152 Revista Internacional de Estudios Asiáticos,
Vol. 1(2): 148-173, Julio-Diciembre 2022.
way. Specically, it investigates to what extent grammar instruction is in-
tegrated into real communication and reproduction of real-life activities,
and to what extent the analyzed textbooks support teachers’ work and
students’ learning process. The paper also highlights the importance of
cooperation among teachers, researchers and authors in producing teach-
ing materials. Bringing together academic researchers, and teachers will
oer opportunities to explore results of experimental teaching and con-
verge the ndings in the creation of FL textbooks.
Review of literature: studies on grammar
instruction in foreign language textbooks
Although technology and web materials have been increasingly integrat-
ed as useful tools in educational processes, textbooks are still recognized
as crucial resources in teaching and learning processes. Furthermore, text-
books are often used as guidance in the curriculum and syllabus design,
dening approaches, activities, exercises, and grammar progression. Some
studies have observed that teachers and students rely on textbooks in the
FL classroom, conrming that teaching materials are a key component in
a language learning program, having an impact on what and how instruc-
tors teach.4 Such an impact may be more prominent in a CFL teaching
environment outside China. In order to provide simulations of everyday
context in the FL classroom, giving learners the opportunity to use FL
in real-life situations, teachers need to employ varied, authentic, and on-
line supplementary instructional materials. Nevertheless, textbooks may
represent an easily accessible and primary source of activities and target
language input. Considering the role of textbooks, it is important that
these reect the suggestions of research in second language acquisition
(SLA) to support students’ learning, and that is by providing grammar in-
struction that should occur in meaningful and communicative contexts.5
4 Dale Brown. “The power and authority of materials in the classroom ecology”.
The Modern Language Journal, 98, (2014): 658–661.
5 Rod Ellis. Language Teaching Research and Language Pedagogy. (West Sussex,
UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012).
Rod Ellis. “Task-based language teaching: Sorting out the misunderstandings”.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 19, (2009): 221−246.
David, Newby. “Do grammar exercises help? Assessing the eectiveness of gram-
mar pedagogy”, In ELT: Harmony and Diversity, ed. ChristophHaaseand Nata-
liaOrlova, (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2014), 3–16.