Fish community structure was studied in a forested stream and a stream surrounded by pasture in the Atlantic lowlands of Costa Rica during the dry season from January to May, 1985. Fishes were assigned to 6 consumer guilds (omnivore, terrestrial insectivore, terrestrial herbivore, algivore, carnivore, diatom specialist) based on the primary food in the diet. Selected physical and chemical measurements were made to identify differences in the two stream environments that may influence the type of food base.
The overall trophic structure of the fish communities did not differ greatly (similarity index = 0.40, AIDN analysis), but the largest proportion of each community belonged to only one guild. The greatest abundance of species in the forest stream were terrestrial insectivores while the greatest abundance in the pasture stream were diatom specialists. Higher maximum temperatures and greater abundances of invertebrates and periphyton were observed in the pasture stream. Substrate type differed between the two streams and may interact with light levels to influence the type of food resources.
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