The length and intensity of flowering and fruiting periods were studied in 28 monocotyledonous herbaeeous species for three years in tbe eloud forest of Rancho Grande, Venezuela. Four basic flowering patteros oceured: 1) One short flowerlng episode witb sharp peaks. 2} Two independent flowering perlods. 3) One long flowerlng perlod 6 lo 11 montbs in lengtb. 4} Continuous flowerlng tbroughout tbe year. The lengtb of fruetifieation periods shows tbree buie pattems: 1) All year long, 2) Perlods from S lo 8 montbs. 3) Period of 4 montbs (oo1y one speeies). The following tendencies evident when flowerlng and fruiting perlods are related: peaka are dephased¡ a short flowerlng perlocl witb IQng fruetifieation periods lasting from 3 lo 10 montbs and even some species have flowerlng and fruetifieation all year. The group as whole shows a flowerlng pesJc in Iuly, while the fruiting peak oeeurs in August.##plugins.facebook.comentarios##
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