A study of organic detritus in a Lower Montane Wet Forest site in Costa Rica was carried out, showing that herbivores consumed about 5% of leaf material, while 95% or less became forest floor detritus; litter fall averaged 21 gm/m2/mo or approximately 3 ton/ha/yr. The standing stock of organic detritus and average rate of detritus weight los were measured, and estimates of species and number of arthropods present in the litter were attempted. Insecticide treatment of litter slowed in the litter were attempted. Insecticide treatment of litter slowed. down the rate of decay indicating the role litter-soil arthropods may play in fragmentation of detritus. Differences observed in the microbial population of litter, duff and humus components suggest that a heterotrophic succession accompanies the process of decomposition.##plugins.facebook.comentarios##
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