The following data were obtained on the decarboxylation pathways of amino acids in some mammal and bird tissue homogenates: 1. PIG KIDNEY AND LIVER: Three preformed amine-like compounds were observed in the kidney and strong disappearance of added serotonin during anaerobic and aerobic incubation (strong conjugases? and monoamine oxidase activities). No significant disappearance of added histamine was found after anaerobic or aerobic incubation. In the liver serotonin disappeared only after aerobic incubation. Free glucose (reacting with the added amines) was present in the liver but not in the kidney. 2. Ox ADRENALS: Two preformed amine-like compounds were present which are not noradrenalin or dopa amine. Absence of conjugases or amine oxidases. 3. GUINEA PIG LIVER; Strong disappearance of added serotonin after anaerobic incubation. No significant disappearance of added histamine in both types of incubations, 4. Tarauco corythaix LIVER: Strong anaerobic and aerobic disappearance of added serotonin and very slight if any disappearance of histamine in both types of incubation. 5. Cathartes ama septentrionalis (TURKEY BUZZARD) LIVER: Absence of anaerobic metabolism of added serotonin or histamine (absence of conjugases?) and strong aerobic disappearance of both amines after incubation with both amines, (strong mono and diamine oxidase activities). The Eollowing data were obtained on the decarboxylation pathways oEamino acids in some mammaI and bird tissue homogenates:
1 . P IG KIDNEY AND LIVER: Three preformed amine-like compounds were
observed in the kidney and' strong disappearance oE added serotonin during
anaerobic and aerobic incubation (strong conjugases? and monoamine oxidase
activities). No signiEicant disappearance of added histamine was found after
anaerobic or aerobic incubation.
In the liver serotonin disappeared only after. aerobic incubation. Free
glucose (reacting with the added amines) was present in the l¡ver but not in
the kidney.
2. Ox ADRENALS: Two preEormed amine-like compounds were present
which are not noradrenalin or dopa amine. Absence oE conjugases or amine
3. GUINEA PIe; UVER; Strong disappearance of added serotonin afterREVIs'rA DE ÍnOLOGIA TRÓPICAt
anaerobic incubation. No significant dis:lppearance of addcd histaminc in both
typcs of incubations,
4. T arauco cOI'J'thclÍx L1VER: Strong anaerobic and aerobic disappearance
of added serotonin and very slight if any disappearance of histamine in both
types of incubation.
5. CatiJartes ama Jeptentrionalü (TURKEY BUZZARD) UVER: Absence
of anaerobic metabolism of added serotonin or histamine (absence of conju
gases?) and strong aerobic disappearance of both amines after incubation with
both amines, (strong mono and diamine oxidase activities).
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