The present discussion reveals the need to review and substitute certain criteria currently med in Costa Rica in regards to: a) nutritional recommendations; b) standards of weight; and e) classification and evaluation of the nutritional status. Such concepts will lead to the adoption of alternate criteria and standards for a better assessment of malnutrition in children.
Computation of the adequacy of the diet should be made as a function of the child's weight and not of his age (Sukhatme approach). The adoption of the Weight for Height and Height for Age criteria are recommended as a substitute for Weight for Age. The normal curves of weight and height of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS, USA) would be more accurate criteria.
Systematic collections of weights and heights at the national level should be made, and the data processed by simple and rapid programs to discover and assess growth deficiencies.
The philosophy and orientation, scientific basis, definition of target population, infrastructure and logistics of the nutrition intervention programs of Costa Rica, should be critically revised in the light of the present report. This particularly applies to the Program of Social Development and Family Allowances.
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