Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Estudio morfológico comparativo de las inflorescencias de dos especies de Araceae: <i>Anthurium denudatum</i> Engler y <i>Philodendron radiatum</i> Schott
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How to Cite

Barahona Carvajal, M. E. (1977). Estudio morfológico comparativo de las inflorescencias de dos especies de Araceae: <i>Anthurium denudatum</i> Engler y <i>Philodendron radiatum</i> Schott. Revista De Biología Tropical, 25(2), 301–333. Retrieved from


The inflorescences and flowers of Anthurium denudatum and Philodendron radiatum are here interpreted as fleshy pseudo capitula which evolved from a primitive spike through internode reduction, thickening of the rachis, and loss of sterile appendages. In general, the inflorescence of P. radiatum showed more advanced characteristics than those of A. denudatum. The laminar stamen of P. radiatum is interpreted as a specialization in response to environmental adaptative pressures.
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