Five specimens of Oreochromis niloticus with abnormal ovaries were encountered in Oba Dam Reservoir, a man-made lake situated in Ibadan, Nigeria. One of those specimens was found to possess two pairs of ovaries and the rest one pair each with very unequal lobes. The fecundity of mature eggs was estimated. The fat, protein and water content of these eggs were determined and compared with those of normal eggs. The result did not suggest any biochemical difference between the eggs from normal and abnormal ovaries.
Association of Official Analytical Chemicals (A. O. A. C.). Official methods of analysis. A. O .A. C. p. 129-132.
Kay, E. R. M. 1966. Biochemistry: a introduction to dynamic biology. MacMillan, London. p. 211-212.
Lagler, K. F., l. E. Bardach, & R. R. Miller. 1962. Ichthyology: the study of fishes. Wiley. New York. p. 280-285.
McBay, L. G. 1961. The biology of Tilapia nilotica. Linn. Proc. 15th Ann. Conference, Southeastern Association of Game and Fish Commissioners. p. 208- 218.
Rothbard, S. 1979. Observations on the reproductive behaviour of Tilapia zillii and several Sarotherodon spp. under aquarium conditions. Bamidgeh, 31: 35-43.

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