Sea finding behavior of hatchlings of the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle, Lepidochelys olivacea, Kept in captivity for short periods from 0 to 60 hours was studied.
The behavior of hatchlings is either the product of: 1) the independent influences of two factors (length of captivity and the hour the release) or 2) the result of both, and, in some cases, no infuence was found. Additionally, size and weight combined with the degree of individual or collective strength can be influencial.
To advance 20 m of beach, the hatchlings spent from 13 to 24 min. according to treatment (length of track on the sand: 23-33 m).
Sea finding efficiency, as measured by speed, was 2.08 and 1.32 m/min for groups with 49-60 and 37-48 hours of captivity respectively.
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