An ichthyoplankton survey was made at four stations along a longitudinal transect in the Pochote Estuary in Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica. Samples were taken monthly between June 1983 and March 1984. A yearly egg frequency curve was bimodal, showing peaks during May and August. A similar larval frecuency curve revealed three peaks: May, January-February and August. The peak abundance of both eggs and larvae was in May, possibly correlated to the transition period between wet and dry seasons. The less pronounced peaks occurred in both wet and dry periods with no apparent correlation to climate. Twenty larval types were identified to some taxonomic rank. Dominant types of larvae in this estuary, in order of importance, were: Gobiidae, CR-9 (an abundant, non-identified type), and Clupeiformes.
Bozeman Jr., F. I. & J. M. Dean 1980. The abundance of estuarine larval and juvenile fish in a South Carolina intertidal creek Estuaries 3: 89-97.
D' Croz, L. & B. Kwiecinski. 1980. Contribución de los manglares a las pesquerías de la Bahía Panamá Rev. Biol. Trop. 28: 13-29.
Flores, C. 1980. El manglar como refugio y sustrato de componentes faunísticos, con énfasis en la realidad de Venezuela, p. 135-159. In UNESCO. Memorias del seminario sobre el estudio científico e impacto humano en el ecosistema de manglares. Ofic. Regional de Ciencias y Tecnología de la UNESCO para América Latina y el Caribe, Montevideo.
Goldberg, S. R. 1982. Seasonal spawning cycles of two California flatfishes, Pleuronichthys verticalis (Pleuronectidae) and Hippoglossina stomata (Bothidae). Bulletin of Marine Science 32: 347-350.
Heald, E. J. & W. E. Odum 1970. The contribution of mangrove swamps to Florida Fisheries. Proc. Gulf Carib. Fish. Inst. 22: 130-135.
Madrigal, E. 1985. Dinámica pesquera de tres especies de corvinas (Sciaenidae) en el Golfo de Nicoya, Costa Rica. Tesis de Maestría. Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica. 130 p.
Pannier, R. & F. Pannier. 1980. Estructura y dinámica del ecosistema de manglares: un enfoque global de la problemática, p. 46-55 In UNESCO, op. cit.
UNESCO. 1980. Memorias del Seminario sobre el estudio científico e impacto humano en el ecosistema de manglares. Ofic. Regional de Ciencia y tecnología de la UNESCO para América Latina y el Caribe, Montevideo. 406 p.
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