Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Towards transdisciplinary and transformative
coastal marine research: insights from Costa Rica
Astrid Sánchez-Jiménez1,2; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1648-0232
Maraja Riechers3; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3916-8102
Álvaro Morales-Ramírez2; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0883-5366
1. Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Seestrasse 15 D-18119 Rostock, Germany; asanjim@gmail.com
2. Research Center of Marine Science and Limnology (CIMAR), University of Costa Rica, 11501-2060, San José, Costa
Rica; alvaro.morales@ucr.ac.cr
3. Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, Alter Hafen Süd 2, 18069 Rostock, Germany; maraja.riechers@thuenen.de
Received 06-I-2024. Corrected 25-II-2025. Accepted 26-II-2025.
Introduction: Transformative transdisciplinary research (TTDR) aims to address complex sustainability issues
of our times by engaging researchers from different disciplines, practitioners, individuals, and policymakers.
Objective: This literature review is a first structured effort to understand how marine-coastal research published
in English and Spanish can drive transformative change towards sustainability in Costa Rica (n = 30 articles)
and is expected to foster critical reflection on the role of scientific systems in the design, production, and use of
Results: The results show that in Costa Rica, knowledge production remains largely unidirectional, with stake-
holder consultation prevailing over co-production. It highlights the need to foster collaborative research that
includes historically underrepresented groups, such as women. Power and funding dynamics determine research
priorities, with efforts concentrated in the North Pacific, while the Caribbean region remains underrepresented.
Conclusions: Furthermore, we highlight ways forward to transformative research: a focus on leverage points
such as co-production of knowledge, creation of safe spaces for inclusive dialogue, and reform of funding models
to support long-term interdisciplinary collaboration. As Costa Rica will co-host the upcoming Ocean Conference
in France, this moment presents an opportunity to align national research efforts with global transformative
trends, ensuring that marine research evolves towards more inclusive and action-oriented frameworks.
Key words: marine sciences; social-ecological systems; sustainability transformation; co-production; Costa Rica;
Global South; transdisciplinary research.
Hacia una investigación transdisciplinaria y transformadora en
el ámbito costero marino: perspectivas desde Costa Rica
Introducción: La investigación transdisciplinaria transformadora (TTDR, por sus siglas en inglés) tiene como
objetivo abordar cuestiones complejas de sostenibilidad de nuestros tiempos mediante la participación de inves-
tigadores de diferentes disciplinas, profesionales, individuos y formuladores de políticas.
Objetivo: Esta revisión de la literatura es un primer esfuerzo estructurado para comprender cómo la inves-
tigación marino-costera publicada en inglés y español puede impulsar un cambio transformador hacia la
2Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
In the Anthropocene our ocean is impact-
ed by myriad challenges and pressures, hence
advancing towards sustainability demands the
coexistence of human activities, ecosystem con-
servation and restoration (Rockström et al.,
2023). Scientists, institutional actors, and local
stakeholders should work transdisciplinarily
to rethink and transform the way we create,
consume and interact within social-ecological
systems to foster well-being (Partelow et al.,
2023). The integration of different perspectives,
and their interrelationships, is vital to over-
come conflicting societal interests (Raymond
et al., 2023). Collaborative knowledge produc-
tion between academia and society is key to
envisioning desirable futures and identifying
the transformations necessary to achieve more
sustainable states (Nash et al., 2022).
Strategies to understand and address the
unprecedented environmental changes of our
time require systems thinking in social-eco-
logical systems (SES). SES consider marine
and coastal areas in an integrated manner,
addressing physical, chemical, and biological
factors that affect and interact with society
(Popova et al., 2023). Transdisciplinarity can
bring socioeconomic and ecological systems
together through research that integrates a
diverse number of academic disciplines and
societal stakeholders (Bennett et al., 2017).
One of the main advantages of transdiscipli-
narity is the freedom to encompass different
perspectives to approach complex problems,
without allowing the premises of a particular
discipline to overshadow the view of problems
and solutions.
Integrating social, cultural, economic, and
political dimensions into the ecological and
physical factors of marine coastal management
and governance demands a Transformative
Transdisciplinary Research (TTDR), that is,
solution-oriented research that understands
the ocean as a complex SES, uses innova-
tive participatory methods, collaborates with
policymakers, local communities, and industry
stakeholders, and aims for long-term impact.
Democratic approaches that enable the inte-
gration of multiple knowledge systems, while
strengthening the link between scientists and
society (Loch & Riechers, 2021), for example,
methods such as participatory action research
and citizen science, can greatly enhance social
inclusion. A clear intention is also required to
drive fundamental change in the way marine
ecosystems are understood, managed and gov-
erned to achieve a more sustainable and just
futures (Bennett, 2022; Chambers et al., 2021;
Pereira et al., 2020).
The United Nations has declared a Decade
of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
sostenibilidad en Costa Rica (n = 30 artículos) y se espera que fomente la reflexión crítica sobre el papel de los
sistemas científicos en el diseño, la producción y el uso del conocimiento.
Resultados: Los resultados muestran que en Costa Rica, la producción de conocimiento sigue siendo en gran
medida unidireccional, y la consulta a las partes interesadas prevalece sobre la coproducción. Destaca la necesi-
dad de fomentar la investigación colaborativa que incluya a grupos históricamente subrepresentados, como las
mujeres. Las dinámicas de poder y financiamiento determinan las prioridades de investigación, con esfuerzos
concentrados en el Pacífico Norte, mientras que la región del Caribe sigue estando subrepresentada.
Conclusiones: Además, destacamos las formas de avanzar hacia una investigación transformadora: un enfoque
en puntos de influencia como la coproducción de conocimiento, la creación de espacios seguros para el diálogo
inclusivo y la reforma de los modelos de financiamiento para apoyar la colaboración interdisciplinaria a largo
plazo. Como Costa Rica será coanfitrión de la próxima Conferencia sobre los Océanos en Francia, este momento
presenta una oportunidad para alinear los esfuerzos nacionales de investigación con las tendencias transforma-
doras globales, asegurando que la investigación marina evolucione hacia marcos más inclusivos y orientados a
la acción.
Palabras clave: ciencias marinas; sistemas social-ecológicos; transformación de la sostenibilidad; coproducción;
Costa Rica; sur global; investigación transdisciplinaria.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
(2021–2030) to ensure that marine research
contributes to improved conditions for ocean
resilience, as well as prosperity and equity
for current and future generations (Franke
et al., 2023). Transformative transdisciplinary
research (TTDR) aims to address complex
real-world sustainability problems by involving
researchers from different disciplines, profes-
sionals, peoples, and policymakers (Augenstein
et al., 2024). Instead of merely making incre-
mental improvements, its goal is to enable
transformative change, which means fostering
systemic shifts in the management, conserva-
tion, and policy-making of marine resources by
co-producing more effective and equitable solu-
tions that are grounded in real-world contexts,
TTDR also empowers individuals and commu-
nities to drive and catalyze change (Grünhagen
et al., 2022). and aims for long-term goals.
Achieving the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) implies that conservation initia-
tives are locally relevant and culturally appro-
priate (Zheng et al., 2021). The Third United
Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3), a major
milestone in the scope of the United Nations
Ocean Decade, will be held in Nice, France,
from June 9 to 13, 2025, with Costa Rica as a
co-host. UNOC3 responds to a demand for
transdisciplinary research with diverse ocean
stakeholders to accelerate action-oriented solu-
tions and transformative change for both peo-
ple and the ocean. However, despite global calls
for transformative change in ocean governance
and sustainability, there is still limited under-
standing of how transdisciplinary research con-
cretely enables sustainability transformations
in Global South regions like Costa Rica. This
article addresses this gap by examining the role
of transdisciplinary research in transforming
social-ecological challenges through a system-
atic literature review of scientific articles in
English and Spanish, focusing on coastal and
marine areas in Costa Rica.
By examining Costa Rica as a case study,
this research provides insights into a specific
national context, while offering lessons for
other regions in the Global South where marine
sustainability go hand in hand with social
inequalities. Emphasizing the dimensions of
history, equity, and power relations is crucial
to promoting just and effective transformations
towards sustainability. This article explores how
transdisciplinary research in marine sciences
can facilitate sustainability transformations.
Specifically, it asks: (1) What is marine TTDR
like in Costa Rica, including which studies can
be considered marine TTDR, when were they
published, what are the authors’ countries of
affiliation, and what sustainability issues do
they address; (2) what is the role of marine
research in solving social-ecological challenges
in Costa Rica, counting who is involved in
knowledge production for sustainability, how
do different actors (academics, policymakers,
and local communities) collaborate?, where
does TTDR is developed, and at what stage of
transformation are the SES under study?
Transformative transdisciplinary
research (TTDR): The concept of transfor-
mative transdisciplinary research (TTDR) is
understood for the purpose of this study as
research that focuses on innovative solving of
practical social-ecological challenges with close
involvement of different disciplines and diverse
societal actors, and that aims for long-term
impact (Augenstein et al., 2024). Etymologi-
cally, transdisciplinarity means going beyond
individual disciplines (Vilsmaier, 2021). Dis-
ciplinary research involves only one discipline
and multidisciplinarity includes several disci-
plines working individually towards a common
goal (Vilsmaier, 2021) (Fig. 1).
While interdisciplinary research is the two-
way collaboration of disciplines to achieve set
goals within a given project, transdisciplinary
research involves groups of stakeholders from
diverse backgrounds in co-design, co-evalua-
tion and co-production of knowledge (Grünha-
gen et al., 2022; Lang et al., 2012), for example
researchers from different disciplines collabo-
rating with actors from tourism, agriculture or
fisheries (Fig. 1).
4Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
In terms of levels of participation and
societal engagement —information, consulta-
tion and co-production—(Krütli et al., 2010),
information and consultation suggest a low
level of participation among social groups.
Information is mostly conveyed unidirection-
ally, either from social actors to the academic
community or vice versa (Krütli et al., 2010).
Sharing information typically keeps the public
updated on the status of a process or project.
In contrast, consultation is frequently used to
ask the public about specific concerns or top-
ics. In co-production, non-academic actors and
researchers work together to design, analyze
and produce knowledge, establishing bidirec-
tional communication and a diverse integration
of ways of knowing (Krütli et al., 2010).
In marine research with social-ecological
impact, the transformation framework (Wiek
& Lang, 2016) can be used as a reference
as a methodological guide to understand the
stage of transformative research, which com-
prises four steps. Typically, the TTDR process
involves (i) analyzing the past and current
state, (ii) creating and evaluating probable
futures (scenarios), (iii) visualizing desirable
futures, and (iv) designing and testing interven-
tions to achieve those futures from the present
moment (backcasting).
Sustainability transformations in social-
ecological systems (SES) can be conceptual-
ized in three phases (Fig. 2): (i) the phase of
preparing for disruptive change, (ii) the phase
of navigating that disruption, and (iii) the sta-
bilization or institutionalization phase, which
serve to build the resilience of the new state
(Moore et al., 2014; Villasante et al., 2021). In
the preparation phase, a disturbance or crisis
in the SES often triggers alternative governance
systems with disruptive potential, which can be
transferred to the navigation phase and begin to
become institutionalized (Herrfahrdt-Pähle et
al., 2020). However, sustainability transforma-
tions are political processes that address asym-
metric social power relations and conflicts, and
these alternative modes can be contested by the
status quo system or actively chosen (Blythe et
al., 2018; Brodie Rudolph et al., 2020).
Systematic literature review:
Data collection: The systematic review
includes scientific articles and book chapters
Fig. 1. Level of integration across scientific disciplines. Adapted from (Grünhagen et al., 2022).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
(1999–2024) in English and Spanish, focus-
ing on transdisciplinary and transformational
coastal marine research in Costa Rica. This
nation is developing in the context of the Glob-
al South. The research process was structured
using the Scopus database (www.scopus.com)
and the Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) system (Page et
al., 2021). The PRISMA system comprises three
steps: identification, selection, and inclusion, as
illustrated in Fig. 3.
The Scopus database was searched using a
search string to identify relevant peer-reviewed
that collected original data articles. The search
string consisted of screened keywords, abstract
and titles, containing: “(marine) OR (gov-
ernance) OR (social AND ecological AND
systems) (socio AND ecological AND systems)
OR (sustainability) OR (ecosystem AND ser-
vices) OR (small AND scale AND fisheries) OR
(artisanal AND fisheries) OR (psychology) OR
(perception) OR (participatory) OR (transfor-
mation) OR (communities) OR (management)
OR (workshops) OR (interviews) OR (local)
AND (costa AND rica) OR (collective) OR
(transdisciplinary) OR (women) OR (behavior)
OR (tourism) OR (engagement) OR (liveli-
hoods) OR (fishing) OR (gulf AND of AND
nicoya) OR (compliance) OR (transformation)
OR (poverty) AND (pacific) OR (restoration)
OR (conservation) AND (stakeholders)”.
Data analysis: We conducted a deductive
coding, based on following typology (Table 1):
Fig. 3. Flow diagram for a systematic literature review selection process following PRISMA. Adapted from (Baumann et al.,
2023; Page et al., 2021).
Fig. 2. Phases of sustainability transformations in social-ecological systems adapted from (Moore et al., 2014; Villasante et
al., 2021).
6Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
(1) general characteristics of marine TDTR
in Costa Rica, we identified (i) the number of
case studies in Costa Rica on marine transdis-
ciplinary research, (ii) the years of publication
of the studies, (iii) the countries of affiliation of
the first authorship of the case studies, and (iv)
the sustainability issues addressed. To elucidate
(2) the role that marine research plays in solv-
ing social-ecological problems in Costa Rica, we
investigate (i) the type of actors that participate
in the research, (ii) in which geographic areas
of the country the studies are developed, and
(iii) how participatory research is produced,
that is, (iv) the type of participatory meth-
ods and level of participation (contribution,
collaboration or co-production), (iv) steps of
transformative change (descriptive past-current
state or scenario construction and anticipa-
tory intervention research) and the (v) phase of
transformation of the social-ecological system
(preparation, navigation or institutionalization)
General characteristics of TTDR marine
research in Costa Rica: Our analysis cov-
ered 30 articles on transdisciplinary transfor-
mational research conducted in marine and
coastal systems in Costa Rica (Appendix 1).
The articles ranged from 2013 (n = 1) to 2024
(n = 7). The first authorship derived from seven
different nations: Costa Rica (n = 18; 45 % of
Table 1
Typology of the transdisciplinary peer-reviewed literature in Costa Rica and its role in fostering societal participation and
solving marine social-ecological problems (interpreted by the authors).
Category Subcategory Definition or example
(1) General
(i) N° of Published
Selected articles with titles, keywords and abstracts that meet the criteria of
transdisciplinary and transformational coastal marine research in Costa Rica
(ii) Sustainability themes E.g., Conservation, fisheries management. ecosystem services
(iii) Publication years Selected from 1999–2024 as globally transdisciplinary research grew on this
(iv) Countries of
affiliations of first
Global North or Global South nations are used to describe socio-economic
and political divide between wealthier and poorer nations, usually related
with inequalities and the dominant research perspectives and funding sources
(2) Role played
in solving marine
(i) Who? Stakeholders involved. E.g., fishing communities
(ii) Where? Study sites in Costa Rica. E.g., Isla Chira
Region Caribbean Sea, Pacific Ocean (North, central and South) and Gulf of Nicoya
(iii) How? Participatory methods and data analysis. E.g., interviews, workshops
Level of participation of
Information, consultation and co-production (Krütli et al. 2010): Sharing
information allows the public to be kept informed about the status of a
process. Consultation typically asks the public about specific topics. In co-
production, non-academic actors and researchers work together to design the
process and outcomes, establishing two-way communication.
(iv) Transformational
research (steps)
Based on Wiek and Lang (2016) and Baumann et al., 2023: (i) Descriptive
research: (a) analyzing past and current state and (b) looking for probable
futures (e.g., scenarios); (ii) Anticipatory research: forecasting paths to desir-
able futures (a) (intervention research)
(v) Phases for
transformative changes
Based on Moore et al., (2014) and Villasante et al., (2021) (i) Preparation
for disruptive change, (ii) navigating that disruption and (iii) stabilization
of alternative modes that are now institutionalized in the governance system
and embedded at the seascape level E.g., Institutionalization of new values
and the enforcement of new regulations and practices (e.g., shifting towards
desirable sustainable fishing gears).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
the 30 articles), Germany (n = 9; 23 %), United
States (n = 9; 23 %), United Kingdom (n = 1; 3
%), Colombia (n = 1; 3 %), Ecuador (n = 1; 3
%), and Australia (n = 1; 3 %). Overall, 50 % of
the first authorship came from countries in the
Global South, and the other 50 % came from
the Global North (Appendix 1).
The sustainability topics addressed in these
articles (Fig. 4) were mainly related to (1)
social-ecological approaches on coastal man-
agement (n = 66; %) (García Lozano & Heinen,
2016a; Naranjo-Madrigal et al., 2015; Palou
Zúniga et al., 2023; Partelow et al., 2019), (2)
fisheries (n = 70) and small-scale fisheries (n
= 30) (Albers et al., 2021; Bystrom et al., 2017;
Carrillo et al., 2019; Fernández Carvajal, 2013;
García Lozano & Heinen, 2016a; García Lozano
& Heinen, 2016b; Naranjo-Madrigal & van Put-
ten, 2019; Partelow et al., 2019; Partelow et al.,
2020b; Rivera et al., 2017a; Sánchez-Jiménez
et al., 2019; Sánchez-Jiménez et al., 2021), (3)
marine protected areas (n = 53) and marine
conservation (n = 30) (Albers et al., 2021;
Arias et al., 2015; López-Angarita et al., 2021;
Naranjo-Madrigal et al., 2015; O’Bryhim et al.,
2016; Partelow et al., 2019; Pereira et al., 2024;
Sardeshpande & MacMillan, 2019; Valerio-
Vargas & Espinoza, 2019) and (4) local com-
munities (n = 59) (Allen et al., 2021; Fernández
Carvajal, 2013; Little & Little, 2017; Mejías-
Balsalobre et al., 2021; OBryhim et al., 2016;
Rivera et al., 2017b).
On a second level of frequent topics, there
are issues of (5) collective action (Carrillo et al.,
2019; García Lozano & Heinen, 2016a; Rivera
et al., 2017a), (6) environmental perception
(Mejías-Balsalobre et al., 2021; Partelow et al.,
2021; Sánchez-Jiménez et al., 2014; Villalobos-
Cubero et al., 2023), (7) support to conserva-
tion (OBryhim et al., 2016; Sardeshpande &
MacMillan, 2019) and (8) alternatives to devel-
opment such as tourism (Carvache-Franco et
al., 2022; Little & Little, 2017; Palacios-Mar-
tínez & Núñez-Zamora, 2021).
Fig 4. Most frequent sustainability themes mentioned in keywords, abstract and titles of the research under scrutiny: fisheries
(n = 70), management (n = 66), community (n = 59), marine (n = 53), local (n = 43), small-scale (n = 30), conservation
(n = 30).
8Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
Role of marine research in solving social-
ecological problems in Costa Rica:
Stakeholders involved: We found that vari-
ous groups (Fig. 5), including fishers, coastal
communities, the tourism industry, NGOs, and
researchers, are engaged in marine and coastal
management. Conversely, we observed limited
participation from women and government
institutions such as SINAC, INCOPESCA, and
the Coast Guard in the research analyzed.
Geographical focus of the research scru-
tinized: Most articles described studies in 26
study sites (Fig. 6) located in the North Pacific
(n = 14; 45.16 % of the 31 articles), followed
by the Gulf of Nicoya (29.03 %), South Pacific
(16.13 %), and Caribbean (9.68 %) (Fig. 7).
Approaches to address transdisciplinarity
and levels of participation: The articles reviewed
draw on different approaches, conceptual
frameworks and methods to address and ana-
lyze transdisciplinarity. The most used ones
were semi-structured interviews and the iden-
tification of stakeholder perceptions. Methods
often used in conjunction with deliberation
or dialogue, participant observation, mapping,
key informants, and a social-ecological frame-
work (Fig. 8). To a lesser extent, we find arti-
cles on behavior change interventions, societal
attitudes, and anecdotal records. Information
is mainly shared unidirectionally from the
social stakeholders to the academic community,
mainly as a means of consultation, while co-
production represents the smallest number of
articles analyzed for the case of Costa Rica (see
Appendix 1).
Steps of transformative change in the articles
reviewed: The review examined the steps of
transformative change in the articles under
scrutiny, based on the transformation frame-
work (Wiek & Lang, 2016). Fig. 9 displays the
frequency of articles that have implemented
steps of the transformation framework. Of
the 30 articles reviewed, all of them focused
on descriptive research (n = 30, 100 % of all
articles), specifically 100 % (n = 30) performed
a past and current state analysis (step i), and
scenario construction (step ii), was conducted
in 17 % (n = 5) of the articles. The least utilized
aspect was anticipation research at 13 % (n =
4), in which visioning desirable futures (step iii)
Fig. 5. Main societal stakeholders participating as informants or knowledge producers in Costa Rican marine transdisciplinary
research in examination.
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
was present in 0 % of the research and interven-
tion research (step iv) was present in 13 % (n =
4) of the research (Fig. 3).
Phase of transformative change in the
social-ecological system: As interpreted by the
authors, the analysis of the articles revealed
that in 56 % of cases, a shock or crisis in the
social-ecological systems triggered the creation
of alternative governance systems (Prepara-
tion for Change phase). In 32 % of the cases,
the management process corresponded to the
Navigation of Change phase (Appendix 1). In
12 % of the articles, phases 1 and 2 played a role
in establishing the new regime and its stabiliza-
tion (Institutionalization phase).
Main findings: The transdisciplinary
research analyzed in this article included both
academic and non-academic perspectives that
allowed for a more inclusive view of the current
and past state of Costa Ricas coastal marine
systems. Knowledge co-production remains the
least frequent research modality, while stake-
holder consultation is the most common. The
one-way exchange of information in several
Fig. 6. Study sites of the reviewed articles on transdisciplinary marine research in Costa Rica.
10 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
of the reviewed articles responds to dominant
scientific approaches in which inhabitants of
the tropics are still largely seen as objects of
research rather than subjects and agents of
change (Partelow et al., 2020a). There is an
evident need for deeper engagement beyond
consultation that fosters collaboration between
researchers and stakeholders. Knowledge co-
production could lead to leverage points or
significant constructive changes in SES moving
to meaningful commitment.
In the reviewed articles, the participation
of women and government institutions such
as SINAC, INCOPESCA and the Coast Guard
is limited. One of the challenges of transdisci-
plinary marine research in Costa Rica will be
to transcend conventional divisions of science
as merely a producer of knowledge and advi-
sor, towards a system actor that intentionally
facilitates the co-design, co-evaluation, and co-
production of research projects with other
sectors. Explicitly recognizing where it will be
carried out, what points of view will count in
the research, who will define the sustainability
objectives and to whose benefit or detriment.
Methods such as participatory action research,
community led initiatives and long-term part-
nerships can be further explored as a means to
institutionalize the co-production of knowledge.
But not without simultaneously addressing the
power dynamics that hinder equal participa-
tion, particularly from marginalized groups.
Peoples vulnerability to environmental
changes, access, use and management of natu-
ral areas is influenced by national and interna-
tional geopolitical power relations (Saunders
et al., 2024). Historically, rural and coastal
communities in the periphery of Costa Rica
Fig. 7. Core regions of Costa Rican marine transdisciplinary research under scrutiny. Developed by Catalina Benavides
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
have low or very low social progress indices
(IPS) compared to the central cantons of the
country with a particular deterioration in secu-
rity, health, inclusion, water and sanitation
(Instituto Centroamericano de Administración
de Empresas, 2024; Programa de las Naciones
Unidas para el Desarrollo, 2023). Addressing
regional disparities will be a key aspect towards
transformative research, the articles reviewed
focused primarily on the North Pacific and the
Gulf of Nicoya, showing the need to expand
efforts towards underrepresented regions such
as the Caribbean and the South Pacific. In gen-
eral, in Costa Rica most of the marine research
has been carried out in the Pacific (North
Pacific and the Gulf of Nicoya) due to the logis-
tical accessibility in terms of research stations,
greater institutional presence and funding for
long-term studies (Vargas, 1995).
Currently, various calls from the Global
North for funding transdisciplinary marine
research increasingly include initiatives that
facilitate co-design, co-assessment and co-pro-
duction of knowledge between societal actors.
Fig. 8. Methods, approaches and conceptual frameworks to address transdisciplinarity in the Costa Rican marine research
under inquiry.
12 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
For instance, some projects funded by Horizon
Europes call, such as the current SEADITO
(Social-ecological analysis and models for the
digital twin ocean) project, are an example of
initiatives that involve case studies from diverse
geographies and contexts, including the Baltic
Sea, the North Sea and the Mediterranean,
and that engage diverse actors from academia
and civil society in the co-design of decision
support tools (European Union. HORIZON-
MISS-2023-OCEAN-01, 2024). Monitoring
the development, outcomes and funding of
such projects provides valuable information
for potential similar efforts in Costa Rica and
other contexts in the Global South. Provided
the funds are allocated to culturally appropri-
ate projects and bolster existing local initiatives
rather than imposing external agendas (Aguilar
González, 2024).
As in other coastal areas of the Global
South (Baumann et al., 2023), most of the lit-
erature reviewed still places marine research
in Costa Rica in the phase of preparation
for change, meaning that the system is going
through crises, shocks and pressures that are
driving innovation and new governance mod-
els. Thirty-two percent of the papers address
these changes and a minority of the studies
(twelve percent), suggest an early stabilization
phase, where alternative governance struc-
tures, like marine areas for responsible fishing
(AMPRs) are solidifying. AMPRs are legally
constituted since 1999 and seek to use fishery
resources responsibly, managed from the com-
munities with a synergy between INCOPESCA
as the governing body, academia and commu-
nity organizations. Although there is still room
for improvement to overcome the limitations
towards collective action (Carrillo et al., 2019),
by 2022 twelve AMPRs were distributed in
the Gulf of Nicoya, Golfo Dulce and northern
Caribbean, totaling more than 1 500 km2 of co-
managed areas (Ulate-Garita, 2022).
In the current literature review, research
focusing on the past and present state of coastal
and marine systems prevails. The results high-
light the necessity to move beyond descriptive
research towards future-oriented studies that
allow for envisioning desirable and more sus-
tainable futures, and a diversity of approaches
focused on issues of equity and justice. For
example, scenario planning, adaptive gover-
nance frameworks, and participatory visioning
exercises with communities and policymakers
are suggested for future methods. In Costa Rica,
a budget-constrained Global South country,
the prioritization of research topics is likely to
reflect these limitations. Hence, transformative
Fig. 9. Steps of transformative change in Costa Rican marine transdisciplinary research under study. Adapted from
(Baumann et al., 2023; Wiek & Lang, 2016).
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
changes in marine research will also require
reforming funding models for transdisciplinar-
ity and transformation.
The most common sustainability topics
covered in the publications evaluated include
social and ecological elements of coastal man-
agement, small-scale fisheries, marine conser-
vation, and local communities. They contain
powerful subjects with the potential to prompt
transformations, such as ecosystem-based
management, biodiversity-preserving interven-
tions, and co-management approaches. The
transformative potential will mainly reside in
the collaborative development of acceptable
and realistic solutions that are relevant to local
needs and cultural preferences (Herrón et al.,
2020). Sustainable tourism is among the devel-
opment alternatives presented in the review. To
investigate this and other possibilities, fishers,
national authorities, academia and other stake-
holders would need to combine their efforts
and financial resources to conduct innovative
research and test desirable outcomes.
The reviewed articles reflect some social
transformations that have been taking place, for
example, favorable conditions for restoration
of coral ecosystems in the Golfo Dulce (Vil-
lalobos-Cubero et al., 2023) and the voluntary
creation of Responsible Marine Fishing Areas
(Carrillo et al., 2019). This raises the impor-
tance of investigating the role of groups typi-
cally marginalized from decision-making, as
agents to actively transform the economy from
the margins (Ravera et al., 2016). To generate
marine research with social impact, it is neces-
sary to advance in the development of diverse
methods and safe enough spaces (Pereira et al.,
2020) that openly address power dynamics and
equity dimensions, as well as facilitate debate
on differences in preferences between actors
(Chuenpagdee & Jentoft, 2018).
Addressing complex marine challenges
requires innovative research approaches that
transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Transdisciplinary and transformative marine
research offers a way forward in Costa Rica
by integrating diverse perspectives and foster-
ing collaboration. We see the co-production
of knowledge as a leverage point or a key area
for systemic change. Creating safe spaces for
transformation can also ensure that histori-
cally marginalized voices are included in deci-
sion-making processes. Strengthening equity
and justice in research practices, along with
improving funding mechanisms, is essential
to sustaining meaningful long-term impact.
The following section explores these elements:
leverage points, knowledge co-production,
safe spaces, and funding, as essential strategies
to promote transformative transdisciplinary
marine research.
Ways forward for transformative trans-
disciplinary marine research in Costa Rica:
Following the current analysis of transforma-
tive marine research, we highlight the next key
themes as ways forward: (1) adopting a leverage
points perspective, i.e. prioritizing interven-
tions that can lead to significant positive chang-
es in social-ecological systems, (2) focusing on
knowledge co-production or collaborative inte-
gration of expertise from scientists, policymak-
ers, industry and local stakeholders, (3) creating
safe spaces and methods for transformation,
equity, and justice, i.e. intentionally design-
ing environments that allow diverse actors to
meaningfully participate in shaping the future,
especially groups conventionally marginalized
in decision-making, and (4) enhancing funding
for transdisciplinary research, with long-term,
adaptable budgets that enable adaptive learn-
ing, are locally appropriate and support cross-
disciplinary expertise. We elaborate on these
four themes below.
Leverage points for transformative research:
In the context of transdisciplinary marine
research, leverage points (LP) can be defined as
strategic interventions in a complex social-eco-
logical system where relatively small changes
may lead to significant transformations in the
entire system (Meadows, 2015). LP can be clas-
sified into four categories based on the system
features they address: (1) intent, (2) design,
(3) parameters and (4) feedbacks (Abson et
al., 2017) (Table 2). Adjustments in research
approaches, governance structures, funding
14 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
mechanisms, and stakeholder engagement can
activate these systemic changes.
Parameters are the measurable charac-
teristics of the system (e.g., numbers, sizes)
(Table 2), and an example of modifying param-
eters within the existing coastal marine system
in Costa Rica will be to expand research efforts
and increase funding to underrepresented
regions such as the Caribbean or South Pacific.
System feedback refers to positive and
negative interactions within the system
(Table 2), and an example of adjusting feedback
in research will be to develop models to help
predict natural systems responses and from
society. Future scenarios, for example, can help
visualize potential changes in ecosystems and
trigger societal responses necessary for adapta-
tion and resilience (Riechers et al., 2021b).
For some authors such as Westley et al.,
2011, to move towards more sustainable states,
research must fundamentally alter the way
society sees and thinks about nature (system
intent), as well as rethink the systems goals
and rules (system design). Research capable of
altering system design will focus on changing
the relationships between actors, institutions,
and knowledge systems, and an example for
Costa Rica will be to move from one-way
consultations to true co-production of knowl-
edge. Adjusting system design can also trigger
changes in social structures that impact rules,
norms, and collective human behaviors.
Changes in system intent require interven-
tions that reshape mindsets and affect the way
the system behaves, generating emergent goals
that result in a paradigm shift (Meadows, 2015).
For instance, moving from extractive research
models that impose external agendas and
extract information, to cooperative research
approaches between different stakeholders.
Marine research that intervenes SES intent
and design may have greater potential to gen-
erate transformative changes (Abson et al.,
2017), although it may also be more difficult to
alter and are generally less investigated themes
(Fischer & Riechers, 2019). For example,
although less frequent in the reviewed articles,
at the intent level, stakeholder perceptions are
key processes as people make decisions based
on their own perspectives and expectations of
what is possible (e.g., Mejías-Balsalobre et al.,
2021; Partelow et al., 2021; Sánchez-Jiménez
et al., 2014; Villalobos-Cubero et al., 2023).
The same is true for other less frequent topics
Table 2
Twelve leverage points (Meadows, 2015) classified into four system characteristics according to the leverage for systemic
change (Abson et al., 2017; Riechers et al., 2021a).
Leverage points System Characteristics
12. Constants, parameters, numbers
11. The size of buffers and other stabilizing stocks, relative to their flows
10. Structure of material stocks and flows
4. Parameters: measurable system
9. Length of delays, relative to the rate of system changes
8. Strength of negative feedback loops, relative to the effect they are trying to
correct against
7. Gain around driving positive feedback loops
3. Feedbacks: interaction within the
6. Structure of information flow, access to information; type and diversity of
information (e.g., cultural or biological); biodiversity to improve genetic
information diversity
5. Rules of the system
4. Power to add, change, evolve, or self-organize system structure
2. Design: systemic structures;
institutional arrangements;
sanctions, controls, incentives;
co-management schemes
3. Goals of the system
2. Mindset out of which the system arises (goals, structure, rules)
1. Power to transcend paradigms
1. Intent: long-term trajectory
of system behavior. Values,
worldviews, beliefs
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
included in the review, such as processes of col-
lective action, compliance, and understanding/
information exchange, at the design level.
In summary, for marine research in Costa
Rica to be more oriented in the near future
towards social-ecological action, some deep
leverage points will need to be addressed,
including: (1) rethinking how participatory
research approaches can help guide man-
agement to solve social problems (Pereira et
al., 2020); (2) co-production of knowledge
and social learning to reconnect and reorient
human behavior with nature, resilience, and the
capacity of ecosystems to sustain life (Martín-
López & Montes, 2015); and (3) restructure
institutions by improving the way in which
diverse actors can be incorporated into research
and management (Abson et al., 2017; Lindkvist
et al., 2020).
Co-production of knowledge: the goal of
transdisciplinary research: While in co-produc-
tion non-academic actors and researchers work
together to design the process and the results of
a given project, establishing two-way commu-
nication and diverse integration of knowledge
(Krütli et al., 2010), co-production represents
the least frequent form of participation in the
articles analyzed for the Costa Rica case study.
This unidirectional flow of information falls
into the category of information and consulta-
tion, which has the lowest level of stakeholder
participation and does not leave many possi-
bilities for knowledge co-creation (Krütli et al.,
2010). In the context of these articles, informa-
tion is mainly transferred in one direction from
the public to academia through consultation.
A weak level of participation can diminish the
positive effects of transdisciplinary research
(Krütli et al., 2010).
Higher levels of participation are desirable,
as the greater the interaction there is between
actors, the greater the potential for social impact
(Jahn et al., 2022). Since people are more open
to the opinions of others in their immedi-
ate social circles, the transfer of information
and other resources through shared networks
can lead to transformative changes (Toomey,
2023). Therefore, social learning environments
are needed where people can listen carefully
and think together to make sound decisions
(Toomey, 2023). These spaces should be rich in
opinions, experiences, and regular encounters
(Pereira et al., 2020) For example, deliberative
research techniques can allow participants to
reflect on, discuss their views and help integrate
diverse knowledge systems (Kenter et al., 2016;
Partelow et al., 2019).
Research approaches in the Gulf of Nicoya
that combine deliberation and scientific evi-
dence as a method of social learning have
proven to influence fishers’ perceptions of the
ease of supporting sustainability measures
(Sánchez-Jiménez et al., 2021). A growing body
of research suggests that social norms influence
how often communities engage in environ-
mental behaviors; on this point, one large-scale
experiment (Fujitani et al., 2017) found that
providing members of fishing associations with
hands-on learning spaces, rather than sim-
ply lecturing them with scientific information,
improved peoples knowledge retention, even
eight months after the research ended; partici-
pants’ core beliefs, personal norms and behav-
ioral intentions also changed. In research off
the coast of Scotland, those who perceived their
social connections as a favoring contribution
to marine conservation also expressed support
for marine protection in a group deliberation
(Kenter, 2016).
Although important, conventional meth-
ods of scientific communication (Kadykalo et
al., 2021), such as speaking directly to policy
makers, using social media for broader audi-
ences and writing policy briefs, often have
limited impact in bringing about transforma-
tive changes in policy and behavior (Oliver &
Cairney, 2019). The reason is that when report-
ing research findings, it is common to overlook
what drives people to act and how they process
information. Drawing from cognitive science
(Toomey, 2023) it is now known that focusing
on a dual exchange of local and scientific knowl-
edge (co-production), is more likely to lead to
lasting behavioral change. Empowerment is the
highest level of participation, granting actors of
16 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
sovereignty in decision-making and agency to
act (Krütli et al., 2010).
Safe spaces and methods for transformation,
equity and justice: Marine and coastal actors
harbor a diversity of heterogeneous values, per-
ceptions, and preferences (Pascual et al., 2023).
Even within the same coastal community, there
are cultural and needs differences that are not
well represented in decision-making. Some
knowledge systems, such as those of women,
youth, and older people in coastal commu-
nities, have long been ignored despite their
importance for marine management (Bennett
et al., 2022). In deliberative and collaborative
knowledge research approaches, considering
the current knowledge gap can help promote
more equitable decisions based on the best
available evidence (Bennett, 2022).
Is not uncommon that dominant discours-
es often benefit political elites to the detriment
of smaller stakeholders. Furthermore, gender,
race, and ethnicity, among other identity char-
acteristics, shape diverse outcomes in processes
of adapting to change (Wabnitz et al., 2021).
Given the long bequest of colonization in the
Global South (Pereira et al., 2020), deliber-
ately incorporating the multiple values, needs,
and interests of historically excluded people
into decision-making and research is required
(Vatn et al., 2024). Addressing marginalization
and structural injustices in marine research
can lead to transformative spaces. Traditional,
indigenous and local knowledge systems can
inform alternative solutions (to the status quo)
to understand how people interact with each
other and with nature in complex contexts
(Pereira et al., 2020).
Marine research can influence social inno-
vation, through democratic methods of dia-
logue in decision-making. But for this to be
a true force for institutional change and to
enhance the awareness, agency and action of
actors to address environmental change, the
design of the research must answer questions
such as, who benefits? Who pays for solutions
to climate change? What stories (and from
whom) would we like to hear about the future?
Are vulnerable groups, non-human life and
ocean ecosystems considered? Where are the
conversations taking place?
The limited participation of women in
the analyzed research suggests on the one
hand that some voices may remain underrepre-
sented in decision-making. On the other hand,
there is a need to institutionalize democratic
research approaches that foster a stronger local
governance structure and help integrate local
ecological and scientific knowledge. This is
particularly relevant in data-limited contexts,
where direct users of resources are also custo-
dians of rich ecological knowledge and could
provide essential information for management
(Sánchez-Jiménez et al., 2019). More transdis-
ciplinary research is necessary to democratize
the approach to finding solutions. As alterna-
tive empowering narratives spread, new norms
diffuse across scales and can be mobilized
into political agendas and centers of power
(Chapin et al., 2022) (e.g., politicians and busi-
ness leaders).
Improve the funding model of marine sci-
ence to be more transdisciplinary: As found
in other studies of the Global South (Bau-
mann et al., 2023), a lack of adequate funding
could explain the relatively low number of
published articles on transformative transdisci-
plinary research in Costa Rican coastal marine
ecosystems. While publication and funding
modalities remain focused on specific sciences,
transdisciplinary research, unlike disciplinary
research, requires medium-term (5–10 years)
and long-term (10–30 years) processes (Franke
et al., 2023), as they are iterative progressions
that require adjustments as conditions change.
Building trust between scientists and other
stakeholders also takes time and cannot be
achieved in a single visit or session. Similarly, it
is critical to mind the gap in the funding capaci-
ties between countries in the Global South and
the North (Mahajan et al., 2023).
To integrate inclusive research methods
into decision-making, investments in data
collection and analysis, community moni-
toring for management, and participatory
research approaches are needed; particularly
Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075, Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
in data-scarce contexts. Concrete steps have
already been taken in the reviewed articles,
including the integration of multiple methodol-
ogies to interpret and analyze interdisciplinary,
quantitative and qualitative data, as well as the
promotion of collaboration between scientists
from different disciplines and countries in the
natural and social sciences and non-academic
sectors. The aspiration is for science to be more
than a knowledge producer of which society
is its recipient (Riechers et al., 2021b), but an
active agent within social-ecological systems
(Skubel et al., 2019), participating in and foster-
ing cross-sectoral collaboration.
A strategic action that supports the objec-
tives of the Ocean Decade is to ensure that
there is evidence-based management (Franke
et al., 2023), sensitive to the local, regional and
global context (Lindkvist et al., 2020), without
imposing agendas and strengthening local ini-
tiatives. From the Ocean Decade perspective
2020–2030, long-term research and funding are
critical to shaping how knowledge is currently
produced and used to address increasingly
frequent environmental and societal challenges
(Franke et al., 2023).
Future directions and final thought: A
look at the current state of marine and coast-
al ecosystems, along with future projections,
can help reduce some of the uncertainties
associated with decision-making in a complex
social-ecological system. Descriptive studies
on past and present state were the most com-
mon type of research in our sample, indicating
that more transformative research is required.
To actively facilitate innovation, prospective
or anticipatory research can help establish a
shared vision of the future (at the level of sys-
tem design and intent) and the development of
interventions that, as a result, contribute to the
intended purpose (Fischer & Riechers, 2019;
Riechers et al., 2021b).
The analysis of postgraduate theses on
integrated coastal management and sustainabil-
ity, as well as grey literature, is likely to produce
different results and enriched data, indicating
the need for more research on transdisciplinary
and transformative approaches, as well as the
training of more transdisciplinary personnel
in Costa Rica. Theses’ knowledge supplements
the data and understanding of peer-reviewed
literature for scientific-political processes and
applied research, and grey literature frequent-
ly offers future visions with transformational
potential (Yoshida et al., 2024). Notable efforts
of projects with community involvement and
education come from non-governmental orga-
nizations (NGOs) that were not reflected in this
literature review. It is recommended to include
this type of documentation in a future analysis.
Although there are challenges ahead in
terms of conventional methods of publishing
single disciplines, an absence of adequate fund-
ing, and even a still relatively small number of
human resources trained in transdisciplinarity,
TTDR is slowly advancing in Costa Rica, as in
other coastal regions in the Global South (Bau-
mann et al., 2023), and these challenges togeth-
er represent a significant opportunity for Costa
Rica. Transdisciplinary research allows experts
from other disciplines, government agencies,
and communities to collaborate nationally and
internationally on common visions for the
future. Such structured collaboration across
disciplines, cultures and contexts and its obsta-
cles are expected to be addressed and debated
during the upcoming global conference in Nice,
France, which Costa Rica will co-host.
Ethical statement: the authors declare that
they all agree with this publication and made
significant contributions; that there is no con-
flict of interest of any kind; and that we fol-
lowed all pertinent ethical and legal procedures
and requirements. All financial sources are fully
and clearly stated in the acknowledgments sec-
tion. A signed document has been filed in the
journal archives.
See supplementary material
18 Revista de Biología Tropical, ISSN: 2215-2075 Vol. 73(S1): e64155, enero-diciembre 2025 (Publicado Mar. 03, 2025)
We sincerely thank the reviewers and edi-
tors of this manuscript for their insightful com-
ments, which helped us refine and structure our
narrative more effectively. We are also grateful
to the Center for Research in Marine Sciences
and Limnology (CIMAR) for providing the
necessary support and resources that enabled
the preparation, completion and publication of
this study. Without CIMARs invaluable assis-
tance, this work would not have been possible.
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