Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Coral reefs restoration initiatives in Costa Rica: ten years building hope
Juan José Alvarado1*; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2620-9115
Katharine Evans2; https://orcid.org/0009-0004-2116-4714
Joan A. Kleypas3,4; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4851-7124
José Andrés Marín-Moraga4; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8499-5620
Mauricio Mendez-Venegas5; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4855-3731
Carlos Pérez-Reyes6; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0663-9019
Marylaura Sandoval4; https://orcid.org/0009-0002-8120-412X
María José Solano1; https://orcid.org/0009-0002-4624-2913
Tatiana Villalobos-Cubero4; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2259-5514
1. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR), Escuela de Biología, Centro de Investigación en
Biodiversidad y Ecología Tropical (CIBET), Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro, 11501-2060 San José, Costa Rica;
juan.alvarado@ucr.ac.cr (*Correspondance); majosogo98@gmail.com
2. Marine Conservation Costa Rica, Quepos, Costa Rica; kat@marineconservationcostarica.org
3. National Center of Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, Estados Unidos de América; kleypas@ucar.edu
4. Raising Coral Costa Rica (RCCR), San José, Costa Rica; jamm@raisingcoral.org; marylaura@raisingcoral.org:
5. Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía, Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación, Costa Rica;
6. Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje, Puntarenas, Costa Rica; cperezreyes@ina.ac.cr
Received 19-VII-2024. Corrected 15-X-2024. Accepted 27-I-2025.
Introduction: Costa Rica has been recognized worldwide for its high biodiversity and the conservation actions
it has implemented. One of the most iconic ecosystems are coral reefs, which have experienced strong anthropo-
genic and natural pressures in recent years. To ensure these ecosystems’ preservation and services, a series of coral
restoration initiatives have emerged in the last ten years along both Pacific and Caribbean coasts.
Objective: To document the different advances of the various coral restoration initiatives Costa Ricas Pacific
and Caribbean coasts.
Methods: This review focuses on the implementation of the different reef restoration efforts, indicating the
restoration techniques used, the coral species used in the nurseries, as well as the general results of survival and
Results: The first coral restoration project in Costa Rica occurred in the 1990s and was the only such effort until
the 2010s. In 2013, a pilot project began in the Golfo Dulce area, which was later replicated in other areas of the
country, such as Manuel Antonio, Sámara, and Bahía Culebra on the Pacific coast, and more recently in Punta
Cahuita in the Caribbean. Various artificial structures have been used as nurseries in the water column such as
trees and ropes, and benthic structures such like A-frames, tables, and spiders, the former being very effective
for branching species (Pocillopora spp.), while the rest have worked successfully both for branched and massive
species (Pavona spp. and Porites spp.). The results shows a growth rates have been between 6 and 9 cm/year, with
survival of 60–90 % of the branching and massive colonies. All sites were seriously affected by the El Niño 2023
phenomenon, with high bleaching values and loss of colonies in the nurseries and on the reef.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Ecological restoration is a series of ongoing
activities that seek to conserve biodiversity and
human well-being. Within this continuum of
activities, ecological restoration is a process that
assists in the recovery of an ecosystem that has
been degraded, damaged or destroyed (Gann et
al., 2019). Coral reef restoration garners atten-
tion as human activities and anthropogenic
climate change result in an unprecedented scale
of reef degradation, compromising ecosystem
resilience and survival (Hoegh-Guldberg et al.,
2023; Hughes et al., 2018; Suggett et al., 2024).
Restoration projects dating back to the early
1980’s focused on research and understanding
the basics of coral gardening (Bowden-Kerby,
1997; Guzmán, 1991; Guzmán & Cortés, 1989;
Harriott & Harrison, 1984; Rinkevich, 1995).
In the 2000’s, more projects were established
as restoration practices were increasingly rec-
ognized as a positive tool for reef management
and to prevent the extinction of certain coral
species such as acroporids in the Caribbean
(Lirman & Schopmeyer, 2016; Rodriguez-Mar-
tinez et al., 2014; Young et al., 2012). A recent
emergence of initiatives occurred after 2016
following El Niños global scale impact on coral
Conclusion: Despite geographic and oceanographic distinctions, these projects have emphasized local engage-
ment and perception of coral reefs, fostered intersectoral public-private collaborations for financial and human
resources, and operated within established governmental regulatory frameworks. All projects face vulnerabilities
such as El Niño events and Harmful Algal Blooms.
Key words: Acropora; Caribbean; El Niño; growth rate; nurseries; Pacific; Pavona; Pocillopora; Porites; survival.
Iniciativas de restauración de arrecifes de coral en Costa Rica: diez años construyendo esperanza
Introducción: Costa Rica ha sido reconocido mundialmente por su alta biodiversidad y las acciones de conserva-
ción que han implementado. Uno de los ecosistemas más icónicos son los arrecifes de coral, los cuales han expe-
rimentado fuertes presiones antrópicas y naturales en los últimos años. Para asegurar la preservación de dichos
ecosistemas y de sus servicios ecosistémicos, una serie de iniciativas de restauración coralinas han surgido en los
últimos diez años a lo largo de ambas costas, Pacífica y Caribe.
Objetivo: Documentar los diferentes avances de las variadas iniciativas de restauración coralinas tanto en la costa
Pacífica y Caribe de Costa Rica.
Métodos: Esta revisión bibliográfica se centra en los avances de los diferentes grupos, indicando las técnicas de
restauración utilizadas, las especies de coral utilizadas en los viveros, así como los resultados generales de sobre-
vivencia y crecimiento.
Resultados: El primer proyecto de restauración coralina en Costa Rica se da en la década de los 1990, y fue el
único esfuerzo hasta la década de 2010. En el 2013 comienza un proyecto piloto en la zona de Golfo Dulce, que
luego se va replicando en otras zonas del país como Manuel Antonio, Sámara, Bahía Culebra, en la costa Pacífica,
y más recientemente en Punta Cahuita en el Caribe. Se han utilizado varias estructuras como viveros en la
columna de agua como árboles y cuerdas, y bentónicos como marcos en A, mesas, y arañas, siendo estas últimas
muy efectivas para especies ramificadas (Pocillopora spp.), mientras que el resto han funcionado exitosamente
tanto para especies ramificadas como masivas (Pavona spp. y Porites spp.). En términos generales las tasas de
crecimiento han rondado entre 6 y 9 cm/año, con supervivencias entre 60–90 % de las colonias. Todos los sitios
fueron gravemente afectados por el fenómeno de El Niño 2023, con altos valores de blanqueamiento y pérdida
de colonias en los viveros.
Conclusión: A pesar de las distinciones geográficas y oceanográficas, estos proyectos han enfatizado el compromi-
so y la percepción local de los arrecifes de coral, han fomentado colaboraciones público-privadas intersectoriales
para recursos financieros y humanos y han operado dentro de marcos regulatorios gubernamentales establecidos.
Todos los proyectos enfrentan vulnerabilidades como eventos de El Niño y floraciones de algas nocivas.
Palabras clave: Acropora; Caribe; El Niño; Pacífico; Pavona; Pocillopora; Porites; sobrevivencia; tasa de crecimien-
to; viveros.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
reefs, with special urgency in the Great Barrier
Reef (Alvarado et al., 2020; McLeod et al., 2022;
Stuart-Smith et al., 2018; Suggett et al., 2019).
Restoration goals and techniques have
evolved over the last 20 years. As changing
environments modified ecosystem health and
composition, new objectives and technologies
were required to improve efficiency and holis-
tically tackle the interventions (Mumby et al.,
2021; Vardi et al., 2021). Initially, coral restora-
tion was centered on direct coral transplanta-
tion and coral gardening, and often neglected
the maintenance of species and genetic diversi-
ty (Baums et al., 2019; Boström-Einarsson et al.,
2020; Rinkevich, 2005). Over time, scientists
and coral reef managers suggested a combina-
tion of techniques and even, the implementa-
tion of higher risk practices, going from genetic
and sexual advances (e.g. assisted evolution and
coral migration) to socio-ecological interven-
tions, as citizens developing key restoration
efforts (Anthony et al., 2017; Hagedorn et al.,
2021; Kleypas et al., 2021a; Shaver et al., 2022;
Villalobos-Cubero et al., 2023).
In Latin America, reef restoration has been
widely practiced in the Caribbean, with less
incidence in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP)
(Bayraktarov et al., 2020; Bowden-Kerby et al.,
2005; Rodriguez-Martinez et al., 2014; Young
et al., 2012). Concern for coral reefs’ health
and the lack of information have motivated
more projects in ETP, some with a research
purpose, while some others in fact, to assist
natural recovery as possible (Bayraktarov et
al., 2020; Combillet et al., 2022; Liñán-Cabello
et al., 2010; Martínez-Castillo et al., 2023). In
recent years, the number of coral restoration
efforts in the ETP has increased dramatically
(Bayraktarov et al., 2019). However, experience
is still limited compared to other regions, such
as the Caribbean or the Indo-Pacific (Boström-
Einarsson et al., 2020) and few projects use
coral gardening (Ishida-Castañeda et al., 2020).
Certainly, the Coral Restoration Consortiums
lead role has been key to spreading scientific
progress and facilitating experience exchange,
which is helping new restoration projects stay
at the forefront (Vardi et al., 2021). Technology
implementation and restoration scale are still
a challenge but understanding and coordi-
nating efforts at national and regional lev-
els means an opportunity to connect funds,
reefs and challenges (Anthony et al., 2017;
Bayraktarov et al., 2020).
With this literature review we wish to
recapitulate the advances in the last ten years
in the restoration of coral reefs in Costa Rica,
both on its Pacific and Caribbean coasts. Our
interest is to present a brief account of various
artificial reef establishment activities from the
1980s to the present, government support for
coral restoration initiatives, and then present
the different restoration projects that have been
carried out in the last years. We conclude with
a series of recommendations and future lines of
work at the national and regional level.
Previous restoration initiatives
(80 & 90’s) in Costa Rica
The first initiatives to restore marine envi-
ronments in Costa Rica come from the 80’s,
when an attempt to deploy artificial reefs in
the Gulf of Nicoya (Playa Mantas) to provide
alternatives for fisheries management (Campos
& Guzmán, 1986; Guzman et al., 1988). Using
approximately 1 900 tires tied with propylene
rope and galvanized wire, an artificial reef was
built at 8–10 m depth in modules of 5, 10 and
15 units. Monthly data was collected to com-
pare the fish population versus a natural rocky
reef for a year. Throughout this period, the pro-
gram managers determined that the biomass
and number of species of commercial interest
were greater than in rocky reefs, being ten times
more productive (Campos & Guzman 1986;
Guzman et al., 1988). Likewise, they indicated
that the artificial reef served as a breeding area
for species of commercial value (Campos &
Gamboa, 1989; Guzman et al., 1988). By 1987,
the reef had 5 000 tires, and they observed a
change in the structure of the fish community
composition, with a change in dominance from
lutjanide to haemulidae. Species of commercial
interest represented 47 % of the total species
(Campos & Gamboa, 1989). By April 1987,
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Thorne et al. (1989) investigated the same site
to determine the potential use of hydroacous-
tics for studies of abundance and behavior in
artificial reefs. It was possible to detect a strong
association of fish with the artificial reef during
daylight hours, but a high dispersion during
the night.
After this initiative in Playas Mantas, other
attempts were made in Bahía Culebra in the
1990s with PVC pipes (J. Campos, personal
communication, March 2024), or in various
areas of the Gulf of Nicoya with tires (Inter
Press Service, 1999), “ReefBalls” (Infobae, 2021;
La Nación, 2005; Soto-Méndez, 2021) or ship-
wrecks (La Nación, 2000; La Nación, 2004).
Likewise, the Costa Rican Institute of Electric-
ity (ICE) established an artificial reef with por-
celain insulators in Playa Hermosa Guanacaste
(Garza, 2019). The most recent initiative comes
from the National Learning Institute-Institu-
to Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA) in Playa
Blanca (Punta Leona) using “ReefBalls (Mar-
tínez, 2021). All initiatives involved civil soci-
ety through fishermens organizations, primary
schools or groups of divers, but to date there
are no publications or data that quantify their
follow-up. Due to this, in 2021, the “Technical
guide for the establishment of artificial reefs in
Costa Rica” was established, however this guide
has not been ratified and made official by the
Government. This manual is intended to be a
regulatory instrument of the technical process-
es to be considered in the planning, installation
and management projects of artificial reefs in
Costa Rica, where the possible implications and
responsibilities they entail are clear. Likewise,
for 2018, a specific guide was generated for the
area of Paquera, in the Gulf of Nicoya (Sánchez
& Azofeifa, 2018).
The only coral reef restoration initiative
established in that period was performed on
the Biological Reserve Isla del Caño, in the
southern Pacific of Costa Rica (Guzman, 1991).
In response to the impacts of the 1982–1983
El Niño phenomenon and red tides on mas-
sive mortalities of the reefs of this island and
arguing the low reproductive potential of the
corals in the area, Guzman (1991) set out to
demonstrate the feasibility of reef restoration.
Fifty-two coral fragments of Pocillopora were
placed on the reef frame by attaching them with
wire to 30-cm-long steel stakes and were moni-
tored for almost three years (1987–1989). The
results indicated that live coral cover increased
from 20 % to nearly 60 %, with a mortality rate
of only 20 % on the experimental plot. Like-
wise, the natural fragmentation produced the
appearance of asexual recruits, with an increase
of 117 % of new colonies. In this way, Guzman
(1991) demonstrated that this type of initiative
is feasible in the region under various conser-
vation schemes such as the implementation of
the same activity within a marine protected
area, and that under the impacts of El Niño,
restoration can be a tool to help the recovery of
these ecosystems.
The role of the Government
in the restoration initiatives
Ecological restoration activities should be
conceptualized as a part of governance, which
integrates collaborative processes of multiple
actors, including the State, the productive sec-
tor and society (Richardson & Lefroy, 2016). In
these processes, the State can adopt different
roles, although often the main contribution
is that it is expected to provide the political
and legal conditions for restoration initiatives
to take place in an articulated and harmoni-
ous manner, avoiding conflicts between actors,
whether the ecosystem in question is used for
consumptive purposes. Flores-Aguilar et al.
(2018), when studying cases of environmental
governance and payments for environmental
services in Latin America, concluded that the
State still has an important role in arbitra-
tion and allocation of roles among the actors
involved. In the case of the policy for “Payment
for Environmental Services” (PES) that Costa
Rica implemented in the 1990s, this consisted
of a system of incentives to landowners for the
protection of forests and promotion of refores-
tation for productive purposes, with results that
have been considered very successful. The par-
ticipating families stated that the PES allowed
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
improvements in the quality of life of the family
nucleus, improvement in the environment at
the farm and community levels, as well as inter-
personal and emotional relationships at the
family and personal levels, beyond the thou-
sands of hectares dedicated to the protection
of the forest, carbon sequestration and water
recharge of these sites (Ortiz-Malavasi, 2004).
In August 2024, the Costa Rican gov-
ernment established Law No. 23555, called
“Incentive for the protection of marine-coast-
al biodiversity.” This law establishes the fund
for payment for environmental services for
marine-coastal ecosystem services, to promote
the conservation, sustainable use and restora-
tion of ecosystems located within the territorial
sea, as well as the exclusive economic zone of
Costa Rica. The groups that can benefit from
this fund will be artisanal fishermen, associa-
tions, fishing or tourism cooperatives, as well
as organized groups within coastal communi-
ties that carry out restoration, conservation or
sustainable use activities of marine resources.
The fund has not yet entered into force and
is awaiting the development of the regulations
that will put it into operation.
In 2018, an interesting case arose in the
implementation of the triangular cooperation
project “Development of an innovative financial
mechanism for coral reef conservation in the
Dominican Republic, financed by the Region-
al Fund for Triangular Cooperation in Latin
America and the Caribbean of the German
Cooperation Agency (GIZ). In this project, the
Dominican Republic, as both the requesting
and receiving country, expected to develop a
PES mechanism for the conservation of coral
reefs, based on the experience in PES for forest
protection developed by Costa Rica. During
the proposal implementation process, it was
identified that there was an opportunity for
Costa Rica to receive knowledge transfer and
experience in coral reef restoration from the
Dominican Republic as part of the same proj-
ect. Although Costa Rica was already develop-
ing some experiences in coral reef restoration,
the Dominican Republics experience in coral
gardening became a pivot for Costa Rica for the
definition of a country strategy on the subject
(Larghi, 2022).
The implementation of this project led
to the enactment of Executive Decree No.
41774-MINAE “Promotion of restoration and
conservation initiatives for the recovery of coral
ecosystems, which aims to promote the protec-
tion and conservation of reef ecosystems and
their associated species throughout the national
territory. Under this legal framework and with
the implementation of the Costa Rica-Domin-
ican Republic-Germany triangular proposal,
implusing the development of coral restoration
initiatives in Culebra Bay, Golfo Dulce, Sámara
Beach, Manuel Antonio and more recently
Southern Caribbean. Under this initiative,
knowledge was shared between projects being
developed in Costa Rica and coral reef restora-
tion projects in Bayahibe, Dominican Republic,
executed by FUNDEMAR and the Center for
Marine Innovation of the Punta Cana Group
Foundation, both in the Dominican Republic.
Another topic that was considered nec-
essary and developed in this context was a
Protocol for the restoration of reefs and coral
communities in Costa Rica” (SINAC-GIZ. 2020).
This document aims to provide a legal technical
guidance framework for coral reef restoration
projects in Costa Rica. This guide also arises
from the experience of the Dominican Republic
in the establishment of coral gardening proj-
ects, where the appearance and disappearance
of restoration projects sometimes responded to
economic rather than environmental interests,
which in some cases caused the loss of colonies
and the affectation of natural reefs. Ensuring
that all restoration projects use a technical and
legal basis reduces this risk. This protocol was
implemented through a project in which the
University of Costa Rica, the NGO Raising
Coral Costa Rica, the company Ecodesarrollo
Papagayo, the National System of Conservation
Areas (SINAC) and GIZ participated. This pilot
project consisted of the development of a coral
gardening project in Culebra Bay, North Pacific
of Costa Rica (see section below).
Finally, following the example of the
Dominican Republic, in 2023 the first Coral
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Restoration Consortium was established in
Costa Rica. This consortium seeks to be a
meeting point to discuss the different coral
reef restoration initiatives in Costa Rica. The
consortium is currently being led by the NGO
Raising Coral Costa Rica, and is free adhesion,
promoting that to-date is constituted by differ-
ent national organizations.
Study cases
The studies are presented from north to
south on the Pacific side (Fig. 1), without a
chronological order, only geographically; while
in the Caribbean they only occur in the south-
ern area of said coast. Each geographic area
presents its origin, advances and challenges.
Bahía Culebra
The coral reef restoration project in Cul-
ebra Bay started in 2019, after a cooperation
of more than 20 years between the company
Ecodesarrollo Papagayo and CIMAR, and the
interaction between the GIZ through its Bio-
diversity and Business program (DaBio) and
the National System of Conservation Areas
(SINAC). In addition, the non-profit asso-
ciation Raising Coral Costa Rica joined the
initiative to support all the technical knowledge
developed in Golfo Dulce. It was decided to
work in Culebra Bay due to the great loss of
coral cover that the area had suffered in the last
decade (Alvarado et al., 2018; Fabregat-Malé &
Alvarado, this supplement; Sánchez-Noguera et
al., 2018).
The interaction of the academic, private,
state, international cooperation, and civil soci-
ety sectors established the Culebra Reefs Gar-
dens alliance, where the parties cooperate to
recover the coral reefs in Culebra Bay and
their ecosystem services through ecological
restoration. To achieve this objective, a series
of activities were proposed, from training of
personnel, adequate selection of sites and spe-
cies, installation of structures that serve as a
pilot, continuous monitoring, and evaluating
Fig. 1. Location of coral restoration projects in Costa Rica. A. Culebra Bay; B. mara Beach; C. Manuel Antonio; D.
Golfo Dulce; E. Punta Cahuita. Orange rectangle: Current nurseries; Yellow triangle: restoration areas; Green ellipse: Pilot
nurseries; Red polygon: permanent structures.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
how this could be integrated into local respon-
sible tourism activities. Each party has a series
of obligations that are related to the activities
mentioned above.
A five-year work schedule was established
that includes: 1) project planning, 2) the devel-
opment of a theoretical and practical coral reef
restoration workshop with different stakehold-
ers, 3) the installation of nurseries and place-
ment of coral fragments, 4) monitoring and
implementation of a coral gardening pilot,
and 5) scaling-up the number of nurseries
and corals, together with an environmental
education program, in parallel with other
research such as the analysis of coral reproduc-
tion in the nurseries.
Stage one of the project started in April
2019 and stage 2 in August of the same year,
and stage 3 started in September with the
installation of a ropeline-type nursery and two
tree-type nurseries (Fig. 2), both floating, with
585 coral fragments in Playa Jicaro (Fig. 1). In
the ropeline the branching coral Pocillopora
spp. was used, while in the trees the same
branching species was used together with the
massive corals Pavona gigantea, Pavona clavus
Fig. 2. Nursery types and coral species used in the Culebra Reefs Gardens coral restoration project. A. Rope line; B. Tree; C.
A-frame; D. Spider; E. Pocillopora spp.; F. Pavona gigantea; G. Pavona clavus; H. Porites lobata.
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
and Porites lobata (Fig. 2) (Fabregat-Malé et
al., 2023). The fragments, from healthy adult
colonies, were collected from different points in
the bay and in the Gulf of Papagayo. In January
2020, 4 spider-like nurseries were set up with
42 fragments each (Combillet et al., 2022), and
in August 2020 two A-frame nurseries were
established on the substrate with approximately
400 coral fragments each (Fabregat-Malé, 2022;
Fabregat-Malé et al., 2024). Only Pocillopora
fragments were used in these nurseries. All
nurseries were monitored for at least one year,
and growth and mortality rates were measured
monthly. At the end of this experimental stage
in the nurseries, it was determined that main-
tenance costs were higher in the latter despite
the higher growth in the floating nurseries.
Likewise, it was quantified that the branched
Pocillopora species showed greater growth and
survival rates than the massive ones. Therefore,
it was decided to advance to the next stage of
the project used only Pocillopora corals in the
substrate nurseries. However, it is established
as a priority to look for mechanisms to improve
the conditions of the massive species.
In this third stage of the project, an experi-
mental planting of 30 colonies of Pocillopora
spp. and 29 fragments of massive corals (P.
gigantea, P. c l av u s and P. lobata) in a pilot area in
Güiri-Güiri (Fig. 1) which had been cultivated
in the nurseries at Playa Jícaro in the previous
months, was also carried out. For the branching
colonies of Pocillopora spp., metal rods were
driven into the calcareous substrate (former
coral framework) to which the transplants were
tied employing plastic gauze (Fig. 3). Each of
the transplanted colonies was labeled with its
own number for later identification during the
following months of monitoring. For the mas-
sive coral transplants, an underwater drill was
used to create holes in the substrate into which
the fragments were placed with marine epoxy
glue. Over the course of a year, where coral
growth, contribution to substrate cover and
Fig. 3. Transplantation of nursery-grown colonies of Pocillopora spp. in A. Güiri-Güiri and B. Pelonas Islands, Culebra Bay,
Gulf of Papagayo. C. Monitoring of corals fragments by phototransects.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
survival rate were measured (Fabregat-Malé,
2022; Fabregat-Malé et al., 2023). After one year
of monitoring, a 100 % survival for Pocillopora
spp. colonies and 58.62 % for massive corals
was determined. The lower survival for the
massive growth species probably corresponds
to the technique used to perform the trans-
plants, since no dead fragments were observed,
but rather a loss of them and of the ceramic disc
on which they were glued (Fabregat-Malé et al.,
2023). It is important to mention that through-
out these three years of research (2019–2021),
sea temperature, salinity, and nutrients were
constantly monitored.
The fourth stage of the project, scaling
up, starts in August 2021 with the increase of
sites and nurseries. In Playa Blanca (Fig. 1) 28
spiders and 5 A-frames were placed, in Güiri-
Güiri nine spiders were established and in Islas
Pelonas five spiders were placed. At the end
of that year, in December, the first regional
CORALMANIA, a joint activity with Hondu-
ras and the Dominican Republic, was carried
out contributing to the transplantation of 300
Pocillopora colonies of to the Güiri-Güiri reef
and 100 to the Pelonas Islands reef. These
colonies have been monitored monthly, and
an increase in coral cover has been determined
in Güiri-Güiri from 4 % to 20 %, and in Pelo-
nas from 5 % to 16 %, as of February 2004 in
both sites (Alvarado et al., in prep.). The El
Niño 2023 phenomenon strongly affected the
colonies, presenting a strong bleaching but rap-
idly recovering (Alvarado et al., in prep.). Both
transplant sites are monitored monthly for fish
diversity and abundance, as well as sea urchin
(Diadema mexicanum), and a gradual increase
in the number of fish species has been observed
from the beginning of monitoring (November
2021: 20 species) to March 2024 (70 species)
(Alvarado et al., in prep.). Currently the project
has 134 spiders with at least 7 000 coral frag-
ments growing in the area and is working on
the reproduction (histological analysis) results
of Pocillopora and on the genetic diversity of the
coral and their endosymbionts.
As a branch derived from Bahía Culebras
coral restoration project, the Playa Ocotal’s
restoration program was born, which has a
strong social community component as a char-
acteristic feature and can be classified as a col-
laborative project (Bonney et al., 2009). This
initiative has been carried out between the
CIMAR and the non-profit association Alianza
Mar y Tierra. Alianza Mar y Tierra (AMT)
was founded in 2022 to serve as a platform for
conservation and restoration projects of terres-
trial and marine environments; its conformed
by six members of the board of directors and
32 volunteers who collaborate their programs.
Besides Ocotal’s coral reef restoration project,
the AMT organizes monthly activities such as
seabed and beach cleaning, involving dozens of
Ocotal and Playas del Coco residents.
Ocotal’s coral reef has a common history
with others in the North Pacific, in which local
and global stressors acted in synergy and led to
a devastating reduction in live coral cover (Bezy
et al., 2006; Cortés, 2012; Jimenez et al., 2001;
Morales-Ramírez et al., 2001; Navarro-Cerdas,
2013; Sánchez-Noguera, 2012) Specifically, in
Ocotal a significant increase in the coverage of
Caulerpa sertularioides and an overgrowth of
this alga on the colonies of Pocillopora spp. was
reported (Fernández-García et al., 2012). Prior
to the first intervention on the reef, a visit was
carried out where a degraded coral framework
was evident, with isolated colonies of massive
corals and Pocillopora spp. healthy (Fig. 4).
For the intervention on this reef, a citi-
zen science approach has been used; this can
be defined as processes in which community
members who don’t have a formal science edu-
cation engage in scientific research (Cigliano et
al., 2015). In coral reefs, favorable results have
been obtained from incorporating of citizen
scientists in biological monitoring (Forrester et
al., 2015) and ecosystem restoration (Hesley et
al., 2017). Ocotal’s coral reef restoration project
officially began in February 2023 with a com-
munity workshop open to the public, resulting
in the recruitment of volunteers from outside
the AMT. Starting in March 2023, training in
biological monitoring of substrate, fish and
mobile invertebrates began, as well as the place-
ment and cleaning of structures (Fig. 5).
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
In April 2023, the first 15 structures were
placed with fragments from the Jícaro reef and
the Playa Blanca restoration point. Thanks to
funds from the UCR and private donations,
the total number of structures reached 45 by
August 2023. In September 2023, a partnership
was established with the Costa Rican company
Garnier & Garnier Desarrollos Inmobiliarios,
which allowed an increase to 65 structures in
Ocotal and the intervention of another degrad-
ed reef in Punta Cacique. By May 2024, there
are 113 structures distributed at the two resto-
ration points, which represents approximately
2 260 living fragments of Pocillopora spp.
The inclusion of the human component
in the restoration of Ocotal represents a valu-
able opportunity to include social dimensions,
which have been highlighted as essential to
ensure the future of coral reefs (Lamont et
al., 2022). On the other hand, it serves as an
environmental education platform that seeks to
improve the relationship that community mem-
bers have with the marine ecosystems of the
region (Dean et al., 2018) and promotes stabil-
ity over time in this type of projects since theres
a reduction in the economic costs associated
with restoration process (Hesley et al., 2017).
Coral reefs in Playa Sámara (Fig. 1) were
confirmed to exist through research conducted
by Cortés & Guzmán (1998), identifying coral
species such as P. lobata, Pocillopora capitata,
Pocillopora damicornis, Porites panamensis,
and Porites (Synarea) rus, this last one being
observed only in 1982 and not since. Recently,
Fig. 4. A. Degraded reef framework prior to the intervention of Ocotal’s reef, Gulf of Papagayo (January 2023). B. Spider
structures used for the restoration of the Ocotal’s coral reef (September 2023).
Fig. 5. A. Training carried out on land on biological monitoring methodologies (March, 2023) and B. at the restoration point
(May, 2023). C. Citizen scientist cleaning the structures (May, 2024).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Psammocora spp. was added to this list (Cortés
et al., 2010).
The coral reefs in Playa Sámara face sig-
nificant anthropogenic pressures from sedi-
mentation and pollution (Pereira-Pérez &
Mairena-Rodríguez, 2011; Pizzimenti et al.,
2011). In response, the Tempisque Conserva-
tion Area (ACT) under the Ministry of Envi-
ronment and Energy (MINAE) enlisted the
Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA) to
support a coral reef restoration plan at Playa
Sámara, drawing on experience from a similar
project initiated in Golfo Dulce in 2013 (Vargas
et al., 2020). The goal was to restore ecosystem
services crucial for the areas productive tour-
ism and fishing industries.
The project from September 2017 to
December 2022 involved monthly coral growth
measurements. Work was concentrated on
Chora Island, significantly altered by a 7.6
Mw earthquake in 2012, raising its coastline
by 0.45 m (Linkimer et al., 2013) and modi-
fying coral community structures vertically
and horizontally.
The methodology followed protocols out-
lined by Edwards & Gómez (2007), Rodrí-
guez et al. (2022), Shafir et al. (2006) and
SINAC-GIZ (2020). Initially, the Coral Project
Association trained personnel according to the
SINAC-GIZ Coral Gardening Protocol, (2020).
Exploratory dives off Samara Beach identified
coral colonies suitable for restoration efforts,
including species from Pocillopora spp., Porites
spp., Psammocora spp., and P. g i g a n t e a (Fig. 6).
Different nursery types—platforms, trees, and
ropelines (Fig. 7)—were developed based on
the Coral Gardening protocol for Costa Rica
(SINAC-GIZ, 2020).
Maintenance, monitoring, and cleaning of
structures occurred every fifteen days under
suitable sea conditions. Growth data, including
height, diameter, and colony volume (cm3) were
collected (Robles-Payan et al., 2021). Colonies
that doubled in size were transplanted to the
Cangrejal area (Fig. 1) within the Bay of Playa
Sámara, where ongoing monitoring included
assessments of fish diversity and live colony
counts, following the PRONAMEC protocol
Fig. 6. Coral species found in Samara beach for the coral restoration project: A. Pocillopora spp., B. Porites spp., C. Pavona
gigantea and D. Psammocora spp.
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
for coral reefs (Sistema Nacional de Áreas de
Conservación, [SINAC] 2016).
From 2018 to 2022, 1 404 coral colonies
were harvested, totaling 86 610.7 cm3, with an
average width of 2.80 ± 0.07 cm and length of
5.63 ± 0.28 cm. The growth rate over five years
was 6.72 cm/year. By species, contributions
were 49.7 cm3 (N = 32) for P. g i g a n t e a , 372.3
cm3 (N = 45) for Psammocora spp., 1 210 cm3
(N = 108) for Porites spp., and 84 977 cm3 (N =
1 221) for Pocillopora spp. (Fig. 7). Colony loss
during harvesting was 15 % due to mortality,
detachment, or predation.
Cultivation data indicated rope line struc-
tures were most effective, yielding 8 590.2
g/year, followed by trees at 155.64 g/year.
Pocillopora spp. demonstrated the highest
performance, while platforms showed higher
mortality rates across all coral species cultured
(Fig. 8).
Regarding ichthyofauna in the planting
area, 1 131 individuals representing 23 fish spe-
cies were recorded. Halichoeres dispilus, Thalas-
soma lucasanum, and Abudefduf troschelii were
the most abundant, alongside various inver-
tebrates and vertebrates. In 2023, during the
El Niño phenomenon, 77 coral colonies were
surveyed in the transplant area, with 21 affected
by bleaching.
Fig. 7. Gardening coral structures used in Isla Chora of
Playa Sámara to carry out the harvest of coral reefs in the
Cangrejal sector.
Fig. 8. Coral species grow in three types of gardening in the middle of the water column on Chora Island of Samara Beach.
The trend is that branched or sub-branched species grow better on antenna and clothesline, while massive or sub-massive
species grow better on the platform or antenna.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
The results of coral restoration efforts in
Sámara align with findings from Vargas et al.
(2020) and Rodríguez et al. (2022), emphasiz-
ing the success of branched or sub-branched
species. The total volume produced from 2018
to 2022, 86 610.7 cm3, is comparable to results
from Robles-Payan et al. (2021) over 396 days,
highlighting the need for improved production
efficiency. Hanging structures like ropelines
and trees proved effective for branched species
such as Pocillopora spp., whereas platforms were
suitable for massive species like Porites spp.
Manuel Antonio
Marine Conservation Costa Rica (MCCR),
a non-profit organization, was founded in 2019
by biologists and dive professionals from the
Oceans Unlimited Dive Center in Quepos (Fig.
1), on Costa Ricas central Pacific coast. In the
same year, the organization received permis-
sion from the SINAC to initiate a pilot study on
coral reef restoration in Manuel Antonio, which
houses the renowned Manuel Antonio National
Park (MANP). As the largest marine protected
area on mainland Costa Rica, this region was
selected due to its historical focus on terrestrial
conservation, while its coral reefs have suffered
degradation over decades from various local
stressors such as river runoff, sedimentation,
and agricultural and domestic contamination
(Sistema Nacional de Áreas de Conservación,
2013). The project involves contributions from
the founding members, core staff biologists,
trained volunteers, international interns, and
local community divers.
Following a planning period that included
surveys for reefs and nursery sites, the pilot
study started in April 2019. Initially, four nurs-
ery sites were chosen: two on the inshore sides
of islands, which offered greater wave protec-
tion, and two more on exposed sites (Fig. 1).
Due to the high-water movement in the area,
fixed table structures were selected for the nurs-
eries. Initially, large nursery tables made from
PVC tubing were used (Fig. 9A). However,
after several months in high-energy environ-
ments, these were scaled down to smaller, more
robust table structures (Fig. 9B). Nurseries were
installed at each of the four sites, at depths of
10–12 m to avoid the shallow surge.
In June 2019, the next phase of the pilot
study involved adding coral fragments to the
nurseries, starting with Pocillopora spp. and P.
gigantea, followed shortly by P. lobata, with 15
samples of each coral species at each site. By
early 2020, the focus shifted to expanding the
Fig. 9. A. Original table nursery, B. Small table nursery, C-D. Coral fusion techniques, E-F. Coral fragmenting techniques.
14 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
more protected nursery sites, and in July 2020,
the first coral colonies were outplanted to the
restoration site north of Isla Larga (Fig. 1).
The restoration project has expanded sig-
nificantly from 2011 to 2024. As of April 2024,
there are 36 nursery structures. Following the
success of Pavona gigantea, restoration efforts
have included Pavona frondifera and Pavona
duerdeni. In 2022, the project adopted the coral
fusion method (Fig. 9C, Fig. 9D), where frag-
ments of the same genotype coral are adhered
to a plate to fuse and reform larger colonies,
facilitating faster growth and maturity before
outplanting. This method has been tested suc-
cessfully with Pocillopora spp., P. frondifera, and
P. g i g a nt e a , except for P. lobata, which did not
compete well against algal growth.
The project has faced various challenges,
necessitating adaptations in methodology, often
with advice from other restoration groups in
Costa Rica. Key issues and responses include:
1) Algal Growth: Coral fragments are cut to 2-3
cm to better compete against algal growth (Fig.
9E, Fig. 9F); 2) Sustainability and Plastic Use:
Initially, coral fragments were attached using
plastic wall plugs and zip ties (Fig. 10A). In
2021, the project began producing custom discs
with posts made from natural sand and cement,
minimizing plastic use and eliminating plastic
at outplanting sites (Fig. 10B). The current
nursery structures utilize repurposed durable
plastic crates, originally used for delivering
produce in the food industry. These crates,
which would otherwise be discarded and end
up in landfills, are reused in our project, there-
by extending their lifecycle. Additionally, the
crates are economical, easy to install and relo-
cate as needed; 3) Water Movement: Custom-
made coral posts snugly fit into nursery meshes
(Fig. 10C) and are secured to the reef using
marine epoxy (Fig. 10D). Nursery structures
are weighed with cement blocks and anchored
with metal pins; 4) Red Tides: In 2022, reduced
growth was observed due to prolonged red tide
presence. Harvesting and fragmentation of P.
lobata was halted for one year due to its suscep-
tibility to reduced water quality; 5) High Water
Temperatures: During the 2023 El Niño event,
high water temperatures caused bleaching in
shallow outplanted corals (< 8 m depth) and
partial bleaching in nurseries (10–12m depth).
Fragmenting and outplanting were paused due
to concerns abbout additional stress to the cor-
als, and resistant wild colonies were identified
for future harvesting.
As of April 2024, there are 700 fragments in
the two nursery sites. Coral fragments typically
remain in nurseries for 6–12 months before
Fig. 10. A-C. Nursery attachment techniques, D-E. Coral outplants, F. Coral tank.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
outplanting. Due to refined methodologies,
survival rates have improved from 70–80 % to
over 90 %. Post-outplanting survival is approxi-
mately 95 % (Fig. 10E) with most losses due to
algal overgrowth. Over the past four years, 1
750 corals have been outplanted. Monitoring
from January 2019 to January 2024 has shown
an increase in fish species from 18 to 31 and an
increase in coral cover from 1 % to over 3 %.
The projects future goals include signifi-
cantly increasing outplanting numbers, aiming
to add thousands of new colonies annually. As
part of our restoration project, we are establish-
ing a coral tank in May 2024 (Fig. 10F) to hold
corals before transferring them to the nurseries
and to educate the community on coral reefs
and restoration. Additionally, this provides an
opportunity to explore techniques for poten-
tially utilizing ex-situ tanks to enhance the
production of coral colonies.
MCCR has received permission from
SINAC to install permanent reef structures
in Manuel Antonio Bay to alleviate pressure
on popular snorkel sites and serve as educa-
tional tools for coral conservation. This project,
delayed due to funding issues, is set to begin in
late 2024.
Golfo Dulce
Golfo Dulce (Fig. 1) has been a site of coral
reef restoration for nearly a decade, as part of
an effort to (1) rehabilitate coral reefs that had
been severely impacted by sedimentation and
(2) to do so in ways that promote resilience of
the reefs to climate change.
Beginning in 1990, Cortés (1990a), Cor-
tés (1990b) and Cortés (1992) documented
how sedimentation associated with logging
of the rainforest and road construction had
likely caused severe degradation of most of
the coral reefs in the gulf, and the rarity of
Pocillopora, particularly in comparison with
other Pacific coast reefs of Costa Rica. Fol-
lowing government actions to halt the logging
and other causes of sedimentation, water qual-
ity improved and coral reefs showed signs of
recovery, and Cortés (1992) suggested that
Golfo Dulce would benefit from coral propaga-
tion and reef restoration.
The first attempt to propagate corals in
Golfo Dulce was initiated in 2014 by the INA.
They placed a mid-water platform structure for
coral propagation at about 8 m depth near Playa
Nicuesa (Fig. 1). They deployed 70 fragments
of Porites lobata, Pavona varians and Psam-
mocora stellata and demonstrated good growth
of the fragments over the following 17 months
(Vargas et al., 2020), although the P. lobata and
P. varians fragments died after eight months,
which the authors correlate with the presence
of a red tide. INA has continued the deploy-
ment of coral propagation structures in sev-
eral other locations in the Gulf, and over time
propagated and outplanted coral fragments at
multiple sites.
In 2016, once corals recovered following
a bleaching event that caused significant mor-
tality in Golfo Dulce (Alvarado et al., 2020),
researchers and students from the University of
Costa Rica installed two mid-water tree struc-
tures, also near Playa Nicuesa, to pilot test the
efficacy of coral propagation and outplanting
methods in the gulf, as well as the knowledge
and perceptions of residents about coral reefs
(Villalobos-Cubero et al., 2023). The latter was
a major part of the restoration effort, follow-
ing the philosophy of Suding et al. (2015) hat
outlined the four main components of success-
ful restoration programs, including not only 1)
assessment of the sites environmental past and
future, 2) consideration of the ecological prin-
ciples, and 3) commitment to sustained effort,
but also 4) strong engagement of local com-
munities. Raising Coral has invested in local
communities of Golfo Dulce primarily through
a coral gardener training and employment
program that includes 20 local people, but also
through active engagement of local government
officials and the public, with a network of over
60 national and international allies.
Initially, fragments of Porites evermanni/
lobata, P. g i g a n t e a , and Pocillopora spp. were
propagated, outplanted and monitored for
several years, testing species responses to a
variety of techniques (Kleypas et al., 2021b;
16 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Villalobos-Cubero, 2019). In 2019 the project
evolved into a formal effort with the establish-
ment of the NGO Raising Coral Costa Rica,
and operations gradually expanded to include
more structures (currently 11 trees, five rope
nurseries, Fig. 11) with a capacity of nearly
2000 coral fragments. In 2021, Raising Coral
became an official user of the Mars reef res-
toration system (MARRS; Smith et al., 2021)
and has so far deployed 95 reef stars with a
total capacity of about 1 400 fragments. Since
the start of the project, all donor coral colonies
have been marked in the field and all fragments
and outplanted colonies have been tracked with
a donor ID, except when using fragments of
opportunity or when sampling Psammocora
stellata, which at some sites exhibits a growth
habit of loosely interlocking benthic cover rath-
er than distinct colonies.
Raising Coral works with the 9 reef-build-
ing coral species in Golfo Dulce, but so far
has focused on rebuilding the populations of
Fig. 11. Propagation and outplanting techniques at the Golfo Dulce site. A. donor colony of Pocillopora spp.; B. midwater
trees; C. vertical rope (experimental); D. MARRS reef stars; E. rope nurseries; F. monitoring of Pocillopora spp. on reef stars;
G. propagated colony of Pavona frondifera; H. direct outplants of Porites spp. to “reskin” older Porites surface; I. cluster of
fused Pocillopora spp. Outplants; J. fused outplants of Pavona gigantea; K. fused outplants of Porites spp.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Pocillopora species in Golfo Dulce. Pocillopora
colonies were rare in Golfo Dulce in 2016, and
in fact, over the course of several years fewer
than 20 natural colonies were encountered that
were large enough to sample for propagation.
Most of these were found in waters between
7–12 m deep, except for several large Pocillopora
colonies and recruits found at much shallower
depths. Fragments of Pocillopora (1–2 cm in
length) grew well in every type of structure to
outplantable colonies of 10–14 cm diameter
in 8–12 months. Before outplanting, several
fragments were obtained from each colony to
continue the propagation in the nursery.
Over time, about 3000 thousand Pocillo-
pora colonies were propagated and outplanted
in multiple areas, with the majority at the
northernmost reef sites of Golfo Dulce. The
outplanting design included placing 8–15 clon-
al colonies in patches to increase the probability
of colony fusion, and then arranging patches
to maximize cross-fertilization amongst dif-
ferent donors. The colonization of some of
the first outplanted colonies of Pocillopora by
cryptofauna was investigated by Chomitz et al.
(2023a) and Chomitz et al. (2023b).
The number of propagated and outplanted
Pocillopora colonies grew progressively through
early 2023, with interruptions caused by harm-
ful algal blooms (“red tides”) and bleaching.
Red tides became increasingly common over
that period and particularly in late 2020, caus-
ing the mortality of 11 % of the Pocillopora
fragments in the nursery; despite this event
by 2022, the average survival percentage for
nursery fragments was 98 %, and outplants sur-
vival was 94 %. Later, in early 2023, a red tide
followed by a record marine heat wave caused
the mortality of 90–95 % of the Pocillopora
colonies, particularly outplants at shallower
depths. Coral fragments in the MARRS struc-
tures survived best, likely due to multiple fac-
tors (Sandoval et al., 2022).
The timeline of the restoration effort in
Golfo Dulce provides an example for sustain-
ing corals and reefs in a warming world (Fig.
12), i.e., planning for expected setbacks due to
environmental threats such as harmful algal
Fig. 12. Changes in the Raising Coral nursery capacity (not including fragments deployed using MARRS), number of
Pocillopora fragments in propagation, and total number of Pocillopora outplants between 2016 and 2024. Projected values are
shown through June 2026, using modest rates of Pocillopora propagation.
18 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
blooms and climate change (as well as coral
disease). Unlike in other Pacific case studies in
Costa Rica, the slow start to Pocillopora propa-
gation was hindered by the rarity of colonies
large enough for fragmenting and a small team
and nursery capacity. Over time, the capacity
and efficiency of propagation and outplant-
ing steadily increased, and despite the severe
mortality of 2023, the ability to recover over
the next two years is now greatly enhanced by
(1) the fact that there are still more colonies of
Pocillopora than when the project began, (2)
an existing large nursery capacity, and (3) the
experience of the community members work-
ing as coral gardeners, which greatly increases
the efficiency of the work. Our team also found
that the survival and growth of some spe-
cies improve when fragments are propagated
directly on the reef rather than in a nursery
(Sandoval et al., 2022). Tracking fragments by
donor has also yielded useful information, such
as identifying genotypes that are more resistant
to bleaching or more likely to recover following
bleaching. In anticipation of the 2023 bleach-
ing event, Raising Coral implemented a Coral
Bleaching Contingency Plan that included sev-
eral actions to minimize coral loss: lowering
structures in the nursery, shading experiments,
and mainly distributing fragments from each of
the Pocillopora genotypes across a wide array
of sites. Such in situ coral banking is a good
alternative when ex situ coral banks are not
available, and at the same time helps identify
locations that can serve as coral refugia during
future marine heat waves.
Southern Caribbean
Coral reef restoration in Costa Ricas
Southern Caribbean began in 2021, driven by
the interest of Cahuitas National Park marine
management program in assessing the viability
of coral restoration techniques as a manage-
ment tool to achieve their conservation goals.
These goals include (1) conserving an ecologi-
cally representative sample of Caribbean reef
and seagrass systems, along with their associ-
ated fauna and flora, and (2) contributing to
adaptation and mitigation measures for marine
and coastal biodiversity in response to the
impacts of climate change in the Costa Rican
Caribbean. Consequently, Raising Coral Costa
Rica and ACLAC-SINAC established a joint
restoration project.
The reef system at Cahuita National Park
(PNC) (Fig. 1) is the most developed and
extensive (600 ha) reef habitat in the country,
yet it is also one of the most deteriorated and
threatened. Since the early 1980s, Jorge Cortés
and colleagues have documented a significant
decline in live coral cover, from a baseline of
40 % in the early 1980s to just 10 % in the early
1990s (Cortés, 1994; Cortés et al., 2010). This
decline is primarily attributed to sustained
nutrient runoff, high sedimentation stress, and
the deleterious effects of bleaching events over
the years, notably in 1983, 1992, 1995, 1998,
2005 (Cortés, 2016; Cortés & Jimenez, 2003a;
Cortés et al., 2010; Jiménez, 2001), and 2020,
2023 (Quezada-Perez et al., 2023).
More recently, Quezada-Perez et al. (2023)
reported around 12–25 % reef cover, which is
significantly lower than the original baseline
but somewhat higher than in the 1990s. The
same study found an increasing trend in algae
cover, rising from 37 % in 2003 to 70–73 %
in 2023. These findings suggest a potential
phase shift from a coral-dominated reef to an
algae-dominated reef. This shift results in low
levels of key ecological indicators, such as fish
diversity and reef rugosity, leading to the loss of
critical ecosystem services.
These circumstances underscore the neces-
sity for sustained implementation of resilience-
based coral restoration efforts, which aim to
reduce stressors to reefs and enhance ecological
and social processes that improve Costa Ricas
Caribbean reef health, as Cortés (2016) and
Cortés et al. (2010) stated.
As of April 2021, three types of nurseries
were established and tested for the growth and
survivorship of reef-building species: symmet-
rical brain coral (Pseudodiploria strigosa), fused
staghorn (Acropora prolifera), and endangered
elk horn (Acropora palmata). The nurseries
included tree-like and rope-type structures for
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
the branching A. prolifera and a mid-water
floating platform for culturing the massive
P. strigosa. Acropora palmata fragments were
tested in both the tree and platform nurser-
ies (Fig. 12). These nurseries were installed at
depths of 2–4 m, with fragments sourced from
donor colonies selected from different reef
habitats. Sea surface temperature was recorded
using autonomous HOBO data loggers and the
Aqualink Sofar Buoy. Trained SINAC officials
and volunteers played a critical role, assisting
with nursery maintenance and fragment moni-
toring. Survival rates varied between species
and cultivation techniques. For A. palmata,
fragments placed on tree structures showed
survival rates ranging from 56 % to 100 %,
depending on the donor colony. Notably, frag-
ments from colony D1 exhibited 100% survival
on the tree structure and 38.5 % when placed
on “cement cookies” in the platform, likely due
to sedimentation stress based on observations
of sediment accumulation on the exposed area
of the cement cookies. In contrast, P. strigosa
fragments achieved 100 % survival in the plat-
form structure. Acropora prolifera fragments
had survival rates of 90 % on tree structures
and 100 % on rope nurseries. On platforms, A.
palmata fragments grew from 38 cm² to 46.9
cm² (Δ8.9 cm²/0.06 cm² day-1), while on the
tree nursery they grew from 48.9 cm² to 72.8
cm² (Δ23.8 cm² /0.18 cm² day-1). Pseudodiplo-
ria strigosa grew from 20.07 cm² to 21.29 cm²
(Δ1.02 cm²/0.007 cm² day-1), reflecting their
slower growth rates. In the case of A. prolifera
fragments on ropes grew from 9.6 cm to 25.4
cm (Δ15.8 cm/0.12 cm day-1) in linear tissue
extension, while those on tree branches grew
from 7.2 cm to 26.8 cm (Δ19.6/0.15 cm day-1),
confirming their rapid growth potential (Lir-
man et al., 2010) (Fig. 13).
Building upon these initial results, dur-
ing the rest of 2022 and early 2023, more coral
trees were placed, the size and material of the
cookies were reduced, and rope nurseries were
installed among the remaining pilings of an
old pier near the Perezoso area (Fig. 1), with a
capacity to produce between 600–1 200 frag-
ments. However, despite the positive response
of the fragments to the cultivation techniques,
modifications had to be made to the cultivation
strategy and project management. Given Costa
Ricas high wave conditions in the Caribbean
(Lizano, 2007), mid-water floating structures
suffered structural damage. Therefore, fixed
structures to the bottom, such as reef-stars
frames, were tested. Concurrently, an adaptive
management model was adopted, enabling a
flexible decision-making strategy incorporat-
ing experimentation, monitoring, and iteration,
allowing the opportunity to adjust over time
and deal with uncertainties (Anthony et al.,
2015; McLeod et al., 2019).
Several trials are conducted to determine
the most cost-effective outplanting technique
suited for site conditions before initiating mass
outplanting. In June 2022, a pilot outplanting
of four clonal micro-fragments (~ 5 cm²) of
A. palmata was conducted, utilizing nursery-
grown fragments initially harvested from donor
colony D14 at Kawe (Fig. 1) (Papke et al., 2021).
The outplanting took place at the Eduardo reef
patch (9°44’15.2”N, 82° 48’ 21.4”W). By Decem-
ber 2023, the fused basal area of the fragments
had expanded by over 1 000 %, growing from
19.25 cm² to 213.2 cm² (Δ 193.95 cm2/0.35 cm2
day-1). Notably, both the outplanted fragments
and their parental colony remained unaffected
by the 2023 bleaching event, suggesting that
the bleaching resilience of donor colony D14
is a stable trait that persists through the cul-
ture process and transplantation to a new site
(Anthony et al., 2015; Baums et al., 2019).
In early September 2022, a reef-star cluster
(N = 4) was deployed at the Kawe site, holding
49 fragments of A. palmata and 18 fragments
of A. prolifera. Almost a year later, by August
2023, A. palmata fragments had increased 2.4-
fold in size, growing from 28 cm² to 68 cm² (Δ
40 cm2/0.11 cm2 day-1). Similarly, A. prolifera
fragments grew from 10 cm² to 46 cm² during
the same period (Δ 36 cm2/0.10 cm2 day-1).
Prior to the 2023 bleaching event, the corals
exhibited a 100 % survival rate. However, fol-
lowing the event, survival rates decreased to
46 % for A. palmata and 44 % for A. prolifera
(Fig. 14). These observations highlight the
20 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
initial success of the reef-star method in pro-
moting coral growth and survival, though the
notable reduction in survival rates post-bleach-
ing event underscores the vulnerability of these
coral species to thermal stress.
Later that same month (September 2022),
10 fragments of A. prolifera were outplanted
in the Puerto Vargas sector. Small fragments
(< 4 cm²) were adhered to the substrate using
a nail and a plastic zip tie. By April 2024, the
fragments on average had grown from 2.15 cm²
to 23.26 cm², reflecting an increase of 21.11 cm²
(0.04 cm² day-1). Survival rate of the fragments
after year one was 80 %.
Coral spawning observations were con-
ducted around Cahuita, Punta Uva, and
Fig. 13. Nursery types and growth of different coral species. A. Tree structure with a detailed view of an Acropora palmata
fragment; B. Platform structure with a detailed view of Pseudodiploria strigosa fragments; and C. Section of a clothesline with
a detailed view of an Acropora prolifera fragment growing on the rope.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Fig. 14. Outplanting techniques tested in 2022–2023 at Cahuita site. A. A. palmata microfragments attached to substrate with
marine epoxy, B. same fragments fused and developing protobranches, C. fragments of A. prolifera placed at Kawe reef star
cluster, D. same fragments showing growth over the structure, E. an A. prolifera fragment attached to the substrate using nail
and zip tide, F. the same fragment showing positive growth.
22 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Manzanillo from 2022 to 2023. Pseudodiplo-
ria strigosa was observed to spawn in August
2022 in Cahuita and in September 2023 in
both Punta Uva and Manzanillo. Acropora
palmata was also observed to spawn in Sep-
tember 2023 in both Punta Uva and Manzanillo
(Fig. 15). These observations are significant as
they mark the initial step towards studying the
reproductive activity of reef-building corals
and the potential application of assisted sexual
reproduction techniques in the Costa Rican
The 2023 bleaching event significantly
impacted both the reef and restoration efforts,
reducing the amount of propagative mate-
rial available for transplantation by approxi-
mately 40 %. Currently, efforts are focused
on replenishing coral nurseries and increasing
the frequency of transplantation. These efforts
incorporate lessons learned during the con-
tingency plan implemented before and during
the bleaching event. For instance, there is now
an emphasis on including coral colonies that
demonstrated resistance to bleaching or exhib-
ited a high recovery rate post-event. Contin-
ued research and community involvement are
essential to sustaining and scaling these efforts
and achieving long-term conservation goals in
the face of ongoing environmental challenges.
Challenges, future needs and
concluding remarks
Over nearly a decade of coral restoration
efforts in Costa Rica, work has spanned virtu-
ally all coral regions across the country (Cortés
& Jiménez, 2003a; Cortés & Jimenez, 2003b).
Initiatives have covered diverse areas from
the coastal upwelling zones in the northern
Pacific to the thermally stable environments
of the South Pacific and Caribbean. Restora-
tion efforts have focused on ten coral species,
seven in the Pacific (Pavona clavus, Pavona
gigantea, Pavona frondifera, Pavona duerdeni,
Porites lobata/evermanni, Psammocora stellata,
and Pocillopora spp.) and three in the Carib-
bean (Acropora palmata, Acropora prolifera,
and Pseudiploria strigosa), with notable success
observed in branched species like Pocillopora.
However, challenges persist with massive coral
species, particularly concerning nursery and
transplant survival rates. Various types of
nurseries, including both water-column and
substrate-attached designs, have been utilized
successfully, tailored to the specific oceano-
graphic conditions of each site. This has result-
ed in managing nearly 19 000 coral fragments
across nurseries and transplant areas through-
out the project’s duration.
Fig. 15. Spawning observations during the project’s lifespan. A. P. strigosa releasing gamete bundles in Cahuita National Park
in August 2021, B. A. palmata releasing gamete bundles in Manzanillo in September 2023.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63695, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Despite geographic and oceanographic dis-
tinctions, common factors have characterized
these projects. They have emphasized local
engagement and perception of coral reefs, fos-
tered intersectoral public-private collaborations
for financial and human resources, and operat-
ed within established governmental regulatory
frameworks conducive to restoration efforts
(Palou-Zuñiga et al., 2023). All projects face
vulnerabilities such as extreme temperature
variations from El Niño events and detrimental
impacts of algal blooms, significantly affecting
coral fragment survival in nurseries.
To enhance conditions at coral reefs and
restoration sites, urgent measures include map-
ping and marine spatial planning to delineate
and safeguard these areas from conflicting
activities. Continued monitoring of reef condi-
tions and environmental education involving
local organizations are also crucial. Improving
conditions for cultivating massive coral species
and establishing genetic banks across nurs-
ery sites are essential. Furthermore, advanc-
ing assisted reproduction strategies through
enhanced understanding of local species’ sexual
reproduction and adaptation to warming events
via metagenomics and stable isotopes stud-
ies is imperative. Genetic analyses should be
conducted to identify resilient genotypes for
propagation. Educational outreach should be
enhanced, integrating coral restoration efforts
into local tourism and educational programs
to foster community involvement and support.
Additionally, further research into coral diseas-
es, particularly in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
where studies are limited, remains a priority.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
We are very grateful to all the volunteers
who have worked on the different restoration
projects carried out in Costa Rica, without
their contribution and commitment this type
of initiative could not be carried out. Likewise,
we are very grateful to all the state institutions
that have supported this type of initiative, espe-
cially the National Learning Institute (INA), the
University of Costa Rica (UCR), the National
University (UNA) and the National System
of Conservation Areas (SINAC). International
cooperation was an asset for Costa Rica to grow
in the search for the recovery of coral reefs,
especially the support of the German Develop-
ment Cooperation Agency (GiZ), and with it
all the private tour operator companies and
hotels that have believed in and supported these
projects. All restoration projects presented here
have research permits endorsed by SINAC.
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