One of the most important questions in ecology is: which are the environmental factors that explain the high plant diversity of tropical forests? We studied the floristic composition of palm communities and their relationship to soil nutrients in two localities of the Chocó region to understand (1) how soil nutrients vary between the two localities; (2) what is the relationship between soil nutrients and palm floristic composition; (3) what are the most important nutrients that explain the variation in floristic composition of palm communities; and (4) how does the abundance of the most exuberant understory and canopy palm species vary along the concentration gradient of the most important nutrients? We established 20 transects (5 x 500 m) and identified all palm individuals of all growth stages. Soil samples were taken at each transect at the beginning, middle, and end. Macronutrients (Al, Ca, Mg, K, P) were extracted with the Mehlich-III technique and their concentrations were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). We used Mantel test, partial Mantel tests, linear regressions, and non-metric multidimensional scaling to determine if the concentration of nutrients was related to the floristic composition. We found a total of 9 158 individuals and 33 species of palms in the 5 ha covered by our transects. Floristic composition had a positive and significant correlation with soil nutrients (rM = 0.63-0.69) and with geographical distance between transects (rM= 0.71-0.75), whereas the soil nutrients were highly correlated with geographical distance (rM = 0.72). We also found a small, yet significant, relationship between soil fertility and the abundance of understory palms, but no relationship with canopy palms. Our results demonstrate for the first time that soils play an important role in the composition of palm communities at local scales in the Chocó region, and that infertile and phosphorus-rich soils have the highest palm diversity.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Juan Carlos Copete Maturana, Rodrigo Cámara Leret, Mauricio Sánchez, Henrik Balslev