Revista de Biología Tropical ISSN Impreso: 0034-7744 ISSN electrónico: 2215-2075

Dichotomous key for the identification of Apendicularians in the Eastern Tropical Pacific and Inter American Seas, with a species list for Costa Rica.
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Pelagic tunicates
Costa Rica
identification key
Caribbean Sea
species list.
Costa Rica
clave de identificación
mar Caribe
lista de especies.

How to Cite

Corrales-Ugalde, M., Castellanos-Osorio, I., & Moráles-Ramírez, Álvaro. (2018). Dichotomous key for the identification of Apendicularians in the Eastern Tropical Pacific and Inter American Seas, with a species list for Costa Rica. Revista De Biología Tropical, 66(S1), S108–S122.


Although appendicularians are relevant primary consumers and are part of every zooplankton community, there is a lack of information on the species present in different ocean regions. Thus, regional identification guides are useful to develop datasets with high taxonomic resolution. Appendicularian species were identified in 33 epipelagic samples of zooplankton collected in several locations of Costarican waters. Eighteen appendicularian species were identified, of which 15 were found in the Pacific and only three in the Caribbean. Seven species are new records for Costa Rican Pacific waters (Appendicularia sicula, Fritillaria charybdae, F. cf. pacifica, F. tenella, F. pellucida f. omani, Oikoipleura fusiformis f. cornutogastra and Pelagopleura verticalis). Data for each species distribution in Costa Rica is presented together with a key for the identification of appendicularian species recorded in the Inter-American seas and the Eastern Tropical Pacific.
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