Black fly populations were studied in 100 streams in Costa Rica for a period of two years. Among the specimens collected in the field were larvae and pupae of the subgenus Hearlea. A comparison of available material from Canada, Mexico, Guatemala and Panama allowed us to identify the species of Hearlea as Simulium (Hearlea) chiriquiense Field, 1967. This is the first report of this subgenus and species for this country; distribution and other ecological data are presented.References
Dalmat, H. 1950. New species of Simuliidae (Diptera) from Guatemala. II. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 43: 137-151.
Dalmat, H. 1955. The black flies (Diptera, Simuliidae) of Guatemala and their role as vectors of onchocerciasis. Smithsonian Misc. Coll., 125: 1-245.
Díaz Nájera, A., & M. A. Vulcano 1962. Claves para identificar las larvas de simúlidos del subgénero Hearlea, con descripción de dos nuevas especies. Rev. Inst. Salubr. Enferm. Trap. Méx., 22: 91-144.
Field, G. 1967. Studies on blackflies of Panama (Diptera: Simuliidae). II. A new species of Simulium of the subgenus Hearlea. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., 60: 194-199.
Vargas, L., & A. Díaz Nájera 1957. Simúlidos Mexicanos. Rev. Inst. Salubr. Enferm. Trap. Mex., 17: 143-399.
Vargas V., M., & B. V. Travis,
9 7 3 . Bionomía de los simúlidos (Diptera: Simuliidae) en Costa Rica. IV. Localización y
descripción de los lugares de recolección. Rev. Biol. Trap., 2 1 : 143-175.

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