de Biología Tropical2025-01-17T11:58:26-06:00Vanessa Open Journal Systems<p><strong><em>Revista de Biología Tropical </em></strong><em>/ International Journal of Tropical Biology and Conservation</em>, is a full open access journal from the University of Costa Rica focused on tropical biology and conservation. All issues, from 1953 to the present, are available for free download <a href="">here</a>.<br /><br /></p> <p><strong>OUR SCOPE (Objective)</strong></p> <p>Our journal publishes scientific articles that increase our understanding of biology, conservation, and biomedical life sciences in the tropics.</p> <p>Selection criteria are the quantity and quality of new information and its potential interest to the general audience as well as to specialists. <strong>The studied ecosystems, or at least the organisms, must be tropical. <br /><br /></strong></p> <p><strong>THEMATIC COVERAGE<br /></strong><strong>Regulear issues</strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">We give preference to feature articles that include testable study questions —for example, studies with an experimental design to evaluate factors that influence biological variables, or studies that explain the mechanisms underlying biological or biomedical phenomena such as, for example, behavior or physiology. Field studies should be extensive enough to identify temporal or spatial patterns. We also welcome systematic or phylogenetic studies above the species level, meta-analyses, and bibliometric studies that critically examine what is known and what remains to be done in any field of tropical biology.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">Review articles are mostly published by invitation of the Editorial Board to recognized authorities. Other specialists interested in submitting a review must first send a titled outline to <a href=""></a>. Accepted proposals receive the same evaluation as regular manuscripts.</p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">All reviews and meta-analyses need to identify and fill gaps in knowledge, present methodological advances, and propose future research directions.</p> <p><strong>Note about old data: </strong>We encourage authors to compare old results with more recent data or to use the data within a meta-analysis. Studies based on data collected over six years ago must include a justification of why they are still of interest, and in the case of field studies, they need to present spatial patterns or temporal trends of historical significance. The Editorial Board evaluates the validity of methods and the relevance of results before sending the manuscript to reviewers.</p> <p><strong>The journal now has one issue per year (continuous publication from January 1st to December 31st) and publishes articles the same week that an edited version becomes available. </strong>Until 2021, it published four regular issues per year: issue 1 (January – March), issue 2 (April – June), issue 3 (July – September), and issue 4 (October – December).</p> <p><strong>We do not publish</strong> notes; short communications; species lists; single new species; range extensions; new records and other preliminary or short studies; or highly specialized technical reports based on protocols (e.g. agricultural, forestry, biochemical, microbiological, aquaculture, fishery or similar studies that only apply well known techniques to particular cases of local interest).<br /><br /></p> <p><strong>SPECIAL ISSUES</strong></p> <p>Special issues financed by research organizations are accepted after approval by the Editorial Board. They may contain a diversity of report types, including short papers, new records, new species descriptions, checklists, technical reports, etc. To publish a special issue, contact <a href=""></a> for a cost estimate.<br /><br /></p> <p><strong>TARGET AUDIENCE</strong></p> <p>Researchers with an interest in studying all fields of tropical biology.<br /><br /></p> <p><strong>WHY PUBLISH IN REVISTA DE BIOLOGÍA TROPICAL?</strong></p> <ul> <li class="show"><strong>Fully indexed</strong>: <strong><em>Revista de Biología Tropical</em></strong> is included in Science Citation Index Expanded, REDIB Journals Ranking, Current Contents, Google Scholar, Biological Abstracts, and about 50 other international indices.</li> <li class="show"><strong>Rapid</strong> decision and publication (<strong>7 days</strong> for first decision, <strong>5-7 months </strong>for definitive acceptance, <strong>6-8 months</strong> from submission to publication).</li> <li class="show"><strong>Fair</strong>: We use a double-blind system for a fair evaluation of manuscripts.</li> <li class="show"><strong>High impact</strong>, not only because of its citation rate but also because it is widely read in countries with the highest tropical biodiversity, ensuring your article will have the most impact on the conservation of tropical biodiversity. Web of Science Impact Factor of 0.6. SJR Impact Factor of 0.28 (Q2).</li> </ul> <ul> <li class="show"><strong>A personalized treatment</strong> by our dedicated staff.</li> </ul> <ul> <li class="show"><strong>World Class</strong> <a href="">Editorial and Scientific Boards.</a></li> <li class="show"><strong>Open Access</strong>: All articles, since the first issue in 1953 to the present are freely available online (<a href="">Archives</a>) so they are more likely to be cited than articles behind pay-walls. </li> <li class="show"><strong>FREE PUBLICATION: </strong>Each article receives 10 free pages of space in PDF format, which is enough for most scientific papers. Additional pages can be published in page layout format of the pdf at a cost of $50 each. Complementary material such as additional texts, figures, tables, graphics, and databases at a cost of $60. Contact for more information.</li> </ul> <p>OAI-PMH:</p>, size and composition of howler monkeys, Alouatta palliata (Atelidae) and white-faced monkeys, Cebus imitator (Cebidae) in dry forest and reduced canopy areas, Costa Rica2024-06-06T15:51:07-06:00VICTORIA ANTONELLA MARTINEZ DE ZORZIvicki.martinez10@hotmail.comSebastián Tobarsebastobar2212@gmail.comFrancisco<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> The size, density, and composition of primate social groups are essential for understanding group dynamics and determining population management plans for primate conservation. <strong>Objective:</strong> To determine the size, density, and composition of howler monkeys (<em>Alouatta palliata</em>) and white-faced monkey (<em>Cebus imitator</em>) groups in dry forest environments and areas of reduced canopy in Palo Verde National Park, Costa Rica. Understanding how these species respond to different environments has important implications for conservation and reforestation efforts. <strong>Methods:</strong> Field sampling was carried out during February 2023 during the peak hours of primate activity (6:00-12:00 and 14:00-18:00). The individuals of both primate species were counted, recognizing the groups found in both types of environments (dry forest and reduced canopy areas). <strong>Results:</strong> Howler monkey group sizes were significantly larger in dry forests and at a higher percent of canopy cover. As for white-faced monkeys, a higher density was recorded in dry forests compared to the last census in 1987. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Greater availability of resources (abundance of food and shelter sites) in closed environments favors the presence of a greater number of howler monkeys. Our analyses show that group size in this primate species depends on the type of environment. This study highlights the importance of long-term monitoring and studies of these parameters in wild primate groups.</p>2025-01-28T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista de Biología Tropical richness, diversity, temporal variation, and ecological aspects of fish larvae in the Gulf of Tribugá, Colombia2023-11-08T14:10:29-06:00Mariana<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> The larval phase is critical in the fish life cycle, yet knowledge of its taxonomic identification, abundance, and temporal variation remains limited in tropical coastal environments. <strong>Objective:</strong> To identify fish larvae in the Gulf of Tribugá, Northern Pacific Colombia, and assess their temporal variability considering regional oceanographic variations. <strong>Methods:</strong> We studied fish larval assemblages during the cold and warm water periods of 2022.We collected larvae through daytime and oblique tows from 20 m depth to the surface using a 70 cm mouth cylindrical-conical net with 500 µm mesh. <strong>Results:</strong> We captured a total of 602 larvae of 89 species from 29 families, with Scombridae, Engraulidae, Nomeidae, Gerreidae, Carangidae, and Engraulidae being dominant. Key species included <em>Auxis rochei</em> (36.32 %), <em>Anchoa</em> spp. (11.77 %) and <em>Cubiceps pauciradiatus</em> (8.10 %) during the cold period, and <em>Eugerres lineatus</em> (27.04 %), <em>Eucinostomus gracilis</em> (5.43 %), and <em>Sphoeroides</em> sp.1 (4.12 %) during the warm period. Differences were found in larval assemblage structure and composition between the two periods, with a species turnover rate of 66 %. <strong>Conclusions:</strong> This study reports the presence of 89 fish species’ larval stages in the Gulf of Tribugá, with each oceanographic period presenting a distinct larval assemblage.</p>2025-01-22T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista de Biología Tropical of fish communities in relation to habitat in Matusagaratí Lagoon, Darién, Panama2024-06-18T13:30:35-06:00Samuel Valdés-Díazsamuel.valdes@bcg-panama.comHumberto Arturo Garcés Botaciohgarcesb@gmail.comFrancisco<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Matusagaratí lagoon is an ecosystem with diverse habitats and environmental conditions that determine the diversity and distribution of aquatic life. Despite hydraulic connectivity, aquatic habitats generated by this diversity of environmental conditions could determine the composition and structure of fish assemblages. <strong>Objective:</strong> To understand the structure of fish community in three of these habitats. <strong>Methods:</strong> Multi-habitat sampling was conducted between March 2022 and September 2023, covering periods of drought and flooding, at 29 sites using different fishing techniques. <strong>Results:</strong> 1 913 fish from 50 species and 27 families were collected in approximately 320 km<sup>2</sup>. Three fish assemblages were identified, each associated with a specific habitat. The river corridor of the Tuira River had the greatest diversity, followed by the tidal streams and lagoons. <strong>Conclusions:</strong> The analysis revealed notable differences between these habitats, with the river corridor dominated by peripheral species, while lagoons showed low diversity with generalized or hypoxia-adapted species. The presence of species such as <em>Hoplosternum punctatum</em>, <em>Ageneiosus pardalis</em> and <em>Pimelodus punctatus</em> in the wetland evidences the influence of the Choco region on Panama´s ichthyofauna. These findings could have important implications for the formulation of wetland conservation strategies.</p>2025-01-21T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista de Biología Tropical, recruitment and life history parameters of fish in Andean reservoirs2024-04-16T12:49:48-06:00Jorge Luis Escobar Cardonajorgeluisesc@gmail.comLuz Fernanda Jiménez Felipe Galeano<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> The formation of new anthromes such as reservoirs and dams to generate energy for human consumption, provides new environmental scenarios that condition the survival of the pre-existing fish species in the modified system.</p> <p><strong>Objective:</strong> To estimate some of the main population attributes in relation to growth and recruitment discussed in the context of the life histories of the species analyzed for a high-Andean river system.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> Based on the historical sequence (2005-2017) for the seven species with the highest numerical record and frequency distributions, a typical population parameter estimation analysis was employed following the Growth Model proposed by von Bertalanffy (MCvB) and empirical equations to the respective complementary parameters.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> A total of 28 651 frequency lengths were analyzed, finding that those species with rapid growth and lower longevity prefer artificial lacustrine environments, species with opportunistic life history strategies (<em>Astyanax microlepis</em> and <em>Roeboides dayi</em>) and with a bimodal recruitment pattern, while species with intermediate growth were seasonal (<em>Brycon henni</em> y <em>Hemibrycon caucanus</em>), registered in tributaries to the reservoir, and in equilibrium (<em>Andinoacara latifrons</em>, <em>Chaetostoma thomsoni</em> and <em>Coptodon rendalli</em>) mainly associated with rivers, reservoirs, and streams or transitional environments to reservoirs.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The analysis of information on the population dynamics and live history of fish coexisting in a reservoir and its surrounding environments suggests a spatial segregation of fish species in response to a possible selection of their biological traits and other bioecological characteristics that sustain their local populations.</p>2025-01-28T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista de Biología Tropical variations of the spotted snapper Lutjanus guttatus (Perciformes: Lutjanidae) along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica suggest the existence of two population units2024-06-25T05:59:29-06:00Beatriz Farías-Tafollabeatrizfata@gmail.comAlfonsina E. Romo-Curielkenacuriel@gmail.comMario S.<p><strong>Introduction</strong>: The spotted rose snapper <em>Lutjanus guttatus</em> is one of the commercially most important fish species in tropical and subtropical areas of the Eastern Tropical Pacific. In Costa Rica,<em> L. guttatus</em> is one of the main target species of the artisanal fishery; traditionally, its management has considered a single population that extends along the entire coastal zone. However, there is no evidence that there is only one population unit, which could affect the effective management of this valuable resource.</p> <p><strong>Objective:</strong> Determine the population structure of <em>L. guttatus</em> caught on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica through demographic parameters.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> A total of 428 specimens were analyzed, including 190 males and 238 females. The size structure, total length - weight relationship, maturity stages, mean size at sexual maturity, age and growth were estimated, differentiating between the northern, central, and southern Pacific of Costa Rica.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Demographic variations were observed in size structure, total length-weight relationship, the average size of sexual maturity, and growth rates among the organisms caught in the three sampling regions.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: The demographic variations of <em>L. guttatus</em> in the different capture areas suggest the probable existence of two separate population units; the first corresponds to the northern Pacific, and the second includes the central and southern Pacific areas. The above has important implications for the management of the resource.</p>2025-01-29T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista de Biología Tropical richness and spatio-temporal turnover of insects in urban environments: A case in a Latin American capital2024-09-17T00:34:37-06:00Héctor Aliaga-Barreradjdiego33@gmail.comCandy CarreraCandycarreralujan@gmail.comRafael<p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Urban ecosystems are spaces in the city that provide ecosystem services and house a wide diversity of species. One of the key components that maintain different types of processes is insects. <strong>Objective:</strong> To characterize insect communities in four parks in a district of Lima by analyzing their composition and structure in two seasons of the year. <strong>Methods: </strong>For this evaluation, two samplings (winter and summer) were carried out using four traps (pitfall, canopy malaise, ground-level malaise, and night trap).<strong> Results:</strong> The results show a) a high richness with 191 registered morphospecies, grouped into 12 orders and 8 functional groups; b) a low similarity between parks (less than 40 % for the Jaccard index), which reveals a high spatial turnover; c) differences in community composition between winter and summer (temporal turnover), with greater richness and abundance of individuals in the warm season (139 morphospecies and 1 214 individuals, versus 105 morphospecies and 731 individuals for summer and winter respectively) and d) the variation of functional groups at both times of the year. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The results show a high diversity and invite us to continue the study of insect diversity in urban ecosystems on a broader scale. Information Decision-makers must be considered this to implement measures that allow maintaining this richness of species in a framework where citizens can value and get benefits by the important role of these organisms in the city.</p>2025-01-28T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista de Biología Tropical of high mountain tropical peatlands: threats and management measures, Talamanca Range, Costa Rica2024-08-19T15:26:19-06:00Frank Gonzálezfrankygb@gmail.comYazmín Leó López-Esté<p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Tropical peatlands are highly fragile vegetal formations, especially vulnerable to anthropogenic impacts and changes in climatic conditions. <strong>Objective:</strong> To characterize the flora of the Talamanca peatlands, as well as identify their dynamics, threats, and impacts. <strong>Methods:</strong> The flora was analyzed in five peat bogs located in the Buenavista Massif, along the Inter-American Highway, at altitudes of 2 400 - 3 100 m, through field sampling. Subsequently, a Floristic Value Index (IVF) was designed to assess the state of conservation. <strong>Results: </strong>The floristic richness was determined in the peat bogs studied. A lower biological diversity was found in the three peatlands outside the state-protected natural spaces, suggesting the influence of the edge effect and agro-productive activities or their proximity to the Highway. In contrast, the Salsipuedes and Cerro Paramillo peatlands exhibited greater diversity, highlighting genera such as <em>Blechnum</em>, <em>Puya</em>, <em>Chusquea</em>, <em>Myrsine</em> and <em>Vaccinium</em>, in association with the bryophyte genus <em>Sphagnum</em>. A different floral composition was observed along the strip near the Inter-American Highway, characterized by species with lower water demand, especially genera such as <em>Rubus</em> and <em>Pteridium</em>, among others. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>From the identified floristic composition, the importance of peatlands as part of the mesoamerican <em>hotspot</em> ecosystems was determined, not only as repositories of biodiversity but also as sensitive indicators of human influence and environmental threats in the region associated with anthropic impact and climate change.</p>2025-01-28T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista de Biología Tropical macrolichen as indicators of environmental changes in a montane forest of Panama2023-08-11T10:22:48-06:00AnaÁngel Bení Rodrí Antje<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Corticolous lichens are organisms that respond to habitat modifications, which is why they are considered model organisms to evaluate environmental changes in different ecosystems. <strong>Objectives:</strong> To determine the species richness and community composition of corticolous macro lichens in montane forests and forest remnants. In addition, the effect of microclimatic factors in three areas with different degrees of light intensity and density of arboreous vegetation on the species distribution of recorded diversity was evaluated. <strong>Methods:</strong> The study was conducted in the Volcan Baru National Park, Panama. Three areas with different forest densities and host tree species, <em>Comarostaphylis arbutoides</em> and <em>Quercus</em> spp., were chosen, considering a total of 60 trees, 10 of each species in each area. The canopy's opening close to the host trees and its diameter at breast height were recorded. Linear models and multivariate analysis was used to determine changes in species richness and composition of epiphytic macro lichens. <strong>Results:</strong> The characteristics of the host trees (e.g. host species and area) conditioned the species richness, while the communities were limited by microclimatic changes (e.g. light) in different areas. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The macro lichens communities analyzed responded to changes related to the host tree species and the microclimate, so they can be considered indicators of ecological continuity in tropical montane forests.</p>2025-01-22T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista de Biología Tropical osteology of the caudal skeleton and vertebral column of the freshwater fish Tlaloc (Cyprinodontiformes: Profundulidae)2024-09-17T12:44:26-06:00Sara E. Domínguez-Cisnerossara.dominguez@unicach.mxMaritza F. Maza Cruzmaritza.maza@unicach.mxErnesto Velázquez Velá<p><strong>Introduction:</strong> The family Profundulidae is a lineage of freshwater fish, with a limited geographical distribution extending from Southern Mexico to Central America, composed of two genera <em>Profundulus</em> and <em>Tlaloc</em>; the latter comprised only four species; however, studies based on the analysis of osteological characters are scarce for this family of fish. <strong>Objective: </strong>To describe the anatomy of the caudal bones and backbone of all species of the genera <em>Tlaloc</em>. <strong>Methods:</strong> A comparative analysis was performed on 44 cleared and stained specimens to identify the differences and similarities of backbone elements and the organization of the caudal skeleton among the species. <strong>Results:</strong> The comparison of the caudal skeleton in the species of the genus <em>Tlaloc</em>, revealed a very similar pattern in the morphology of the species; however, some characteristics were detected that may be useful for discrimination of species of the genus; the triangular shaped hipural plate is a characteristic that has only appeared in <em>T. labialis</em>, while in the rest of the species (<em>T. candalarius</em>, <em>T. portillorum</em> and <em>T. hildebrandi</em>), the hypural plate is fan-shaped. The total number of vertebrae, including the vertebral centrum, in the four species of the genus <em>Tlaloc</em> ranged from 33 to 38, of which 15-17 were abdominal vertebrae and 17-21 caudal vertebrae; <em>T. portillorum</em> had the lowest number of total vertebrae (33); while <em>T. labialis </em>had the highest number of total vertebrae (37-38) <strong>Conclusions:</strong> The consistent relationship to these skeletal elements suggests that the vertebrae and caudal fin ray count is a character of fundamental nature for the profundulid fishes, giving it particular taxonomic significance in that group.</p>2025-01-22T00:00:00-06:00Copyright (c) 2025 Revista de Biología Tropical