One of the most important concepts in Panbiogeography is the generalized track, which represents an ancestral biota fragmented by geological events that can be recovered through several methods, including Parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) and endemicity analysis (EA). PAE has been frequently used to identify generalized tracks, while EA is primarily designed to find areas of endemicity, but has been recently proposed for identifying generalized tracks as well. In this study we evaluated these methods to find generalized tracks using the distribution of the 84 snake species of Hidalgo. PAE found one generalized track from three individual tracks (Agkistrodon taylori, Crotalus totonacus and Pliocercus elapoides), supported by 89 % of Bootstrap, and EA identified two generalized tracks, with endemicity index values of 2.71-2.96 and 2.84-3.09, respectively. Those areas were transformed to generalized tracks. The first generalized track was retrieved from three individual tracks (Micrurus bernadi, Rhadinaea marcellae and R. quinquelineata), and the second was recovered from two individual tracks (Geophis mutitorques and Thamnophis sumichrasti). These generalized tracks can be considered a unique distribution pattern, because they resembled each other and agreed in shape. When comparing both methods, we noted that both are useful for identifying generalized tracks, and although they can be used independently, we suggest their complementary use. Nevertheless, to obtain accurate results, it is useful to consider theoretical bases of both methods, along with an appropriate choice of the size of the area. Results using small-grid size in EA are ideal for searching biogeographical patterns within geopolitical limits. Furthermore, they can be used for conservation proposals at state level where endemic species become irreplaceable, and where losing them would imply the extinction of unique lineages.
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