Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63696, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Patterns of microplastic incorporation in larval and pupal cases
of Limnephilus hamifer (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae)
Andrés Arias-Paco1,2*, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0198-1336
Monika Springer1,3,4, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0926-1322
1. Escuela de Biología, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica; andres.ariaspaco@ucr.ac.cr (*Correspondence),
2. Centro de Investigación en Biología Celular y Molecular (CIBCM), Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica.
Dirección actual: Museo de Insectos, Escuela de Agronomía, Centro de Investigación en Protección de Cultivos
(CIPROC), Universidad de Costa Rica.
3. Museo de Zoología, Centro de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Ecología Tropical (CIBET), Universidad de Costa Rica,
San Pedro, San José, Costa Rica.
4. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (CIMAR), Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica.
Received 05-VIII-2024. Corrected 30-IX-2024. Accepted 27-I-2025.
Introduction: Microplastics (MPs) are an omnipresent problem in the environment. However, research on the
effects of microplastics on invertebrate organisms in freshwater ecosystems is relatively limited.
Objective: Our aim is to study the patterns of incorporation of MPs by Trichoptera larvae in the Neotropics.
Methods: We collected 30 fourth and fifth instar larvae of Limnephilus hamifer from Cerro de la Muerte, Costa
Rica (2 764 m.a.s.l.) and transferred them to the laboratory, where we acclimatized them for 72 hours. We
induced the larvae to leave their natural cases and deposited five in each of the following treatments: 100 %
MPs, 75 % MPs, 50 % MPs, 25 % MPs and 0 % MPs, where the rest of the percentage corresponded to organic
matter from the same collection site. In a sixth treatment, we deposited five larvae with their original cases on
a 50 % MPs substrate. The MPs consisted of a proportional mixture of PET of four colors: orange, blue, green
and transparent.
Results: We found that larvae from all treatments constructed their cases incorporating MPs, even when organic
matter was available. In general, the cases made with MPs had a higher weight than the natural cases and those
of the control group. Additionally, we observed that orange-colored MPs were more incorporated into the cases
in all treatments, so possibly Trichoptera larvae have preferences towards the orange color. We also observed the
incorporation of MPs in larvae with their original cases, and notably, we recorded the incorporation of MPs in
pupal cases, something not reported in the literature at the moment.
Conclusions: The incorporation of MPs in all treatments has important consequences because they can accumu-
late toxins that affect the organisms. The fact that MPs cases are heavier than natural ones could mean a problem
in the mobility of the larvae on the substrate, which leads to a greater energetic wear. Finally, incorporating MPs
into fixed structures such as pupal cases may make them more conspicuous to visual predators such as fish.
Key words: anthropocene epoch, aquatic insects, caddisflies, freshwater ecosystems, plastic pollution, PET.
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63696, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
It is anticipated that future generations of
geologists will identify fossilized plastic layers
as markers of the Anthropocene epoch (Porta,
2021). Based on the preceding consumption
rates, scientists estimated that in 2050, approxi-
mately 33 billion tons of plastic would be pres-
ent on Earth (Rochman et al., 2013). As Gibb
(2019) asserts, plastics have become an integral
part of human life, with virtually every daily
activity involving the use or contact with plas-
tics in some way.
A considerable proportion of the plastics
manufactured are ultimately released into the
environment, where they are exposed to a range
of physical, chemical, and biological conditions
that result in the fragmentation of the mate-
rial into increasingly smaller pieces (Moore,
2008). As a consequence of this fragmenta-
tion, a variety of plastic particles of differing
sizes, shapes, and colors will be present in the
natural environment (Hale et al., 2020). Based
on the size of plastics, pieces smaller than 5
mm are designated as microplastics (MPs)
(Dümichen et al., 2015; Moore, 2008). In addi-
tion to the fragmentation of larger plastics,
MPs can be released directly into the environ-
ment through the discharge of cosmetic beads
and clothing fibers into wastewater (Law &
Thompson, 2014).
As MPs are produced, the abundance and
availability of plastic increases, which can be
ingested or incorporated by organisms (Shim &
Thompson, 2015). This is a cause for concern,
given that MPs are virtually ubiquitous in the
environment. They have been found in the air
(Gasperi et al., 2018; Sridharan et al., 2021), sea
Patrones de incorporación de microplásticos en estuches larvales
y pupales de Limnephilus hamifer (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae)
Introducción: Los microplásticos (MPs) son una problemática omnipresente en el ambiente. Sin embargo, la
investigación sobre los efectos de los microplásticos en organismos invertebrados de ecosistemas dulceacuícolas
es relativamente limitada.
Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo es estudiar los patrones de incorporación de MPs por larvas de tricópteros en el
Métodos: Recolectamos 30 larvas de Limnephilus hamifer de cuarto y quinto instar en el Cerro de la Muerte, Costa
Rica (2 764 msnm), las cuales trasladamos al laboratorio, donde las aclimatamos por 72 horas. Inducimos a las
larvas a abandonar sus estuches naturales, y depositamos cinco en cada uno de los siguientes tratamientos: 100 %
MPs, 75 % MPs, 50 % MPs, 25 % MPs y 0 % MPs, donde el resto del porcentaje correspondía a materia orgánica
proveniente del mismo sitio de recolecta. En un sexto tratamiento depositamos cinco larvas con sus estuches
originales en un sustrato 50 % MPs. Los MPs consistían en una mezcla proporcional de PET de cuatro colores:
naranja, azul, transparente y verde.
Resultados: Encontramos que las larvas de todos los tratamientos construyeron sus estuches incorporando MPs,
incluso teniendo materia orgánica a su disposición. Por lo general los estuches hechos con MPs tenían un mayor
peso que los estuches naturales y los del grupo control. Además, observamos que los MPs de color naranja fueron
más incorporados en los estuches en todos los tratamientos, por lo que posiblemente las larvas de tricópteros
tienen preferencias hacia el color naranja. También observamos la incorporación de MPs en larvas con sus estu-
ches originales. Incluso, registramos la incorporación de MPs en los estuches pupales, algo no reportado en la
literatura hasta el momento.
Conclusiones: La incorporación de MPs en todos los tratamientos tiene consecuencias importantes porque estos
pueden acumular toxinas que afectan a los organismos. El hecho de que los estuches de MPs sean más pesados
que los naturales, podría significar un problema en la movilidad de las larvas sobre el sustrato, lo que conlleva un
mayor desgaste energético. Por último, el incorporar MPs en estructuras fijas como los estuches pupales, los puede
hacer más llamativos a la vista de depredadores visuales como peces.
Palabras clave: antropoceno, contaminación con plásticos, ecosistemas dulceacuícolas, insectos acuáticos, PET,
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63696, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
(Law & Thompson, 2014; Shim & Thomposon,
2015; Thompson et al., 2004), land (Ee-Ling et
al., 2018) and freshwaters (Imhof et al., 2013;
Pastorino et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2020). How-
ever, research on the effects of MPs is highly
biased to certain areas. For example, in freshwa-
ter invertebrate organisms, studies conducted
are relatively few when compared to marine
vertebrate organisms (Blettler et al., 2018; Kim
et al., 2018; Nel et al., 2018; Windsor et al.,
2019) and are scarcer in tropical areas than in
developed countries (Blettler et al., 2018).
Within the freshwater macroinvertebrates,
one group that has received recent attention
is Trichoptera, because of their ability to con-
struct cases that serve as protection and cam-
ouflage against predators (Springer, 2010).
Tibbetts et al. (2018), and Ehlers et al. (2019),
found microplastics of different materials, col-
ors, shapes and sizes incorporated into caddis-
fly larval cases in nature. Subsequently, Ehlers
et al. (2020) conducted experiments in which
they observed that the incorporation of MPs
of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyethylene
terephthalate (PET) into the larval cases of Lep-
idostoma basale resulted in a reduction in stabil-
ity. Gallitelli et al. (2021) found that MPs do not
seem to be a direct stressor for Odontocerum
albicorne larvae, as they incorporate them even
in the presence of organic matter. Finally, Val-
entine et al. (2022) observed that Agrypnia sp.
larvae can incorporate and fragment MPs of
PLA (polylactic acid), thus generating more
available MPs in the aquatic environment.
If there is one thing that all previous
research agrees on, it is that a complex interac-
tion between MPs and Trichoptera is occurring
in nature. Hence, more research is needed on
this interaction and its possible consequences
at the individual, population and ecosystem
levels. We asked two principal questions: (1)
Can Limnephilus hamifer larvae incorporate
MPs into their larval cases, even in the presence
of organic matter? and if MPs are incorporated,
(2) Are there patterns of MPs incorporation
into larval cases, in terms of MPs color pref-
erences, number of MPs incorporated, and
whether it is possible for them to incorporate
MPs into pupal cases? Therefore, our research
aims to study the incorporation patterns of
MPs of PET in the larval and pupal cases of
Trichoptera in the Neotropics. In this way, we
contribute to the generation of new knowledge
on the interaction of MPs with freshwater spe-
cies, from an area with few studies on the sub-
ject such as the Neotropics.
Study species: For this experiment, we
selected the species Limnephilus hamifer Flint
1963, of which Springer & Bermúdez (2018)
described the larva and pupa. It is the only
species of the Limnephilidae family reported
for Costa Rica and is found in lentic environ-
ments of high-altitude zones (Springer & Ber-
múdez, 2018). We chose this species because
it is relatively large, adapts well to laboratory
conditions, and uses a variety of materials in
the construction of its cases.
Collection and acclimatization of indi-
viduals: In February 2023, we collected 30
IV and V instar larvae of L. hamifer from a
roadside ditch at Cerro de la Muerte, Costa
Rica (9°38’53.99” N & 83°50’45.81” W), at an
altitude of 2 764 m.a.s.l. We then transferred
them in a container with water from the site
to the entomology laboratory of the School of
Biology of the University of Costa Rica (UCR).
Additionally, we collected 2 gallons of water
from the ditch, as well as leaves and organic
particulate matter from the natural habitat, to
acclimate the containers where we would con-
duct the experiments and to feed the individu-
als. We acclimated the insects for 72 hours in
30 x 22 x 6 cm trays with water from the ditch,
leaves and natural sediment, and an aquarium
air pump. Laboratory conditions throughout
the experiment were constant (Temperature =
23 ºC, humidity = 62 %, Light cycle = 12 hours
light/12 hours dark).
Obtaining MPs: We produced MPs from
orange, blue, green and transparent PET plastic
bottles. For this, we washed the bottles with
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63696, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
abundant water, and rectangular pieces of plas-
tic of 5x10 cm were cut to generate approxi-
mately 16–35 strips with a width of less than 5
mm (~1–3 mm). Subsequently, we cut 35–50
pieces for each strip, thus leaving pieces with a
length of less than 5 mm (~1–3 mm). This pro-
cedure was performed until we obtained ~50 g
of MPs of each selected color.
Experimental Design: We induced the
larvae to leave their natural cases with entomo-
logical forceps and deposited five individuals
without cases in each of the following treat-
ments: 100 % MPs, 75 % MPs, 50 % MPs,
25 % MPs, and 0 % MPs (control), with the
remaining percentage corresponding to natural
organic matter (leaves, sand grains, and sedi-
ment from the ditch in which they were found).
In a sixth treatment, we placed five larvae with
their original cases in a substrate with a concen-
tration of 50 % MPs to observe if they were able
to incorporate MPs into their original cases, as
well as to observe if they incorporated MPs into
their pupal cases. In each treatment, 100 % sub-
strate corresponded to a total of 24.32 g, and the
MPs concentrations consisted of a mixture of
the four colors in equal amounts. For example,
the 50 % MPs treatment consisted of a mixture
of 12.16 g MPs (3.04 g of each color) + 12.16 g
organic matter, for a total mixture of 24.32 g.
Prior to use, we washed the MPs mixtures
from each treatment again with ditch water
and left them in the ditch water for two days.
After completing this process, we placed each
of the treatment mixtures in a cylindrical glass
container that had been previously washed with
drinking water and ditch water. Each container
had a height of 9.5 cm and a diameter of 8
cm and was filled with 400 mL of ditch water.
Additionally, each of the containers for each
treatment had an aquarium air pump in con-
stant operation.
After 72 hours, we induced the larvae again
to leave the cases they constructed in the treat-
ments (except in treatment 6), to store these
cases in 70 % alcohol for subsequent analysis.
We deconstructed the cases of the treatments
following the methodology proposed by Ehlers
et al. (2019), with some modifications: each
case was individually subjected to hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2 36 %) at a temperature of 50 °C
in a water bath for 6 hours, and then taken to
vortex agitation for 1 minute. We analyzed the
cases five days after this procedure, when they
were completely disintegrated.
Variables recorded: We recorded the con-
struction of the new cases during the first 72
hours, because in experiments conducted on
this subject, the larvae usually completed the
construction of their cases within this time
span or even earlier (Ehlers et al., 2020). We
transferred the original cases from all treat-
ments (except treatment 6) to an oven set at 32
°C for a period of three hours. During this time,
the cases were completely dried and subse-
quently weighed on an analytical balance with
a precision of 0.0001 g.
The length of the cases was then mea-
sured using the Leica LAS EZ software. We
recorded the number, color, and size of the
MPs incorporated in each treatment case, as
well as the number and size of organic particles
incorporated in each case. This was done using
a stereomicroscope (Leica brand, model EZ4
W/E) with the aforementioned software. For
treatment 6, we conducted observations every
three days for six weeks, to determine if the lar-
vae incorporated MPs into their original cases,
as well as the possible incorporation of MPs in
the construction of the pupal cases.
Statistical analysis: For each treatment,
we considered each individual as a replicate of
the treatment, i.e., as independent measures.
This is because the case construction of each
larva in a given treatment is not dependent
on or influenced by the presence or absence
of another larva in the same container at the
same time, but it is a product of its particular
biology, which induces case construction by
having its body naked (Boyero et al., 2006;
Zamora-Muñoz & Svensson, 1996). As previ-
ously noted by Colegrave & Ruxton (2018),
equating physical separation with statistical
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63696, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
independence without considering the particu-
lar biology of the organism is a mistake.
For all data sets obtained, we initially
assessed using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Subse-
quently, we applied a parametric or non-para-
metric statistical test, as appropriate. The data
on the number of MPs used in the cases exhib-
ited a normal distribution, thus, we conducted
a one-way ANOVA to ascertain whether there
were discrepancies between the mean amount
of MPs incorporated in the larval cases accord-
ing to each treatment. In the event of such
discrepancies, we used a Tukey test to identify
which treatments were statistically different.
The data on the number of fragments (MPs
and natural leaves) incorporated into the cases
exhibited a normal distribution, thus, we used
a one-way ANOVA to ascertain whether there
were differences between the average number
of structures incorporated according to treat-
ment (100 % MPs vs. 0 % MPs).
The data on color preference did not show
a normal distribution, therefore, we applied the
Kruskal-Wallis (KW) test. If differences were
found, we performed post hoc comparisons
using Dunns test to determine between which
colors the differences occurred. To understand
the relationships between the number of MPs
incorporated, the height and weight of the lar-
val cases, Pearson correlations were conducted.
The size (mm) of the fragments (MPs and
natural leaves) incorporated into the larval
cases did not exhibit a normal distribution.
Consequently, we analyzed the data using the
Kruskal-Wallis (KW) test, and post hoc com-
parisons were performed using Dunns test
to determine if there were differences in size
according to the fragment incorporated.
In all treatments (aside from the control),
we observed that Trichoptera larvae used MPs
to construct their cases (Fig. 1). The mean
number of MPs utilized by larvae in the 100-
MPs treatment was 31.75 (Fig. 2A), while those
in the 75-MPs treatment incorporated, on aver-
age, 28.75 MPs per case. The mean number
of MPs incorporated by larvae in the 50-MPs
treatment was 33.25, while those in the 25-MPs
treatment incorporated, on average, 16.40 MPs
per case. When relating the mean number of
MPs incorporated in the cases to the mean
height of the cases (MPs/mm of case height),
we found that in the 100-MPs treatment, 2.52
MPs/mm were used, in the 75-MPs treatment,
2.26 MPs/mm were used, in the 50-MPs treat-
ment, 2.42 MPs/mm were used, and in the
25-MPs treatment, 1.19 MPs/mm were used.
Although there is a variation between the
number of MPs incorporated according to the
treatments, we found differences only between
the cases of the 100-MPs, 75-MPs and 50-MPs
treatments with respect to the control group
(F4/17 = 9.29, p = 0.0004). The 25-MPs, 50-MPs,
75-MPs and 100-MPs treatments did not show
differences between themselves (p > 0.05)
(Fig. 2A). We observed no difference between
the height of the cases in the different treat-
ments (Fig. 2C), but we found a difference
between the weight of the cases in the treat-
ments that had MPs compared to the control
(Fig. 2B), with the cases being heavier as the
quantity of MPs in them increased (r = 0.87,
p < 0.05) (Fig. 2D).
In terms of color preferences, we found
that larvae from all treatments incorporated a
greater amount of orange MPs than the other
colors (Fig. 3). Differences were found between
the quantity of orange MPs relative to green for
all treatments (p < 0.01), between the quantity
of orange MPs relative to transparent for all
treatments (p < 0.01), except for 100-MPs (p >
0.01). Although in all treatments the cases had
a higher number of orange than blue MPs, there
was no significant difference between the two
colors (p > 0.01).
The length of the microplastics and natural
leaf cuts used for the construction of the cases
did not vary greatly from each other (Fig. 4.
A). However, we found differences between the
length of natural leaves cuts and orange MPs
(p > 0.01), with the natural leaf cuts being 0.44
mm longer on average. In addition, we found
differences between the length of transparent
MPs and MPs of all other colors (p > 0.01),
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63696, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Fig. 2. Measurements of MPs incorporated in the larval cases of L. hamifer. A. Average number of MPs incorporated in larval
cases according to treatment. B. Weight of larval cases on average according to treatment. C. Height of larval cases on average
according to treatment. D. Weight of larval cases according to the number of MPs incorporated.
Fig. 1. Larval cases of Limnephilus hamifer constructed under experimental conditions with the use of four color PET-type
MPs. A. 100 % MPs treatment. B. 75 % MPs treatment. C. 50 % MPs treatment. D. 25 % MPs treatment. E. Original cases of
the larvae used in the experiments. F. 0 % MPs treatment (control).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63696, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
with transparent MPs being 2.86 mm longer on
average: 0.71 mm longer than green MPs, 0.52
mm longer than blue MPs, and 0.54 mm longer
than orange MPs. The length of blue, green and
orange MPs was not significantly different (p >
0.01). This result was to be expected, because
we performed the cuts of MPs in the same way
for each color.
When analyzing the number of particles
used in the cases constructed only with MPs
vs. the cases constructed only with leaves, we
observed differences in the number of particles
Fig. 3. Average number of MPs incorporated into L. hamifer larval cases according to MPs color. A. 100 % MPs treatment.
B. 75 % MPs treatment. C. 50 % MPs treatment. D. 25 % MPs treatment.
Fig. 4. A. Size of the material incorporated into the larval cases of L. hamifer. B. Number of particles incorporated into larval
cases according to the type of material from which the case is constructed.
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63696, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
incorporated by the caddisflies (F1/6 = 14.82, p
= 0.008). Specifically, they incorporate more
particles when the cases are constructed only
from MPs, than when they are constructed
only from leaf cuts (Fig. 4B). When they build
the case with only MPs, they use on average 11
more particles per case than when they build it
with only natural leaves cuts.
In treatment 6, we observed that one larva
incorporated MPs into its original case (Fig. 5.
A), while three of the five individuals formed
pupae and incorporated MPs into all pupal
cases (Fig. 5. B-D). Pupal case B contained two
MPs (blue and green), pupal case C contained
four green MPs, and pupal case D contained
17 MPs (eight orange, four green, three trans-
parent, and two blue). None of the individuals
managed to emerge from the pupae, and the
experiments in this treatment were ended six
weeks after the start date.
Trichoptera incorporated MPs into their
larval cases in all treatments where they were
available, even when the quantity of MPs was
low. This finding is consistent with that report-
ed by Gallitelli et al. (2021) who observed
that Odontocerum albicorne incorporated MPs
regardless of the quantity of original substrate
available. The studies conducted by Ehlers et
al. (2020) and Gallitelli et al. (2021), as well
as the present investigation, demonstrate that
caddisfly larvae that construct cases, even from
different families, have no rejection for MPs,
but actively incorporate them if they are avail-
able. This is problematic because MPs were
found to reduce the stability of trichopteran
cases (Ehlers et al., 2020). Furthermore, it has
been demonstrated that MPs may contain ele-
vated levels of toxic substances, which could
Fig. 5. A. Incorporation of MPs in the original larval case of L. hamifer. B-D. Incorporation of MPs in the pupal cases
of L. hamifer.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63696, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
represent a significant risk for the development
of the early stages of the life cycle, particularly
in aquatic animals (Cormier et al., 2021).
Since PET plastic has a high density and
is often deposited in river sediments (He et al.,
2021; Jiang et al., 2019), it may be readily avail-
able in nature for caddisfly larvae. Our results
show that when a case constructed entirely with
MPs is compared to a case constructed with
natural materials, the former will have a higher
weight, even if it is the same size or smaller than
the latter. Our results differ from those of Gal-
litelli et al. (2021), who found that cases with
MPs were lighter than natural cases, but this
may be due to two factors: first, they used MPs
with different characteristics in their experi-
ments (not only PET). Second, the species used
in that study constructs its cases with gravel and
sand, whereas our species constructs its cases
mainly with leaves, a lighter material.
Considering our findings, the hypothesis
that caddisfly larvae incorporating MPs may be
affected in terms of drift (due to lighter cases)
(Gallitelli et al., 2021) is not necessarily sup-
ported. On the contrary, our findings indicate
that the problem lies in the fact that, the more
MPs incorporated, the higher the weight of
the cases. This could result in greater energetic
expenditure when wanting to move over the
sediment, and even decrease the movement
capacity of the caddisflies due to the increased
weight. Further studies are needed that focus
on testing how displacement and movement
capacity are altered as the quantity of MPs
incorporated in the cases increases. It should
also be considered that the MPs could make the
cases heavier or lighter than the natural ones,
depending on the natural material incorporated
by the larvae (gravel/sand versus leaves/organic
matter). Furthermore, the question of how the
friction of the cases with the sediment is modi-
fied, when there are high concentrations of MPs
in the cases, is unexplored.
About color preferences, larvae choose
orange MPs over the other colors, although
no significant difference was found between
orange and blue, but between orange and the
other colors. Larval vision in holometabolous
insects is based on visual organs called stem-
mata, which can provide quite sophisticated
vision (Gilbert, 1994). Studies of Lepidoptera
larvae (sister group of Trichoptera) have dem-
onstrated that they exhibit visual preferences
based on color (Singh & Saxena, 2004; Villegas-
Mendoza & Rosas-García, 2013). It is known
that the visual systems of Lepidoptera and Tri-
choptera larvae are very similar (Gilbert, 1994),
and thus it is not unexpected that Trichoptera
larvae may be able to detect certain colors and
have preferences for some. It is plausible that
visual preferences for orange may be attributed
to the fact that a significant proportion of the
organic material utilized by these larvae for case
construction exhibits orange or yellow hues.
Therefore, it can be postulated that they possess
a visual bias towards these colorations. Indeed,
in the study conducted by Ehlers et al. (2019),
certain orange or yellow MPs could not be visu-
ally differentiated from the natural material due
to the similarity in color. The field of vision in
Trichoptera larvae remains largely unexplored,
suggesting that future studies focused on vision
may provide further insights into the subject of
color detection and color preference.
With respect to the quantity and size of
the MPs, we observed that when the larvae
construct a case entirely with MPs, they used
a greater number of fragments than when they
construct the case entirely with leaves. This is
possibly related to the fact that on average, the
leaf fragments have a larger size, so that, with
fewer fragments of the material they cover the
necessary area. At this juncture, the utilization
of MPs may also be regarded as an additional
energetic expenditure for the animal, given
that their smaller size (which is not modifi-
able, unlike a leaf) necessitates the use of a
greater number of fragments. Additionally, we
observed loose MPs with silk on some larval
cases, indicating that MPs are not as easy to
incorporate into the case as natural material,
or that MPs became detached from the case,
agreeing with the observations of Ehlers et al.
(2020). Although it is reasonable to hypoth-
esize that in nature, caddisfly larvae utilize a
greater amount of organic matter fragments
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e63696, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
relative to the number of MPs employed under
experimental conditions, the ease with which
they bind natural matter may necessitate the
production of less silk than is required to bind
MPs. Further investigation is needed to eluci-
date the relationship between silk production
and the construction of cases using different
materials (MPs vs. organic matter).
We are not aware of a record in the lit-
erature reporting the presence of MPs in Tri-
choptera pupal cases. Thus, we report a novel
observation: the incorporation of MPs in Tri-
choptera pupal cases. This has important con-
sequences, as incorporating MPs into fixed
structures, such as pupal cases, may make
caddisflies more susceptible to highly visual
predators such as trout (Dedual & Collier, 1995;
Luchiari & Pirhonen, 2008; Pope et al., 2009),
which has been introduced in high mountain
streams in Costa Rica and other tropical coun-
tries. Furthermore, MPs may contain trace
toxins (Cormier et al., 2021) that could poten-
tially impact pupal development. We think that
the damage that can be caused by a chemical
contaminant in a fixed structure such as the
pupal case, may be greater because it is a fixed
and closed structure compared to the larval
case. In addition, the pupae could be affected in
terms of gas exchange and higher temperature
fluctuation inside the case. Finally, it would be
important to conduct studies to determine the
survival rate and emergence success of adults
developing in cases with incorporated MPs
compared to natural ones. Additionally, it is
necessary to study in greater depth the pos-
sible chemical effects associated with the MPs
on the insect.
Here we provide new data on MPs incor-
poration patterns in Trichoptera, using a family
with few studies on the subject. It appears that
if MPs are available, they will be incorporated
into larval cases, not discriminating between
natural matter and MPs. The cases built entirely
with PET-type MPs are heavier than those
built with organic matter without MPs, weight
being an element that could affect mobility on
the substrate. In addition, we conclude that
larvae possibly have color preferences, as they
incorporate more orange MPs, a color similar
to that found in the sediments and grains that
are available in the freshwater ecosystems to
which they have naturally adapted. Finally, the
incorporation of MPs in pupal cases could be
a double risk for individuals, firstly, because of
possible effects on predation, since MPs in fixed
structures could attract visual predators such as
trout, and secondly, because if toxins are pres-
ent in the MPs, pupal development could be
severely affected.
Further research is required to elucidate
the potential effects of MPs on Trichoptera. The
impact of incorporating high and low density
MPs on displacement remains unknown, as
does the effect of MPs on case construction
time. Additionally, the influence of MPs on silk
production and the potential toxicity of MPs to
larvae and pupae have yet to be investigated.
Furthermore, the response of visual predators
to MPs-embedded cases remains unknown.
It would be of great interest to ascertain the
visual capabilities of Trichoptera larvae, partic-
ularly about color perception. We recommend
that future studies address these identified
knowledge gaps. It is essential to integrate the
data being generated at the broader scale, to
ascertain its impact on trophic relationships
in freshwater ecosystems. This will facilitate a
greater understanding of the potential interac-
tions between microplastics and the different
aquatic species.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
We are deeply grateful to Kimberly Val-
verde for her help in preparing the MPs
used in the research, to Juan Rodríguez for
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e63696, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
supplying PET bottles, to Geovanny Arias for
providing transportation for the field trips,
to SINAC for collecting permits (R-SINAC-
SE-DTPI-007-2022). Finally, we thank Keilor
Rojas, and two anonymous reviewers for their
usefull comments and recommendations.
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