the wetland actor
composition can be observed in Fig. 5. This
figure presents the number of actors associated
Fig. 3. Ramsar wetlands social actors network: size of nodes based on indegree centrality.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
with each wetland. Both the map and the
ego network represent this relational infor-
mation in different ways, contributing to a
better understanding of the socio-ecological
Identifying ecosystem services through
communal leaders: Based on interviews with
communal leaders, numerous ecosystem servi-
ces were identified, with provisioning emerging
as the most prominent service type. Within
this category, the provision of timber and non-
timber products exhibited the highest diversity
and number of ecosystem services. Examples
include fishing, freshwater, and drinking water,
shrimp, lobster, and mollusk harvesting, all of
which are non-timber resources extracted from
wetlands for human consumption. Additiona-
lly, a variety of agricultural crops were cited
frequently by interviewees, such as beans, rice,
maize, oil palm, tubers, banana, pineapple,
sugar cane, plantain, watermelon, and papaya.
Furthermore, pastures and cattle ranging were
highlighted as activities benefiting from wet-
lands, primarily due to water provisioning.
Artisanal fishing was mentioned in six
out of the seven assessed wetlands, with only
Palo Verde wetland not mentioned by the
interviewees. Commercial fishing was speci-
fically noted in Caño Negro Wetland. Various
products were reported to be consumed or
extracted in several wetlands, including wood
(Maquenque and Gandoca-Manzanillo), turtle
eggs (Las Baulas), land animals, and lobster
Fig. 4. Ramsar wetlands social actors network: size of nodes based on outdegree centrality.
14 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
(Gandoca-Manzanillo), fresh-water shrimp
(Maquenque), and piangua (Térraba-Sierpe).
Additionally, the importance of wetland use
for transportation was highlighted, particularly
in Maquenque. These provisioning ecosystem
services identified by communal leaders are
summarized in Table 4.
In agriculture, the predominant products
across most wetlands include rice and beans
production, observed in Wetlands such as
Térraba-Sierpe, Palo Verde, and Caño Negro.
Other monoculture crops are also cultivated in
at least two wetlands: palm oil (Térraba-Sierpe
and Northeast Caribbean), banana (Northeast
Caribbean and Gandoca-Manzanillo), and
pineapple (Northeast Caribbean and Maquen-
que). These crops hold significance due to their
extensive production, which necessitates the
use of substantial quantities of agrochemicals.
Additionally, economically vital monocultu-
re crops encompass tubers such as cassava
(Caño Negro and Maquenque), sugarcane (Palo
Verde), plantain (Maquenque), and watermelon
(Palo Verde).
Among the wetlands, Palo Verde stands
out with seven mentioned agricultural pro-
ducts, followed by Térraba-Sierpe with four,
Caño Negro with three, Northeast Caribbean
with three, Maquenque with three, and Gan-
doca-Manzanillo with one. Notably, Las Baulas
wetland did not receive any mentions regar-
ding this ecosystem service. It is essential to
highlight that interviewees emphasized these
products due to their perceived importance to
the local economy. The identified agricultural
products are listed in Table 5.
Livestock farming emerges as a significant
economic activity in five out of the seven wet-
lands, underscoring its importance to the local
communities. Notably, Las Baulas and Gando-
ca-Manzanillo wetlands do not feature promi-
nent livestock farming. Among the wetlands
Fig. 5. Number of social actors per wetland.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Table 4
Provisioning ecosystem services identified by communal
Service Wetland
Traditional-small scale fishing Térraba-Sierpe
Las Baulas
Co Negro
Caribe Noreste
Gandoca Manzanillo
Timber wood extraction Maquenque1
Marine species eggs Las Baulas
Firewood Co Negro
Hunting for self-consume Gandoca-Manzanillo
Commercial fishing Caño Negro
Lobster extraction Gandoca-Manzanillo
Freshwater shrimp Maquenque
Las Baulas
Co Negro
Caribe Noreste
Tree plantations Maquenque
Honey Palo Verde
Shrimps Caribe-Noreste
Mollusk extraction Térraba-Sierpe
Las Baulas
Transport Maquenque
Plants Palo Verde2
Fruits 3Las Baulas
Co Negro
Caribe Noreste
Palo Verde
1. Legal. 2. For handicrafts. 3. No plantations, diverse wild
and traditional species. Source: self-elaborated based on
field data.
services identified. These services primarily
revolve around tourism, sport fishing, environ-
mental education, and recreational activities.
Tourism was reported for all wetlands except
Palo Verde. Sport fishing, on the other hand,
was noted in the wetlands of Térraba-Sierpe,
Table 5
Provisioning ecosystem services related to agriculture
identified by communal leaders.
Service Wetland
Beans production Térraba-Sierpe
Palo Verde
Co Negro
Rice production Térraba-Sierpe
Palo Verde
Co Negro
Maiz production Térraba-Sierpe
Palo Verde
Oil palm production Térraba-Sierpe
Caribe Noreste
Tuber production Caño Negro
Banana production Caribe Noreste
Pineapple production Caribe Noreste
Sugar row production Palo Verde
Plantain production Maquenque
Watermelon production Palo Verde
Papaya production Palo Verde
Grasslands1Palo Verde
1. Refers to give services to maintain the grassland for
livestock. Source: self-elaborated based on field data.
with notable livestock activity, Palo Verde and
Caño Negro stand out, where the provision of
watering services by the wetlands is particularly
valued. Further details can be found in Table 6.
The category of Cultural ecosystem ser-
vices ranks second in terms of the number of
Table 6
Provisioning ecosystem services related to livestock
identified by communal leaders.
Service Wetland
Cattle production Térraba-Sierpe
Palo Verde
Co Negro
Caribe Noreste
Goat production Gandoca-Manzanillo
Source: self-elaborated based on field data.
16 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Caribe Noreste, and Gandoca-Manzanillo.
Recreational use, distinct from tourism, was
specifically mentioned only in Las Baulas wet-
land. In this context, recreation encompasses
the activities undertaken by the local popula-
tion within the wetland, while tourism involves
visitors from outside the area, be they national
or international. For a detailed breakdown of
cultural ecosystem services by wetland, please
refer to Table 7.
Table 7
Cultural ecosystem services identified by communal
Service Wetland
Tourism Térraba-Sierpe
Las Baulas
Co Negro
Caribe Noreste
Gandoca Manzanillo
Recreation1Las Baulas
Sport fishing Térraba-Sierpe
Caribe Noreste
Gandoca Manzanillo
1. Related to recreational use by community members.
Source: self-elaborated based on field data.
The ecosystem services related to regu-
lation and support appear to be largely unk-
nown to community leaders. Only in Las
Baulas was the wetlands capacity to mitigate
floods (flood reduction) mentioned, while in
Gandoca-Manzanillo, the significance of the
wetlands role in providing habitat and shelter
to flora and fauna was emphasized.
In summary, Table 8 illustrates the number
of ecosystem services identified by communal
leaders. It’s important to note that we are not
assigning importance to one ecosystem service
over another; rather, we are highlighting a clear
trend wherein key informants were able to iden-
tify a range of benefits from wetlands. The total
count of ecosystem services ranges between 7
and 13, with Térraba-Sierpe wetland having
the highest count and Las Baulas wetland the
lowest. This disparity underscores the varia-
tions in the relationships between wetlands and
the local population. For instance, in Las Baulas
wetland, provisioning services are fewer com-
pared to other wetlands. Across all wetlands,
provisioning services are more prominent than
cultural services, especially notable in the case
of Térraba-Sierpe and Palo Verde.
Additionally, during the interviews, com-
munal leaders were asked about which ecosys-
tem services they believed could be promoted to
increase benefits to the local population, as out-
lined in Table 9. Communal leaders highlighted
two types of tourism that could be further deve-
loped, which were either not well-established or
only in the initial stages at the time of the field
research. Hence, the local leaders made two
main distinctions. Socially responsible tourism
was mentioned in the wetlands of Térraba-
Sierpe and Las Baulas, while community-based
rural tourism was identified in Palo Verde,
Table 8
Total ecosystem services found according to communal leaders.
Wetland Type Total
Provisioning Cultural Supporting Regulating
Térraba-Sierpe 11 2 0 0 13
Las Baulas 42017
Co Negro 9 1 0 0 10
Maquenque 9 1 0 0 10
Caribe Noreste 8 2 0 0 10
Gandoca Manzanillo 9 2 1 0 12
Palo Verde 11 0 0 0 11
Source: self-elaborated based on field data.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Maquenque, and Caribe Noreste. Concerning
environmental education, communal leaders
expressed interest in this ecosystem service,
particularly in the case of Gandoca-Manzanillo
and Maquenque wetlands, although their expe-
rience with it has been limited. Generally, the
provisioning ecosystem services to be impro-
ved are related to the promotion of productive
projects aimed at reducing human impact on
the wetland while simultaneously increasing
economic benefits for the local population.
Identification and quantification of main
provisioning services: These results primarily
focus on services that are consumed or directly
collected from the wetland by households. For
fish, we utilized Spanish common names along
with their respective families. In Appendix 5, a
table containing the Spanish common names of
fish, their English equivalents, and their fami-
lies is provided for reference. Table 10 presents
the types of products, their common names,
and the total quantities reported annually by
household heads in the case of the Térraba-
Sierpe wetland. Whenever feasible, we included
the family names of the products, particularly
for fish species.
The results reveal that in the Térraba-
Sierpe wetland, Pianguas are the most extracted
product, totaling 307 440 units. However, fish
exhibit a wide variety of families being captu-
red. Among these, the families Lutjanidae and
Centropomidae stand out, with the highest
number of individuals captured, with 2 174 and
2 562 units respectively.
Table 11 provides information on the
collected products for Maquenque wetland. In
contrast to Térraba-Sierpe wetland, the range of
products in Maquenque wetland is less diverse.
The primary product reported is fish, particu-
larly freshwater fish, with Guapote (Cichlidae),
Barbudo (Pimelodidae), Machaca (Bryconi-
dae), and Mojarra (Cichlidae) being the most
commonly caught species.
Table 12 presents the products collected by
households in the Gandoca-Manzanillo wet-
land. The primary product collected in this
wetland is fish, predominantly comprising sea
fish families. Among these, Jurel (Carangidae)
stands out as the most important.
Table 13 displays the products collected by
households in the Caribe Noreste wetland. This
wetland offers a wide variety of products, inclu-
ding mollusks, crustaceans, and fish. However,
Table 9
Ecosystem services that must be incentivized by authorities: identified by communal leaders.
Type of service Service Wetland
Provisioning Aquaculture Caño Negro 1
Maquenque 2
Organic agriculture Caño Negro
Palo Verde
Water consumption Térraba-Sierpe
Gandoca Manzanillo
Firewood Térraba-Sierpe
Gandoca Manzanillo
Cultural Social-responsible tourism Térraba-Sierpe
Las Baulas
Community-based rural tourism Palo Verde
Caribe Noreste
Environmental education Gandoca Manzanillo
1. Fishing, including the tropical gar fish. 2. River shrimp. Source: self-elaborated based on field data.
18 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
fish have the highest recorded quantity. Among
the fish families, Robalo (Centropomidae),
Jurel (Carangidae), Pargo (Lutjanidae), And
Mojarra (Cichlidae) are the most captured.
Table 14 presents the products collected
by households in the Caño Negro wetland.
Fish is the primary provisioning service in this
wetland, particularly freshwater fish such as
Mojarra (Cichlidae) and Guapote (Cichlidae).
These two account for 77 % of the total repor-
ted products collected.
Table 10
Provisioning ecosystem services: products collected by
households in Térraba-Sierpe wetland.
Type of
Product Product 1
Mollusk Piangua (Arcidae) 307 440
Fruits Coconut 120
Fruits Mango 25
Fruits Unripe coconut (pipa) 120
Plants Zorrillo 120
Shrimp no id. 26
Fish Bagre (Ariidae) 12
Fish Corvina (Sciaenidae) 12
Fish Macarela (Carangidae) 12
Fish Mero (Serranidae) 48
Fish Jurel (Carangidae) 84
Fish Lisa (Mugilidae) 90
Fish Pargo negro (Lutjanidae) 90
Fish Pargo rojo (Lutjanidae) 90
Fish no id. 240
Fish Roncador (Haemulidae) 300
Fish Robalo Gualaje (Centropomidae) 540
Fish Cuminate (Ariidae) 612
Fish Pargo (Lutjanidae) 1 994
Fish Gualaje (Centropomidae) 2 562
Mollusk Oyster (Osteridae) 24
Total 314 561
1. For the case of fish, we use common local names, with
their respective family names provided in parentheses,
based on Bussing & Lopez (2011), Angulo et al. (2021),
and MarViva (2015). It is important to note that this
information is solely based on the responses from the
respondents, and no biological field work was conducted
to verify or confirm any scientific names.Source: Self-
elaborated based on field data.
Table 11
Provisioning ecosystem services: products collected by
households in Maquenque wetland.
Type of
Product Product 1Total quantity/
Fresh water
no id 12
Fish Robalo (Centropomidae) 24
Fish no id. 39
Fish Sabalo (Megalopidae) 96
Fish Tilapia (Cichlidae) 96
Fish Roncador (Haemulidae) 120
Fish Guabina (Eleotridae) 684
Fish Bagre (Heptapteridae) 720
Fish Guapote (Cichlidae) 2 424
Fish Barbudo (Pimelodidae) 2 586
Fish Machaca (Bryconidae) 2 676
Fish Mojarra (Cichlidae) 5 622
Total 15 099
1. For the case of fish, we utilize common local names,
with their respective family names provided in parentheses,
based on Ángulo (2013), Ángulo et al. (2021), Instituto
Costarricense de Electricidad (2007), and CRAFF (2023).
It is important to note that this information is solely based
on the responses from the respondents, and no biological
field work was conducted to verify or confirm any scientific
names. Source: Self-elaborated based on field data.
Table 12
Provisioning ecosystem services: products collected by
households in Gandoca-Manzanillo wetland.
Type Of
Product Product 1Total Quantity/
Mollusk Cambute (Strombidae) 48
Fruits Coconut 12
Crustacean Shrimp 12
Crustacean Lobster 36
Fish Pargo Rojo (Lutjanidae) 12
Fish Sabalo (Megalopidae) 12
Fish Tilapia (Cichlidae) 48
Fish Roncador (Haemulidae) 72
Fish Robalo (Centropomidae) 84
Fish Bobo (Mugilidae) 96
Fish Macarela (Carngidae) 204
Fish Pargo (Lutjanidae) 384
Fish Jurel (Carangidae) 9 072
Total 10 092
1. For the case of fish, we utilize common local names,
with their respective family names provided in parentheses,
based on Ángulo (2013) and Ángulo et al. (2021), as we
rely solely on the information provided by the respondents,
and no biological field work was conducted to verify any
possible scientific names. Source: Self-elaborated based
on field data.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Table 15 presents the products collected
by households in the Las Baulas wetland. Fish
is the main provisioning service reported by
households in this wetland, particularly Pargo
(Lutjanidae) and Jurel (Carangidae). These
two species represent 80 % of the total units
Table 16 illustrates the products collected
by households in Palo Verde wetland. While
wild birds are important, with 328 units regis-
tered by households, fish remains the primary
source of products. Most of the fish are caught
in agricultural irrigation channels and rivers.
Tilapia (Cichlidae) is the most commonly cau-
ght, with 1 162 units, representing 33.7 % of the
total product units.
Table 17 provides a summary of the total
number of units collected by product type and
by wetland. Of the total products collected,
21.5 % are fish and 77. 5% are mollusks. Howe-
ver, these numbers are skewed by the significant
number of Pianguas collected in the Térraba-
Sierpe wetland. Excluding Térraba-Sierpe, fish
captures represent between 78 % and 99 % of
all products across the other wetlands. The
dominance of fish collection is evident, with
percentages ranging from 99 % in Maquenque
to 77.8 % in Palo Verde.
Table 13
Provisioning ecosystem services: products collected by
households in Caribe Noreste wetland.
Type of
Product Product 1Total quantity/
Mollusk Clams (no id) 200
Crustacean Jaiba (Potunidae) 240
Mollusk Cambute (Strombidae) 12
Fruits Noni 120
Fruits Uva de playa (Sea Grape) 1
Crustacean Freshwater Shrimp 12
Crustacean Shrimp 372
Fish Tiburon Bolillo (Subclasss:
Elasmobranchii) 12
Fish Mero (Serranidae) 12
Fish Pargo rojo (Lutjanidae) 12
Fish Macarela (Carngidae) 24
Fish Cara Seca-gualaje
(Centropomidae) 26
Fish Calva (Centropomidae) 100
Fish Pampano (Carangidae) 144
Fish Corvina (Sciaenidae) 156
Fish no id. 388
Fish Sabalo (Megalopidae) 216
Fish Dorado (Coryphaenidae) 348
Fish Guapote (Cichlidae) 576
Fish Roncador (Haemulidae) 582
Fish Robalo (Centropomidae) 1 272
Fish Jurel (Carangidae) 1 362
Fish Pargo (Lutjanidae) 1 418
Fish Mojarra (Cichlidae) 1 518
Total 9 222
1. For the case of fish, we employ common local names,
accompanied by their respective family names in
parentheses, as referenced from Ángulo (2013), Ángulo
et al. (2021), and MarViva (2015), given that we solely rely
on the information provided by the respondents, and no
biological field work was conducted to verify any possible
scientific names. In the case of Tiburon Bolillo, it may
refer to at least 24 species of shark that are sold under the
term “bolillo” in Costa Rica (MarViva, 2012). Source: Self-
elaborated based on field data.
Table 14
Provisioning ecosystem services: products collected by
households in Caño Negro wetland.
Type of
Product Product 1Total
Fruits Oranges 120
Wood no id. 30
Crustacean Freshwater shrimp 666
Fish Roncador (Haemulidae) 1
Fish Machaca (Bryconidae) 13
Fish Guapote lagunero (Cichlidae) 72
Fish Barbudo (Pimelodidae) 90
Fish No Id. 96
Fish Sabalo (Megalopidae) 96
Fish Tilapia (Cichlidae) 96
Fish Guabina (Eleotridae) 288
Fish Gaspar (Lepisosteidae) 370
Fish Guapote pinto (Cichlidae) 888
Fish Mojarra (Cichlidae) 1 708
Fish Guapote (Cichlidae) 7 972
Total 12 506
1. For the case of fish, we employ common local names,
with their respective family names in parentheses, based on
Ángulo (2013) and Ángulo et al. (2021), as we solely rely on
information provided by the respondents, and no biological
fieldwork was conducted to confirm any possible scientific
names. Source: Self-elaborated based on field data.
20 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Térraba-Sierpe stands out as the wetland with
the highest quantity, followed by Las Baulas,
Caño Negro, and Maquenque in the second
category. Caribe Noreste and Gandoca-Manza-
nillo wetlands fall into the third category, while
Palo Verde has the least number of products in
the last category.
Table 15
Provisioning ecosystem services: products collected by
households in Las Baulas wetland.
Type of
Product Product 1Total quantity/
Fruits Coco 720
Fruits Pipas 24
Crustacean Freshwater shrimp 12
Mollusk Piangua (no id) 144
Fish Dorado (Coryphaenidae) 12
Fish Robalo (Centropomidae) 36
Fish no id. 204
Fish Pargo (Lutjanidae) 5 208
Fish Jurel (Carangidae) 25 824
Total 32 184
1. For the case of fish, we utilize common local names, with
their respective family names in parentheses, sourced from
Ángulo (2013), Ángulo et al. (2021), and MarViva (2015).
Since we solely rely on information from the respondents,
and no biological fieldwork was conducted to confirm any
possible scientific names. Source: Self-elaborated based on
field data.
Table 16
Provisioning ecosystem services: products collected by
households in Palo Verde wetland.
Type of
Product Product 1Total quantity/
Wild birds Zarceta (Anatidae) 72
Wild birds Piche (Anatidae) 256
Fruits no id. 300
Crustacean Shrimp 111
Fish Robalo (Centropomidae) 12
Fish Carpa (Cyprinidae) 24
Fish Colossoma-Tambaqui
(Serrasalmidae) 24
Fish Cuminate (Ariidae) 68
Fish Guapote (Cichlidae) 408
Fish Bagre (Heptapteridae) 413
Fish no id. 485
Fish Tilapia (Cichlidae) 1 162
Total 3 450
1. For the case of fish, we utilize common local names,
with their respective family names in parentheses, based
on Ángulo (2013), Ángulo et al. (2021), and van Anrooy
et al. (1996). Since we solely rely on information from the
respondents, and no biological fieldwork was conducted
to ensure any possible scientific names. Source: Self-
elaborated based on field data.
Table 17
Total number of products collected by households.
Wetland Fish Mollusk Crustacean Plants Wild birds Fruits Wood Total
Térraba-Sierpe 6 686 307 464 26 120 0 265 0 314 561
Maquenque 15 087 0 12 0 0 0 0 15 099
Gandoca-Manzanillo 9 984 48 48 0 0 12 0 10 092
Caribe Noreste 8 166 212 624 0 0 220 0 9 222
Las Baulas 31 284 144 12 0 0 744 0 32 184
Palo Verde 2 596 0 111 0 328 300 0 3 335
Co Negro 11 690 0 666 0 0 120 30 12 506
Total 85 493 307 868 1 499 120 328 1 661 30 396 999
Source: self-elaborated based on field data.
Table 18 shows a summary of some impor-
tant species in the wetlands that match the
field data and the literature. Although the com-
mon names are the same of our documented
fish, without formal identification research, we
cannot ensure that they are the same species.
Therefore, we stay at the fish family identifi-
cation level.
Finally, Fig. 6 depicts a map of the Ramsar
wetlands, with the area colored according to the
total number of units of all collected products.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Table 18
Fish families important for the Ramsar wetlands.
Caribe Noreste Gandoca
Co Negro Maquenque
Important fish
families for
Species of
economic interest
- Centropomus
pardelles (Robalo)
- Megalops atlanticus
- Atractosteus tropicus
(Gaspar fish)
- Atractosteus tropicus
(Gaspar fish)
- Megalops sp. (Sábalo
- Centropomus sp.
- Parachromis sp.
- Atractosteus tropicus
(Gaspar fish)
- Ciclasoma doviiy (Guapote)
- Ciclasoma loisellei
- Ciclasoma managuense
(Guapote tigre)
- Ciclasoma nicaragüense
(La vieja)
* Families also identified by our study in the respective wetland. ** No fish families or species were detailed in Térraba-Sierpe,
Las Baulas and Palo Verde wetlands. Source: Proyecto Humedales SINAC-PNUD-GEF (2017).
Fig. 6. Total units of products collected by households in the studied wetlands. Source: self-elaborated based on field data.
22 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Socio-ecological network of the provi-
sioning services: Fig. 7 illustrates the net-
work representation of the products collected
by households in the research communities,
the number in the lines refers to the num-
ber of units collected. In the center of the
network, we observe the products common
to many wetlands. For instance, fish such as
pargo (Lutjanidae), macarella (Carangidae),
jurel (Carangidae), robalo (Centropomidae),
and roncador (Haemulidae) are located in the
denser area of the network. Other products
like shrimp and coconut also hold relevance for
households across different wetlands. Conver-
sely, some products are exclusively associated
with specific wetlands, evident in the periphery
of the network. For example, we find wild birds
in Palo Verde, jaibas in Caribe-Noreste, wood
and gaspar fish in Caño Negro, and lobster
in Gandoca-Manzanillo. The dominant tie is
observed in the case of piangua collection in the
Térraba-Sierpe wetland.
To estimate the most central products in
the network, centrality statistics are employed.
Fig. 8 illustrates the network where the size
of the nodes represents the authority score
value. Among the top ten products, eight are
fish types, and one is a crustacean, listed in
descending order: shrimps (authority -score
= 1), robalo (Centropomidae, authority -score
= 0.88), roncador (Haemulidae, authority
-score = 0.81), pargo (Lutjanidae, authority
-score = 0.66), jurel (Carangidae, authority
-score = 0.65), sabalo (Megalopidae, authority
-score = 0.63), guapote (Cichlidae, authority
-score = 0.56), macarella (Carangidae, autho-
rity -score = 0.55), tilapia (Cichlidae, authority
-score = 0.50), mojarra (Cichlidae, authority
-score = 0.48), and coconut (authority -score =
0.43). The likelihood of being ranked highly is
influenced not only by the quantity collected by
households but also by the number of wetlands
where the product is recorded.
The network hub score indicates the wet-
lands where households collect a more diverse
and larger quantity of products, as depicted
in Fig. 9. The highest value is attributed to
Caribe Noreste (hub -score = 1), followed by
Fig. 7. Socio-ecological network representation of products collected by households in Ramsar wetlands. Source: self-
elaborated based on field data.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Térraba-Sierpe (hub -score = 0.81), and Gan-
doca Manzanillo (hub-score = 0.70), with
Maquenque (hub -score = 0.62), and Caño
Negro (hub -score = 0.52) out the top five wet-
lands. Las Baulas (hub -score = 0.45) and Palo
Verde (hub -score = 0.40) wetlands occupy the
last two places in the ranking.
From the presented network, we can extract
the respective Ego-network for each wetland, as
depicted in Fig. 10. Visually, the Ego-networks
of Caribe Noreste and Térraba-Sierpe confirm
that these wetlands are those where households
collect a more diverse number of products.
Meanwhile, Palo Verde and Las Baulas are
where households collect the least.
Finally, Fig. 11 illustrates the network clus-
ters identified in the analysis. Three clusters
were found: the first cluster (green) includes
four wetlands—Gandoca-Manzanillo, Térra-
ba-Sierpe, Baulas, and Caribe-Noreste. The
second cluster (orange) groups Caño Negro
and Maquenque, while the third cluster consists
solely of the Palo Verde wetland. The type of
products and fish families shared among the
wetlands within each cluster determined their
Costa Ricas wetlands ecosystem services:
Parting from the literature review, regulating
ecosystem services are found to be the most
prevalent in Ramsar wetlands in Costa Rica,
followed by supporting and cultural services.
Provisioning services, on the other hand, are
identified as the least prominent. However, our
findings suggest a different perspective when
considering the local population, as provisio-
ning services emerge as the most identified.
This result aligns with the notion that sup-
porting and regulating services are often less
perceptible, as emphasized by De Groot et al.
Fig. 8. Network authority score of products collected by households in Ramsar wetlands. Source: self-elaborated based on
field data.
24 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
This discrepancy is significant, considering
that local communities directly experience and
benefit from wetland ecosystems on a daily
basis. Similar results were reported by Gouwa-
kinnou et al. (2019), who found that provisio-
ning services are predominantly recognized by
villages, particularly those with low socioecono-
mic conditions. In contrast, supporting services
were generally unknown to the local communi-
ties. These findings suggest that socioeconomic
conditions play a significant role in shaping
the identification and perception of different
types of ecosystem services. Examples of factors
that influence local population perceptions of
ecosystem services include educational level,
poverty, and proximity of the community to the
ecosystem (Gouwakinnou et al., 2019). Further
research on this issue in Costa Rica will contri-
bute to and enhance the discussion on wetland
sustainable management.
This underscores the importance of invol-
ving local populations in any policy or manage-
ment efforts aimed at ensuring the sustainable
use of wetlands, as advocated by the Ramsar
Convention (Ramsar Convention Secretariat,
2010). In this context, our work provides valua-
ble insights and information to support this
crucial task. This idea is supported by Evan-
gelista et al. (2024), who explore how Local
Ecological Knowledge (LEK) and perceptions
of ecosystem services are shaped by socio-
ecological variables. For example, participa-
tion in conservation and restoration initiatives
significantly influences the LEK levels of local
populations (Evangelista et al., 2024). Therefo-
re, understanding the ecosystem services most
relevant to communities is essential for desig-
ning and implementing effective initiatives to
maintain and ensure the flow and accessibility
of ecosystem services.
Fig. 9. Network hub score of products collected by households in Ramsar wetlands. Source: self-elaborated based on field
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Fig. 10. EGO-Network of Ramsar wetlands. Source: self-elaborated based on field data.
26 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Overall, there exists a notable gap in empi-
rical research on the analysis of ecosystem ser-
vices. Among all the Ramsar wetlands in Costa
Rica, the literature on the Térraba-Sierpe wet-
land contains the most comprehensive infor-
mation about ecosystem services. Conversely,
wetlands such as Las Baulas and Caño Negro
have fewer ecosystem services identified in
the literature.
Social actors and wetland ecosystem ser-
vices: The results of the social mapping reveal
that Palo Verde wetland, Caribe Noreste, and
Gandoca Manzanillo exhibit the highest num-
ber of social actors in their ego-networks.
While public actors predominate, communal
actors are also represented by several entities.
This is significant because wetlands with grea-
ter connectivity to diverse social actors, inclu-
ding communal, public, or individual entities,
are expected to foster greater social cooperation
and control over wetland uses. In this regard,
Bodin et al. (2011) emphasize that involving all
relevant social actors in the planning of wet-
lands is fundamental for achieving robust and
sustainable management.
Therefore, collaboration among national
entities, local governments, non-governmental
organizations, and the local population is cru-
cial for resolving conflicts that may arise over
the use of wetland natural resources. Howe-
ver, achieving this collaboration requires a
mutual understanding and trust among the
actors involved (Bodin et al., 2011). Thus,
merely having more actors in the network
does not necessarily imply greater cooperation.
However, an existing network may hold a com-
parative advantage over wetlands that lack a
social network structure for their management,
as the latter would need to build such a network
Fig. 11. Network clusters of Ramsar wetlands. Source: self-elaborated based on field data.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
from scratch. In our case, this advantage arises
because the social actor network is founded
on prior positive experiences of cooperation
and problem-solving in management. Conse-
quently, there is already a foundation of trust
and shared experience to build upon, as Bodin
et al. (2011) and Kininmonth et al. (2015)
suggest in the context of integrating social
actors into wetland management.
Thus, based on past wetland management
experiences reflected in the social actor net-
work, Maquenque and Térraba-Sierpe wetlands
have fewer social actors in their networks, with
communal groups mentioned only once. Con-
sequently, these wetlands may encounter grea-
ter management challenges when integrating
communal groups into planned actions.
For future wetland management conside-
rations, it is essential to acknowledge that each
situation and management problem must be
evaluated individually for each wetland. This
is because private and public interests do not
always align, and each scenario may require a
tailored approach, as noted by Cárcamo et al.
(2014) in the case of artisanal and industrial
fishers. Clare et al. (2013) highlights that public
policy decisions often create winners and losers
in the use of natural resources, thereby intensi-
fying management tensions.
It is crucial to acknowledge the diverse
ways in which local communities interact with
wetlands, with each wetland exhibiting varying
intensities of these interactions. For example,
Las Baulas offers significant cultural ecosystem
services compared to Maquenque. However,
Maquenque provides more provisioning servi-
ces than Las Baulas. The local socio-economic
dynamics influence the demand for products
and services from the wetland by households.
According to communal leaders, in Palo Verde,
there are minimal benefits to the communities
from tourism. Nevertheless, studies by Proyec-
to Humedales SINAC-PNUD-GEF (2017) and
Moreno et al. (2010) have identified recreatio-
nal and educational benefits from the wetland.
Moreno et al. (2010) conducted a study
that identified cultural ecosystem services such
as tourism and scientific research from Palo
Verde. Local perceived benefits reported by
communal leaders did not match those repor-
ted by Moreno et al. (2010). This difference
may stem from Moreno et al. (2010) including
a broader range of localities, overlapping only
with one of the communities studied. Our fin-
dings also reveal that Palo Verde has the highest
number of social actors involved in its network.
Conversely, local leaders in Las Baulas
wetland recognize that communities benefit
from tourism. This finding aligns with the
conclusions of Reyes et al. (2013) and Proyecto
Humedales SINAC-PNUD-GEF (2017). The
recognition of their use of wetland resources
influences the way local populations interact
with the ecosystem and may affect their willing-
ness to protect the natural resources of the wet-
land. For instance, Reyes et al. (2013) identified
and valued ecosystem services associated with
Las Baulas wetland, with cultural ecosystem
services such as lodging, food, transportation,
and tour operation being prominent. Despite
the involvement of numerous actors in utilizing
wetland benefits in Las Baulas, our findings
indicate that only nine actors are involved in
the wetlands network.
Communal leaders’ interviews reveal that
for wetlands Caribe Noreste and Gandoca Man-
zanillo, small-scale fishing and tourism are the
main ecosystem services. Proyecto Humeda-
les SINAC-PNUD-GEF (2017) supports these
findings and underlines that food and water
provisioning are central services in both wet-
lands, while genetic material is also an impor-
tant provisioning service in Caribe Noreste
wetland (Proyecto Humedales SINAC-PNUD-
GEF, 2017). We found that Caribe Noreste and
Gandoca Manzanillo are two of the wetlands
with more involved social actors with 20 (Pro-
yecto Humedales SINAC-PNUD-GEF, 2017).
Therefore, potential benefits such as educa-
tional uses, identified by Proyecto Humedales
SINAC-PNUD-GEF (2017) of the wetland, can
be enhanced in both cases.
In a similar case, in Caño Negro wet-
land, small-scale fishing and tourism are
the main ecosystem services underlined by
communal leaders. Proyecto Humedales
28 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
SINAC-PNUD-GEF (2017) identified food
and water provisioning, spiritual, recreational,
aesthetic, and educational services as central
ecosystem services. Nonetheless, there are only
11 social actors identified on the wetland net-
work; a low value compared to Caribe Noreste
wetland (Proyecto Humedales SINAC-PNUD-
GEF, 2017). In Maquenque wetland, communal
leaders also underline the presence of tourism,
however, it was not strongly perceived as an
important activity as it was for the leaders of
Caño Negro. In this wetland, fishing is also
an important activity, especially for household
consumption. Proyecto Humedales SINAC-
PNUD-GEF (2017) also found that food and
water provisioning is a central ecosystem ser-
vice. This author also identified recreational,
aesthetic, and educational services as with high
potential in the wetland.
Térraba-Sierpe is the wetland with more
research done, the main identified ecosystem
services in the literature are flood protection,
natural protection against droughts, nutrient
cycling, biodiversity, spiritual inspiration, pro-
viding “piangua, shrimp extraction, fishing,
water for agriculture and tourism, capture and
fixation of carbon (Barton, 1995; BIOMARCC-
SINAC-GIZ, 2012; Kocian et al., 2010; Proyecto
Humedales SINAC-PNUD-GEF, 2017; Reyes et
al., 2004; Sanchez et al., 2013) As the authors
mention, most of these services are non-exclu-
sive public goods, benefiting everyone. Our
results indicate that communal leaders mention
a wide range of ecosystem services, where pro-
visioning services such as “piangua” extraction
and small-scale fishing dominate, besides cul-
tural services such as tourism. Other authors
such as Barton (1995), Kocian et al. (2010),
Reyes et al. (2004) and Sanchez et al. (2013) also
found that piangua extraction was one of the
main provisioning services in Térraba-Sierpe
In general, Térraba-Sierpe wetland has a
great variety of ecosystem services that crea-
te an economic value. However, our results
show that it is one of the wetlands with the
lowest number of social actors involved on its
network (9 actors). Thereby, the documented
high socioeconomic dynamic of the wetland
demands a high contact with social actors; thus,
wetland authorities confront a challenge ensu-
ring sustainability.
Communal leaders mentioned the cha-
llenge for the local communities to use wetland
natural resources without endangering the sus-
tainability of ecosystem services. To enhan-
ce the coexistence between communities and
the wetland ecosystem, these key informants
propose the necessity to develop sustainable
productive projects with the participation of
different social actors. For instance, tourism
was not mentioned as an ecosystem service in
Palo Verde, although indeed there is tourism
attending to the wetland, locals do not feel that
tourism gives any benefit to the local communi-
ties. Meanwhile, activities such as aquaculture,
organic, and ecological production are propo-
sed for Palo Verde and Caño Negro communal
leaders. Taking advantage of legally framed
resources for consumption such as water and
firewood also seems important to communities.
Environmental education would be a service
desired in wetlands such as Gandoca-Manzani-
llo and Maquenque.
In the case of Gandoca Manzanillo wet-
land, early research of Alvarado (2008) con-
cluded that, at the interaction level, activities
such as organic farming, conservation incenti-
ves, low-impact tourism, agriculture, livestock,
and fishing can provide social and technical
solutions to negative interactions between the
environment and society. These practices could
be crucial and should be encouraged in the
area. However, we aggregate to the last that to
encourage these activities diverse social actors
must be included in the initiatives.
Therefore, identified potential uses such
as communal rural tourism, other uses such as
fishing and traditional tourism require greater
involvement from the Costa Rican Tourism
Institute (ICT) and the Ministry of Environ-
ment and Energy (MINAE) to regulate and
enhance these activities in wetlands. Based on
the wetlands’ social actors network, ICT only
has three mentions. Greater contact with wet-
lands is required by the Ministry of Agriculture
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
and Livestock (MAG), for example, to enhance
the use of forages from invasive species in wet-
lands and by the Ministry of Public Education
(MEP) to implement environmental education
programs in communities geographically coe-
xisting with wetlands. So far, MAG only has
five mentions, and MEP has five mentions in
the network. Much is still to be enhanced in
terms of incorporating social actors to coope-
rative work to improve wetland relations with
social actors.
Furthermore, Municipalities and the
Ministry of Public Security (MPS) are the
actors with the highest number of contacts
in the network (high indegree centrality),
followed by public universities. This highlights
positive relations in terms of controlling illegal
activities within the wetland, developing acade-
mic research in the wetlands, and connecting
the ecosystem to local productive activities.
These ongoing connections should be further
enhanced. Municipalities are the local govern-
ments managing the local territory; thus, they
play a central role in developing sustainable
relations between the local population and
the wetland ecosystems. Collaboration among
social actors in wetland management is crucial,
especially considering the budget reductions
faced by SINAC-MINAE (Programa Estado de
la Nación, 2023). Therefore, incorporating local
communities is essential as they are the direct
beneficiaries of ecosystem services due to their
geographical proximity.
As mentioned, our results position the
local government in a central role within the
wetlands network. This indicates that positive
relationships between wetlands and their mana-
gement are crucial for problem-solving and
cooperation. Another network-based approach,
applied by Kininmonth et al. (2015), focused
on the role of municipalities in the governan-
ce and local management of wetlands. Their
findings suggest that higher interconnections
between local governments are desirable for
effective cooperation in wetland management.
This is because limited resources and in-house
expertise often necessitate collaboration among
neighboring municipalities to achieve goals and
improve operational efficiency (Kininmonth
et al., 2015). However, wetland management
in Costa Rica is centralized under SINAC.
Therefore, further studies should analyze the
relationships between this institution and
municipalities, as well as among local govern-
ments, in managing Ramsar wetlands from a
broader geographical perspective.
Cárcamo et al. (2014) also utilized social
actors to identify ecosystem services. They
found differences in the prioritizations of diffe-
rent stakeholder groups, particularly between
other actors and fishermen. These differences
stem from components related to their activi-
ties and livelihoods. This example underscores
the challenges of cooperative work between
network actors. In the case presented by Cár-
camo et al. (2014), private interests such as
industrial and illegal fishing are perceived as
high threats, while artisanal fishing is seen as
a low threat. Hence, we concur with Cárcamo
et al. (2014) that achieving common goals
and agreements among stakeholders is cru-
cial to improve decision-making and wetland
management. Their opinions and perceptions
must be incorporated into a science-policy
framework. Thus, securing the sustainability of
wetlands and maintaining ecosystem services
requires the involvement of all stakeholders
in the development and implementation of a
management planning process (Ramsar Con-
vention Secretariat, 2010).
Differences in wetlands provisio-
ning services: Communal leaders identified
14 provisioning services associated with the
extraction and use of timber and non-timber
products from wetlands, one service related to
transport, 12 services benefiting agricultural
production, and two related to animal produc-
tion. Only three cultural services were reported
by communal leaders. Therefore, the collection
of products from the wetlands, pertaining to
provisioning services, is the most evident for
the informants. The diversity of these products
was quantified using the survey. This techni-
que allows us to delve into the differences in
30 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
products and the demand for wetland products
among households.
Fish is the main product collected by hou-
seholds from the wetlands. There are diffe-
rences between wetlands that do not have a
coast and those that are coastal wetlands. It is
important to mention that most studies iden-
tifying fishing as a relevant ecosystem service
did not provide detailed information about the
fish types, families, or species collected within
the wetland. The only study that reported
families and some species of particular interest
is Proyecto Humedales SINAC-PNUD-GEF
(2017). Table 18 shows the fish families repor-
ted by Proyecto Humedales SINAC-PNUD-
GEF (2017), with the underlined fish families
also registered in the applied survey. We concur
with Proyecto Humedales SINAC-PNUD-GEF
(2017) on these families:
Caribe Noreste: Cichlidae, Centropomi-
dae, and Lutjanidae.
Gandoca Manzanillo: Lutjanidae, Centro-
pomidae, Carangidae.
Caño Negro: Lepisosteidae, Cichlidae.
Maquenque: Characidae, Cichlidae.
Our results show that in coastal wetlands,
most of the fish families are sea fish, while in
wetlands without a coast, the main fish families
captured are freshwater fishes. Here are the
wetlands and the main fish families captured by
households, with the quantity in units.
Térraba-Sierpe: Pargo (Lutjanidae, 1 994),
Gualaje (Centropomidae, 2 562).
Gandoca Manzanillo: Pargo (Lutjanidae,
384), Jurel (Carangidae, 9 072).
Caribe Noreste: Robalo (Centropomidae,
1 272), Jurel (Carangidae, 1 362), Pargo
(Lutjanidae, 1 418), Mojarra (Cichlidae,
1 518).
Las Baulas: Pargo (Lutjanidae, 5 208), Jurel
(Carangidae, 25 824).
Palo Verde: Tilapia (Cichlidae, 1 162).
Caño Negro: Mojarra (Cichlidae, 1 708),
Guapote (Cichlidae, 7 972).
Maquenque: Guapote (Cichlidae, 2 424),
Barbudo (Pimelodidae, 2 586), Machaca
(Bryconidae, 2 676), Mojarra (Cichlidae,
5 622).
The wetland where one fish family stands
out over all the wetlands is the case of Jurel
(Carangidae, 25 764) in Las Baulas. The higher
demand for fish in this wetland was somewhat
expected since Las Baulas resides in a region
where tourism and economic development
have increased in the last decade (Programa
Estado de la Nación, 2017). Therefore, there
must be an increase in the wetland products
demanded by the households.
Most of the households reported that they
fish for self-consumption and to pursue addi-
tional income. However, the case of freshwater
fish was mentioned to have fewer market pos-
sibilities than sea fish. The case of Palo Verde is
also a special case because due to the existence
of open irrigation channels for agriculture,
these have become habitat for local and exotic
species brought by the people, for example, the
case of tilapia (Cichlidae, 1 162). The case of
piangua (Mollusk, 307 464) is a special case in
Térraba-Sierpe wetland, where its extraction is
the most important provisioning service identi-
fied and quantified.
In general, the socio-ecological network
authority score shows that shrimps (crusta-
cean), robalo (Centropomidae), roncador
(Haemulidae), pargo (Lutjanidae), and jurel
(Carangidae) are those products that are most
central in the network, determined not only by
the quantity of those but also by the number
of wetlands where they are simultaneously
demanded. The three wetlands that provide
more and more diverse products are Caribe-
Noreste, Térraba-Sierpe, and Gandoca Manza-
nillo. Although, as mentioned, fish is the most
dominant product, each wetland has specific
products demanded by local households, these
products are found on the periphery of the
network. For instance, wild birds in Palo Verde,
lobster (crustacean) in Gandoca Manzanillo,
Gaspar fish in Caño Negro, and jaibas (crusta-
cean) in Caribe Noreste.
The results of the network cluster analy-
sis provide valuable insights for integrating
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
management criteria across different wetlands.
The interconnection patterns reflected in the
network can serve as a structural framework
to understand household demands and their
similar relationships betweenn wetlands. The
seven wetlands are grouped into three network
subclusters. The first cluster includes Caribe
Noreste, Las Baulas, Gandoca Manzanillo, and
Térraba Sierpe. These four wetlands belong to
the same cluster as they share several products
demanded by the households, such as jurel
(Carangidae) and pargo (Lutjanidae). From
a sustainable management perspective, it can
be inferred that certain management criteria
applicable to these products could be similarly
applied to these wetlands.
The second cluster consists of the Maquen-
que and Caño Negro wetlands. Both are fres-
hwater ecosystems located in the northern
region of the country, and their products are
comparable—freshwater fish families domi-
nate the products demanded by households.
This similarity suggests that their management
could integrate similar criteria.
Lastly, Palo Verde exhibits distinct con-
ditions and products compared to the other
wetlands. As a result, it occupies a unique
cluster within the network and warrants a
management approach tailored to its specific
Since fisheries are so important for the
local communities, it is recommended to inte-
grate and motivate local fishers into wetland
governance. For instance, identification of cen-
tral leaders in this activity is a strategy for
improving fisheries management (Ramírez-
Sánchez, 2011), a statement aligned with our
research results, since it highlights how com-
munal leaders emphasize their relationships
with fisheries.
Integrating social actors such as fishers
will have a higher impact since they are socially
and emotionally engaged rather than following
institutions as-rules (Ramírez-Sánchez, 2011).
Moreover, it must be considered the differences
in fish species and levels of engagement of local
leaders and communities. Therefore, different
wetlands may pursue different strategies for
effective management (Marambanyika & Bec-
kedahl, 2017). We concur with Marambanyi-
ka & Beckedahl (2017) and propose that the
results of the network cluster analysis can be
utilized to develop integrated management cri-
teria. Thus, strategies may operate at different
levels: those tailored to the unique characte-
ristics of each wetland, and those addressing
comparable conditions among wetlands within
the same network cluster.
Finally, in the case of fisheries, it is recom-
mended to follow an adaptive management
approach (Sandström, 2011). In this type of
management, social actors continuously con-
sider information on the fisheries conditions
and movements. Therefore, management rules
must be constantly revised based on ecological
knowledge (Sandström, 2011). However, in
the case of Costa Rica, this last point could be
a difficult task since fisheries conditions and
health are not continuously monitored.
Wetland management tensions: If we
integrate the results of the social actors’ net-
work and the results of the provisioning ser-
vices socio-ecological network, we have two
main dimensions of wetland management.
First, collaboration with social actors is key to
addressing tensions with local communities.
Second, attending to the demand in terms of
quantity and diversity of products that hou-
seholds have from the wetlands is crucial to
ensuring sustainability, not only for the ecosys-
tem but also for the local socio-economy of the
population. Therefore, the first dimension is
captured by the network outdegree centrality of
the social actors’ network. The second dimen-
sion is reflected by the provisioning services
socio-ecological network hub-score.
Table 19 presents the recategorization of
the mentioned variables and estimates a total
value based on the combination of both. The
conceptual value behind the first point is that
the higher the network hub score, the higher
the pressure on the natural resources of the
wetland. Therefore, much care should be taken
by the authorities at the moment to coordinate
and control human activities. Meanwhile, the
32 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
number of social actors reveals the social tools
that the wetland authorities may have to coo-
perate and create alliances to solve problems.
Hence, the higher the number of actors positi-
vely linked to the wetland, the higher the possi-
bilities to achieve agreements and solutions by
integrating the opinions of actors.
Here, we assume that the social actors are
willing to cooperate and build trust, as our
network of social actors is based on positive
relationships and prior cooperation experien-
ces. Therefore, following Bodin et al. (2011)
and Kininmonth et al. (2015), a greater number
of relationships in the network, founded on
cooperation and trust, may enhance the social
capital of wetlands, thereby improving the con-
ditions for solving management problems com-
pared to a less interconnected wetland.
The identification shows a high propensity
for wetland management tensions in Térraba-
Sierpe and Maquenque wetlands. These two
cases have a high demand for products and a
low number of social actors on the wetlands
network. Moderately exposed to management
tensions are Caribe Noreste and Gandoca Man-
zanillo, as they have both a high demand for
products and a high number of actors on their
actors’ network. Caño Negro and Las Baulas
wetlands also have moderate expectations for
tensions, as they have both a low demand for
products and a low number of social actors.
Finally, Palo Verde is the only wetland that has
a low expected propensity for tensions, since
the wetland has a low demand for products and
a high number of actors on the social network.
As observed, 29 % (two out of seven: Térra-
ba-Sierpe and Maquenque) of the wetlands
have conditions conducive to high tension in
managing the wetland ecosystem, while 57 %
(five out of seven: Caribe Noreste, Gandoca
manzanillo, Caño Negro and Las Baulas) have
a moderate propensity and 14 % (one out of
seven: Palo Verde) have a more favorable sce-
nario. These aspects should be addressed by
policymakers, as decisions regarding sustai-
nability and wetlands must be integrated into
a comprehensive planning context to enhance
well-being and improve environmental quality
(Turner et al., 2000). In this regard, Bodin et
al. (2011) emphasize that collaborative mana-
gement, which incorporates strong relations
between social actors, is necessary for suc-
cessful management. This integrated planning
approach is only feasible if the relationships
between social actors and wetland ecological
units are underscored and considered when
assigning responsibilities.
Early literature has already documented
that conflicts in wetlands management are not
uncommon, as wetlands management autho-
rities must contend with both land and water
ecosystems. Therefore, various types of actors
exert pressure on management interests (Han-
sen, 1982). In this context, Clare et al. (2013)
emphasize that winners and losers emerge
depending on how management policies are
designed. They argue that a better approach
Table 19
Identification of wetland management tensions.
Térraba-Sierpe Caribe-Noreste Gandoca Manzanillo Maquenque Caño Negro Las Baulas Palo Verde
Household demand from the
wetland-Network hub score1
Middle High High Middle High Middle High Middle Low Middle Low Low
Social actors interrelated
with the wetland-Network
Low Middle High Middle High Low Middle Low Low High
Total value37 6 5 7 5 6 2
1. Network hub score from the socio-ecological network: Low = 1 (1–0.81), Middle-Low = 2 (0.82–0.53), Middle-High =
3 (0.54–0.4), High = 4 (less than 0.4). 2. Actors interrelated with the wetland (network outdegree) from the social actors
network: Low = 4 (less than 9), Middle-Low = 3 (9–11), Middle-High = 2 (11–20), High = 1 (more than 20). 3. High = 8–7,
Middle-High = 6–5, Middle-Low = 4–3, Low = 2–1. Source: self-elaborated based on field data.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
to mitigating tensions in wetland manage-
ment involves incorporating diverse opinions
of social actors and their perspectives into
wetland policy discussions. Similarly, to reduce
potential tensions in wetland management,
Cárcamo et al. (2014) stress the importance,
of integrating ecosystem services and com-
mon social and environmental goals in the
early planning stages of marine protected areas.
However, in some cases, the integration of
social and environmental goals has not been
prioritized from the outset. In such instances,
mitigating conflicts is beneficial for protec-
ting wetlands, maintaining ecosystem services,
and coordinating local socioeconomic develop-
ment, as noted by Sun et al. (2021).
As we have demonstrated, combining the
wetland social actor network with the pro-
visioning services network provides valuable
insights into the potential challenges faced by
Ramsar wetlands in Costa Rica. Integrating the
local population into future conservation and
restoration initiatives could enhance the aware-
ness of local inhabitants regarding a broader
range of ecosystem services. For example, the
results show that the Ministry of Education is
not a central actor in the network, as indicated
by its low indegree centrality. Thus, fostering
collaboration between SINAC and the Ministry
of Education together with the communities
could potentially enhance the perspective that
future generations have regarding the benefits
of wetlands. This, in turn, may foster more
positive relationships between communities,
the ecosystem, and management authorities, as
suggested by Evangelista et al. (2024). Conse-
quently, one could expect the social networks of
these wetlands to become better interconnected
in the future.
We also agree with Marambanyika &
Beckedahl (2017) who found that the local
population plays a central role in both bene-
fiting from and conserving Ramsar wetlands.
As our results also suggest, Marambanyika
& Beckedahl (2017) results found that poor
institutional actors participation is associated
with challenges in wetland governance, lea-
ding to management tensions, confusion, and
conflict among social actors. In this context
the engagement of communal leaders and local
committees indicates a commitment to wet-
land conservation, given that their livelihoods
depend on the health of the ecosystem. We fully
endorse Marambanyika & Beckedahls (2017)
conclusion that local communities should be
at the core of institutional governance structu-
res, particularly in developing countries where
resources for wetland management and protec-
tion are limited.
Wetland conflicts typically arise from
land use, human activities within wetlands,
and, more recently, urban expansion (Sun et
al., 2021). Similarly, Veas-Ayala et al. (2022)
demonstrated that wetlands in Costa Rica
face various vulnerability drivers associated
with human activities in their vicinity. Spe-
cifically, Térraba-Sierpe wetland was identi-
fied as highly vulnerable, along with Caño
Negro and Palo Verde wetlands. In our study,
Térraba-Sierpe wetland exhibited conditions
conducive to high management tensions, while
Caño Negro had moderately high conditions
and Palo Verde had low conditions, primarily
based on social actors and household demand
for products. Therefore, future research could
benefit from combining approaches to gain a
broader understanding of the challenges in wet-
land management. For example, integrating our
approach, which considers community-based
ecosystem services and wetland social actors
network, with that of Veas-Ayala et al. (2022),
which focuses on ecosystem health, would pro-
vide valuable insights.
Our findings suggest that sustaining
ecosystem services is achievable through sus-
tainable management that involves social actors
in the process. By focusing on socio-ecological
relationships, our study elucidates that societal
and environmental interdependencies are criti-
cal to understanding wetland socio-ecological
systems (Sayles et al., 2019). Consequently,
actors within socio-ecological networks can
learn from interactions, facilitating the deve-
lopment of updated management strategies
based on socio-ecological changes (Barnes et
al., 2019). It is also noteworthy to emphasize
34 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63638, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
that the effectiveness of cooperative decision-
making processes depends on various factors,
including external policies and regulatory
mandates, internal institutional administrative
and budget structures, as well as institutio-
nal cultures and approaches to science and
decision-making criteria (Behnken et al., 2016).
Therefore, identifying constraints on coopera-
tive action early in the wetland management
planning process can help prevent future con-
flicts and management tensions.
Finally, we have shown that local inha-
bitants are aware of the benefits they obtain
from wetlands. However, these benefits are
primarily centered on provisioning and cul-
tural services. While these services vary from
wetland to wetland, fish provisioning is the
most common across all Ramsar wetlands in
Costa Rica. Given that the social actors network
within wetlands highlights clear necessities for
involving these actors, wetland management
authorities should consider these factors to
enhance ecosystem management and mitigate
potential tensions among ecosystem service
beneficiaries. Although these tensions differ
between wetlands, almost all wetlands expe-
rience moderate to high conditions of mana-
gement tensions due to their social network
structures and the demand for wetland pro-
ducts by local communities.
Ethical statement: the authors declare
that they all agree with this publication and
made significant contributions; that there is
no conflict of interest of any kind; and that we
followed all pertinent ethical and legal proce-
dures and requirements. All financial sources
are fully and clearly stated in the acknowled-
gments section. A signed document has been
filed in the journal archives.
See supplementary material
All the information here was gathered
within the framework of the project entitled
Conservation, Sustainable Use of Biodiversity,
and Maintenance of Ecosystem Services of Pro-
tected Wetlands of International Importance
(Conservación, Uso Sostenible de la Biodi-
versidad y Mantenimiento de los Servicios de
los Ecosistemas de Humedales Protegidos de
Importancia Internacional), which was coor-
dinated between SINAC-PNUD-GEF, project
PIMS 4966 ID 00088054. Special thanks go
to all the members of the project, the coordi-
nators, and all the households and communal
leaders who took part in the research. Thanks
also go to Lucia Vargas for her guidance in
identifying fish families.
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